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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43920053 No.43920053 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone, how's it going
I'm trying to collect testimonies for a serious thesis i'm writing in order to validate my degree (i know, 4chans's prob not the best way to get em, but i'll try it hek it)
The theme around the paper i'm writing is about the impact that the Japanese Pop Culture (Specifically Anime and Manga, and everything surrounding it, such as cosplay) has on the international scene, as a form of Soft Power, that can affect the image we have of Japan as a Country.
I wanted to know how you feel about the topic i just described. You could either elaborate in your own words what do you think about the question i'm trying to answer by writing my thesis, or try to answer the following questions i'm writing below this text.
Thank you for your time

1. If you like to cosplay, Why do you love to cosplay different Characters of different worlds and fantisies? What are some of the feelings that you have when you put on the costume?
2. How much of the culture do you consume on your daily life? Do you associate yourself as some of the Characters of the Stories that you read and/or see? Do you feel the need of possessing goods and/or products of them? What does the possesion of said items do to you, emotionally speaking? How much per month do you think is ok to spend on this culture overall?
3. Did the fact of Jumping into said culture made you want to know more about the Country of origin of the Culture overall, fly there for tourism and explore it's sites, learn the language and the other culture that has to offer?
4. Do you think the vtuber culture should be associated with this Japanese Pop Culture? Do you think it has also an impact on the image of Japan?
5. What are examples of anime and/or manga that first inspired you to dive deeper into Japan? What did they make you feel when you first experienced them?

>> No.43920328

I think Japanese culture SUCKS

>> No.43920396

I don't cosplay yet but I'd like to eventually. It's mainly a way to show your enjoyment of certain characters, plus it has a social aspect when doing it with other people.
Not too much beyond Touhou stuff, I feel like I've picked up more ambiently being alive than by purposefully looking into it.
Of course.
It's nice. I can't explain it further than that.
As much of my income that it doesn't hinder the rest of my life in anyway.

Vtubers are an extension of modern streamer "culture", which all exist as parasocial money suckers. Complete blight.
I don't remember, It was a slow growth of interest.

>> No.43920418

I forgot 3.
Partially. Japan was already interesting beforehand due to how well it markets itself in the world, but getting a greater understanding of the deeper cultural ideas and references of what you enjoy is nice too.

>> No.43920459

>1. If you like to cosplay, Why do you love to cosplay different Characters of different worlds and fantisies? What are some of the feelings that you have when you put on the costume?
I don't do cosplay so I'll skip the question.
>2. How much of the culture do you consume on your daily life? Do you associate yourself as some of the Characters of the Stories that you read and/or see? Do you feel the need of possessing goods and/or products of them? What does the possesion of said items do to you, emotionally speaking? How much per month do you think is ok to spend on this culture overall?
I consume it every day.
I've never actually had the need to relate to a character to think that they have some aspect that I like.
Not really. Though, I'm not against having goods either.
I feel like it's the individual's responsibility to spent how much he wants independently of others opinions.
>3. Did the fact of Jumping into said culture made you want to know more about the Country of origin of the Culture overall, fly there for tourism and explore it's sites, learn the language and the other culture that has to offer?
Yes. I do like a lot of works that take stories and different things of religion and maybe even the occult to integrate them as part of a game, anime, manga or whatever main setting or plot.
I even wanted to visit Nagano for example, to see some of the inspirations for Touhou.
>4. Do you think the vtuber culture should be associated with this Japanese Pop Culture? Do you think it has also an impact on the image of Japan?
To some extent? Maybe, I don't know. But the whole discussion seem to be it's own can of worms and I really don't want to stress my brain more than I already do.
A lot of things, even the smaller ones will always have some form of impact as to how people view something in general.
>5. What are examples of anime and/or manga that first inspired you to dive deeper into Japan? What did they make you feel when you first experienced them?
Works such as Welcome to N.H.K., Otaku no Video and Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei.
Aside from the entertainment, I guess some level of curiosity about the topics that they would discuss and references that seemed almost alien to me at the time.

>> No.43920665

I like cosplay as an arts & crafts type thing. I could never do it myself, i'd be too self conscious. I don't know how ugly people do it. I get the "intentionally bad cosplay" or the comedy angle but not when it's bad looking people in a poorly put together look played straight.
Not as much as i used to. I like to read manga and try to get into the story but i never force myself to do it. As far as goods, i'm way more likely to get an item of clothing (like a tshirt/hoodie/sneakers) with an image of a character or show than figurines and such. I don't spend a whole lot because of exchange rates and availability due to geography.
For me it was the other way around. I started learning the language first because i wanted a window into what these people are thinking. I don't know that anime/manga really helps in that regard but you can definitely pick up trends and tropes that are particular to them and the way they see/portray things. Makes me wonder how much of that is informed by their collective unconscious.
This has already happened to some extent, for better or worse. Hard to say about the impact though. This is 4chan after all, and our views of that are always going to be different than some everyman's view of "chinese cartoons". I always wonder how people over there navigate it, like outside of the obssesive nerds and such.
I don't have any particular examples but i'd have to say i get more out of the slice of life stuff or the ones that depict ordinary or mundane stuff

>> No.43920885
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I don't care about it, try asking /cgl/ for this question
I look at a lot of fanart on twitter, I rarely consume new anime but I do follow a couple of manga updates.
Even though I don't consume as much it's still good part of my life and character.
I do sometimes associate myself to some characters, but on a "yep that's relatable" level not "I'm literally them so I'd like to cosplay as them".
If I really like one character I'd like to own some goods of them, I don't have many goods because of this because I'm very selective. I really can't relate to people who buy a random character just because they're pretty.
As for the possession itself, I like taking some of my figures outside to take pictures of them, pic related, but other than that I don't think much of that.
I'd say spend what you can afford, other than that who cares.
Yes, I started as your usual weeaboo but then started getting interested about Japan itself. In a few months I'm going there for the first time and besides one day I don't want to spend time on otaku media but instead check the rest.
I don't care about vtubers but I guess so?
Touhou and various Slice of Life anime that make portraying Japan part of their plot, for example Yuru Camp.
I never really linked other genres (action or whatever) to Japan itself instead.
As some other said, it was a slow growth, there isn't an exact trigger that makes you go "oh after reading this I want to check out Japan". As you consume this stuff your curiosity towards the country grows naturally.

>> No.43920952
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Thanks for your answers so far! Im gathering the data you guys send me into a spreadsheet
Maybe instead of having people write everything it's best to use a form and leave this thread to be talked about it (https://forms.gle/AwDogJBbMJGr8xyX9))

If you guys wondering about why i added cosplay and vtubers, here's why
Some people in the areas of interest think cosplay are a way to display japanese culture
For Vtubers i believe the majority of the designs out there could be associated to anime, hence my question

>> No.43920983

Consider that a good chunk of people on /jp/ has niche tastes when it comes to otaku culture and that affects their view on cosplay and vtubers (we have several vtuber generals in this board but they're considered as not belonging here by many), so that may affect the answers here

>> No.43921022
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I actually think data with that in mind would be good, i really would like to see what people think about it, but thanks for the advice

>> No.43921689

I’ve never cosplayed. Although it would be cool to have an outfit.
I consume a lot of nippon culture, it’s practically a life style. Mostly just SoL manga or touhou. I think that Japanese media is amazing at storytelling and how bombastic it is, it really immerses you in that world and at times you can definitely get a lesson from it. The characters from the content I consoom are ppl who I would take personality points from.
I don’t feel the need to buy merch or other stuff. Maybe i would like to get a fumo or sukusuku plushie since they’re pretty neat.
About spending, it really depends. Honestly you can get most things for free like on mangadex or other scanning websites. There’s practically free shit everywhere, you don’t have to spend a dime.
Jp culture, especially touhou taught me a lot of how life should be. I relate and try to apply concepts in Shintoism, such as kegare which is really fundamental to how Japan operates. I also like all weebs like japanese, I think the script is just very well done. Everything in Japan is up to the highest of effort and quality, the rest of the world should take lessons from them in that. I could go on about my appreciation for the people and its creativity.
I would like to go to Japan one day just for fun.
I’m not into vtubers and streamers in general. I don’t think they’re that relevant desu.
Touhou manga is kino af and teaches you a lot of about Japanese culture in general. Alongside other shows which are pretty popular. I don’t really have any favorite anime, I think they’re all great because of how much passion is within them. The thing that separates it from the west is that Japanese content isn’t meta or preachy about shit like the west is. You’re just there to escape from life which is what it’s supposed to be about. They make me feel not alone and experience what life could offer if it wasn’t so fucking bland and monotonous.

Gl on your project

>> No.43924810
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Never cosplayed before.
I spend a large amount of my free time watching/reading/playing Japanese anime/manga/ln/games/vn, I also like to collect art/fanworks/doujin of them online, maybe around 2 to 4 hours each day(1 hour~ of Touhou practice) it depends though on the period and on what I am currently the most interested in, this is without counting the time spent discussing and shitposting about it online ofc.
I always associated myself with Haruhi's melancholy/boredom towards the mundane world, she's also always been my waifu. Characters like Sato from Welcome to the NHK and Tomoko from Watamote are also very relatable for me.
I have a collection of anime figures and some manga, it's still small for the moment mainly cause of financial reasons.
Assuming I had 1000 EUR extra that I can spend however I want each month, I would spend the majority of it in otaku stuff.
Yes absolutely, a lot of anime portray life in Japan so it's natural to develop an interest towards the real thing.
I went to Japan for a month around 7 years ago, I tried to not go there with the expectation that it was going to be like anime(Japanese people make the same mistake with Europe see Paris syndrome) and I enjoyed my stay and learned a lot about it, Japan is surely a unique nation in Asia cause of its history.
I'd like to go back to Japan this fall and do some anime pilgrimages.
I've tried learning Japanese, but I'm a forever dekinai it seems.
I don't watch vtubers.
The very first that made me interested in Japan? Probably Keroro Gunso and Full Metal Panic in my early teens.
As other said it was a slow growth from there.
