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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.81 MB, 1440x805, Airi_Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43926842 No.43926842 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43889305

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43926881
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laugh at muv luv

>> No.43926975
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Just burn it to the ground

>> No.43926999

I have a hard time believing they really reached 300000 preregistred, feels like they faked the numbers

>> No.43927019

they started with 60k twitter followers and 4k yt subs because they just renamed the Immortals accounts, and the director of the game told fans to pre-reg on literally every single service multiple times to boost the numbers. Probably still faked numbers though, if you check their twitter follower growth they basically have fuck all.

>> No.43927052

Is it legal to lie about that kind of shit?

>> No.43927058
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>Not Sana Edition
Poor Sana

>> No.43927158

I do not care for Ange and Sana.

>> No.43927235

depends on who you lie to, if you lie to whoever funds you they can sue you. If you lie to the general public nobody gives a shit

>> No.43927248
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>> No.43927253

I do not care for Airi(forced "main" girl) and Sana(a shit).

>> No.43927261

Then you're not allowed to post in the Airi edition thread. Sorry buddy, I don't make the rules. See you next thread.

>> No.43927266

Airi is one of the few cases where the main girl is the best girl. Miutants begone.

>> No.43927288

Miu is the main girl and best girl though?

>> No.43927295

/jav/ edition

>> No.43927455

just play oretsuba for the better version of her

>> No.43927544

is Sanarara good or only worth it for the sexy art?

>> No.43927586

It's pretty good, I never played R though.

>> No.43927884

Yeah I'm going to echo everyone else and say that I don't believe that number for a second.

>> No.43927897

Their latest livestream from last month had 450 viewers. It was literally only on youtube too, they're only adding niconico for the next one.

>> No.43927898

Izumi Hiyori might be the best imouto ever.

>> No.43927906


>> No.43927929


>> No.43928115
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>> No.43928171

>birth control

>> No.43928216

Are there any good eroge threads on 2chan? The eroge board seems kind of dead and the thread on 二次元裏 may seems mostly off-topic.

>> No.43928259

no, go to 5ch instead

>> No.43928528

are porori/yoru no hitsuji or kaeru soft working on anything?

>> No.43928545

I wonder if Clochette is still making eroge, also.

>> No.43928563

>kaeru soft
>yoru no hitsuji
keep track of their ci-en, they'll announce when they're working on something there

>> No.43929352

>no sana edition again
Its over, no one loves her.

>> No.43929415

No is keeping you from making the new thread yourself anon.

>> No.43929571
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>> No.43929575

>porori/yoru no hitsuji
Considering how he had a mental breakdown working on the last title and delayed it so much I'd be fine if he retired or slowed down to a much slower pace.

>> No.43929598

>he had a mental breakdown
What happened? I downloaded the Mainichi game but never played it. I didn't see much about the game online.

>> No.43929601

Yesterday I had to laugh really hard when I was scrolling the wikipedia article for the Kyoani fire and it brings up how Abe reacted to the incident.

>> No.43929663

Why did you post this several years after the fact?

>> No.43929769

bleep bloop

>> No.43929802

He wrote about it on cien or note if you want to look for it. The game was delayed about a year and he was apologizing every month for not making any progress and it seemed his alcoholism was getting worse and caused some health problems that put him in the hospital. When he finally finished writing the scenario he ended up in the hospital again with panic disorder, I think. He mentioned working on a new Lolita game recently but if it's that stressful I don't think it's worth continuing.

>> No.43929813

Any tokusatsu eroge? Other than dengeki stryker

>> No.43929881

Thanks for the summary. He has to prioritize fixing his alcoholism and health issues. I don't follow social media but the few tweets shared here made porori seem like a cool, philosophical biker high on life. Now I'm worried he'll crash his bike.

>> No.43929891

Do you guys talk about VNs anywhere else or just here?

>> No.43929892

Taking a glance at his twitter he seems to be focused on his dog and cooking. Hopefully that means he's doing better.

>> No.43929930

either here or trolling /vn/ and plebbit. mostly talking to myself about eroge

>> No.43929953

There are a few EOPs I discuss about VNs on Discord but the conversations tend to be extremely boring and depressing with all of them, especially since I read but nothing untranslated titles now.

>> No.43929959

I'm anti-social.

>> No.43929981

Such is life

>> No.43929982

Considering the themes of his games I hope he manages to put at least some of this into a script. We've all been there.
They're just trying with another brand, right??

>> No.43930050

Only here, VNs and untranslated ones are a super niche hobby. I also talk about them to one friend who reads LNs and read books and we somehow manage to discuss them even if he doesn't read VNs.

>> No.43930097

>They're just trying with another brand, right??
Wooper Soft

>> No.43930170

I post sometimes on 5ch eroge seiyuu threads.
But actually it's more about their streams instead of their games...

>> No.43930219

I'm bored and don't know what to read. What are the quintessential Oto Agumi eroge? In the mood for her voice.

>> No.43930247


>> No.43930256

Anything that's not a raising sim, no gameplay?

>> No.43930279

LxC isn't a raising sim and it only has minimal dating sim gameplay.

>> No.43930346
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, アステリズム_2022-05-04_00-43-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily this

>> No.43930372

I talk to Japanese people, regardless if they care about eroge or not.

>> No.43930378

I'm the opposite of >>43930219 and wanting for raising sims. I need some form of Pavlovian response to get my porn fix these days.

>> No.43930478

So hard to find games with gameplay and a good amount of ero these days...

>> No.43930483

Machine Child any day now. I wonder if the EOP release is what's holding it up so much.

>> No.43930492

>Alicesoft lost a lot of key staff
>Eushully keeps stewing in mediocrity
>Giga is ded
Pretty grim right now.

>> No.43930711

Getting warmer. I had Astraythem on my list but read something bad about it. I think it had to do with her father?

>> No.43930955

IIRC there was nothing wrong with her father. He doesn't even play a role in the story.
However there are some slightly dumb/convenient plot elements. I don't know what you're expecting but it's not a moege due to the time travel elements.
Apart from that it's probably THE VN if you like that seiyuu because the entire VN is about her and the other heroines are just short side endings.

>> No.43931079

Lost Child
Masked Shanghai

>> No.43931089

How does the anal sex to avoid taking her virginity when she's younger even happen? I'll play this eventually but that sounded kind of dumb.

>> No.43931152

At least doujin devs put out alright games every once in a while. Hentai Labyrinth was fun...

>> No.43931194

bros, i'm looking for a vn to grab on this steam sale.

i'm looking for something mid+ tier, but not kamige, since i want to use it mainly for japanese practice. something like nekopara i guess

asking here since you guys know better about the reading difficulties

any reccs?

>> No.43931214

Why don't you just pirate something you want to read?

>> No.43931221

>i'm looking for something mid+ tier, but not kamige
Any yuzusoft game

>> No.43931226

Just read whatever you want.

>> No.43931262
File: 1.11 MB, 1279x670, 「3D&VR Edition 3D Canvas」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had you guys heard about the 3DVR remake of Canvas? https://fandc.co.jp/3DVR_Canvas/main.php
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz69siA8Wew / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtkHe0uBMSw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkLPXEVH59Q / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zTUp_QCaWU

What were they thinking?

>> No.43931289

i don't mind pirating, i just don't know what EXACTLY i want to read. i only know it has to be something not kamige but also not dogshit, preferably sol

>> No.43931309

I vaguely remember someone posting this before, but yeah this just looks bad. I dunno a 3DVR VN might be cool but it would need to be a lot more creative than this.

>> No.43931320

I can't imagine something like this would be commercially viable for anything but a short nukige

>> No.43931339

You think Nekopara is not pure dogshit?

>> No.43931340
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Go read Yubisaki Connection, I don't think it's on steam though.

>> No.43931347

Its actually catshit :^)

>> No.43931351

it's overwhelming positive on steam

though fluffy store and foxhime also were, and those were pure dogshit

>> No.43931363

>it's overwhelming positive on steam
As if that means anything.

>> No.43931364

Yeah if I think about VN and 3D I'm reminded of https://vndb.org/v20378 which was pretty polished as far as I remember.
I think the concept works well if you're in a sort of closed off environment, so depending on the setting/story I could see it work really well, even if we're not talking about a nukige per se.

Anything with a bigger scope starts becoming incredibly ambitious and starts losing against 2D and the player's own imagination.

>> No.43931385
File: 127 KB, 327x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the japanese in nekopara ez? i bought pic related because m-m-muh simultaneous japanese/english text but it keeps filtering me hard with ridiculously random vocabulary and the protagonist talking like a nigger

>> No.43931386

Thanks. Masked Shangai looks alright.

>> No.43931390

IIRC what I read in a review was that it's a time travel story to save the girl. Her father is an asshole and kills her because of MC. The dumb plot twist was that it turns out the father is MC and he defeats himself in the end. Deus ex machina happens to save her and the MC. They get together and the father also survives and becomes a good guy. I kind of doubt any of that really happens but Japanese writers never disappoint.

>> No.43931403

That plottwist was my favorite part of nekopara

>> No.43931424

>the protagonist talking like a nigger
Can't handle some っす's?

>> No.43931433

>random vocabulary
Look I'm going to be straight with you and trust I mean your best here:
You sound like a total moron trying to justify why you suck. If you think this thread will somehow spoonfeed you a VN that will magically work out all fine for you then you need to realize NO such VN exists. You need to do some inner digging, find out what interests you and grinds at it. There is NO other way.
So go on vndb, build up a wishlist, decide on something and 100% it without whining. Also ENG+JP is a meme don't do that.

>> No.43931438

>isn't the japanese in nekopara ez?
I guess, I just remember the moving sprites freaking me out and it being kind of boring and forgettable. I haven't read the game you're referring to, but it sounds to me like you're just at a very low proficiency level and should just lurk more based on how the way you type.
And? Actual eroge focused sites like EGS and vndb give them pretty low ratings.

>> No.43931442

I liked it quite a lot.
Also this comment >>43931390 is completely incorrect. Must be talking about a different game.

>> No.43931448

That's not what happens at all lmao
It's a bit spoilery but it should be pretty obvious what happens. He travels back in time and fucks her ass. He doesn't take her virginity for spoiler reasons

>> No.43931462
File: 133 KB, 1200x723, CjCdR8jUYAEA_NW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want something easy for jp practice but can stand on its own being good try any of alcots stuff, recommend https://vndb.org/v10803 being one of the funniest vns I've read

>> No.43931542

Delete this. I don't want EOPs to find out about the good Alcotge.

>> No.43931546

Look I'm going to be straight with you and trust I mean your best here:
you're trying to give an unironic advice but you only sound like a moron. if you have actually PLAYED the game i'm talking about, you'd knew it's fucking rick and morty... BUT LE ANIME!
i'm slowly going through it anyway, but i'm just saying that i'd enjoy more something where i don't have to look up vocabs every 2 sentences

>And? Actual eroge focused sites like EGS and vndb give them pretty low ratings.
yeah, that's my point, i implied nekopara is also probably dogshit

>> No.43931559

>yeah, that's my point
You're the one who brought up steam ratings in the first place, which is a metric absolutely no one here cares about (I hope).

>> No.43931566

yeah, because steam sale is on so i was checking steam store which has steam ratings

>> No.43931568

NTA but I've played Marco and it was good. I don't know why you'd play something with plot relevant animated sections if you barely know any Japanese though, sounds retarded.

>> No.43931573

Just hit the random novel button on VNDB until you find something that looks interesting

>> No.43931576

i thought that simultaneous japanese/english text was a good thing, but it's just a hassle at the end (i cover the english one with a piece of paper)

>> No.43931582

>(i cover the english one with a piece of paper)
You're not beating these retard allegations, anon. You can just turn the English text off.

>> No.43931583

So not only you're a dumbass but you're also emotionally fragile? You're going to be looking up vocab every 2 sentences no matter what you pick.
>rick and morty
Where the fuck do you even come from, holy shit.

>> No.43931616

>Where the fuck do you even come from, holy shit.
looks like a retard who followed g*mbs' advice to read eroge with a texthooker after 1 day of grammar

>> No.43931635

You honestly need to lurk more, because the way you type just makes you stand out like a sore thumb. You sound like a fucking /pol/ tourist or something.
I basically did this, knew kana and a few hundred words at most, it's doable if you approach it right. The problem with this faggot is that his you can smell his newfagness froma mile away.

>> No.43931637

dont know what ecelebs say but that works well for non-retards

>> No.43931670

ideally i would like a quick language switch with a key or something.
>You can just turn the English text off.
yeah no shit. the whole point of this meme vn was to have double text. i wanna have a fallback option in case i completely have no idea wtf they're talking about, since i don't wanna miss the plot

>You're going to be looking up vocab every 2 sentences no matter what you pick.
no, i can handle solshit without dictionary. also stop talking about stuff you don't know, you'll just make yourself even more pathetic

>> No.43931678

>You honestly need to lurk more, because the way you type just makes you stand out like a sore thumb. You sound like a fucking /pol/ tourist or something.
sorry for having a functional head and not being a part of the hivemind

>> No.43931697

>ideally i would like a quick language switch with a key or something.
Doesn't it say a keybind next to the english switch at the hotbar at the top, something like shift + J to enable japanese and shift + E to enable english?

>> No.43931731
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1629237037459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's exactly the opposite reason, it's because you constantly use these newspeak retard terms. Jesus Christ you are a moron, honestly just get out of /jp/.

>> No.43931734

Typing like a 14 year old doesn't mean your head is functional

>> No.43931752
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>bros, i'm looking for a vn to grab on this steam sale.

>> No.43931760

>buying vns on steam
>functional head
Evidently not

>> No.43931787

Just be careful with the battle system, it has filter potential. Read the tutorial, dont skip it.

>> No.43931798

Ah, an immigrant utterly failing to assimilate, all the while boldly asserting he belongs. Many such cases.
Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.43931849

i bet you are the same faggots who start derailing thread on /a/ as soon as somebody says "kino"

>> No.43931857

how does a guy like this even end up in this thread?

>> No.43931858

Who are you quoting?

>> No.43931869

same disdain for fun

>> No.43931882

/jp/ is (was) a fun board, you just don't know what fun is.

>> No.43931885

The VNTS thread gets posted to r/VisualNovels

>> No.43931887

It's been years now that /djt/ is infested with people like him. At first it was just a few and eventually the whole thread turned filled with them.

>> No.43931896

sounds like (You) are a part of the problem.

steam sales thread on /v/

>> No.43931899

Funposting is wojakspam to his ilk.

>> No.43931904

It's my fault the board died because of too many generals?
It just keeps getting worse.

>> No.43931913

onions duels are peak humor. consider yourself lucky today, but i'm pretty sure i'd get banned if i'll start posting wojaks

because, as also happens on /a/, no fun threads are allowed. only generals and seasonal fotm

>> No.43931927

>It just keeps getting worse.
oh no, a /v/ tourist.... IN A VIDEOGAME THREAD!

the east has fallen, owari da...

>> No.43931933

Okay, we get it you're retarded. Now shut up and read a VN, you've been recommended a bunch. I take it you don't need handheld on how to download them.

>> No.43931939

this is a digital book club

>> No.43931946

Considering it's talking about Steam sales, I think it actually does.

>> No.43931958

you will never be a book

>> No.43931991

What the fuck is the point of browsing djt 'for years'? I never really browsed those threads, but from what I've seen, there's not much to gain except a few book recommendations if you weren't completely clueless about language learning before going there.

>> No.43931995

sure, i'll finishing le anime rick n morty and then i guess i'll try >>43931462 or >>43931221. though i'll still probably pick up nekopara 1 on steam to see how dogshit it is

>Doesn't it say a keybind next to the english switch at the hotbar at the top, something like shift + J to enable japanese and shift + E to enable english?
based, i had no idea there was a hotbar on top since it disappears... also yeah, it's perfect, i can use E/J to switch text on the fly. know any other mid+ vns that support this?

>> No.43932004

Just remember to never post here again.

>> No.43932009

>probably pick up nekopara 1 on steam to see how dogshit it is
It's literally just a nukige.

>> No.43932012

>i had no idea there was a hotbar on top since it disappears
holy newshit
>i'll still probably pick up nekopara 1 on steam
faggots like you killed VNs. begone and kys

>> No.43932025

nah, i'm moving here.

>holy newshit
there are 0 (ZERO) other games on that engine. stop pretending being "le oldfag" because you are just embarassing yourself

>people paying for vns killed vns

>> No.43932035

report and ignore

>> No.43932049

you should try r/vns, the groupthink is way more enforced there

>> No.43932053

I used to browse it back when I was a total beg in the mid 2010s~? Atmosphere wasn't bad and we used to exchange manga and whatnot. I checked some personal history just nowand it seems it happened in 2017, so no wonder.
Like you're saying though it made me break a habit I didn't need so it was a good thing in a sense.

>> No.43932054
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>there are 0 (ZERO) other games on that engine
There are 0 kirikiri games? Sounds right to me.

>> No.43932060

You're engaging with a retarded normal/v/igger, why are you trying to be logical here?

>> No.43932068

ok, i'll give you this one

>> No.43932072

I just found it funny that he picked the most popular VN (JP) engine to say that about.

>> No.43932078

i'll gladly consneed when proven wrong, unlike other anons here....

>> No.43932100

You haven't said a single sensible thing, just stop replying because you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.43932107

You should take your own advice, anon.

>> No.43932163

I aim to become this happy.


>> No.43932214

>You haven't said a single sensible thing
and I am supposed to be a newfag here....

>> No.43932221

Hello, I am not a regular of this general (not that other poster) and would like to apologize in advance for any faux pas. Since this thread is calmer than /vn/, I wanted to ask, where are nukige discussed nowadays? /hgg/ died somewhere in 2021. /hgg2d/ is hostile to VNs and was overtaken by story-heavy RPG type fans (bargain bin Alicesoft/Eushully/etc.) who have a propensity for shitposting about their favorite games which as you can imagine gets tiresome if you have no interest in such games and are just looking to jack off. /vn/ is absolutely not suited for nukige discussion at all due to the overwhelming presence of fans of more "serious" titles. /dgg/ for the most part does not discuss Japanese nukige. /haniho/ only cares about Rance, not even the mom/wife stealing games Alicesoft produced which are closer to what I'd consider nukige. /h/ has generals for if I remember correctly Lilithsoft (but Lilithsoft is now a gacha company), DMM (no interest in gacha) and Guilty (no interest in Guilty's brand of gangrape). Where does that leave me? I miss the communal feeling of /hgg/, playing nukige isn't the same without being able to share enthusiasm and look forward to new releases together. Where did all those people go?

>> No.43932232

mental illness

>> No.43932246

Based. I need to go back and 100% it still.

>> No.43932260

Filthy gaijin pig
Pure 大和魂

>> No.43932267

As a former /hgg/ citizen I just moved on, I'll sometimes bring up a nukige here one in a while, but that's it.

>> No.43932286

Maybe you should learn Japanese before you try reading pornographic slideshows. Preferably somewhere far from this thread.

>> No.43932369

It was a nice place for learners to hang out back when it was on /a/ but shortly after the split it became completely intolerable.

>> No.43932374

Any good drill heroines? Preferably ones that ohoho, bigger drills the better.

>> No.43932403

They either moved on with their lives and newfags overran the oldfags, im still sad /h/ has been infested by newfags and AI shit.
This thread is for eroge discussion which also includes nukige, there was some guy here dropping his thoughts on roleplayer by akabeisoft a few months ago.

>> No.43932404
File: 1.62 MB, 2048x2048, 1686306830576676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is REALLY gay.
Just talk about them here. There are like two or three anons that play nukige and post about it.

>> No.43932410


>> No.43932420

Back in the /a/ days it was a normal general more akin to a hub for japanese speakers just like the sadpanda general was for anything related to the panda.

>> No.43932434

People discuss nukige here, so you'll fit fine anon.

>> No.43932441

Okay this looks really good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLeLqo1mYOU
It doesn't look like it's uploaded anywhere I have access to though so I guess this is a begfag post.

>> No.43932538
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>> No.43932633

Which game? I've mostly seen that on Sony stuff like Uncharted/last of us which nobody wants to play in Japanese anyway.

>> No.43933143

So I've set up a VM using Windows XP but I can't seem to get the virtual screen size feature to work. Maximum guest screen size is set to none and I can drag the corners of the screen while in scaled mode to change the window size but I can't change it just by selecting one of the resolutions. Anyone else had this issue before?

>> No.43933274
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x960, ムチムチ♡デカパイ♡マラ喰い♡サキュバスママは果たして義母(ママ)なのか?サキュバスママ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People post about nukige here all the time.

>> No.43933315

Is this another bad Orcsoft game or have they finally returned to mediocrity?

>> No.43933328
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, ムチムチ♡デカパイ♡マラ喰い♡サキュバスママは果たして義母(ママ)なのか?サキュバスママ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to have a lot of vanilla sex with your chubby succubus step-mom?
I'd say it's one rung below mediocre. It's not good, but you'll probably get a few decent faps out of it if the above appeals to you.

>> No.43933370

use vmware player

>> No.43933454

Wish they'd get a new art style. So close to being good and yet so far

>> No.43933487
File: 1.07 MB, 1198x661, jk heroine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love jks

>> No.43933488
File: 76 KB, 256x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish they'd get a new art style
This is the second VN that artist has ever done.
Most orcsoft games do look pretty similar despite using different artists. I suspect it's a shared colorist + okememan's specific design preferences. The dude talked on twitter about how he sends photographs of western porn stars to his artists and says to draw the heroines to look like them. I believe pic related was Gianna Michaels?

>> No.43933492

why did they misplace her head so badly in this CG?

>> No.43933505

Proportions are difficult and artists aren't paid a ton of money to produce a lot of CGs in a short time.

>> No.43933517

>western porn stars
No wonder I hate this art

>> No.43933536

>This is the second VN that artist has ever done.
Yeah I know, but almost all of their art after like, that one by Chinbotsu have the same feel. Sort of wonky in a way I can't really articulate very well.

>> No.43933542

I know what you mean. You can identify an orcsoft game even if it's a totally new artist. It's like how you can identify a clockup game.

>> No.43933545

I saw it on AB, but my ratio isn't good enough and it's not Freeleech. Just keep begging.

>> No.43933555

Speaking of begging, none of the links I've found for R.U.R.U.R.U have had any seeders, and the DDLs are ancient and dead. Is it up on AB or anywhere else?

>> No.43933570

>The dude talked on twitter about how he sends photographs of western porn stars to his artists and says to draw the heroines to look like them.
This is insightful in understanding how a lot of these nukige makers operate. It's safe to assume that a lot of people who buy such games are also into 3DPD porn and so art that doesn't really look anime is appealing to them.

No offense meant.

>> No.43933576

You know, us pitfags maybe going the way of bestiality. I haven't seen anything revolving around it in forever. The ones that do often feature gross mega milkers.

>> No.43933648

bestiality got artificially killed by shit like credit card companies throwing hissy fits over it every few months, you can still do it but it's heavily discouraged. Some sites are so fucking dumb they even filter searches for 獣姦 but not 蟲姦. Absolutely pisses me the fuck off because instead of girls getting railed by entire zoos to humiliate and degrade them It's now always done by:
>Fat ugly guy
>Black people

>> No.43933663

there is nothing gross with mega milkers

>> No.43933670

That /jav/ guy was on to something.

>> No.43933750

>It's safe to assume that a lot of people who buy such games are also into 3DPD porn and so art that doesn't really look anime is appealing to them.
I dunno man, I've read most orcsoft games and I can't even fap to real women anymore.

>> No.43933765

>Black people
This isn't as common in nukige barring Orcsoft.

>> No.43933783

Is it because it's not harsh/exaggerated enough? What makes orcsoft more appealing to you now?

>> No.43933790

I can't think of a single orcsoft game with a black character. You sure you're not thinking of pin-point?
I just like fat women with big tits dude

>> No.43933797

Fair enough.

>> No.43933920

anonfiles dot com slash D1p03101z1/R_U_R_U_R_Kono_Ko_no_Tame_ni_Semete_Kirei_na_Hoshizora_o_7z
anonfiles dot com slash Vfh53600z1/_18_rar

>> No.43933925

thanks bro

>> No.43934137

>I can't think of a single orcsoft game with a black character. You sure you're not thinking of pin-point?
Probably. They all blend together to me.

>> No.43934770

Does AB have サメと生きる七日間 MAXI SINGLE, Im looking for the full OP track.

>> No.43934801
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 96836803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was surprised to find out some of the art for a recent game I played was done by Great Mosu.

>> No.43934814

interesting i might have to try it.

>> No.43934888

Does this RURUR version work on newer OS? Apparently the one from lightbox 2010 does but the older one is tricky.

>> No.43935217

Thanks, anon.

>> No.43935272
File: 69 KB, 449x299, 1680798168155943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they meant this as a joke.

>> No.43935419

Orcsoft has that swinging game with a black couple though.

>> No.43935677

>Does this RURUR version work on newer OS
no idea, but you can always use mware player with win xp if it doesn't work

>> No.43935697
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>> No.43935843

ok, thanks for your answer ABanon

>> No.43935856

What is the sexiest h-scene you've read?

>> No.43935917

None, I skip them

>> No.43935957

Waffle and bishop vn

>> No.43935987

They do make the good shit, but which specific scene from a specific game? Do any stand out from the rest?

>> No.43935992

Monster park 2 has a scene where a character gets fucked by her own dragon baby

>> No.43936002

Does AB have https://vndb.org/v6255 and the sequel?

>> No.43936014
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 4347879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her reverse paizuri come to mind but there's a lot of contenders in my head.

>> No.43936034

no, they have a rule against doujins

>> No.43936043

Gay rule

>> No.43936055

They changed so original doujin games are allowed but still no one bothers.

>> No.43936134

3DPD porn is shockingly bad if you ever bother to analyze it. Garbage camera angles like zooming in on the guy's butt, guy grunts too much/won't shut the fuck up, the chick's acting is horrible/annoying, etc. Plus, I would assert that there's some fetishes that work far better in 2D than 3D (e.g. gangbangs/gangrape if you're a degenerate like me).

>> No.43936142

The breast expansion scene in Ojou & Onna Kishi.

>> No.43936156
File: 86 KB, 510x680, 1680486717560091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of the best 2D static side camera gangbang rape fat bastard train cliches come directly from JAV
it's only a shame the women in those are so ugly

>> No.43936158

I only read 1 title from waffle and bishop that is https://vndb.org/v22582 and https://vndb.org/v26206, for the bishop one I like the haha h-scene

>> No.43936165

Lucia's kiss scenes in Rewrite.

>> No.43936171

JAV is honestly a tier or two above western porn on average and that's not me being biased I promise. Too bad about the way the women look though.

>> No.43936181 [SPOILER] 
File: 198 KB, 894x1024, JAV porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43936182

Cosplay solo masturbation porn where they don't show their face is better than any jav

>> No.43936183

Are there any Tenshi Souzou routes that are significantly better or worse than the others or can I just read whatever order I want?

>> No.43936194

outstanding: NBR sister
good: angel loli
bad: black
mediocre: the rest

>> No.43936218

Thanks. Gonna do blonde first, skip black, and save incest for last.

>> No.43936233

Kurumi is very lewd, but her route suffers from a bad trope. It's not BAD, but the trope weighs on it.

>> No.43936286

Good ones are Imouto and angel, Orie is alright rest are kind of bad.

>> No.43936293
File: 31 KB, 256x300, 128762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which there were quite a bunch of cosplay JAV of Walkure Romanze, specifically Celia.

>> No.43936442

Thanks a lot. I haven't played any of these yet.

>> No.43936485

I'd sacrifice my spawn if it meant Bishop making kino like this again.

>> No.43936495
File: 336 KB, 607x800, 8967878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigantic meat tumors aside i'm pretty happy with this game, tons of cute maids with sexy uniforms.
and maybe i'll develop a bakunyu fetish too who knows.
I originally wanted to read the maidge made by waffle but sadly nobody is seeding it.

>> No.43936547

Have you read Biman 3?

>> No.43936549

I want to read vn from venus. Which one should I read first?

>> No.43936568

As in Nao's company? If so I'd recommend 夏神家に起きたこと

>> No.43936572

Humanity isn't colonizing venus anytime soon so you're out of luck.

>> No.43936633

it's on my backlog but i'm refraining from reading it because i haven't read any of the prequel yet, not sure if they're all related.

>> No.43936642

They're only loosely related, unless you're reading Biman 5.

>> No.43936671

Hey Biman schizo. Please shill Happoubi Jin's underrated series クラクラ and Boin a bit. Biman needs a break until the new game.

>> No.43936687

Isee, that's good the mc looks funny. i'll start it next week,unless someone seed that waffle game.
thank you.

>> No.43936732
File: 2 KB, 281x27, 1658626400590525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what (who?) you're talking about but I do have that VN in the backlog but I'm getting slower and slower at reading nukige as the years pass.

>> No.43936763

Thanks I interested in summer salt, utakata tsubomi, and natsugami. I will try natsugami first after I finish reading current vn

>> No.43937020

Petankobros, we are a threatened species.

>> No.43937218

That's because very small chest is better than no chest at all.
No chest means nothing to look at when you rock the girl, nothing to play with, nothing to feel when she presses herself against you, ... just 2 chikubi that may protrude if you're lucky. At this point might as well just get a loli.

>> No.43937240

I downloaded that back in decemember and i have not seen more than 10 scenes.
The CG art is really clean though.

>> No.43937302

i really like the chibis

>> No.43937598

>At this point might as well just get a loli.
Sure. Pointy sausages are also a very underutilized fetish.

>> No.43937600

I prefer small over completely flat but you're wrong if you think there's no appeal to a female flat chest other than 2 chikubi. You need to look at more (female) flat chest art.

>> No.43937601
File: 832 KB, 1360x768, 1661861529167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he'll be okay, one of the few writers that makes sense in this mad world

>> No.43937630

>I originally wanted to read the maidge made by waffle but sadly nobody is seeding it
if you mean this https://vndb.org/v23298 then

>> No.43937722

Big boobs are sexy
Small boobs are cute
There is a difference

>> No.43937810

cute is sexy but sexy isn't always cute

>> No.43937848

Yes that's it thank you man.
I ordered a copy of the game yesterday because i was getting desperate, if this works i'll cancel my order.

>> No.43937853

But seriously, we'd be lucky if we even get one flat girl in a new release these days.

>> No.43937860

It's easy to make a titcow attractive, but having no chest means flatties must compensate by being superior in both body and mind. The next step of human evolution.

>> No.43937882

The ultimate form of flat chest girls is combined with a huge ass and wide hips. Unfortunately, it's rare to get this combination even on girls with actual tits in this medium, let alone flat girls.

>> No.43937900

That's fine since flatties tend to have the best bants while cowtits are almost always airheads.

>> No.43937908

Didn't you just get one in the new Yuzusoft?

>> No.43937913
File: 72 KB, 800x600, f94d0a4ae04cd94fac31330507ce4a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about Kara no Shoujo here? /vn/ general has some posters that react weirdly to it. I'm mostly interested in 2 topics
>do you like the mystery and detective elements?
>do you like the style change between 1 and 2-3?
I hate the flag logic, there's no direct causality between MC's actions and consequences at least 50% of the time. As for the style I don't get the change in presentation from something old school, almost noir inspired to more casual and easily digestible with prettified girls and softer colors. Oh and I also hate how there's no sex scene with the best girl in KnS 2.

>> No.43937915

If a woman doesn't have big tits, she isn't a woman. I don't make the rules here.

>> No.43937922

I don't care for women, only little girls.

>> No.43937929

I don't care for little girls, only toddlers.

>> No.43937935

Because Japanese aren't baboons, unlike you

>> No.43937946

I hate how there's no sex scenes at all in 3.

>> No.43937947

JAV would suggest otherwise, at least on the ass front.

>> No.43937994

That is getting lucky

>> No.43937995

See >>43873297
Nostalgia aside, InnoGrey's detective stuff is mostly trash outside aesthetics. Cartagra is awful as a mystery and relies on Nana infodumps, Caucasus has the most convoluted system in existence, and the mysteries for the main KnS series aren't all that good.

>> No.43938092

This is a thread where people get excited over games about dating 15-year-olds. I think you're in the wrong place.

>> No.43938093

Is /jav/ the most powerful general?

>> No.43938138

The first one has one the most unnecessarily convoluted plot I read and we're talking about vns here should just have been about the painter's story and touko's mystery and it would have been fine, the first killer and rokushiki were completely unnecessary and ruined the story by making every characters related to one another like in a retarded soap opera, the worst offender being Stella, at least in 2 most of the cast come from the same village so it's a little more believable
Also after reiji gave up on searching touko in a heartbeat and without any remorse in the true ending I'm supposed to believe he gave a shit about her in the later games and he didn't just want to fuck an underaged pussy?

>> No.43938186
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I don't think it's completely unappealing (as it's still vastly superior to big/cow tits), I just like it when there's a little bit of volume. I've always considered myself to be a flat chest lover, but if I take the ペタンコ definition literally then fully flat isn't what I like best.

>> No.43938198

Am I losing much by reading ps3 ver of himanatsu instead of pc one?

>> No.43938207

Do developers announce new titles during comiket, or is this not the kind of event for them at all?

>> No.43938210

If you don't care about the h-scenes then you're getting more.

>> No.43938223

Sometimes, it depends. I remember Harukaze used to go but I haven't seen them attend in a while.

>> No.43938224

Been long since I gave fuck about moege scenes. Keroq makura h art isn't that good anyway. I know there is a whole new route and more cg in ps3 version, but still wanted to ask.

>> No.43938283
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, BLJM61091_screenshot_2023_06_19_22_39_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's a coincidence or if you asked because of my post above but I'm in the process of reading it so:

I disagree with anon. The PC version has much better sound quality and the text/UI also look better and is less clunky.
The sexual aspect is important in some routes, missing out on it would lessen the experience by quite a lot, especially since there is no alternative scenes in the PS3 version.
The PS3 version has more CGs sure. For those I just set the framerate to unlimited in RPCS3 and skip away, then check them afterwards. It's so minor I don't see the point of playing the PS3 version.

So all in all I recommend to play it fully on PC, then skip everything you read on the PS3 version to unlock Tsukiko's route.

>> No.43938305

Thanks, that's what I needed to hear. Gonna read pc version, then check new cgs and new route in ps3 version.

>> No.43938325

Otoha is so fucking hot

>> No.43938330

I plan to rip the extra CGs and put them on panda. When I do that I'll quote you and post them here too, tagged by route etc.

>> No.43938337

Yes we know japan is getting infected, the fact that the new hapymaher "remake" art was edited to "suit to modern tastes" and what they did was americanize the girls was indeed pretty embarrassing.

>> No.43938353

Would be great. Still going to read new route myself tho. Is it even unlocked?

>> No.43938375

On PC you can do play any of the 3 heroines in any order you wish, then it unlocks the true route.
On PS3 you have to clear Daia and Ruka first to have access to Yomi, then it unlocks the true route, and only then you can do Tsukiko.

>> No.43938406


>> No.43938457

Mostly sell merch. Kogado even collabed with Falcom to put a booth before.

>> No.43938511

Try being an assman in the land of the rising nipple

>> No.43938650

Asses should be cute and petit, Japan has it right

>> No.43938692

I don't disagree, big ones don't look good on smaller frames anyway. I just wish we'd get ムチムチ姉さんs more often outside of nukige

>> No.43938810

Petite, bubbly and tight, not flat. No one likes a flat ass. Japan does not have it right.

>> No.43938897

speaking of them, havent heard jack shit about noratoto 3 and it's been what? 2 years since it was announced?

>> No.43938901

who cares about asses. breasts are nurturing and vaginas make baby. ass is where poop comes out.

>> No.43938909

You can appreciate a nice ass without being into anal. Appreciating said butt doesn't mean you have to like cellulite either.

>> No.43938932

you can only do 3 things with them: grope, lick, stick it in. groping is pointless when breasts, thighs and bellies exist. you don't want to stick it in poop. licking is even more disgusting. only gorillas love booty.

>> No.43938937

Is that why you are consuming japanese media instead of whatever shithole media you're from?

>> No.43939027
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 17793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can only do 3 things
You can use the same "you can only this and that" logic with any other body parts really.
From behind is mentally arousing, very comfy sensation-wise and ass cheeks serve as soft cushion. The way they bounce is cute. Also you can use a condom for anal (which you don't need to think about when it comes to 2D).

But more than anything a cute small ass is adorable and pure art.

>> No.43939052

Is the Shinku portion unlockable in the Geminism trial, or is it just there for show? Tried a few combinations and nothing's worked. Pretty short too.

>> No.43939078

It was announced along with the announcement of the anime's second season. I imagine an update will come with the anime.

>> No.43939247
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It's why I'm consuming 2D media, yes.

>> No.43939272
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>Siglus Engine

>> No.43939279

What is the best and worst engines?

>> No.43939283

hello new friends from /vn/!

>> No.43939300

I hate Malie because it forces me to use a VM instead of wine.

>> No.43939301

fast thread

>> No.43939312

I love malie because fuck freetards

>> No.43939318

takes one to know one

>> No.43939333

I've only ever had problems with YU-RIS.
Give it a day or two.

>> No.43939622
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>> No.43939635

Ruka my beloved.

>> No.43939703

Is Fault (the tennis one) actually bad or do people only rate it low because of the imouto cousin cop-out?
I want to read something with Tony art, but France Shoujo is a bit too much of a time investment for me at the moment.

>> No.43939722

>do people only rate it low
who does?

>> No.43939783

Are there any good mystery/detective novel since Raging Loop? I dropped AI Somnium 2 because it was too embarassing to read.

>> No.43939893

Pretty sure it had a bad score on EGS.

>> No.43939927

65. That's not so bad relative to when it was released. Scores now are all inflated. It's been 10 years since I last played Fault! and all I remember is fapping a lot. If you've played their swinger kusoge well Fault! is a lot better than that.

>> No.43942032

I like scat, but I've never been much for big butts.

>> No.43942041

You know, we haven't much eroge about farting.

>> No.43942082

When I read it disliked it because I thought the protagonist was an asshole, but it's been a few years and the details are fuzzy.
I remember liking all the heroines though. Especially Reiko (blond), she's a treat.

>> No.43942169

Scat is the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.43942215

My ideal nukige
>Has girls of every breast and body type
>Has every degenerate fetish known to man (yes, even guro)
>Has the wildest sex voices and ahegaos
>Is more than 20 hours
>Has a bunch of sprites of them with different outfits
>Has features where you can recreate scenes and diorama
Feel free to add to this.

>> No.43942268 [SPOILER] 
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, malie_s3hf995t45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keira should have route on her own. I want to see keira blush and romance her

>> No.43942316

Truly the biggest flaw of senshinkan. I can fix her.

>> No.43942368
File: 665 KB, 1920x1080, Geminism_A05tgl9VGX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geminism trial was fun, here's a link if you guys don't wanna make a dmm account.
>anonfiles dot com slash S071E70czd/craftwork_0002_zip

>> No.43942387
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, UaHBKAyYqRTHHVyNt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based. Of course, she isn't a main heroine...

>> No.43942498

Has she sucked at least 20 dicks?

>> No.43942505

Hopefully on the way to the parking lot.

>> No.43942625


>> No.43942673

needed a 4P scene

>> No.43942824

I never read trials, if it's a good game then I can't wait for the real game to be out and if it's bad I wasted my time. At most, I'll start reading a trial a week before release and treat it as early access.

>> No.43943209

Shinku route's inaccessible for now, right?
I understand that but this is about 20-30 minutes of reading.

>> No.43943251

Don't trials usually tease you with only one or two H-scenes? Yeah, I'd rather wait too.

>> No.43943847

it appears 水月 was fully voiced last year, but I can't find that version anywhere. Not going to ask for a spoonfeed now, but am I not looking enough or it's actually not on anywhere?

>> No.43943895
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>> No.43944137

It's on ryuugames.

>> No.43944392
File: 54 KB, 217x262, rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed it somehow, thanks

>> No.43945379

it is, play r edition

>> No.43946027

>Scores now are all inflated.
Why is this? And I'm not talking about just EGS, scores for all rating sites seem to be inflated nowadays.

>> No.43947900

gals never betray

>> No.43948042

New thread. Better be Sana on the front and center this time.

>> No.43948058

Make it yourself or stop crying about it, but not yet because the thread only just reached page 10.

>> No.43948262
File: 388 KB, 779x675, sana_refine_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this

>> No.43948595

wtf dude... she poops from there

>> No.43948736

What's Enty's cut? Masada seems to earn quite a lot.
Anime girls don't poop.

>> No.43948791

>Anime girls don't poop
Eroge girls do though. I've seen them do it into each others mouth.

>> No.43948818

10%. Like 400 yen or something for a transfer.

>> No.43948854

Didn't he said like 6000$/month? idk if it's a lot considering he pays G yuusuke, keishi, Takahama, seiyuus and greenwood to get back voicelines and ost

>> No.43948929

Which ones? I need a list.

>> No.43948938

Avesta vn when?

>> No.43949083

>cum from bukkake stays into the next part of the scene
Does this ever happen?

>> No.43949084

~8 million yen last I checked.

>> No.43949133

I thought you were asking the opposite since I don't think it's supposed to be something rare?

>> No.43949178

Really? It seems to disappear more often than not.

>> No.43949234

I've seen it both disappearing and it staying. Just depends.

>> No.43949279

>cum stays
>MC gives her a kiss
>He comments what his cum tastes like

>> No.43949413

I've only seen this happen in nukige esp. cuck stuff and it's a shame because it's pretty hot.

>> No.43949766

Does LOVELY×CATION2 クオリティパッケージ限定1000シリーズ come with the appends?

>> No.43949977

Amazon says is does.Apparently the version they use is LOVELY×CATION2 -ずっと初恋の日々エディション- 初回限定版

>> No.43950144



>> No.43950159

Yeah I saw that shortly after making the post, really should have looked further than vndb before posting.

>> No.43950901

