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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 405x389, 1266133260156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376644 No.4376644 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys ready? It's Valentine's day and we might get a CB2 from gPotato.

>> No.4376651


Seriously though, when the fuck is it? ;_;

>> No.4376652

That's what they said two days ago.

>> No.4376666

I hope by the time CB2 comes along most would have lost interest. Or no CB2 at all, just imagine the uproar.

>> No.4376676

They've had about five CBs with Allods, and pretty much consecutive.
Hopefully they'll follow suite with Aika.

>> No.4376685

Since you guys are so free.
I suggest some of you to lead or organize Feonir.
If we leave it up to Vanguard or Resonance, our nation will end up in flames.

>> No.4376697
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>> No.4376704


The requested topic does not exist.

>> No.4376706

Does not exist.

Wasn't that the plan?

>> No.4376709

I prefer to take it easy and chill in Aika, but if you must, we can draft something up. Are we going to do something about the relics?

>> No.4376713

Wow, what a faggot.

>> No.4376717
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>> No.4376723

>Does not exist
What was it about?

Please get the 10% exp gain since I have not reach lvl cap. Don't really care about the rest.

>> No.4376734
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I intend to grind to the new cap, grind out mats, make my enchanted/upgraded armor, maybe grind out guild quests, help my fellow guild members level, and THEN maybe I'll worry about PvP.

That is, if CB2 ever comes out.

>> No.4376761

That's what we're supposed to do, by I'm sure we'll be pressured into PvP given our position. Hope that doesn't happen, my priority is still grindan and taking it easy.

10% exp gain doesn't apply to Pran and you're better off leveling via quests. In all seriousness 10% exp gain isn't that awesome, unless you're grindan in a dungeon or something.

>> No.4376780

>by I'm sure

Goddamn it I need some sleep.

>> No.4376819
File: 221 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had more fun doing that stuff thus far than PvPing.

Except waiting for people to get Splinter or Alan Jones low and then running in and stunning -> ganking them. That was hilarious.

>> No.4376834
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If anyone thinks they handle the position of being our war coordinator, feel free to put a proposition forward.

That would free up my time to worry solely about you guys. And by that I mean "sitting on my ass in town, doing nothing."

>> No.4376839

And that is why people, you kill Nigger Jones in a party.

>> No.4376861

I'm decent at doing stuff like that, but I'm far too lazy. I'd rather just help you guys through dungeons and quests than put up with telling pubbies how they should play the game. Despite my love of taking it easy, even my patience is limited.

>> No.4376867

Your Pran doesn't love you.

>> No.4376922

How could you ;_;

>> No.4376930

She likes a guy that isn't a female and a Paladin.

>> No.4376963

Also anyone considering this, have fun with the other guild leaders wanting to add you on MSN so they can send you messages full of smileys.

The things your leader does for you.

>> No.4376968
File: 103 KB, 608x717, 1231219711220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pran has been absolutely faithful to me. Maybe you just don't inspire loyalty and devotion in your pran; not once have I ever had her eyes wander away from me.

>> No.4376979

Oh wow!

Tough job you have there. Also I believe we should team up with BRutality.
Those guys will be pro.
We also don't need to talk to them much because they dont speak english so it is a win win situation.

>> No.4376985
File: 386 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw man, she just loves taking advantage of everyone--I've been training her to be a slut.

>> No.4377001

That's BRilliant.

>> No.4377004

With glasses like that, no wonder she's a slut.

>> No.4377006 [DELETED] 

>The things your leader does for you.
I'll just be chilling in PizzaClub over there, let me know if you ever need extra hands.

Jokes aside, your Pran do love you, etc. Thanks for taking up the responsibility, Namae. Just prevent Hotglue from turning into yet another drama-centric Feonir guild.

>> No.4377016
File: 305 KB, 893x872, 8d8046de51ec6ce8a0c03e740363e825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The things your leader does for you.
I'll just be chilling in PizzaClub over there, let me know if you ever need extra hands.

Jokes aside, your Pran do love you, etc. Thanks for taking up the responsibility, Namae. Just prevent Hotglue from turning into yet another drama-centric Feonir guild.

>> No.4377033
File: 85 KB, 620x851, 1256564613727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want PizzaClub to happen so bad. You have no idea.

>> No.4377063
File: 53 KB, 462x234, pizzaclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already ready for it.

>> No.4377069

>>4377016 >>4377033
The only problem with PizzaClub is it'd have to be at least 72 member capacity to get into the 2nd tournament, probably.

>> No.4377079

downloading this right now, is it a good game?

>> No.4377092
File: 348 KB, 600x828, 1256566404953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reiterate: I want it to happen.



If nothing else, Hourai and I could probably pinoy-esque grind the hell out of guild quests to get us to that level.

>> No.4377098

No, go play FFXI instead.

>> No.4377100

Considering how Hotglue is BANNED/CENSORED, it would be that hard to get the GM to change it.
But of course that is if everyone is ok with the name change.

>> No.4377129

lol no.

from a video that I just saw, the pvp looks like Warhammer Online, can someone confirm?

>> No.4377136

Also in the event that we somehow manage to pull it off snagging the finals, we need the it to be something like a 6 paladin vs 6 paladin naked fisticuffs-only brawl.

God, that would be glorious.

>> No.4377139
File: 12 KB, 87x256, 1209035946566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 we end up with a 5/72 guild. Then we fight against Hotglue in the finals. That'll be the most elaborate trolling I've ever pulled.

If anyone wants to make this a reality, I'm all up for it.

>> No.4377150

Actually it's more like Everquest. Go play WoW or something.

>> No.4377165
File: 143 KB, 800x600, 1256567076189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God. That would be GLORIOUS! I can't wait for the forum reactions: "[...] I just hate these uncreative names. 'PizzaClub'? Really? What's next, SandwichGroup?"

Let it be stated for the record that the reason behind the fight was: "my waifu is better than your waifu."

>> No.4377168

Can't we just move over the 2nd best group of 30+'ers from Hotglue to PizzaClub right before the next tournament to help em' out?

>> No.4377204

Move the same exact players as the Hotglue team then try to act like nothing happened to insult the GM's intelligence.

>> No.4377209

Sound like a plan. Do it.

>> No.4377229

"Weren't you guys in Hotglue?"
"In what?"
"What's that?"
"The guild you were in."
"Never heard of it."
"Uhhh...I'm pretty sure I saw you in it. Like, yesterday."
"No you didn't."
"Actually, I'm quite certain I did."
"No you didn't!"
"Then who's this in the screenshot?"
"That's not me."
"It says your name right there!"
"No it doesn't."
"No no, there's a hidden space there. Right there."
"No there isn't.
"Yes there is."

It's like a Monty Python sketch just waiting to happen.

>> No.4377233

Yeah, I think that would be the method. Although anyone moving over is also potentially forfeiting themselves from prizes if it doesn't go according to plan.

As well, Hotglue itself still needs a fair bit of work to become a L4 guild to fit new players.

>> No.4377275

>Monty Python
Wish we could pull off more of these jokes. Is it possible to fit in Spanish Inquisition into a guild name?

>> No.4377302

>No one expects the Pizza Club!

>> No.4377313

I can't wait to slash some garubians!

>> No.4377321

Well a certain forum go-er sure won't expect it.

>> No.4377332

Make more duplicates of >>4376734 >>4376819. They are eye catching.

>> No.4377335
File: 109 KB, 487x512, 1256564480355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Our chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and toppings, toppings and surprise! Our two weapons are surprise and toppings and ruthlessly low prices! Our THREE weapons are toppings and surprise and ruthlessly low prices and an almost FANATICAL devotion to our customers!"

>> No.4377351

Good idea. No one expects the Spanish Inquisiton.

>> No.4377408

That is going to be in my sig if I ever post on Aika forums.

>> No.4377417

Lets register PizzaClub as one of the official guilds?

>> No.4377431 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 582x617, awww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Stupid Anonymous. It's not like I wanted you to laugh at my post or anything, I just like Monty Python, that's all.

Should we save that until after we actually make it?

>> No.4377463

This image is fucking awesome. Make more.

>> No.4377564

Another option is to just go with Pizza Club in OB, if anyone still plays.

>> No.4377611

Dropped hotglue and asked GM to change our name to pizzaclub.
The latin o is atrocious anyway.

>> No.4377725

PizzaClub is fine as an alt-guild name, but regardless of how amusing it sounds, it's still just a lolsorandom name and it's useless as an identifier to would-be members. Still better than Gensokyo though, I guess.

And yeah, the ö does suck, but it's not like anyone ever needs to type Hötglue specifically.

>> No.4377757

If the PvP action with higher level skills is promising, I definitely would.

>> No.4377769
File: 40 KB, 324x246, 1261201491976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still better than Gensokyo though, I guess.

>> No.4377803 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 582x617, awwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Pepper > everything else.

>> No.4377864


Opponent could just foreit and not play already.

>> No.4377907
File: 638 KB, 1920x1200, ss_name_02-13-10_16-58-37_(jupiter).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping for a CB2 announcement today, I'm getting impatient. Time for some stalking in the mean time.

>> No.4378012


>> No.4378039

Me too. ;_;

>> No.4378049

I want to launch the game to test my display settings, but it doesn't work
is this normal since the CB1 is over?

>> No.4378060

Does this pando media booster shit stay on all the time now?

>> No.4378074

I can launch the game fine, just can't log in.

>> No.4378079

You can make a thread with nothing but these and I'd still downthemall.

>> No.4378115

I will grind like I have ne'er ground before.

>> No.4378144

Uninstall it. You don't need it after you have the game.

>> No.4378148

Hi guys audacity here from long ago, any of the hotglue guys here? vita? hourai?

>> No.4378156

Good, I hate this shit that companies make you install just to play the damn game, even tho it's not actually required once the game is running.

Also, deleted it.

>> No.4378771

I never understood the difference between Air, Water, and Fire prans. What's so special about each element?

>> No.4378779


Water = Defense/Mana
Fire = Offense/Health
Air = Balanced? I think Air actually has dodge though, so it sounds more defensive to me.

I don't have an Air pran so I dunno.

>> No.4378780

Air = Evasion/MP cost reduction

>> No.4378791

Skills and elemental resistance.

Fire boosts damage, envelops you in flames to damage attackers.

Water boosts defense, gives you a shield that absorbs damage.

Wind boosts dodge, gives you a buff to lower MP consumption of skills.

>> No.4378799

Fire: "I want to attack better!"
Water: "I want to survive longer!"
Air: "I want to be more efficient in my support!"

>> No.4378822


>> No.4378832

so ofcourse you all have named your character and pran in gensokyo style? in CB1 I was gunner HakureiReimu and my pran was Tewi.

>> No.4378839
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>> No.4378847

What's the best for a DG?

>> No.4378869

Generally, the faster a person attacks, the more they get out of a fire pran (they give damage bonuses in fixed values per hit) and the their class focuses on attacking the more important it is for them to hit hard.

Dual Gunner doubtlessly benefits most from Fire.

>> No.4379264

Right guys, seeing as how I know nothing of this how do I go about getting ready for the upcoming closed beta? Someone said get a key from an mmo site? I don't have a clue what that means. All I want is to learn the game basics before the open beta.

>> No.4379282
File: 2.95 MB, 2662x2159, 948066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've heard good things about Air for PvP because of the dodge boost.

>> No.4379334

Dodge is pretty great against skills and abilities, especially against the stuns.

>> No.4379337

If players miss as much as bosses do when the air dodge buff on. I could imagine it being very rage worthy. Especially for assailants with long cooldowns on their skills.

>> No.4379341

Has CB2 started yet?

>> No.4379353


>> No.4379798
File: 76 KB, 588x359, valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never spend Valetine's Day with your Pran ;_;

>> No.4379809

you say vanguard/feonir will cause feonir to go in flames if they lead? yet you're the ones who have gotten your guild banned. Forcing you to make a new guild name.. You guys are blind hypocrites lol

>> No.4379818


>> No.4379825

Btw, you guys need to get a real forum. stop being full of fail, not hard to get your own website with forum.. everyone can read all the dumb crap you post.

>> No.4379826

Why are on earth are you reading this thread if you haven't even played the game.

>> No.4379847

Attention children:
We don't care if you read this. We're taking it easier than any of you could possibly even imagine.

>> No.4379851

Why don't you get the fuck out of my /jp/?

>> No.4379863

taking it easy as in bitching about lingo every day? complaining she has alts in other guilds? getting your name banned in the game? having to make a new guild name? why do you pretend nothing is wrong with your people? you have trolls and flamers. Yet you think you don't have problems? Blind..

>> No.4379875

4chan is for everyone.. anyone can visit.. theres no "yours" here. 4chan isn't a private place lol. make your own forum if you dont like it

>> No.4379877

I don't think I can possibly explain to you how dumb you're being by posting here in the first place.

Leave, please.

>> No.4379880
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>> No.4379889
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>> No.4379894

I agree with what he said. There's many problems in our member list.

>> No.4379895

Fuck /jp/ I knew this shit was bad news.

Take your bullshit drama of your shitty game elsewhere.

But post more pran before you go

>> No.4379900
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>> No.4379903

Wait, do we actually have to make a new name?

I was under the impression that it was fine. If so, Pizza Club ahoy!

Also >>4379863

Way to assume everyone is the same. Good job.

>> No.4379915

>>4379825 >>4379863

>you guys need to get a real forum
We have one.

>bitching about Lingo every day
It's impressive that you know one of the GM's names when you haven't played the game!

>you're the ones who have gotten your guild banned

>you have trolls and flamers
Not anymore, as everyone in our guild is awesome.

Happy Valentines Day!

>> No.4379919

Jesus, take it easy guys.
Aika is a game, and it is fun, and we look forward to playing it together again.

>> No.4379946

Good thing we were able to disguise our name, if anybody found out that its really referencing a Hot Beef Injection, the results would be disastrous.

>> No.4379965

What are ya talking about bro, it's just a name in reference to our founder's love of building model airplanes.

>> No.4380015

>everyone can read all (the dumb crap) you post.

Uh, that's the point. Because like, it's the /jp/ guild, man. Y'know?

>> No.4380073

really i thought it was from an interest in gluing dolls, IYKWIM

>> No.4380079

Really? I thought it was in reference to his love for the building of intricate felt hats, whose feathers and bells must be affixed via hot glue.

>> No.4380096

>>4379965 >>4380073 >>4380079
I think, over time, it has evolved into a general love of hot glue, regardless of the application.

>> No.4380111


Problems such as? Members such as?

>> No.4380198

From the way he specified "vanguard/feonir" in his first post (completely ignoring that Resonance was mentioned along with Vanguard in the post he was referring to), I would say this is a butthurt Vanguard member. That's pretty sad.

>> No.4380210
File: 331 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you weren't disconnected from me ;_;

>> No.4380248

Please get off /jp bls. kthxbai.

>> No.4380256

Drama! Except not really, cause nobody cares. But still entertaining.

>> No.4380277


Or seeing how he apparently isn't familiar with the concept of imageboards yet somehow knew that each field is optional when posting, I'd say it was some random troll, a fairly successful one too.

Half expecting you to chime in with "We should raid Vanguard's forums" soon.

>> No.4380291
File: 431 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a drama falls on an image board, but no one is around to care, is it still drama?

>> No.4380306
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is going on here? We've been infiltrated by morons?

>> No.4380686
File: 90 KB, 424x439, awaiface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vanguard being retarded as usual

>> No.4380980


>> No.4381274 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 582x617, 12296892905211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I go away for 5 hours and then come back, only to find out no one was talking about how awesome I am


>> No.4381360 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 451x424, natsukismirk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not awesome.

>> No.4381378

I'm not talking about it, but I'm still thinking it.

>> No.4381400 [DELETED] 

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4381451

Why do these bots spam us, anyway?

You'd think their owners would realize that no progress is being made.

>> No.4381499 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 570x800, 1231220060342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you say things you know will hurt me, Nacchin?

>> No.4381522
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>> No.4381539

We waited for you, Aika. ;_;

>> No.4381574

I'm downloading TAika now since I'm getting impatient and want to work on my Warlock build(s) and figure out some math in order to do some theorycraft to maximize my damage. I'm a nerd. ;_; I will be a nerd with numbers at the very least.

Where are you CBT2~

>> No.4381754
File: 198 KB, 800x600, natsukiblush1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-It's not like I like to tease you or anything, idiot!

>> No.4381780

I fapped to you once, a few years ago.

>> No.4381818

Why not just use the skill calculator?

>> No.4382001

That site is only good for building trees. I already have my trees planned from level 10-50 but I want to test and tweak it in game. I'd also like to figure out some stats math since I haven't seen that kind of info yet (on the US Aika forums anyway).

So I was trying to figure out which files I should copy for TAika and I decided to check out the curse.bin file. Oh goody, more blacklisted words! http://privatepaste.com/f3a10f5a44

>> No.4382110

hourai ign in this is shanghai.
vita go by vita.
hjones is in the guild as well but last I heard he went inactive.

>> No.4382180

>taking it easy as in bitching about lingo every day? >complaining she has alts in other guilds?
White knighting? What?

>> No.4382187

Well, /jp/, looks like there goes my chance to tell you about my sibling farm instruments.

>> No.4382251

Can I change my my pran's element or get a new element pran?

>> No.4382256


You'd have to get a new pran.

>> No.4382278

I'm sorry if this makes me seem like a newfag, but why is hotglue censored/banned?

>> No.4382310

The same reason why hotglue is banned in /jp/.
hot beef injection

>> No.4382351

Actually it might not be anymore, as the filter list around (H*) has changed in >>4382001.

>> No.4382367

This is a different banned list than the one before. BW.bin had Ho* banned. That's my guess why Hotglue was banned.

>> No.4382395

I think Nam talked to Lingo about it already, which is probably why Ho was changed a bit in the filter.

I guess the only way we'll know though is if we try and make a Hotglue pvp room. It was kind of hilarious to see it as H*Glue made by the GM.

>> No.4383942


>> No.4384233

The way I see it is, it comes out in Spring.

The next CB will probably have a level cap of 40.

There will probably be one more CB afterwards for 40 - 50.

This means the game will be out at the LATEST sometime in May. Unless of course they go back and just change the date, but I doubt that.

So basically, if they are to stretch it out as much as they can, CB2 will be sometime in late Feb/early March.

CB3 would then be in late March/early April, then they'd spend another three weeks or a month sifting through the data, and release in May.

Or they could spend less time and have two more week long CBs with like four day periods in between and have it out at the beginning of March.


>> No.4384243

>DOMINATION Tournament Prize Redemption Detailed!
>by Lingo » Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:21 pm

No, not really ;_;

>> No.4384246


Dammit. I can't do anything correctly today.

I just want my loli back. Uguu~

>> No.4384253

Fuck you ;_;

>> No.4384314

Except that the betas themselves have durations that you are not accounting for.

>> No.4384471
File: 30 KB, 469x338, mabinogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this game would open already. It's not even that great but I want to play. Mabi is being too buggy since the latch patch so I can't even use that for my fix until the game opens again.

>> No.4384597

I kind of want to play more when it's down than I did when it's up. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.4384693

Your tolerance went back up since you don't overplay it.

>> No.4384737

Inb4 we hit level cap after two days and complain about how bored we are.


>> No.4384752

I dream of pressing 1 2 3 to kill garubians. And WASDing around in nation raids,

>> No.4384756

just when i have a week free, why must you torment me so ;_;

>> No.4384758

I want to play with my Pran.

>> No.4384793

I want to play with your Pran too. ;_;

>> No.4384814

I dream of panicking when I see my hp is like 200 and mashing all the hot keys in a row.

potion, ivy, corrupt, potion, autofire(or whatever the rapid shot thing is), speed up, corrupt, potion, that basic dodge skill, potion, ohgodthere'smore, stealthmodo.

>> No.4384817

I want to fuck my pran.

>> No.4384827

I dream of going from 500 hp to 2600 hp because of Transference~

>> No.4384863
File: 89 KB, 379x301, natsukisad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks off for Olympics and no Aika.


>> No.4384898 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 582x617, 12296892905212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sad, Nacchin. You'll make me sad, too!

>> No.4384958

>2 weeks off for Olympics
Shouldn't you be busy practicing? Or is this a holiday in your area?

>> No.4385026
File: 171 KB, 800x600, natsukismirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anyone on /jp/ could be an Olympic athlete

University is shut down what with hosting the Olympics, some events are even being hosted on campus.

>> No.4385116

And meanwhile, out east here in Ontario, I get an entire Reading Week with nothing to do but F5F5F5.

Feels shitty man.

>> No.4385139

The moment you and Nacchin have to resume classes/working is the moment the CB2 comes out. I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.4385188
File: 416 KB, 1024x768, ss20100215_004350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending my time idling on my main on ECO and grinding on alts while f5'ing /jp/ threads and waiting for Aika CB2. At least I had a good valentine's day with Onani Master Kurosawa and Saki.

>> No.4385195



Still not in any germanic languages?

>> No.4385201

CB2 announced yet?

>> No.4385303

cutting myself once for every day i must wait

>> No.4385340

It was nice knowing you.

>> No.4385411

>dont worry it'll be tommorrow for sure

>> No.4385445

DFO has been a pretty good time filler between CBs. If you're waiting you might want to try it.

>> No.4385456

>by Lingo » Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:38 am

Closed Beta 2 should be underway just as soon as our hardworking staff wrap up a few finishing touches. Level cap will be raised to 60, and many new areas and dungeons will be available!

In news unrelated to Aika, famous doujin game creator ZUN has announced his intentions to include Mima in the next iteration of the series! "It just felt like everyone has waited long enough," he explained during an interview at a bar.

Aika Online!

>> No.4385479

You know what?
Fuck you.

>> No.4385480

I can feel it in my bones

>> No.4385490


>> No.4385573

Say Wahaha, is there anything to do on ECO?

>> No.4385981
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I enjoy looking at the sky and .. dunno, I've just been grinding my scout and boss hunting lately. I'm tired of killing Diaper Man! though so only grinding. Well.. there's stamp hunting, box hunting, grinding, boss hunting, grinding, item hunting, grinding, farming, and grinding. Take your pick. Oh, you can decorate your airship too. I need to grind my blacksmith to 75 so she can wear adorable shoes.

>> No.4387222

It hasn't even quite been a week yet ;_;

I need to find something to occupy myself.

>> No.4387227

Play more touhou and prepared yourself for Th13 demo next month.

>> No.4387249 [SPOILER] 
File: 818 KB, 1000x800, 1249614429738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm preparing myself for the Touhou 13 demo by drinking lots of milk, if you know what I mean.


>> No.4387273

No news is good news.

>> No.4387297
File: 300 KB, 400x400, cirno8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmorpg's and petty shoot 'em ups are just decoys designed ti divert your attention and dull your minds and reflexes.

I'm heading back to Gensokyo

>> No.4387777
File: 353 KB, 1920x1200, ss_name_02-15-10_12-48-37_(pripyat).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, beat the new Stalker already, now I have nothing to do again. CB2 where ;_;

>Jesus christ, it's a lion, get out of here STALKER.

>> No.4388136
File: 133 KB, 470x590, 1238566335747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, there. I've beaten Bioshock 2 thrice already.

>> No.4389331
File: 43 KB, 172x301, pran4_img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we going to be able to get teen Prans in CB2?

>> No.4389384

Probably. Prans turn into teens at level 20, if i remember correctly.

>> No.4389956

It appears Allods OB begins tomorrow. Personally, I think it looks like a WoW clone, athough the ship vs. ship guild combat sounds neat. Anyone interested in giving it a try to tide us over until the next Aika CB?

I doubt we'll see CB2 for Aika until next week at the earliest. They usually like to give a week's notice. Let's hope for an announcement about tomorrow.

>> No.4390037

Looks pretty bland, but I guess I'll give it a try while we're waiting.

>> No.4390038

Where can I get a beta key?

>> No.4390053

I was looking at /v/ earlier out of boredom and saw an Allods thread.

There was a picture of an orc named Hitter with a exceptionally recognizable mustache. It also took me a good 5 seconds to realize I wasn't looking at a WoW screenshot.

I think I'll pass on that one.

>> No.4390066
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1264954756698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circlejerk game.

Pathetic game.

Pathological game, stop before you rape somebody or beat up a cat in a bathroom on youtube.

>> No.4390077

It's Open Beta. You don't need one.

I agree. I don't see anything that impressive about it either, despite the many positive reviews I've read about it. However, I figured it could possibly serve as something to play while waiting on Aika.

If our group from Aika isn't interested, then I probably won't bother. I think that's what made Aika fun, more than anything else.

>> No.4390088

I think i'll give it a try anyways. I don't have anything better to do.

>> No.4390097

>If our group from Aika isn't interested, then I probably won't bother. I think that's what made Aika fun, more than anything else.

Sorry, I want to play with you but I don't think I could enjoy Allods much.

>> No.4390104

If someone would find a moe, moe game, I would absolutely play.

Although Allods was pretty good, although it felt awfully familiar.

>> No.4390109

Allods is going to get preferential treatment from gPotato. Aika's second closed beta won't likely start until the 20th, at the earliest. They don't want it interfering with the Allods growth.

>> No.4390121

Fuck, that game looks like WoW and I've never play it before.

>> No.4390145
File: 145 KB, 759x913, allods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4390173

What the shit, really?
Is Russia now becoming the new China?

>> No.4390175

Oh, wow. The human and orc meshes look like they're ripped straight out of WoW's game files, and then the orc skins look they're just slightly retextured.

Well, they certainly weren't even trying to hide blatantly ripping-off WoW's art style.

>> No.4390185

In before fifty female elves shouting "I AM THE STRONGEST!"

>> No.4390200

We could just hop on another gPotato game. I remember playing Corrum back when it was in closed beta. It wasn't anything special, but it could be a decent time killer. Provided you've got people to fuck around with.

>> No.4390219
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>> No.4390225

The only gpotato game I'd even consider (Aika aside) is Allods, WoW clone as it may be.

All their other games are fucking terrible.

>> No.4390241

The size of Allods client is a bit of a turn off. Especially for a game you only intend to play for a few days as a time killer.

>> No.4390269

Good point. I haven't even looked at the game client size yet. However, I think it may be more than just a few days.

With Allods OB starting tomorrow, I'm doubtful we'll see CB2 before March. It'll be Tuesday of next week at the very earliest.

>> No.4390333
File: 424 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a small chance they have different dev teams on each that operate independently, but probably not.

I'll maintain my vain hope of such, regardless.

>> No.4390342

You can kill some time with DFO if you live in North America.

>> No.4390396

I was more referring to the fact that won't want Aika competing with Allod's initial OB hype and flood of players. I would certainly hope they have separate core teams working on each title.

Either way, I hope my predictions are wrong too. I want CB2 just as much as the rest of you. However, I do know they generally like to give a week's notice for these things. Keep your finger's crossed for an announcement tomorrow or Wednesday.

>> No.4390400

No auction house.
No guilds.
No fun.

I was spoiled by playing other versions of the game.

>> No.4390454

I know one other /jp/er that plays. It seems like the others from here are Hisoutensoku, MB, etc. players from IRC and mostly stick to their own little clique.

>No guilds.
This. If guilds aren't included in the "big March update" they keep talking about, then I'll probably just quit until they are implemented. I'm tired of partying with randoms.

>> No.4390496

Ah yeah, I meant it more with the focus on "operating independently" and hoping they'll be done when they're done, and not thinking about Allods. But you're probably right.

Oh well, just gotta wait for the full announcement or for prize redemption emails/notices/whatever to go out.

>> No.4390762

So, on an related note, would anyone be interested in using a separate message board (not futaba based) for Aika/MMO discussion? I realize we already have the Hotglue board, but it's limited to just separate threads for each game that seem to get little activity.

I feel kinda bad repeatedly posting in these threads on /jp/, especially during the downtime when we go off on tangents or talk about Aika forum stuff. It could also serve as an easier way to get important information out for the guild and keep it centralized, rather than having to dig up previous threads via the ghostboard.

Anywho, it's just a suggestion. I could set something decent up in a day's time, given there was any interest in it.

>> No.4390797

Tablecat might make us a sub-forum on the site, there is one for Megaten already.

>> No.4390889


Well, I'm glad it isn't in March, like I was worried it might be. Next week, yay!

>> No.4390927

9 days ;_;

>> No.4390947

9 days :|

>> No.4390958

It's going to be a long 9 days, that's for sure. My poor pran must be starving.

>> No.4390965

oh i thought the /b/ spam killed this thread

>> No.4390992

>and character levels 1 through 50.

Well shit, I was not expecting that.

>> No.4391018

>The second CBT will run from February 24th through March 2nd and will allow players access to all available in-game zones, new player vs. player scenarios, and character levels 1 through 50.
>CBT #2 will feature the first ever Castle Sieges

>> No.4391140


Like anyone is going to scrounge up 10mil in 6 days.

>> No.4391386

After playing TAika for a bit I want to post some tips that might help some people:

Confirmed stuff:
- You can gain easy gold (5000+) from the Blacksmith when he asks you to level down your weapon. Do this quest as level 8 or above (required since the weapon is level 8) and instead of leveling it down, equip it then unequip it to satisfy the requirements of the quest. Turn it in and he will give you the compensation money plus a little extra.

- If you time it correctly once your cast timer reaches 0/disappears, you can move around while it's showing the attack animation. I'm not sure if the devs would consider this an "exploit" (more like working around lag) so be warned that they might not approve of it. I can provide a video of this being done if requested.

- Gathering quests seem to boost drop rates for some items. I don't think this is the case for all quests (stuff like the Copper and Caelium quests seem to drop at a normal rate?) but I noticed a huge drop rate increase for Linen Cloth. The drop rate was really good while doing the quest for Linen Cloth, I think it was something like 1:1 or 1:2. Once I turned it in the drops just stopped coming. Could be a coincidence which is why I'm listing it as unconfirmed.

Required stuff (from memory, could be wrong):
Citizenship quest: 4 Caelium, 5 Fire Essences
Pran quest: 5 of whatever type you are going for: Fire, Water, Air, 2 of each type you aren't going for: Fire, Water, Air.
Teddy: I can't remember the exact mats you need to gather but I think it's something like 10-12 Linen Cloth.

>> No.4391429


>> No.4391921

The 24th...
So this is basically gpotato telling us to all go and play Allods. Damn.

>> No.4391938

Except what do I play today? ;_;

>> No.4391972


>> No.4392062

Watch the Olympics.

Hahahahaha. I'm kidding.

Anyone ACTUALLY going to play Allods now? League or Empire? My life feels empty when I'm not wasting it.

>> No.4392178

I'll be playing. I have no idea which I'll be picking though. Probably Empire since I can imagine League being swarmed with elves named Legolas or Vegeta or some other stupid shit like that.

>> No.4392239

Same here

>> No.4392260

Ditto. I think I'll roll brute.

>> No.4392285

There will more than likely be an equal amount of faggotry on both sides. Empire having people by the name of "MaXimUmPWN" and shit like that.

>> No.4392286

Oh neat. If a couple of others are playing, I guess I will too. Empire it is.

>> No.4392356

>>4392062 >>4392178 >>4392239 >>4392260 >>4392286 >>4392285

Post back and say whether it's total shit or not.

>> No.4392689

Fuck you, guys. I'm playing a fairy.


>> No.4392746

The great lingerie just isn't off-setting how terrifying this looks to me.

>> No.4392817

What? I'm going fairy for the flamboyant male in the speedo.

>> No.4392844

in that case, proceed as planned!

>> No.4393123

One thing I have found unique about the game, is that if you choose Gibberling, you actually play as a trio of them and not just one. Kinda neat, I guess.

In all seriousness though, I'll probably be playing League. Female elves have a hime cut as a hairstyle, and that pretty much sealed the deal for me.

>> No.4393134

Gibberling for me. I want to be the little trio of creatures.

>> No.4393168

Wait, so we're rolling league now? Make up your mind before tomorrow at least.

>> No.4393248

I'm playing League, regardless. I'm only playing to tide me over til the next Aika CB, so I'm going to be playing the race I want to play. I'm not going to play Empire solely because of people's preconceptions of what the community on each side will be like.

It's an over-hyped f2p game. The community is going to suck, regardless.

>> No.4393305

>you actually play as a trio of them
That's pretty amusing, actually.

>Watch the Olympics.
Glorious Nippon just lost to Corea in the men's 500m speed skating, but took the next two medals.

>> No.4393314

Empire it is then I guess. I'll suppress my furry power level for now.

>> No.4393339

I think we're rolling league.


>> No.4393378

I think we're playing Empire. >>4392178 >>4392239 >>4392260 >>4392286

Just play whatever the hell you want. If a /jp/ guild pops up then let us know and we can switch if we want to.

>> No.4393412

To be fair, I'm >>4392286 and I changed my decision to League. See >>4393248

But yeah, play what you want. That's what I'll be doing.

>> No.4393587

Pretty sure there's also two different servers.

>> No.4393739

Yeah, there are.
We should roll Tensess.

>> No.4393784

So what server do the Empire players plan to play? Tensess? I'll be sure to roll my League character on a different server.

>> No.4393860

Tensess is League.

>> No.4393903

Alright, I'm going to hold you to that.

Also, just out of curiosity, but how do you know there will be more than one server and their names? I didn't notice anything about that when I perused the faq.

>> No.4393943

Happened to see that when I was browsing the site.

>> No.4394123

Ah, gotcha. Thanks.

Of course, they could change the names of the OB servers, but that pretty much confirms that there will be more than one server.
