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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 545 KB, 1999x1112, __sekibanki_and_demoman_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_wool_miwol__6a497b077b0bd702609212966d30543c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43890189 No.43890189 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever she will do now?

>> No.43890250


>> No.43893739
File: 286 KB, 2048x2048, 20230419_221553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seki eat

>> No.43894021

Touhou AND TF2??? Holy austisms!

>> No.43894164

Didn't you know?

>> No.43894281
File: 319 KB, 620x496, painis_cupcake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am Painis Cupcake. I will eat you :D
Were the TF2 monsters from the early 2010s just the TF2 version of youkai?

>> No.43894752

There is so much touhou x tf2 crossovers fan stuff i do not even know why.
I play tf2 and my first contact with 2hou ever was this

>> No.43894896

Popular at around the same time in roughly the same group of people.

>> No.43897915

Touhou AND TF2??? Holy austisms!

>> No.43899681
File: 749 KB, 1002x1188, 1672442727298382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, just took one day off the internet and the old thread is already dead.
Here's hoping that writefag is still alive, I basically kept that thread alive for him to write.

>> No.43899856
File: 685 KB, 1200x900, 28461559_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love autismus!

>> No.43900074

Haven't you had enough Sekistories? Must this go on?

>> No.43900679

A Sekistory was started, and as long writefag still lives (and still willing), a sekistory will finish.

>> No.43901685
File: 80 KB, 785x1018, DemoSuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this video was my first exposure to touhou. i don't know why but touhou and tf2 have such a big overlap in the western fandoms, and i bet i am not the only one that came to know touhou through tf2

>> No.43904269

I would try to bump the thread and it would stay on page 9 and 10
What's up with that

>> No.43904338
File: 654 KB, 720x960, 1670580163240754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your 1st post under a "new" (As in, one that has yet to post in /jp/ or probably something about time since last post, I don't know the specifics) IP doesn't bump the thread. On my end only the 2nd onward will bump the thread.

>> No.43904375

Some bumps are more equal than others.

>> No.43907267
File: 656 KB, 800x1200, df9513c05a2a4448cfa0d8fb785837cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was also my first exposure to Touhou (that I know of). I later was directed to Touhou music via a friend on a furry-run community TF2 server, and recognised the melody of Mooned Insect, although I couldn't place where initially.

I've probably encountered Touhou stuff even earlier, but not recognised it.

>> No.43908052
File: 90 KB, 850x486, this, is a bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a TF2hu thread now.

>> No.43913758
File: 1.35 MB, 1300x1000, 1678747786696407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43913846

Koishi is having so much fun.

>> No.43914515

Does Sekibanki eats humans?

>> No.43916760

Probably not
Gotta remember she's pretty weak

>> No.43916767

Koosh is a good girl and deserves to have fun

>> No.43916874

So there are no risks of my dick being bite off?

>> No.43917273

Is this the bonky or the tf2hu thread?

>> No.43917307

Whatever your heart wishes.

>> No.43917343

don't you lie to me

>> No.43917380


>> No.43917734
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1tk7r8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sad I'll take her out for bowling

>> No.43918307
File: 733 KB, 822x925, 1664059567012551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukekubi drink blood.
Rokurokubi drink lamp oil

>> No.43922782

>lamp oil
What a dork

>> No.43922844 [SPOILER] 
File: 926 KB, 2228x1840, 1683812147306899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43925873

You wouldn't dare

>> No.43930257
File: 596 KB, 850x638, 1663644277683561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This heat is killing me

>> No.43933262
File: 1.59 MB, 1075x1518, 1688331403908120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43935036

i'm not sure If I should I continue here, its not exactly a banki thread now is it?

>> No.43935337
File: 1.91 MB, 1158x1637, 1672330061726855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tried to make a propper thread, but it died rather quickly because this thread got rerailed, so this is the closest thing we have.

>> No.43936167

Is this seat free?

>> No.43938950

I intended it to be a banki thread, but I made a error posting a TF2 image. I think it should be fine to post, since I titled it the Sekibanki thread.

>> No.43943148

I wanna hold that banki head

>> No.43943153

I wanna use this banki head as an onahole

>> No.43949723


>> No.43954316

do you think all the other heads could feel it

>> No.43959842
File: 1.53 MB, 1240x1754, 1663245281634963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43961113
File: 72 KB, 1119x787, 1685355756224250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43964664
File: 320 KB, 550x799, Sekibanki head fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night had fallen as the sun dipped behind the mountains plunging the village in a deep darkness only held at bay by the simple oil lamps that inhabited the simple woodframed homes. The interior of Sekibanki's apartment was no exception and the small one room abode was lit by a warm orange glow that hung off of the ceiling.

The hunter sat in front of her of her, injured and bandaged while Banki herself sat on a cushion in front of him her legs neatly folded under her. Even now her in-human mind calculated the strength of the person in front of her, it wasn't much but any predator would do well to not underestimate a cornered animal.

It for was for that reason that she left his rod where it lay by the canals and made sure to remove the pouch he stored his ofuda in and keep it away and hidden in one of the unused drawers. At least for now he was a powerless human and that fact was able to put her at ease somewhat.

Ever since she returned home not a proper sentence had been said and the tension in the room was palpable, like a fighter sizing up their opponent he kept his eyes on her. Banki was unable to read his expression, it wasn't fear at least and his pokerface seemed unbreakable.

His stoic silence was growing her anxiety but even worse it felt too awkward to break the silence now, whatever mindgames the hunter was playing he played them well. The happy-go-lucky fool she met at the restaurant was no where to be seen and in his place sat a man trained well by the temple and fortified despite his alleged inexperience.

As time ticked away she was losing the game, she knew speaking would mean her defeat it was rare she was so cornered by a mere human. 'He's just a powerless human, injured and frail!' she told herself but something put her on edge, it was like the implication of a dagger at your back, a subtle yet powerful threat that brokered no peace of mind.

She had to say something, and soon. What, how, and when were sadly like a dream after waking and no matter how she tried it was faded and already left her brain.

The silence continued.

The hunter was thoroughly surprised to see the face of the waitress he had that pleasant chat with come through the door, he didn't know who to expect but he wasn't disappointed to see her in the slightest. Out of politeness he sat up and waited for her to make herself comfy before he spoke, he did want to thank her immediately but knew that after a long day of work most people aren't very chatty.

So as the waitress entered into her home and closed the door behind her he awaited patiently. She wasted little time only stopping to take off her apron leaving the functional yukuta she worked in fastened, it would be improper otherwise.

He waited keeping his eyes on her as she sat down in front of him after preparing her cushion, and then waited some more, and more... and more...

His patiently waited actually getting a little nervous at her silence and near unerring gaze broken only by blinking, he could've swore that for a time she didn't even blink as if trying to compete in a staring contest. He didn't know what to make of it honestly as it simply weirded him out, maybe she had a bad day? Should he leave? Should he say something?

He wasn't sure exactly but he didn't want to at least thank her before he limped off back to the halfway house he inhabited and while it was a terrible thing to think he did want to see if he could score a free meal... Still he kept his silence out of respect simply keeping his gaze on the girl in front of him, he felt strangely obligated to avoid even shifting as if it was kind of disrespect to her... his butt was getting a bit sore...
It felt like an eternity had passed as the hunter sat there in unending silence, it was so quiet he could practically hear his heart beat and the blood rush in his ears. He hated this, it sucked, he just wanted to go back and rest on his lumpy futon even if he didn't score a free meal.

Finally, politeness be damned, he spoke up unable to keep a bit of testiness out of his tone, "Waitress-san, I appreciate you sheltering me and all but uhh...." he trailed off. Sekibanki seemed to stiffen at his words with the eyes of someone about to head for the hills as he spoke and despite his earlier annoyance he couldn't help but feel a bit bad.

However, he continued this time a bit more gently and carefully watching his tone, "ah, err... I really appreciate what you did for me, honestly! If I was just left there I could've died and all, th- though I have to say i'm surprised that youkai left me alive and all! ah did I mention I found that Rokurokubi? I uh... lost as you can see..." He watched her carefully feeling like he must have messed up somewhere along the lines but Sekibanki just sat there for a good few seconds till she finally opened her mouth.

>> No.43964942
File: 1.20 MB, 1243x1754, Banki warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekibanki's world spun, at first his words didn't even register her predator's instincts only understanding the underlying anger in his tone. 'I lost!' she thought, her body screamed at her to get away and escape, she somehow fell into his trap and he was going to exact his revenge.

For that split second she thought that she somehow messed up big time, as if a tiger had just pounced from the brush she thought it was all over for her! The human before her wasn't powerless and frail, no he was a juggernaut as if an oni and a boulder had a child.

And then reality reasserted itself, and as he spoke further the tone of his voice shifted and she finally heard his words again as she calmed herself. Though shaken she listened half-heartedly to his rambling explanation tuning out most of it till her name was said.

Wait... did he not realize who she was? Did he somehow not recognize her? Well if that was the case... wait did it mean she was in the clear?? No way... really? She didn't know how to take it honestly, and she realized that he'd stopped talking already.

Shit she'd need to reply... honestly out of every way this could go like threatening him, paying him off, gaslighting him, or even throwing away all shame and begging forgiveness she didn't think it would be as easy as just not having to gain his silence...

"I, uh... ahem... ah yeah... You were really in a tight spot back there so it was great luck I chanced upon you first!" she lied, badly. "You know honestly if it wasn't for me you could've expired right on the spot you lay! I mean really now fighting a uh... terrifying and dangerous youkai like that would normally leave nothing but a stain on the ground so really... Uhhh... You should be groveling in thanks!"

She felt her nose grow five times its size just during that monologue alone, I mean that last part was laying it on a bit thick but oh well. If he was as big a fool to not put two and two together than he deserved that treatment; is what she told herself but a corner of her mind knew she was compensating for earlier.

She couldn't help but cross her arms more out of nervousness than because she felt a chill, she observed his face again trying to see how well he received her gloating. The hunter merely gave a soft smile in response before he spoke, "Ah yeah I suppose your right... I really do appreciate it, I tried fighting it without preparing anything beforehand and lost soundedly because of it".

Sekibanki nodded her head with a smile creeping up on her own face, of course she was satisfied for a good human knows their place and he was finally acting like one. "Well... I suppose I should going... before it gets too late and all..." the hunter rose unsteadily to his feet wincing a bit from the sustained injuries all the more apparent in the light.

That was when something overcame Sekibanki, damn did it feel good to gloat about her victories even if she couldn't outrightly brag and she got an idea. Before she realized her words she spoke up, "You know you could stay for a bit longer, I was going to cook dinner and I have enough rice for two".

The hunter perked up at her words and the predator in her kicked itself mentally for not cultivating fear and instead doing what could be considered making him too cozy. However, she rationalized it somewhat by telling herself that if she had his ear for just a bit longer she could make sure he would properly understand the terror of the Rokurokubi with a few... creative... stories.

A wide grin spread on the hunter's face, "Oh really? Well I couldn't impose anymore" but before Banki could respond he seemed to say with indecent haste, "But of course if you're offering I'll accept of course!".

And so the Rokurokubi make dinner for two.

>> No.43969891

>She felt her nose grow five times its size just during that monologue alone
Bragging Banki

>> No.43969914
File: 666 KB, 766x1392, 1674868607737663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever since she returned home not a proper sentence had been said and the tension in the room was palpable, like a fighter sizing up their opponent he kept his eyes on her. Banki was unable to read his expression, it wasn't fear at least and his pokerface seemed unbreakable.
>His patiently waited actually getting a little nervous at her silence and near unerring gaze broken only by blinking, he could've swore that for a time she didn't even blink as if trying to compete in a staring contest.
Dork staring championship

>> No.43973522

>And so the Rokurokubi make dinner for two
The love begins

>> No.43975646

i wanna slam dunk her head in the toilet now

>> No.43977888

Don't buli her anon

>> No.43981774

i will slam dunk you in the toilet with her inside and make you two kiss while i flush it

>> No.43982900

More hilarious misunderstandings await!
I wonder how long it'll take for him to realize...
Five bucks on it taking long enough for him to get suspicious of her having a half-youkai baby

>> No.43985286

Lewd yet mean

>> No.43988825

"Wha-? I can't believe it!"
Banki looks on worried
"I can't believe I was a youkai the entire time! My life is a lie!"
Banki is regretting her marriage already

>> No.43989215

Hearty kek
Shouldn't have been Sexybanki!

>> No.43993789

poor anon
what a way to learn you were a youkai

>> No.43997651
File: 342 KB, 1527x1935, 1661706913967551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43997707
File: 390 KB, 700x1106, __sekibanki_and_kisume_touhou_drawn_by_harusame_unmei_no_ikasumi__70277475e7fc4cf65891404872c30828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies, the bnaki head would float like a rubber ducky.

>> No.44003401
File: 862 KB, 1587x2012, 1660142093348276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dying

>> No.44007439

Banki is DED

>> No.44008818

Would kagerou and waggy be good aunts?
I feel like if you needed them too babysit the kids or something they'd do a good job but while trying to make themselves out to be super cool, they would end up looking like huge dorks instead

>> No.44010580

impressively watertight popped collar

>> No.44012626
File: 1.48 MB, 2059x2316, 1659987227905206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44016029

Sexy legs

>> No.44018572

Sexy bow

>> No.44018981

Relevant to Thread
Relevant to OP pic
And yes, MTB is the one who redid Japanese Goblin

>> No.44021291

haven't seen this
its pretty good

>> No.44027357
File: 2.38 MB, 1600x2300, 1671281362387597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44030194
File: 496 KB, 1405x2048, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_sendai_nazonomono__5de61358fe2bdd4c7cae11fbc0663ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44031747

so if Banki was feeling really frisky one night and asked you to fuck her neckhole on her body would you?

>> No.44032169

Depends on which hole. If it's the body then it's just throat fucking with less to work with, and if it's the head at least you can get some funny expressions off her.

>> No.44038191

Fucking Seki's headhole and seeing your dick pop out of her mouth

>> No.44038208


>> No.44038323
File: 1.13 MB, 1142x1674, 671cd3169e66933e6855199e55978619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banki bump

>> No.44043728
File: 311 KB, 500x800, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_unkmochi__cc7015e2bf4cb7bfde0ae6ce00bcc37a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what this thread needs? Pictures of Sekibanki eating food.

>> No.44049841
File: 3.06 MB, 400x308, Kogasa feeds seki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44054533

I really wish they sold Banki head plushies or something
I would buy so many

>> No.44056420
File: 91 KB, 383x754, 048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we need is a Banki dakimakura, with additional head pillowcases.

>> No.44056422 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x1800, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_starraisins__8c6fab4eb1070046637bf557dd17a345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44059042

She's fat in all the right places

>> No.44061459
File: 612 KB, 1401x1800, Banki2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hunter was satisfied lately, even though he'd settled down somewhat and taken some odd jobs to get enough money to feed him instead of laser focusing on hunting youkai. The whole incident with the Rokurokubi had humbled him, there was no way a man could stand before a youkai after all, not without preparations and weakened by hunger. It was why he was hatching a new plan to take her down, and more over he had the village's foremost expert on the Rokurokubi to help him!

It happened a few days after he recovered enough to consider hunting again, he'd worked a few odd jobs in the mean time to support himself and was itching to get back out there now that he had enough for a few meals under his belt. The night was just fixing its grasp over the land and the sun was tinting the sky an orange hue as the shadows grew long and darker.

He was walking the canals thinking back to his epic battle walking step per step in his mind of what happened there, he was caught up in his thinking walking slowly past the battle site and down the canals without much care in the world. Soon enough night fell as it always did and it wasn't until the light was a deep and dark blue that he realized how much time had passed exactly, he had walked practically to the other side of the village!

He groaned inwardly, it'd be a pain to head back over to the battle site from here and he simply wasn't ready for the Rokurokubi's dastardly tricks and frightening magic. He was no Hakurei who could just lay low youkai in a casual stroll after all, so when he saw the figure of a women in the distance he was put on edge.

His hand inched towards the pouches on his belt, ready to cast the charms and seals he was habitually armed with. Even if he would loose he wouldn't be so easy this time and would fight properly in the way that was drilled into him. Fortunately, just as he moved to the deeper shadows between the buildings that lined the canals and was ready to ambush the supposed youkai the moonlight interceded with the brightness of a mostly full moon.

A deep and lovely red met his eyes, both the hair and high collared cape of a familiar girl came into view properly as he stumbled out in a half hearted charge done on reflex. His ofuda was in one hand and rod in the other clenched tightly and ready to use, the loud rattling sound of him kicking a piece of litter over as he stumbled out only matched the awkwardness of his voice as he half shouted, 'Sekibanki-san?!'

Sekibanki was in an unusually good mood lately, well at least her co-workers said as much. From her point of view she may have been a bit more relaxed and hummed a bit more when she got a half remembered song in her head, but that didn't mean much. She'd lived a long time after all and learned such moods passed by quickly after all, there were less notable than a bug flying around your ear.

Still she couldn't deny that she seemed to set off at night with more of a spring in her step, after defeating that buffoon and the new dark rumors that were undoubtedly spreading about her as she walked she did indeed make things feel like they were finally turning up.

As always she was conscious of her surroundings looking for the unsuspecting but that vigilance quickly turned to admiration of the visible stars and the moon above. It formed a grand tapestry in the unpolluted skies above that on a rare occasion such as this she took the time to take in.

In reflection it must have been because of that that she didn't notice the man in the distance that quickly dived into cover upon seeing her, surely any other time her predatory eyes would've spotted him first. Even as she returned to watch her step a bit more closely she didn't detect his gaze on her at all, nor the did she see through the darkness of one of the many back allies.

When Sekibanki snapped back to reality it was already too late as the sounds of the detritus clattered on the ground and out popped the beast she was loathe to admit occasionally haunted her mind. Even with the light her eyes naturally drifted to the rod in the hunter's hand first not hearing the awkward and surprised voice immediately.

She knew she was caught and lifted up her arms to protect her all important head on instinct not even considering separating fearing for the worst of making an easy target. She heard a rather undignified yelp fill the air that surely must not have come from her as she braced for the debilitating sting of a seal or the iron strike of a purified rod that never came.

It wasn't until she came back to reality that she heard the worried voice of the hunter enter her ears, "Err... Sekibanki-san, I'm sorry for scaring you and all... I didn't think a lady would be walking around this late at night... I'm really sorry..." She realized belatedly that she was standing there in a most... unbefitting... pose for a youkai of her caliber with her arms crossed to hold back a strike and her legs crouching to make her profile smaller.

>> No.44062011
File: 161 KB, 685x587, banki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hunter felt terrible right now, he just scared the girl who saved his life. He kept kicking himself mentally as the two walked together in silence down the canals.

After he helped her up she's been rather stiff in her speech and glancing off to the side while maintaining her distance, every attempt at small talk he made was met with silence. The feeling of being in this awkward of a situation was a unique feeling he'd not felt for quite a long time since he tried unsuccessfully dating back before he committed himself to youkai extermination.

Still he pressed on in his small talk, he didn't know much about her its true. However, he did know one thing about this girl he owed his life too after all, and that was her obsession about the Rokurokubi and how it always seemed to get her become quite the chatterbox.

The hunter was a bit hesitant at first, after all he didn't want her to think he was some Rokurokubi obsessed freak but he was desperate to break the awkward silence since she seemed intent on walking the canal route. Besides, he couldn't let such a delicate girl fall victim to a youkai! "So Sekibani-san..." she seemed to hold her silence but he persisted, "You sure do seem to know an awful lot about the Rokurokubi and all..."

He didn't get too the, 'I was hoping you could teach me more about them' part before she stopped walking and stammered out, "W-what do you mean by that?! Are you trying to imply something here?!" She seemed to be getting defensive which confused the hunter and he couldn't fight the silence brought on by her increasingly agitated demeanor.

Sekibanki couldn't believe herself, getting that scared by THAT idiot. It was simply pitiful how she let her fears overwhelm her even if for an instant and so she snapped at the man despite herself. After all, it wasn't HER fault that this happened. No, it was all the fault of that damned shrine maiden making her a mess to the point where she would be scared of a human, even for a second!

Worst of all it had to be that human of them all, anyone else she could scare off or even dispose of quietly and have a chance of getting away with it but a hunter and much less one she's been seen associating with? Sure he didn't seem to realize anything yet, but even a small misstep would bring the wrath of the red and white miko on her.

The silence between the fuming Rokurokubi and witless hunter continued, he was intent on 'protecting' her as if she needed it. She scoffed at this notion which caused a curious gaze to turn in her direction but she ignored it, after all she was THE Rokurokubi, not some minor youkai!

It was HER that should protect HIM, not the other way around! He was just a weakling after all that didn't know his place properly... Yes a weakling... And a curious one at that... Maybe... just maybe...

This time it was her turn to open her mouth, and with a haughty tone unbefitting of one who let out a sound equivalent to a frightened puppy just earlier, "It seems you don't realize the true splendor of the Rokurokubi after all, coming out here to chase after that fearsome beast again!" She stood up straight now facing the hunter her finger pointed at him as if accusing him of some high crime. She was imposing and large, or so she liked to believe.

"You! I'll teach you all about the horror of the Rokurokubi and get you to drop this foolish chase once and for all!" While she didn't mention that it was for the sake of her peace of mind and to get rid of a nuisance she didn't feel it important to mention that. She felt smug at her presentation, surely this will work! All she needed to do was scare him enough to leave her alon- Err... give her peace of mi- Nonono, Get the danger of the miko off her back, yeah that's why, he didn't unnerve her in the slightest!

Contrary to her expectations, the hunter's face lit up like a the dawning sun, "you mean it!? If I'm going to defeat it I'll need to learn all about it so I'll make sure you talk my ear off you know!" Sekibanki cursed his enthusiasm internally, but it's what she needed, if she could feed him the wrong information about herself she could get him to just give up and face down some other youkai that DIDN'T have an execution order on her head.

As Sekibanki was mulling over her next actions and gloating internally about her victory as if it already happened a single question shattered her concentration, "say what were you doing out here so late at night by the canals? I know you're the Rokurokubi's number one fan but a girl heading out alone at night is a little dangerous..."

Sekibanki's world spun once again, something that's been happening way to much recently... She pointed to the moon without thinking, "listen up! this is your first lesson!" the hunter straightened himself out as if a new recruit, "yes ma'm?!" he responded. "The Rokurokubi is always active during the full moon, a-and when its the full moon its 5 times more powerful!"

This was going to be painful...

>> No.44062215
File: 165 KB, 400x600, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_urin__05b3b9b5ba112517a3dbce2614727624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Banki perform an example of the power of the mighty rokurokubi?

>> No.44062612

Oh no... bnaki broblems

>> No.44063225

Soon, surely our wonderful multiheaded gal will show this plebeian his place soon enough!

>> No.44063322

Oh god those two dorks are made for each other

>> No.44066502

>deep and lovely red met his eyes
Beautiful Banki

>> No.44066550

>She heard a rather undignified yelp fill the air that surely must not have come from her

>> No.44066575
File: 112 KB, 1002x1188, d7d55b1e8a4f616dfa7412822f4f1b90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44072065
File: 226 KB, 1000x800, 2a4b2ee7780799565f58ed5d8d2033af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a ferocious youkai

>> No.44077307

I see Kogasa is confused as to how umbrellas work

>> No.44077583

Did she just piss herself?

>> No.44079917

I drank it.

>> No.44083242

anon don't pretend you wouldn't pee yourself if you were faced with such a scary monster

>> No.44084556

I think Kogasa is aroused here.

>> No.44084584
File: 217 KB, 358x356, 2100000233327_360x356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44086873

I'm confused

>> No.44087610

That was my first thought, too.

>> No.44090337

Don't be stupid, kogasa isn't like that

>> No.44092085

You would be, bakanon

>> No.44095291

No being mean anon

>> No.44096825
File: 232 KB, 1000x800, pee girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes more sense now

>> No.44100215

>It was HER that should protect HIM, not the other way around!

>> No.44100581

It's fine they would just have *** with the kids.

>> No.44101055


>> No.44105948

That only happens when our son is older
Then he can have his choice of lonely aunty

>> No.44110095

umbrella juice

>> No.44112901
File: 388 KB, 650x1000, __imaizumi_kagerou_sekibanki_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_wool_miwol__e97ede800e83d73ea7878dda6edd54a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you spend on it?

>> No.44115809

I'd buy so much that I would have a monopoly on umbrella juice

>> No.44118439
File: 1.49 MB, 1196x858, 0a80ff02f404f5574a3d54fa0850608d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banki and friends

>> No.44120537
File: 73 KB, 660x607, 1689266557584417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torment the bnaki

>> No.44120596

what an evil fairy
Banki should have never trusted it
can't trust fairies

>> No.44120643
File: 576 KB, 400x308, 1685370807519898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a prank bro!

>> No.44120999

"Come on, get under the table. You know you want to."
"We'll watch that nobody notices."

>> No.44125071

What lewd friends she has

>> No.44125212

I'm sorry but her fucking face is just so funny

>> No.44125834

Bad dai-chan, no more mating presses until you behave!

>> No.44125838

They only goad her on because they know she'll cave and do it.

>> No.44126211
File: 651 KB, 1200x1750, 1689778744182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is NOT a drill!
Wool is making lewd art!
I repeat, this is NOT a drill!

>> No.44129340

sexy petite Sekibanki

>> No.44130661
File: 143 KB, 600x720, 69263988_p34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you prefer your bnaki small or tall?

>> No.44130691
File: 2.38 MB, 1500x2041, 1671813240063735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bnaki is preparing for a date
Don't tell her friends or they'll be all over her in their cheap costumes and will almost surely poke fun at how adorable Bnaki was during her date.

>> No.44131471
File: 152 KB, 750x394, 29873450928345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44136172


>> No.44138353

definitely small

>> No.44142510
File: 482 KB, 900x506, 1667513975933015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44145682


>> No.44148269

god lipstick is so hot

>> No.44153226
File: 114 KB, 850x1200, __imaizumi_kagerou_and_sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_gishiko_kog_0130__sample-0dcdb25a19b98540ba84dd3a5d983b80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44153228

I wanna feed a happy banki head

>> No.44153250

with cum

>> No.44157075


>> No.44157358

would you take advantage of drunk Sekibanki?

>> No.44162459
File: 255 KB, 1461x1652, Sekibanki and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if on instinct Sekibanki knew malicious forces were moving around her...

It was a placid day today, the sun was high in the noontime sky with clouds providing partial cover and a nice breeze cooling the earth as if the gods themselves were making sure the summer wasn't too overwhelming. The breeze gently rocked the limbs of the trees that lined the path around her and brought the green scented air to her nostril as assuredly as the sky was blue.

It was a picturesque day for all intents and purposes and nothing but the intervention of a god, or a lazy celestial, could bring the weather down. If that was the case than why did she feel uneasy as she ventured down the forest paths heading ever deeper into the the wilderness?

She couldn't figure it out at first, she was a youkai after all and as such nothing should bother her short of the whims of a god or Buddha. Fortunately, she didn't remember upsetting any, meaning that at least that wasn't what was targeting her; if it was the Hakurei she'd already be dead so that wasn't it either.

As she worked her head(s) walking along the deserted forest trail she thought hard thinking of what it could be, what menace could frighten even her; the dangerous, seductive, mysterious, and elusive Rokurokubi? She just couldn't crack this nut, not even as the wide and foggy cerulean lake came into view once she passed the treeline of the dark forest.

The ever vigilant (or so he'd like to believe) hunter had just finished up with his odd job for today netting him a few precious mon that he tucked away into his coin pouch. He was free for the rest of day today and didn't really have a way to spend it.

As part of his education he'd usually find himself shopping for some small offering to bring over, nothing more than a bottle of sake or some ingredients for dinner, but it was polite and the least he could do. Still he found himself uncharacteristically frustrated by the interruption of his regularly scheduled life.

He felt a little disgusted at himself as he couldn't help but wonder who was monopolizing HIS time with... err... to learn! Besides he only meet up with his teacher twice a week, sometimes only once and today was a precious day to learn all he could about the Rokurokubi and other dastardly youkai!

He just couldn't help but curse under his breathe but another feeling was twisted around it, worry. He was sure his teacher could keep herself safe since she was so knowledgeable, but the information she told him worried him deeply since he didn't know where she was off too.

Namely there were two stories that disturbed him, supposedly only known to real enthusiasts like her and knowing itself was a real privilege. The stories were of the many hidden youkai that made the village their hangout, unbelievable of course but since it was Sekibanki saying so...

Of these many hidden youkai, like the crow, the lunar infiltrators, or even the wondering living masks; none were more dangerous than the last of the wolves, and the siren of the still water. Supposedly the wolf was wary of humans and rarely entered but when she did the night would grow still, the Siren would patrol the canals and was supposedly quite the legend among the bargemen for dragging ships to their doom.

If those two were in the village while Sekibanki was running her errands or minding her business... no it wouldn't do to think like that, Sekibanki would never run afoul of such youkai. She was way smarter than that, maybe even smarter than he was!

Still it didn't sit right, he HAD been feeling watched recently after all and no human would pay him much mind, he was no Heida after all. Perhaps... Perhaps news of his amazing exploits and vigilant watch had proceeded himself? If that was the case and more hidden youkai lurked under the surface than...

A shocking realization came to mind: what if they weren't targeting just him... but also those he confided in?! If thats the case... than... NO!

With a sinking feeling the hunter started his search, he had to find Sekibanki before nighttime fell on the village, it was the only way to save her!

>> No.44164038

>none were more dangerous than the last of the wolves, and the siren of the still water.
She's trying to make her friends sound super cool

>> No.44166932

>what menace could frighten even her; the dangerous, seductive, mysterious, and elusive Rokurokubi
oh Sekibanki

>> No.44175618

Go anon go!!
Save Sekibanki

>> No.44175756
File: 1.49 MB, 1790x1255, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_satellitedragon__bc762e5308e07dd934dddad8c941ad19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy Banki bump

>> No.44176032

How will he humiliate her this time, and how will it bring them closer together?
Find out next time onnnn

>> No.44179952

>How will he humiliate her this time
I hope its in front of her friends

>> No.44183153 [DELETED] 


>> No.44186982

I bet she'll try and hype them up to Anon.

>> No.44188712

Oooh, great idea
I think she already has

>> No.44188807
File: 890 KB, 1500x1500, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play tf2 for the first time at age 13
>Start playing touhou like 8 years later
>Start realizing the tf2 remix tracks I love so much almost always have touhou music as the instrumental
Discovering just how much touhou has permeated the internet is wild

>> No.44189286
File: 619 KB, 800x1200, Toho fortress 2 classic on cp_gravelpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the amount of Touhou crossover with TF2 is weird. It makes sense since they both got popular around the same time.

>> No.44189303

Know what would be fun?
If someone made touhoufortress but abandoned the 9-class man-weapon format and just had however many characters beating the shit out of each other instead.
That'd be fun.

>> No.44192217

there's so many mods that i wouldn't be surprised if there isn't already something similar

>> No.44193486

>Discovering just how much touhou has permeated the internet is wild

>> No.44198084

For me it was Japanese goblin, I was probably 7 or 8 and no idea what 2hu was

>> No.44200046

Sandbox world + characters and an autistic fandom tends to do that.

>> No.44203339
File: 575 KB, 768x1024, 8a0376f28d9a5b043048a12818eb8dd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play the game, but I'm sure setting up FFA isn't hard.

>> No.44206524

But why?

>> No.44209116
File: 621 KB, 2894x4093, 1664840487197321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44212198

I want to lick the stiches keeping her head to her body

>> No.44213835 [DELETED] 

Smug smiles and teasing grins splayed themselves across the face of Kagerou and Wakasagihime, the normally composed and gentle youkai couldn't contain themselves as they practically frolicked around. Kagerou's dress fluttered in the breeze as Wakasagihime sat upon a large boulder along the lake's edge; Kagerou got down on one knee and said aloud, "my beloved Sekibanki, only you are more valuable to me than a 1000 full moons!"

Her faux proclamation of love caused Wakasagihime to dramatically put her hand to her mouth as she gasped with all the sincerity and surprise of a c-tier actor. She responded, "my beloved human, I would love to watch every sun and moonrise with you but I am naught but a fearsome youkai!"

Kagerou, who was clearly into the skit, responded with all the bravado of a troubadour reciting for the prettiest girl in the bar, "My fairest Sekibanki I care little for such issues, for nothing but the gods of the mountains can tear apart our fated red string!"

Sekibanki, the real one anyways, was watching in a superbly interesting state of frustration, anger, embarrassment, and a slight bit of amusement. She had a horrible feeling that the eyes she felt on the back of her head(s) recently was real and it turned out she was right on the money.

She found out the truth only after making her way to the small alcove by the lakeside where the rockface was only a dozen feet from the water's edge, the usual meeting place. She spotted Wakasagihime and Kagerou from a short distance away as she exited the trail and entered the lakeside properly, the sparse trees and bushes just enough to give whoever is inside a sense of privacy.

Mulling over how to apologize for missing the last three or so weeks of meetings with barely any warning passed along she was relieved to see that her friends and co-conspirators were as chipper as ever. That relief didn't last all that long at all, after some pleasantries and an especially large gift of sweets from the village as an apology for her absences Sekibanki was set to start the real apology of, 'So I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not making it' when she was interrupted by a grin from a rather smug Kagerou.

It was as she was set to make her hackneyed explanation that Wakasagihime, with a teasing grin that caused a bead of cold to form on Seikibanki's nape, interrupted. In a sing-songy voice that gave no comfort she teased, "Oh its no worry Sekibanki-chan, it did hurt to not see you for so long, but we understand the previous few weeks have been super busy right Kagerou-chan?"

This time it was the werewolf's turn to tease as she spoke up, "that's right, we were worried so we spoke to our comrade Kogasa-san about what was going on in the village and she told us you were run ragged for the longest time during the festival. How cruel your store's owner was to make you work late into the nights!" Despite the supposed understanding Sekibanki resisted the urge to agree right away, feeling that something wasn't right in their supposed 'understanding'.

Regardless of Sekibanki's reaction, which if one was going by the grin's on the two youkai's faces was less than a perfect pokerface. Kagerou continued with with her over exaggerated sympathy, "and to think our wonderful comrade tried her best after to make up for lost time in patrolling the canals, no wonder you were so busy! We totally understand that you couldn't come!"

Sekibanki felt like her legs went cold and her entire body was floating as she tried coming up with something, anything to say to avoid the rising feeling of dread. She started with a, 'its not what you think' when Wakasagihime, who seemed starry eyed and bursting with energy cut in and interrupted Kagerou like a teenage girl finding out her favorite musician just stopped by her house and asked to take her out to lunch. She started in a voice that was almost shrill in her enthusiasm, "Kogasa-chan told us all about seeing you two together every time you had off! When were you going to tell us you had a boyfriend!?"

The hunter was hot on her tracks, his worry grew with each step her took as the sun started falling further and further from its perch in the afternoon sky. He couldn't believe she'd leave the village! If it was just a simple jaunt doing errands or maybe even going to that half-youkai's shop he'd have left it at that, but he couldn't believe it when a farmer told him she spotted the girl heading out into the forest in the direction of that manor of devils! Even if he had to face down the devil herself he'd rescue Sekibanki if its the last thing he did!

>> No.44213848
File: 2.84 MB, 3936x2282, Banki Kaggy and waggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug smiles and teasing grins splayed themselves across the face of Kagerou and Wakasagihime, the normally composed and gentle youkai couldn't contain themselves as they practically frolicked around. Kagerou's dress fluttered in the breeze as Wakasagihime sat upon a large boulder along the lake's edge; Kagerou got down on one knee and said aloud, "my beloved Sekibanki, only you are more valuable to me than a 1000 full moons!"

Her faux proclamation of love caused Wakasagihime to dramatically put her hand to her mouth as she gasped with all the sincerity and surprise of a c-tier actor. She responded, "my beloved human, I would love to watch every sun and moonrise with you but I am naught but a fearsome youkai!"

Kagerou, who was clearly into the skit, responded with all the bravado of a troubadour reciting for the prettiest girl in the bar, "My fairest Sekibanki I care little for such issues, for nothing but the gods of the mountains can tear apart our fated red string!"

Sekibanki, the real one anyways, was watching in a superbly interesting state of frustration, anger, embarrassment, and a slight bit of amusement. She had a horrible feeling that the eyes she felt on the back of her head(s) recently was real and it turned out she was right on the money.

She found out the truth only after making her way to the small alcove by the lakeside where the rockface was only a dozen feet from the water's edge, the usual meeting place. She spotted Wakasagihime and Kagerou from a short distance away as she exited the trail and entered the lakeside properly, the sparse trees and bushes just enough to give whoever is inside a sense of privacy.

Mulling over how to apologize for missing the last three or so weeks of meetings with barely any warning passed along she was relieved to see that her friends and co-conspirators were as chipper as ever. That relief didn't last all that long at all, after some pleasantries and an especially large gift of sweets from the village as an apology for her absences Sekibanki was set to start the real apology of, 'So I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not making it' when she was interrupted by a grin from a rather smug Kagerou.

It was as she was set to make her hackneyed explanation that Wakasagihime, with a teasing grin that caused a bead of cold to form on Seikibanki's nape, interrupted. In a sing-songy voice that gave no comfort she teased, "Oh its no worry Sekibanki-chan, it did hurt to not see you for so long, but we understand the previous few weeks have been super busy right Kagerou-chan?"

This time it was the werewolf's turn to tease as she spoke up, "that's right, we were worried so we spoke to our comrade Kogasa-san about what was going on in the village and she told us you were run ragged for the longest time during the festival. How cruel your store's owner was to make you work late into the nights!" Despite the supposed understanding Sekibanki resisted the urge to agree right away, feeling that something wasn't right in their supposed 'understanding'.

Regardless of Sekibanki's reaction, which if one was going by the grin's on the two youkai's faces was less than a perfect pokerface. Kagerou continued with with her over exaggerated sympathy, "and to think our wonderful comrade tried her best after to make up for lost time in patrolling the canals, no wonder you were so busy! We totally understand that you couldn't come!"

Sekibanki felt like her legs went cold and her entire body was floating as she tried coming up with something, anything to say to avoid the rising feeling of dread. She started with a, 'its not what you think' when Wakasagihime, who seemed starry eyed and bursting with energy cut in and interrupted Kagerou like a teenage girl finding out her favorite musician just stopped by her house and asked to take her out to lunch. She started in a voice that was almost shrill in her enthusiasm, "Kogasa-chan told us all about seeing you two together every time you had off! When were you going to tell us you had a boyfriend!?"

The hunter was hot on her tracks, his worry grew with each step her took as the sun started falling further and further from its perch in the afternoon sky. He couldn't believe she'd leave the village! If it was just a simple jaunt doing errands or maybe even going to that half-youkai's shop he'd have left it at that, but he couldn't believe it when a farmer told him she spotted the girl heading out into the forest in the direction of that manor of devils! Even if he had to face down the devil herself he'd rescue Sekibanki if its the last thing he did!

>> No.44218582

>Kogasa-chan told us all about seeing you two together every time you had off! When were you going to tell us you had a boyfriend!?"
Kogasa that gossiper

>> No.44220418

is gud

>> No.44222945

>Even if he had to face down the devil herself he'd rescue Sekibanki if its the last thing he did!

>> No.44228118
File: 858 KB, 2463x4096, 1681675607947652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44234369
File: 541 KB, 2500x1861, Bankis big mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE bnaki!

>> No.44236818

what is with that anatomy, jesus christ

>> No.44242123
File: 351 KB, 540x450, 1683574674798566.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44246984

i want a bouncy banki head

>> No.44252859

What would you do with one?

>> No.44255379

spoil it rotten

>> No.44256217
File: 236 KB, 525x725, __imaizumi_kagerou_imaizumi_kagerou_and_sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_urin__5a5092bed0b50beed3602c61989229f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44258116

Imagine finding a bankihead as it spies on people than taking it by surprise with a net that can block vision so you're able to disorient it enough to bring it home.
Its surprised and angry at first but then you start brushing its hair after presenting it with a tray of treats and it calms down despite still being curious as to your intentions. By the time Banki finds where you live and recovers her head its already slightly chubbier in the cheeks and doesn't want to go!

>> No.44261442

>By the time Banki finds where you live and recovers her head its already slightly chubbier in the cheeks and doesn't want to go
That's the good stuff right there

>> No.44265400
File: 23 KB, 1104x984, Banki and friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadows drenched the gloomy footpath leading to the dreaded devil's mansion, traveled by animals and prowling youkai almost exclusively. Even then, both youkai and fairies tended to avoid this place as the mists kept the place gloomy and almost sickly in appearance making only the eccentrics and fools regulars here.

The hunter couldn't fathom why Sekibanki would travel here, was she feeling troubled? Did she need some fresh air? Was she meeting with someone...? No, it was useless to speculate as to the reasons why, all that really mattered was making it to that wide and expansive lake and hoping she didn't try crossing the unnerving body of water.

The trees surrounding the path seemed to claw at him as the low hanging branches raked his skin and clothes every now and them as if alive and animated with their own mocking hatred. By the time he saw the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel he promised he'd never come back here again if he could help it, and it was with palpable relief that he exited the treeline to the lake shore.

The lake shore was foggy and gloomy today as expected, its mists gently suffocating the land like a thick blanket. At least on the lake shore it wasn't too thick and one could see a fair distance, though the same couldn't be said if you looked further into the lake where the fog was denser. The hunter cursed his own luck, wishing with futile hope that today would've been warm enough to clear the mists, but the sun was sinking quicker and quicker affording no such luck.

He knew he wouldn't be able to search the whole of the lake shore but he did have a keen enough eye, and it didn't take long to find some footprints on the soft soil that surrounded the lake. He saw the footsteps lead further and further along the lake shore before tapering off in the direction of a small alcove surrounded by wild foliage and trees.

The trees and foliage seemed to perfectly obstruct and bind whatever was inside when combined with the ever diffuse fog that seemed to entirely block the senses at its treeline. He knew he would find her here, it was a hunter's intuition; but he hesitated a moment what if it was a secret liaison? It wasn't his place to interfere after all, even if he did hate the idea of someone taking away his... teacher.

As he debated internally a frustrated shout pierced the air, "I told you already its not like that so drop it already!" It was sekibanki's voice! Without thinking he rushed in through the treeline stumbling on some roots but catching himself before he fell entirely. It was as he righted himself that he saw the situation, Sekibanki's vivid red hair and cape stood out in stark contrast to the gray of the rock behind here, even in the dismal lighting of the mist and slowly setting sun.

She had her arms crossed over her chest and she looked a good bit cross at the two ladies in front of her... no... youkai?! Sekibanki was surrounded by youkai?! He shouted on instinct, "Sekibanki are you okay?!" and that suddenly and quickly got the trio's attention who all turned to face the interloper. It was then that the hunter realized he may have made a mistake, a strikingly beautiful mermaid with blue hair and scales able to fly over the land as gracefully as she swims on the water, the Siren of still waters herself! To top that off there was the dreaded last wolf of the full moon, a deviously dangerous women who's silky brown hair and tail hides her iron hard strikes!

He felt is legs shake despite himself and was grateful that today he chose to wear a jinbei that concealed them. He watched as the two dreaded youkai infamous in both the village and the world of youkai, according to Banki anyways, grinned without showing a shred of fear and turned to each other before glancing back at the helpless form of Sekibanki.

Sekibanki stared at him in abject horror, which to the hunter was a clear sign of her distress and before she could speak the two dreaded juggernauts of youkai in their deceptively womanly forms turned back to the terrified (to the hunter's eyes) girl. With an almost musical voice that gave the hunter nothing but a deep dread at the lives it must have claimed the Siren spoke with a twisted (to him) grin, "So he's the one right? he looks like how Koga-chan described him and look at how worried he is for you, its so cute!". Next the horrifically amused wolf spoke up with a voice that must have melted many hearts before she turned the tables on her would be hunters, "Eh, is he really here? did you blow off a date for this? He must love you a lot for a human to come this far!"

Filled with dread the hunter realized that the eyes he's been feeling on him, the hunch his intuition gave him about being tracked, watched, monitored... it was them! They must have blackmailed her somehow, forcing her to give up information on him in order to strike and take him down! He had to rescue her no matter what! Even if it meant taking on the two most fearsome youkai in Gensokyo!

>> No.44266637

Oh no no no...
Christ help Sekibanki, for the only other one inclined to is... well.

>> No.44270644

cue frantic banki panic

>> No.44273021

A wealth of (Yous) you've gathered over these many posts, well deserved and earned.

>> No.44275205

>Sekibanki stared at him in abject horror, which to the hunter was a clear sign of her distress
got a laugh outa me

>> No.44276823
File: 489 KB, 645x911, __imaizumi_kagerou_sekibanki_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_tamahana__fa8acbfdce678e1967ca6dea2cd413b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferocious Youkai

>> No.44280216

The titles she gave her friends are so damn chuuni

>> No.44280616
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, __imaizumi_kagerou_sekibanki_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_wool_miwol__1bd3a117dd6e9d3617bc9c07f9b4e2a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44281731

Well, that has to be the biggest copyright lawsuit I would ever see.

>> No.44283447

copyright in gensokyo?
come on anon don't be crazy

>> No.44288265
File: 1.87 MB, 1271x1792, 1666624342113947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44292229
File: 701 KB, 800x1119, 1672357809801974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44295810
File: 2.15 MB, 2862x3984, 1679118711132679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44296316
File: 2.59 MB, 3840x2160, Kagerou waggy banki ice fishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hunter was terrified of the two youkai girls in front of him that didn't show even a hint of worry at the appearance of a hunter, nor potential repercussion from killing off two humans. He shivered as he realized there might not even be anything left to find... No, NO! He can't let such thinking take hold of his heart, his... teacher's life was on the line here and he couldn't just stand by and watch her get killed by such evil monsters because of him!

Knowing that such monsters would never be satisfied without blood he pulled out the blessed rod he never traveled without while shouting out, "I-I won't let you hurt Sekibanki-san! Siren of the still water, Last wolf of the full moon, I've heard all about you from Sekibanki and prepared well!"

The look on Sekibanki's face was indescribable as her friends were almost on the edge of laughter but barely holding it in as they glanced back the fully crimson Rokurokubi who cast her gaze anywhere but the scene in front of her. However, the shame wasn't just over yet, misinterpreting the situation entirely the hunter shouted out again, this time faking his bravery in a slightly more convincing manner, "Sekibanki-san, just run away from here. I'll protect you no matter what! Just run straight to the village!"

Horrified but unsurprised the young hunter saw his bluff fall flat entirely, the two youkai were on the verge of bursting into laughter after hearing his threat. They exchanged a glance and nod with each other before grabbing the arms of Sekibanki who yelped in surprise before they tossed her forward, she stumbled forward before catching her footing stopping just in front of the hunter.

Caught off balance it was a simple task for the hunter to bound forward and seize her with his free hand, pushing her behind him like a trained guard dog. He pulled the sealing charms from his pouch and said a prayer under his breathe in hopes that the god that protected the village could hear him all the way out here.

For the first time in a long-long time Sekibanki wished she could just die, she knew her friends and comrades well. Despite their normally calm and collected demeanor and gentle nature they were often lacking in diversion living in so isolated an area. Sekibanki already knew that she wasn't going to hear the end of their delusions for maybe another few years unless something better caught their attention.

Now? Now they had a whole play to act out at her expense and she knew very well that they'd poke fun at her for this for the next few decades at least... It was as she was wondering if it was still too late to have the Hakurei maiden exterminate her for good when she heard the voice of her friends that snapped her out of her stupor.

It was the voice of Kagerou, filled with a fake fire that was explicit in her enjoyment in the entire situation, "A mere human wishes to take me on, the last of the moon wolves...?" She put her hand over her half of her face opening her index finger to expose a single eye that glinted with mischievousness, her voice took on a faux haughty tone, "I'm afraid you'll never defeat the two of us, you should just give up on your little... girlfriend and leave her be eaten by us!"

Wakasagihime joined in next, her tail slightly curled up under her as she levitated a bit above the ground. She put her hand on Kagerou's shoulder and for a split second Banki thought that the ever gentle and compassionate princess might spare her of this charade. Sekibanki's delusions were dispelled in an instant.

With a voice filled with conceit only a princess could pull off, even if one in name only, she announced herself as Kagerou's equal, "And I, the Still-water Siren shall show you the error of your ways, You'll never have the hand of Seki-ch- Sekibanki!" She splayed her arms as she flicked her tail letting small orbs of magical light flash before her before dissipating just as quickly.

Worst yet she saw the hunter announce his intentions with every bit of bravado he could muster, it wasn't much and sounded as such, "You'll never touch a hair on her head, Sekibanki is... She's the most important person in my life and you'll never get past me!" Sekibanki wondered that if she prayed for it the flash of a needle would fall from the heavens and end her embarrassment... maybe she should've taken up buddahism...? They do that sort of thing right...?

>> No.44296815
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x2594, Banki Kaggy waggy at mystias cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devious light filled the eyes of the two top-class youkai as magic seemed to crystalize behind them into visible circles that spun with evil intent. He wanted to run, to hide, knowing what terrible and forest clearing attacks would await him but knowing there was no respite from from such all consuming magic that would put the devils of the mansion to shame.

No matter how much he wanted to flee with all his might he had to protect Sekibanki! He wanted her to run, so she could avoid this onslaught that had felled entire nations long before the barrier had gone, but he knew that even if she did it would only let her die away from his eye sight.

The first waves of magic blasted out at him, bullets! Side by side the two youkai hovered above the ground by a few feet as their magic rained down on the hunter. He didn't have a good counter for this, trained in more conventional hunting and trapping methods but he did have something he could use...

He cast out a few seals in front of him blocking some of the shots that raked his and Sekibanki's position, he wanted to turn back and make sure she was okay but the waves of magic weren't stopping as the blue colored blasts of magic dug into the ground. It was all he could do to desperately dodge out of the way of the magic that pierced his weak barrier as he shouted, "Sekibanki-san, get out of here! please hurry, I can't hold them for long!"

He risked a glance over his shoulder to see Sekibanki had already backed up out of the range of the bullets with an expression of worry on her face. He thanked his lucky stars that at least she wouldn't be injured while they toyed with him, hope flared for the first time as he tried his best to weather the storm.

The storm of magic around him ended and for a blessed moment he thought he was in the clear and tried closing the distance as he heard a shout from the dreaded wolf, "You did well Boyfriend-kun, but how about you see the terror of this wolf's magic!" The werewolf's magic spun around her in circles as they lashed out in opposing directions, he was almost overwhelmed by the forces in front of him but he tried to keep going, knowing that if he could close the gap than just maybe he had a chance!

He cast another barrier to cover himself that absorbed the bright flashes of magic that blasted against it, fortunately the magics being cast at him weren't faster than the stones his master cast at him to train his agility and those that broke through were able to be dodged.

It was however, a death sentence without his barrier as there was simply no way he could take those blasts of magic without being able to fly like them. Once again there was a small break in the waves that flew at him and he made it just a bit further, it was just enough for him to cast an seal though!

With one of the remaining seals he was habitually loaded with he threw at the she-wolf as the magic started to dance around both her and the Siren once again, he didn't expect it to even come close. There was no doubt that a powerful youkai like her could evade such a small, tiny, fast flying paper like that... Except it hit?!

Sekibanki knew she couldn't stop them, and didn't want too for that matter. She just wanted to leave and almost made to leave the stupidity parade behind her as the hunter in front of her treated her like some storybook damsel in distress.

It was grating to be thought of as such, on top of doing it in front of her friends giving them plenty of fuel for them to mess with her about! However, as she back-stepped avoiding the stray bullet here and there from the one-sided battle with intent of making it to the village, something stopped her.

It was a bit curious as to why she couldn't muster up the last bit of will to leave, she glanced back as he shouted that he couldn't hold them for long and saw nothing but a fool that lived in his own delusions. However, there was also something else to it, something she just couldn't quite place; she thought about it as he glanced back relieved to see her out of the line of fire.

It was as he turned back to face the onslaught of spell cards that they've been dying to show off again after such a long while that she felt her heart throb. She realized something as he boldly broke out into a run before casting another barrier, something she'd been ignoring this whole while...

If he gets injured here then the Hakurei maiden might just (definitely will) slaughter them all after she finds out the connection between them three! She couldn't let that happen, and for that reason, and ONLY that reason she rationalized her next actions as she was making them.

As the seal hit Kagerou, disrupting her magic, delaying and weakening her next card, and causing her to wince at the stinging pain she made her move, she burst forth grabbing the hunter's arm just as he was preparing another seal to throw.

Caught by surprise she was able to secure him, tucking her arm into his and running off to the forest path.

>> No.44297113
File: 121 KB, 1223x1818, Sekibanki under the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hunter let out a yell in surprise as he was thrown off balance and forced to run along with the girl he was trying so desperately to save even for just another second. Once he realized what was going on he didn't resist her, and honestly he was surprised at her strength but he figured it must have been that he was more tired due to everything when the last wave of magic behind burst inside the treeline of the alcove.

It only took a couple of dreaded seconds to reach the treeline, they felt like the syrupy moments as you flee from a monster in a dream. Luckily as he turned his head back for a second he saw the monsters were satisfied in merely taunting him as they waved their arms and jeered at him.

He focused on running after that grateful that he got away with everything intact and more importantly, his... teacher safe and sound without any harm befalling her. They didn't stop running till they reached the farm fields again as night grew dark and the sun dimmed to a dark blue.

Sekibanki dashed away with the foolish human on her arm, much to her chagrin this would be yet another act in a play she would have to witness for maybe a century or more. She'd have to get her revenge and set the record straight later, the only reason she submitted herself to this embarrassment was for them anyways! So don't get the wrong message!

Hearing the cheerful shouting behind her she picked the distinct words from Kagerou, "I want to see all my cute nieces and nephews by next summer!" and another voice from Wakasagihime adding to her frustration, "I want to be the one to teach them to swim!" That's it, she'd have to punish them thoroughly! She won't rest till they're begging for forgiveness under her chin!

Homes in the distance had their windows lit as the farmers had long headed home, and only a few people holding lanterns walked the paths between the homesteads and the wide fields of various rice paddies, crops, and fields of livestock. Though they did look out of place, dressed unlike the majority of countryside dwellers nobody batted an eye at a man and women walking along in the dark.

Some of the more lecherous minded men and women that walked the paths gave them knowing winks and one man even jeered at them, telling them, "there's a good spot behind the next rock!" Which caused the hunter and Banki to try telling him it wasn't like that, but he ignored that entirely and merely laughed as he passed by.

It was during that exchange that he became conscious of the fact that they still had their arms lightly entwined, which caused them to separate in such a way that caused a wistful remark of it, 'being good to be young'. The two of them proceeded in silence for a few minutes after that, at least the path ahead didn't seem to have any more passerbyers.

The night was dark overhead as the moon receded into itself leaving the parts of sky exposed by the absence of hovering clouds to reveal a grand tapestry of stars above. The bright starlight and slivers of moonlight that shone down on them reflected in the water of the rice paddies making the the night sky the show the various critters of the farmland sing too.

All the while the hunter couldn't keep but glancing at the girl he was all to aware of next to him, he told himself it was for her protection, after all she was his valuable teacher... It was why he figured that he had to take her arm again, certainly there was no ulterior motives, he wasn't that kind of man after all!

Sekibanki was replaying the day's various events almost on repeat. Thinking and deluding herself more and more into thinking that maybe, she DID set the record straight, maybe that farmer just was talking about taking a break, maybe, and this a big MAYBE; but what if this could tie into her legend too? Maybe she could use the hunter to spread the story of the infamous Rokurokubi's dangerously powerful friends...?

It was as they passed by the last of the lantern wielding peasants that she had an idea, maybe she could exploit his single minded determination? Surely if she just kept grooming him into believing all the nonsense about her friends and herself he'd spread the stories wide and far? She just needed something that would ensure he would stay by her even after such a traumatic experience, after all humans hate scary things...

The rose red Rokurokubi and dirt covered hunter spoke up at the same time, "I think there might be youkai ahead so its best if we don't get separated, why don't we lock arms again just in case?!" "I'm sure you're feeling exhausted after all that so why don't you lock arms with me? Just in case you start feeling faint you know!" The two looked at each other for a second as they heard what each other was saying but couldn't halt the worlds they spilled out of their mouths like a dropping cup.

The silence was long, or so it felt to the two and both were grateful of the low lighting conditions as they murmured out agreement taking each others arms in their own.

>> No.44297501

You should ask miyoi for something that covers your neck better banki

>> No.44297725


>> No.44297896
File: 37 KB, 446x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that I think about it, guess I am also in that intersection. This was my firs introduction to 2hu

>> No.44298588

>"I want to see all my cute nieces and nephews by next summer!" and another voice from Wakasagihime adding to her frustration, "I want to be the one to teach them to swim!"
What good friends

>> No.44299956

Suicidal Seki!
Don't do it, you have a boyfriend now!
Please kiss before the night is over!

>> No.44299988

It looks like SHE is going to take advantage of me.

>> No.44305202


>> No.44305238
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1920, 1661585269786936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not in.....

>> No.44305322

Next game anon... next game...

>> No.44306740

>there's a good spot behind the next rock!
You just know there’s some pervy Youkai that like to watch

>> No.44306754

Does Kagerou think Sekibanki is going to have litters of half Youkai?

>> No.44306957

Of course.
She's correct, to boot.
Smart wolfo.

>> No.44309738


>> No.44311820

Seki feels like she wants to die.
I wonder if a warm hug would help?

>> No.44311841

Yes, silly wulf thinks she'll be getting litters of bnakys

>> No.44315701


>> No.44316829
File: 868 KB, 1300x1000, __niwatari_kutaka_and_heavy_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_speckticuls__0e3a1187c7ff3cbfd6aa9870cc90303f (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both games about hats.

>> No.44317372

She's not wrong, being a rokurokubi is an ancestral curse.

>> No.44317562 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 570x620, iyau August 20, 2013 kogasa sekibanki 2g fall head fun txt scare prank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44317584
File: 536 KB, 512x384, chamaruku September 11, 2017 sekibanki wakasagihime 2g clever fun toy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44317620 [SPOILER] 
File: 477 KB, 1356x2048, stufquin48 1013787857276694529 Jul 3, 2018 sekibanki komachi 2g power scythe clever trad inkw bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44320587

I wish that was a real
I'd buy one

>> No.44322898
File: 1.08 MB, 2700x3240, Gurina_Core15 1520310998124560384 Apr 30, 2022 sekibanki 1g face tongue pose angle carry power fs11.58mb2700x3240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44323179
File: 765 KB, 1032x774, shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck this sexy human village girl in the pussy. Human pride worldwide!

>> No.44324748

looks like she's about to slam dunk her head

>> No.44326450

Good luck on your human village girl love endeavors anon

>> No.44330718
File: 2.66 MB, 960x1704, 1674163167046633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44333180

that's the dream right there

>> No.44337454

Waiting warmly for the next installment.

>> No.44338815

Same here, I'm also hoping for AO3 link.

>> No.44341705

Touhou AND TF2??? Holy austisms!

>> No.44341722

The retard copying random stuff from threads is loose again jannies.

>> No.44342546

Seriously? Are you a holofaggot trying to bump his old threads off the board so you can spam new ones? What are you really? What drives you to perform this shit?

>> No.44343574
File: 2.57 MB, 1851x2048, Sekibanki drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red had been on the hunter's mind as of late, even during his rather tedious odd jobs he hasn't been able to get Sekibanki off his mind. Everything around him reminded him of her; some kids playing with a red paper ball, the fashionable red dress on display at the market, the strange and exotic red outsider fruits that sometimes found their way in.

It was normal, or so he thought, after all the danger hadn't truly passed yet! Of course he'd be worried and rack his brain thinking about what she was doing and if she was safe! Its only natural to be worried about someone important to you, like your... teacher!

It was why that even though he still felt the occasional eyes on his back he just couldn't focus on anything else but the lovely rose red girl he walked home the other night. The memory was still vivid in his mind just as the world around him was as he moved crates and barrels of random nonsense around between the store house and shop that was paying him today.

Her heads were in a daze, figuratively of course, as she swept, cleaned, and served doing whatever was needed today much like any other. Sekibanki couldn't help but replay that day's events over and over in her head. She'd already long convinced herself, by necessity to keep her sanity, that she of course had it all in hand at what happened at the lakeside and that the quiet walk home was entirely mundane.

She held this conviction with an ironclad heart, after all the only reason she couldn't get the hunter out of her mind was solely because she was worried about about him over embellishing the stories about her friends and getting her on the miko's 'kill now' list. There was no other reason, of course.

Still she couldn't help but laugh at his stupid face and how serious it was when he was professing about how important she was to him. That was surely why she couldn't help but smile when she thought of him, of course; after all why else would she break into a smile and complain about him excessively to her strangely smug co-workers. It was simply because she couldn't help but make fun of him in her spare time that she seemed to be bringing him up constantly to anyone who she considers a close acquaintance.

Naturally, the attention she gave him was merely for the sake of keeping him as playing the fool, its not like she would get happy when she was able to see him on her off days just for the sake of it! After all, whatever delusions he labored under was none of her concern. All Banki needed was to gaslight and play him like a fiddle to spread rumors of her and her friends power in order to keep these villagers in line. Honestly, she was a youkai hero as far as she was concerned and wouldn't be surprised if her listing in the Chronicles was elevated to at least the level of the big four of the mountain.

That night it was one of their usual meetings, dinner and the cleanup had been finished finally letting the sake flow freely into their cups. The two of them had chatted about youkai and brought out their notes filled with misinformation about the 'Village three' and what was mostly true of various other smaller youkai.

Sekibanki was just finishing up the latest "news" she heard about the last wolf of the moon, "And thats why they say the rabbits invaded the mountain back then! She howled at the moon so loudly that they considered it an attack and had to dispatch their entire army just to send her away!"

The hunter had been at the edge of his seat at her thrilling story, how the wolf invaded the world of dreams thirsting the taste of the blood of their old lunarian enemies! How she managed to fight off hordes of rabbits and lunarians alike till even the gods of hell and the moon had to get involved supported by the mikos!

He couldn't believe he survived an encounter with them, surely they must have been going easy on him. After all he may be the best hunter in the village but compared to their feats he was small fry. Knocking back another drink the hunter mused out loud, "Still I wonder why they keep stalking me?"

Crap, the hunter realized he misspoke! Sekibanki's previous slightly smug and grandiose face as she recounted the story of one of the youkai she was a fan of sank as she coughed on the sake she was sipping lightly. With a slightly flushed face she sputtered, "W-what do you mean they're still watching you?! I thought those gir- I mean I thought those damn youkai gave up on you!" Dawning realization appeared on her face as her face grew bright red, "You don't mean someone saw you come in here did they...? No wonder..."

Dammit! She fell quiet as she mulled things over making the hunter punch himself mentally for scaring her like that! She was already so involved and went through such hell just for him... Maybe...

Perhaps it was just the sake talking, but he got up landing a foot on the table and proudly announced, "Sekibanki-sensei, I'll put you at ease and wipe those evil youkai out! They'll never scare you again!"

>> No.44344448

Sekibanki more like sexybanki

>> No.44344483

i love autistic ppl so much

>> No.44344982


>> No.44346194

She's awakening her tsun side

>> No.44347300

Self love is important indeed.

>> No.44347630


>> No.44348163


>> No.44349977

Oh no! Sekibanki has to stop Anon from getting killed!

>> No.44351615

Anon is going to drunkenly rant at those two about things he loves about Sekibanki, isn’t he?

>> No.44352404

Where did her skirt go?

>> No.44355155

honestly, pretty good parody

>> No.44358318
File: 1.07 MB, 941x1500, 1667979408280027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44362017
File: 2.49 MB, 1799x2229, Kagerou cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shadow covered the black farm land around him as the brightness of the moon hid the details of the earth from the young hunter. It didn't matter, tonight would be the night where he heads into the bamboo forest the wolf lurks in and he'd ambush her while the source of her power was waning.

He took a swig from his bottle of sake allowing the taste of cheap fermented rice washed over his parched tongue. The burning resolution he made this night wouldn't wait for tomorrow, after all what if they struck his sweet... teacher while he was recovering on the lumpy futon he slept on?!

No, it had to be now! He patted his pockets down one last time, feeling the polished rod and seals sitting soundly in his pouches. He smiled as he head further down the path to the infamous forest ready for anything, there was nothing that could stop him!

Sekibanki awoke with a groggy head and dry mouth, her eyes opened to the sight of a messy table littered with paper and a tipped over cup sitting besides another still right side up. She lifted her body off of the table only to find her blanket slip off her shoulders, despite the sick feeling pervading her body she couldn't help but smile at the small gesture of kindness.

She looked around the room, slightly messy due to the clutter and a half pulled out futon that seemed that whoever tried getting it out gave up halfway of laying it out properly. She sighed inwardly at the mess but couldn't find it in her get angry right now.

Even if the hunter was a fool he did at least try to help her despite his manifest drunkenness, besides, she thought; I have a hangover that needs a tall cup of water and some food. It was as she ate a meal of plain rice with some tea on the side that she heard a knock on her door.

She groaned inwardly as she covered her ears, after all it was probably just a solicitor or something. If she just left it they'd go away in time, and if it was burglar... well even in her state it wasn't like some desperate human could best her.

As she sat there with a her hands over her ears and her mind drifting to thoughts of a hot bath before she had to rush to work later she heard a familiar voice. "Seki-chan you have to open up! You're home right now aren't you?! its an emergency!" the voice of a slightly useless youkai filtered in through her hands causing her to get up despite her bodies protests.

She opened the door letting the brilliant light of a new day assault her eyes, squinting and putting up a hand to block some of the light she saw her solicitor. A blue haired girl with mismatched eyes wearing a modest looking blouse and dress made of thin material suited to dealing with the heat that would be all pervasive later today.

Kogasa twirled her umbrella nervously, the unappealing shade of eggplant purple was as blatant as the long tongue and singular eye that made up its unmistakable visage. Her face was clearly softly panicking as if she had a duty to hide it from the simple humans of the village.

Sekibanki sighed inwardly, Kogasa was a comrade of the grassroots network and she was friendly with her but if she was frank her low self-esteem was quite burdensome. As much like now she expected Kogasa to seek comfort or pitch some half-baked scheme to make her useful to the humans of the village, something a proud and vicious youkai like Sekibanki just couldn't fathom.

Instead the words out of the useless youkai's mouth perked her right up, "Sekibanki-san, its bad! its real bad! Your boyfriend is in huge trouble!"

The hunter was ecstatic, after all no less than a man of his caliber could pull off what he was doing. The night hung heavily in the sky and was filtered by the long, and to a more sober mind, eerie stalks of bamboo taller than most buildings he's ever seen in the village or even in stories. The path to wasn't the most easy, being waylaid by no less than three... or maybe it was just one forest dwelling youkai?

Either way they hardly slowed him! Surely it was because of his training and solid moves and not them entirely dropping the ball on vigilance and copping a seal. Either way, the hunter was riding on clouds as the sake coursed through his system.

The forest wasn't accepting of him, it twisted his perception in ways that only the uneven grounds and similar scenery could. However, be it his intuition or just blind stumbling and persistence he eventually heard a howl deeper into the forest which guided him like a mosquito.

Before he knew it he stumbled into a thicket, his eyes were just adapted enough to make out a rather well made cabin made out of bamboo and more proper wood. As fate would have it he made out a women wearing what seemed to be a white dress standing out in stark contrast to the darkness as it caught what little moonlight it could.

The hunter knew what he had to do, he did an old party trick and finished the rest of the bottle with a swirl letting it pour down his throat and roared, "Youzze wonnt lay a hhhan' on Seki-chan!"

>> No.44364251

>"Sekibanki-san, its bad! its real bad! Your boyfriend is in huge trouble!"
Go Seki go
Save your man!

>> No.44364349

Kogasa being a nosy gossip was a good thing

>> No.44366698

Truly Kogasa can do no wrong

>> No.44367029

she can follow Banki's example and get herself a boyfriend

>> No.44367324

Hopefully without being mistaken for a homewrecker and then beat up by the miko

>> No.44373752

I volunteer
I will marry the umbrella

>> No.44375216
File: 201 KB, 750x1000, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_asutora__c3656f50255d17db2ef765cfce0580e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.

>> No.44381343

Why would you ever want such an unappealing umbrella??

>> No.44383972
File: 79 KB, 573x324, touhou kogasa and sekibanki spin head on umbrella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kogasa cute

>> No.44387611
File: 685 KB, 2591x2795, 1664111723303866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44391733

Cute swimsuit and dorky cape combo

>> No.44392973

i imagine her body as a tee and her head as a golf ball for me to swing with a driver

>> No.44396229
File: 603 KB, 1953x1770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine bowling with banki

>> No.44398562

wonder if her head is the perfect weight...

>> No.44401534

Obviously it is because Banki is perfect

>> No.44404911

Banki Bowling!

>> No.44409716

Man I want a bowling based touhou game
Shit sound real fun

>> No.44412131
File: 1.56 MB, 900x2082, Sekibanki sit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He analyzed his surroundings despite the bright sunlight making that a thoroughly unpleasant idea, but it was necessary. Unlike his expectations he didn't wake up on his lumpy futon surrounded by similarly poor men taking shelter in the halfway house, today it seemed that he found himself in a thick and eerie forest.

Green stalks of tall bamboo swayed in the gentle morning breeze and obscured the morning sun enough to cast a deep shadow on the forest. Still it was bright enough to see easily and more importantly, annoy his dehydrated head. Close to him; only a dozen feet or two lied a rather poorly maintained building, what was once a nice cabin all the way out here seemed to be in a state of extreme disrepair.

The hunter's head hurt, his body hurt, his eyes hurt... Everything hurt in some way or another... Man he could use a tall cup of cheap tea filled with honey and a breakfast set, he didn't think he'd get much of anything though, given the circumstances. After all the cage he found himself in was rather well made, and judging by the fact that they didn't even bind his arms and legs he figured that they had good reason to be confident in their craftsmanship.

If there was one word he could use to describe his situation it'd be: Confused. After all last thing he remembered was sitting around the small table at Sekibanki's house chatting the night away. After... well he took another drink after Sekibanki passed out and things get a little fuzzy, nothing comes to mind but stumbling around in the dark.

He swallowed involuntary as he realized his situation, clearly this cabin must be the lair of a youkai, only they lived in such squalor after all. If he was in the forest of bamboo then that must mean he'd been captured by none other than the dreaded wolf of the moon! Almost reflexively he felt his bowels want to loose, and if he had anything in him he might've even considered letting it pass.

Unable to best the cage's bindings the hunter sat there and mulled over his fate, maybe he'd be made into a stew? or perhaps made into a nice jacket? Maybe his bones will be artfully arranged into some sick art project? Well mulling it over didn't seem to last long as his captor exited the treeline around the ruins of the cabin...

The red blur that was Sekibanki flew with Kogasa who just didn't seem to stop prattling off about this and that. Sekibanki was already tuning her out since she got the information she needed, besides even on a good day Kogasa liked vomiting nonsense and now that she was in a panic it was like a waterfall. She kicked herself for her earlier indecision in not acting sooner as she thought back to the wasted minutes where she just couldn't comprehend the words spoken to her.

As Kogasa stood at the entrance she explained with an almost whiny panic suffusing her voice, "Its big, real big and real bad Seki-san! Your boyfriend went to the bamboo forest and started assaulting youkai left and right!" Sekibanki's still groggy mind tried to process that as she stood at the door of her abode, huh? The hunter? No way not him, even if he was an idiot he wasn't the kind of guy to do something so dumb and out-rightly suicidal... right?

However, the hopping umbrella's next words caused a knot of worry to form in her belly worse than the effects of the drinks from last night. Kogasa whined, "They told me he was screaming out your name as he attacked them, so after they knocked him out they called me to get you asap! You gotta hurry before it gets worse!"

Before the hunter stood a rather cross looking Kagerou and openly hostile looking mouse youkai, both of their outfits were rather tattered. Their eyes had a strange tinge about them that clearly marked them out as non-human and it sent chills down the hunter's back...

His words failed him in starting the conversation as he was keenly aware of his position of being bound and captive before one of the greatest youkai in gensokyo... and a mouse? Well the mouse looked like a native of the forest, her rather boyish yukuta was roughed up and ripped in several places with a large bump on her head. Kagerou stood there next to her, her arms were crossed and reminded him of a mother looking at their disobedient child.

The white and somewhat plain dress of Kagerou was stained with dirt unlike last time he saw her, it was of a slightly different pattern than back then but of the same quality. Her dress had what seemed to be burns on it in a vaguely rectangular pattern and a two large bumps on her head. He felt a strange sense of guilt looking at them that he couldn't place his finger on...

In fact even his own clothing were similarly roughed up, except his wounds were very much visible under the tears, nothing serious at least but enough to put him in bed for a bit. A sobering picture started to form in his mind as he put together the pieces of the puzzle...

>> No.44412618

poor hunter
a little in over his head

>> No.44415278

Wow, our hunter really went with a no holds barred beatdown.

>> No.44418442
File: 19 KB, 632x600, Mouse youkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the irritable mouse that spoke first, "I'm still saying we should just kill him before the shrine maiden catches wind of this! He attacked first so its fair game and you know it too!" The dreaded wolf was silent for a second longer than the hunter would've liked as he wondered how well this cage would hold up to a few more bashes.

Kagerou spoke up next, "you're right... However, this is a personal matter, as this one belongs to a comrade of mine. Besides, incurring the red and white's wrath while she's hidden herself away in her love nest isn't the best idea now is it?" As the hunter was trying to fit in the final pieces of the puzzle of his clearly eventful night the mouse youkai grunted in acknowledgement before squatting down.

The mouse sneers at the hunter without a trace of amusement on her slightly dirty face yet still keeps a few feet from the crate, "You're lucky human, me and my sisters would've had you ripped limb from limb after you attacked us!" The mouse seemed like she had a few more things to add but Kagerou cleared her throat which caused her to stand back up, "I'll be off then... though if she doesn't want to take such a bastard back be sure to call me!"

Kagerou made no remark as she saw her run off into the forest with some curses under her breath about, 'how much of a pain it'll be to get the dirt out' Fortunately, the hunter was saved from being lectured by a cross apex youkai such as her as her arms unfolded and with a sour expression on her face she waved at something in the sky.

Sekibanki and Kogasa set down around the familiar and comfy cabin that Kagerou called home, only to find it all but destroyed. The ground was churned up here and there from what looked like bullet impacts and her house itself was barely standing with its roof and walls smashed into thanks to the resulting battle. Kagerou herself stood there with a sadly familiar resting scowl she only reserves for when she's boiling mad. A face Sekibanki has only seen a handful of times and dreads, thanks to the one time she was on the receiving end of it after an unfortunate incident regarding a full moon, shaving razors, and some very mischievous inaba.

As well in that clearing was a cage about 4 feet in height containing a rather unhappy looking man she instantly recognized. As Kogasa moved forward with a, "I got Seki-san like you asked Kage-san!" she saw just how beat up he looked which gave her a jolt of panic, it was superficial wounding to be sure but his wounds were obvious and looked like he just went through a thresher.

Sekibanki was uncertain for a moment as she stepped forward, thinking that this idiot deserved worse for bothering her friend. After all, how could he do something so stupid?! Even if he was too drunk there wasn't any excuse he could make to justify worryi- harassing her friend and destroying her home! She knew that her cover may have been blown, after all to see her fly in... and even if he missed that from the view of his small cage than surely he'd be suspicious of her bumping shoulders again with youkai... but she didn't care and it was in her own little world that as she approached the cage Kagerou called out to Sekibanki, snapping her out of it and stiffening her back.

The hunter heard Kogasa, a youkai that all in the village knew and tolerated, appear before he saw it. DId she say, "Seki-san?" Surely he must have heard her wrong, there's no way THAT useless umbrella youkai would bring a human all the way out here. Nor would she personally know a vicious youkai like the wolf enough to call her so familiarly, and what was her connection to Sekibanki? Had the blackmailing gone farther than he thought?!?

So many questions whirled around his already dizzy head and he awkwardly shifted his body in the tight cage to face the now approaching umbrella and his belo- favorite teacher. The umbrella youkai was all smiles and seemed more than a little smug as she stood vaguely around the wolf; He supposed for such a useless youkai being the lackey of one of the top dogs was a treat enough and felt a pang of pity.

His eyes were shortly after caught by the lovely red that outshone even the rising sun in its luster and started to call out to her. The wolf had different plans apparently and with a scowl on her face that made Sekibanki jump slightly and stiffen in response her attention was ripped away.

The hunter had no choice but to grit his teeth and not anger the wolf anymore than she already was so he kept his silence and swallowed the words he was about to say. He heard the wolf, who's name seemed to be 'Kage', speak in a low tone reminiscent of a growled threat felt rather than heard.

With a look on her face like she just smelled something unpleasant 'Kage' began, "Sekibanki-san, my good friend friend and comrade... would you mind explaining what the wildly erroneous rumors I've had the pleasure to hear of are about?" Rumors? What in the world was the wolf bullying Sekibanki about...?

>> No.44418734

Seki gots some explaining to do

>> No.44419458
File: 743 KB, 1200x900, Kagerou swipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekibanki knew she was caught red handed and could feel her face grow hot as she tried to organize her thoughts beyond "ah-"s and "uh-"s". Her limbs grew cold in contrast and if she had less integrity than her position as 'top youkai of the village' demanded she'd consider popping her head off and fleeing while her body held her rage back. Sadly for her, she was indeed a youkai of good integrity and it had nothing to do with the fact that her... pawn was trapped and needed her help.

Sekibanki spoke up slowly avoiding direct eye contact with the angered wolf in front of her. "Ah well you see... It's just... Well it was a strategic decision you know..." Kagerou cleared her throat, her piercing gaze was unwavering much unlike Sekibanki's thin voice. "It was just, I thought that it'd help if I... told stories about you and help your legend grow in infamy... or something"

Kagerou seemed to absorb the words she said with impassive bitterness and Sekibanki continued like a scolded child, "So I figured if the village started thinking that umm... you and Wakasagihime-san were way more powerful then you'd be able to become important youkai and we wouldn't need to lay low and stuff..." Kagerou nodded her head and in a voice that sounded as friendly as thief right before he pulled out his knife to rob you she said, "I see, so Sekibanki-san only had our best interests in heart is it? I suppose that makes it alright after all, no harm done..."

Sekibanki gave her a quizzical look as she she couldn't help the hope raising in her chest, maybe she understood? She'd have to offer to fix up her house of course but maybe it'll be water under the bridge? She locked eyes with Kagerou and regretted it instantly.

Kagerou's face could only be described as, 'a pillow hiding a spike' as some of the rage started leaking through. Her voice was like ice sliding down your back she spoke softly at first, "Sekibanki-san, i'm sure you of all people know that messing with a youkai's reputation isn't a good thing right?" The red Rokurokubi could only stammer out a 'Yes' as Kagerou continued, her voice picking up in speed with each sentence, "You see Sekibanki-san, spreading rumors, even good ones, aren't good for youkai as it could change our nature itself and turn us into something else you know?"

Sekibanki couldn't say anything as Kagerou explained the concept she knew well like she was speaking to a child, "Did you think to actually consult with either Wakasagihime or me about this before you ahead and started telling a hunter such dangerous things?" Sekibanki whispered out a ,"no I didn't..." but that didn't stop the wolf, "I know you didn't, instead you paint a target on both mine and Wakasagihime's back not to mention all the other youkai that associate in our network! What if the red and white found out about this?! You know she's already weary of you and if she finds out you spurred on a hunter into believing these kinds of lies and disrupting the peace she won't just stop at taking out her anger on you!"

The hunter was confused, and more and more questions kept piling up the more and more Kagerou ranted at the cowed girl. Above the questions though was a discomfort at the injustice before his eyes, after all even if Sekibanki did spread rumors she didn't deserve to be talked to like this! She was a pure human girl that was mislead by these mean youkai that wouldn't even try understanding her admiration for them, as misguided as it was!

Despite the cage that restrained him and the hangover that made his head throb he couldn't sit by and say nothing, the power of the youkai in front of him be damned! In a loud voice that he instantly regretted making he shouted, "Do not talk to Sekibanki-sensei like that!"

His loud voice interrupted the continuous rant Kagerou was intent on showering Sekibanki with, it seemed to genuinely surprise the the trio of girls standing only a few feet from his cage who all turned their gaze to him. Kagerou squinted her eyes at the interruption while Sekibanki and Kogasa looked at him wide eyed and waved their arms in front of their chests, which be it form the headache or his foul mood he cleverly deduced was a sign that he should keep going.

With his anger greater than his hangover he opened his mouth again, "Sekibanki-sensei didn't do anything wrong in telling me all sorts of valuable things about evil youkai like you! She's super smart and the time she spends talking with me is a blessing so good that not even the gods could grant one better, and I refuse to let you put all her hard work to shame like that!"

The near frozen teacher of his could barely turn her head to see Kagerou's face just in time for a twitch to take place. Still the hunter didn't care, he'd tell off this destructive ultra-powered youkai even if he had too protect Sekibanki with his own life!

>> No.44419572

You've got to admire how much of a brave idiot hunter anon is

>> No.44419956

>The near frozen teacher of his could barely turn her head to see Kagerou's face just in time for a twitch to take place.
uh oh...

>> No.44422080

Kagerou is either going to burst out in laughter, stare in horror, or yell at Seki.

>> No.44424235

maybe all three

>> No.44428539

In that order!

>> No.44433151
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>> No.44436582
File: 2.13 MB, 1705x987, 11e28e8caeac03fb716cad640ca083ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I could be as comfy as all these fine ladies

>> No.44446327

nuh uh

>> No.44447205
File: 2.30 MB, 4000x3000, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_safutsuguon__8507e77d3b926b48a03cd43cddbbe185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44450103


>> No.44454217

Very pretty Banki

>> No.44458124

Banki bump

>> No.44458236

Sweaty banki head

>> No.44458255
File: 121 KB, 960x720, __cirno_imaizumi_kagerou_sekibanki_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_itatatata__4f68b7e8e80aecd7feb48d1407d59958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curling Sekibanki

>> No.44463043

Wagga is ded...

>> No.44467181
File: 431 KB, 1570x1267, sekibanki Kagerou jump rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The infamous Rokurokubi, master of the village and ruler of the canals felt rather small during the heavy silence that filled the idyllic clearing of what was once the site of her good friend's cozy cabin. She knew that the situation was bad, not only was her always calm and collected friend madder than an oni after you spilled their sake, but the fool of a hunter who caused her to crack just egged her on further.

Kagerou wasn't a violent person by any means and was happy to to avoid humans, staying in her little corner and only really heading out to meet up with friends or go on the occasional errand. However, everyone had a breaking point and now that Kagerou's venting had been interrupted the Rokurokubi was afraid that she might just be pushed too far.

Sekibanki could practically see her normally manicured nails stretch out into the claws, like she was struck with the light of a full moon as her body radiated an intensity rarely seen. The scariest thing was perhaps her voice, it sounded unusually sweet as she as at least her face was good at controlling her emotion.

With a face that displayed a kind of motherly wrath her sweet voice rang out, "Seki-san... You should take your boyfriend and hurry back home now, its going to get dark soon and you don't want him getting caught by any mean spirited monsters, right?" Sekibanki took the meaning at once and hoped from the bottom of her heart that the hunter would keep his big mouth shut and stop trying to 'defend' her, of course she was woefully wrong.

The hunter stared down the deadly wolf where she stood, she must have been intimidated as she stopped insulting and spoke to Sekibanki much more respectfully now. Still something made him a bit on edge, but surely he'd proved his point? As Sekibanki quickly jogged over to him she undid the lock on the cage and the top opened up allowing him to stand and stretch his legs.

Sekibanki watched him get out and as she watched him clamber out of the cage the worry and stress on her face was palpable. Her words were quiet as if she didn't want to be overheard, "Your fine right?" she looked the hunter up and down with a word of confirmation she nodded and continued, "lets just go, Kagerou-san is really mad and its better to let her cool down. I haven't seen her this mad in a long time but I'll make it up to her later, so don't worry about it for now"

The hunter felt Sekibanki grab his hand to lead to him to the tree line and out of sight of Kagerou, but something didn't sit right. He had a lot of questions to ask her thanks to his whole ordeal but if what she just said was truth and she had a long running association with her...

How long has Sekibanki been under this wolf's thumb? Its clear she feared her, with good reason too he supposed. However, that must mean that she's always been a spy for them, used and abused thanks to her fascination with youkai that clearly ran too deep! A terrible realization struck her, if she's a pawn for these youkai, beasts that considered his kind as nothing more than food on a good day than there was a good chance Sekibanki's future won't last long once she uses this 'network' of hers to get 'rid' of Sekibanki!.

As she held his hand leading him away slipped out from her loose grasp and turned to face the wolf.

Sekibanki turned after she felt his hand slip out of hers, she was mentally preoccupied enough to fail in noticing right away and by the time she turned to see what was going on she heard his voice again. In a loud voice, that judging by the subtle wince he made annoyed him as much as it rang her head, he shouted, "If you ever touch Sekibanki-sensei again I'll come back and finish what I started! You'll never hurt her again as long as I'm here!"

Sekibanki took awhile to process what he just shouted, a tad bit slower than Kagerou did it seemed as before the impact of his words could fully register on her mind she could've sworn she heard the sound of glass breaking. She turned in time to see time practically slow down, Kogasa had her hand in her face with her brow furrowed, Kagerou's face seemed to have a vein poking out visibly. The hunter's bruised up face had an idiotic fierceness to it that captivated her for a moment longer than needed.

Kagerou nodded sagely, and despite that she wasn't trying to be loud her voice was clear to Sekibanki, "Sekibanki-san... I see I'll have clear up your boyfriend's delusions for you" With that simple sentence the foot of the wolf moved forward, she thought that he was a fool; no bigger of a fool existed that would decide to go ahead and provoke a youkai like this when he was home free, did she mince her words somehow? Did he not understand that it was fine and she'd smooth things over? Regardless of the reasons why she found herself stepping forward to intercept Kagerou. She knew she wouldn't hurt him, not enough for it kill him anyways, its not like he didn't deserve it either; but he was her idiot to discipline, not hers.

>> No.44468047

>but he was her idiot to discipline, not hers

>> No.44474348

Well... which one are you choosing?

>> No.44476537
File: 941 KB, 2220x3106, Kagerou grabbing you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hunter was confused, Sekibanki was quick. Too quick for a girl who spent all day waiting tables and researching youkai, as well there was no way she should be able to do something that only a Hakurei could hope to do. The blood red Sekibanki had gotten in front of him while he was preparing to dodge the incoming wrathful wolf and locked arms with her before 'Kage-san' could even get within 10 feet of him.

Still he had no time too lose, he had to find his rod and help out his belov- important sensei before anything bad happened, and put this wolf in her place!

Sekibanki couldn't really believe what she'd just did, she was up against her longtime friend in a spurious decision to defend THAT guy from his deserved punishment. If she was thinking logically she would say there's no way he didn't deserve a good beat down, more than he already got anyways. After all he rampaged around like a fool, found a way to destroy her friend's house, attacked youkai minding their own business, and dragged her out of her home while her head pounded before she could even finish her recovery breakfast.

However, there was one thing that was also true, he did it for her.

Kagerou's attack was blocked by banki's crossed arms, it left her arms feeling none the worse. That wasn't to say it didn't have some power behind it but it was punitive and meant to knock him out, relieve her stress, and punish him all in one go. Kagerou wasn't the type of girl to go overboard from losing her cool after all, it wouldn't have given him any real lasting injuries and she would've been able to drag him home after.

All in all it was the perfect punishment and would've wrapped things up neatly, but something about the idea of Kagerou hitting him just... didn't sit well to her. She couldn't put this feeling into words, just what drove her to potentially harm the relationship with her best friend?

Sekibanki considered this question until her friend stepped back, the anger and frustration visible on her face now as her mouth was almost pulled back in a rather fitting wolf-like snarl. Kagerou's voice had her rage apparent with harsh undertones, "Sekibanki-san, surely you understand that what he did requires some punishment? Step out of my way so I can give him what he deserves!"

Sekibanki felt the hair on the back of her neck stiffen as Kagerou turned her gaze to the defensive Rokurokubi, "He might... no he 100% deserves it for being a dumb, incomprehensible human and I apologize for what I did to cause this, but... but I won't let you hurt him in front of me, he's too important to me to let you touch even a hair on his head!"

With an anger that she made no more strides to hide she raised her claws again, "Then Sekibanki-san, show me that you can protect him!" A magic circle burst to life behind Kagerou, dark and visible with power as the magic swirled around it forming into bullets. She hesitated for a moment instead of summoning her own magics, what if he hadn't figured out her identity yet? Would he grow to hate her if he found out? Regardless of her thoughts the first blast of bullets came forth.

The hunter had scoured his memory and the grounds around him until he found it! His tool of the trade and valuable protection, the inscribed rod. It had been laying next to the worried umbrella as she uselessly hopped in nervousness not seeming to notice it in the rubble laying strewn around the place or didn't care too. Kogasa's voice was fraught with panic as she seemed to finally register the hunter himself as she turned to him, "Hey, you're Seki-chan's boyfriend right?! You need to stop them! I haven't Seen Kage-chan that angry for years!"

He turned to the umbrella as the light show started in front of him, the umbrella continued on with the same whiny panic, "Ehhh? why isn't Seki-chan summoning her heads, or her magic? Whats she thinking by not flying!?" Her words entered his head for a moment, heads? magic? what is she talking about? Despite that he wanted to ask her more he didn't have the time, the bullets splayed around Kagerou in the same pattern as the last time he met her face to face but with an intensity unlike before. Getting hit with one could put him out judging by how the left gouges in the ground.

Kagerou rose into the air as if it was natural, which to the hunter reminded him of his vague memories of last night all too well. He reached into his pouch but damn, there was no seals left at all. He tried to move forward but what was almost a wall of bullets formed a loose barrier before they petered out as the magic in them dissipated. He could see Sekibanki glance at him slightly as she dodged too and fro with an inhuman unnatural speed and agility despite being bound to the ground. Still, he had to do something!

The bullets dissipated finally as Kagerou shouted at Sekibanki something he couldn't hear and the hunter made his move sprinting towards Sekibanki without a plan in mind. The wolf's bullets resumed mercilessly.

>> No.44476626
File: 44 KB, 326x307, 8b33c546c5f7d8c9af4f4e8f5d5acdf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.44476660

I can't wait until Kage chews out Banki for being as equally stupid as her boyfriend.

>> No.44476670

Aren't Anons cutest when they're almost retarded?

>> No.44476736

poor Sekibanki
this situation has spiraled way out of control

>> No.44476949
File: 766 KB, 1242x927, banki shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once Kage calms down i'm everyone have a long laugh at her expense

>> No.44482281
File: 286 KB, 591x1060, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_shirosato__7da96120c4404b9ca74f9716883687fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44484141

So everyone.

>> No.44484453
File: 993 KB, 1600x2000, 00453-3439966209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I confess I haven't been following this story diligently, but something about Seki-san and hunting did reach my ears...

>> No.44484554

POV: You tried to go home after missing all the hits banki was giving

>> No.44486340
File: 715 KB, 1295x1812, Sekibanki stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if time had stood still the hunter could see the next wave of bullets approaching fast, 'Kage-san' had lived up to her name and and seemed to transform into a wolf itself as she danced across the empty field unloading bullets wherever she pleased. It was only by virtue that he wasn't her main target that he was able to stick to where the waves of condensed light were thinner.

Still, it was far beyond an earthbound human's ability to keep up and the dirt kicked up by the repeated blasts obscured his vision. There was little he could do but sit on the sidelines while he watched Sekibanki dance around like she could read where the waves would split. He admired the way her vivid rose-red cape danced in the wind as she moved too and fro, mesmerized by the long irovy legs that were able to find its perch on the ground as graceful as a tengu, the focused look on her face as she seemed to analyze where everything was going to hit around her like a predator tracking its quarry.

It was like watching a dew flecked flower bloom under the morning sun and it demanded his attention, sadly nothing lasts forever and it seemed that the bullets that churned up the earth was enough to trip her up every so slightly. She stumbled just enough for one of the blasts to bear down towards her with no hope of dodging out of the way.

The red Rokurokubi was in the zone, she knew the patterns that her friend used rather well and wasn't phased by the seemingly insurmountable wall of bullets even though she had restricted herself to the ground. Her speed and eyes were well beyond a human's and she ambled around the bullets with ease.

Despite Kagerou's anger she felt a bit of warmth despite it all, she wasn't seriously trying to hurt her after all. The blasts were stronger than normal, that was true, but she didn't throw any curve balls nor was she seething with ferocity like she was back when they all ran amok so the sheer volume of magic wasn't as much as then. Much like most youkai of this new age this was both her stress relief and way to argue and it felt almost friendly.

She was able to keep a small train of thought of how she would apologize after all, fixing her home was a must of course, but maybe she'd get her that expensive perfume she found at the market the other day? She considered this despite the barrages coming down around her like hail, when suddenly she felt her foot catch onto something. She didn't have time to see what it was, it could've be the lip of a small pothole kicked up by the bullets, a large buried stone now dug out, or some mischievous plant's root now exposed. Regardless of what it was it didn't matter, she stumbled before she knew it and didn't catch herself with her magic for one reason or another.

She sighed internally in that split second, the magic blasts coming in would sting a bit and rip up her good outfit. The incoming magic was more of an annoyance than anything, but if it put an end to this little spat she'd be happy with the outcome. After all, it was a miracle that her... pawn didn't get overly injured despite the foolhardiness of his actions.

All in all it was fine with her that it ended with her loss, once she got home she would lecture her idiot thoroughly and she wondered if it would be out of line to get him to rest for the day after she treated his wounds, maybe she could convince him to stay the night...? Such musings were cut short, as she heard a certain idiot's voice shout her name.

She looked in surprise, her eyes darting in time too see a childish look of panic and concern set on his normally empty-minded face as he sprinted towards her. She could do nothing but watch in this strange period of slowed subjective time as he dived onto her just before the bullet would hit. She felt his arms wrap around her in desperation, the smell of cheap sake lingering on his clothes as her vision became obscured by his body and kicked up dust in equal measure.

That was when she heard the last thing she wanted to hear, the sound of the bullet impacting him, and another, and another, until a cracking sound was heard coming from somewhere that it shouldn't have.

>> No.44487429


>> No.44487987

RIP hunter anon

>> No.44490871

Banki going back to page one!

>> No.44491052

It's over...

>> No.44494716

Blue Aya is right. Human men should stay in the house.

>> No.44494839

luckily danmaku bullets are more like dodgeballs than real bullets, but poor hunter anon, tricked and deceived by Youkai.
He should settle down with a nice human girl, maybe a certain bookshop owner...

>> No.44494854

Don't forget anon, danmaku are strong enough to rip up clothing and give youkai bumps. Against a human they could potentially be fatal, especially if the youkai shooting them is angry!

>> No.44499702

Let's hope Anon's luck is as dense as his skull.

>> No.44503933
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>> No.44505313

With any luck Kagerou knocked the stupid out of him

>> No.44507687

When has luck ever been a part of this?
It started with Seki's public humiliation and has all, overall, gone downhill from there

>> No.44507753
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Holy shit this thread is still alive?

>> No.44508069
File: 3.47 MB, 1366x2732, __sekibanki_and_ebisu_eika_touhou_drawn_by_waramori_fuzuka__7261f2b9d7a0189df1477ea1f0ac6c4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fog shrouded light covered the scenery that surrounded him. A stoney riverbank stretched on as far as his eyes could see, not that he could see very far in the humid mist mind you. He felt a strange weight in his hands, looking down he found a small handful of coins.

Some were rusty, some were polished and of higher value, and one in particular was shiny and golden. This confused him, and the hunter felt in his pockets finding nothing but lint and dirt. Finally, like waking from a dream he remembered reality.

Panic tugged at his brain as he tried to yell out Sekibanki's name only for the yell to die in his throat. He coughed as a searing pain pierced his chest, a spattering of blood was launched out of his mouth and dirtied the stony ground beneath him.

His breathing became shallow and labored as he fell to the ground on all fours hacking out blood and clutching his chest. He felt sick, dizzy, and on the verge of breaking down until a sound in the distance focused his mind.

He felt desperate for any distraction away from the pain and fear that coursed through his soul and followed the sound on unsteady feet. Each step felt like he'd been running up and down the steps to the Hakurei shrine but strangely it never pushed into the head pounding light headedness one would feel before passing out.

Before him sat a child, looking no more than she was a part of the junior class at the temple school. She sat there in a strange white dress frilled with deep red cloth that sat below fluffy white hair and strangely elongated ears. He tried to speak but could barely strangle out wind much less a complete word.

Lights surrounded the girl, the unmistakable lights of the departed that seemed to flash somewhat before they hid behind the many small stacks of stones that dotted the ground here. As the spirits flashed and his the girl herself perked up like a frightened deer before spotting him.

Before he knew it a rock whipped past him then another, as the girl seemed to yell "Oni go home!" with all the fury of small dog. One of the rocks struck true as he couldn't move well at all and the feeble hunter doubled over in pain. He was unable to say anything at all and expected only more suffering as he covered a his head with his arms, but no more stones sailed to him.

Confused he opened his eyes only to see an equally confused girl stare back at him. She looked at the rock in her hands and back towards the spirits that peeked out from behind the tiny towers. She looked at the hunter, "Eh? Are you not an oni?" he could only shake his head and a look of worry manifested on her face.

Quickly she stood up and jogged over to his prone form, "Sorry, sorry! I didn't think a human would ever come out this far!" She kneeled by him as he struggled to even back on his knees before the child who tried to help him the best she could. The spirits bounced around her as if cheering her on and seemed to give a silent 'huzzah' as he managed to get back on his unsteady feet.

The hunter tried to speak but could only choke out a "Who.. are you...?" before it became too hard to talk again. The girl looked up at him, her head only came up to his belly and her face was a mix of apprehension and inquisitiveness that quite suited a child of her apparent age.

The small girl spoke with the faintest bit of smugness on her face as she pressed her thumb into her chest, "I'm Eika Ebisu, the idol of the lost souls of children!"

>> No.44508076

Just a small update for now as I got rather busy today and its very late now.

>> No.44514493

Any update is a good update

>> No.44515311

he ded?

>> No.44515360

he's probably at most, half dead
reimu died once in WaHH and ended up on the banks of the sanzu river until marisa managed to get some medicine to revive her

>> No.44515377

Does mouth to mouth work if your floating head isn't physically connected to your lungs?

>> No.44520925
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>> No.44525503


>> No.44528762
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>> No.44528993
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>> No.44529686
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Soft clacking sounds were heard from the small section of riverbank the hunter found himself on. Eika had taken to his company like a fish to water and was busy talking his ear off about the various ins and outs of stone stacking.

Near musically, the words danced out of her mouth about the games they all would play down here, the names of each of the souls that she knew like the back of her hand, and how she always knew the best places to hide when a rude oni came around to bully them. All of it was a welcome distraction from his worries and the ever-present pain that still stung his chest everytime he drew breath.

Unperturbed by his apparent lack of interest Eika continued with words that finally snapped his mind back, "I'm surprised a human like you was able to hold their shape! I've only ever met a handful of humans who could, say you're not some super cool person are you?" The thought hadn't even crossed his mind actually, all the spirits, spirits of unborn and lost children he learned to his dismay, were indeed nothing more than orbs lacking flesh.

The hunter had learned at temple school long ago that when you die you wake at the river leaving your body behind with the only possessions the karma you earned in life, which he supposed were the coins he found snugly in his pockets after spilling them during his coughing fit. This was just an immutable truth the same as the sun rising or the fairies playing.

He stared down at his hands for a second looking, closing, and opening them as if affirming he was actually here and not dreaming. Driven by the same impulse he reached out and felt the large floppy earlobes of the girl next to him. This seemed to catch her off guard as she yelped in surprise as his other hand started mussing her fluffy hair.

She swatted at his hands while a light confusion and blush filled her cheeks, "What are you doing?! Why does every grownup like to mess with my hair? Is it a game I don't know about?!" The spirits seemed to gather around her defensively and the hunter got the distinct impression of children jeering at him.

He croaked out an apology only to find the pain when he tried to talk subsided a bit allowing a him to mumble out, "sorry, just not... not sure I'm actually dead... everything hurts..." A complicated look came over Eika's face as the children seemed to converse amongst themselves in an inaudible manner before she turned to them and nodded with confidence.

Eika's cherubic face brightened again as she chimed in, "I don't know a whole lot like the shinigami do, but if you're not dead you should be able to leave if you go that way!" She pointed in a direction away from the subtle sound of flowing water off in the fog shrouded distance. The hunter stood, an anemic feeling overcame him and threatened to topple him but he was able to catch himself.

Eika looked at him quizzically, "are you going now? You didn't even get to take part in our competition!" The hunter smiled despite the paleness he could practically feel in his face, "Sorry Eika-chan... but my friend needs help... she's in a lot of trouble you see... I can't let her get hurt..." Eika's face dropped a bit as if she just bit into something distasteful, "well, if you can't find your way out we'll play a lot before its time for you to head over the river... you have the time after all!"

The words and expression on both her face, and the children he could only get the vaugest impression of, didn't make him feel better. However, he had to move. Sekibanki could be in serious trouble after all, he readied himself clinging to a thin hope that he could make it back to her and started walking into the fog as he waved his goodbye.

He'd like to say he made it, that he found the end to the impenetrable fog and reached the infamous road of spirits that would lead him back to the village. The truth was different, earthen colored rocks spread out in all directions masked by the cool unsummer-like fog and gloomy atmosphere that blanketed the area. The distant burble of running water was ever-present despite the sounds of clacking rocks having long faded.

Still, he kept up his pace and quickened it as much as he could before the stabbing pain in his chest became too great. He began to panic softly as it seemed the sterile riverbank never gave way to the wholesome earth he knew no matter how long he walked, not that he knew how as time seemed a moot point here without the sun to guide him. He never knew how much he could miss the color green till now.

A pain started growing in his chest, a searing and cutting trauma over where his ribs were broken as if someone was reaching down into him and rearranging the flesh and bones of his torso. He yelled, but that only magnified his pain as he tasted the blood pooled in his lungs. He felt like he wanted to pass out as his vision grew hazy, but the sweet release of unconsciousness never came.

He then heard the sounds of rocks clacking softly in the distance and crawled.

>> No.44529997

>and cutting trauma over where his ribs were broken as if someone was reaching down into him and rearranging the flesh and bones of his torso.

I cant help but put the sad image of Sekibanki and crew desperately trying to put anon back together. Likely in Eientei right....

>> No.44533648
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You've played her game yes?

>> No.44533790
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I still listen to the music

>> No.44534442

What now banki bros?
We're at bump limit

>> No.44534487
File: 474 KB, 900x600, 73061989_p0_master1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is writefagging so we have an excuse to make another thread when this one drops off. Alternatively he can finish it the next time a bnaki thread comes around or finish on AO3 and link it.
It's up to the rest of you, I'm just along for the ride, we also have a while before we fall off still.

>> No.44535370

Let Bnaki rest.

>> No.44535458
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Not until her tale ends.

>> No.44535566

I can do either and was going to get an ao3 link up anyways

>> No.44539186
File: 2.43 MB, 1565x2764, Sekibanki JK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went ahead and got the prologue edited and posted up. Was busy most of the day so I only got the prologue ready and will posting the rest in my usual fashion over time while working on the rest of the story here, assuming there is another Sekithread soon. If not i'll just finish it on Ao3 and post it here piecemeal.

Either way, thanks for reading!

>> No.44540893

Glorious. It's nice to see it preserved on AO3. I'll be waiting warmly for the rest of the story.
