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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 781x750, DJT Bride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43844003 No.43844003 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>43823949

>> No.43844016

would you like to move and live in japan?

>> No.43844028
File: 81 KB, 896x958, FzcYAqmaMAITR6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when Japanese girls show their pettos

>> No.43844069

Which one?

>> No.43844070
File: 396 KB, 1080x1920, rattata_method.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a rattata or else

>> No.43844071

ain't got time to yome, so i kiku instead.
get em while they're hot. these channels tend to get taken down fairly quickly; hopefully this one will fly under the radar for a bit longer.
nah, i can see it again.

>> No.43844077

what exactly are these videos??

>> No.43844082

radio plays that were broadcast on nhk.
most are 50 minute self contained stories, but some are longer and are usually adaptations of books.

>> No.43844088

only if i get a cute jk gf

>> No.43844109

so no chance then

>> No.43844240

what you gonna do when she eventually stops being young

>> No.43844243
File: 409 KB, 844x1200, 3796099700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.43844370

if i ever go to nippland its gonna be just to see my fav band

>> No.43844386
File: 255 KB, 503x2235, Shoko Cat Compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43844464

what is with Japanese girls orally enveloping their cats?

>> No.43844477

move on to the next jk. ill let the older one watch watch is plapping

>> No.43844490

Just got back from my trip to japan and I'm ashamed how little I was able to speak despite learning japanese for 8 years. Reading / listening was fine because that has been the focus of my studies.
So... any recommendations on how to catch up on speaking as a self learner?

>> No.43844494

namesimasu ? namesimasu ?

>> No.43844495

you have to hang out with native speakers, I do everyday and it is way more productive than any other method, go for coffee, go for lunch, go shopping, etc.

>> No.43844501

yeah talk to yourself offline in notepad thanks

>> No.43844505





>> No.43844521

Japanese men are too beta to offer them something to put in their mouth so they need to improvise.

>> No.43844545

中川翔子姉貴 猫吸い

>> No.43844957
File: 199 KB, 1148x1134, FzdE9_saAAEdPXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43845065

that kanji means cat, love being able to notice hidden stuff like this

>> No.43845115

damn didn't even notice that

>> No.43845124





>> No.43845235

what happens when you run out of kanji

>> No.43845291

Cats don't like you.
They just don't.
Men are intelligent enough to realize this, it's why men get dogs as pets.

>> No.43845440

cats are high iq animals for high iq people like me

>> No.43845510

bro you have no empathy and failed the cat check
literally rapist energy

>> No.43845511

cats are hikineets, they're anons' spirit animals.

>> No.43845523

my spirit animal is a dead one

>> No.43845532

how many layers of irony are you on?

>> No.43845758


>> No.43845884


>> No.43845990





>> No.43846019
File: 192 KB, 512x512, 1687783923161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43846113

asian genes telling them to eat their cat

>> No.43846139

kitty is sitting on my lap

>> No.43846157




>> No.43846313

man i really wish jamal would learn some friggin japanese instead of cosplaying a little girl 12 hours a day, every day, for years upon years

>> No.43846321

itazuraneko Guide

> Yesterday's Grammar Guide
> Visualizing Jap Grammar
> Improved core 2.3k deck
>A guide with readability list and custom decks
>Good dictionary and name search (and courses)

Immersion Content (easy to hard)
> tadoku easy books with audio
> Erin easy video lessons
> A collection of read to children books
> Ero Manga
> Hard native reading
> Find otake related sentences based on word.

> Ranking of vocab for content with decks for study
> jap subtitles for anime
> download raw content

> anki documentation
> anki connect plugin
> browser on the fly dictionary
>online manga reader
> on the fly furigana and translator
> browser based translator with ocr
> find kanji through drawing, with details

>> No.43846371

missing imabi

>> No.43846471
File: 654 KB, 3840x2160, osake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they really have juice box-sized sake in japan?

>> No.43846527
File: 675 KB, 840x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they also have cute little cups

>> No.43846539

smol country

>> No.43846566

every frame of bocchi is a masterpiece...

>> No.43846642
File: 109 KB, 800x1060, sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always hide and drink.

>> No.43846684

pls sub to qms youtube channel


>> No.43846766

perfect for camping unfortunately they don't sell these at the wa...

>> No.43846787
File: 191 KB, 1127x1200, 1216138469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43846822

write a web novel with a lot of dialogue

>> No.43847001


>> No.43847025
File: 46 KB, 741x326, s6k525zj2b8b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fyi, the bird has landed

>> No.43847064


>> No.43847255

would be pretty cool if she died

>> No.43847280


>> No.43847291

thanks youtube

literally the one thing everyone complains about, deceived?

>> No.43847304

i care because i would be happy if she died
as for who cares silence is consent and since this dead thread was silent for almost half an hour everyone was basically on their knees begging me to chime in

>> No.43847341
File: 475 KB, 1920x1080, 1687794461310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english: to regret
うら・む [2]【恨む・▽怨む】

bilingual wins again...

>> No.43847633

>missing out on dictionary gainz
when start seeing words that only the monolingual one has a definition for you will see the error of your ways
and you will suck at reading definitions

>> No.43847688
File: 249 KB, 995x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this being slept on in the west

>> No.43847734

don't worry, wasn't being serious.

>> No.43847797

How do they call routes for VNs in Japanese? just ルート?

>> No.43848129


>> No.43848245

is it サビ猫 because they're kinda 錆 coloured?

>> No.43848301

I thought it was because 寂

>> No.43848315

What about reverse harem? 逆ハレム?

>> No.43848327


>> No.43848534

why the fuck does 5ch have so many boards? a lot of them are just empty with 1 post a month and threads from like 2010

>> No.43848586
File: 121 KB, 1276x722, 1679116191867454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate katakana

>> No.43848603

go back to school then

>> No.43848653

yo dude like check it out man you know like the problem is all these like stats and tools and like you know scientific stuff people get all obsessed with when they're tryin to like learn japanese it's like whoa hold on a sec man you're totally missing the point here you know what i mean it's all about the subconsciousness man it's like we've got this ocean of knowledge just like lurking in the back of our minds just like a tsunami of understanding and it's all just waiting to like wash over us and soak into our brain cells and that's what language learning is all about dude it's all passive and subconscious and like without even realizing it you're just picking up all this stuff without even trying like just by using the language you're like tuning into this frequency of understanding and that's got to be a part of how we think about the tools we use to learn you know

and so that's why like my approach to all this is just like chill and go with the flow man you know like i just make flashcards for the words that i realize i don't know it's not about mining and digging for words like some kind of word archaeologist or something it's about noticing the gaps in your understanding and then just like filling those gaps with knowledge it's like the eternal approach man it's like the universe just hands you these words and you just got to reach out and grab them and i know man i just know that there are like thousands of words out there that i know but i've never consciously learned them i've never like dug them out of a dictionary or anything i just like get them you know what i mean it's like they're just floating out there in the ether and my brain just like reaches out and grabs them and brings them into my understanding

and then you've got these guys over here who are like writing scripts and algorithms and whatnot and just dumping everything into anki and they're just like sitting there all day just flipping through flashcards and they think they're learning but it's not real learning man it's just like rote memorization and that's not the same as understanding you know it's like they're just putting all their energy into making these flashcards when they could be like making high quality anime cards and just like absorbing the language in a more natural way man it's just like whoa dude you're missing the point you know what i mean

>> No.43848777

didnt read + who asked + you fell off

>> No.43848906

What Kanken level should passing N1 put you around? 2-3?

>> No.43848918
File: 5 KB, 79x113, u64g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the heck is that near the リ? i've been staring at it for 30 minutes

>> No.43848919

probably 3, but only if you actually practiced writing

>> No.43848921

long time no see
how's your kid

>> No.43848932


>> No.43848941


>> No.43848976
File: 1.50 MB, 1916x909, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i've taken styling this deck as far as i can.

>> No.43849001

duplicated reading, distracting background, unnecessary part-of-speech

>> No.43849018

beautiful, innit. perhaps the finest core 2k/6k deck there is.

>> No.43849044
File: 8 KB, 181x244, gg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd never have guessed, since the upper stroke looks so different. tskr

>> No.43849046


>> No.43849113
File: 12 KB, 566x358, 66758_1589_87eb74e9_0101da86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43849126

post the background pic please

>> No.43849154
File: 1.67 MB, 2522x1781, wp2150006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43849159

thank you

>> No.43849175

yeah i prefer consoomer's layout

>> No.43849177

you just gotta get used to it i guess
fonts sometimes look retarded but they're fairly consistent at their retardation so you get used to it
tldr read more

>> No.43849186
File: 37 KB, 500x514, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, so there is a printed form and a written form? you just changed my life

>> No.43849196

it's not strictly printed vs. written
just two different possible forms

>> No.43849215

little too much for my taste but looks nice
what japanese font are you using?

>> No.43849242
File: 8 KB, 452x260, ma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how little you know anon

>> No.43849274


>> No.43849293

crazy how he finished three linnies in the time it took that guy to style his core deck

>> No.43849304
File: 19 KB, 702x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yu Gothic UI Light
i like how it shortens the width of lines

>> No.43849315

some people are just born with a high iq

>> No.43849324

love finding hidden shit like this

>> No.43849337
File: 674 KB, 1707x1834, 1671937131332392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read tatsumoto
tatsumoto is the only official djt guide
itazuraneko is hopelessly outdated

>> No.43849350

how could it possibly be the official djt guide if everyone on djt loves proprietary visual novels

>> No.43849353

I use these fonts https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/japanese-fonts.html

>> No.43849390
File: 588 KB, 1920x1080, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro

never respond to me again

>> No.43849393

gonna need consoomers take on this

>> No.43849403

bet he finished a linnie in the time it took qm to post that

>> No.43849410
File: 461 KB, 2074x4096, 1686666706280080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people on djt hate visual novels
they don't actually help you to learn japanese, there are no success stories
you could be reading real books instead of wasting time on vns
the language used in vns is as removed from japanese as korean or chinese
most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary

>> No.43849422

i wanna man

>> No.43849427

gonna have a rest day from sex tomorrow my dick isnt at full power

>> No.43849443

reminder bitchmaster has read 0 linnies

>> No.43849489


>> No.43849507
File: 29 KB, 736x314, 1555082649757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people give up?

>> No.43849511


>> No.43849534

still my screenshot and now im out here fucking white baasans

>> No.43849546

Should I kill myself today or tomorrow?

>> No.43849550

they didn't read tatsumoto

>> No.43849561

you need two things if you want to learn japanese
1. lots and lots of free time that you don't mind spending on jap
2. a huge backlog of shit you're genuinely interested in watching and reading
most people have at most one of these, so they fail

>> No.43849584


>> No.43849588

>lots and lots of free time
it's over

>> No.43849599

Because they're using retarded-ass meme strategies like 'ajatt'

>> No.43849601

As of now, I don't want to move to Japan. Many Japanese people are very xenophobic, and you can't overlook that. Plus, I don't look Asian, and I don't want to stand out.

>> No.43849629


>> No.43849641

going there in september to see how i like it
problem is that i have huge yellow fever so if i stay in my country my chances of dying alone would increase exponentially

>> No.43849680
File: 1.36 MB, 3072x3104, IMG20230626224722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kamige and good immersion

>> No.43849781

honeymoon period, motivation is the highest immediate after you decided to start learning japanese. after that initial drive dries up it becomes a chore. those without dedication or habit built up will simply drop out. any foreign language course has extremely high dropout rates, especially after the initial few weeks.

>> No.43849814

if it's not free and open source, you lose your freedom by running it

>> No.43849843

fitting to mine

>> No.43849861


>> No.43849871
File: 11 KB, 150x151, f834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck!!!! this only drives my thirst for knowledge further!!!

>> No.43849878


>> No.43849884

pitch accent niggas make me cringe desu

>> No.43849938


>> No.43849957


>> No.43850059

it's incredible how much energy and focus you have when your deadline is literally due today

>> No.43850064

if you dont watch bleach you wont make it

>> No.43850089

you can't lose something that hasn't been granted to you in the first place. the producers of the game don't grant him the right to modify it, but producers of freetard games can't grant him the right to enjoy this particular game. guess which right he prefers to have

>> No.43850107

not gonna give up my freedom of playing whatever unfree game i want to play

>> No.43850149

I'm going through a deck that claims to be 2000 core words, but when I used 手伝う with my penpal (Japanese native), he claimed he needed to look it up in a dictionary. I don't think that means the deck is bad, though. It contains both useful and rare words and if I really felt strongly a card wasn't worth studying, I could remove it to prioritize learning useful cards.

>> No.43850170

>will never forget 服 or 弱い for instance because one kinda looks like oral sex and the other breasts lol.
rare gmi redditor

>> No.43850192

every time some goon memorizes a kanji with a sexual mnemonic james heisig gets 10 minutes added to his lifespan

>> No.43850195
File: 169 KB, 1008x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
>there's an entire FORUM full of ankidrones who think memorisation is the key to everything

>> No.43850206

>implying it isn't

>> No.43850215

tell your japanese friend he's retarded and should read more vinnies

>> No.43850216

how new are you? drop the core deck as quickly as possible and move onto mining.
>I'm going through a deck that claism to be 2000 core words
anon, everybody here knows what core2.3k is

>> No.43850217

Haha lucky me, I'm a tranny so I stick out everywhere anyway :^]

Just troon out bro.

>> No.43850218

Not linking the person you're replying to because inferior Japanese forums do it is peak cringe

>> No.43850225

>手伝う with my penpal (Japanese native), he claimed he needed to look it up in a dictionary
is this a reddit shitpost
is the penpal literally a fetus

>> No.43850227

hypothetically if adhd did negatively impact someone's short term memory, that's not an "excuse". it's an example of your actual cognitive ability being actually hampered. that's not really different from if you didn't have adhd but had an identical score on a short term memory test.

>> No.43850235

> 2000 core words
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.43850255

a hundred threads later and this dude is still seething about adhd posters and their 70% anki retention
>that's not an "excuse"
i agree, they should stop grinding anki
>that's not really different from if you didn't have adhd but had an identical score on a short term memory test.
thats common sense

>> No.43850259

You're so pretentious, just stop posting

>> No.43850266

>Claim you hate DJT, and it's the most toxic place on this site
>Spend 16 hours a day lurking here and waiting for people to reply to
>Do this every day for years
>Wonder why your site is banned due to spam

>> No.43850270

no someone told me that if i had adhd then i found an excuse for my poor short term memory and i'm saying it's not an excuse because it's still the same shit in the end because it's still just a cognitive deficit.

>> No.43850287

you mistake me for someone else
i don't have a site

>> No.43850331

yeah, it's just a coincidence every time someone mentions your deck they start spewing out marketing material and claim it is absolutely superior to the alternatives

>> No.43850438

Reading this screenshot removed 1000 words from my vocabulary.

>> No.43850510

short term memory is important but it's not all of intelligence

>> No.43850538

EOPs, especially when they're young, don't have discipline or the ability to admit they're wrong. If you're just studying Japanese to sniff your own farts to tell others you did or read a few porn powerpoints, there's no use studying the language whatsoever. It became easier to learn once I got older unironically.
>1. lots and lots of free time that you don't mind spending on jap
Yes, but you can compensate by having a set schedule everyday. If you don't study everyday and consistent, you're done for.

>> No.43850553

why white ones

>> No.43850557


>> No.43850682
File: 5 KB, 546x33, image (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 44: This session is definitely harder when I go over telling time.

>> No.43850732

memorization is the key to everything assuming memorization refers to any practice that enables you to remember something, rather than some specific method of remembering something that is inefficient or ineffective like your example.

>> No.43850751

Kanji memorization is actually important but that dude is retarded for over complicating everything with those schizo mnemonics.

>> No.43850765
File: 83 KB, 726x977, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43850858

It's seriously the final boss of Japanese. I hate it so much.

>> No.43850891

Wait til that guy finally starts reading and finds out that kanji aren't used on their own, and so memorising them individually was a gigantic waste of time.

>> No.43850892
File: 2 KB, 54x77, T4awBwH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this

>> No.43850901

yea european swords were better

>> No.43850903

kind of funny how similar japanese youtube comments are to the west
truly some things always stay the same no matter the background

>> No.43850908

say "no" while gagging

>> No.43850913

i dont think mental palace is a good technique for languages? i thought you would use it to memorize something like the list of all us presidents

>> No.43850924
File: 13 KB, 868x194, repeater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe 々 but for katakana?

>> No.43850928








>> No.43850950


>> No.43851004










>> No.43851031


>> No.43851076


>> No.43851105

Why does いきます often sound like きます? 駅に行きます for example. Or is this audio clip just shit?

>> No.43851108

Never mind I'm retarded and read it completely wrong

>> No.43851134

if you're barely able to make out what a text is saying after a couple of years of learning you should give up. reading comprehension is supposed to be the easiest skill to develop

>> No.43851172

who are you talking to

>> No.43851235


>> No.43851280


>> No.43851534










>> No.43851917

does xはyよりadjectiveくない mean that x is not more adjective than y or that it is less adjective than y

>> No.43852028

In Japanese, the phrase “XはYよりadjectiveくない” means that X is not more adjective than Y. It does not mean that X is less adjective than Y.

For example, if we have two people A and B and we say “AはBより背が高くない”, it means that A is not taller than B. It does not mean that A is shorter than B.

I hope this helps clarify things for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.

>> No.43852131

to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised​ to enter to get out to come ashore to improve; to make progress​ to be promoted; to advance​ to be adequateto be finished; to be done; to be over​ (of rain) to stop; to lift​ to be spoken loudly​ to get nervous; to get stage fright​to go; to visit​ to be offered to serve (in to be complete; to finish to eat; to drink


>> No.43852143

25 more days and i'll have reached a 100 day streak on anki...

>> No.43852169 [DELETED] 

what is the best way to record ps4 gameplay?
i'm thinking about stating ffvii and i want to be able to replay videos and dialog just in case i were to miss something and need to look up a word.

>> No.43852298

and why is it such a bad format for looking at pics?

>> No.43852300

proud of you anon

>> No.43852309

they should make a language that has like 200 words max that you learn in a week

>> No.43852325

ah someone did it to english but it has 850 words

>> No.43852333

>ctrl f ass
>0 results
>ctrl f tits
>0 results
shit list

>> No.43852452

Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese
must read if you are serious about making it.

>> No.43852627

i think we can get the negro literacy rate up to 30% if we test them on these words.

>> No.43852680

i hate downloading books only to find that they are a bunch of images instead of an ebook text format that makes look ups easy.
why japanese people? why?

>> No.43852713


are you pirating? if so, you have no room to complain

>> No.43852723

That's not how official ebooks work so I doubt it was a nip.

>> No.43852803

ok, maybe it's just an issue with LNs that have pictures, so they just make the entire thing images?

>> No.43852898

no, you can insert images into ebooks.
just look for low filesize and ebook formats like epub.

>> No.43852913


>> No.43852927

any place to get podcasts or videos of people just talking normally instead of animemes and movies
all the chubas are down at this time they all work in the same time slot

>> No.43852930

that's just a copypasta used on djt to teach newfags (including you) our methods.

>> No.43852933


>> No.43852992




>> No.43853038

looking forward to the glasses girl anime

>> No.43853042
File: 332 KB, 640x360, 1640962096125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine all the sweaty and smelly obasan feet in japan right now

>> No.43853051

i only think about all the hairy jk seitokaichou mankos that im missing out rn

>> No.43853072

i used to enjoy listening to this podcast (hkbk), but i basically quit when they ended in may 2020.. still good stuff if you haven't listened and don't care about it not being about current events

>> No.43853073
File: 943 KB, 859x986, 1639357286135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jks wont give you pocket money for fucking them

>> No.43853078

yeah, our methods on how to spot and avoid retards and bad advice

>> No.43853097

is it really proper for seitokaichous to have a hairy one?

>> No.43853103

dude seitokaichous are like modern yamato nadesiko ofc they have their mankos like a jungle

>> No.43853106

thinking shaving would be the stranger move

>> No.43853112

i was thinking trimmed and tidy

>> No.43853115
File: 1.06 MB, 1041x1080, 1641580260532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seitokaichous are probably all turbo roasties give me a hairy 喪女 any day

>> No.43853135

man you're having sour grapes about a thrice hypothetical situation
thinking it's over for you

>> No.43853154

truth of the matter is i woke up next to my white fat obasan gf and im just shit posting about yellow bitches like the good old days cause its summer holiday

>> No.43853156

if you only need to look up a word a page, is what you're reading too easy for you? is it worth reading?
it seems like something is either too easy or too hard. no goldilocks zone.

>> No.43853203

im assuming you mean one word per manga page, because if you got to the point where you only look up one word per ln page you probably wouldn't be asking questions like that by now.
either way yeah id pick up something more difficult if it's an ln
it's fine though if it's manga

>> No.43853236

ln, actually. i got to where i am thanks to a ton of listening, but not as much reading.
maybe i'm ready for nhkにようこそ

>> No.43853243

if something is easy to read and it is something that you want to read what is the problem?

>> No.43853263

what the fuck kind of ln is too easy after doing a bunch of listening
you doing graded readers or some retarded shit like that

>> No.43853268
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calm down

>> No.43853272


>> No.43853273

i want to expand my knowledge too. only so much time in the day.

>> No.43853283

yh i think this is the L of the year

>> No.43853297

>furigana for every word not in n5
>bros it's too easy
yeah i think you can move on to something different

>> No.43853317

how does the re:zero webnovel compare to the ln? i fear that the ln is going to be image files.

>> No.43853330


>> No.43853365

nyaa has epubs, just get that
look for re zero in raw literature, there's one with volumes 1-20 at 363 mb, i checked it myself just now

>> No.43853416

thank you, anon.
have some comfy bed time stories read by a qt:

>> No.43853458

better just to subscribe to satori reader, that will take you as far as you ever want to go

>> No.43853468
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>> No.43853472

man shut the fuck up

>> No.43853586

imagine being cursed to like both hags and feet

>> No.43853596

Should I ramp up the difficulty level of my reading very very gradually? Or should I make as big a jump I can, while keeping the sentences comprehensible?

>> No.43853604

whats the issue?

>> No.43853607

threads been garbage since mlen came back

>> No.43853625
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>my bro is back
how come no one told me

>> No.43853631

not much of a bro if you couldnt tell. so much for 135 iq

>> No.43853637

i would have needed to read the thread to notice
but i rarely do

>> No.43853638


>> No.43853651

you should read whatever the FUCK you want to read

what the fuck is an mlen

>> No.43853654

asked no one

>> No.43853655


>> No.43853659

holy autsim

>> No.43853662

>you should read whatever the FUCK you want to read

>> No.43853676

are gyaru still a thing in japan? nothing gets me off more than a tanned blond gyaru slut

>> No.43853677

i was thinking more hodge twins but whatever floats your boat man


>> No.43853684


>> No.43853713

they exist but they are like a mythical being

>> No.43853717

well, what did YOU do, and how did that work out for you?

>> No.43853884


>> No.43854147



>> No.43854306

I was in Japan recently and went to a lot of clubs and Harajuku and Roppongi and Shibuya and Shinjuku and never seen any girls of that style at all.

>> No.43854323

What is the problem, the advice is good.

>> No.43854353


>> No.43854358

Pro tip: If you are translating things in your head you are doing it wrong
You shouldn't see naruhodo~ and think "I see"
You should see なるほど~ and think "naruhodo" while understanding it

>> No.43854385

you should think 相手に同意したり,自ら納得したりする気持ちを表す語,相手の言葉に同感である気持ちを表す語

>> No.43854413







>> No.43854717


wawa on the big telly in shibuya

>> No.43854808

My five year silent period is almost over

>> No.43854809


>> No.43854818

mean for >>43854413

>> No.43855047

i didnt realize japan has a new fish meme
man im behind the times

>> No.43855373

i read a bunch of vinnies and linnies, watched a bunch of anime, mined a bunch of words
worked out fairly well i can read/watch most things unassisted

>> No.43855386

made less than ten posts in this thread

>> No.43855389
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>> No.43855397


>> No.43855538

made 1 post and it was gold like always

>> No.43855548

much easier to find in denmark bro and they taste the same

>> No.43856202

kill yourself

>> No.43856239

i don't care

>> No.43856241
File: 41 KB, 598x392, s51hseacrj8b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.43856252

bruh big cringe

>> No.43856367


>> No.43856451

i'd say that's just dumb expectations then.
and learning japanese never becomes a chore unless you do something dumb. you don't really need dedication.

>> No.43856479
File: 187 KB, 1261x638, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a literal child, that makes it cute and not cringe

>> No.43856541

an amazing method to make a woman come that you have no choice but to know?

>> No.43856570

what the fuck do I use to record audio for cards on linux? Sharex is apparently buggy as fuck and unusable in Wine even on Arch.

>> No.43856595

ffmpeg and maim > sharex

>> No.43856649
File: 2.21 MB, 304x540, atsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43856668

sharex just works on windows whereas loonix users have to slap together some shitty scripts lol...

>> No.43856737


>> No.43856767

an incredible method only women know to make them climax

>> No.43856785

i give up i'm never learning this shit language

>> No.43856852

you did pretty good though

>> No.43856859

holy shit, I had no idea you could just use ffmpeg... I guess I just never knew what it actual was on it's own.

>> No.43856862


>> No.43856881

sharex is so convenient though

>> No.43856898
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>> No.43856901

when two smart people flirt
it's all a game of pretend and feigning ignorance...

>> No.43856982


>> No.43856991

this one's definitely going to be a mine show

>> No.43857135

maybe /int/djt is more your speed... this IS the super advanced thread, after all

>> No.43857152

stop he might take you seriously

>> No.43857158

>anime starts in a week
>manga raws are still over 1.5 years behind
what did they mean by this

>> No.43857167

just means a new series for me to pick up at the wa

>> No.43857186

pick up this L

>> No.43857208

missed me huh

>> No.43857232

which kanji turns you on the most? Mine is 嬲

>> No.43857243


>> No.43857258
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>> No.43857271

i knew it i freaking knew it

>> No.43857281
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>> No.43857348

i like learning japanese because im a retarded alcoholic stoner hikkineet and this is the only thing im good at. any good immersion material for this feel?

>> No.43857370
File: 61 KB, 589x91, 画像_2023-06-27_113700789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned japango just to read loli eroge

>> No.43857396


>> No.43857471

it being japanese?

>> No.43857688

whats the kanji in red again, it almost coming to me

>> No.43857727

what is the endgame of matt vs. japan?

>> No.43857742

Acknowledging that Japan won.

>> No.43857839

a draw by double suicide

>> No.43858084

this cant be real
wanicels are on another level

>> No.43858343

*tumbleweed rolls by*

>> No.43858359
File: 654 KB, 2560x1440, 4oqdGD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this game rated for kids lmfao

>> No.43858387


>> No.43858450

i really hope in the future somehow you get put into a position where you are forced to explain to your parents and everyone you know irl what this is and why you spend all day watching and giving money to women pretending to be anime children. i reckon that's the only way you'll get a wakeup call

>> No.43858697

>giving money
who the fuck do you think i am?

>> No.43858713

I don't see a problem
also, what other game have furigana built-in with easy enough vocabulary?

>> No.43858736
File: 90 KB, 1073x849, 1687894694080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing my reps

>> No.43858737

is that what you look like doing your reps bro

>> No.43858739

Yes, but only if I can get a remote job outside of the country.

>> No.43858754

i'd be glad if there were a person like you that could store a lot for me?

>> No.43858791

i'd be happy to have... someone like you stay over forever...uhu...

>> No.43858804

have not immersed for 2 weeks

>> No.43858835


>> No.43858836

have immersed for 38.5 hours in the last 2 weeks

>> No.43858845

Thanks for your wisdom, 師匠。

How much manga do I read before I graduate to vinnies, and how many vinnies before I graduate to linnies? Or do linnies come at the same time as vinnies? Did you skip manga entirely?

>> No.43858915

Whats a good keyboard app for Samsung? Google doesn't seem to have one

>> No.43858932

immersing rn

>> No.43858940

google does have one

>> No.43858947
File: 48 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230627-162919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not popping up for me? I did just update the app and still nothing

>> No.43858953

nta but
>How much manga do I read before I graduate to vinnies
as little as possible, but it'll probably end up being like 150-200h. anime subtitles would probably make it somewhat faster
>how many vinnies before I graduate to linnies
as few as possible if you prefer lns, but it'll probably end up being like another 150-200h
>Did you skip manga entirely?
if you can motivate yourself to do a good amount of reading with just anime subtitles, you can skip manga. I did both though because I like the variety and I end up reading more if I keep switching mediums

>> No.43858964





>> No.43858966

i've got some えいよう for you right here *unzips*

>> No.43858972

finna pop open a cold one for the boys

>> No.43858974

that's the part that you took issue with? not the part about wasting your life by not just simping for a woman online, but an ugly woman who has to hide behind an anime character? lmfao

>> No.43858990






>> No.43859004

why does he

type in japanese

like he's posting

on reddit?

>> No.43859026

where's the best one, 茶トラ猫?

>> No.43859040

>Let me see

>> No.43859044

>anime subtitles would probably make it somewhat faster
why is this the case? With subtitles I feel like I'm letting so much pass by, but with manga I have to get every sentence, and I have as much time as I need to understand it

>150-200 hrs
damn, you're probably right though

>> No.43859047

How do you write "mature" in Japanese? As in the word for something that is more mature in tone (ie; violence, sex, darker etc etc). You wouldn't use the same word as "adult" for it right?

>> No.43859059


>> No.43859064

did you try asking /r/learnjapanese first?
we at djt recommend them as the first point of contact

>> No.43859099

now piss off to whatever eop hellhole you came from

>> No.43859116
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>> No.43859117

I have 0 interest in learning Japanese.


>> No.43859184

Just start with LNs instead of wading through hundreds of hours of mysterious anime girl noises and hot-blooded shounen interjections.

>> No.43859211

>why is this the case?
because there's more context (movement, audio) and you don't need to OCR to look things up quickly
>With subtitles I feel like I'm letting so much pass by
then just pause the video and don't

>> No.43859258



>> No.43859287

I'm on the verge of quitting Anki after 3 years of use. I'm not sure it's worth continuing. But I also can't stop. I feel like I'm trapped in a gamblers fallacy.

Most of my studying has been via Anki, I send 3-5 hours each day studying and I feel like I don't understand the language at all. I have maybe got to between N4-N3 on vocab. But i still forget basic words frequently. I really don't think Anki is a good tool for language learning. But I can't face quitting, as i would lose all progress.

It seems to be universally loved, and if you bring up any issues with Anki, it's always met with, "you must have the wrong settings" or "the wrong cards" etc. I think we have to stop making excuses for Anki. I don't think I would recommend SRS to any language learners

>> No.43859313

Anki doesn't make you fluent. I did sentence cards for 2 years, and no reading, and I got nowhere. I could not even read Yotsuba.

On the other hand, download Yomichan and just read, looking up all the words you don't know, and that will make you fluent quickly. You can use mokuro to make words in manga lookupable.

>> No.43859341






>> No.43859360
File: 122 KB, 350x439, 1667934442153291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think jap people read this and wonder what ファッキュー is?

>> No.43859372


>> No.43859374

m8, we won total cultural victory, the entire globe knows what "fuck you" and "OK" mean.

>> No.43859379

also don't say j*p

>> No.43859386
File: 994 KB, 2086x2044, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu retard

>> No.43859393

it's ok i didn't mean it in a derogatory way
it's the same as saying swede or brit

>> No.43859395

This, please don't refer to nippon or nips using some butchered 13th century chinese pronunciation.

>> No.43859404

monogatari high is fun
grand blue drunk of course

>> No.43859420

dont tell me you used core decks for three years... holy
read this >>43859258 and start mining, あほやろう

>> No.43859430

do you have the same but for manga or LN?

>> No.43859438

Anon's, it's not a real post.

>> No.43859445

shut up^

>> No.43859486
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>> No.43859490

thanks !

>> No.43859512

for 100 yen this doesn't seem too bad
some stuff from the 100yen shops looks pretty cool and it always makes me wonder about the logistics of it
like manufacturing, materials, transit, etc

>> No.43859616

I'm on the verge of quitting Anki after 3 years of use. Most of my studying has been via Anki, I send 3-5 hours each day studying and I feel like I don't understand the language at all. I have maybe got to between N4-N3 on vocab. But i still forget basic words frequently.


>> No.43859630


>> No.43859632

it's absolutely insanse how do these people even manage to breathe oxygen fuck

>> No.43859636

bear bear bear bear?

>> No.43859642

kuma da yo

>> No.43859645

where's bakemonogatari

>> No.43859648

it's on the intermediate list

>> No.43859651


>> No.43859652

sorry meant for >>43859645

>> No.43859657

>giving money
not even once, that's the pay pigs job, mine is to enjoy them in my background

>> No.43859720

we're going to have to revise your iq estimate consoomer

>> No.43859750

add mushoku tensei it's for babies

>> No.43859788

everything that's not a buddhist mantra is for babies

>> No.43859806

Quick question is the above negative te form? What's the も doing?

>> No.43859814

> Lately I've had daily card reviews of 600+, which ends up being like 1500+ with all the mistakes and retrying the cards

>> No.43859852

I forget basic words a lot too desu what with all the homophones and shit but:
>What exactly does your 3-5 hours look like?
>Clicking good or again on flashcards
Jesus fuck, for 3 years he's done nothing but Anki? I'd have fucking roped myself from boredom by that point.

>> No.43859916

the r*dditor will attempt anything in its power in order to avoid coming into contact with native nihongo content

>> No.43859943

just outputted

>> No.43859958

Now where do I actually find anime with japanese subtitles?

>> No.43859963

anime on nyaa and subtitles on kitsunekko

>> No.43860004

Fuck, my whole life being a turbo weeb and searching endlessly for English speaking content creators who weren't cripplingly autistic and cringe, let alone funny or insightful. Only now 15 years later, after I no longer give a shit about anime or manga do I realize it always existed, it was just Japanese people talking about their own media.

>> No.43860050


>> No.43860109

Yes. ても(いい)

>> No.43860138


>> No.43860190

>Unique words 29463
>Unique kanji 2758

>> No.43860245

wtf I just realized how similar ちら look

>> No.43860351

in sequence they kinda look like a guy tipping his fedora

>> No.43860439

i think i've read about 50 hours of manga before switching to vinnies, and about 50 hours more of those (one very very short vn) before trying out linnies
gotta say reading manga was a huge pain in the ass as a beginner because looking up shit is harder
i think i got most of my gains reading lns though because i don't really like vns, and they have a longer set up (texthooker, paste page, odd window resolutions etc') whereas with linnies you can just open ttu and go, not to mention you can have a similar set up on your phone and read and mine away from home, which helped in my case
don't bother with looking up difficulties on jpdb for lns, they're extremely retarded and completely arbitrary, lns with the same unique word percentage, unique kanji percentage, and length can have wildly different scores, like 4 and 9, so read whatever you want, it'll all be pretty hard, and will only get somewhat noticably easier around 8-10k words mined, which is unfortunate
i think i watched anime occasionally from day 1, and i still do
i started by watching stuff i've already seen, and intended to rewatch "sometime", then went on to seasonal shit i really don't care about, and now i just watch pretty much anything, sometimes i stopped to read and mine, sometimes i didn't
i also restarted reading manga only recently because it's significantly less of a pain in the ass now
i dabbled with podcasts and audiobooks but i can't say i've made any significant, noticeable gainz with them
all the best pal

>> No.43860447

>mlen post
yeah didnt read

>> No.43860465

>satori reader
my anki only has ~12k words. it's over. i'm never going to be able to read that.

>> No.43860466

that's ok sweaty the post wasn't aimed at you

>> No.43860485

sorry. i forgot i had highlighted shitori leader to see what it was.

>> No.43860507

whatever the question of what do i emmerse with first the answer is always hanahira

>> No.43860523

fate is better

>> No.43860543

followed by love and piss, debutopia and muramasa
that is the correct order of learning japanese

>> No.43860557

there's something about the nature of djt having genuinely great advice being mixed in with disinfo that i really like about our culture
it really makes you work and decide what information is valuable and what isn't and often times the great advice just sounds like another troll post

>> No.43860589

it's a long ass journey and everybody has a slightly different one, so even the "we trained him wrong, as a joke" parts are valuable

>> No.43860594

>our culture
shut the fuck up

>> No.43860604

>"we trained him wrong, as a joke"
such philosophy has created many such legendary cases and posters in the past...

>> No.43860607


>> No.43860624

literally me

>> No.43860638

pokemon sleep is the one pokemon project i've actually been excited for in years

>> No.43860646

literally me

>> No.43860649

brother you mustn't fear intimacy instead we should embrace one another as a brotherhood

>> No.43860655

don't you me faggot

>> No.43860657


>> No.43860661

you paid for one of those 3man prostitutes and got the clap or something?

>> No.43860673

no kabikon is literally me.

You're a loser and beneath me

>> No.43860683

you're all losers

>> No.43860686

that's just because it has 26 volumes. oreimo vol 2 has more unique words than any of the volumes of mushoku tensei and about the same amount of unique kanji as any of them

>> No.43860688

god i wish that were me

>> No.43860696

did not expect djt to have such a strong desire to be kabigon

>> No.43860703

>tfw when you will never be kabigon
or know japanese

>> No.43860722

and they're rated about the same so i don't see the problem
now check the stats and difficulty for bakemonogatari :^)

>> No.43860733

stfu kabitroon

>> No.43860752
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>> No.43860766

Anons want theirまんまるのお腹 to be 可愛い too.

>> No.43860774
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>> No.43860775

yeah there's a lot of disinformation trying to lure beginners away from the rtk

>> No.43860777


>> No.43860783

proud to be otaku
if i were to be reincarnated i wish to be otaku in the next life as well

>> No.43860784

my お腹 ain't まんまる, i just want to left alone, in peace, to have a midday nap

>> No.43860879


>> No.43860916

now that i think about it being a researcher sound appealing getting paid to study up on something that interests you all day

>> No.43861118
File: 206 KB, 1137x883, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese wisdom has no bounds

>> No.43861153

it's a really shit job i had to live in the lab over the weekend sleeping in a sleeping bag while i did my phd because that was the only time the machine i was using was free

>> No.43861166

lab monkey lol

>> No.43861169

well not that kind of research i meant like the kind where you get to read all day

>> No.43861203

any job that can be defined as someone's "calling" will abuse the everloving shit out of it's workers because they're always a fresh supply of meat with stars in their eyes willing to eat shit for 80 hours a week for pennies
just go be an accountant for 20 hours a week and use the rest of your time to "research", lord knows you'll be spending more time doing research that way as opposed to dealing with miscellaneous"part of your job description" bullshit for half the time you're there

>> No.43861205

updated my 1060 driver

>> No.43861211

you sound low iq
not surprised you werent successful

>> No.43861231

that's where you're wrong my friend, those are just horror stories i relay from acquaintances in academia
i went the programming socks route and couldn't be happier

>> No.43861232


>> No.43861238

you and your friends sound dumb

>> No.43861243


>> No.43861247

well you and your friends sound gay

>> No.43861249

can't believe i can't follow in ciaran's footsteps because AI would do my job by the time i learned to program. i missed out on the chance of a lifetime

>> No.43861258

there are many paths to success find yours

>> No.43861266

Yeah but you're not going to want to call it quits after one volume unless you didn't like it for some reason. So choosing something with such breadth and depth for your first LN seems like a bad idea. You'll end up with years of backlogged fantasy cards.

>> No.43861275




>> No.43861276
File: 173 KB, 256x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might actually pick this one up as my first ln but i can't buy it from my usual bookstore lest i be judged by my beloved tenchou-san

>> No.43861281


>> No.43861405

thanks for the tip, I agree that Anki (rote memorization) is kind of useless if the goal is to actually be able to use the language

>> No.43861426


>> No.43861478

follow this guy and you're ngmi
