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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43905159 No.43905159 [Reply] [Original]

this is my final day as a NEET
my 9 year paradise is coming to an end. I'm already mourning it all. I wanted to be happy about making this change, but admittedly I am scared.
I will go back to being NEET right away. I don't belong out there.

I will never post another NEET thread again until I have been without a job and at home for at least another 2 years. this is my ending.


>> No.43905625

see you next week

>> No.43905742

don't do it brother

>> No.43905837

I start my new job in a few hours. >w< I wanna fucking kill myself.
I can't be smelly anymore. I had to buy deodorant.
I refuse to cut my hikkihair. I will remain myself until the very end. I'm going to make as much money as I possibly can in order to buy a good bulk of figures/video games, maybe even a new console. I'm doing this for my daughterwives. I am a brave NEET.

>> No.43905999

I dunno anon, ever since I started working, the quality of my leisure time improved tenfold as it's now filled with pleasures, joys and life experiences that were previously unaffordable to me. I don't miss having twice as much free time when all I could spend that free time on was dreaming of all the stuff I couldn't do. Sure anime, games (to a degree) and porn are all free but that only takes you so far.

>> No.43906167

>I am a brave NEET.
not for long

>> No.43908907
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>not for long
I'll do my best

>> No.43909025

i am rooting for you to be brave but you will no longer be a NEET... good luck...

>> No.43909256

You can do it, anon!

>> No.43913218

It's been hours now dude how was your first day at work?

>> No.43914001
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Not being NEET sucks. It's fucking terrible. Be prepared to suffer.
But maybe the pain will make you appreciate being NEET even more - when and if you ever return to it. Most people aren't able to return to NEET once they enter the ratrace because the normalfaggot brainrot creeps in.
Keep the dream alive anon!

>> No.43914023

He didn't make it, he's gone...

>> No.43914277

>Most people aren't able to return to NEET once they enter the ratrace because the normalfaggot brainrot creeps in.
NEETs can't even enter the ratrace, basic jobs that don't allow you to accumulate any wealth aren't the ratrace.

>> No.43914370

I can't believe the wagey cage monster took another brother from us!

>> No.43914421

Your logic doesn't make sense.

If you get stuck in a soul-sucking routine that eats up the majority of your free time and life in order to scrape by in a desperate attempt to pay bills and save up to afford a one week vacation every three years - you're in the ratrace.

Anyway, speaking from personal experience, I think it's possible to balance both worlds and go on/off on wagie/NEET sprees every few years; if you play your cards right and the circumstances align in your favour.

>> No.43914768

end yourself wtcpsycho

>> No.43915145

>If you get stuck in a soul-sucking routine that eats up the majority of your free time and life in order to scrape by in a desperate attempt to pay bills and save up to afford a one week vacation every three years - you're in the ratrace.
rat race is competition between workers for accumulating resources (money) and better positions. To participate in it you need to have a job with career opportunities that allows you to accumulate wealth because the rat race is about having better car than your coworkers and gaining power over them which makes you feel better about your existence wasted for your company's sake. A NEET can only get deadend jobs you described, it's not the rat race, it's trying to get by.

>> No.43915187

That makes sense.
I suppose I've always imagined the term to be something like lab rats running though a maze (wage slavery), thinking they'll reach some sort of favourable outcome if only they keep playing. Or, as you say, if they beat the other rats to the finish line.

>> No.43915318

nowadays the term isn't that popular outside huge corporations. More casual jobs offer little to compete over but it's still really ugly in some places. Stealing projects, snitching on coworkers, bootlicking and wasting your health and free time in hope that someone important finally notices you is what the rat race is about.

>> No.43915470
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I'm 2 month until my money completely dried out. Someone send help

>> No.43915544

How is this otaku related?

>> No.43915559
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i quit my job the other day.
now i can play eroge and moege uninterrupted. i am so happy.

>> No.43915770

sex with konata

>> No.43915798

The Japanese concept of NEET is closely intertwined with the broader otaku culture. NEET individuals, often avid fans of anime, manga, and video games, find solace in these immersive media worlds, which offer escapism from the pressures and expectations of mainstream society. Many NEETs identify as otaku, sharing a deep passion for these subcultural interests. The otaku culture provides a sense of belonging, community, and purpose for NEETs, who may struggle with social interactions and conventional employment. As a result, the NEET phenomenon and otaku culture are interconnected, reflecting a unique aspect of Japanese society where individuals find refuge in their devotion to anime, manga, and gaming.

>> No.43916500

>The Japanese concept of NEET
NEET is a UK concept though

>> No.43916607

Yeah, and anime and manga had roots from American cartoons. Otaku culture is open to cross culture modification.

>> No.43916634

your mother is open to cross culture insemination

>> No.43916717

Your mother wished she inseminated the semen to make you in your mouth.

>> No.43916729


>> No.43917582
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OP here !

I don't go in until next week! I'm still a NEET for now. but I wasted a couple hours and felt really embarrassed afterwards. It was the wrong day. I don't like the looks of my co-workers at all also.
no u.. hau auauau

anyways time to watch some sex taxi. earlier I rewatched the hentai Garden. Sex Taxi is a whole other level of nostalgia for me though because I was probably 13 when I binge watched that and I have not seen it since aside from rewatching a few scenes.
hope everyone else is feelin gud right noww

>> No.43917598

Thanks ChatGPT

>> No.43917601

What do the anons on the /07/th Expansion Thread think about this?

>> No.43917613

well they hate hanyuu

>> No.43918987

this does happen. perfect life style in my opinion is just working from time to time and monetizing a hobby if possible. so that you're always generating some cash. and no making money off a hobby doesn't cancel out NEETness when it's fucking chump change.
there's seasonal positions you can get. usually that's labor stuff and it sucks but you get a lot of money from it. I did that for a while, every year. saved up tons of cash, but had to work 7am to 6pm every single day. kept my body in check.
but I don't want to do that shit anymore. not sure what to really do now though.

I refuse to give up my life for... living for some fucking job? careers are hardly ensuring you a retirement anyways. people are working until they are bed ridden. I'm not doing that shit.
learn to draw, translate etc. NEETs can hardly afford to rely on their parents or anyone these days fully. you're gonna need some fucking chump change.
I'll never understand how people can talk about their job like its their home with a straight face. everyone always says how they basically shut off their emotions and deal with it. that's normal for work.. but why the hell should you have to be doing that for the entirety of your week/life. I'm not doing that shit, not yet anyways. maybe when I'm older and NEED to start taking better care of myself. then I'll work and then you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to smack a young 20yo ass with my fat stacks of cash and fuck the hell out of it in front of my figure collection and otaku shit that has been with me my entire life, and then I'll slowly die pretty happy. then I'll figure out the rest as I go.
thank god for being a NEET,,, seriously. everyone else is "living for the weekends" where they go and blow their entire paycheck on boos and then go back to working all week. no living for themselves.. oh well.

blogpost over. basically a vent thread anyways!

>> No.43919236

late night thought from me, probably is half-assed, retarded, doesn't make sense and shit, but here it is.

if somehow a bunch of neets and possibly even hikikos and similar people got together somewhere like a fuckin village in japan, basically somewhere that can simulate similar conditions to the human village in gensokyo, would you mates go and try to live like the human village?

As far as I can think, you would live an easy life, exception being something like the problem of power and internet access

>> No.43921471

Getting a place in rural Japan isn't as prohibitively expensive as you might thing. Some places are dirt cheap compared to North American prices.
The real problem is securing a visa – which as a NEET is damn near impossible. You need an education or certificates in the trades backed by experience.

I would have loved to do just that but I fucked up too hard in life.

>> No.43921629

Rika is better, rika hater

>> No.43921736

How can you faggets get a job that easily. I'm not a NEET but I've been looking for a job for 2 years without suceess

>> No.43921758

Hikkimachi could be a real tourist attraction. Seeing a bunch of multiethnic NEETs larping as fantasy villagers would have some real appeal.

>> No.43922390

Reconnect with family members and let them know about your sorry state. Barring that, go to your city hall and have a civil servant guide you.

>> No.43922647

Maybe we could get funding and special small town revitalization project visa status!
Your CV is probably shit. You need to study hard on how to make a professional-grade resume and couple it with a hefty dose of lies. Use ChatGPT to help on customized cover letters. Study and memorize all the bullshit corpo-speak interview questions and have adequate bullshit corpo answers prepared.

>> No.43922742

Happy 4th to my fellow AmeriNEETs! Enjoy a break from the NEET grind.

>> No.43922781
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Thank you fellow AmeriNEET

>> No.43923068
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no one's hating on rika. I surely am not. I'm just dominant and like how much of a bitch hanyuu is. I want to use that to abuse her armpits.
gripping her horns will fucking her face and she spits up embarassingly "hau, don't use them for such a purpose! dont touch! not fair!"
HAHAHAHA poor hanyuu.

>> No.43923572

Apply to a temporary staffing agency. Do some mindless packaging or factory work while listening to audiobooks.
Occasionally they will have an air conditioned office job available (which is what you want)

>> No.43923891

I'm studying IT but I fail at even getting normal jobs that dont abuse their workers.
>Study and memorize all the bullshit corpo-speak interview questions
That's the problem I dont even get interviews. I send my CV which I made consulting guides and friends that are in the same industry
>Reconnect with family members and let them know about your sorry state
Sadly they can't help. They dont have contacts or know people that would hire me. The only one that actually offered something similar was for a security job almost outside of my province, I'd had to quit my career so I had to turned it down.
Sadly those bussiness dont hire random people. Only friends of the people already working in there. My city is weird

>> No.43923897

>I send my CV which I made consulting guides and friends that are in the same industry
Forgot to write ''and then I dont receive a reply''

>> No.43923916

Sounds like you need to lower your standards.

Also, temp agencies absolutely hire random people, you fucking retard. They hire the most retarded, drug-addicted, low IQ, alcoholic scumbags. Even you can do it.

>> No.43924080

Have you thought that MAYBE not everyone is from your country fucking retard? There's no such thing here.
>Sounds like you need to lower your standards.
I worked at a carpentry making barely 1/3rd of minimun wage and a Mostaza, which it's like McDonalds but argentinian, can't go lower than that.

>> No.43925058

make the loud boom booms stop why can't I be at peace(´;ω;`)..
I fucking hate being an american. I haven't played video games at such a high volume since ... last 4th July! I HATE THIS

>> No.43925091

I find it hard to believe there isn't such a thing as a temporary staffing agency where you live. Maybe try doublechecking to make sure there isn't at least one.

>> No.43925201

Poor anon...

>> No.43925311

Is it going the way of Venezuela because that's the only conclusion I can come up with for how you're incapable of finding any work?

>> No.43926923

You're a hanyuu wanker dont lamp Hanyuu along with besties like Rika you scoundrel hanyuuwanker. Rika a better

>> No.43927138

Not really, the unemployement is on raise like in everywhere it just that a lot of jobs dont post job notices and just ask their employees to recommend someone. I dont have that luck of knowing someone that could get me into a job

>> No.43927241
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I love rika as well. I fap to every higu that isn't Shit*ko. rika isn't very bratty, or very timid. so she doesn't align with my urge to dominate and tame. rika has a lot of class. just very cute but beautiful. hanyuu being hanyuu.. she has her earlier designs where she has similar proportions to rika and is closer to being a generic loli type. but man, the latest goushitsu hanyuu has some nice tits that line up very well with her armpits. I love this new short stacked hanyuu. her hips and everything. I did not like goushitsu very much. hanyuus redesign was probably one of the only things I liked about it.
that said. I will now go back to my NEETing and I think I will jerk of to Hanyuu. see you back in the 07 thread you fuck.

>> No.43927368
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I've been exercising consistently for a few weeks now and I feel much better! I want to be able to do pistol squats and pull-ups again!
Today specifically I went for a walk through some fields under the close-to-full moon.

>> No.43927406

they have to be there for something
they're clearly handlebars

>> No.43928893

Definitely a reminder to NEETs to stay moving if you're, you know, not doing shit all day. you don't want the diabetus or any of those kinds of issues... You need 1-2 hour long walks every night as well as some basic 10 minute exercises. squats, sit ups, push ups.

actually it's kind of funny. I think NEETs take better care of themselves when it comes it "dieting" and exercising regularly than retard normalfags do. however even I neglect my hygiene despite the fact I'll force myself to move around a lot. Sometimes I'm too lazy to shower. and when I show I just sit there and enjoy the hot water and steam, getting myself more sweaty again... kek kek kek lol lol. It's a pain until you start to smell so bad you can smell it on yourself and it's really gross. and then u fell bad when you end up around the other people in ur house bc u know you smell like piss and shit and sweat and cum. literally.

>> No.43930329

You won't get diabetes or other diseases like it so long as you don't eat garbage food and only eat what your body actually needs per day. However you will be frail and weak if you don't do any sort of exercises and that can cause issues instead. Imagine simply running for 30 seconds and falling over and passing out due to low blood pressure.

>> No.43932081

Neglecting your hygiene is a real scummy thing to do. I never understood it.
NEETing for years I have always taken a shower every single day. That's like, the best part of the day; the depression shower. Being fresh and clean in your kingdom. Water cleanses everything, and in lieu of being able to swim in an actual body of water, the shower is the next best thing. It's a Shinto thing.

Don't neglect your personal hygiene - cherish and respect it. Being NEET and being an irredeemable pile of living trash aren't one and the same. Plus, what would your waifu think of you, you faggot

>> No.43932258

Diabetes is weird and I think its more than just sugar. I'm obese and eat copious amounts of shit but its all organic non-GMO stuff, which of course means pure cane sugar. Aside from rare one-off circumstances, I haven't eaten high fructose corn syrup in 5-6 years. I don't do fast food or other heavily processed trash, so that also means I haven't eaten preservatives, dyes, or anything like that in a long time either. I have absolutely no signs of prediabetes even though I'm supposedly high risk due to my family.
Still, its not worth gambling like this and I've been working out more and more.

>> No.43935084

I have cavities rotting out my head LOL. what about that? I already can't eat with one side of my mouth. and now it just sort of bleeds sometimes. it's really weird. I have a cavity on the otherside of my mouth that's getting really big and I've been afraid the same thing will happen and I won't be able to eat shit anymore.
but all is well. I'll be getting it taken care of eventually.
every time I close my mouth and suck, it stings a little and that's what causes blood to come out. I've chalked it up to, localized gingivitis or something. I brush regularly and all that. I didn't always though and used to smoke years ago.
thought I'd bring it up in case any other NEETs had similar issues and could benefit from my bringing it up.

>> No.43935589

lol make a NEET discord server

>> No.43935965

Not interested in spyware. You'd have better luck asking on >>>/r9k/

>> No.43935974

yes good goyim keep consuming the water

>> No.43936349
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Stop using dicksword you fucking faggot

>> No.43936527

I haven't brushed my teeth in close to a month and despite this I have never had a single cavity or gum issue in my life. The only thing I do suffer from mouth-related is grinding in my sleep, which isn't related to any of this. Is it genetic? I still eat like crap.

>> No.43936556

Take care of your hygeine, NEETs

>> No.43936558

brush your teeth and treat your cavities, you retards. it's expensive as fuck to cure it, so the more prevention you get the more money you'll keep, and less time wasted as a wageslave.

>> No.43936595

Fuck that shit, /jp/ is a magical place and making a discord server removes the charm. The authority and traditions of /jp/ would also be scrambled on a profligate discord server.

Rather meet with NEET /jp/sies in person or do like that one anon says and make a fucking village.

>> No.43936627

we just need to buy an old apartment mansion in japan, right? as long there's an internet connection is fine.

>> No.43936665
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Basically we need a place to live and ways to make money if we were to make this work. Also social interaction.

>> No.43936733

Degenerates like you belong on a cross!

>> No.43936759
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Sorry for not getting quads.. Dissolute..

>> No.43936781

I will start a NEET rehabilitation facility. Collaberate with 2chan NEETs to secure a place in japan.. get the giant mansion and basically turn it into a giant net cafe. the guise is that it's a rehab center. but really just like parents pay lots of money to send their kids away to summer camp, parents will pay to send their adult NEETs away for a month or however long to just NEET around and read manga and jerk off in their rooms. and then you will be back.
no this will not be a solution for homeless people this is for NEETs. maybe people will work a really long time to just show up there and do nothing.
my luck the place will just fill up with old japanese people trying to use it as affordable retirement lol.
we will only accept ages 22-40.
there is an idea in this somewhere. it needs to be otaku oriented. I will personally put effort into starting up something like this. but surely, I am not the first person to think of something like this,.. and it's fallen through before..

>> No.43936825

we just need a jaypee anon loaded full and kind enough to buy some fuckin old mansion in a rural japanese shithole.

>> No.43936870

Smelly NEET orgy

>> No.43936919
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Non-anonymous group conversations are trash

>> No.43936941

Precisely. In Hikkimachi, one must leave their name at the gate when entering, to be used for outside official reasons only. Anons must refer to each other as Anon, or by a nickname that naturally emerges.

>> No.43936999

The place will be filled with trash and smell like an Indian street in no time.

>> No.43937001

I started new job yesterday.
It's rather unamusing four-brigade factory work for low wage and there's 12h in a work day, but as exchange there's more free days in a week than work days, including 3 days off after double night shift. It's rough, but it allows me to live half-time as glorified machine and half-time immerse myself in NEET life.

>> No.43937075

You're not a NEET
You're not "NEETing it up" on your days off
Stop dilution terms like a fucking normalfaggot

>> No.43937312
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You can't be a fucking NEET if you have a job retard.

>> No.43937698

>fucking NEET
God I wish I could do that

>> No.43937712

You can do that to me if you want...

>> No.43938114

woah... everyone's a NEET when they aren't actively at work...

>> No.43938750
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Already exists and they have power, internet and running water.
I hope you know how to tend to vegetables in the field.

>> No.43938772

sounds awesome

>> No.43939429

Can one still be considered a NEET or a hikki if one occasionally works one-off jobs to be able to survive like they do in this video >>43938750 ?

I can work for a long time just to show up in Japan and live in a tent in the mountains until my visa expires, as other anons have done in the past, and not take part in your rulecucked ploy to take advantage of NEETS.

>> No.43939617

"Freeters" applies more accurately to them. A derogatory term for people who don't go all-in with the wageslaving.

>> No.43939644

I thought freeters were just part timers? That's still consistent, regular work. A little different than leaving your house to work one day a month for cash to buy rice.

>> No.43941372

Please spoonfeed a good hikki NEET workout routine. I've recently started started doing push ups every morning but I'm afraid that's not enough.

>> No.43941547

well, if you have a ruthless meido force, then that solves the problem

>> No.43941598

Yes at the /jp/ mansion

>> No.43941926

From /fit/'s guide (https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html#exercise):


^as a person who actually takes great pains when it comes to fitness, this is /fit/'s only beginner guide worth a damn. If you don't know how to do a specific exercise you can probably look up an instruction on youtube. Joining a gym to get access to exercise equipment is a completely sound financial decision.

>> No.43942011

That requires hiring non-Neets and I doubt most have the communication skills to conduct interviews.

>> No.43942277
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You can get absolutely jacked with close to no equipment.
Research calisthenics. For all bodyweight exercises like pushups, squats, lunges etc there are progressions that up the difficulty considerably.
If you must invest in equipment, the only thing I'd recommend is a kettlebell. Research that russian dude's program, pavel tsatsouline. Otherwise all you really need is to get creative and make a bench, a bar, and something to do dips with. You can make a gym out of all sorts of things if you have the right eye; for example you can get some old bags, put garbage bags inside them, and fill those with sand. You can use bricks, wheels, rocks, anything.
Yoga is a really good thing that you can do for free as well.
As for cardio, you have vast options as a NEET. Cycling would be my first choice. Swimming also if you have the possibility. Running too but only once you're in shape. If you're fat or a hikki, nightwalking or night cycling are great places to start.
Go on /fit/ and research proper nutrition and if you feel that you simply must invest in supplements whey protein and creatine are all you'll need.

Getting fit and staying healthy literally costs no (additional) money. Only time and dedication.

>> No.43942298

Oh, and if you don't have a bar but you have something on your ceiling to hang straps around, you get get gymnastic rings instead - which are even better!

>> No.43942388

+1 on the rings. They're easily the most important piece of equipment you can buy by an enormous margin.
So far I'm using them for Inverted Rows and Push-Ups, and once I get stronger and lose weight I'll use them to do Dips, Chin-Ups, and Pull-Ups, and of course there's lots more you can do with them if you put a bit of research into it. Their difficulty can be scaled infinitely. If you can't do push-ups then do them while standing at a 60 degree angle relative to the floor, then 55, 50, etc. until you're fully parallel with it. They're easy on your joints and are much better at training your nervous system and the various small stabilizer muscles that exist.

When starting out take it easy! Your chest/triceps might be strong enough to get you doing push-ups, but your joints and smaller muscles may very well need more development. Pay attention to how you feel and move slowly so muscular imbalances don't worsen/come into existence. Sets should always be greater than or equal to five reps so as not to put too much force on your body. 1 rep maxing is unnecessary 90% of the time. Regardless of how your shoulders feel you should do rotator cuff exercises with elastic bands.

>> No.43942686

Well, the meido militia could be made up of members of the community who are able-bodied in communication

>> No.43944574

retard here what is 5x5 and 1x5 supposed to mean?

>> No.43945912 [DELETED] 

I don't know

>> No.43951382

I don't know either I didn't even look at what you were replying to though so like sorry siusiussuisuisu uhh someone help this guy out

whats up my NEETs and Hikkiko kos.

>> No.43952660

I guess it the sets you do. As an example, one set of five Pushups (1x5) or five sets of five Squats (5x5). Between every set you just do a short pause to recollect and then do the next.

>> No.43952953

gonna get jacked as fuck so that when I leave the house everyone will wanna have sex with me. if I look attractive enough, when I say I don't work people will assume I'm just so rich I don't need to work. then they'll wanna bang me

>> No.43953021

I mean if you're a scrawny skinwalker look alike like me then you will see your first results relatively quickly, even if you just workout a little bit at first. I also think you should try to find something that corresponds with you. I did weights at first and it just didn't click with me, but when I began with calisthenics it actually felt rather good to do so. That being said, I'm still a man of inaction so I don't workout as much as I might like to.

>> No.43953031

Sets Times Reps. 5x5 means that in a single workout session you'll do 25 repetitions of a particular exercise, like a squat for example. These 25 repetitions will be broken into "sets" of 5, each done a minute or two separate from each other to give your muscles time to recuperate somewhat.

5x5 is a fine balance.
Too much weight and you won't be able to do five reps at once or even a single one, not to mention your range of movement and posture will suffer. High chance of injury.
Too little weight and your body won't be optimally pushed to gain strength, although this is fine for gaining endurance (Such as with programs that have 3x8 sessions or more...) and strengthening connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons.

As a beginner, I wouldn't recommend 5x5. Your muscles in compound movements (movements which make use of multiple muscles -> Push-ups -> chest, triceps, shoulders, etc.) will be imbalanced, your nervous system needs time to adapt, you aren't completely aware of how your body feels under stress, and your chance of injury is high. Very light movements (weightless squats, push-ups, inverted rows, etc.) combined with dynamic/static stretching should be your focus for 3-4 weeks, and spend this time researching nutrition and exercises.

>> No.43953130

He'll be fine if he starts low, gradually increases weight, maintains good form, and conducts reps slowly.

>> No.43953206
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I'm ready

>> No.43954542

You die if you work

>> No.43955957

And now I've done my first push-up in close to four years, even with my weight still present.

>> No.43957753

Or they assume you're a meathead or a criminal depending on race.

>> No.43958870

bringing up meth, I saw this girl from my high school shooting up at the gas station. it was super surreal. glad I didn't end up like that. I don't even do weed. very rarely drink. did used to smoke though around high school.
the only drugs I'd consider trying at this point are psychedelics. and I don't even like the sounds of those!
you need to be lucid to jerk off, right? at least somewhat. aside from jerking off I know you need lucidity to focus on ge-mu and to read a damn manga/navigate manga site. too many things require my focus in a day. that's why I drink tea and coffee all day long. none of those things are going to slow me down

>> No.43960586

Unfortunately you die either way anon

>> No.43961120
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every since I quit my job, I just stopped aging. I've been 20 for the passed 6 years. I look in the mirror and I literally look no different... not working stops the whole world. I have become eternal. I am living in the /jp/ mansion. outside, Bugatti. beside me, daughterwives. what more could a man ask for.

>> No.43961141

I've been NEET for 15 years, entering a study course for aged care this month.

I wish I was fucking dead.

>> No.43961199
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>> No.43963617

I don't want you to die anon

>> No.43966723

sneed newfags

>> No.43966745

You're stupid but at least you bumped the thread right to the very beginning of the catalog right as I was about to search for it today, so your existence has some meaning at least.

>> No.43966759

cry about it nerd

>> No.43974657
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>> No.43974666

NEET discord server... but what about women? go for an "animeore" aesthetic to attract kawaii girls?
fake accounts to pretend to be anime girls ... a server like that would be a NEET idea ...
an anime cafe NEET server where all the mods role play to be meidos and take care of you ... I could get behind that. no one pretends to be a meido on /jp/ anyways so my loneliness is more crippling.
but I will always live here in the /jp/ mansion. it's the place to be.

>> No.43974711


>> No.43974781

I do dumbbell exercises at home. You can for example do bench presses and similar exercises by leaning onto a bed or sofa. Just make sure that you stretch and read up on the exercises to avoid injury.

Also remember to work out you back. I have been doing so many hyperextensions that I can sit comfortably by my desk all day without becoming tired or feeling pain.

>> No.43977085

Lick homu
Wazzup NEETos

>> No.43984297
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>> No.43985705

>cry about it nerd
I mean, that's what you're doing. Couldn't think of a good comeback so you just said to cry about it

Keep posting similar insults (cope, seethe, didn't read, et cetera), maybe it'll get you somewhere (^_^)

>> No.43987049


>> No.43992283
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mmmm good like

>> No.43992590

I'm becoming very obviously stronger with each day. I feel more inspired than ever to keep up my exercise!

>> No.43992820
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>> No.43993147

OP here

I'm jealous of you bastards. I wanna go home!

>> No.43993718

i've never understood that stereotype of shut-ins never showering either, i can't go more than like 8 hours without showering, my skin starts to crawl if i don't and i hate feeling gross.
that said, i'm almost considering stopping my NEETing, if only out of spite towards my mom, who will routinely go several weeks without shopping for fucking anything and will get mad at me for asking her to buy basic shit like food, soap, or deodorant, and will always buy the worst, cheapest shit that neither of us want or need.

...sorry for the vent post...i needed to let out some steam.

>> No.43993748

I usually only shower every 4-6 days. My face skin is immaculate.

>> No.43993775

are you the same fucker from /g/

>> No.43993777

being a hikkineet probably would've saved her...

>> No.43993811 [DELETED] 

Check out survey sites like prolific and connect. They're selective with demographics so it'll vary but I can usually get around $15 or 20 a day just doing surveys.

>> No.43995249
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Just got done with some intense exercise. It feels like my memory has improved tenfold.
Why do we do this to ourselves? I went years without doing anything in the way of fitness and now it feels amazing.

>> No.43995361

Endorphins bring natural feel good magic to your body.

>> No.43995396

Yeah but I was listening to the radio in my car afterwards and memorized the names of seven different songs so I could yt-dlp them. Usually I struggle to memorize even just two.

>> No.43999933


>> No.44000106

>Why do we do this to ourselves?
i've been training for the past 10 years of my neetdom. mostly endurance and cardio cuz it's more fun, but it's nice to think (hope) i can at least stand my ground in a fistfight.

>> No.44007700

what kinds of jobs are the easiest to get after having been a NEET forever. how do you go into shit without prior experience in things like retail. I don't wanna work fast food ever in my entire life but retail jobs seem picky. what else even is there

>> No.44007813

WFH data entry if you can get it. I think I got really lucky with my current job, but also I feel like it will mean I never cure my hikki tendencies now, I leave the house even less.

>> No.44008505
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I started working as a freeter at a shipping warehouse after being a neet for several years and honestly if you can handle the physical requirements I really recommend it. It requires 0 social skills, I never have to talk with anybody except bare minimum shit like hello/see you tomorrow stuff. The place I work at allows headphones too so I just spend my whole shift listening to audiobooks/podcasts/streams. I'm basically retarded when it comes to social stuff so I figured I would be a neet forever because I could never get past the interview stage, but this place never even required an interview.
The one downside is the pay sucks ass but anything pays better than being a neet. Now I can afford to buy the occasional doujin while also helping out my parents with groceries and stuff so they don't mind that I'm still bumming it at their house.

>> No.44008650

Selling stuff online?
Isn't consistent but it does make money. You get what you put in basically.
Starting is easy enough, just declutter your room and sell stuff you already have but don't use. Thrifting or going to estate/garage sales is also fun. Can also say you have online retail or digital marketing skills if you want to pad out your resume.
I like to pretend I'm Rinnosuke only successful...

>> No.44009121

What happens when you run out of stuff? Buy/steal more?

>> No.44009223

Dumpster dive, make often trips to charity shops and flea markets etc
Not that anon but I do something similar and really it is more like a hobby than anything else. I go to a local flea market every now and then and buy interesting stuff I know have value and try to sell them on local internet classifieds. Typically that would be old game consoles, audio and home hifi gear, computers, toys and shit like that. All junk that someone previously had thrown out basically. But some of it is still sought after in niche markets. Sometimes it goes well and you get really huge return on investment but sometimes it can get out of hand and you end up with a house full of worthless hoarder tier trash. It's a double edged sword. Also some ability to deal with social situations is required as you'll be haggling and dealing with random people as both a buyer and later a seller.

>> No.44009246

I'm headed to uni this fall for compsci. Parents forced me to take at least one class or get a job so I can keep living with them but now that I'm enrolled I'm actually excited. I thought I'd want to keep living the NEET life but I'm so fucking miserable maybe going outside will help. But I know that sometime into the year I'm going to fucking hate it and want to NEET again. It seems like nothing makes me happy nowadays but I'm remaining hopeful.

>> No.44009447

Train your charisma so you can have your parents buy you whatever you want.

>> No.44011422

people with single parents are probably able to act more childlike and put more effort into bonding in very specific ways, as to manipulate them into just letting them NEET and be taken care of, aren't they? I've had that thought but it probably wouldn't work on the majority of people. maybe like single mothers or something. fathers probably would make it hell because they'd be more likely to try to push you away if you're a guy and claim they're helping you be more independent or something. mothers love to coddle. anyways I wouldn't know I don't have any parents lmao

>> No.44011595

>people with single parents are probably able to act more childlike and put more effort into bonding in very specific ways, as to manipulate them into just letting them NEET and be taken care of, aren't they?

With my autist head, you got that right :/ Thoouugh it's more subconscious/unconscious than me manipulating consciously for me.

>> No.44012636

On today's night walk I drove around my city for a bit beforehand and saw four black cats in succession spread across it. The moon was blood red as I entered the park. Pretty interesting stuff...
To test its significance, I walked through some nearby fields at the park in total darkness. Didn't see or feel anything spooky, unfortunately (or fortunately?).

>> No.44014807
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Should I exercise if I'm underweight and trying to gain weight?

>> No.44015843

I also need to know this. I'm a lanky fuck, eat a lot of ramen and veggies, walk regularly and even do the light exercises that are mentioned itt. but I just stay a lanky fucker. what is going on??
>saw four black cats
sounds like a nice walk I like to feed some cats a ways down from my house.

>> No.44016138

You should exercise (more bodyweight exercise than cardio) AND eat protein. Meat. Beans if you don't want meat. Whey protein shakes if you can't be bothered. Your body needs building blocks to add anything to itself.

>> No.44024580

