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4389362 No.4389362 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4389370

Why are you using a generic tactician. Shouldn't you have Kenshin and Ai before taking on Takeda?

>> No.4389376

I fucking hate it, when that happens.

>> No.4389387

Didn't feel like goin through the mikos/ashikage.

>> No.4389392

And Ikkyu died. God I wish I had Ikkyu for this bullshit.

>> No.4389410

maybe you should have brought more R% officers

>> No.4389419

Only characters in that lineup worth anything are Rance and Suzume

>> No.4389432


Yuzuhara and Yamamoto are god-tier.

>> No.4389437


I see you've never played a 5 star game before.

>> No.4389440

Isoroku can pull off up to two insta-kill attacks compared to Suzume's one. And if Yuzuhara is equipped with Working Bee then you don't need to worry about the enemy's front line.

>> No.4389443

Yamamoto with 1400 troops or more+7 on attack stat+Yamamoto sweeping fire= instawin.
If ANYONE manages to fuck up with that, he should stop playing rance.

>> No.4389444

Yuzuhara's good, but Yamamoto's only good for the cheap assassination attempt, which is only ever useful if you're going to be a douche and save scum.

>> No.4389549




>> No.4389555

I dunno man, 3/4 times it works for me.

>> No.4389557

hahaha, that result is just cruel.

>> No.4389567


are you kidding? They are all between okay and pretty good except for that generic dude in the top rear.

>> No.4389568

Is guard break good for anything?

>> No.4389591

It's on their last castle too man.

>> No.4389768


yeah, if the enemy has strong footmen in front and back you can use it and then punch out some weaker unit like a miko or ninja for the bonus you get if you annihilate a unit. My favorite way of beating enemies that turtle is to turtle myself and increase the result bar with character abilities, Sanada's skill and attacks that hit everything like miko storm 2 or A cutter or something, though.

>> No.4389914

Sanada Tourin+Naoe Ai+Hara shouji with 9 attack stat (up him to 7, and use whatever item you like that gives +2 atk)
Status up twice

Enemy is fucked.

>> No.4390169

Only in an h-strategy game can you kill 99% of the enemy and still somehow lose.

>> No.4390179

In any other difficulty than normal?

>> No.4390215

>Play game for the first time
>Recruit Ikkyu
You know how it ends.
Feels bad man.

>> No.4390343

What the shit is up with Ran's Suzako?

>> No.4390353

As a famous saying says, 'NINJAS NINJAS NINJAS'

>> No.4390365

Takeda rolls again

>> No.4390385

What the fuck. I'm on normal. Yamgata Masa is fucking in Mouri Family currently. Every time i try to capture him he fucking doesnt get captured.. I have ranmaru with light attack and defeated warrior hunt. I shoulda gotten Shizuka. But how did you guys get him?

>> No.4390398

Make sure your prison is somewhat empty(more tha 20=NO CAPTURING)
Try to beat only his group (you can capture him even if you lose the battle)

>> No.4390405
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patience. Seriously, even with those the computer is a complete bastard for who it'll actually chose to get captured. Out of a sense of pure hope I tried only taking out the commander I wanted to catch to try and not only catch two shitty commanders...

This happened. I had to reload and take another half hour getting it done right.

>> No.4390421

Probably, Tourin misdirected them and Shouen roared and made them scramble for a while.

Battle Rating manipulation is dirty but effective... and weirder things have happened in real-life battles.

>> No.4390438
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the best part of this is that Baba was assassinated by the man I was trying to catch, further, the guy I was trying to catch IS THE FINAL TAKEDA COMMANDER I NEEDED.

>> No.4390447


eh, what? I can't offhandedly think of another game where killing any less than ALL enemies will still count as a win the way it does in Sengoku Rance.

>> No.4390458

Certain Strategy(os SRPGs) missions.
One fag remains, you have 30 times the numbers 'WHOOPS'

>> No.4390484
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I can't top that.

>> No.4390515

Thank you anon

>> No.4390546

Any Total war game

Or just about any other game where the enemy army can rout

>> No.4390550

Dream on, moron. If you're relying on autokill attacks on a five star game, then you're playing it completely wrong.

>> No.4390695


Total War actually is a good example for a game that doesn't do this but most strategy or SRPGs are just like "kill everything" which is actually less realistic than having a time limit in which the attacker needs to do enough damage to drive the defender out ("damage" being a concept that can also include causing confusion etc)

>> No.4390710

Okay, /jp/, I thought that instead of making a new thread I'll try here.

I am fucking terrible at Rance. When I try playing normally I'll get to turn 20 or some shit and lose horribly to the Tenshi sect or some shit, so I decided to try a walkthrough.

I've been using this one ( http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/936089/58210 ) with decent success up to turn 18.

The problem I have now is that I'm getting my ass kicked. First I have to successfully attack Mikawa, easy enough, then defend against them trying to take back the territory I just took, and then they decide to attack that Oil Field. TWICE. And finally, since Hara is still alive they decide to try and take back their territory as well.

It's just impossible. Even with a walkthrough I fail horribly. I guess it's time for me to give up on this game soon, then.

>> No.4390758
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>> No.4390764


twice? on the first playthrough? I thought it was once per round there.

>> No.4390782

Keep playing till you can pull this off.
You will have 3 fans early, you will learn how to take advantage of human resources(RECRUIT FOOTSOLDIERS etc), learn how to take advantage of Satisfaction bonuses and youhave a decent ground for further conquest.
Come back when you are done.

>> No.4390800


it doesn't get much worse than that

that the diviner was actually just about to release the shikigamis makes it even more hilarious.

>> No.4390911

The guide I posted is pretty much a slightly modified version of that link. So yes, I have three action fans, and I've had it since turn 14 or something. Yet I die horribly.

Tried reloading now, and after attacking Mikawa Tokugawa decided to try to take back territory in Mikawa, as well as attack Owari twice, and Mamushi Oil Field once, and finally Hara tried taking their territory back as well.

I just don't see how that's possible to defend against.

>> No.4390930

...You just fucking suck if you managed to do all these and cannot DEFEND.

>> No.4390961


sounds like it's not, you shouldn't be at war with both at the same time. Tokugawa is pretty tough on the first playthrough, you won't want to be at war with them before you captured at least Hara and Ashikaga.

>> No.4391009

I know that.

The walkthrough I'm using actually specifies that this is what I should do. Also, I already conquered Ashikaga back at turn 8.

>> No.4391050 [DELETED] 
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rance thread?

I found a modded save and fucked around with it for a few minuets.

I am unstoppable.

>> No.4391077

>Ashikaga Shit


>> No.4391223

A walkthrough suggests tackling Tokugawa that early in the game, while you're fighting another country? In a first game?

An experienced player could pull it off but I really wouldn't recommend doing that.

His name changes to Ashikaga Shit if you character clear him.

>> No.4391331

Wherecan I find this game

>> No.4391352

No links for people sent by KoG.

>> No.4391495


yeah, maybe try to do them one by one without that guide, it's not that hard. Also why didn't you get Hara first?

>> No.4391590

Quoting the guide: a. By keeping the Hara House around, the Iga House will not declare war on

>> No.4391654


yeah well, if you want to play by a guide later that may work, for a first playthrough I'd recommend getting them first.

>> No.4391661

that's it /jp/, keep encouraging /v/ users to post on this board by replying to their sengoku rance threads, please keep up the good work.

>> No.4391682

Irrelevant. The Iga House will almost never declare war on you. The ONLY time they declared war on me was when I conquered everyone else whist messing around in Ran's route. Going Hara->Ashikaga->Miko->Tokugawa/Taneshima is the best route for you now.

>> No.4391855

1-star Second Game. How come I can't vassalize Tenshi?

>> No.4392064
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Okay, how the fuck do I get Masamune to join? I recruited his 3 wives, and beat him 3 different times, yet he still won't join.

>> No.4392077
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what happened to my post?

anyway, found a modded save and played with it for a bit.

>> No.4392092

Why is this game so out of moves?

>> No.4392103
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Save me... /jp/

>> No.4392117

he joins the turn after you beat him if you didn't clear any of his wives

>> No.4392132


Go west young man
You will eventually get everything

>> No.4392148

Not very upgraded armies..


>> No.4392153

he joins after you conquer the one eyed house but you can't have cleared any of his wives

>> No.4392155

>vassaling anything

>> No.4392161
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Forgot my file.

>> No.4392168

Iga will only declare war on you if you're not at war. Basically, declare war on another country in the same turn that you're fully conquering your current opponent, and Iga will leave you alone the whole game. Much less hassle than keeping Hara alive.

You can only vassal them in Demon Army routes. You have to let them live until after the Honnouji event. Seigan will suggest peace eventually.

You have to capture 3 wives (but don't clear any of them), turn the other to stone, beat Dokuganryuu Masamune himself, and wait however many turns it takes for him to join. Might be delayed for over 20 turns by high priority story events.

>> No.4392183
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>he joins the turn after
>captured Dokuganryuu last

>> No.4392185

You need to vassal pretty much anything that's vassalizable if you want to complete the progress report. It's a bit of a hassle, but a must for completists.

>> No.4392209

This looks like the guy's first game, so that's pretty unimportant right now.

Wow... just head west and try and recruit more units.

>> No.4392278
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Turn 105 decided to say..

"You conquered all of the Demon Army, good fucking job."

>> No.4392280

If you dick around long enough the majority of that will be conquered automatically.

>> No.4392289

Yeah, that's what I meant.

>> No.4392414

>start with Mouri bonus
>do Kenshin route

>> No.4392445

To get the emperor's ring I just need to get Ashikaga to trust and then boot him correct? I don't need Aki for this right?

>> No.4392479
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dieing moe~

>> No.4392488

Will you one day to take her to the moon?

>> No.4392494

She already rode my rocket.

>> No.4392511

Rance saves the world from aliens and nobody cares

>> No.4392522

I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna have to say WHY IN THE FLYING FUCK did you not hit Uesugi before Demon Army came?

And SAT BONUSES motherfucker. Do you use it?

>> No.4392912
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So I have the last 3 guys from Takeda. Only one I'm missing is Kousaka fucking ninja. Where the fuck is he hiding? Anyone know? It's like fucking Carmen Sandiego. Where in the world is Kousakadiego.

>> No.4392918

You should have paid attention to the start-up of every turn to see who hired him.

>> No.4392923


>> No.4392998
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>> No.4393040

It's possible he hasn't joined anyone yet
If he has, it'd probably be Shimazu. Countries don't recruit very many people if they aren't at war losing them

It wouldn't help to have read the between-turns thing either

>> No.4393179

Oh fuck, I am laughing and crying at the same time.

>> No.4393361

Playing Ran's route for the first time. I hear that those african boys steal away female commanders. Is it ANY commander(including people like Senhime and Kenshin) or just the generic ones?

>> No.4393367

any female commander that is not in love or ?trust

>> No.4393402

Shit. Sounds hard. And I thought the Demon Army was a bitch, pulling troops out of their asses and diminishing your max troops...

>> No.4393437

It's random, so you can reload and defend again if you want them to steal another.

I usually conquer them before they can steal any of my girls, but you need them to steal at least one girl if you want access to some Kurohime scenes, clears for the four Shimazu brothers and most importantly Agireda's gang-bang scene.

>> No.4393449


>> No.4393475

Can I get them back?

>> No.4393589


>> No.4393855

Indeed you can't.

Hire a shit one from your prison if you don't want to lose anyone valuable.

>> No.4393868

How the hell do I beat the "Homo Firebird"

He's killed like, three of my commanders. It's frustrating as fuck.

>> No.4393883

Hey /jp/ where can i get this game, you guys talk about it all the time and I want to try it.

>> No.4393891


Sengoku Rance

the rest is up to you

>> No.4393892

Kentarou, I think.

>> No.4393896

Send Kentarou if he is a demon to stall and give Ken 3 levels up. Send Souun if you want to kill the demon and maybe clear Souun. Also, if you read the alicesoft wiki, things will go great for you later.

>> No.4393935


Thanks bro, found it.

>> No.4393936

Thank you both very much. I didn't want to risk a story character.

>> No.4394154

OP here. As I was fighting Takeda, the coondogs decided to wage war on me. Okay. Fine. I finish off Takeda. The Asai family declares war after I'm not given the option to hold back on titty-grabbin. Okeydoke, cool. Makou: Hey you know what's fun? WAR GOGOGO.

Goddamn this game doesn't like me.

>> No.4394217


>> No.4394233

I'll admit I'm still trying to figure that one out.

>> No.4394281

Reading this thread makes me want to play Rance again.

>> No.4394537

I spent hundreds of hours on that game and I'm sure I'll play it again, but now that I've done everything on the Progress Report I want more.

Kichikuou Rance or Rance VI would be nice, but I haven't seen anyone brave enough to plan their translation.

>> No.4394565

I beat the game once and then stopped playing about halfway through Ran's route, though I don't know why.

>> No.4394568

Mouri. I hurred a durr since I ain't slept in two years.

>> No.4394602



>> No.4394657
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Which one should I choose? I never know with these.

>> No.4394788
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File related to FFFUUU-- route.

>> No.4394790


I always go for reinforcements whenever I can. They're good for cleaning generics out of your ranks.

Leazus before Zeth.

>> No.4394842


>Kou in front row

Oh man, I remember the first time I made that mistake.

>> No.4394869
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What's usually good to choose in these situations?

>> No.4394879


I always give foot soldiers improved initial guard, and everyone else improved initial battle rating. After that, it's whatever the fuck. Winning the battle rating was always my problem way more than needing strong combat abilities.

>> No.4395066

Not a mistake.

I upgraded all of her attributes, and she has guard shikigami. She's pretty tough now.

Needless to say, those monsters beat me down. ;~;

>> No.4395443

Okay, [True] route, how do I beat the rest of the Demon Army?

>> No.4395455

Kill all of their captains.

>> No.4395465


Stats motherfucking stats, with 9 ATK and 9 SPD the monsters shouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.4395557

With Natori, Kenshin and Uruza that shit is easy.

>> No.4395564
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Pretty much.

>> No.4395568

I hate to admit I'm a Rance newfag, but why do my screens like this have gibberish instead of numbers? Stuff like "PV" in place of those numbers?

>> No.4395598

Excuse me while I point out I have no major story commanders because demon army came at such a fucking annoying time.


>> No.4395608

After beating every path I got bored and T search hacked it.
Got myself 500 points to but all items, 1,000,000 gold, Rance to level 99, 500 copies of all the book 2's, 500 cups, infinite action fans, and locked battle flags and timer, 900 sat, 500 motivational posters.
I'll teach the damn computer what it is like fighting a resourceless army that can throw the same units into a battle 3 times in a row is like.

Right now I'm just using my new found power to char clear some of the more difficult bastards.

>> No.4395618

500 motivational paper*

>> No.4395660

Is there English patch for this?

>> No.4395673



>> No.4395690

Clearly not, else the many screenshots posted in this thread would be in English.

>> No.4395698

I doubt you need to know english to play this game.
Just knowing the numeric numbers is good enough.
Big numbers > small numbers and the sex are almost all entirely rape scenes.

>> No.4395699 [DELETED] 

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4395724

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4395744


Rance gets naked.

>> No.4395789

He is a master at getting ready for sex. Comes with years of training.

I did love the time when he walked through the battlefield naked to save time, though.

>> No.4395812


that was awesome. He also raped a couple of miko on the way up so the sex with Natori would last longer. All in the name of justice and love.


We need someone who'll hack the games. There are several people here willing to do the actual translation who are just waiting for that to happen.

>> No.4395813

Many Japanese games use English for skills/attacks whatever but have walloftext in moon runes.

Not that i looked at screenshots anyway

>> No.4395870

Damn. All we have to do is find a hacker and they'll get translated?

...fuck. Everyone I know is way too busy.

From experience, skills and such are usually in katakana. I guess it's technically English, but...

>> No.4396445


pretty much, yeah. I know I would start right away if I'd get the chance.
