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File: 164 KB, 820x480, battlertimeenoughforlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4392862 No.4392862 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4392864

no time for love - small bombs thread

>> No.4392871

I love teapots.

>> No.4392878

Meh, new Battler is kinda cool. but still, I think he should try to save his family from being brutally murdered.

That or kill George.
One of the two.

>> No.4392888

Why are his eyes like that?

>> No.4392895
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Well, all he has to do for a good end is cunt-punt Shannon and kill the fatman. It is rather simple.

Picture oddly related.

>> No.4392908

Maybe Ryukishi just lost the old face sprites and had to redraw them.

>> No.4392917

Nah because he still use the other faces, but not that often. After all, this is EMO BATTLER.

>> No.4392928



>> No.4392949

Yeah, well, yeah, George is a faggot.
Fuck, in episode 6 he has a flashback in which he expresses how he is jealous of Battler and Jessica because they can function like normal people.

Hell, if George found out about Shkanontrice, I wouldn't be surprised if he went after Battler and Jessica. Creepy ronery virgin. Seriously, the Rokkenjima bicycle is for all to use, sharing is caring bra.

>> No.4392959

Perhaps Battler's heart has become calmer?

>> No.4392978

That was pretty weird. I mean, Shannon must've been like 10 or 11, and George who was about 16 was jealous?

>> No.4392984
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>> No.4392997

Yes. Because he's an asshole.
Seriously, any chance for a good end on the board is ruined, single handily, because of him.

No fucking way is he going to share Shkanontrice.

But hey, if he dies, everyone is more or less happy. Eva can just have another son or adopt Juuza or something.

>> No.4393029

Well, the fact that Piece Beato is most likely a murderer in addition to the fact that Battler promised to kill Beato in red makes me think we're getting a HOBO end.

>> No.4393059

Umineko: Episode 8 Execution of the Fatass.

And there was much rejoicing. *yay*

>> No.4393074

There will be episode 8 btw? I heard that there was going to be only 7 episodes.

>> No.4393081
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Battler's not the only one who changes in Chiru.

>> No.4393086

Hobo end isn't just Battler giving up to avoid killing Beato.

It can also be Battler killing her and becoming a hobo after that. Depressing shit causing him to start the growing-the-beard process and whatnot, actual hobobeard optional.

>> No.4393093

Nah, I think the red text "I'll kill you" will happen.
He will put her on ice.
And then either die himself, or become a fuckawesome traveler in the kakera, and yet, free of Bern's corruption due to love.

>> No.4393097
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>He still thinks everthing can be resolved with one more episode

There will be eight games. Or nine.

>> No.4393100

Is it just me, or does it look like Maria is naked in this picture?

>> No.4393102

>put her on ice

>> No.4393103


Bern is going to be GM in 7, but she'll have to reveal the truth. I'm hoping for lots of killing and family members being assholes with no magic covering it. We'll need 8 for Good End.

>> No.4393108

Maria is still annoying.
Nowhere near as bad as Shannon though.
God, I hate Shannon. So much.
She doesn't deserve to share the same body as Kanon and Beatrice.

>> No.4393111

>good end

Get out.

>> No.4393113

By put her on ice, I mean, kill her. Most likely with those nifty blue spears, but he could just kill her with the gold. He shan't like it.

>> No.4393117

Any end that George dies is a good end. We've had nothing but good ends so far.

>> No.4393121

Oh, don't be a fag. A good end isn't a bad thing, moreso in a series that is MADE of good people suffering horribly for retarded reasons.

>> No.4393129

I like the latter. However,

>Battler with beard

>> No.4393131

Umineko + good end = stop dreaming, asshole

>> No.4393132

Battler isn't going to kill Beato and I'm not sure why everyone thinks this. He wouldn't bother bringing her back if he knew he'd have to kill her anyways.

Meta world will disappear when the game ends and Battler and Beato will die together. It's that simple.

>> No.4393139

You've said this multiple times. But good end =/= perfect end, I'll consider any end that isn't ungodly depressing and has most of the family live to resolve their misery a good end.

>> No.4393149

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.

I'd prefer if he used the wedges again. Gold text would just involve Beato fading away into butterflies or some shit. No impact. With the blue stIes both Battler and the reader will be devastated.

>> No.4393156

Good end has Battler sexing everybody in open EXCEPT the person who is Beatrice. Beatrice breaks admits everything and saves everybody in desperation to try and get Battler to do her also.

>> No.4393163

Nyeh, that's kinda dumb though. I want Piece Battler in the very least to live. I don't want Beato to get to go to heaven with Battler after she killed off the family on Rokkenjima for real, it's not quite fair.

Now, if Piece Battler saves everyone, or mostly everyone, then yeah, Meta Beato and Battler can do whatever the hell they like, but if everyone is dead forever, then fuck that shit.

>> No.4393166

*blue stakes

Fucking keyboard. Sorry about that.

>> No.4393183

I am now realizing that the ending to Umineko may make Battler drop to my least favorite character in the series depending on what he does.

>> No.4393190

I just pray, more than anything else, that he doesn't have the HAPPINESS IN DEATH FOR EVERYONE! bullshit be pulled.


>> No.4393203

Why does /jp/ hate George so much?

>> No.4393206

I think because they say he is a faggot. I really dont care about that

>> No.4393207

Don't worry, Battler is still playing to win.
He's just madly in love with his opponent now.
Ryukushi said it in the interviews himself.
And from episode 4. it seems that if Battler wins, he does go back to his family.

>> No.4393212

Piece Battler saves everyone but George, who finds out who Beatrice is and gets stuck in I AM A HUGE FAGGOT PLEASE RAPE MY FACE mode.

Meta Battler kills Beato. Bern teases him about it and he fucking kills the shit out of her, ignores Lambda, ditches Virgilia and the Stakes and is a hobo wandering throughout the kakera sea for a millenium or six.

Shipperfag flashforward where Beato comes back after Battler has been stuck in cold-and-mature mode for 46283947 years is optional.

>> No.4393214

He's a huge asshole in episode 6. Like, really, he's a gigantic dick.

>> No.4393217

>Ryukushi said it in the interviews himself.
In b4 asking for sources.
In b4 lurk mores.
In b4 derailment.

>> No.4393222

He's a creepy virgin.

>> No.4393235

He is a virgin, making him somewhat creepy.

>> No.4393241

I'd prefer that to bittersweet shit like, ONLY piece-Battler dies in order to save everyone. Piece-Battler better be the one to get a good end, fuck the relatives and fuck the meta-world. The meta-world is meaningless, and Battler is one of the like 3 people on the island who is truly innocent.

>> No.4393244
File: 33 KB, 499x480, Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy Virgin. Ange agreed. Don't bother her about it.

>> No.4393246

He kinda sorta kills his own mother. Y'know.... the only person who ever really cared that he died.

>> No.4393249

Is "cool-and-mature mode" like what we thought cape-Battler would be like before EP6? Detached and distant and weirdly grown up? Tired, somehow?

If so fuckwin. I miss that so much. It's not even in fanart any more.

>> No.4393250

But I thought he have sayo?

>> No.4393252

If it's a well done good end, sure, I'll take it.

If it's not though I'd rather he use a stock bittersweet end and force an emotional response that way.

>> No.4393261

Not really. That was just a fantasy scene.
They haven't had sex.

>> No.4393267

I never said that. Meta dying =/= piece dying. Obviously the entire Ushiromiya family is going to survive and live happily ever after.

>> No.4393275

Well, the fantasy scene showed he was more than willing to kill his mother. And unlike with Jessica, he entered no contracts with demons, so you can't speculate that he was possessed.

>> No.4393284

It was a fantasy scene, but characters only take actions in fantasy scenes that they potentially would if they were really in that situation.

Meaning George really would kill his mom and tell her he doesn't appreciate anything she's ever done for him.

>> No.4393307

Well, on the flip side, Jessica's scene wasn't put in for no reason. I for one find the hellfire thingy to be a bit interesting, considering how Kinzo's body tends to be roasted when Jessica lives a decently long time.

>> No.4393311

Maybe. But I can't fault someone for a crime they might commit under certain circumstances.

>> No.4393326

It's not the crime that was the issue. It was the fact that he acted like a gigantic douche about it.

>> No.4393328


Ange confirmed for slut?

>> No.4393332

Well, there is a distinct difference between say, Eva killing Battler because everyone on the island died and they were the only two left, and George killing Eva because she didn't approve of his engagement to Shannon.

>> No.4393334

I'm sure he was somewhat messed up by the very strict way he was brought up.

>> No.4393353 [DELETED] 

>George killing Eva because she didn't approve of his engagement I didn't really understand this. Why does he need her approval exactly? Can't he just say 「Too bad, we're getting married.」 I mean, he's 22 years old. Who cares what his parents want.

>> No.4393352

Ah, Jessica was brought up in as strict if not worse conditions, and she's fine mentally.

>> No.4393354

When was this ever decided

It kind of makes sense I guess but was it an /a/ thing or something

>> No.4393360

>George killing Eva because she didn't approve of his engagement

I didn't really understand this. Why does he need her approval exactly? Can't he just say 「Too bad, we're getting married.」 I mean, he's 22 years old. Who cares what his parents want.

>> No.4393369

Well, yeah. He's a bit of an asshole.

>> No.4393383

I doubt that. Jessica isn't free from suspicion.
Either she knows Shannon is Kanon, or she somehow doesn't.

Either way, bitch is fucked up in the head.

>> No.4393384

Except all his business connections are through his dad, and lets not forget how much Eva wants him to be successor.

>> No.4393385

Well, I imagine it has to do with money.

>> No.4393392

I find it more interesting that she's shown 'possessed' or whatever, like she has to be tempted and coerced by somebody to kill.

>> No.4393405

I'm sure a Demon King such as himself can build his own connections.

>> No.4393411

Moon-chan isn't a paragon of innocence, at any rate. I'd imagine she is similar to Rosa, mostly good most of the time, but more than willing to lie to people and lead them to their death in certain scenarios.

>> No.4393441


>> No.4393466

Yeah, Rosa gets shit done.
Too bad she tends to die early on.

>> No.4393481

More like, Rosa gets shit done.
Hence she tends to die early on.

>> No.4393506

Nah, I agree, she's taken out because she is a threat. But when she lives, oh, how she trolls! How she trolls!

>> No.4393529

Oh man, readig through old threads fromthe last couple Comikets is hilarious. We were so retarded.

Not that anyone has improved.

>> No.4393573

Hey, I've been doing that too. There were some good times there.

>Can we call Furfur Furtur instead because it's a little less retarded.

>a little les retarded

>calling her a hot dog

>> No.4393583

Don't worry, by Umineko episode 7, we'll be talking about Jessica being BATTLER, Ange actually being a figment of Rudolf's imagination, Juuza being Gohda's son, and Rifyu being Ryukushi.

>> No.4393584


It's because she has the sausage.

>> No.4393607

>and Rifyu being Ryukushi
But this has been common knowledge for at least a month now.

>> No.4393640

I think I was looking at that thread too.

Reminds me of George's asshole moments. Like how he's all "I'm marrying a chair, I don't give six fucks," and Eva starts with the JYOOOOOJI NOOO.

>> No.4393659

We should carefully read your post.

The spur of the moment crack always ends up being the most plausible stuff around.

>> No.4393670

Battler is Ange is Beatrice is Jessica. We've been over this.

>> No.4393679
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Hobo beard?

Dead love?


>> No.4393683

Can't forget that Battler = Rudolf = Kinzo = Amakusa.

>> No.4393695
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>> No.4393715


>> No.4393720
File: 365 KB, 640x481, moetrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moetrice makes me hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.

>> No.4393728

Moetrice is for heart attacks, Beato in troll mode is for erections.

>> No.4393736

I thought Erika was pretty moe in Ep6 as well.

>> No.4393795

Hahaha, oh wow.

A few posts inspired me to read old EP6 spoiler threads, and... We really thought that the Erika and Battlee wedding rape shit was her dream.


>> No.4393820

At EP5 spoiler times we joked about Hanyuu showing up.


>> No.4393826



You mean we thought it was photoshopped bullshit

>> No.4393838

I wish it was her dream, seriously, that shit was just shipperfag pandering. There was absolutely no point to have that scene, it's fucking Purgatory, why is there a standard marriage ceremony?

>> No.4393848

Because BT died.

>> No.4393854

So he was projecting his desire to marry BT?

>> No.4393861


>> No.4393867

Ryukishi is Voldemort.

Best thing to come out of those old threads.

>> No.4393870

Guys, we all know Ryukishi got ideas from BT, and now seemingly from Rifyu, so what if BT never really died and is actually Rifyu.

>> No.4393875


>ideas from BT

More like BT was ghostwriting Umineko.

>> No.4393877
File: 446 KB, 1000x736, 201021001c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not willing to make another thread, so I'll just ask this here:

A few days ago there was an Umineko-only doujin event called Butterfly Kiss.

Have any doujins from this event been scanned yet?

>> No.4393879


That makes sense.

Too much sense.

>> No.4393881

What is Rifyu was BTs alternate personality?

>> No.4393886

If Rifyu was the writer, shit would be so terribad grimdark.

>> No.4393888

>Umineko doujins


>> No.4393912


>> No.4393915

Rifyu's self insert character is a baby.

Therefore, Rifyu is R07 and BT's child.

>> No.4393923

Hey, /jp/ bros have scanned like 4 Umineko doujins on their own.

>> No.4393925

Wait wait wait wait, so Ryukishi is actually a dead, baby, who is also the child of himself and his dead self?

>> No.4393928

That should be "wouldn't", I'm clearly not a good typer.

>> No.4393929

sounds like something of nasus

>> No.4393934

He's also the baby Natsuhi killed.

So he's a dead metababy with DID.

>> No.4393950

>He's also the baby Natsuhi killed.
So he's also part fictional character.

>> No.4393964


And by the way, he's also Battler. And Beato, since BT was Beato but BT is R07.

By default Ryu is also Kinzo, Amakusa and Rudolf.

>> No.4393970

Dunno, but here's a list of em with previews:

Oh boy, 10/der make a sequel do that awesome Siesta bunnydick doujinshi.

>> No.4393973

>And by the way, he's also Battler
Well, that goes without saying as Battler is the man from 19 years ago.

>> No.4393992

He's actually every Umineko fanartist as well if I remember correctly. Go shit out a Battlerlike blob on MS Paint.

You are now in the Ryu hivemind.

>> No.4393996

>The last 20 or so posts
That's it, Umineko is solved, let's go home guys.

>> No.4394006

Pack your shit, we're going home. It was Ryutrice all along.

>> No.4394013

inb4 all of this comes true

>> No.4394034

Zepar and Furfur are Trolltrice and Moetrice who are Shannon and Kanon who are Battler and Beatrice who are the same person who is Kinzo who is Rudolf who is Amakusa.

Okonogi is Rudolf, it's why he's nice to Ange.

Asumu is Kasumi.

>> No.4394048

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

>> No.4394049

You forgot the fact that Asumu is also Kumasawa as Kumasawa is old enough to be dead, and Asumu is also dead, therefore Asumu = Kumasawa.

>> No.4394058

Also everyone is Ryukishi who is really YOU.

>> No.4394074

The best part is that's something Ryukishi really would pull.

>> No.4394075
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>> No.4394082

Kinzo is also Kumasawa because he's also dead.

But putting that aside, I wouldn't put this theory past Ryukishi.

>> No.4394084
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>> No.4394093

Dem cowtits.

>> No.4394157


You do realize your just making us George fans like George culprit even more right?

>> No.4394162

>implying George has fans

>> No.4394175


well he does....

>> No.4394178

All four of you?

Protip: there's only one of you, you have DID.

>> No.4394192

More like there's really zero of you, and "one" of you is a fictional character with DID

>> No.4394276


George character song


"Sayo, this is not a request. It's an order."

First, at times when we're alone
You're not to call me 'Master George'
Second, I know there are days we can't meet
But don't forget me for a second

Third, if Battler's demonic hands
Try to grab you, slap him hard
Fourth, when you're around men other than me
Don't blush like that

If it's for your sake
I don't mind making an enemy of the world
As long as you're here
Everything around me is perfect, so...

"Even if rocks are thrown at us, I'll take them as celebratory confetti!"

Ah~ I love you, forever
Even when you're old and gray, I'll still love you
If you break one of these rules, I'll give you a special punishment
I want to look at your flustered face forever

Fifth, don't give magic
The credit for our relationship
Sixth, if we're reborn again
Swear we'll fall in love again

If you call for me
I'll come running no matter how far
If you're not alive
Me being alive, being alive now
Let me just say: It's MEANINGLESS

"Even if the sea is gray, if I look at it with you, it's bright blue!"

Ah~ I love you, forever
Even when I'm old and gray, I'll still love you
I want to feel like this was destiny
From the moment I was born in this world

Tonight, I'll give you this ring... please accept it.
Choose which finger you'll wear it on, that's how I'll know your feelings

You changed my weakness
The moment I met you, I understood what love was

Ah~ I love you, forever
Even when you're old and gray, I'll still love you
If you break one of these rules, I'll give you a special punishment
I want to look at your flustered face forever

>> No.4394277

Wouldn't it be funny that the end of the game we have this golden truth:


>> No.4394300

Oh, when was this translated? And was Birth of New Witch translated?

>> No.4394340

Just one seagull actually.

>> No.4394393


Same time as the Beatrice character song I guess. They came out at the same time.

>> No.4394591

Zepar gives me a hard on though. I think it's because of that blue hair.

>> No.4394615

same here

>> No.4396541
File: 146 KB, 446x480, 1262238641026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man Battler sprites in EP6 looks more sympathetic than the usual uwoooh sprites.I think it is the cape.

>> No.4397509

The cape solves every problem.

>> No.4398111

Too bad there's no pointing Battler sprite with the cape, it'd have been fucking awesome.
