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43892806 No.43892806 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?

previous thread >>43778385

>> No.43893182

Noa starts work on wish content this month.

What do you hope will get made, anon?

>> No.43893201

I couldn't afford a wish, and definitely not the kind of wish this would require... Though I hope Elin will have a higher cap for stats.

>> No.43895345

A feature to kiss Lulwy's ass.

>> No.43895375 [DELETED] 

You know i played first a outdated version of the game which did not have god portraits yet, so when i updated i was a little disappointed that the mechanical god only looked like a pretty boy and not a cool cyborg.
But the harvest god? Now that one was better than i expected.

>> No.43896236

A travelling base

>> No.43896261

It's very ambitious, but just imagine if with the whole elevation thing there was actual swimming and flight/wings allowing you to actually fly. In the trailer it looked a bit like actual water navigation is planned, but it'd definitely be exciting if you characters could actually be meaningfully in the air instead of just avoiding ground hazards.

>> No.43896781
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Let us invite gods to our commune

>> No.43897027

i wish the player race 'fairy' had float

>> No.43897074

You can already do that with a rank 1 house in Elona.

That being said you can invite anyone to live with you in the demo if your relationship is good enough.

>> No.43897080

Wasn't that a plus feature not present in vanilla?

>> No.43897081

Is there any use for golden meads besides trading them with adventurers?

>> No.43897084

was the succubus race one of the wishes? i want that one in

>> No.43897202

Goddess panties.

>> No.43897507

nah they just have some monetary value.

>> No.43897866

you can drink them in dungoen to quickly look anything in the floor, like stairs for next level

>> No.43898041

You can drink them to have an out of body experience like in edit mode. Helps with floor scouting.

>> No.43898806

First playthrough: stuck on lesimas floor 2. It's empty?

>> No.43898868
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Here is what it looks like. Anyone know what I am supposed to do?

>> No.43899014

Search nigga

>> No.43899073

Have you tried a magic map?

>> No.43902785

Either [D]ig or [s]earch for hidden passages.
Teleporting also works but its unpredictable.

Magic map will kinda work, but it won't let you progress.

>> No.43902913

Just dig over all that.

>> No.43903028

you can also search with space

>> No.43904832

Got a wish and thinking about spending it on living weapon.
What would be good ranged weapon? I'm currently thinking about either a shotty or a sniper.
My plan is to get charge attack and combine it with thief autocrit to instakill everything.

>> No.43905778

Allright I ended up equipping a curse item so I'd start teleporting around and found the corridor.

>> No.43907872

shurikans make for a good ranged weapon
laser rifles too because of thier lack if range panalties
you can use flail and whips as ranged weapons from the hand slot

>> No.43907903

Why would you equip a cursed item just so you can teleport?

>> No.43908643

Do all spells boil down to damage and buffs? What are some cool spells there that do unique stuff like create door?

>> No.43908713

most of the more interesting stuff is wand/potion locked so as to make it less available.

>> No.43908855

summon monster
sense object (can find invisible enemies and traps. finding traps is usefull for certain type of missions)

dont understimate buff. concentration is great for fishing as is gem power for preformance

>> No.43908883

Is hero good for anything?i barely feel a difference when i use it. What about holy shield?

>> No.43908891

What do you actually use summon monster for? It just goes against any kind of common sense for summoning hostile monsters surrounding you to be useful. If it's fighting training you could just find plenty of monsters to fight doing other things.

>> No.43908937

spells get stronger as you level them
gives you resistance to a fair few debuffs, and the str can be the difference between having to leave loot behind or not.
killing NPC's I imagine

>> No.43909044

Noob here, decided to start gene engineering to try to turn fire dragon into a weapon to surpass metal gear.
Should I be careful about what skill I give to it? Will it "dillute" its power? Make it harder to train? Or should I try to give it every skill in the game?
Also, is there objectively best mele option for pet between dual wielding, two handing and matrial arts? I'm playing plus CGX.

>> No.43909361

>Should I be careful about what skill I give to it?
More skills, more better. Especially for pets, since they can recover potential easily.
>Also, is there objectively best mele option for pet between dual wielding, two handing and matrial arts?
For a new player, I'm going to say that Two Hand is your best bet. You only need one weapon (and only one Hand slot on your dragon), and you can get elemental damage from a weapon enchantment instead of needing Martial Arts' Attribute special action.
Dunno if it's the absolute best combat technique, but it's the least complicated and it should work just fine for you.

>> No.43909651

shouldnt crossbow be perception based skill like firearm?

>> No.43911099

I used it to get monsters to put into sandbags for faster stamina regen when fishing since you can suck them with drain blood.
Even faster with whatever buff increases stamina regen, I can't remember.

>> No.43911702

>I used it to get monsters to put into sandbags
I did this at home. Took me quite a few rods because they kept dying after one punch, eventually one of them got down to low enough HP that I could sandbag it.
Now I have a little boy hanging from a rope in the middle of my cave. I wonder what goes 'round the noggin' of the guy who delivers my salary every month when seeing him up there...

>> No.43911808

Quite good strength and dexterity buff, plus resistance to some common status effects. Extremely easy to cast and thus a good entry level buff for characters not focused on magic. You should probably learn it on any character as the book is very easy to read and you'll probably want some literacy to decode ancient books and get into the mage's guild, even for melee characters they can teach you greater evasion which is yet another layer of protection so it's always worth it. Also good entry level spell for grinding low literacy and casting levels.
>holy shield
PV buff. My character is dodge based so it's kind of meh but for a tanky character it's good. I think it also protects against curses a bit.
Also speed, speed is good.

>> No.43912649

My copy of Elona is from 2021, has there been much substantial change since then?

Also, give me silly start idea, I shall play it again

>> No.43913256

claymore fairy

did you know you can change an item weight at the blacksmith?
i did some calculation, a claymore made of spirit cloth is light enough for a fairy to wield

btw, did survivability extender exist in 2021?

>> No.43913309

I have no clue, probably not cuz IDK what that is

>> No.43913341

its a tool to implement pregnency. you can use it on any being and it can get pregenent, pets, npcs, yourself.

>> No.43913542
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yeah, that wasn't a thing in my version

>> No.43913661

Is it possible to changer a character's name?

>> No.43913690

(i)nteract with target and choose 'name'

>> No.43913787

Well, that's a lot simpler than I expected.

>> No.43914125

did 2021 had debriss?

>> No.43914173

How do I bless stuff?

>> No.43914204

a. take a bottle of water
b. out it on altar of your god
(now the water are blessed)
c. (b)lend (mix) the blessed water with the item you want to bless

>> No.43914209

>out it on altar of your god
*put it on altar of your god
maybe its (B)lend

>> No.43914364

What if I don't have a god, is it possible to get blessed water without worshipping any god? What are some good gods? I'm playing a monk claymore with some support magic.

>> No.43914727

>is it possible to get blessed water without worshipping any god?
>Player characters that do not worship a god can bless bottles of water by dropping them onto an unaligned altar.

>> No.43915808

Are earth, mana and sun crystals useful for anything? Gold bars, all sorts of ores? I've accumulated a ton of those over time and I have no idea what to do with them, should I just sell it all?

>> No.43916201

This is a very cool idea. Shame it probably won't happen though. We would have to hope that someone with an expensive wish had the same idea.

>> No.43916279

>Gold bars and raw ores can be dropped on the floor of Your Home to increase its rank, but only gold bars and ores in the top 10 furniture items will contribute.
>They can be given to PC's pets to sell, who will then use the gold to train their potential.
>The entire class of items is also the preferred offering type for Opatos of Earth

>> No.43916724

there are good for some pot of fusion recipes. mana crystals are needed for necromancy recipes, and i use earth crystals to give experiance to living weapons

>> No.43916820

You'd need to grind a ridiculous amount of favour for her to grant you such privilege...

>> No.43916823

Eyth of Infidel should have more content.

>> No.43916847

cant you just invite her home and kiss her ass there?

>> No.43916865

No way, and just taking her out on a expensive date with rare expensive drinks and fancy Performing level 9999 music ain't gonna cut it either.
She's a literal goddess, anon.

>> No.43916867

Yeah we should kill Mani

>> No.43916878

Yeah. Eyth should be the real down to earth god, the god that rejects his godly powers and instead focuses on improving himself by his own work, a stoic god. Praying to him doesn't give you any bonuses because he wants you to overcome your challenges on your own.
And after seeing the avatar for Mani, I had to check the wiki to see if he was a boy or a girl...

>> No.43916879

the moment she came to your rank 1 castle she agreed to be your toy, like other npcs that join you
well i guess you do need to raise impression first

>> No.43916881

Just convince her it's the standard worshiping ritual in your culture/where you're from.

>> No.43916885

She's too dominant for that, you'll worship her the way she wants and if your culture says otherwise then you're gonna abandon it and follow her own ideas, she's your only goddess after all, and she won't share.

>> No.43916898

her dominant nature is just there to hide her gentle heart. she is just a girl anon, and she got burnt badly by her last love. teach her to love again.

>> No.43916907

4th dimmensional mirror

>> No.43917024

he could be both #JusticeForKumirumi

>> No.43917140

Is it better to explore every corner before moving or going down the stairs as soon you see it when in a dungeon?

>> No.43917152

depends on what you're there for. If you entered with no particular goal beyond clearing it then might as well just rush it. If you want something specific like crafting mats or a specific monster pet then sniff every wall.

>> No.43917187

explore a bit, maybe you will find living weapon or unreexpected loot. i got all kind of stuff in a dungoen like evo hearts and survivability extender.

>> No.43917494

this game seriously lacks in farming tools as weapons. is it too much to ask for a pitchfork? even dungoen siege had a hoe.

>> No.43917498

A scroll of gain attribute could be in any unexplored corner. CGX now has autoloot so checking isn't time consuming.

>> No.43917512

i dont use autoloot because i feel like its cheating

>> No.43918718

So for warrior types, what is the best way to deal with ranged threats? guns? bows? magic devices? just tanking their shots until you corner them? potions?

>> No.43918767


>> No.43918769

I also forgot throwing is an option.

>> No.43918846 [DELETED] 

I always pack my shock troops full of throwing weapons. Laser Stars and Sunblades are godly and the former can kill tanks lategame. Later-tier explosives too if they still have the slots.

>> No.43918867

She's the one burning her unfaithful lovers, anon.
After you invite her to your house, it ain't your house no more.

>> No.43918990

shadow step
rod of silance
that tool that creates fog

>> No.43919742
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I have a fairly long history with my fire@dragon

He has been with me for hundreds of hours and his main thing is martial arts. Took the special martial arts feat pack from leon in act 2. now he's using attribute, clear mind and shadow step. Everything dies before i could detect them.

>> No.43919767

too bad two handed damage gets the most out if the weapon's weight...

>> No.43920639
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It got an upgrade all right.

>> No.43921241

>be mani, a mecha enthusiast human
>see lulwi ass on her statue
>fall madly inlove
>become god
>meet lulwy irl
>her ass isnt as good as the statue made it up to be
>lose interest
>dump her

>> No.43922839

- Dimension Fishing/Dancing Wire to force them into melee range
- Blindness to make them stop targeting you
- Dim or Confuse to screw over ranged weapons or spellcasting and spacts respectively
- Paralysis and Sleep works to get into range safely
- Create walls between them and you
- Invest in necromancy to get disposable mooks to soak up hits
- Get the Barrier trait from Leopold to turn your MP bar into another lifebar
- Get a tanky pet that knows Provoke

>> No.43924212


>> No.43925105

But about her boobs?

>> No.43925589

flesh is fleeting, only machines are eternal

>> No.43925607

When will Mani give me an AI wife?

>> No.43925619

When you get a female android and you make her your wife.

>> No.43925631

when you get a male android, turn him into a girl with blessed sex change and than make her your wife

>> No.43926634

I've been playing for months, and all of a sudden I can't press enter at the home menu today. I can scroll up and down but I can't select any option. What changed and how can i fix it. I've made a savefile backup just in case and tried downloading another instance but I have the same issue with both.

>> No.43926666

Nevermind I figured it out, I had my arcade stick plugged in and it was recognizing it as a controller and overriding my keyboard.

>> No.43926954

Funny thing is that if you do this the game will still refer to the mob as a "he". Only androids spawned as female will use "she", forbidden meat or no.

Based Elona

>> No.43927004

you need more than one forbidden meat to completly change the gender

>> No.43927925

Machines don't have boobs.

>> No.43929158

¿Even blessed?

>> No.43929294

they do in 'lets all meow meow'

1 blessed is enough

>> No.43930188

Even with blessed forbidden meat it will still use the old pronouns despite the sex being updated.

>> No.43932675
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If you like Kumiromi then you should play Black Souls 2. That's all I have to say.

>> No.43932902

>CGX now has autoloot so checking isn't time consuming.
Which option is that? I looked but I don’t see it.

>> No.43933410

Is there any way to make Firing bows/guns not automatically target neutral npcs?

>> No.43933475

it already target enemies over neutral npcs

>> No.43933859

It's ported over from omake. You need to set up a config file for it, check the readme.

>> No.43934069

I can kill most outer Gods with spells and pets. Is that good enough for Act 3? Are the Gods like Ehekatl, Jure etc good enough to be party members if I recruited them with Pen? They seem to lack limbs

>> No.43934186
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Any drawfag here wants to apply?

>> No.43934189

forgot the link

>> No.43935063
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This game really has a way for naming things... Also of course cause it's Elona+ and I wished for the panties they're a living weapon. That's right, living panties named "The mysterious panty <Whore Opening>".

>> No.43935187

wish weapons are alive?

>> No.43935196

Yeah, I read it off the wiki that this is the case in Elona plus.

>> No.43935617
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jokes on me, all the loot was scary
at least i used bio printer on the little girl before handing her

>> No.43939343

for what purpose

>> No.43941494

big daddy is scary

>> No.43942898
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What on earth is going on in Elona+?
What is this DESTINY crap?
What about these stupid experience days and tripling weapons and other nonsense?

I don't understand what the point is of creating new mechanics to sidestep other mechanics.
Make the original mechanics better if they suck.
Why add steps to work around if you feel they are bad instead of just fixing them?

>> No.43942926

lets you find miracle stuff at a steady pace rather than rely purely on random chance, and gives incentive for non-combat characters to dungeon dive
>experience days
grind shortening, nothing new there
I don't understand what the point is of creating new mechanics to sidestep other mechanics.
that's most of E+

>> No.43943539

Ano doesn't play his own mod anymore

>> No.43949949

Is there a place I can read any lore on the gods of Elona? The wiki really only gives barebones info on game mechanics, but I was wanting to read up on things like doctrines for adherents and interactions between the gods.

>> No.43949955

There is none. Make your own.

>> No.43949964

Good to know. Thanks anyway.

>> No.43949986

maybe there are some images on boorus

>> No.43949989

Probably elin's profiles of the gods and that lore site that I forgot the name of

>> No.43953273

That's probably for the best. Though it's not like very many people would actually acknowledge canon lore for them that isn't what they want it to be.
>For example if Kumirumi isn't canon a shota boyslut constantly and repeatedly getting fucked by adult male worshippers like they're trying to get his butt pregnant that canon will definitely be ignored

>> No.43953695

God of the Harvest, gotta fill him full of seed.

>> No.43953723

Also something I personally think is amusing with it.
>If he pretends to hate getting fucked, but will actually get mad if you don't fuck him when summoned

>> No.43954313

Noa has some stuff on his webpage, and the japs have a wiki that's collected all the stuff he's said over the years.

The current Elin demo has some info in the gods' bios and major god lore has been promised as a kickstarter goal.

>> No.43954340
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Oh no...

>> No.43954385

You must've missed the part where I said it'd get ignored. I actually prefer the idea of a loli harvest goddess myself, but if you think horny posting for shota harvest god has any chance of stopping then think again.

>> No.43954561

>kumirumi- not involved in dispputes, acts as a mediator
>eyth: not involved in disputes because doesn't exist
>yachtet - profit over other gods disputes
>eshketel - too crazy to care about politics, when she was sane was on the sidelines with mirumi
> jure- inspired by jesus, so probably turn the other cheek instead of starting a feud

most gods are peace lovers eh

>> No.43954618
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I'm perfectly willing to accept that lore. But the question is whether that is accurate. Isn't Kumiromi stated elsewhere to be male? Or was that a mistranslation that people refuse to correct?

SMT began depicting Demeter as a loli in their recent games. Pic related.

>> No.43955113

Both are correct
the sister died during the time of elona

>> No.43955364

Yacatect is Ano's fever dream, anon.

With how moddable Elin is shaping up to be I expect God mods to be as popular as rimworld storyteller mods.

>> No.43955383

Yup. Even that lore states a brother sister pair, which gives context to how some Elin npcs openly wonder if kumi is god or goddess.

>> No.43955439

You know I wish Noa would've hid the lore somewhere in the world instead of just revealing it all like that

>> No.43955495

Woah i did not know Jesus was a tsundere.

>> No.43955501

A few ingame lore books telling their story like skyrim have would be nice.

>> No.43955824

The whipping episode at the temple was the equivalent of the girl being caught nurse in the bathroom and throwing the soap bar at the boy.

>> No.43955833

being caught naked*

>> No.43956581

That was one of the KS stretch goals.

>> No.43956820

where can i find survivability extender y? i want a daughter for... stuff

>> No.43956880

>[Blackjack reward tiers]
>Additional reward at Lv 25+ - SurvivabilityEXtenderX and SurvivabilityEXtenderY

>> No.43956911

where can i grind blackjack chips?
how much dex do i need to comfortably cheat my way to 25?

>> No.43957117

First off, it's X you need, Y gives you a son.

Next, extenders are tools, so they are sold anywhere tools are. General stores can stock them, but Moyer with some investments stocks them pretty reliably.

>> No.43957890


>> No.43959745

>where can i grind blackjack chips?

I find plenty just by clearing dungeons during nefia fever. I wouldn't be surprised if blessed scrolls of gain material yielded more chips, though.

>> No.43960974

if b create a char from a gene
and c create char from b gene
does c has access to b's leftover inheritance from a?

>> No.43961491

the only thing you'd realistically be able to inherit through multiple generations is highest resist. The only other thing is AI package which is just tied to the base character you're cloning.

>> No.43961507

wait I'm retarded and thought you meant the survivability extenders since that's the above topic
as long as you keep it in the respective gene-creator's inventory then yes you could hand it down through multiple characters. You can't just pick up the entire heir chest however as it'd probably be empty. I haven't tested that specifically though I doubt it works

>> No.43962273

What I don't get with gene creating is why? Do you actually get anything from it that you can't get just by playing more with your current character, or is it more for people who want to routinely make new characters to do different race/class combos while making the start less rough for the new characters? By the way I pretty much always want to be a lich warmage.

>> No.43962285
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>or is it more for people who want to routinely make new characters to do different race/class combos while making the start less rough for the new characters?

>> No.43962330

Though why? Besides ones like fairy or snail with special handicaps do different races actually offer much distinction besides starting stats? Just seems like it'd just be doing mostly the same stuff over and over regardless of race and class. Kind of like an even more frustrating kind of grinding. The only reason I've started over is if I'm playing a new version and don't have my old save handy.

>> No.43963620

im asking if the items you didnt 5ake from inheritance box will apear in your child inheritance box

making a gene is like new game + and can be done for the same reason

starting a game with stuff like potion of evolutions, evo hearts, rods of domination etc can really make a difference.

regarding if the experience is different, yeah. class have class feat, like archer having higher hit chance and worlock has higher casting chance, and they raise stat potential when you sleep- tourist raise speed pot, claymore raise str and per pot etc. races also have revial traits

>> No.43963728

Hey guys, I would like to make a machine translation to the new Omake Overhaul version, but I don't know how to edit item, god and npc files, is there a tool to edit them?

>> No.43963860

All this talk about wanting to fuck Kumiromi is making me want to fuck Kumiromi.

>> No.43963983

kooming in kumi's kunni!

>> No.43964139

its posts like this that i come to 4chan for

>> No.43964259
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>> No.43965687

how do you rape your pets except getting them drunk?

>> No.43965892

Hug them near a bed when sleepy

>> No.43966277

Everything points towards no, they have to be in your inventory for inheritance. Otherwise the amount of items you inherit could increase by 200 each generation and eventually cause a memory error.

>> No.43966681

you mean when one of us is on the bed?

>> No.43968542

I think so

>> No.43968560

thank you

do you know if someone made a daughter .txt file for the talk folder?

>> No.43971204

I found a living longsword pretty early for my little girl
what are the usual choices for level ups? magic resist and crit rate?

>> No.43971807

depends. i gave the living bow my ride have speed boost because i wanted it to be fast

notice that available bonuses change by month and + level of the weapon.
have you thought about future evo for the little girl yet? fit your sword to that

>> No.43971898

100% elemental damage; if you're actually using it in combat anything else is a complete waste. Probably 100% Magic damage since it's the least resisted, although Ice can do more damage if you hit enemies with Wet and Element Scar.

>> No.43974126

What's the level limit of a living weapon? was it 10?

>> No.43974147

15, pretty much just verified it getting my living weapon panties to max level.

>> No.43974298

Is that when it gains bloodsucking or can it gain it before level 15?

>> No.43974357

Giants it at 10 I believe, then bloodsucking increases at certain points between them and 15. I'd say the blood sucking isn't too much of a problem besides interrupting long auto turn stuff, but I can unequip it before doing that. Especially since most auto turn things are outside of combat.

>> No.43975135

1 level lightning for 5% stun chance that penetrates boss resistance. Also gets 50% bonus damage on wet.

1 level nether for lifesteal healing.

Rest into ice which gets 75% bonus damage from wet.

>> No.43975665

nether damge is life steal? what about other elements?

>> No.43975672

How do people usually gain resistances?

>> No.43975714

Most of the others I think have status ailments they inflict, like darkness blinds, mind confuses, nerve paralyzes, and stuff like that.

>> No.43975754
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Do element damage mods actually stack? I was under the impression that only 1 could apply in an attack, and that it would go down the list of applied mods and use the first one that rolled successfully.

>> No.43975791

I have a bunch of elements on my living panty weapon. It does stack and goes down a list with the different damages tallied separately. Though I don't always see all of them because it stops when the enemy dies.

>> No.43976089
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How does this look as far as living weapons go? Also second page is 2 pips of chance of chance to throw an absolute piercing attack.

>> No.43978084

I have a huge source of confusion: is there any way to remap the numpad 5 (target self) for non-numpad users? Seems like people simply don't care about this, and the only solution so far is using autohotkey (or virtual keyboard)

>> No.43978423

should i get beta shift core so my daughter could be a magical girl, or delta shift core so her papa (me) could stand his ground?

>> No.43978490

Can pets even use shift cores?

>> No.43978851

>NPCs that have 100% or more gauge, are in combat, have yet to transform, and have a usable shift core in their inventory will now automatically use it to transform.

>> No.43978977

Corpses, mutations, equipment.

>> No.43979228

How many corpses do I need to eat to reach normal resistance?
also it's baffling you start out with no resistance at all to anything, does it imply that the etherwind took it all away?

>> No.43979870

This might be of some help: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Resistance
>does it imply that the etherwind took it all away?
What about some races like fairies and their starting racial resistances?

>> No.43979922

Cool thanks!
>What about some races like fairies and their starting racial resistances?
I guess etherwind can't take away innate bonuses

>> No.43980312

Do you think it would be possible to you grow a second cock due the etherwind? Or maybe even a woman growing a cock too?

>> No.43980371

I mean Pael's mom did sooooo

>> No.43980376

second cock maybe, women can canonigly grow cock by eating a forbidden meat.

i wonder if mutants really stop growing extra limbs or they just stop being able to equip stuff on them

the mutant race should be able to grow one.

>> No.43980686

Forbidden meat is an Ano fanfic, Anon.

>> No.43980707

elona+ is canon.

>> No.43980842

Yacatect will never be a canon god.

Elin will be filled with faggot donut steel OC lesser gods but not her.

>> No.43980881

nobody cares about elin.

>> No.43980904

would be possible to add extra things in Elona+ like new mobs or bosses or gods?
I would have like 15 new gods already prepared for it

>> No.43981003

i dont have enough charisma to let my daughter into my party when she arrives... guess ill deposit the cat in the dojo

>> No.43981006

Custom-GX is open-source. Create a fork and add whatever you want.

>> No.43981053

do we have to program it? can't we edit gods.txt somewhere among the game files or something?

>> No.43981058

Do your new gods include stuff like a thicc mommy goddess of fertility who's always at odds with the little goddess of cute and funny?

>> No.43983492

Half a million USD says otherwise, anon.

Probably. Custom npcs are fairly easy to do, I've made some before. As for the others, probably need to learn hsp.

>> No.43983649

elin wouldnt exist if not for + keeping the name alive. those half a million? 1/8 of them are yacatect worshippers.

>> No.43983904
File: 15 KB, 461x152, 1511548730887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, lmao. Kept alive by JP backers who play omake.

Forbidden meat will never be canon.

Yacatect will never be canon.

Tranny Ehekatl will never be canon.

Sock and piss fetishes will never be canon.

Shonen anime stock plot will never be canon.

Cope and seethe.

>> No.43983922

Calm down, Astraltor.

>> No.43984020

tranny ehektel is a joke wasnt meant to be canon. tranny kumiromi is another story.
elona story was never more then shonen stock plot. if you play elona for the story you are doing it wrong.

as far as the game goes, elona+ is the main reason people care about it. look in this general and see for yourself which of the branches people care about the most. even now elin is less discussed than gx.

cope and seethe? keep projecting.

>> No.43984046

More like twins kumiromi, and it's nice that we'll be getting to play in a time when the sister was alive. Though it's still upsetting to know he killed off a loli goddess, why would he do this to us?

>> No.43984254

look, i also dont think there need to be 6 gender choices when creating a character in elona+ but your level of butthurt over it is a bit over the top.

>> No.43984295 [DELETED] 

I want the guy you're replying to who's butthurt about Elona plus and Elin, to be clear. I just wanted to jump in and comment on Kumiromi. I did back Elin, got back into playing Elona plus because of the the news about Elin, and do look forward to playing it as soon as possible since I got myself alpha access.

>> No.43984305

I'm not the guy you're replying to who's butthurt about Elona plus and Elin, to be clear. I just wanted to jump in and comment on Kumiromi. I did back Elin, got back into playing Elona plus because of the the news about Elin, and do look forward to playing it as soon as possible since I got myself alpha access.

>> No.43984319

elin is the new toy. lets see how it fares in few weeks when the hype dies and it needs to stand on its own.

>> No.43984344

I really don't know what your deal is. Sure, I don't think every decision being made about the lore and stuff is perfect, but I'm still optimistic about it. Even just from the trailer I'd say it looks like it has a lot of progress. If you'd rather just play vanilla Elona without any stuff added by forks nobody is stopping you.

>> No.43984358

>Shows a lot of progress
Meant to say shows a lot of promise. If there's anything I do hate with a fiery passion here it's autocorrect.

>> No.43988049

i hope next gx update will check for security breach, im pretty sure e+ wracked my pc

>> No.43989436

What? what happened?

>> No.43989546

my antivirus crashed my computer multiple times while playing elona. than i disabled it and i got notification that my jack state got changed (where you plug in aux - that is audio- cables) despite me doing nothing of that short. so i plugged in my mic to the mic that was supposed to be plugged in, unplugged it, notification stopped and a fewm inutes later my pc reset for no reason.

just to be clear, i did disable my antivirus before and i play other games on my computer. this only happened in elona.

>> No.43991927

I want to be Lulwy's toilet.

>> No.43991941

How do I destroy doors made with the door creation spell? I can't seem to bash them.

>> No.43991975

Close them before bashing them.

>> No.43993085
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>> No.43993480

What do you expect from a baka

>> No.43993631

>enter palmia sleepy
>go to kings bed
>game crash midsleep

>start elona again
>exit palmia
>enter palmia
>go to kings bed to sleep
>game crash

>restart elona
>exit palmia
>enter palmia
>sleep on the eastern bed in my inventory
HspError 2 WinError 997 Ver 6180 Mode 9
efId 183 efP 0 Area 15/1
ci 0#643 ti 0#573 cc 54#75 tc 244#0 rc 54#75
3. map_tileSet:Begin ct:0
2. map_tileSet:End ct:0
1. map_prepareTile:end ct:0
0. Random event ct:0


had to sleep outside of palmia. wtf.

>> No.43993849

what is the difference between training/combat/learning/exploratioin?
i want to train my daughter casting but i dont know which corresponds to that. i guess cooking and negotiation are job skills?

>> No.43994480

2.18R fixed the werewolf sleep bug.

>> No.43994482

They are different classes of skills in plus. If you look at your skill sheet they have green arrows on the left denoting 3x xp.

It really doesn't matter, travelling will give pets all the xp they need.

>> No.43994535

>download the latest CGX
>can't walk two fucking steps on the overworld without some shit popping up
what changed this is fucking ridiculous

>> No.43994657

not the gx right?

>> No.43994700

Ano's latest devious scheme to get you to post with piss mechanics enabled.

>> No.43994708


>> No.43994737

No seriously running from vernis to kapul got fucking tedious
Blessed like 8 times, 6 food prompts, 4 fucking material prompts

It's fucking stupid. I hit a store in palmia and some rich bastard gave me two prompts just walking out of the city.

>> No.43994928

The 1/40 chance filter on world event got removed in 2.18.
Looking at the announced changes in 2.19 I think Ano wants to remove that for the Ocean map but accidentally removed it for other world maps.

>> No.43994952

Inshano, buy a car

>> No.43994961

ah fuck

>> No.43995655
File: 72 KB, 702x438, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my e-cock!
Also show me yours! I showed you mine!

>> No.43995958
File: 5 KB, 128x192, pcc_ridebk_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started

>> No.43996188

Did you make that by yourself?

>> No.43996305

sorta. its 2 existing pccs (a loli pcc and a bike pcc) combined into one. i did cut off a few pixels here and there combining them.i also needed to make sure the girl hands didnt move when riding while keeping her head bobbing and minor stuff like that, but its not like i did everthing from scratch.

>> No.43997113
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x1009, 67538961_p0_master1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All in Japanese, but there's a lot of lore even if you machine translate.

Some of the art from noa's pixiv by mt and nz has lore stuff too, like Eyth's appearance (center) and the Kumiromi siblings.

>> No.43997255

Fuck autocorrect, it's elonagather, missed the a.

>> No.43997368

so its

>> No.43998577
File: 2 KB, 128x192, pcc_etc_44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find a decent PCC etc wizard/witch hat so had to edit one of the full budy sprites, so here it is in case anyone else wants it.

>> No.44001566
File: 505 KB, 678x451, record.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so deep reeeeee

>> No.44002017

how can i change sprite of the equipment im wearing?

>> No.44002386

Press C then P

>> No.44002568

Shota god of harvest makes more sense since he is a virile god spreading his seeds over the places.

>> No.44002581

You can't really change the look of actual items, but you can Interact with dressers to hide them
Thhen as the anon above said, go C then P to customize your sprite

>> No.44002722

I just like lolis. That's all there is to it. I just like and want cute and funny girls, and if I get a cute and funny goddess that'd be pretty good.

>> No.44002742

does the type of weapon you are using matter? I mean between axes, swords etc.

>> No.44002753

Aside your skill level obviously, i just want to know if they have any unique attribute to them.

>> No.44002818

axes train str while clubs train con
some weapons have 4emote blow
some weapons give you armor bonus or more damage dice
basic weight also change from weapon to another

>> No.44002946

Eyth is the cute funny goddess

>> No.44002982

Yes. As others have mentioned, different weapons are rooted in different stats.

Every type of equipment and material also has an innate affix, e.g. shoes boost speed, sniper rifles have decap, fleures do lightning damage.

>> No.44002998

>fleures do lightning damage
What's the reasoning for this? it seems so random

>> No.44003029

The main thing would be the damage dice, the DV/PV (e.g. spears), and the pierce%. Different types of gear also have different Gauge Releases.

Worth noting that you can use Equip Update to change a weapon's type while preserving its innate bonus. So you could, for example, have a laser that decapitates.

>> No.44003235
File: 71 KB, 701x455, adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only played the original years ago so decided to check out E+ with all the new stuff, though still just in North Tyris

>> No.44003603

so you could give them to your fairy claymore

>> No.44003855

Thank you
I was trying to remember but I forgot its name

>> No.44003860

Can you not equip update into a fleure?

>> No.44004602
File: 94 KB, 703x407, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know... guess i just wanted to try out how much punishment i can handle. As you can see I mostly spend my time doing town quests and spending plat as much as i can to improve my craft. I'm usually in the void instead of random nefias and only dive in dungeons when there's a fever, have my destiny full or i want to mine some forest dungeons for more 4 leaf clovers.

On a completly unrelated note. Any tips on how to equalize my sleeping schedule? I recently swapped from 2.15 to 2.18 and the dailiy turnins made me realize that even tho I sleep exactly 8 hours every time my active day lasts longer than 16 hours that results of me losing out on those goodies. Is there a cpap machine in the game?

>> No.44004621

and of course i quote the wrong post...
sorry >>44003235

I meant to answer>>44001566

>> No.44005364

Out of curiosity, to the ones that didn't buy all five. What memorial block did you choose in the Elin Kickstarter?

>> No.44005412

i stopped playing after i got stuck at the DLC bosses (;´Д`)

>> No.44005423
File: 984 KB, 1226x751, d94c10c56d4b6339cafcc59448a8a2c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your crib, i'm poor maxing

>> No.44005467
File: 401 KB, 1030x793, what do i do with them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hovel from my last char (i can't post on 4chan from my winxp so screenshots aren't as quick as id like them to be)

>> No.44005845

I gave up my physical merch. I have too much trash and since you get your name noted in the credits for that I was ok with it.

>> No.44005874

You can do that but it would have the innate of whatever you started with.

A fleure is wanted because of its lightning damage for the 5% boss penetrating stun. Any amount of lightning damage can trigger this, so it's a good base material to update into a lightsaber.

>> No.44006200

>Any tips on how to equalize my sleeping schedule?
Best way I found is to force through a night without sleeping and waiting until next night. What are the rewards for the dailies anyway?
And don't worry about it, I take every (You) I get

>> No.44006600
File: 405 KB, 1030x793, keeps your pets hungry they will give you wishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44006704

Keep some acid/poison around in case they want to give you a different surprise though.

>> No.44006716

More like they fall in the well and die.

>> No.44006908

Res upper, save you the trouble of finding resistance meats.

DV and PV uppers, increase DVmod and PVmod to 200.

>> No.44007002

there are free wings in lumiest graveyard
all pet drowning is preventable, you have no excuse

>> No.44007112

My excuse is that i did not know that.

>> No.44007351

Oh neat, do they get added to your inventory or sent to your salary chest or how do you get them? I haven't noticed receiving anything

>> No.44007495

it pops up in the salary chest

>> No.44007520

Not him but speaking of these uppers, i always give them to my little girl pet, is that a bad idea?

>> No.44007572

Why would it be? if you're serious about your pet then its not wrong in strengthening her.

>> No.44008629

Considering my pets die from magic and breath attacks 90% of the time it's probably not

>> No.44010410
File: 1003 KB, 822x601, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noa implements cards.

When dropped on the ground, cards become holograms.

>> No.44010786

Is that the new statues?

>> No.44010884

No, they're cards like from elona. They just generate holograms when dropped, this could be useful for decor.

Figurines are in the demo, they are just sprites with a glass case overlay.

>> No.44011611

Looks nice

>> No.44011672

Where do people get tilesets these days for Elona+? Or are they all really outdated to the point that they're unusable? The last tileset I used was the Monster Girl Graphics Pack for 2.12 - is there one for 2.18R?

>> No.44011742
File: 226 KB, 1030x793, reward lvl 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got myself more survivability extenders!
now the question is
should i give my daughter a sister
or should i give her a daughter?

>> No.44011851
File: 290 KB, 811x631, screen9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44011911

Where do you sleep?

>> No.44011933

I had to bash my resource pack from different packs. Since new monster/items are added to the bottom of the bitmap it's not that hard.

>> No.44011995

I smile every time i see something in this game with homo in its name.
Also what mods are you using? Where can i get them?

>> No.44012047

>Where do you sleep?
Panties because, you know, they are panties.
my happy bed on my bag ;_;

>> No.44012097

>Also what mods are you using?
you can get them all on elona upload iirc.
I don't have the files anymore due to hard disk failure.

>> No.44012112

Elona upload? I just tried searching that, and didn't find anything useful. Different Anon, but I definitely wanna know how you have 2830 strength in there when I think the normal max is 2000.

>> No.44012134

nta but you can bypass limit with faith and favor no?

>> No.44012156

Looks like he cast Hero which can help go over the limit.

>> No.44012165

2000 is the cap for base. Buffs, gear, blessed restore body/spirit, grace of god bonuses etc can push it past 2k.

>> No.44012173

>but I definitely wanna know how you have 2830 strength in there when I think the normal max is 2000.
God item iirc.
it's been year since I played plus so I might be remembering it wrong

>Elona upload?
Try searching for "elona uploader"

>> No.44012184

When I heard talk of mods being used I guess I jumped the gun a bit getting excited about the possibility of a mod being used that raises the stat cap.

>> No.44012201
File: 385 KB, 816x632, screen10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post my current house(dungeon) in omake.

>> No.44012872

>wish for a happy bed
>800+ skill potential bonuses per sleep
>the last 5 or 6 sleeps, I only get 90 skill potentials max

What happened? Why did it drop so sharply?

>> No.44012933


>> No.44012969

is it blessed?
is it made of superior material? or inferior one like paper? not that i think it affects it...
maybe you get more potential if you NEED SLEEP and not just sleepy?

>> No.44013075

Did you earn XP between sleeps? Ano scaled potential earned to XP earned so people don't just skip time and sleep for potential.

>> No.44013100

Did they change Harvest Time rewards since 2.15R? I'm getting a lot less seeds than I used to

>> No.44013151

Nevermind, forgot I had the Custom GX tweak settings for quest on affecting seed rewards

>> No.44013209

anyone else reads book of אור תהום at the end of harvest time quests?

>> No.44013310

How does that work, actually? I have it on and I get 1 seed, sometimes 2 if am at 50s+ of produce. Should I remove that?

>> No.44013353

After testing it what I noticed is that if you just complete the objective you only get 1 seed, but if you overdo it a lot (like getting 100+s of produce when 20s is asked) you get a lot of different kind of seeds, including herb/ore/magical ones
In vanilla it looks like you only get one or two kind of seeds regardless of how many you deliver (as long as you don't fail), but you get multiple of them (around 3-5)

>> No.44013541
File: 6 KB, 125x125, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get natural blackjack
>house reaches 21
>it's a draw

>> No.44013583

it works both ways you know

>> No.44013625
File: 335 KB, 834x1200, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomoki Sakurai, is that you?

>> No.44014148

less overall seeds but more rare (herb) seeds depending on how much points you've got.

>> No.44014445

That's what they told you at least

>> No.44014450

no, it actualy happened to me. house got blackjack and we tied to the next round.

>> No.44014497

Did you win the next round?

>> No.44014553

That's just bait anon
The house always wins

>> No.44014572

cant remember


>> No.44015700

Happened to me too, house got blackjack, I got up to 21, called it a tie and went to next round

>> No.44016727

Based. Version 2 and its consequences has been a disaster for Elona.

>> No.44017598
File: 10 KB, 113x61, 0ef26dac941201c0df5142ab13ff6e10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this effect, i cant find it on the wiki

>> No.44018019
File: 396 KB, 679x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been on the thread for a good bit but I was actually running a Claymore Fairy some months ago. Started with a cloth claymore, moved on to a spirit cloth one and then made a Titanium one light enough to use.

>> No.44018309

>amazing rifle but -6 tohit bonus
>use rubynus material kit on it
>it gets -16 tohit bonus
is there no way to move a negative tohit into a positive one?

>> No.44018395

I don't know about turning it positive, but a craft repair kit will turn a negative to hit to zero.

>> No.44018898

>If the item has a negative score in a stat, changing it to a material with high multiplier for that score will increase the negative number, amplifying the penalty.

>> No.44018956 [DELETED] 

it just one of those custom graphic.

>> No.44019336

new bread?

>> No.44019343

What does it say on the character sheet?

>> No.44020809

Well fuck

Will look into it, thanks

>> No.44021227

The inverse is also true - turn that rifle adamantium, and the penalty will be reduced. It's the best material for weapons that start with a tohit penalty at base.
