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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4394273 No.4394273 [Reply] [Original]

I hate when relatives visit. I can't shower at 1 AM like I normally do when they're sleeping in the next room, and I can't watch anime or listen to music loudly without them hearing. I can't use my onahole without them hearing slurping and squishing sounds and me moaning and gasping. They've been here for three days so far, and they've knocked atleast nine times asking what I'm doing in here. I have to lock my own door when I go to the bathroom or into the kitchen because I think they would try to see what's inside my room. For instance, they just went in their room to go to sleep and even though I need to shit horribly, I'll wait until I know they're asleep because I can't stand when people listen in on me. Last time they were here, I bottled a few times but when carrying out bottles of piss it just felt like it was another chance to be caught by them. It feels as if I've become a prisoner in my own house.

>> No.4394283

Obviously, you have to kill them. Preferably with a piss bottle.

>> No.4394284

Yeah, I know how it feels, OP. It sucks that you can't get your own place either since you're NEET and all.

>> No.4394287

That's an amazing /blog/ post.

>> No.4394297

One other thing I forgot to mention that's possibly the worst, is that I've found pubes and dried piss/shit on the toilet seat. This means everytime I want to shit I have to spray my toilet with a diluted bleach mixture and wipe it off, and then wait for it to dry. I also think they're using my toothpaste.

>> No.4394304

you are a prisoner to reality

>> No.4394307


Now, now... That's not really a problem is it?

>> No.4394310

indirect kissing man

>> No.4394322

It is. They're both smokers, which leads me to believe their mouths are less clean and more inflicted with hazardous chemicals than a normal person. I've been squeezing out a bit of the toothpaste and wiping it off before I brush my teeth recently.

The smoke smell also follows them into the house. When I walk into the kitchen and the windows are open, my throat feels raw and I begin coughing. Cigarette smoke is also one of the things, if not the only thing, that triggers my asthma.

>> No.4394329

Took me a minute to figure out what "onahole" was. This place is even worse than I imagined.

>> No.4394346

It only gets shittier.

You better leave now.

>> No.4394347

The fuck are they doing for 3 days? It's your house, you make the rules. If they don't obey, kick them out.

>> No.4394364

When I heard they were coming over, they had planned to stay here for five or seven weeks. After I expressed some concern, my parents told them they could stay for two weeks. I don't think they really have a reason for this trip, since they've been watching the Olympics ever since they got here. Aside from doing that, some of the other things they've been doing include going to the grocery store, preparing family dinners that force me out of my room, and making pointless small talk when I go into the kitchen to get a snack or drink.

>> No.4394371


Man up and tell your parents to tell them to get the fuck out?

Or kill them. Just stop whining.

>> No.4394374

Put password on computer
Go outside

>> No.4394401
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If, to hide your power level, you have to lock any doors other than the bathroom while you're using it, you are a failure. Acting like a hermit only draws further suspicion and curiosity. If your room wasn't filled with hug pillows, figures, and bottles of piss, you wouldn't be so afraid of anyone seeing it.

Honestly, what you do in your spare time is your business, but have at least the bare fucking minimum of respect for yourself so you won't have to hide from your own goddamn family.

>> No.4394404

This is why I love /jp. No matter how terrible I might feel about myself, there's always a bigger loser bitching about something here. Feels good, man.

>> No.4394411 [DELETED] 


Oh fuck off. You obviously don't have an obnoxious, shitfaced family. I hide in my room from them too, especially the extended relatives. The extended ones are disgusting.

>> No.4394418

for how long are your parents planning to stay?

Try to act in a way that pleases them. You'll have to endure it, there is not other way. They are probably worried about you (that's what every mother or father would say to their son), so you have to give them a impression that everything is "normal" and "good" there. After they are gone just say "thank fucking god" and go back to your old routine.

>> No.4394428
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AHAHAHAHA! Oh, this is rich. You can piss in bottles and swim in the thick vapor of your own funk trapped in your room, but you can't handle a little smoke for three days?

Holy shit. I mean, goddamn. What the fuck, man? Didn't you live with these people at least until you moved out? Didn't you have any siblings to smack you around whenever you started acting like a whiny faggot?

>> No.4394431

>hug pillows
I have two.
I own five of those.
>bottles of piss
None, thankfully.

I can easily hide and onahole and lube in the closet. Figures, not so easily. I don't want to break them by carrying them too carelessly and I'd honestly feel horrible (like a doctor letting a patient with an easily treatable ailment die, that kind of horrible) if I dropped and broke one.

>> No.4394447
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Don't worry. You can always fix them with a little hot glue.

>> No.4394448

These people aren't my parents. They're my parents cousins.

>> No.4394456
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What the fuck am i reading?

>> No.4394479

whoa whoa whoa.

Why the fuck are they with you then?

>> No.4394481
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>> No.4394484


Hello OP

>> No.4394489

I don't know. Like I said, they've just been here lounging around. They had planned to stay anywhere between five to seven weeks before I told my parents (who in turn told them) it was too long for them to stay.

>> No.4394498

Since when did Japan/General come to mean pathetic shut-ins? I'm sorry the op is... whatever he is, but it's not really relevant, is it?

>> No.4394499


>AHAHAHAHA! Oh, this is rich. You can piss in bottles and swim in the thick vapor of your own funk trapped in your room, but you can't handle a little smoke for three days?

Read his post again. Cigarette smoke gives him FUCKING ASTHMA ATTACKS. As in, it stops him from breathing, which he needs to do to live.

>> No.4394506


>Since when did Japan/General come to mean pathetic shut-ins?

Are you new here?

>> No.4394511

Holy shit that's WAY too much time. You tried to talk with your parents about it? I mean what the fuck they are your parents COUSINS they are like totally strangers to you.

>> No.4394512

You're a cutie~

>> No.4394531
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You know, I just recently got a new roommate (this economy, man), and honestly I thought I was really awful about being a shut-in. Then this guy moves in. Whoo. Tosses all his shit in a pile in his room, waddles in, locks the door, and never fucking comes out. He pays his share of the rent in cash on time and without a word.

And it's creepy as hell. This is a guy who isn't a weeaboo and, other than shutting himself in a room all day, doesn't watch, listen to, or do anything that couldn't be considered normalfag behavior. It's not the anime. It's the fact that there's a guy who always has his door locked for no reason and doesn't acknowledge anyone who invites him out for meals or fuck all anything.

It weirds people out when you do that. The senseless unavailability despite close proximity puts people on edge. They want to include you when they're doing anything, because if nothing else they want to be polite, and they're met with silence, a locked door, and occasionally a grumble.

I know it seems like nothing to you, but from the other side of the door it's fucking rude as hell. Do you know what it's like to knock on that door and have no idea if the guy on the other side is asleep or just dead because you can't get a response? Can't you even show your fucking face to your family, if only to acknowledge that they're trying to talk to you, if only to ask a simple yes or no question?

If it's gotten to the point that you're locking everything up, maybe you should just consider telling your folks you jerk off to cartoons and hump pillows. It's hard to say which is worse at this point.

>> No.4394541
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Asthma is nature's way of punishing you for being a pussy.

>> No.4394544


Fuck off. Suddenly being different and not wanting to participate in stupid bullshit makes you weird? Fuck off, again.

>> No.4394545

Jack... I'm sorry, man.
Seriously, though, stay the fuck out of my room.

>> No.4394547

Man that guy sounds fucking badass. Shit I wish he was my roomate even though it sounds like I would end up dead.

>> No.4394555

I smirked

>> No.4394561

I'd prefer a roommate like this over someone who tries to include me in everything they're doing.

>> No.4394583

For someone calling others faggots and losers you sure are a faggot and a loser. What's the matter? Afraid of being raped and/or killed one day in the middle of the night? Nothing of value would be lost anyway.

>> No.4394604

You just opened my eyes man. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.4394609

I love /jp/ because posts like this tell me I'm not the only one that does this and lets me feel better about myself.

>> No.4394619
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Hoo boy, how can I explain this? I can't. It's just something you have to experience. Yeah, being inside the room makes you nervous about someone walking in while you're fapping or watching some cartoon ask you if she's kawaii uguu and you have the speakers on. I get that.

What I didn't get until I wound up on the other side of that door is that it makes those people just as nervous that YOU'RE nervous.

Imagine you had a cat in your room that just sat in the corner with its food, water, and litter box, and it just stayed in the corner of the room. And it always kept an eye on you. Like it had to be ready for the moment you turned on it. Every time you so much as stood up from your chair, it stands up and raises the hair on its back in response. Doesn't hiss or anything, just looks like it's getting ready for fight or flight. Just watches you walk around intently.

After a while, you'd be like "Oh for fucks' sake, I don't even care, you stupid cat."

You see, people are by nature social animals. I know the reason you're hiding from them is because your hobbies are deeply embarrassing, but they don't know that! As unsettled as you are around people, they're unsettled when they're around someone who actively avoids them. It's inexplicably depressing.

It's really not too much to ask when you live under the same roof with other people to just indulge them with a little chat here and there. Yeah, okay, they won't want to talk about anime, but it really isn't that bad.

I mean, I guess it is for you, /jp/, seeing as how you can't sage people IRL.

>> No.4394631



>> No.4394648

I like it more when our own Internet Freuds spew this bullshit instead of an /a/ fucktard.

>> No.4394653

You're still here? The man wants to be left the fuck alone so stop thinking about yourself and give him the space he needs. He's just going to hate your guts if you keep pushing yourself on him.

Oh and /a/ is

>> No.4394656
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Fine, fine, something about your mother and your dad's penis. Happy?

>> No.4394668

Man am I glad I don't act like you.

>> No.4394677

I wish I knew where you guys lived so that I could break into your basements and we could hang out.

>> No.4394697
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No, we won't play pretend with you.

>> No.4394702

Come on bro.

>> No.4394735
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If there's a lot of people over (over 5), I usually turn everything off and hide either under my bed or my closet.
During this time, I will sometimes come out, walk over to the wall, put my ear against it and listen to find out if they've left yet.
I will not relax until I am sure they are gone.

>> No.4394737

OP is :

-Scared of people hearing him shower

-Scared of people looking into his room

-Scared of people hearing him use the toilet

This is Parnaoia...not hikkimori.

>> No.4394741
File: 335 KB, 640x480, areyoufrustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone pathetic on /jp/
>giant walls of text

>> No.4394749


It could be worse. I'm afraid of interacting with people even online on a direct level.

Can't play any online games, since REAL PEOPLE are playing them. Like...L4D? I can't do that shit. It's too much.

>> No.4394753

maybe both "ailments" have the same paranoia ssymptoms

>> No.4394759


And don't insult him for that. I, personally, don't like people watching me or looking at me when I eat.

>> No.4394760

I wish I was your friend.

>> No.4394764

Just from our point of view, hasn't it occured to you that he just wants to be left alone?
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I can relate to this guy. He's not bothering anyone, so he doesn't want to be bothered and that's all he hopes for.
That, and some privacy. It isn't too much to ask, is it? He pays his rent, that's all that should matter to you, at least in his mind. And it makes sense. Some people don't like to socialize, regardless whether humans are 'sociable creatures' or not. There are loners who just prefer being alone. The door is locked because he doesn't want to be bothered.
When someone knocks at the door to bring him out he feels like he's back in his parents' house being pushed out of his own room because his father/mother want him to get away from that box called the computer/ps3/TV to socialize. What's the point of leaving home if he has to put up with that same shit from his roommate?

I'm sorry, but I've got to side with that dude. You really shouldn't go so far as to bring him out because you feel a little creeped out. It's a bit selfish.

>> No.4394775
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Nobody likes getting owned by some thirteen year old brat and called a faggot online. In-game socializing is rightfully a fearsome thing.

But then that's why so many people play WoW. If you have to be retarded to fuck up, you'll be fine, unless you're retarded, in which case, hey, you're retarded; what the fuck do you care?

>> No.4394776

>Can't play any online games, since REAL PEOPLE are playing them.
I am pretty sure it is because you must feel home here but I can't help it and read it as "On /jp/, people are not real."

>> No.4394783

>I'm afraid of interacting with people even online on a direct level.
Basically me.

See those Aika threads? I want to play but I just can't.

>> No.4394784

>I, personally, don't like people watching me or looking at me when I eat.
I thought I was the only one.

>> No.4394794


People are usually talking in online games, not here.


It's more I'm afraid of being inadequate and being rejected by the other players because I'm good enough at X in the game. I'd probably fuck up and make a mistake and they'd kick me and I'd be greatly sad for being told, basically, to fuck off. So I avoid it.

>> No.4394799

I invite you personally to play with us.
You have no choice in this matter.
Feonir. February 24th.
Be there.

>> No.4394810


>It's more I'm afraid of being inadequate and being rejected by the other players because I'm NOT good enough at X in the game.


>> No.4394823

It would probably be the same with me if not for the fact that games is the only thing I'm good at and it's the only time I'm fairly confident in myself.

Is this /jp/ guild going to be about dishing pwn on the rest of this unfortunate game and making a forum post about everything or are you capable of taking it easy?

>> No.4394827
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I know, I know; rationally, there's nothing wrong with being a shut-in. That's what the free market is about. Hell, I lived a little bit like that myself for a while.

The thing is, he's paying under the table and he's not on the lease. Me and another guy are. I vouched for captian hermit. Both of these folks are my friends, they just don't know each other. There's no reason they can't get along, but the gap ain't bridging itself.

And I want to build some camaraderie before any of us winds up arguing over who's eating all the food or who keeps plugging up the toilet.

We're all here because we can't afford to live by ourselves. That factors in a little bit.

>> No.4394828

See >>4394810

Seriously, my own fucking clone.

>> No.4394838

They never knock to check on you or anything? If I did that, my relatives would break down my door. And if they didn't see me in the room they'd be even more freaked out.

>> No.4394839

Same here bro.
The thing is, I could do X and they always wanted me to do it.
That's a lot of pressure, knowing that success or fail means love and hate.
I'd always be half crying at the end of whatever they wanted me to do, even though I succeeded at it.
It's just too much pressure to directly interact with others.

>> No.4394872

Some do. That's exactly why I hide.
My mother seems to want to surprise me every time someone comes over, but she won't open my door if it's locked.
So if whoever is visiting thinks that I'm not there, they'll eventually leave.

My mother seems to find it hilarious that I sometimes walk out in nothing but my shorts and we have a visitor over, then I have to go out to the backyard, and go back into my room through my window to avoid having to speak with anyone.
This type of thing has gotten me into the habit of listening though the walls and making sure that no one is visiting before leaving my room.

>> No.4394883

Maybe I am a bit paranoid. Who isn't, though? Carelessness leads to problems for people. The days prior to their arrival I had worrying about how I'd live my life for the next few weeks, and after they arrived that night I had a bout of sleep paralysis. In my dream someone had entered my room and began yelling at me. The yelling was so loud, it caused my sleeping body to tense up and I couldn't move or wake up.

>> No.4394894

>It feels as if I've become a prisoner in my own house.

the hikikomori is strong in this one.
now my new apprentice, go forth and fap to touhou all day and night

>> No.4394898

Not >>4394799 but the guild pretty much does whatever you want. All the guild leader does is sit in town and watch his loli dance. It's an easy place to ask for help or just chat in guildchat, but noones going to "force you" to do anything.

>> No.4394905

Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. Lights off, headphones on so that everyone thinks I'm asleep.

>> No.4394906

With me it's not so much afraid of being inadequate or being rejected.. it's something closer to I want to talk and play, but I am too shy and even being praised embarrasses me for some reason.

I'll happily help someone but unless I absolutely need help I won't ask for it. If I get invited to a guild or added as a friend I'll accept but I will never ask to be in a guild or add anyone as a friend myself. And I won't ever speak unless spoken to.

>> No.4394911

I thought I was the only one like this. I don't have any online friends, and I'm just too afraid to talk to people and don't know how to make friends.

>> No.4394916

I was more concerned about it turning into serious business about being the best which always involves lots of drama on the forums and achievement-oriented gameplay. I already saw one thread talking about trolling on the game's forum and how they dislike 4chan over there.

>> No.4394928

>sleep paralysis
I used to get that a whole fucking lot. I used to be terrified of sleeping since it just was unnerving how I always felt like someone was watching me and that feeling you get of being crushed.

I even slept on my side but I still got it.

>> No.4394952

From what I can tell, the trolling on the forums have pretty much stopped. As for the guild being the best, I think we're all just still amused that we somehow won that tournament since we expected much better competition. Namae has done a good job keeping us out of the drama despite our guild winning the tournament.

>> No.4395100

I have the same problem.

>> No.4395116

Poor baby


>> No.4395179


>> No.4395281

Clearly they came over for a threesome, its just like you have always dreamed.

>> No.4395468
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newfriends everywhere

>> No.4395705

get help you guys.
this is depressing.

i get nervous when people come over but never as bad as this.

>> No.4395820

>That's a lot of pressure, knowing that success or fail means love and hate.
If they don't love you anymore because you are not living up to their overblown expectations, they don't deserve to be called family.
Children who go their own way will always disappoint their parents. There's nothing you can do about it, and it's also not your goddamn problem, it's theirs.
If you get your life fixed up, you can start to tackle other people's problems and play Jesus.

How about you leave your "relatives" an angry note about how they stink, you hate them, and you want them out of your house if they don't pay their share of the rent?
It's an aggressive step, but you have to draw a line somewhere.

>> No.4395831

I don't mind hanging with other people but when they invade my private space I also get very nervous and ry to get them out. I guess I just like to keep worlds apart.

>> No.4395862

I don't understand these onaholes. Why can't you just fap like any ordinary loser? Owning such a thing would make me want to commit suicide.

>> No.4395868

>I'll happily help someone but unless I absolutely need help I won't ask for it. If I get invited to a guild or added as a friend I'll accept but I will never ask to be in a guild or add anyone as a friend myself. And I won't ever speak unless spoken to.

You'll regret this sort of introverted behavior. I followed down the same exact path and honestly I wish I made more friends. Now I just don't give a fuck enough to even shave or shower daily, take out my trash, and only ever take back my food trays unless I absolutely have no space left in my room. Needless to say, I live a lonesome life inside my room watching anime most of the time. I recommend you turn yourself around while you can.

>> No.4395872
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I'm new to this board and i'm starting to like it.

>> No.4395876

Buy one and you will never go back to your hand.

>> No.4395880

You sound like a pretty chill guy.

>> No.4395890


That sounds about right for me as well. I feel like I've ruined my life because of how shy and scared I've acted around other people for the entirety of said life. I'm pretty much permanently socially broken.

I really couldn't give a shit if I was killed tomorrow.

>> No.4395906

Yeah, I could relate.

>> No.4395909

and you said you were perfectly happy having no social ties

>> No.4395913


Deep inside, I cannot hide the truth. At times I feel I am happy, but It's probably an illusion I created in my head to make myself feel better for making so many shitty decisions in my life.

>> No.4395923

What shitty decisions?

>> No.4395926

By the way most of you guys will feel so much happier if you move out and get a place by yourself.

I had the issues you guys had, even an unrelated man that I totally hated that my mother was in a relationship with living at the family home and once I went fuck it and moved out I started eating regulary again, stopped having insomnia and serious shit like that.

>> No.4395932

Why are you people such a pussies?

I have the same problem, but instead of being depressed, i channeled my dark rage into hatred for society. It gives me motivation to be "social" so i could harm the society more than it has harmed me. mwhahahaha

Why is everyone staring at me? ;_;

>> No.4395938

If I hadn't picked up voyeurism I would never leave the house.

>> No.4395939

Go back to Gaia

>> No.4395948


Do tell more

>> No.4395954

I'd rather die quietly on my own and not disturb other peoples good lives. Just because I fucked up with my life doesn't mean other people have to suffer for it.

>> No.4395957


I don't really consider myself a pussy. I bury my depression inside, hell, you probably wouldn't be able to tell I had any if you met me.

>> No.4395963

It's not your fault anon.

Don't make me use tripcode.

>> No.4395967

Anyone else feel like shit when they're in bed? I feel fine throughout the day but when I'm in bed I usually feel ronery and that I have a shit future ahead.

>> No.4395969

ITT: Weak-willed pseudo-extrovert faggots who can't be happy alone. Maybe Tomo was right.

>> No.4395978

I always cry myself to sleep

>> No.4395982

Go ahead, what do you think it's going to do

>> No.4395983


I originally ignored this because it's quite embarrasing for me to talk about it, and I'm not 100% comfortable but I can say one thing I guess: I made a decision early on in my life to have as few (or little) friends as possible. So yeah I pretty much fucked up my entire school life. Betrayal by the few friends I did meet and who understood me (or so I thought) probably resulted in the rejection complex I have both on and offline.

>> No.4395984

moot's right. You guys are all grade a fuckups and /jp/ is fail on a whole.

>> No.4395988

>seeing as how you can't sage people IRL.

You've never politely declined to bump someone's thread IRL?

>> No.4395989

No, your life is fucked up because you are a coward. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.4395993

Hey at least we are grade A fuckups and lukewarm fuckups.

>> No.4395996

As a casual observer to this board, I agree. I'm also surprised this board still has some kind of hateful rivalry with /a/. /a/ doesn't even know /jp/ exists anymore.

>> No.4395999

Moot directed all the ronery shut in faggots to /jp/

true story

>> No.4396001


A coward in what way?

I just don't understand how you could associate yourself with someone for 6+ years and then reveal it was all a lie and you were just being used. It boggles my mind.

>> No.4396003
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A simple guide.

>> No.4396010

And i thought /a/ is fucked up ...

>> No.4396011


That's probably a good sign because it means that /jp/ still retains a good population of the old guard tha left /a/ while /a/ is full of new posters.

>> No.4396014

There are still some guys holding out on R9k.

>> No.4396015

You listed situations that are analogous to my own life. Betrayal by few friends, conscious decision to have few friends, natural shyness (you mentioned this earlier). However you simply say "nothing can be done about it" and avert yourself from the real world. Which would be the opposite approach to life that I took in my last year of highschool and first year of college.

>> No.4396018

I would think they would go to /adv/, since that's the board for this kind of thing anyway.

>> No.4396019

6+ years? You gotta be blind and deaf at the same time.

>> No.4396023


Not to sound like pussy, actually, but I don't think I can trust another person ever again.

>> No.4396033

But we don't seek advice. We aren't the crackheads who still lavishly pretend that they can quit any time they want. We know we are obscene in the eyes of our respective societies, we know nobody cares. We are not trying to change ourselves.


>> No.4396037

I've always wondered what this came from.

>> No.4396040

Most people are selfish assholes, and you will never find a true friend or girlfriend that really loves you. I've accepted that fact and continued with life.

>> No.4396055

I wish I could tell you that's not true, and in detail, without getting a "get out of /jp" or "hurr durr troll" reply

But this isn't the place, really

>> No.4396061


You can never be sure. Personal experience tells me every single one of your friends wants SOMETHING, and when they no longer have it..

>> No.4396069

The latter of the first sentence, that is.

The former is pretty obvious

>> No.4396070

No it is true. Most people are selfish, because humans for the most part can only think of their own needs at a given time. People who withdraw from society because of this would have made me angry at some point, but the realization that they simply don't have the backbone to carry on made me realize they are pussies and won't change no matter how I try to insult or inspire them to normalcy or even greatness.

>> No.4396074

Wat. My friends want nothing of me. Did all this happen when you were a young teenager, because I can see teenagers doing that to each other.

>> No.4396078

Lemme guess, you just need to go out more and you will find someone/normal life? Society don't work that way aniki.

>> No.4396091


Not everyone is as strong or optimistic as you, sir. The current state of the world and the atrocities that happen every day also makes me pretty much want to give up.

>> No.4396113

What do you mean "find someone". Are you implying love, friends, companionship? Do you even know what you want?

Then kill yourself. Afterall, the world has enough suffering. No need to go on if it burdens your pure Christian soul so.

>> No.4396115

Nope, I dunno why you have to say "normal life"

What is normalcy? Are you a normal person? Am I a normal person? Don't get hung up on that. "Going out" is overrated too.

>> No.4396125


...What? I'm atheist.

>> No.4396129

I'll do it for you then.

That isn't true, most people aren't assholes at all. Most everyone has good intentions but at the same time are lacking in understanding and wisdom. Due to our NEET ways, though, we have very little in common with the average Joe and Jane which means there's very little to talk about with them and finding out about our unproductiveness will lead to loss of respect and possible romantic interest. This leads to not wanting to meet new people since it almost always leads in mutual disappointment which leads to leaving the house less often becoming further entrenched in the NEET lifestyle. You get the picture.

>> No.4396141


That and I have no desire to kill myself. In fact, everything comes together in an unfortunate way that I sometimes feel like killing people.

>> No.4396146


Find it.

>> No.4396171

I wonder where do you live ...

>> No.4396181

That's the spirit! But there are way better ways to ruin people's lives without killing them.

>> No.4396185


>> No.4396191

Everyone gets violent thoughts once in a while. Is your desire to kill directed at someone or would you just go on a non-discriminating spree? If it's the latter I'd call you a bad person and shun you for strengthening the stigma towards shutins. Personal pain is no reason to stomp on other people's property, happiness or lives.

>> No.4396192

I bet you catch pokemans for living

>> No.4396199

Yeah, but some of them can't evolve because there's no one to trade with. My life sucks.

>> No.4396201

Nah, I bet he breeds them.

>> No.4396202

You have other interests besides VNs and touhou. Those interests have just been buried under months and years of voluntary social isolation.

>> No.4396214


Well, I want to kill my brother. He pretty much ruined our family, still laughs about it, and still doesn't give a shit.

>> No.4396216
File: 25 KB, 150x300, flandre010cx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying personal pain is not caused by society in 90% cases

>> No.4396221

Well, there is my extensive manga and onahole collection..

..but I doubt anyone would want to hear about that..

>> No.4396222

Really now? Because from what you've been saying for the past seven hours makes me want to kill YOU. You are a voluntary social isolate who's fears stem from events that happened during the fickle years of your adolescence- which is in fact a tough time for everyone as cliched as that sounds. And yet you think you have the apparent right to judge others based on their own bad judgements? Also about the Christian part- this is 4chan, do I really expect you to be a Christian or am I just using it to sarcastically describe your apparent worldview.

>> No.4396223

What did he do?

>> No.4396241

You're obviously a reasonable fellow, but sadly (and I say this respectfully), nothing you could ever say to him would ever change his worldview. He's chosen his personal hell to live in and has dug himself in.

>> No.4396245

I don't suppose you'd be willing to regale us with a brief summary of how that happened while I finish my coursework?

I was actually talking about interests further back, which obviously exist yet you refuse to give them any serious thought. Of course the part about manga may win you friends at an anime convention or gain you friends in the comic conventions with whom you could compare and recommend material for the other to read.

>> No.4396251

I do indeed yet they are nigh all still activities of a passive lifestyle, related to computers. The only outdoor activity I ever do is some tennis with a childhood friend who nags me to come play. I don't talk to anyone about my /jp/ related interests either and it's been like this since grade school.

>> No.4396260

After having been on 4chan for a while I now realize that /a/ has the waifulovers, /x/ and /sci/ has the militant athiests (rest of 4chan just has athiests in general) and /b/ has unfunny idiots who refuse to understand exactly why their jokes aren't funny. All of these arguments and attempts to change their ways have made me realize that my efforts are futile- no number of words written passionately into a block of text will ever change the minds of the people here.

>> No.4396269

Get drunk and you won't give a shit if they know or not. Then you can be as nasty as you want.

>> No.4396273

Anything to talk about and build connections with people are good.

>> No.4396274


He's a heroin addict. He's sold all of our stuff for his fix, beaten and threatened my parents when they told him to get out and called the cops, and spends every waking minute voicing his displeasure about how worthless we all are. This shit happens every day. My parents don't do shit about any of this. Leave? of course it is an option, but I can't leave because I'm not sacrificing my kind, elderly parents to that asshole.

The killing never got past the planning stages though, I don't think I could get away with it.

>> No.4396279

and the authorities are nowhere to be seen because you live in (insert third world country here)


>> No.4396284


My parents called them once, he went to jail for 2 months, and came back. They refuse to call again. They told me not to call, either.

>> No.4396286

Got some copypasta?

>> No.4396302

I think you'd be dead on.

Although I do believe there are a few people trolling about their personal situations (probably not the guy you were talking to earlier)

>> No.4396305

I've noticed the authorities ever hardly do shit.

>> No.4396307

that's when you get the media on your side

>> No.4396310

I'm starting to realize you might be right and I should move out. I don't want to live with that bullshit, but apparently my parents do. So maybe I should give up on them.

>> No.4396341

That's heartwrecking stuff. You have my sympathies, for what it's worth.

>> No.4396342

>Anyone else feel like shit when they're in bed? I feel fine throughout the day but when I'm in bed I usually feel ronery and that I have a shit future ahead.

I used to think about the future before falling asleep and sometimes got depressed about it, then I found a way to keep my imagination busy with other things.

I few years ago I just started imagining hugging my waifu who's sleeping next to me, also made up tons of various scenarios and dialogues to keep it from getting boring. Ever since then, those 10-20 minutes before falling asleep became a moment that I look forward to each day.

>> No.4396349

Here are my two cents. I didn't have the best teenage years either. I was a coward and ran away from everything. I went through the whole hikki/NEET bullshit for years. But I've been done being bitter about it for a while now, and honestly I can tell you that it's not worth letting it stop you from moving forward in your life. If you really want to make a message to the assholes and say "Hey, fuck you." go out and make yourself worth half a shit at least instead of moping about it here in an internet cesspool. That's the best way to get back at them and more importantly, obtain a better life for yourself. Trying to act nonchalant and cool by not approaching anybody/anything "unless they speak to me first" isn't the way to go. You're just being lame and not making yourself a part of the team. Being shy and being a pussy in general is no longer a good reason once you've graduated past your high school years and you need to grow up.

>> No.4396353

The best revenge is to live well, my friend

>> No.4396367


I keep my mind occupied, so it's not that bad. Hell, talking about it also helps. I'm just worried about my parents. They shouldn't have to go through that shit.

He wasn't always a prick, but I think it all started from the fact that he never decided to go to college, he certainly whines about it a lot.

my parents offered to fully pay for all of his college when he got out of high school if he wanted to go, he declined.

>> No.4396369

>I few years ago I just started imagining hugging my waifu who's sleeping next to me, also made up tons of various scenarios and dialogues to keep it from getting boring. Ever since then, those 10-20 minutes before falling asleep became a moment that I look forward to each day.
>Ever since then, those 10-20 minutes before falling asleep became a moment that I look forward to each day.
I knew it. I couldn't be the only one who came up with this brilliant idea.

>> No.4396370

I do something similar. I could entertain myself with only my imagination for days. Sometimes I get the urge to write some of it down since it can get pretty good at times.

>> No.4396390

Hello, me.

>> No.4396392

I guess I'll try the waifu suggestion. It sure as hell beats me reliving my past memories.

>> No.4396397

Wow. This is what I did. I can remember in about 1st grade thinking wouldn't it be good to have no friends? So I used to walk around by myself during breaks, talking to no-one. Teachers occasionally approached and asked me if I wanted to play with other kids. I wonder if at the time I liked this attention, or reputation as a loner, and I also wonder if this was defining in who I am today. or if shyness has just always been in my personality.

>> No.4396404

Shuffle through some pictures for inspiration and start building a fantasy from there. That's what I usually do before hitting the hay. You'll never know where you end up with it.

>> No.4396421

Thank you guys for this wonderful thread.I'm off to bed.

>> No.4396436

You could just browse 4chan. That could keep you occupied for tens of hours.

>> No.4396441

Mission accomplished

>> No.4396443

ITT: Imaginary friends.

Not that it's a bad thing, though. It cured my depression. Every time I feel down I just summon my waifu and hug her. While imagination is no perfect substitute, it works pretty damn well and it's the most awesome thing in the world.

>> No.4396451

>Wow. This is what I did. I can remember in about 1st grade thinking wouldn't it be good to have no friends? So I used to walk around by myself during breaks, talking to no-one. Teachers occasionally approached and asked me if I wanted to play with other kids.
Man, I hated when teachers asked me that, because they always came back, no matter how reasonable I tried to be.
All these coincidences are starting to get creepy.

>> No.4396453

I can't really do that while laying in my bed with my eyes closed, trying to fall asleep.

>> No.4396464

I bet you haven't even tried.

>> No.4396474

Then stop being a fucking weaboo.

>> No.4396480

They aren't creepy actually. Children are angsty by nature, we just happen to be introvert angsty. Some of us became shutins and others moved on. That was the choice we made.

>> No.4396483

> calling someone a weaboo while browsing /jp/

>> No.4396486

Sometimes when I'm dream I'll dream about reading a thread on 4chan, then wake up angry and exhausted that I was dreaming about what I do on a regular basis.

>> No.4396487

Again, the thing to do is to take painkillers.
It makes masturbation take a long time and makes climax incredibly good because of the buildup.

Use your onahole for hours to pictures of your waifu and collapse in a tired satisfied mess as you cum so hard and gloriously tears come out.

>> No.4396488

Hopefully implying that everyone on here is a weaboo.

>> No.4396495

Hey I was like you guys couldnt play any real game, or online chat.
Then this other time i went a little crazy on L4D2, I shouted "I FUCKING LIKE COCKS but yea not something as gay as this but you know the picture.
Feel good man

>> No.4396507

Way to go bro.

>> No.4396519

ITT: INTP and haters


>> No.4396531

I'm a INTJ and what is this?

>> No.4396592

This thread made me think a little about maybe trying again.

Even though I'm still a failure with no social skills, I suppose it's worth a shot. The advice about being more proactive and not waiting to be approached stood out the most to me because I realized that this is what I have been doing pretty much my entire life. This probably won't end well, but at least when I'm a real NEET after I graduate I can tell myself that I at least tried. Then I can make legitimate excuses to myself for the rest of my life.

>> No.4396596

Damn, OP, I know exactly how you feel.

>> No.4396598

ESFP here

>> No.4396602

You can always try again or start anew as long as you live.
I know someone who changed professions three times, and always to something completely unrelated. It's not impossible.

>> No.4396653

My great uncle lived in a trailer while he was feuding with his wife on and off for years. After he came back from the war he tried to be a monk but counldn't shut up long enough to qualify. He was fired from his teaching position for hitting a student. He also has a fake leg. Did he ever give up? No. That's why he can still joke around with my grandfather and my great aunts when we have family reunions.

>> No.4396680

>I can't use my onahole without them hearing slurping and squishing sounds and me moaning and gasping.

This is surprisingly arousing. Do you mind if I masturbate and pinch my nipples while thinking of you raping your onahole, oozing out lube and precum at every thrust, OP?

>> No.4396699
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>listening though the walls and
>over to the wall, put my ear against it and listen

>> No.4396700

Wouldn't cleaning the cum out of an onahole be a pain in the ass?

>> No.4396711

Believe it or not, this issue came up a few times in the initial brainstorming sessions and they figured out a way to deal with it.

>> No.4396734

Yeah, it is kind of a pain in the ass. I always have to sneak out at odd times of the night in order to wash it because bathrooms here don't have locks.

Some days I don't get a chance to wash or I get lazy, so I just leave it unwashed for a day or two. When I do wash, I pretty much just run it in the sink, then take a twisted up paper towel and stick it in the hole. Sad part is, it never seems to be completely clean nor completely dry after a wash. Oh well, it feels good so I put up with it.

>> No.4396740

>bathrooms here don't have locks

are you living in a prison

>> No.4396741

Close. I live in a dorm.

>> No.4396795

Why is it so accepted that women can have things like vibrators but it's an unforgivable sin for men?

>> No.4396803

What? Are you hinting that there actually may be double standards at work here?!

>> No.4397569

Who cares, as long as no one knows, it's the same shit.

>> No.4397618

Why do people laugh at the idea of men getting raped or abused?

>> No.4397662

Flip hole bro.
Cum in it, open it up and run it under warm water, squirt a little bit of hand soap in it, rub it a bit, rinse out under warm water and then leave it open to dry out.

>> No.4397666

Men are expected to be strong and manly and dominant, being raped subverts all those qualities and makes the male look weak. Weakness attracts mockery and thus the act itself is laughed at as well.
Basically it's a less blunt version of someone pointing and laughing while yelling "HAHAHA YOU FUCKING PUSSY."

>> No.4398214

The same reason why people find it extremely hot if a young female teacher "rapes" a teenager student.
