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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 677 KB, 960x476, DJT - Anki Sisyphus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43759625 No.43759625 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>43745732 (#3587)
>>43734718 (#3586)

>> No.43759652
File: 42 KB, 480x264, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43759690

I thought I was finally going to read a chapter with no new words but one snuck in near the end.

>> No.43759692
File: 96 KB, 709x1000, 71+E83E9lyL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally forced myself through volume one of kuma kuma kuma bear. don't like how it is written so i will be dropping it here.

>> No.43759714

i need to read more

>> No.43759763

i need to listen more

>> No.43759789
File: 202 KB, 717x1014, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is compelling content

>> No.43759828
File: 71 KB, 1080x1109, 1686974052802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent an entire month doing my reps in Hangul

>> No.43759860

someone earlier was saying anime makes you trans. is he right?

>> No.43759873

i think if you go overboard with it, maybe

>> No.43759949

makes you? no
but there is a pipeline

>> No.43759962

what is the pipeline?

>> No.43759994

being autistic is a major requirement

>> No.43759996

tbf being an anime jk getting railed from behind sounds nice

>> No.43760008

dunno but i think discord is involved

>> No.43760201

Here's your pipeline *unzips*

>> No.43760318

mata osimei site kudasai ne!

>> No.43760469
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>29 words next chapter

>> No.43760822

How am I supposed to interpret the ~てくる pattern? Looking it up it implies a movement towards the speaker either literal or not, but I'm encountering it in the context of this short anime:

It's used between gags when commenting on something that happened, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to interpret it.

>> No.43760937

Me reading LN with 40~ words per 10k char but getting filtered by Made In Abyss Chap 65

>> No.43761059

(posted this in the old thread)
my iq is 110 and i could get a phd if i wanted to. i already have a masters degree. iq is way overrated. you just have to work harder if youre a low iq like me

>> No.43761169

you only know your online iqs retards stfu

>> No.43761227

stopped caring about iq when i got laid

>> No.43761246



>> No.43761259

so you stopped caring when you were 15 or something? did you never finish high school or go to college?

>> No.43761289

i was 21 and she was in her 40s

>> No.43761301


>> No.43761459
File: 48 KB, 680x592, FywYjmaaMAYZR-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


upcoming must watch


>> No.43761492

>overweight japanese porn star

>> No.43761494


>> No.43761524
File: 245 KB, 1186x876, 牛乳を買いに行こう!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43761537


>> No.43761546

>romantic comedy manga gets axed
>mc or his love interest suddenly has to move to a different part of the country
>time skip of X years
>they run into each other again
why is it always like this?
japanese people really have no creativity.
if my manga got axed, i'd do something crazy, like have them confess their love, and then have sex all the time (censored probably) and it ends with the girl getting pregnant

>> No.43761570

>guy and girl get together
>montage of them living a long and happy life together, moving into a big house, kids growing up, crying as they leave home to go to college, etc.
>guy wakes up from coma

>> No.43761642


namasensei is officially dethroned

>> No.43761654

japanese doesnt have an alphabet.
it has syllabaries.

>> No.43761667

some people call it a phonetic alphabet. dunno if that's correct though

>> No.43761673

there are also no vowels, consonsants, or letters in japanese

>> No.43761707
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>> No.43761710
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I only realized thanks to that website.

>> No.43761723

japanese also does not have sentences

>> No.43761736

if you're gonna read some smut, at least read it in japanese

>> No.43761752

japanese doesn't have words either

>> No.43761765
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>> No.43761766

i like how she uses simple japanese so even her foreign fans can understand her

>> No.43761827

maybe shes just baka

>> No.43761904
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>> No.43761911
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 98iiuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say? 愛信雷事等??

>> No.43761928

that's chinese

>> No.43761993

yes but if you can read the kanji i can put it in google translate

>> No.43762028
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Megami no Cafe Terrace - 11 (720p) [5C4C993B].mkv_snapshot_16.14.574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck am i even alive. what is the point

>> No.43762033

consume until your time comes.

>> No.43762053

ocr gave me this lol ゑ也高卒寺捗

>> No.43762188

like i said, every premade deck should include lang="ja" in the html so it doesn't matter what fonts a potential user has, their pc will automatically knows to display the correct character.
i'm willing to bet that 90+% of people who've ever done a core deck did it with chinese characters.

>> No.43762247



I love youってかいてある

>> No.43762271

je t'aimeは我愛你でしょう

>> No.43762993

summer miyu!!!

>> No.43763126

Any Japanese VN recommendations to play on my 3DS on the go? I know there's a VN reader for Tsukihime and others that works on DS but as far as I know the library's translated only.

>> No.43763148

ねえさん オマンコ を 洗わせて もらいます

>> No.43763153


>> No.43763317


>> No.43763455

i've always wanted to end a sentence with ってば but it feels wrong

>> No.43763493

woman brain

>> No.43763495
File: 24 KB, 320x240, datteo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout this ending

>> No.43763525

Think there's some school days side story there you can also try the 3ds version of love plus. There's probably some otome games for it as well if you like those sort of things.

>> No.43763621


>> No.43764063

iq isn't even real bro. it's like saying your strength is 97 or your hunger is 42. stop believing in imaginary measurements

>> No.43764079


>> No.43764115

已己巳己 funny word

>> No.43764165

power levels are real

>> No.43764188

but my kanji grid...

>> No.43764189

that pussy so タイトい

>> No.43764281

are there any shitty anime streaming sites with japanese subs? I don't like downloading anime

>> No.43764435

sometimes netflix

>> No.43764487

it's even dumber, because compared to IQ, strength and hunger are much more concrete concepts. it'd be reasonably fair to refer to strength as the concrete ability to push, pull and lift heavy things. but IQ only refers to the ability to do nothing in particular, which is just a contradiction. it refers to "problem solving", but never to solving any actual problem, because then it stops being "IQ" and starts being simply "the ability to do X".

>> No.43764518

>it refers to "problem solving", but never to solving any actual problem
it solves the problem of wanting to get a high score in an IQ test

>> No.43764651

use mpv to stream and download your own subtitles

>> No.43764691


>> No.43764748

Intelligence is your ability to adapt; to take whatever situation you’re in and turn it around to your advantage. Not a contradiction.

>> No.43764773

my strength is like 80 something because i keep getting magic and ranged tasks lol

>> No.43764796

my kanji grid is only 240/1000... I need to level up..

>> No.43764805
File: 47 KB, 500x458, 1686821908803836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reccomondations of games with text on a simple background that only continue after I press a button? I am using game2text and yomichan to easily translate words in games for me to learn the vocab ( sometimes I use deepl to help when the sentence structor is too foriegn to me) and I want to have something to play after I finish yo-kai watch.

>> No.43764819

my sneak is 100

>> No.43764828

adapt to what? the ability to adapt to X and the ability to adapt to Y might overlap, but they aren't the same thing. so to truly measure a general ability to adapt you'd have to 1) measure the abilities to adapt to every particular thing, and 2) to combine them into a single measure using some objective weights.
but 1) is not practical, so in reality you'll have to cherry-pick according to some arbitrary criteria, and 2) is impossible because there aren't any objective weights of importance of different abilities, because the relative importance of abilities differs depending on a particular goal. so in practice you'll have to use weights arrived at using some arbitrary criteria.
so in the end what you'll get won't be something that merits the name of "the measure of the general ability to adapt" but at most something like "one of many possible arbitrary measures mildly correlated with the abilities to adapt to a cherry-picked set of concrete things". but the problem is that in the popular conception IQ is much more like the former, while in reality it's much more like the latter.

>> No.43764833

not reading that

>> No.43764842

visual novels

>> No.43764888

let's say you made a "lifting quotient" of straight up (pounds you can squat) + (pounds you can benchpress) + (pounds you can deadlift). add these up to get your raw score. then take group wide measurements, norm it by finding the mean and sd, then set mean pounds to LiftingQ = 100 and +1SD at = 115.
all of the arguments you said against IQ would apply to LiftingQ, but LiftingQ would still be a pretty good measurement of how strong you are.

>> No.43765045


>> No.43765076

god iq deniers constantly get fucking spanked. they are such little science denying ideological turds.

>> No.43765090

>all of the arguments you said against IQ would apply to LiftingQ
they technically apply, but to a much lesser degree as the measured category becomes narrower. because measuring just a few lifts will roughly cover virtually all possible kinds of lifting. but for the category of all possible intelligence-related abilities you won't be able to do something similarly restrained, because it's significantly more broad than the category of just all possible expressions of lifting.
and then the fact that you're arbitrary weighing just 3 results will introduce much less arbitrariness than if you were arbitrarily weighing let's say 100 results from tests of different abilities sampled from the set of all concrete intelligence-related abilities.
so when measuring IQ you're bound to introduce a significantly more arbitrariness than with LiftingQ, either through cherry-picking a smaller proportion of concrete abilities to test, or, if you pick a larger proportion, from having to come up with arbitrary weighs for a larger amount of factors when calculating the final score.
which is why defending LiftingQ doesn't contribute very much to the defense of IQ.

>> No.43765124

>do iq test
>look up answers
>iq is high because i realised i could just cheat
us high iq chads forever winning

>> No.43765133

I did a 10 question, online iq test and scored 130+. This debate is over.

>> No.43765172

porn is too easy :|

>> No.43765213

bros I just measured my quotient. it's 11cm. am I gmi?

>> No.43765216

>do test
>look up answers
>score is high because i realised i could just cheat
>us high score chads forever winning

>> No.43765247
File: 1.06 MB, 1266x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game starts
>immediately makes you think for 15 minutes
why do japanese devs do this

>> No.43765251

good bird

>> No.43765267

>noooo you cant rank order people by their processing speed and ability to notice patterns!!

>> No.43765297

I am getting filtered by a VN rated 4/10 on JPDB. I rode the tune too much. However it will not turn into air spirit. The intention of stopping reading does not exist.

>> No.43765303

what does the O form for verbs do?
Te form: Nigete
rude do it now form: Nigere
But what form is Nigero?
I saw it in the lyrics of a song, just mispronunciation or some grammar rule?

>> No.43765306


>> No.43765316

Bro just skim Tae Kim, it's commanding. Nigeru = run Nigero = Telling you to run

>> No.43765344

So Nigete can be used for commanding, Nigero can be used for commanding and Nigere aswell...
So te form is polite, nigero an order, and nigere the rude form.
I need to focus on grammar more

>> No.43765357

am i retarded or is 逃げれ not real

>> No.43765383

Imperative form of ichidan verbs: removeる and add ろ
Imperative form of godan verbs ending in る: turn the る into れ

>> No.43765409

ok that makes it clearer, any reason why ichidan verbs not also just become re?

>> No.43765415

sorry but i'm not learning which verbs are which
if it sounds wrong to me it's wrong, simple
even if it's right

>> No.43765446

finally hit 8k words today. maybe another 8k and I'll finally be a beginner

>> No.43765463

ichidan vs godan is only a things because nips were lazy, all verbs should be ichidan

>> No.43765475

dis nigga not real.

>> No.43765487
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No idea.
Then why did you ask?

>> No.43765505

Did you get that idea from the Naruto exam arc?

>> No.43765506

thats not me, I wanna know because if if I learn wrong I eventually just gotta learn again so id rather just learn right even if its harder

>> No.43765516

you don't have to learn it at all

>> No.43765520

maybe subconsciously

>> No.43765527

right ichidan verb is ending in u with either an i e or u vowel sound before that and anything else is godan.
I still struggle with identifying on the fly even if I know the rule occassionally

>> No.43765555

you're still wrong somehow. just read tae kim wtf

>> No.43765571

the tae kim

>> No.43765596

fuck verbs i do all communication through nouns and eventually i will learn verbs on accident

>> No.43765612

no i'm saying it literally doesn't matter you're just wasting time and brain capacity thinking about it

>> No.43765617

ffxiv is kind of a comfy read if you treat it like a vn

>> No.43765619

i wanna man

>> No.43765625

I did read it.
I need an anki deck for grammar

>> No.43765632


>> No.43765631

i wanna replay it in jp but i dont think im good enough yet

>> No.43765642

wouldn't hurt to try. You can also set it up so the cutscene text displays in the chatbox making it easy to copy and paste into a dictionary

>> No.43765645
File: 144 KB, 900x506, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jpt/ can't even solve this

>> No.43765653

you're free to do that if you can, but it's just not what you're actually doing with any good accuracy with your arbitrary measures

>> No.43765662
File: 130 KB, 853x484, mspaint_S5ymfht6p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume by overlapping it means it can't do the same area twice but I can still intersect lines

>> No.43765682

no, politive imperative is 逃げなさい but due to nature of the word you would usually never hear someone say that

>> No.43765684
File: 133 KB, 438x455, tsktkds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone break this down for me?
I've got [ 'What's this?' I thought, and everyone ] then something about listening?

>> No.43765685

so in english they use a lot of "weird" phrases (must needs..) in order to give it an old timey feel, do they do the same in jp?

>> No.43765701

it's a mixed bag. Urianger and some of the Demon-type characters are a bit harder to understand but it becomes easier once you start seeing the patterns. I recommend starting from the very start of the game rather than an already existing character because a lot of the concepts/terms in regards to the story/lore aren't immediately obvious

>> No.43765704

聞く here is asking, not listening
basically she asked other people if they knew what it is, but no dice

>> No.43765705

>more than 2 odd vertices
>bro just solve this impossible puzzle

missed the right side of the box

>> No.43765709

because it wouldnt be an ichidan verb

>> No.43765720

here "kiku" means to ask, so she was asking everyone what it is, and nobody knew.

>> No.43765728

>missed the right side of the box
I actually can't get it.

>> No.43765735

mined 木耳
why japanese people

>> No.43765765


>> No.43765785

mined 欣喜雀躍

>> No.43765808


>> No.43765809
File: 31 KB, 462x497, 1687027609809494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does knowing jp give you the ability to kinda read chinese?

>> No.43765815

just do the rtk

>> No.43765821


>> No.43765835


>> No.43765876

you can look at the symbols and kinda guess what the sentence might say

>> No.43765982
File: 456 KB, 960x1364, oniichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the best ending in a manga ever or what?

>> No.43765991

mined 殷賑

>> No.43766001

japanese is to chinese, as english is to german.
can you read german?

>> No.43766018

mined 2 years ago
mined a year ago

>> No.43766027

mined 木と青さ

>> No.43766038

mined ディーズ

>> No.43766048

depending on the words, yes actually.
just go by how it sounds instead of how its written.
House is blue
Haus ist blau

Hallo hello

If it sounds pretty similliar it probably means the same thing.
Better example would be dutch, because it borrows components from english and that makes it easy for english readers

>> No.43766067

>Better example would be dutch, because [...] it easy for english readers
no no, i know what i said. i didn't imply that chinese is easy for japanese people.

>> No.43766090

mined 胴間声

>> No.43766103

mined two years ago

>> No.43766111

mined 10 years ago

>> No.43766140

mined mugen years ago

>> No.43766189

read that as 膣間声

>> No.43766191

Is it true that only 2500-3000 kanji is fluent level or is it more?

>> No.43766204

one time i was pretending to be a girl in an internet chatroom. some arab guy tried to hit on me, and i told him i dont like arab guys, and he got really butthurt, so i blocked him. then he was so butthurt he made a new account and messaged me again to insult me.

>> No.43766210

around 3000 is native level
though the number of kanji isn't really that important it's more about how many words you have acquired

>> No.43766221

I understand that. I was just trying to determine how many more kanji I'll be needing to learn.

>> No.43766225

the average literate native knows around 4000-4500, but this includes about 500-1000 kanji mostly used in names

>> No.43766236

3k is when you finally reach intermediate level

>> No.43766237

>the average literate native knows around 4000-4500

>> No.43766242

my japanese friends told me

>> No.43766264

if you just google around most people say around 3000 is what the average jap knows
but at the end of the day it's all guesswork i don't think there's an actual study on it

>> No.43766273

a wise man once said, I fear not the man who knows 20.000 kanji, but I fear the man who knows 20.000 vocab

>> No.43766287

google it in japanese

>> No.43766292

question is, what does "average jap" mean? if you're a college educated adult, you don't want to know japanese as well as some japanese forklift driver

>> No.43766319

fear the man who thinks 稲 is rice field

>> No.43766328

no almost no one says 3000 most estimates are >3500

>> No.43766336

is rice field 稲 is rice plant desu

>> No.43766339

What's the point of learning Japanese if you'll never be allowed to play Japanese vidya games anyway

>> No.43766377

that's exactly what i did

>> No.43766398

田んぼ isn't exclusively for rice though right?

>> No.43766451

3500-4000: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q147289514
4000-5000, 3500-4000: https://hinative.com/questions/1909882

>> No.43766521

How do I learn listening? Do I just watch stuff with the subtitles turned off?

>> No.43766539

depends on how much japanese you know

>> No.43766541

that only works if you're already good enough so that it's not white-noise
if you still suck just watch more jp-subbed anime, unless you cover your ears it will still improve your listening slightly
but yeah eventually you wanna watch raw raw (and consider listening to audiobooks and podcasts and shit, but only if you like that stuff)

>> No.43766545

dunno why i wrote raw twice there

>> No.43766571

the only way to use jp subs is to keep them off until you get filtered by a line and then turn them off again after reading the line

>> No.43766653

"good at reading but bad at listening" doesn't exist
if you gave those people a basic written vocabulary usage test like choosing 気象 vs 天候 correctly in context they would fail because they're only guessing from kanji and haven't acquired the word for shit

>> No.43766669

compress the episodes you watched so that only the dialogue is there and there is no white noise and use it as passive immersion

>> No.43766673

that's dumb, the dialogue was written for a visual format

>> No.43766679

you will remember the context anyway

>> No.43766723

yea and anki doesnt test this its so funny when retards talk about how reading is improving their """retention""" when all that happened is they became better at kanji recognition and readings

>> No.43766735

i have a dream

>> No.43766786

youre not gonna get gud at usage without outputting

>> No.43766804

there are probably many english words ive never used but id still be able to tell if you were using them wrong

>> No.43766822

same with 気象と天候. stfu

>> No.43766827

there are actually english words i've read that ive never heard before.

>> No.43766835

if you know usage you should be able to output flawlessly anything else is cope

>> No.43766852

true true and if you know jidaigeki nihongo you should be able to output in classical japanese!

>> No.43766853

see >>43766539

you can be good at reading relatively to your listening, even though you're not good at reading in absolute terms.
also you don't strictly need to learn kanji readings in order to distinguish nuances between words. you can acquire that just by encountering those words in many different texts.

>> No.43766856

dno why i forgot to write flawlessly at the end

>> No.43766897

>even though you're not good at reading in absolute terms
that's not possible even relatively, if someone can make out japanese well in text only that means they haven't acquired those words and are winging it when they read otherwise they brain would auto-fill the word when they hear it in the right context. if you ask them questions in any format that test their understanding of the word you will see the cracks

>> No.43766903

recognition is different from recall.
are we getting multiple choice on the usage test? easy. do you need to recall it from the void? not easy (unless you've used the word before, or come across it fairly often)

>> No.43766904
File: 8 KB, 685x50, image (26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 38: Oof today was very easy with telling time because I already familiar with the word so this session was easy.

>> No.43766917

for me, it's that sometimes lines will sound like noise or not very clear, but when I turn the subs on and listen while reading, I can hear the words very clearly. my brain just hasn't made those words clear enough in audio only contexts yet. so I figure it's the same for the other anons

>> No.43766921
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay hydrated bros. it has been shown to improve acquisition

>> No.43766933

yeah that literally means you don't know the context usage of those words properly and wouldn't do well on a vocabulary usage test

>> No.43766938

is お大事に used in the same way as the english "get well"?

>> No.43766943

take care of yourself, that water bottle is ginormous.

>> No.43766948

kind of its more like "take care of yourself" and short for 体を大事にして下さい

>> No.43766958

yep raw anime is based and exposes the scammers

>> No.43766962

okay well im not going to give you any of the patreon money if you do not do that.

>> No.43766989

>if someone can make out japanese well in text only that means they haven't acquired those words
sure, but "make out japanese well in text" is just a roundabout way of saying "read japanese well", where by "read" I mean "look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed."

>> No.43767009

does anyone know of a list of anime arranged by the scope/difficulty of vocabulary?
i want something medium-hard to watch raw.
something like this

>> No.43767020


>> No.43767030

yeah just gotta feed my brain more input so it can start to predict the right word that'll come next, making it easier to hear clearly

>> No.43767035
File: 1.57 MB, 931x4623, 1686764340912570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got you covered bro

>> No.43767041

why is analcream here all day

>> No.43767057

thank you. i might rewatch charlotte, and if it's too easy, jump up to re:zero.

>> No.43767059

there's also jpdb.io
while that and the other anons' suggestions are fine, what i do is have something like morphman in anki run over a bunch of anime sub files that i'd be interested in watching, see which ones are the easiest for me, then watch those while working my way up to the harder ones

>> No.43767073

good call. that name gives me nukemarine koohii forum ptsd though.

>> No.43767085

getting a vague idea of what the word means and filling in the rest is very easy when you have written context and kanji for hints, but if you can't make the words out in audio (where the only difference is you don't have these hints as a crutch) it means you are guessing those words all the time while reading

you're not going to find anyone who complains about listening doing well on questions which ask you to choose between words that vaguely seem similar

>> No.43767103

how do i bond with my boss? he's not an otaku so we share no interests

>> No.43767116

what if they are proficient in reading hiragana-only japanese twitter?

>> No.43767127

does he like prostitutes

>> No.43767134

it's not guessing. you are taking advantage of the additional context clues (kanji, etc).
you just explained how people are better at reading than listening, good job.

>> No.43767147

im not sure, should i ask him?

>> No.43767174

but I'll grant that it needs to be explicit that we're talking about just reading comprehension, because even though the definition doesn't say this, it's normally implied that if you can read something, you can also communicate it to someone next to you who knows the language but doesn't know the characters.
so if you're talking to a layman, it probably wouldn't be correct to just say "I can read Japanese well" in that case. but if you're talking to someone who knows it's likely that you're a NEET who's only interested in reading lns all day, then I think it'd be fine to say it.
>it means you are guessing those words all the time while reading
yeah but not their meanings. if I've seen "体" in 10000 different sentences, I won't be guessing when I see it for the 10001st time
>you're not going to find anyone who complains about listening doing well on questions which ask you to choose between words that vaguely seem similar
I think there is at least one maniac who's read like 500 novels and hasn't listened to anything. but I guess he wouldn't complain about it. he would maybe complain if he's deaf, but not like that

>> No.43767176

might be worth a shot

>> No.43767185

i remember someone here saying to keep using jp subs until you get to a point where you can finish sentences before the VAs finish voicing it. that's when you know you're ready to go raw

>> No.43767186

if they can read many different types of tweets originally written in that format in a wide variety of contexts then yeah they are definitely better at listening than someone who can't
being disadvantaged by the lack of additional context clues is prime evidence that you are guessing (just writing "additional" almost constitutes an admission on your part)

>> No.43767195

>N2-N1 - Advanced
>N1+ - Extreme
any extremists ITT?

>> No.43767206

> Elementary School Level-5th grade
> Junior High School Level- 8th grade
> High School Level- 12th grade
> University Level- 16th grade
> Professional Level- 20th grade
im at 20th grade in my native language

>> No.43767216

why did the greentext stop working half way through

>> No.43767225

stop using this word.
i agree that kanji provide additional context upon which past experience with other written words will help offer clues to the meaning of the current word in question.
i agree that if you want to improve your vocabulary, relying on kanji is not good and puts you at a disadvantage.
i do not agree that
>"good at reading but bad at listening" doesn't exist
the fact that people can rely on the additional context of kanji makes it possible for someone to be good at reading, but bad at listening.
i don't give a fuck if they know the word as well as someone who can pick it up via listening only. that's not what we're debating.
>"good at reading but bad at listening"
simple as.

>> No.43767249

the green ones are the levels you have achieved

>> No.43767253

the unicode sequence is different

>> No.43767264

would you say they are relatively good at reading if they do relatively poorly on a written vocabulary usage test?

>> No.43767283

don't care about your dekinai discussions i just understand it

>> No.43767290

what the fuck is this ,,written vocabulary usage test'' bullshit?
if someone is ,,good at reading," they shouldn't do poorly on a vocab test. if they do, then they're a tard and are not good at reading; i'll agree with you there.

>> No.43767311

what would you think if a colleague asks you if you like prostitutes?

>> No.43767316

i would think he's based and go gangbang some mongers together

>> No.43767369
File: 599 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 12 (1080p) [D9D381ED]-[08.43.439-08.58.329].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43767379

i would ask her how much

>> No.43767407

when people say they are good at reading but bad at listening they very often don't know how poor their reading comprehension is or how much they are compensating by guessing from kanji and written context. as you said, they shouldn't do poorly on a vocab test, but they would, so they aren't good at reading. this seems to contradict what you said earlier
>the fact that people can rely on the additional context of kanji makes it possible for someone to be good at reading, but bad at listening
how? if the reliance only helps you guess enough to get a vague idea while reading and fill in the rest but doesn't help you on a vocab test then it doesn't make you relatively better at reading

>> No.43767410
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 12 (1080p) [D9D381ED]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43767411

depends if we're cool or not

>> No.43767423

the way people speak is very different from how they write.
written language is very clean, while spoken language can be messy, with people stuttering, slurring their words, mumbling, speaking incoherently because they dont have their thoughts collected, or there can be background noises making it hard to hear what someone says.

listening is a very different skill than reading

>> No.43767429

there's that word again.
it's not fucking guessing when you're relying on other words that you know that use the same kanji. you are inferring the meaning。
>vocab test
fuck off with that shit. real life isn't an exam.

>> No.43767438

i dropped this manga
he was a based autist for only the first 2 chapters and then he just became a regular passive retard

>> No.43767439

why does
>the fact that people can rely on the additional context of kanji makes it possible for someone to be good at reading, but bad at listening
if the reliance doesn't help them do well on a vocabulary test (which they should do well on if they are good at reading)?

>> No.43767447

same. sometimes manga have these marketing gimmicks that are dropped after 2 chapters, and this is definitely one of them.

>> No.43767517

>written language is very clean
not always
>listening is a very different skill than reading
no its the same skill. all the things you mention exist on a spectrum in all audio and the only reason we are able to understand spoken language is because the brain is able to filter out the noise when it knows the language. the entire difference between your tolerance for all those things in your native language and in japanese is the extent of your unfamiliarity with the words you can't hear in japanese

>> No.43767569

I often struggle to understand songs lyrics in my native language because the music, intonation and speed make it hard to get how do you explain that genius?

>> No.43767572

it's not that uncommon to be able to make out a word you've acquired from text the first time you hear it in audio, but this shouldn't happen if listening were a fundamentally different skill compared to reading

>> No.43767589

if you knew your native language, your brain would just auto-fill the words

>> No.43767617

songs are often sung in ways that would be considered unnatural for normal language communication so that isn't a good comparison. it's also true that, all else kept the equal, lyrics that are closer to normal speech are easier to understand. if you listen to many songs that have a similar style of writing you will get better at making out lyrics in those kind of songs because your brain becomes more familiar with those forms of expression

>> No.43767640

so unlike reading you have to train your brain to understand the different ways language can be spoken, almost like it's a different skill?

>> No.43767680

a vocabulary test isn't reading.

>> No.43767711

i can come up with midwit analogies too. you will have more difficulty reading messy handwriting if it's using unfamiliar words or an unfamiliar style, like listening. almost like it's the same skill

i don't know why the idea that the brain understands spoken language using contextual prediction is controversial. when you first start learning japanese, even basic words are a struggle. the fact that you can quickly start hearing basic japanese in the beginning despite not listening much just by reading and studying the language shows it really is familiarity with language and the contexts in which phrases and words are used in that almost entirely affects your listening comprehension

there is noise in speech just like how there is noise in text but in both cases the brain can filter it out and its ability to filter out is almost entirely dependent on your familiarity with the language

okay, so you instead contradicted yourself here >>43767290

>> No.43767719


>> No.43767831

why did matt try to force yoga to sign his mom's nda

>> No.43767858

the basic point is simple: for normal audio, being able to make out everything you heard is a relatively good indicator of comprehension because of how the brain makes sense of speech. for text, you need specific questions to test reading comprehension because just reading out the characters on the page and having a hazy idea what the text says from the overall kanji isn't a relatively good indicator

and you won't find people who have good reading comprehension but poor listening comprehension

>> No.43767866

see >>43767831

>> No.43767882

matt either distrusted yoga from the beginning or knew how yoga was perceiving him and his actions and that it could lead to the kind of standoff we all saw

>> No.43767888
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>> No.43767905

hidden shit

>> No.43767907

should i buy some donuts today?

>> No.43767909

but matt wasnt pulling his weight
shouldnt he have been grateful that yoga was doing all the work

>> No.43767965

anyone here

>> No.43767973

i don't know, but he probably convinced yoga that his productivity issues were temporary and signing would benefit both of them equally. it didn't because matt was the face of mia and would take away more of the brand value if they go their separate ways, and matt knew this.

he might have also taken advantage of the nda by becoming complacent and less willing to work on his issues, thinking that even if yoga started resenting matt that he would realize some time in the future he has more to lose than matt. matt predicted if yoga would leave, it won't be until he has established himself enough. he must've thought that would take some time and he would see it coming and that by then he would have either worked out his issues (if he genuinely intended to work on them) or found a substitute for yoga (if he was using just using yoga), but yoga behaved unexpectedly and caught him by surprise

>> No.43767975


>> No.43767989

dame lazy matto really tried to strong arm his friend who was doing all the work.
you hate to see a friendship end like that

>> No.43768023


>> No.43768035

i wouldn't necessarily say that. as with most things, it depends on matt's true intentions - knowing yoga's personality and low tolerance for bullshit when it came to professional work, was he just afraid and safeguarding himself against aggression as he struggled with his issues? maybe he did think he'll get over it and it's just a temporary situation. or did matt really intend to abuse yoga as long as he could and eventually replace him?

as an outsider, it's hard to tell just from his behavior and actions that were made public

>> No.43768086

matts later manipulative behavior towards doth, his critics, and his infamous project uproot certainly lean my opinion in a certain direction

>> No.43768155

i don't know anything about what happened with doth. if he has critics he also has supporters, and a lot of his criticism comes off as personal and targeted. i hold a neutral position

>> No.43768204

i used my racism powers to know that he was up to no good

>> No.43768220

is it unreasonable to criticize him as a person as he is a public figure? he doesnt seem to be a particularly upstanding character

>> No.43768300

yooo tengoku daimakyou was crazy this week
a goddamn rape scene?? shit

>> No.43768322

really makes u think about the message they want to send to japans youth

>> No.43768390

im suppost to start reading before im ready? but that requires courage and perseverance

>> No.43768427
File: 41 KB, 1227x167, 1664623888467781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'm getting angry, can't these slanted eyes fuckers keep their name autism to themselves at the very least

>> No.43768447
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2023-06-17 20.46.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally programmed a Hiragana learning mode to my Learn Japanese Grammar game!

It now caters to absolute beginners to Japanese and carries them to eventually N1 grammar.

Screenshot of it attached

If anybody needs a game to learn Japanese with, this is the one! It also teaches Japanese spirituality such as reincarnating into Japan.

It's free during alpha testing and you can alpha test it here: https://www.byond.com/games/Mistamage123/Phantasma

You'll need to install BYOND, which you can do so here: http://www.byond.com/download

>> No.43768455

damn the reddit being gone has really brought people advertising their shitty games on djt

>> No.43768478

let me guess, 2 weeks?

>> No.43768495

where the fuck did frufi go anyway

>> No.43768504

no its been gone for a few days

>> No.43768560

they were already advertising it before the subreddit died

>> No.43768577

why is he doing that

>> No.43768579


>> No.43768581


>> No.43768604

it's how we refer to people of unspecified gender my ESL friend

>> No.43768616

there are no biological women on 4chan

>> No.43768636

that might've been true before 2016, but now it's brimming with them. and they're all fat

>> No.43768640


>> No.43768646

yeah I'm not clicking that, I play proprietary vns

>> No.43768652

only woman i knew irl that browsed 4chan was a fat chinese chick that was really into attack on titan on /a/

>> No.43768655

that article doesn't have anything to do with free software though
they is not a singular genderless pronoun in english

>> No.43768674
File: 9 KB, 1148x143, 1676873678283352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took him until 2018 to get on this train
sad, shows that he's just another follower except for his novel 'pers' recommendation

>> No.43768680

women don't make free software though

>> No.43768686

that dude has to post tits or be labeled a man
simple as

>> No.43768690

nm i see he did this in 2012. guess the commie runs deep

>> No.43768701

he isn't communist though

>> No.43768715

ok well whatever makes him want everyone to give away their software and the rights to it for free i mean

>> No.43768720
File: 36 KB, 579x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I'll take the Oxford Dictionary over the Harvard Eats-Shit-From-His-Foot Man
this is a blue board sir

>> No.43768732

>blue board
didnt stop us from seeing og's perfect manko

>> No.43768741

that's not what he wants either. your rights are not given away in freely licensed software. and it's free as in freedom, not free as in free of charge.

>> No.43768763

anything that follows the 4 freedoms has to be free of price though, otherwise how can the software be modified by anyone?

>> No.43768783

i think the free and open source ideology is too idealistic

>> No.43768788
File: 61 KB, 825x416, Stallman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO that guy can't even watch a video on youtube. is this the power of free software?

>> No.43768801

the source code should be free of charge. binaries for distribution and support don't need to be

>> No.43768819

aka give away your software for free (let anyone access modify and distribute the source code)
just admit your hero is a spiritual commie who eats his own foot junk and will die broke. emacs is pretty nice tho

>> No.43768823

absolutely based response from stallman

>> No.43768843

what is reasonable entirely depends on who you ask. i agree there is grounds for suspicion so i wouldn't blindly trust him. i am also less inclined to listen to people who have a vendetta against him and seem deranged, but of course that doesn't mean i think he's innocent. i guess its normal to go with your gut feeling in such cases
given my own experience with seeing social media witchhunts i've come to automatically be biased against most of them and perceive them as unchecked cancel culture: incendiary and manipulative hate campaigns targeting the lowest common denominator and using every psychological trick in the book to comically vilify and depersonalize the figure being attacked that exploit the natural propensity of people to form lynch mob herds that jump the jury process and go on hypocritical crusades. any time i spot one of the manipulative warning signs characteristic of these deplatforming campaigns and see cliques desperately spearheading targeted attacks it sets of alarm bells in my head. the number of these campaigns and the number of the kind of people they allegedly target doesn't seem to add up at all in my mind and for that reason my standard for evidence against matt is that much higher

>> No.43768846

the source code is free of charge. not necessarily binaries or support for the software

>> No.43768857

if only there was a free way of turning source code into binaries......

>> No.43768881
File: 81 KB, 500x326, 1656153959668786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat if reddit actually dies for a long time

>> No.43768889

can you expect the average person to be able to build complicated software?
software support is where large software companies make their money anyway. and that's why you see google microsoft intel etc. open sourcing their projects nowadays because selling copies of software is not what makes big money

>> No.43768902

then im leaving 4chinz forever

>> No.43768916

yes thanks to chatgpt

>> No.43768932


>> No.43768976

why learn japanese when chatgpt knows everything already

>> No.43768987

if you weren't such a broke stallman bootlicker you'd have the money to pay for gpt 4 and realize how broke your codemonkey ass is going to be in a few years

>> No.43769031

oh my you were actually serious? you can't reliably use chatgpt to solve, for example, obscure cmake errors that only occur on your system.
(i'd also like to point out that free software is quite the opposite of bootlicking)

>> No.43769041

lick harder cockscuker nerd

>> No.43769046

nuke's in talks with the reddit ceo now, if they make him head nihongo mod and purge the traitors he'll open it up

>> No.43769071

there'll always be jobs
as the meme goes, we live in a society a society which is based on force if you do something wrong the state will kill you
you can't hold an ai accountable because you can't kill them so you need people to work that can be pinned when things go wrong

>> No.43769073

hope things get better for you bro

>> No.43769080

code monkeys are gonna be the new construction workers in the post ai era

>> No.43769095

they always need someone to kill regardless of industry

>> No.43769130

cant wait to watch jav on my vision pro

>> No.43769162

crazy how redditors think ai will ever be superhuman in almost every field. ai can't even drive a car reliably after decades of development, something a 16 yo human can do while using 1% of their brain

>> No.43769164

what ln should i read? i dropped saekano because i was bored to death and only learning a new word once every page or so.

>> No.43769194

ai truck runs over 100 kids doing a school parade
who do they kill?

>> No.43769220

thats what the cucks who are out of a job now thought
youre next

>> No.43769222

the kids.

>> No.43769230

who has been out of a job due to ai in the past 5 years?

>> No.43769266

this is why ai will replace you
only jobs will be ai supervision

>> No.43769286

alright let me know when ai can finally drive a car without running someone over

>> No.43769306

the heavy lifting will be done ai and companies will only hire people to oversee and do the final checking, 70% of coding jobs will disappear

>> No.43769331

if you're talking with this much certainty, you must have a dozen years of experience in software development. could you show off some of your projects? they must be very impressive

>> No.43769338

lmao butthurt

>> No.43769347

stop spamming ips queef

>> No.43769357


>> No.43769362

i enjoy picking the shit particles out of my ass hair
japs and their bidets would never understand the simple joy

>> No.43769396

weird way of namefagging lmao

>> No.43769424

bro went quiet

>> No.43769449

i like my who are they going to kill thought experiment
like they couldn't even get the walmart self checkout to go smoothly because people of socioeconomic complexion kept stealing from them

>> No.43769460

outgrowing friendships hurt
but one must make room for new ones to come

>> No.43769463

your friend will miss you :(

>> No.43769465

i know...

>> No.43769474

god knows

>> No.43769479

ai enforcement will be outlawed the second a robocop steps on a young black kid's fresh jays and they riot in the streets

>> No.43769497

had a good irl friend become an internet friend and then i had to ghost him because he was too much of a fuckup

>> No.43769503

what did he do

>> No.43769519


>> No.43769525


>> No.43769529

im not going to spill my guts here

>> No.43769548

lmao do you think you'll get doxxed

>> No.43769561

no but its personal things

>> No.43769569

you're anonymous weirdo

>> No.43769577

nobodys anonymous on 4chan

>> No.43769584

okay bro

>> No.43769585
File: 325 KB, 1130x776, dc60e6cef39284d445998203e97c84113b2a1229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43769609






>> No.43769628

i like you kitabro

>> No.43769635

more like 肉棒

>> No.43769640
File: 153 KB, 266x336, 1667747915174.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lost my Anki progress half way through the core 2000 deck. What's the fastest way to get back to studying? 100 new words a day and blitz? Start the process over at 0?

>> No.43769643


>> No.43769655

when you lose the deck you lose knowledge of all the words within it

>> No.43769676

found some good reading material.
go shoe so simmer dish towel.
i would suspend all the cards that you previously did and continue where you left off, but at the end of your anki session, go back and unsuspend ~10-20 cards you previously did and hopefully rate them as easy.

>> No.43769688

move the cards you already had seen to a new deck. start the 2k deck from where you left off. trickle new cards from the old cards at a pace that doesn't make you want to kill yourself

>> No.43769696
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, [Okay-Subs] Onii-chan wa Oshimai! - 05 [211ADA76].mkv_snapshot_20.36.555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to understand what my animes are saying to me wh is that so difficult

>> No.43769725

new spider-man movie is great
i wish the actual comics were as good and actually easy to follow

>> No.43769739
File: 879 KB, 3000x3508, 1678633225217574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to figure out why this got 2.5 million views in one day on jp twitter. The teacher who went out forgetting she's still in cosplay.. is all there is to it?

btw this is one of the comments lol

>> No.43769757

glad the japanese feel compelled to bake jimaku into their videos

>> No.43769772

twitter views are a meme

>> No.43769808

i'm just going to say it. i hate that japs just take english words instead of making new ones for them. gets pretty old having it just be english with a japanese accent. gotta side with the chinese on this one

>> No.43769818

they'll get over it eventually

>> No.43769819

just what we need more fucking words to learn

>> No.43769863
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 1686495839614634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.43769893

it even has an official music video
hopefully the syosetu drafts aren't too bad/different from the published version.
you got this. it won't be so bad, especially since it sounds like you didn't lose any custom cards.
remember to make backups to the cloud.

>> No.43769903

do jap girls really bully fat guys?

>> No.43769917

fat people are an inconvenience to be around so they avoid them

>> No.43769958
File: 633 KB, 1500x1482, 1685742042328818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv Kita

>> No.43770014

My school bus driver would sometimes cosplay. She was in her 20s I think. One day she was Rei Ayanami.

>> No.43770042
File: 422 KB, 610x461, 1680260288172359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43770147


>> No.43770280

>it made to think
Wait until he finds out about puzzle games

>> No.43770374

He works hard.とHe hardly works.で逆の意味なのヤバい

>> No.43770420

to give you actually decent advice for a change, if you got through half of core2k, you are more than ready to start immersing and just mining your own words instead

>> No.43770660

what should i read/watch to build up the necessary vocab for final fantaji xvi to reduce the number of lookups while playing?

>> No.43770661


>> No.43770677

... fantasy anime and lns

>> No.43770691

gensou...something or other?

>> No.43770779

sucks when u catch feelings for an older woman

>> No.43770867

damn...what a lack of cunny does to a mother fucker

>> No.43770891

i mean i like cunny but theres some fine gunny out there too bro

>> No.43771040

stop. youre going to summon that baasan freak

>> No.43771078

imagine if some smelly guy on the internet told you you have to sign an nda.
i would tell him to get a rope and kill himself

>> No.43771084

lol my bad bro shes a xmas cake not baasan tho

>> No.43771111
File: 473 KB, 500x375, crack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone happen to know where i could find jp subs for granblue fantasy season 2?
kitsunekko and itazuraneko only have the first season.

>> No.43771160

why not just watch it raw

>> No.43771165

i just wanted a safety net and easy way to mine unknown words.

>> No.43771174

he just like me frfr

>> No.43771196

i can be your safety net cutie

>> No.43771211

now this is what i call compelling content

>> No.43771238

yeah i know

>> No.43771444

anyone got jamal's enjoy things while they're there vocaroo? is there a collection of his vocaroos? You wiggers can say what you want but that ninja had his moments.

>> No.43771463
File: 1.21 MB, 2877x4062, 1687077323298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43771475

what's the best way to use cure dolly? do i do it like tae kim where i quickly skim it over or do i kep replaying the videos until it sticks?

>> No.43771486

casual sex havers are gross, can't believe people like that shit it's utter garbo

>> No.43771490

>what's the best way to use cure dolly?
best way is to not watch or interact with it in any way

>> No.43771496

i'm just sitting here and my vision suddenly got blurry and i got dizzy for no reason. it's over,

>> No.43771520

yeah can i have all your money though, like fr someone is going to need it and why not give it to one of your djt buddies, think about it it will definitely give you better chances of getting into heaven

>> No.43771531

wtf do i get so extremely horny every time i do cardio

>> No.43771534


>> No.43771564



>> No.43771597

i just found out that Casio is a japanese company.
i thought for sure it's an american company because they make all those watches, calculators and what not

>> No.43771620
File: 3.39 MB, 960x540, 1670181581359575043.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning

a new glorious age of v美人 is upon us


>> No.43771636

i thought mazda was chinese and subaru was australian for the longest time

>> No.43771706

casual sex is an alien psyop

>> No.43771708


>> No.43771726

more like one bean

>> No.43771799


>> No.43771837

more like one peen

>> No.43771844

cause it sucks one massive peen

>> No.43771869


>> No.43771946
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 12 (720p) [BE7288C8].mkv_snapshot_20.29.253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all need a 10/10 super model to pull us out of our angst

>> No.43771952

a 6/10 inaka musume would do

>> No.43772076



>> No.43772091

they should have fucked

>> No.43772140





>> No.43772602

i was watching chaturbate and there an asian guy with a white girlfriend. you dont see that every day

>> No.43772689

今度の試合に勝てる( )一生けんめいがんばります。
1ために 2ように 3ことに 4みたいに

The answer is 3. But I don't get why, frankly they all look like they work to me. Someone asked on Hinative and the only response was the wrong answer. It's an N3 question by the way.

>> No.43772865

its 2 you spastic

>> No.43772879

not sure if trolling but the answer is 1

>> No.43772890
File: 44 KB, 833x443, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43772893

it's obviously 4

>> No.43772920

your book is wrong, the answer is 2

>> No.43772926

non-troll answer: 2 is correct and i'm not sure why you think it's 3
unless that's what your answer key told but in that case it's simply wrong
1 would be right if it said 試合に勝つために
but with 勝てる it's 勝てるように

>> No.43772938
File: 41 KB, 474x586, yug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you enjoyed our demonstration of "poisoning the well"

>> No.43772955

don't have sex until you really feel something for the other person otherwise it sucks

>> No.43772971

>your book is wrong
the power of djt

>> No.43772998

ayo anyone? >>43771444

>> No.43773042

no you freak

>> No.43773073
File: 110 KB, 812x2042, hitotuduki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43773193



>> No.43773294 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 赤いエヌの文字がカラフルな光の筋に変わる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a list of good TV shows that have audio descriptions (解説放送)
I found it genius. Originally for visually impaired. But I suspect it also could be the best way to watch for language learning.

>> No.43773299

why would you try trolling with instantly googleable questions

>> No.43773359
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 赤いエヌの文字がカラフルな光の筋に変わる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a list of good TV shows that have audio descriptions. (解説放送)
I found it genius. Originally for visually impaired. But I suspect it also could be the best way to watch for language learning.

>> No.43773375
File: 644 KB, 1078x1500, expl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i become this happy?

>> No.43773427

raise your iq

>> No.43773458

i read that high iq people are less happy than low iq people

>> No.43773521

quit masturbation and watch more anime

>> No.43773529

r/learnjapanese is still on strike so he has nowhere else to go

>> No.43773555

ehhh just do both at the same time?

>> No.43773612



>> No.43774077

it's a very good vocaroo that really touched me so i would appreciate it if someone had it i want to download it and listen to it when the going gets though

>> No.43774089

yeah but they have the capacity for more happiness

>> No.43774106

i can't stop fapping ro asmr. its replaced porn for me

>> No.43774217

its over

>> No.43774243

you can watch youtube videos through invidious

>> No.43774364

this whole fucking thing is hilarious, including stallman not leaving proper spacing after the comma and this wacko using 4 full stops for ellipsis. fuck man can't stop laughing at how funny this shit is and the guy thinking stallman didn't own him lol

>> No.43774441

no idea what youre on about but we all use momento

>> No.43774625
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>> No.43774645
File: 1.08 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wth is her problem

>> No.43774712

found it bitches https://vocaroo.com/bdjKhszzg8c
also crazy this schizo >>43774441 is still going it at after all this time

>> No.43774731

did you spend all this time looking for that

>> No.43774831

jamal sounds like he's always smiling, even when he says serious stuff like that

>> No.43774853

he's probably smiling because he's actively recording a vocaroo which is something silly and most people find personally embarrassing to do

>> No.43774855





>> No.43774866

>most people find personally embarrassing to do
speak for yourself bro

>> No.43774890


i mean in the sense that the act of doing it is somewhat embarrassing and thus one but can't help but smile when doing so

>> No.43774907

i like when kitty sits on my lap

>> No.43774957

you sick fuck

>> No.43774964

not in any weird way weirdo

>> No.43775013

kitty's so tight

>> No.43775022


>> No.43775109

>obviously altered definition to kowtow with modern times.

I bet you also agree with other new zoomer definitions like literally

>> No.43775165

i think you @ed the wrong person because im not a schizo wtf

>> No.43775170

>he still believes in our institutions

>> No.43775184

巡 looks like a speed boost in a racing game

>> No.43775187

guys i cant take this r/lj blackout anymore. i need to laugh at the dekinais

>> No.43775192

do japanese girls give good blowjobs?

>> No.43775200

there are some new "subreddits" popping up on the decentralized reddit alternative but none of them are active yet

>> No.43775210

theyre not used to giving blowjobs to even average sized dicks so they get tired after a couple of minutes

>> No.43775214

better than ur mom

>> No.43775223

thats ok, i only need a few minutes

>> No.43775252
File: 1.55 MB, 406x720, konpeko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43775291

she's mad at serufu for not going to the techie high school

>> No.43775340

I graduated djt 7 years ago

>> No.43775346

whats the best yomichan replacement?

>> No.43775394

how old are you?

>> No.43775416


>> No.43775439

how do i meet cute japanese girls?

>> No.43775440

>gamu gamu fisto
but why

>> No.43775468

wat if i spend all day playing a jrpg

>> No.43775507

feels really soulless

>> No.43775541

i think he actually says gum gum pistol but he says it weird

>> No.43775666

Japan has fallen

>> No.43775771

any good psychological horror manga?

>> No.43775777

kono ko shirimasen ka

>> No.43775794

date your sister

>> No.43775949
File: 3.02 MB, 2482x1455, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on in this mf show

>> No.43775966

What is the difference between 暗闇 and 闇?

>> No.43775995

Read the definition's in Japanese and you won't be confused.

>> No.43775997

i get that but she's being such a lil hoe about it...

>> No.43776003

this. especially your older sister

>> No.43776033

i understand how someone can become ts by watching too much anime
usually it's because they watch a ton of moe and sol anime so they begin to wonder how life could be a dream by a being a cute girl without a single thought in their heads

>> No.43776066

we should lock them away and force them to watch stuff like golgo13 and legend of the galactic heroes

>> No.43776075

>legend of the galactic heroes
u wanna turn em into fags instead?

>> No.43776085

call me old fashioned but i just want to breed the cute girls with my very masculine penis

>> No.43776092

also another thing i noticed with discord t-girls is that they tend to be "lesbian" which kind of makes me uncomfortable because they still have male instincts and it feels predatory

>> No.43776098
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isekai harem power fantasies are unironically the most masculine genre of anime

>> No.43776104

boo hoo, language changes over time and dictionaries are updated to reflect it. I bet you only use words according to how they were understood in the times of Shakespeare
you do too
don't worry admins are already starting to force subreddits to open under the threat of replacing the mods. Nuke is probably in the middle of plotting a coup

>> No.43776157

i agree, watching anime at a young age can alter your perception.
i watched death note as a kid and im literally yagami light now. intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.43776172

flcl gurren lagann nhk ni youkoso and lucky star probably influenced me the most during my adolescent and teen years

>> No.43776176

we're all going to die some day. none of this matters

>> No.43776184

yeah so we might as well live by doing things we enjoy and accomplishing the goals and purpose that we set for ourselves while we're here

>> No.43776198

mom bought ribeye for dinner tonight
can't wait to cook it up

>> No.43776202

you will realize the meaninglessness of your accomplishments when you see death

>> No.43776210

im nihilistic but not that kind of nihilistic

>> No.43776213

not everything needs to have meaning sometimes we do things just for the sake of fun

>> No.43776218

First clause is easy, but what the fuck is

>> No.43776220

sorry we are discussing the meaning of life right now

>> No.43776232

i thought it was to like conquer stuff

>> No.43776254

even the 150 iq will feel dread at being a pathetic frail human

>> No.43776256

nah I feel accomplished and nostalgic about many apparently and maybe even objectively worthless and trivial things I've done when I was I kid. and I imagine I will feel the same about today when once I'll be dying.

>> No.43776261

one day when i'm a father i want to build a treehouse for my children

>> No.43776279

its probably much more intense than what most people feel

>> No.43776291

stupid take

>> No.43776294

i imagine the more intelligent one is the easier they come to terms with their mortality actually

>> No.43776307

> I have to stay home everyday to take care of my sick mother
>So if you like this translation, please consider donating money

i always wonder what kind of sickness the mother has that requires him to stay home 24/7 and not even get at least a part time job

>> No.43776313


>> No.43776319

the more you can think the deeper your empathy and feelings can run

>> No.43776329

have you guys never had or met someone who has to be the caretaker of an elderly family member
that is pretty much a full time job

>> No.43776340

yes it's pretty terrible honestly. not just physically draining but emotionally too you're watching someone you love die slowly and painfully

>> No.43776348


>> No.43776376

I'm glad everyone in my family dies of sudden heart attacks

>> No.43776451


>> No.43776461

what is the song 川の流れのように about

>> No.43776465

americans just throw their loved ones in prison facilities for elderly people called "retirement homes" and leave them there until they croak

>> No.43776475

not all

>> No.43776480

of course. not about to take care of some senile old fuck who can barely remember their own name, let alone take care of themself

>> No.43776490

see >>43776480

>> No.43776492

you must've meant 川の流れのことに

>> No.43776510
File: 104 KB, 480x608, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i put you into a retirement home, it means i want you to put up a fight

>> No.43776514


>> No.43776523

my dick 川の流れのように in some jk, if you know what i mean

>> No.43776525

its only boomer parents and their kids who grow up to behave shitty like their parents and pass on the hate to their kids further. the gen x branch line isnt like that

>> No.43776535

what does jk mean

>> No.43776541

just kidding

>> No.43776545

prime manko

>> No.43776562

what does manko taste like

>> No.43776577

salty jk and coins

>> No.43776608

hanging out with kitty on my bed

>> No.43776623

wonder if queef ever did anal with his bitch

>> No.43776626

was just listening to an instrumental lo-fi track and heard muffled Japanese speech come on in the background

At first I thought it was part of the track, but then realized it was coming from a politician's van outside my apartment

>> No.43776635

she made him do chores for her lol hes too beta for that

>> No.43776648

they divorced bro

>> No.43776657


>> No.43776662

is manko different from pussy?

>> No.43776685

dno but they aren't together anymore

>> No.43776697

every man will eventually experience a woman that will humble him afterwards

>> No.43776705
File: 69 KB, 640x140, stopshoushika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43776726

wait why and when did mary divorce wtf how did i miss this

>> No.43776754

wtf is this supposed to mean

>> No.43776759

it means she laughs at your small dick

>> No.43776781
File: 1.64 MB, 1500x2000, 1686665411338715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43776797

lmfao goat fucker you're not even trying to hide your samefagging are you

>> No.43776825
File: 96 KB, 697x440, 1656148601250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have to.
i stopped worrying about 目立つing long ago.

>> No.43776832

whats a random manga that isnt famous or even particularly good, but that you cant forget

>> No.43776839
File: 57 KB, 201x306, 1672790429759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the best way to use cure dolly?

>> No.43776840


>> No.43776850

all the namefags still lurk 100%

>> No.43776865

The Great Anonymization Of DJT circa 2022

>> No.43776874

i miss seeing the gods with their names on

>> No.43776907

crazy how djt magically and quite literally fixed itself overnight 2 months ago

>> No.43776916

i miss when tatsu used to use pics of matt yoga and godfather to shill

>> No.43776920

minifaggot is probably higher iq than queef given he can actually code

>> No.43776936

yeah gotta fix the font

>> No.43776940
File: 92 KB, 700x1166, 1686075516946918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43776942

crazy how all matt does nowadays is tweet mundane things like this to 60 people because he has no purpose after wasting over a decade on just learning japanese and has no other skills to speak of.
you hate to see it. hopefully he learns to weld or something, give him some drive and purpose in life.

>> No.43776945
File: 47 KB, 854x799, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting how that lines up with my return two months ago

>> No.43776948

matto doesnt have to do anything until the uproot money runs out

>> No.43776950
File: 179 KB, 1458x1080, 1687113609370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that actually proved to be a bad idea because jannies tend to remove avatarfags

>> No.43776952

i love the feeling of retiring old underwear when they get holes in them because that means it's almost time to buy some new ones

>> No.43776960
File: 273 KB, 570x475, 1686659736947900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stitch the holes
simple as

>> No.43776963

its crazy, matt was on japanese tv last year.
so now hes famous in japan as a guy who knows japanese, just like everyone else in japan, except he doesnt have any job skills

>> No.43776964


>> No.43776968

>tweet mundane things like this to 60 people because he has no purpose
wow hes just like me except he knows japanese

>> No.43776969
File: 1022 KB, 1283x777, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you find japanese youtubers that do things like multi-hour video essays on retro games?
do they even make them?

>> No.43776973

stfu hater
matt made it and everyone knows hes jowzu

>> No.43776975

that’s nasty

>> No.43776983

i actually cannot fathom bragging about being a local news station's white monkey for 20min because they didnt have any other stories for the day and being referred to as nippon daisuki gaikokujin lmao

>> No.43776984

its crazy. all these years of studying, and matt still cant speak japanese as well as korone and pekora

>> No.43776987

i need to see this video. link?

>> No.43777007

ya bro its crazy that none of the things u call crazy are in fact crazy

>> No.43777017

fuck you man

>> No.43777020

lmao language does change. slang updates a mile a minute, but you don't see every iteration added to an official dictionary, not without proper incentive to control the masses like this tranny shit you've seem to be caught up in. but okay keep playing extremes like that makes your point valid.

you're probably a tranny or soon to be one anyway so im just wasting my time.

>> No.43777021

it used to be pinned on his twitter. i remember it was basically a local station had him on a virtual tour of their city so that they could show "look, the gaijin thinks our city is amazing!" some shit like that

>> No.43777023


>> No.43777032


>> No.43777036

>boo hoo, language changes over time and dictionaries are updated to reflect it. I bet you only use words according to how they were understood in the times of Shakespeare


>> No.43777041

video game essays are cancer
the nips were intelligent enough to figure this out so they never made any

>> No.43777040

>core 2000
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.
>What's the fastest way to get back to studying?
Do ankidrone starter pack at a reasonable pace
> 100 new words a day and blitz?
No don't do that. Read https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/how-to-review.html#new-cards

>> No.43777042

still loling at matto having a sakamoto ryoma poster

>> No.43777044


>> No.43777046

matt made it

>> No.43777050

video essays would be god tier immersion

>> No.43777053

if not tranny he's at least vaccinated

>> No.43777055

true, the whole "video essay" side of YouTube is pretentious as fuck. BUT jp video essay would be amazing for listening practice

>> No.43777060

>but you don't see every iteration added to an official dictionary
yeah, just those that become sufficiently widespread and stay in use for a while
>you're probably a tranny or soon to be one anyway so im just wasting my time.
you're probably psychotic or soon to become so
nice reddit spacing bro

>> No.43777061

wonder if that anon is still around

>> No.43777068


>> No.43777088

this is the only video game essay worth watching

>> No.43777092
File: 118 KB, 235x223, 1684495719744469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no glasses girl to listen intently and nod at everything i say

>> No.43777098
File: 50 KB, 632x388, HEDmQSkEYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they had no chance

>> No.43777108

why is it always someone named matt?

>> No.43777118

nominative determinism

>> No.43777129


>> No.43777141

that's a drawing

>> No.43777160

is she free? If not, I'm not reinstalling

>> No.43777179
File: 1.22 MB, 1786x904, language changes, sometimes overnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either that, or they alter definitions in real time during political campaigns to align with whatever arguments the DNC is making at the time.
something something 1984 ect. ect.

>> No.43777184

yes and

idk youtube just recommends me genshin clips i don’t play

>> No.43777189

any good retro nukige recs?
tried asking nukigemarine but he blocked me

>> No.43777198

“中出し”以外は校則違反!! ~女子校祭・乗っ取り計画~

>> No.43777203

that is crazy

>> No.43777231

think i might go and fetch myself an iced chai

>> No.43777259

or maybe the political controversy relating to the words has simply brought attention to the fact that the dictionary definitions were faulty or outdated, because before there was no reason for anyone to scrutinize them. but yeah, let's go with the great conspiracy instead.

>> No.43777262

what are some motivational japanese videos or songs

>> No.43777271
File: 20 KB, 320x231, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just download a big batch of pc98 games and start from the top

>> No.43777278

you got owned bro just give up

>> No.43777281
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, Heavenly Delusion S01E12 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden shit

>> No.43777296


>> No.43777335

>because before there was no reason for anyone to scrutinize them
yeah besides everyone who uses the dictionary and everyone working for merriam webster ur right

>> No.43777344

people who use a dictionary dont know english, so what would they know?
and the people working for merriam webster dont go through the entire dictionary every day either

>> No.43777361

there are 100000s of words, there's no way each of them is constantly receiving anywhere near the amount of attention that one or two specific words that are subjects of some hot controversy do

>> No.43777377
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, Heavenly Delusion S01E12 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777402

their job as a dictionary is to keep definitions up to date. if they coincidentally only do it when it comes under attention, it means they were pressured into changing the definition.

>> No.43777405

even though i bought a large iced chai i ended up drinking half of it on the way home...
Lのアイスチャイ ティーを買ったのに帰って運転しながらもう半分飲んじゃた...

>> No.43777414

need to catch up on this show u159 and g-witch so behind on all of them too busy watching yama no susume super cub and do it yourself...

>> No.43777452

shut the fuck up mary

>> No.43777461

first of all i'm a guy

>> No.43777467

guy (female)

>> No.43777477

weird to know that my bros at djt think of me as a woman despite openly saying that i'm straight and cis

>> No.43777483 [SPOILER] 
File: 849 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch from Mercury - 22 (1080p) [4ED07A91]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43777492

sooo kawaii miomio...

>> No.43777494

someone earlier was saying that anime makes you gay and trans. not sure if he was right or not yet though

>> No.43777498

had sex now what

>> No.43777501

now lick deez

>> No.43777505
File: 48 KB, 1158x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRUH!!! just realized she's wearing the holder uniform again... spoiled myself!!!

that was my post actually lol

>> No.43777508

they don't have an infinite workforce. they can only revise so many definitions in a day. and a controversy and increased traffic to the subpage for a particular word will naturally bring their attention to that word in that particular time. and if their definition starts being cited by media and such, they will probably dedicate extra effort to making sure that it's correct.

>> No.43777515

>he doesnt use dark theme

>> No.43777525

dark theme is lame and everyone uses it these days

>> No.43777526

i marked it as spoiler for a reason

>> No.43777529

low iq

>> No.43777532

why does it matter what everyone uses? dark theme is better for your eyes

>> No.43777533

they will certainly dedicate effort to changing the definition to their liking in time to be heard in court, but I have doubts whether hastily changing definitions in this manner results in an accurate definition.

>> No.43777534

yeah i'm not blaming you... appreciate your consideration

>> No.43777542

well my first and primary clause is that it's lame everyone using it is secondary to that

>> No.43777550

should the japanese government mandate only manly anime be produced for young men to stop them from turning trans?

>> No.43777564

hastily? how long did it take them from the moment they directed their attention to the word to the moment they updated its definition and how long does it take for the average word?

>> No.43777565

no because we need shoujo and girls' anime to teach young women good and feminine values

>> No.43777574

just date older women (40+)
the older the better their values are

>> No.43777584

can't relate to grans sorry not sorry

>> No.43777588


yooo welcome back

>> No.43777604

i reckon an honest review process would take months, much like a short conference paper due to it's importance, not a matter of weeks.

>> No.43777606

mlen didn’t invent ellipses

>> No.43777619 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch from Mercury - 22 (1080p) [4ED07A91]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777624

when the squad gets called to a fight (tag yourself)

>> No.43777630

(i’m miomio)

>> No.43777632
File: 2.41 MB, 1080x1440, 1687118286994954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im the guy with the green cappy

>> No.43777634
File: 37 KB, 475x579, puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle time bros

>> No.43777635

what do you mean honestly?

>> No.43777645

bottom left

>> No.43777647


>> No.43777665

have u decided to accept Alice in Chains as the superior grunge band yet?

>> No.43777677

probably top left or the one to the right of top left. what is it?

>> No.43777680
File: 1.39 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Dr. Stone S3 - 11 (1080p) [B302D3B3]-[02.44.540-02.50.295].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777682
File: 116 KB, 705x1026, Fypho9CaAAEkawM~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutest jap phenotype

>> No.43777684

the prime age for a japanese woman is 24

>> No.43777687

how stupid are you lol

>> No.43777688

my original intention was to write with grans as in older ladies and i have nothing in common nor any relatable experiences but i suppose to grans works too as in i have no interest in them and that i'm sorry for not being apologetic

some old guy was telling me about alice in chains during my delaware trip and it made me even less interested
i don't care about your stupid rock bands

>> No.43777694


>> No.43777699

dame that old guy sounds cool as fuck

>> No.43777711

just know there's always a guy out there who thinks that way about you

>> No.43777724

prime age for impregnation is 18 and prime age for actually dating is 50
>i have nothing in common nor any relatable experiences
i dont know why people meme this shit so hard
you dont need to have anything in common as long as you personalities are a match

>> No.43777735

i guess i can see why it might be bottom left now. it has four of the pointy things. but the shape looks too similar to the middle figure

>> No.43777742

bottom left


>> No.43777751

if it took you more than 15 seconds you have brain damage

>> No.43777760

are you a siscon?

>> No.43777761

i'm just happy to figure it out on my own

>> No.43777768

i dont understand the puzzle. 120 iq btw

>> No.43777770

nah but i would fuck the shit out of my mom

>> No.43777796

aren't those kinds of puzzles on iq tests?

>> No.43777808

the rotation instantly gives away the answer but the full logic is also extremely simple you have a few shapes and they can have two sizes and you overlay them with a simple cancellation rule and a binary size flip as you move across horizontally

>> No.43777821

don't even know what the goal of the puzzle is supposed to be

>> No.43777822

wtf bro thats not extremely simple

>> No.43777839

iq tests explain what youre supposed to do

>> No.43777841

true high iqs such as myself dont even waste our brain power on puzzles like that

>> No.43777842

>explain your thought process
>i just looked and instantly knew

>> No.43777852
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, EC614598-69BD-4775-8594-68339B587FEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today’s steak

>> No.43777868

mmm nice, raw in the middle, just how i like it

>> No.43777882

you’re gonna say something no matter how i cook my steak aren’t you…

>> No.43777883


>> No.43777885
File: 63 KB, 680x680, Fy5K8KeXoAIvMwB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had some steak yesterday

nothing beats the beef katsu i had in japan though

>> No.43777905

why is this puzzle so unaesthetic though

>> No.43777915
File: 768 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Megami no Cafe Terrace - 11 (1080p) [7EA0C5E1]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777954
File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Megami no Cafe Terrace - 11 (1080p) [7EA0C5E1]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777961
File: 80 KB, 917x1170, quizmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43777962

yeah i havent even followed the posts up to look

>> No.43777972
File: 41 KB, 466x570, puzzle 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom left was correct bros >>43777634
now a slightly little harder one, the faster you see it the higher your iq...

>> No.43777982

bottom left
first row third column again very simple

>> No.43777990

this one 2 hard 4 me i think, guess is bottom left but just by feel

>> No.43777999

months of one person working on it full time? if so, then making an entire dictionary would cost like a billion dollars.

>> No.43778003

151 guy on a rampage

>> No.43778008

>one person review process
lmao wtf

>> No.43778026

top row third column
was close to selecting bottom fourth but saw they were a little sneaky with the middle row

>> No.43778034

so three people for months? 3 billion dollars then

>> No.43778039

now i know how that guy that was describing the genius in that wikipedia article linked a few days ago feels

>> No.43778053

no bro clearly i meant one person reviewing his own definition for 3 months. and it would cost about 10 billion

>> No.43778065

you're free to calculate yourself how much 3 months of work cost and then multiply that by the number of words in a dictionary

>> No.43778068

the "gifted" iq test I took when I was a kid in school had questions where they showed a progression of folding a piece of paper and the answers were what the creases in the paper looked like if it was unfolded
it was a fun test

>> No.43778071

learned an expensive lesson in the importance of buying quality tools
$25 down the drain guh… even when in a pinch don’t limit yourself to the selection at the hardware store boys

>> No.43778082

yes i'll get on that right away so i can argue with someone who doesn't even know what a peer review is

>> No.43778097

peer review = enforcement of groupthink and attempt to stifle competition

>> No.43778106

ur right, a dictionary definition should be innovative, ground-breaking, and brave with how they describe words lmfao

>> No.43778112

it's just a dictionary bro

>> No.43778119

keep mutt politics out of here

>> No.43778125

mutt website

>> No.43778138

おいしそう = seems tasty
おいしいそう = i heard it was tasty
おいしいらし = i heard it was tasty (inf)

my question is can you use おいしらし to say 'seems tasty' informally?

>> No.43778148

you could but you wouldnt

>> No.43778161

ok cheers, is there any way to say 'seems like' in an informal way then? or is it just sou

>> No.43778169


>> No.43778181

No. I've never heard it used like that even once during my 8 years of using this language. Also it's らしい

>> No.43778183

そう よう and らし mean generally the same thing, but they have different connotations about certainty and if you experienced it or heard from a 3rd party

>> No.43778192


>> No.43778202

dame you never heard 可愛らしい?

>> No.43778204


>> No.43778211

That's just a word on its own.

>> No.43778241

but have you ever been on japanese tv?

>> No.43778245

>yt-dlp --write-subs --sub-langs ja
why didn't you guys tell me about this?
this is too good.

>> No.43778258

what r u watching

>> No.43778272


>> No.43778394

you should learn japanese not just words

>> No.43778472

correct answer was first row third column >>43777972
good jobs bros, >>43777982 you might want to get tested you could be 145+ iq with that speed...

>> No.43778614

Pelican Bay College is sending a number of graduate students out to sea, each to study a different species of shark. Felix, Ora, Tricia, and Vicki are the latest students scheduled to depart. Each student will go on separate ship and start their project in a different month. The students, in no particular order, will start their projects in March, April, May and June, and the ships they will be on are named Escape, Odyssey, Orion and Osprey.

We know Ora's project starts 1 month after the project on the Escape, of Tricia's study and the study on the Orion one starts in March and the other starts in June, the assignment on the Escape starts 1 month after Vicki's study, and the assignment on the Odyssey is either Felix's study or Vicki's assignment. Which ship will each student board and when will they start their projects?

>> No.43778625

uh oh a puzzle you can't cheat on!

>> No.43778636

going from march to june we have tricia on osprey vicki on the odyssey felix on escape and ora on orion

>> No.43778640


>> No.43778653

>what's the best way to use cure dolly?
Don't. Read Making Sense of Japanese - What The Textbooks Don't Tell You, by Jay Rubin, instead.

The original book (and coom dolly as well) are not for beginners. They are for intermediates. They won't make any sense until you've had some months experience reading.

>> No.43778672

>half way through the core 2000 deck.
Time to ditch premade decks and start reading/mining

>> No.43778695

tricia starts in either march or june
if you suppose june then ora starts in may since the escape is one before ora and one after vicki so escape is april and vicki is march thus felix is april therefore orion which must be march by the original supposition is vicki forcing odyssey to be felix which contradicts that escape is april
so tricia is march and that fixes everything

>> No.43778729

alright i am seriously impressed

>> No.43778793

really makes you think how one of the smartest in the thread is also one of the most chill doesn’t use a trip and only instigates phonies

>> No.43778844

i doubt freakish pattern recognition is of much use in real life

>> No.43778864


>> No.43778903

you need massive brain ram for freakish pattern recognition, more ram always helps

>> No.43778985


>> No.43779001

