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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43910576 No.43910576 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.43910608

It’s weird how long it took for the hamefura game to get an English release announced. Did anyone here play it?
It’s strange they didn’t make routes for the girls. I don’t really care for yuri but it seemed like that was what a lot of the audience were there for.

>> No.43910727

behold, Azuma's game, now with shitty twatter memes and retarded burgerland references

>> No.43910866

May check out Paradise for Furukawa Makoto, too bad I'm told his route is terrible.

The first game looks just fapbait. Surprised they picked something so old.

>> No.43911392
File: 815 KB, 1024x576, 20210415-011812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too bad I'm told his route is terrible
Whoever told you this needs attitude adjustment

>> No.43911456

I heard he's a minku and I tragically don't enjoy them.

>> No.43911497

If I’m honest you will hate Paradise if you are a vanillafag or want cute romance. There’s not one fully consensual route.

>> No.43911529

No way, he's much better and there are no retarded attempts to downplay the abuse with muh sad past or some shit. Wifebeating scenes are also pretty kino with Azuma's realistic reactions and the mental hoops he has to jump through to convince himself it's all right.
Though right, if you expect vanilla, you won't like the game.

>> No.43911628

Yeah I'm a romancefag. I don't mind if the love interest does something shitty at one point or if the game gets dark (like stuff like Nie no Machi or Hashihime), but TnC tier stuff is not for me.

>> No.43911915

People really overestimate the fucked up-ness of TnC. Motomi route is totally vanilla, N and Rin are only objectionable if you are ultra sensitive, Shiki is whatever but still ranks fairly low, Keisuke gets pretty messed up but ends in turbo vanilla. Use a guide to avoid the snuff/body modification of the bad ends and it really isn't that special.

>> No.43912386

I liked it but it was generic. Geord spends his whole route getting cucked so that was funny. The best part was bakarina being moe after she realizes she loves whichever guy on the route you play. Uchida did soo good on those parts. And the yuri was always bait for money from LNobotomites.

>> No.43912697

Was the romance plenty enough or was it barebones?

>> No.43912754

I think Shiki being the posterchild for the game sorta warps the perception. Well that and the edgy dark aesthetics.

A lot of BL novel get meme as ultra dark but they are not actually that messed up compared to something like euphoria or saya no uta

>> No.43912940

It depended on the route but mostly no. And thats because the worst part was unfortunately bakarina was pretty flanderized. In the LN she was donkan and airheaded yet still had the average intellegence of a high schooler, but in this game she's like a special needs 5 year old who needs all 6 tard ranglers to keep her from killing herself. So it leans towards the "comedy" aspect more, many scenes are just a reaction to her trying to avoid villainess bad end in a whacky way like the anime. The game basically feels like filler for the anime but with Kat being dumber and more obsessed with food than usual. Very vague spoilers but Nicol's route mostly focuses on some retarded b plot that was really uninteresting, Geord's hinges on Kat constantly trying to not get in the way of him and Maria and avoid being executed which drives him to a cuck rage, Alan's route was pretty fun because the misogynist guy is becomes the main villain there, and I think Keiths route has the mosy affection all throughout because he was so fucking horny. I honestly don't remember much of black hair pirate guys route and I didn't finish the last guy.

>> No.43912943

Could have picked better examples, c’mon. First is just standard death game shit, only bad if you’re weak to even the slightest bit of gore and literal shit. Second game is just ooooohhhh sentient meat sacks and mind break how terrifying.

>> No.43913024

That's lame. I barely enjoyed the show in the first place because it was mostly yurishit bait for LN subhumans and bakarina acted too retarded for the forced comedy. How this series got so popular is beyond me.

>> No.43914385

I didn't like Minku but Matsuda was fun desu.
Don't remember something extreme for Shiki. He is just katana, leather, taciturn midorikawa and rape.
The endings aren't that extreme too
>the nazi overloads
>the town bicycle akira and cuck shiki
And the "best" one where shiki ends up crippled and akira wiping his ass for the rest of his life.
On the other hand Keisuke dancing around with Akiras instestines was pretty fucked up thinking about it now even tho it became a meme. Let's not forget the screwdrivers scene.
Same with Minku, he is wifebeater but the yakuza dudes mindbreaking Aoba and raping him with their android animals or Clear chopping off Aoba's limbs were more "shocking".

>> No.43915031

Quartett!! is very short and has an eng fan patch so you can try with that first! Protagonist is voiced by Sakurai so I don't know if you hold a grudge on him but he did a really good job. Then there's mahou one that jastusa translated whereas they censored some stuff but vndb kuns made restoration patches. Rondo leaflet doesn't have a tl but it's good too. The designs are indeed very cute.

>> No.43915096

Thanks anon! Appreciate the detailed response, this is very helpful. I try not to be too harsh on the VA's history but rather look at their work objectively. Sakurai is quite good and I'm guilty loving Terashima's work myself since he did voice Otoya and Kageaki.
I'm a big time sucker for guys with red/orange hair so that's great to know Quartett!! is a good choice for a first one.

>> No.43915441
File: 420 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t trust this guy at all

>> No.43915455

I want to steal one of his ugly shoes and smack his head with it while he isn't looking

>> No.43915541

He'd be my fav, if it wasn't for that quasimodo hideous design.
Manlet on top of it.

>> No.43915555

Blog's husband is 1,70 cm. Humble yourselves sisters nips are manlets.

>> No.43915564

My cute husband Majima is a manlet but that's okay because he's still taller than me and will always be perfect for headpats.

>> No.43915589

His shoes are confusing…are they just slip on sandals with random flaps or flip flops?
Manlets are cute

>> No.43915608

>majima is shorter than me by 2cm
I'm going to cut my legs off

>> No.43915619

My only self insert trait is comparing my height with the heights of LIs, it often ends in suffering as I am 173cm.

>> No.43915638

Choudoku guys are all manlets because that was literally a gorillion years ago. You'd probably be a womenlet if you existed back then, too.

>> No.43915651

I never played that much of it but it was fun that Gunjou no Yuki used this as a plot point to foreshadow a character was a time traveller.

>> No.43915981


>> No.43916000

I stopped looking at LI heights. I'm 178cm, it's only suffering for me.

>> No.43916159

150cm and under sisters, did we win or lose? Literally any male can rapechad us.

>> No.43916359

My husband is a 170cm high schooler

>> No.43916375

I get that, I'm 181cm and at this point I think I've brainwashed myself into liking shorter men.

>> No.43916383

>I think I've brainwashed myself into liking shorter men
just make sure to keep it 2d

>> No.43916395

My husband is a 130cm 5th grader

>> No.43916397

Average otome protagonist height is what? 152-154cm or something?

>> No.43917016

Wish Kintouka or Nie no Machi got picked up. I wonder why they picked them

>> No.43917239

tfw i keep yumeing bl boys

>> No.43917797


>> No.43917829

that picture is from that failed attempt when some vaporware pusher tried to port it to mobile or something, everything stank of MTL

>> No.43917916

Me with Matsuda

>> No.43921392

oooo is this a BL

>> No.43921410

Google my man

>> No.43921966
File: 1.27 MB, 1271x715, オトメイト - Nintendo Switch「My9Swallows TOPSTARS LEAGUE」 オトメイトパーティー2022公開ムービー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some weird collaboration between Otomate and the baseball team Tokyo Yakult Swallows. Is baseball really that popular with nip women to warrant this?

>> No.43922314

It's popular but I don't know if there's an overlap with otomefags.

>> No.43923126

I'm gonna make my own joseimuke project with blackjack and hookers

>> No.43923177

Something like nearly half of japanese households watched the WBC finals even though it was at 8AM on a Wednesday. There were literally Nootbar grade schooler memes

>> No.43923471

a ploy to attract more female otaku into buying swallows merch

>> No.43924046

Any LIs that get super duper pussywhipped? Preferably at least the halfway point but I'll take by the end too.

>> No.43925303

Twisted Wonderland but for BB.

>> No.43926853

That's the best part

Also Masquerade is getting localized? In 2023? What the fuck?

>> No.43927438

Anyone played Kyokai no Shirayuki? Does it have any value apart from Kinako's art?

>> No.43927756

Barely any plot but it was a pretty good moege. MC being spunky made the romances cute.

>> No.43928530

I realized Shingakkou is probably never going to get localized because they lost voice permissions, that's sad.

>> No.43928594

They could. Just translate it without voice and then 1 month after the release, release an unofficial voice patch on vndb anonymously as a dedicated fan or whatever. But they are retards so.

>> No.43928702

Would any localization company want to translate that game? I haven't played it yet but I know it has a literal OFM priest preying on children. All the JP->EN translators are into Western social media from what I can tell, too. Was always under the impression that's why the West barely gets R18 otome titles since the content is "problematic" towards women.
Tbh I got tired of waiting and just learned Japanese anyway. A few hours each day with Anki reps and reading practice goes a long way. Even if MTL/AI takes over, it's still good for your health to learn another language.

>> No.43928891

Yet they chose Masquarade, where Masquarade has an unhinged escaped convict go to a school, hold students and adults hostages and force them to do weird shit like inserting coca cola bottles or school supplies up their assholes and other degenerate stuff. Their teacher is even more unhinged, chasing and trying to rape his students while wearing a g-string.
They just want to do porn focused blvns and Shingakkou doesn't have a lot porn.

>> No.43928968
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August is too based for plebian eops to like. Minku and floor shitter Madarame more than enough for them.

>> No.43929248
File: 347 KB, 1116x1944, DO NOT PLAY A VIDEOGAME CALLED HADAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masquerade is more like one of those gay JAV series (Inmu etc) in tone than a proper BL/yaoi game, it's going to be a bigger shitstorm than Hadaka Shitsuji isn't it?

>> No.43929249

Does slow damage get any better? I'm in chapter 1 and fell asleep 3 times already.

>> No.43929312

Kek from my favorite /blog edits. Personally I liked it more than Hadaka. If it had better art it would be more popular.
The S route made my sides hurt from laughing, they were so random, like fishing the detective, whiping everyone, take them to the pigsty and have cows licking them all over.

>> No.43929434

I played this game when I was really young, thought it was hilarious shit. The protagonist was more or less just Rance but gay lmao
No clue why EOPs and zoomers thought it was the worst shit ever. Must that mutt blood

>> No.43929515
File: 250 KB, 600x600, yeah, it's my dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess for kids who think yaoi = fluffy happy gay shit it's quite a punch in the guts. It is one of the more hardcore and fucked up BL games out there.

>> No.43929585

Technically the common route ends after chapter 1, though both routes that will open up for you on first run give you a chapter 2 that are very similar to the first one in style except for a slightly bigger focus on the route character. Route 3 skips this filler chapter but that will only open up on second playthrough, while route 4 not even attempting to hide its true route status skips the common route altogether.

>> No.43929643

>kids who think yaoi = fluffy happy gay shit
When the fuck did that happen. We used to casually joke with corn rape dammit.

>> No.43929657

Koibito Yuugi was as fucked as masquarade. Though the plot is snoozefest school life, the onii san is a whole different category of schizo. The other LIs are as fucked but not as much as the dude. Sasuga chou no doku writer.

>> No.43929676

It's the whole shaming of "problematic" content that's become common in recent years. Old fujos couldn't care less but zoomers grow up with it.

>> No.43929708

It's interesting since BLVNs are generally non-vanilla to be begin with. Hadaka is just a clear shitpost game but somehow poking fun at fictional characters in that way is a crime against humanity nowadays.

>> No.43929747

Oh yes, I remember an old review on LJ calling it the worst BL game ever (this from someone who had played Enzai)

I don't know, it's like they manage to be perpetually oblivious to how perverted BL manga/games are. "Yaoi fans" who can't stand "non-con" were common back then too.

>> No.43929767
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I can't even think of a vanilla BLVN. Gakuen Heaven maybe? Didn't play that.

Most vanilla I've played was probably Miracle Noton but even that had rape and such.

>> No.43929785

Oh and blood-related incest if I remember well, quite rare nowadays.

>> No.43930171

Jast blue has done informal interest checks in unvoiced titles before in a way that I always assumed was about Shingakkou. The recent announcements only cinched it. Unfortunately their followers managed to argue specifically against Shingakkou's case, ie. they would accept it only if it was unvoiced to begin with.

>> No.43930575

I went to it fully blind and the only reason I picked it up was because of majima's writer, who also did the art btw and because I like pilslash more than nitro.
First playthrough is fine just the early 00s retardness and tropes we saw back then like in gravitation, punch up, koisuru boukun etc retarded still kind of nostalgic. Some weird shit still happen but after you complete all the LIs oniichans route and dark ends unlock and the REAL SHIT start. Oniichan HE is fine....can't say the same about his dark one. All of the dark endings are pretty fucked up but
>yakuza dude
>megane 1
>megane 2
Are extremely fucked up. The yakuza dude got dramacd btw. Unlike tougo, pilslash writers weren't joking. Mashou Megane does have weird shit endings too but they cut them, unlike koibito who for example showed full mindbreaking scene and yakuzas forcing a dog on mc.

>> No.43930734

>I can't even think of a vanilla BLVN. Gakuen Heaven maybe? Didn't play that.
Probably some SFW ones.

>> No.43930800

I started as a vanillafag too but here I am today

>> No.43930827

It all circles back to sweet vanilla once you are done pretending to enjoy ABO guro poop eating NTR eye pussy rape.

>> No.43930854

>sweet vanilla
I'd rather take NTR and turds

>> No.43930866
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Yves is missing out. Not a blfag but if I was Yves I'd let him fuck me too.

>> No.43930897

I haven't even played the game yet and I'm already shipping those two. Even made fanfictions in my head.

>> No.43930909

But I literally can’t fap and cum unless someone is in pain or there’s gore. Some people are just built different.

>> No.43930924

I used to consider myself a vanillafag, but that was when UGH was still considered vanilla. There's an interesting parallel between this and my political alignment that I'm not going to delve on.

>> No.43931019

I go vanilla and deredere for Majima only. The rest should suffer.

>> No.43931411

Pure vanilla is best.

>> No.43931561

His looks are very generic but there's something charming about him. Why are all best boys like that?

>> No.43931607

I like vanilla with a touch of darkness in it. Something like Minakami's route from Hashihime. Basically I want my characters to suffer before they get a happy ending.

>> No.43931656

I like Majima

>> No.43931936

Are there any games you like/play that you won't discuss outside of here due to possible clout/negative reactions?

>> No.43932205

>Their teacher is even more unhinged, chasing and trying to rape his students while wearing a g-string.
which route is this kek

>> No.43932448

The funny thing is that you can go for "bad" endings where Tomoaki is only a mild sadist and it plays out more like a traditional romance. It's an interesting bit of player disconnect where they're horrified by Tomoaki but they have full control over what he does so they're the ones that made him behave that way.

Maybe it's just my thought process since it never occurred to me to blame the character for the choices I was making him do.

>> No.43934541

Hadaka wasn't a shitstorm, no one was actually offended.

>> No.43934822

The reaction to hadaka was closer to jokes about boku no pico or whatever shocking hentai is the go-to for that kind of thing these days, though I think a small fraction of those people were genuinely offended, mostly tween girls who had never seen anything that hardcore before and had walked into it blindly after DMMD was popular.
That being said I doubt there’ll be a shitstorm about Masquerade either, it was a unique situation that led relative normies to hadaka, no one but BLVN diehards are going to go near Masquerade.

>> No.43935274

VN in general are too niche for the average twitter baby who only consumes mainsteam shit. Look how little drama slow damage created

>> No.43936674

Masquerade's unassuming art will likely not nearly attract as much attention so I doubt anything big will happen. Even the CGs aren't that extreme from first glance. The thing I like about this hobby is that it filters secondaries hard. For many, they
cannot "watch" a VN.
At any rate, twitter users and zoomers lose their shit because they didn't exist during the 90s/early 2000s where kids constantly prank each other with shock images. It was typical for friends to drop a troll link to something like goatse and call each other racial or homophobic slurs for fun.

>> No.43936939

Finally someone without a victim and persecution complex

>> No.43937479
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Tags: missionary, holding hands, leg lock, marriage, nakadashi, pregnant

>> No.43937596

Tags: rape, beastiality, amputation, enema, scat, guro, ryona, mind break

>> No.43937625
File: 480 KB, 800x600, Slopjima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tags: headpatting, hugging, kissing, missionary, holding hands, leg lock, marriage, nakadashi, incest, sterile, nationality ambiguity

>> No.43938008

Tags: shota, yaoi

>> No.43938062


>> No.43939430

tags: voyeurism, pissing, blood related incest, haraguro, yandere, pretending, psychological trauma, mischievous, not an anal virgin, exhibitionism, paranoia, inferiority complex, delusions

>> No.43939812

Games you are waiting for anons?

>> No.43939829

I'll wait for eop version bc im dekinai but I might mtl the fd if I like it much
>kurasudo eng version
>vaporware ones
Gikei, dorico, dolce vita
>yandere town

Everything basically but more excited for
>cage remake

>> No.43939899
File: 139 KB, 448x600, 20230707_002142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this that is going to release at the end of this month. I finished shingakkou, yet I can't stop thinking about it. I loved it. This was recommended to me. Apparently both games share similarities.
If you have any other reccomendations similar to shingakkou, they'll be more than welcome anons! The genre doesn't matter really!

>> No.43939938

Qualia (on hiatus and I slightly suspect it will end up vaporware, but I still hope), Ooe, the upcoming games from Succulent.
Not blog but I'm also looking forward to Hirahira Hihiru and Geminism.

>> No.43939951

>taishou era
Thanks for the rec anon!

>> No.43939994

Does Fields of Mistria count? The art style is nice for that one at least. The only other /blog/ games I really want is vaporware R18 otome. I feel more enthusiastic clearing my massive backlog of untranslated games instead.

>> No.43940032

Every day i think about virche loc, I've been avoiding spoilers like crazy

>> No.43940525

Do you ever purposefully pick a bad choice to see the LI get upset or disappointed?

>> No.43940534

Every single one.
I honestly prefer that people irl think I'm a zero-personality npc, rather than them knowing I know what the words otome or blvn even mean

>> No.43940601

If I know that it's a mostly vanilla game with no 'disturbing imagery' warning before hand, then yes. Every time. It's fun to see the LI pout.
But after the trauma of 12 year old me seeing the dmmd bad ends, if a game even slightly hints at darker themes, I go for a guide and pick the safe choices/routes.
Bullying is fun, but if too many of those choices accumulate into a guro-rape-mindbreak-amputation end, I'll pass

>> No.43940662

I think it depends on the game and how bad ending are structures. If they are a quick thing, usually I try to get them asap.

>> No.43941848

For replays.

>> No.43944006

i love whoever made this image

>> No.43944253


>> No.43946861

EOP sisters, have you ever bought any fanbooks/art books even though you can’t read them?

>> No.43948571
File: 215 KB, 483x750, tumblr_inline_nklimxFhiG1seugbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What characters you liked but didn't like their routes?

>> No.43952753

Hinose from Sweet Clown, though it's been so long I can't actually remember what I disliked about it.

>> No.43953136

I liked Dr. Robin Hood before he cucked me with his wife and confessed his love for me at her funeral

>> No.43953555

Hello I'm annoying tourist-kun, looking for a game with:

>At least a fun protagonist (has some banter with the boys instead of just being their punching bag)
>Longer than 8 hours
>PC and english releases (can't emulate Switch for shit)
>(You) consider the writing average/good/great
>Any setting or theme will do

>> No.43954073

Taisho Alice

>> No.43954589

Dramatical Murder

>> No.43955120

Princess nightmare

>> No.43956212


>> No.43959790


>> No.43962390
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>> No.43962558


>> No.43962965

what a leap

>> No.43963193

That sounds dumb as hell, I believe it

>> No.43964211

it's not at all fair that men can have their degen shit translated but women can't. why are women so pozzed

>> No.43964222

>queer media
god i hate this word. only retards use it in a positive way

>> No.43964353

tags: tomgirl, drugs, mind break, feminization

>> No.43964411

Favorite blog route with beeg age gap? No 100s years old vampires don't count.

>> No.43965019

hehe, because we're simply better. you losers are too busy tripping each other up. it's ingrained in the feminine nature.

>> No.43966492

just imagine some boomer exec having an epiphany that fujos exist worldwide, must have been terrifying for him

>> No.43966509

Hanzo from Nightshade

>> No.43967776

I have no doubt this is true, most suits are probably dumb suits in their 50 who genuinely don't know women are into stuff.

>> No.43967818

That said they clearly overestimated things considering they were disappointed with the actual sales numbers.

>> No.43968601

Zen tinymachinegun
>oniichan spends years grooming perfect loli imouto
>a real father figure enters the battle
>she instantly slobbers all over his dick while groomer nii copes + seethes

>> No.43972311

Is he actually her brother or is it one of those cop-out blood related tags where it's technically true but only becuase they're cousins or uncle/niece or whatever.

>> No.43972345

They're half siblings

>> No.43973255

that'd be way hotter though

>> No.43975859

How average was it? Also, their games are very different from YoI so I don't know what they expected.

>> No.43978049

Uncle/niece is shit. May as well be go father/son

>> No.43978058

Visual Novel nowadays are in decline, especially BL VN. Even in Japan. Meanwhile BL manga industry is blooming.

>> No.43978178

>cousins or uncle/niece
I will never understand incestfags

>> No.43978952

I'm one of them because I love Majima and when it deals with older brother/younger sisters in particular but I don't really understand why some sperg out with "cop out" tags either. I still like it even if it's partial/non-blood related. Most of this is just heavily context dependant for me rather than being purely turned off by these powerpoints not having a certain fetish at a strict definition but idk

>> No.43981071

Yeah it doesn't matter, none of these games will ever delve into the hardship of raising your retard inbred children anyway

>> No.43981458

Was there a /blog/ game with a legitimately mentally challenged character? Only saw this in eroge and it was a meme character who kinda served no purpose in the story.

>> No.43981497

Do bad ends where they become crippled/senile count?

>> No.43981740

Cousins is barely incest. There is no relationship difference between a cousin and a childhood friend most of the time. In some countries is even legal or accepted.

Uncle/nice sure, pretty forbidden

>> No.43981852

Which game?

>> No.43981905

Might as well
Swan Song

>> No.43982830

Even hotter.

>> No.43982843

Steam prison MC. That bitch is legit retarded

>> No.43982860
File: 63 KB, 782x734, 1688955373847868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games for this feel

>> No.43986130


>> No.43989896

Completely wrong

>> No.43989932

>giving Lois Lane a worse design
Ask Twitter or Reddit for some OELVN recs

>> No.43990644

Every otome game I read because I self insert and I’m mentally retarded

>> No.43990768

Does anyone here know Joy o' Kanji? I love me some kanji essays, but shit is expensive and there are very very few mentions of it outside their own site/social media which is suspect.

>> No.43990962

/blog/'s thoughts on Hana Awase? Haven't tried it myself yet but the premise sounds chuuni

>> No.43991279

Apparently the new vndb rating system puts the Taisho Mebiusline FD at 4th place overall and males are seething.

>> No.43991369

kamige m*n will never understand because they're eops lol

>> No.43991424

Based fujos

>> No.43991446

EOP m*les can't do anything besides complain about translations all day. Sharts;Gay being their top favorite for many of them says a lot lmao

>> No.43991455

>this in top 10 bl
>only 8 degenerates have played it
But if it pisses off moids then based kek

>> No.43991685

Why do users of this thread talk like retarded femchels now?

>> No.43991698

Because Im angry we are not talking about shotas right now

>> No.43991728

Men who consume porn 24/7 are literally subhumans, yeah. especially if they're w*ite

>> No.43991742

Why can't we all just get along and establish a mutual respect for each others' depravity

>> No.43991748

Their retarded sites are basically dead so they keep crawling back here while they complain men are mean to them on 4chan.

>> No.43991849

Moids chimp out when you say 1 mean thing about them, please understand

>> No.43991978

If you ever been in a community full of men who eat and drink pornography 24/7, you'll understand why that's impossible. They get batshit crazy if you're better than them at anything especially.

>> No.43992050
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>> No.43992940

It's really hard for me to like a character while disliking their route desu

>> No.43992943

why can't 3dpd be like majima....

>> No.43993471

Who cares about 3dpd feelings? If that makes me a femcel then you’re too sensitive, snowflake

>> No.43993557
File: 49 KB, 281x281, yorokobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me otome with men who have the same kind of atmosphere as Kotomine.

>> No.43993628

>get back into otome games
>the old website I used for walkthroughs has died
Am I just going to have to savescum the old fashioned way? I don't remember most of my choices from when I played the game ten years ago. If there's anything like otomegirly around now, I'd appreciate a link.

>> No.43993658

[game name] 攻略

>> No.43993669
File: 340 KB, 220x164, monkey-hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.43993921

>, snowflake
Don't you have an exclusive female only chan to post? Oh wait it's dead.

>> No.43996384

It's perfectly natural to hate men.

>> No.43996565

Based and true

>> No.43996579

I'm not usually into ojisans but something about Kotomine is very tasty

>> No.43996611

Only other men, sheltered people and women who never had to deal with them in a professional setting pretend hating them isn't normal.

>> No.43996641
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You guys don't just go in blind?

>> No.43996712

NTA but I only do that for the first playthrough/route since it's fun seeing how things turn out by your own decisions. I'm a perfectionist so I want to read everything. Guides are very helpful for that reason.

>> No.43997595

Nah, I have an autistic need to collect all bad endings before getting the good/true end.

>> No.43998290

Anyone like amofh (anthro male on female human) here? Any games

>> No.43998704

Are you me anon

Anons how do you feel about happy endings where LI or mc kick the bucket? Do you count the bad ones where they both live as happy or burn your copy?

>> No.43998849

Don't think I've ever seen a game like that, though there are a number of the reverse. As a fellow amohf enjoyer I feel your pain.

>> No.43998860

I want to play a vn where the protag gets killed by her lover in the good ending.

>> No.43998909

https://vndb.org/v28326 has some I think, it's not otome though. The furry guy looks ugly as fuck to me but I'm not a furry so I wouldn't know.

>> No.43999546

I usually do but in this case, I'm replaying the game so I don't want to have to go through stuff I already went through. I remember most of the basic plot stuff, but I'm gunning for endings I didn't get the last time I played.

>> No.43999625

Yes you know, I want to marry monster boys! And not human boys with cat ears and horns! Fuuuck!
Yes this artist clearly prefers drawing female anthros over males

>> No.44000931

Haruka 4 still makes me mad

>> No.44000951

Demonstrably not true lmao

>> No.44001098

>tourist still seething and denying people only pretend to tolerate his existence

>> No.44002214

4chan is a woman hate site.

>> No.44003743
File: 67 KB, 220x187, yuri panic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get something for my girlfriend's birthday this month and was thinking to surprise her with an otome game from steam summer sale. She's pretty vanilla liking anything with romance but she's also a fan of siblings incest. She reads a lot of manhwas and watches dramas but hasn't really played actual otome VNs. Any recommendations?
I had my eyes on Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly and Amnesia: Memories but I'm not sure because of a few bad reviews.

>> No.44004028

Taisho x Alice, avoid Amnesia

>> No.44004147

Get her chou no doku she gonna love it.

>> No.44004794
File: 44 KB, 354x338, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f68564f335a4e436848674f3032673d3d2d3633393535353730352e31353562323638643362316264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate all men. There are men out there who have never met you yet have done something to indirectly ruin your life. Men only know how to destroy so it's okay to destroy them.

>> No.44005077

>Taisho x Alice
>split in 3 games and an epilogue
>each about 8-10 hours to fully complete
>all negative reviews keep complaining about the obnoxious MC and translation quality
Then again after reading up on a lot of games it seems there's always some problem with everything out there. Either the MC is annoying or a damsel that doesn't involve herself enough, translation is shit quality or story too generic. There is no universally liked game. And I have almost 3 hours to make a decision. This is much harder than I thought.
Sell me on Taisho x Alice. Does it have cute romantic moments? How exaggerated are the bad reviews?

Based on what I read on vndb since steam is a bit limited, I think it's exactly what she's into. If it wasn't for the price this might've been the ideal pick. Maybe I'll find a way to pirate it as a backup extra gift for whatever bad choice I'm bound to do. Having H-scenes is a nice addition since she's been complaining that what she's been consuming by now only implies the sexual side.

>> No.44005144

Unless she's willing to read in Japanese, there are no h-scenes in the Steam version of Choudoku. Only the original PC game has them and that's never going to be localized. It's still a good game, though.

>> No.44005149

The Japanese game is good, the English localization is indeed terrible
Of the two you picked, Psychedelica is better. Amnesia is a terrible hot mess, ugly character designs, nonsensical or tropey character writing for most routes and plot twists out of the blue, the list goes on
It’s only worth reading if you insist on reading things for “cultural” or “historic” value

So true

>> No.44005436

What a shame. Good to know. I'll try to get it as a pirated backup. Maybe pay for it if she likes it and it becomes affordable. Thanks.

I see. Guess I'll wait for the last hour to make a decision. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.44005450
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>> No.44005736

I haven't played it myself but I remember a friend recommended this to me because the protagonist is actually worth her salt:
High quality localizations for otome games in general are rare so just use your best judgement and consider if the content is good enough for your girlfriend. Most EOPs won't care if the translation is bad unless it's totally unreadable.

>> No.44005969

Chinese theme is a major plus since she really loves chinese dramas. From there I'm not sure. It seems more on the story side over romance focus. I think she might need more games under her belt to appreciate something different. On the other hand if it's that story focused and different in feel I think I'll give it a try myself and see if there are things she might enjoy. And if there are I might consider it for next year.

>> No.44006174

Well, following this logic…

>> No.44007020

BASED fujos

>> No.44007329

Any more dyke groomers in otome?

>> No.44007340
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Based Cordelia sis. Cordelia did nothing wrong.

Any otome rec with a Cordelia tier heroine?

>> No.44007508
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>> No.44009182

Reminds me that I should play that one catboy game with the dyke villain voiced by Sawashiro

>> No.44009354
File: 325 KB, 700x951, giwtwm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one cope with the fact that one will never get gang raped by tall muscular anime men? It's too much to bear...

>> No.44009364

Speaking of dykes how is this?
I know the art is oelvn tier but I'm bored

>> No.44009460

Nice art, who is it?

>> No.44009476

>succulent sale
Which of these would be best to start off with? Not familiar with their work at all. I'm eyeing ざくろの事 since it has siblings incest but I haven't seen what /blog/ has to say about it.

>> No.44009512


>> No.44009518
File: 785 KB, 1015x559, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er wrong post, meant to reply to >>44009460

>> No.44011675

otome LI is negging you
do you
>get the bad ending to make him suffer
>get the good ending because you know he only does it because he is insecure and unhappy and you want to make him happy
>draw him having anal sex (its his ass getting it)

>> No.44011727

>draw him having anal sex (its his ass getting it)
This one except its anal rape

>> No.44011796

>get the good ending because you know he only does it because he is insecure and unhappy and you want to make him happy
This one, and then we have lot's of lovey dovey cuddling.

>> No.44011862

Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly is one of my favourites, but some people did dislike it for having more plot than romance, it's not exactly a typical otoge structure-wise. However, if she's fine with it, it's pretty good, also more story focus (and slightly more linearity) might be a good thing for someone who hasn't played much otome. It's also rather short and has a flowchart.
Amnesia is rather alright, and one of the guys is onii-chan adjacent, but he's just a childhood friend. Might dislike one or two love interests if she's really not into crazy types, also some routes require a walkthrough. I found it alright (although I enjoyed suspence/trying to hide amnesia and what MC was like before memory loss way more than romance), but it's a bit of hit or miss, I heard plenty of complaints about it being boring.
Out of those two, Psychedelica's better pick, though Amnesia used to be a popular beginner choice.

>> No.44012256

Only read three of their works but I liked 慰愛の詩 the best. ドブ川に散りぬ初恋の was fun but it ended too early. ざくろの事 was kind of boring despite the incest.

>> No.44012838

This, plus bad ending.

>> No.44013104

>meet someone online with similar taste as yours
>enjoyed the same games and characters
>similar thoughts and game experience

>uses tranny pronouns
Would this turn you off anons or you'd still interact with them?

>> No.44013189

But nope. If they produce content I enjoy that's cool and I won't really shit on them, but making friends? Hahaha fuck no.

>> No.44014032 [DELETED] 

No. From past experience and personally dealing with actual/borderline ones, this was always bad news. Those are the real mentally ill misogynists. I haven't met a single one who didn't end up being insanely jealous and petty.

>> No.44014049

Uuultra C obviously

>> No.44014064

Maybe, if they like fucked up shit.

>> No.44014082

They are into self-mutilation and castration so

>> No.44014133

The difference is if they're in denial or not, you see. If they're actually into extreme bodymods and open about it they're immediately more likeable.

>> No.44014668

In my experience talking with these people is often like walking on eggshell regarding content, and this comes from a vanillafag. I usually don't talk with them unless it's some super rare shit I can't talk anyone else.

>Those are the real mentally ill misogynists.
Aren't those mostly women?

>> No.44015048 [DELETED] 

Trannies and men who basically self insert as women are the biggest mentally ill misogynists around because of incurable jealousy. Lots of other women do the same but I say those can correct themselves once they aren't as insecure and become older.

>> No.44015056

>tranny pronouns
What do you mean, like xe/xer?

>> No.44015258

>Trannies and men who basically self insert as women are the biggest mentally ill misogynists around because of incurable jealousy. Lots of other women do the same but I say those can correct themselves once they aren't as insecure and become older.
Most of what you describe are into yuri. You know very well that trannies into BL are 90% women with blue hair and weird pronouns who call themselves "transmasc" or non binary and insist in putting vaginas on men.

>> No.44015328

There’s youtube channel run by one of these people, that discusses a lot of darker VNs, and their audience is mostly other genderspecials. While it’s nice that they can enjoy darker content without throwing a fit, if you read the comments, their reasons for enjoying that sort of content is always connected to their “queer experience” or whatever, so I wouldn’t even trust them then lmao

>> No.44015950

These included or women using male ones or they/them.

It is funny when these individuals shit on women being gross for "fetishizing" gay men, because now they are apparently gay men kek. There was this larp post on twitter a religiousfag had written, that yaoi can turn women into trannies. It was hilarious.

>> No.44016224

Why do you guys obsess over trannies and the pronouns so much

>> No.44016331

That whole discussion is offtopic shit that shouldn't be here but pretending that trannies and gender ideology isn't literally everywhere these days is just disingenuous.

>> No.44016380

>but pretending that trannies and gender ideology isn't literally everywhere these days is just disingenuous
I didn’t say that though. Yea it’s everywhere but does that mean it has to be obsessively discussed every time it gets brought up?
Some people in this thread obsess about trannies the same way trannies obsess about their qUeEr ExpErieNce. You guys are free to talk about this off topic shit, at least the thread is alive I guess, but surely you can see the irony here.

>> No.44016428

Any tranny LIs? Other than the dad in Shitoku

>> No.44016438

Well I agree but there's so much offtopic discussion from these twitter and reddit rejects here all the time anyway that targeting any topic specifically is pointless.

>> No.44016661
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>>meet someone online
No way fag, I'd rather use video games as escapism

>> No.44016839
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>> No.44017037

Fujochan refugees.

>> No.44017091

I'm falling asleep during bustafellows, how the fuck did this manage to get a sequel game?

>> No.44017127

I wasn't writing fanfic in my head he really did suck old bastard dicks! Club suicide sisters we have to commission uesugi for his r18 ryona spin off game!!!!

>> No.44017190

Sorry anon there isn't actually a continuation to that ending in the extended edition. He just gets two epilogues to his good ending. I'm sure it's happening off screen though.

>> No.44017236
File: 7 KB, 421x77, Screenshot_20230714_125148_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only people who share my likes are nips
I wish I wasn't bad at writing japanese...

>> No.44017302

I managed to find one who's very interested learning English luckily. Somehow, Japanese people make way better conversation partners for hobbies than most of the EOPs I interacted with. That's kinda sad.

>> No.44017557

I can feel their looming heights and body heat just from looking at this

>> No.44017825

Aw man, was hoping ざくろの事 was a bit more than that. Probably will just buy it and those ones anyway since doujin games are always really cheap

>> No.44018470

using a fairly loose definition:
>Rei in Slow Damage
>Koko in Nie no Machi
>Isshiki in Uuultra C

none of them are actual trannies because they either grow out of it or never really went beyond onee/okama

>> No.44018475

>>Koko in Nie no Machi
??? What the heck are you talking about?

>> No.44018605 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 475x750, tumblr_ncmhxbpZ4u1r3yt02o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fraternite one

>> No.44023319 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.44024698

>yandere is fixated on MC because of her resemblance to another woman
I hate it.

>> No.44024812

It's been a while since I played it, but he took on the role of his mom for his nutjob dad, including crossdressing and pretending to be a woman didn't he?

>> No.44026507

He didn't do it willing, also none of that happens on screen in the game, it's mostly referenced backstory. In the game he's presented as an upstanding guy who sleeps around and has amnesia.

>> No.44027023

Even in the afterlife his joshiryoku is very high though.

>> No.44027640

Like what? He speaks like a guy, only dress in men clothes. Only feminine thing he does is cooking if you can even cal that. Hisora can't stop creaming himself that he looks like an handsome man.

>> No.44029406

Yeah it's like cucking.

>> No.44029414

Games where I can get cucked?

>> No.44029963


>> No.44030191

>yandere is fixated on MC because of her resemblance to another man
I love it

>> No.44030218

>yandere kills himself if you cuck him
I need more games like this

>> No.44030551

i need more otome with psychotic sadistic protagonists

>> No.44032286

An otome where your teacher grooms you? Innocent ones like tokimeki girls side are fine but darker ones are preferable.

>> No.44032421


>> No.44032696

There's this rejet game with teachers bad medicine but I haven't played it much to be able to tell. The heroine goes nuts in some endings and kills some iirc. Or you can try the cds.

>> No.44034554

>Surprised they picked something so old.

Supposedly they went for it because they got an extremely good deal on the licensing costs. (aka, the voices were very cheap so it's a budget license).

>> No.44034931
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Tokimeki Memorial Girls' Side

>> No.44035473
File: 45 KB, 256x362, 30562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any oldfag here that has played this? Can't trust hinano.

>> No.44036885

I need someone as based as majima I need to fill that void.

>> No.44036895

I don't remember what hinano wrote but liked it, sort of Haruhi but otome game. You have a school club on summer vacation looking for supernatural elements. Very summery and comfy, but has nakige drama. And a cute coodere middle schooler kouhai.

>> No.44036936

Thanks anon. The kohai and the teacher are the reasons I want to start this and the summer vibes. Talking about nakige I'm weak to sob stories but it's fine I'll handle. Thanks again!
I'll write my impressions here too.

>> No.44037412

Is the paid version of this the exact same as the free one except oniloli + some additional content?

>> No.44038459

I really liked this one. The group is pretty fun and relaxing at the same time and imo the cast are likeable enough to care about their respective dramas. Kuudere kouhai and white haired guy are the best.

>> No.44041356

Technically Shingakkou

>> No.44041378

i play rn whose route?

>> No.44041543

Wait...shingakko pedo priest counts as yandere?
And otomefags incestfag of a husband does to?

>> No.44041631

Don't worry, you have to play everyone else's route and watch him kill himself every time.

I mean dude has been obsessed with Michael since he was a toddler, keeps killing people around him and forces himself on him, superficially acts friendly/loving to him, what yandere characteristic does he lack?

>> No.44045595

>And otomefags incestfag of a husband does to?
What? Majima? Probably a good chance he offs himself after every route by ODing crack but I wouldn't consider him yandere.

>> No.44047523
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any otome or bl for this feel

>> No.44050928

Majima is quite the yandere desu. The reason he rushed to off heroines parents was because she was about to get married. In his endings he is ready to off everyone that dares to approach her too. He is more obsessed with her than Shiba even.

>> No.44052237

Apparently a new AkaAka patch was released a few months ago that adds voices and extra scenes from PSP version. That's very dope.

>> No.44052344
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What are your thoughts on random bl shit in danseimuke things? Does it make you want to consume media you normally wouldn't? I fapped to the butt rape scene in healer revenge but didn't watch the rest.

>> No.44052617

If I'm watching/reading something for cute girls and get cute boys/BL too it's a nice bonus.

>> No.44053636

I've played a random nukige for the "boy" route before. It was whatever.

>> No.44053658

Too bad it doesn't seem compatible with playing in Japanese

>> No.44054000
File: 165 KB, 1242x914, Majima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and ever since meeting her he could only get a boner to girls that have similar features as her. Some people probably think that he isn’t because everything he does is for himself but that’s kind of one of the main traits or main points of a yandere. They ultimately do and decide things that benefits them regardless if their love interest agrees to it or not. What separates Majima from the other yans is that he still has his human conscience and guilt (and his boner for revenge), which makes him all the more a complex character. But once he throws all that away, like in the FD, he’s pretty much willing to sacrifice and destroy everything just for the sake of protecting his and Yuriko’s safe space.

>> No.44056028


>> No.44056104

i kind of like it, been thinking of reading the コ・コ・ロ trilogy because it has bl and seems like a shitshow, actually

>> No.44056127
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Appreciated but if it leads to nothing I end up more pissed.

Faggots made 3 games, bestboy was side in all 3.

>> No.44056208

Is it possible to pirate some android otomate ports for free? Do you know any site besides otomedream?

>> No.44057522

I enjoy it when a very danseimuke artist I know suddenly releases a BL work, like when Sena Youtarou out of the blue released a BL sequel to an old series of his.

>> No.44061787

No No

>> No.44061937
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Anime soon.

>> No.44062670

mushoku tensei, I think it's just one throwaway scene and its otherwise a standard harem isekai, no kaworus or ao no fag's there.
first game has every flavor of degeneracy from looking at the cg gallery

>> No.44062751

Any easy voiced japanese otome/bl recommendations? I’m finally at the point where I can kind of read everyday SoL stuff without much difficulty but I’m just really slow. Thinking about grinding it out a bit here.

>> No.44063043

Among the BL VN I've read in JP I'd say Nie no Machi was the easiest. It uses a language similar to manga, though if it's your first VN get ready to grind 1m of kanji related to body actions you never see in manga. But it's way easier than some other stuff (like fucking Kintouka with the sun metaphors every 5 lines)

>> No.44065874

Most otome games aren’t very hard. There might be some specific vocab you’ll have to pick up depending on the setting but they tend to use it over and over so it’s not a huge hurdle. Exception would be anything with an eastern historical setting or really detailed mythology stuff.

>> No.44067337

It's funny that it took so long despit BL being popular worldwide for longer than that.

>> No.44067375

I'd block that person immediately.

>> No.44069401

I want to romance a middle schooler. Any recs?

>> No.44069540

Persona 3 portable

>> No.44069917

Shouta from LoveRevo is, technically, a DK but otherwise looks and acts like a DC, that should definitely scratch your itch.

>> No.44069944


>> No.44069976

One of the guys in 9RIP is 14

>> No.44070103

I can't take it. I have yet to find a Majima 2.0

>> No.44070138

I actually played his route already.
I keep meaning to go back to 9RIP because I hate leaving VNs half played but I stalled on the urban legends route. I am not a big fan of idols/celebrities, they always remind me of wattpad.

>> No.44070188

I thought I'd hate Sena but he was surprisingly cute

>> No.44070424
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peak yaoi

>> No.44070659

Yeah I hate their designs too so I can't even brainwash myself into thinking they're cute

>> No.44072933


>> No.44073806

True route ruins it. Only play if white hair is your favorite.
