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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43682311 No.43682311 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43647543

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43682321
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Yuzubros we're back

>> No.43682523


need to start Nobel Works one of these days, I keep procrastinating.

>> No.43682556

How much work do text hookers take on loonix? Haven't really read a VN ever since I switched when Microsoft announced they weren't selling win10 keys anymore.

>> No.43682560


look up Massgrave on github to activate Windows 10 and 11.

>> No.43682563

now's your chance to not be a hookcuck

>> No.43682574

I didn't switch because I was afraid of not being able to activate, I switched because I figured Microsoft was going to force me to use 11 sooner or later, which I refuse to accept, so I just ripped the bandaid off and switched to Mint. I don't do much on my computer besides browsing, reading, and the occasional game so Mint has seemed identical to Windows.

>> No.43682595
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I've awakened to corruption kino, is there a good list of recs?

>> No.43682635

Give the top rated Bishopge a try.

>> No.43682719

Bros, tell me your 10/10, I don't know what to read

>> No.43682780


>> No.43682804

How do you even run out of things to read?

>> No.43682851

sounds less like running out and more like decision paralysis

>> No.43682893


>> No.43683142

Was doutei kyodai any good?

>> No.43683198
File: 861 KB, 3840x2160, oopu4ook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun nukige with unusual concept and a bunch of cute gimmicks. I liked it a lot. I even managed to cry a bit in a couple of scenes.

>> No.43683242
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Never thought I'd see a Yakov Smirnoff reference in my funny porn slideshows.

>> No.43683302


>> No.43683857


>> No.43683934


>> No.43684432


>> No.43684549

Anyone with Extravaganza? The only place I can find it on in A-S.

>> No.43686601

Got any good black comedy VNs?
Something really funny. But dark

>> No.43686635
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top sibling banter in erogs

>> No.43687174

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.43687630

You shouldn't have gave her those precure gifts.

>> No.43687818

This game in the end failed. Her brat personality should have included different scenes. Where is the asphyxiation hate sex, the forced public nudity or the full nelson? Missed chance.

>> No.43688471


>> No.43688569

Will see, Nene bores me but so does the game in general.

>> No.43688695

New orcsoft looking good.

>> No.43688712

not much, stuff mostly just works

>> No.43689412
File: 395 KB, 1167x1500, Saijo Karin 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts and feelings on Saijo Karin? VNDB described her as being 'popular.' Does she receive a lot of confessions or something? Why is she popular?

>> No.43689949
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Need a Mei imouto

>> No.43690296

I've played all of the Oshiki Clochette games now.
How are their other games?
Any one in particular that stands out?

>> No.43691881


>> No.43691936 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, malie_oqVvzsjWEn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit even mc friends have a wholesome romance

>> No.43691937

If I have autogynephilia what VNs should I read?

>> No.43691994

Those two are named after Masada's great grandparents too

>> No.43692087

The ones that I don't like

>> No.43692114

so his great grandparents/character are feminist activist. well that explains there are feminist ideology in this game

>> No.43692200
File: 84 KB, 250x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masada's great grandmother is one of Japan's most famous feminists. He named a character after her in his VNs.
She was also brutally murdered. He made her killer a major character in his VNs. I'm 100% serious, he really did that.

>> No.43692221

There is nothing feminist or anarchist about his works, retard. If anything he was fed up with badass sentou bishoujo saving MC's ass kinda stories.

>> No.43692240

Just read through the wiki, feels bad about that
yeah not the works only one character

>> No.43692248

There's nothing to Masada's works beyond the surface. He picked nazis for dies irae because he liked the uniforms and doesn't seem to actually know anything at all about nazi ideology considering the LDO is filled with women, genetic freaks, people of a variety of sexualities, etc. Masada just wants to write cool shit, he legitimately doesn't seem to have any political agenda or even really understand politics.

>> No.43693087


>> No.43693568

It's probably bait, but if genuine, it is concerning to read as it implies you are wholly identifying with this outside definition alone and limiting your scope to it.
The truth is this nature is within everyone of us (and the contrasexual one as well), so consequently you should be able to pick anything out there and gain something from it either way.

Anyway that aside, here's my recommendation: https://vndb.org/v23863

>> No.43693710

Anyone have https://vndb.org/v6080
All links are dead and the torrent has no seeds.

>> No.43693713

Can't wait to fuck this Grandma

>> No.43693824
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I genuinely enjoyed Camus.

>> No.43693864
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Yeah, I quite enjoyed the writing and execution.

>> No.43694000

found it on anime-sharing

>> No.43694462

>She was also brutally murdered. He made her killer a major character in his VNs.
How the fuck did I not know this until now. I should have read the wikipedia entry more carefully

>> No.43694483

Eushully so dead nobody even noticed this...
I feel like I'm the only one who's still hyped for their games, but they really are taking their time

>> No.43694506

Seemingly every other studio that made VNs with gameplay has been dying recently though. Maybe Eushully is next.

>> No.43694533

At least you guys are getting something. I wonder if there has been any info of anything new from alicesoft

>> No.43694594

I imagine they are subsisting on gacha shekels well enough. No economic need to make games.

>> No.43694668

They're not dead but they're certainly creatively bankrupt as is proven by the fact that they have failed to release something of worth for like 10 years.

>> No.43694690

>I wonder if there has been any info of anything new from alicesoft
If "anything new" includes half of their staff leaving then there's that.

>> No.43694707

are Akabeisoft3 dead too ? last vn they did was in 2020 and nothing since then

>> No.43694847

>their last eroge was called Dying Zombies

>> No.43695382

I don't have a top five of the most boring fucking games I've ever played across any and all genres but if I had to make one Sanoba would be part of it. I'm dropping this.

>> No.43695467

>10 years
Madou Koukaku being the last good one? I immediately recoiled from the "gameplay".

>> No.43695471

clephas was right...

>> No.43695492

About what?

>> No.43695494

>for like 10 years
was written on purpose in a non-specific way because I don't remember when what came out.

>> No.43695804

Akabeisoft2 are still releasing stuff.

>> No.43695987

that beginners drop games because they read too slow and get bored due to a lack of stimulation

>> No.43696074

He was always right tho???

>> No.43696080

Do you come to this conclusion every time someone does not appreciate your favorite game?

>> No.43696154

This could just me projecting, but I'd be willing to bet that the overlap between people that play VNs and people that don't care for gameplay is pretty high.

>> No.43696249

moebuta wrote this

>> No.43696581

moebuta medium

>> No.43696722

Those are zoomers though, which may as well be the same since anyone old enough already experienced eroge but still...

>> No.43696783

What's the best Windows OS for having access to the widest amount of 2000s visual novels?
XP? I'm thinking of making a system partition on my laptop with something like XP to fill it up with obscure or interesting VNs.

I'm sure Win10 probably breaks a ton of stuff, but 7 seemed to have OK backwards compatibility.

>> No.43696818

xp is the safest option. I went a step further and bought a second hand laptop just for old shit

>> No.43696870

Glad to hear you concur. I thought about buying another one, but I do have a semi-old laptop lying around.
Maybe I should get a late 2000s or early 2010s laptop for hardware compatibility. I'm not an expert, but I know the older OS's can have a hard time on newer, non-virtualised hardware.

Because I don't like making a thread about it, and because I'm in good company, do you know of a safe, good resource to download obscure JP audio dramas/character audio CDs and whatnot from? I discovered a cool looking and obscure "illustration story" today, and there's very little information about it, save for an art book and two character CDs.

>> No.43696892
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I like VNs and I like games with good gameplay, but VNs with shitty 4niggers in a row gameplay bolted on to it can fuck off

>> No.43696909

Hey this isn't /v/. How about you make an effort to be understandable and drop the buzzwords?

>> No.43697628

Grasesta was well received from what I remember

>> No.43697634

The best option is actually GNU/Linux.

>> No.43697697

It's a great option if you want to fuck around for a few hours to get your game working.
Or if you want your game to use 5 times more CPU than on Windows (especially great on laptops)

>> No.43697724

Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.43697843

Have you considered making your own VN in Japanese?

>> No.43697889

no creativity and no money

>> No.43697935

You either pay a fortune to get good seiyuu or get some of the shittier voice acting the world has ever since, and I literally can't imagine a good seiyuu accepting to do lewd voices for a gaijin.

>> No.43698068

There's always the option of not having any voices at all and having your VN written in multiple languages (native/English + Japanese) to target a broader audience. If the work is solid it can get a pass.

>> No.43698311

>Considering pandering to the west
You had me and you lost me

>> No.43698327

I am no Uncle Mugen.

>> No.43698359

Writing no, but paying a jp author, artist, scriptwriter and all to do it, yes, iirc it's something like 15k€ for a ~10h vn unvoiced in most cases

>> No.43698370

Still would be an EVN and automatically shit, using wapanese would change nothing because is not a real japanese product.

>> No.43698453

Thanks I've been hunting this game for a while and looks like the reupload was fairly recent.
Kinda dumb how searching for Lucha 魔女っこ excluded the results for Lucha! 魔女っこ

>> No.43698516

I disagree, it's not so black and white. If you get to a certain level and develop the (linguistic) Japanese part of yourself to a great extent you can reach a point where you can make a product that will be seen as Japanese product by natives themselves.
It's the same logic as a non-English native person who ends up making English content, except here the bar is set a lot higher.

>> No.43698532

>develop the (linguistic) Japanese part of yourself
it's more of a cultural thing though
even fromsoft's european inspired stuff are notably japanese in some aspects

>> No.43698549

Culture is something you can appropriate. Ultimately what we're talking about here is experience (as in to accumulate experiences) I believe.

>> No.43698571

There's japanese who love shit like DDLC though
I'm not sure if the bar is that high

>> No.43698583

Good luck doing Jap in-jokes and references that aren't outdated or diluted by Westoids.

>> No.43698599

>Culture is something you can appropriate
but can you do that so well they'd "see it as a japanese product"?
do they consider DDLC as different from "normal" VNs?

>> No.43698613

this is a completely retarded hypothetical. None of you nerds are ever going to write a decent VN come on

>> No.43698629
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>do they consider DDLC as different from "normal" VNs?
Some do and some don't apparently

>> No.43698660

Isn't it weird to move into music and release albums while still using the eroge alias?

>> No.43698665

>but can you do that so well they'd "see it as a japanese product"?
I don't think I (or many non-Japanese people really) have what it takes to do a standard VN like a Yuzusoft and whatnot.
Now if we're talking about something a bit out of the norm like narcissu or Saya no Uta, basically anything that does not have a traditional formula, then yes it is completely doable. Or in fact the question of whether it feels Japanese or not won't even be asked because it won't really be what it's about. You could even say that being a Westerner gives you an edge in making an original product that will create a buzz, as opposed to what they're used to always receive.

>> No.43698907

Thread is dead and no one is sharing their thoughts on whatever garbage they are reading so I don't blame then for wanting to talk about hypothetical things

>> No.43698929

>Thread is dead
It's /jp/ retard. It's not supposed to be blazing fast all the time.

>> No.43698948

have you considered making your own image board
have you considered making your own language

>> No.43699006
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>> No.43699019

>have you considered making your own language

>> No.43699044

Says the woman who only plays Animal Crossing.

>> No.43700116
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It looks like every other game they've made but that's not a bad thing. I don't mind a company basically remaking the same game over and over if they vary up the heroine designs and it's pretty good each time.

>> No.43700553

why does madosoft give their heroines the same look/outfits in every game?

>> No.43700565
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『だって夏じゃない』hamidashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Si non confectus, non reficiat

>> No.43700569

Lazy artist

>> No.43701806

ok, which one would you recommend, hamidashi creative?

>> No.43701825
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『テルモピュライの戦い』hamidashi (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43702284

preasu herp

>> No.43702821


>> No.43703446

it's already all diluted by Westoids. Japanese nation-building was modelled after the German Empire and half of its popular culture was imported from America after the war

>> No.43703756

Not many Westoids will know about Sandwichman, Matsuko Deluxe etc. Hell, Hard Gay is way before most of the Zoomers in this site.

>> No.43704001

>The truth is this nature is within everyone of us
bro I don't think most men are sisses

>> No.43704535

i'm doing it right now.
it's gonna be amazing you'll see.

>> No.43704593

let him run with that, better for him than 本格的に going down that path

>> No.43704629

>mother in law
we're so back

>> No.43704654

explain why everytime I browse voiceworks on dlsite a third of the uploads is male nippleplay

>> No.43704765
File: 584 KB, 640x504, kitty cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there something wrong with me if i want to fuck this thing?

>> No.43704982

You are clueless, to not say unintelligent.

>> No.43705033

don't get mad and stop projecting on others. most guys fantasize about being with the objects of porn not being them. especially if we're talking about the types of dudes who play romance eroge (this thread)

>> No.43705143

I think you're the one getting uncomfortable here and not understanding the initial post, which to begin with had no mention of "every guys are sisses",
>most guys fantasize about being with the objects of porn not being them.
though I shouldn't be surprised that a literal Jamal from /djt/ is unable to juggle with two ideas at once.

Rest easy anon, no one was doubting your virility.

>> No.43705184

you can't even read retard

>> No.43705439

You can stop grandstanding and projecting, ESL-kun. It only accomplishes the opposite of what you’re trying to do when you don’t know how to use uncommon sentence structure correctly.

>> No.43706037

No, and it only gets more fuckable in the following games.

>> No.43706299 [DELETED] 

Anyone got https://vndb.org/v86 and the Mahjong FD?

>> No.43706390

Forget that I didn't see who wrote it.

>> No.43706414
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I'm not sure I'm not playing Koitate...

>> No.43706451


>> No.43706534
File: 81 KB, 240x240, fujitakana-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know a good mahjong vn ?

>> No.43706576
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The Elf ones were pretty good. I've still got to play pic related.

>> No.43707524

What matter the most when it comes to the upscaling?
My shitty laptop finally died so i need to come up with something now but i'm not sure which card would be enough for my needs
Basically all i care about is to be able to use the best possible magpie settings for the heaviest vns available and to be able to emulate anything without lags

>> No.43708261

Imao I have faith that someday he will write a satisfactory ending to something

>> No.43708283

>What matter the most when it comes to the upscaling?
your eyes

>> No.43708655

i have a 1060 and i can do all that stuff, besides upscaling to 4k, i don’t imagine it’s very GPU heavy but i can’t tell you for certain

>> No.43708864

I'm pretty sure you should just play the 龍が如く series, which is a mahjong simulator with some boring combat parts slapped on.

>> No.43709551

I manage to do decent upscaling to 4K on an integrated Ryzen APU. Any modern GPU will manage it just fine.

>> No.43709723
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>> No.43710293 [SPOILER] 
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Holy shit this is so precious
(ruitomo koyori route cg)

>> No.43710900
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be one of the most frustrating VNs I've ever read because it keeps threatening to be really good and genuinely has some really great moments and likeable characters but it just can't make them come together to be a good VN. If a just outright bad VN is a swing and a miss, this is someone constantly hit foul balls for ten hours in a row then landing a solid double before trying and failing to steal third and landing flat on their face. All the elements are there to make something great and Inre's made great games in the past but they can't get it working here.

>> No.43710976

Hanahira but I realize it's doable but a bit difficult at my level, so now I'm back learning Japanese

>> No.43710995

I never bothered with it for somewhat petty reasons, I just didn't like how the game has a so many girls but so few h-scenes and they're were supposedly only dedicated to the two modern girls

>> No.43711035
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I just didn't like how the game has a so many girls but so few h-scenes and they're were supposedly only dedicated to the two modern girls
That's just a symptom of the larger problem. The two main heroines are the ones from the modern era, and they get all the focus and character development. The MC's retainers are around for basically the entirety of the VN, but they have their one dedicated character focus mini-arc and then they have absolutely nothing to do other than gag scenes and fight scenes. They're constantly around, but the story just isn't interested in them, which is a shame because they're way better than the modern heroines. It's just so weird to see them fuck up something that Chusingura handled so much better.

>> No.43711064

the background is really compelling...

>> No.43711100
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese 12th century shipbuilding sure was something.

>> No.43711222

Wait, there's someone else here who's also reading CLANNAD right now?

>> No.43713034

Just reminiscing over my favorite vn route.

>> No.43713193
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>> No.43716658

thoughts on tomoyo after?

>> No.43718322

Ok I didn't expect for the first bishoujo mangekyou to have more h-scene text than "normal" text
are all the sequel like this too?

>> No.43718333

They're nukige. What did you expect?

>> No.43718374

iirc ppl were saying 5 felt like a plotge, so I thought it had a bit more than this

>> No.43718406

They get more interesting from a plot perspective the further you get into the series.

>> No.43718627

Fellow nukige coomers, any quick guide on prostate masturbation?

>> No.43718637

for me, its bad dragon

>> No.43718818 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.87 MB, 1728x952, SPOILER_image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished amane route. It took me a month to read the common and her route as I'm a slow reader who like to take his time. I read all over the internet that her route was the best and it really was enjoyable. I did her route first because she was the main reason I started playing tjis game and I was not disappointed to say the least.
Now I still want to do at least kurumi and noah routes but I'm kinda scared I'll be disappointed if they're not as good as amane. Are they still good or are they lame ?

>> No.43718827 [DELETED] 

I'd rate Noa's route above Kurumi's in terms of quality. Kurumi's route has kind of a tired trope (trial relationship), but it's actually for one of the better reasons than I normally see in eroge.

>> No.43718834

I'd rate Noa's route above Kurumi's in terms of quality. Kurumi's route has kind of a tired trope (there was a spoiler here but the website decided, nah, I don't want to do spoilers today???), but it's actually for one of the better reasons than I normally see in eroge.

>> No.43718873

what are your favourite winter games? it’s my favourite season and i miss it a lot in these trying times

>> No.43718900

I admit that I haven't read that much, but AstralAir and Hatsuyuki Sakura come to mind. Also this https://vndb.org/v26537 if you're into BR imouto. Mashiro Iro Symphony remake is also on the horizon.

>> No.43718928
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>> No.43718970


>> No.43718981
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>> No.43718996

Just get a second house in straya

>> No.43719007

No point, can't bring loli onaholes

>> No.43719070

Kurumi's route was easily the worst, you're not really missing much

>> No.43719080

Kaguya's was worse than Kurumi. At least Kurumi had some plot between the start and the end.

>> No.43719090

She's the only one I haven't done. I overdosed on junai romance the past few months so I'm saving her for later. Also have all the afterstories saved

>> No.43719122

If I wanted plot I wouldn't be reading yuzuge. I want to romance cute girls, Kaguya at least delivered on that while Kurumi's was basically a sex friend route until the final scene and the assassin plotline dragged on way too much

>> No.43719572

You should wait more time to start another route if you really enjoyed the last one you completed so you won't end up as disappointed with the other routes in case they don't end up being as good(also you won't be remembering the heroine you liked everytime during the other routes)
Study steady. It may be a nukige disguised as a moege but goddamn they nailed the comfy winter atmosphere

>> No.43719843
File: 222 KB, 702x1000, unknown70b0c14ed58d6b691f71ef91b2b4c5b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just Love Plus, although that wouldn't really help you right now.

>> No.43719939

>Study steady
That scene at the end of the common route drags FOREVER. I almost dropped it. Good otherwise

>> No.43720320
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to turn half the thread into more of me bitching about Gikei, but I just finished the second route and it has one of the most bizarre endings I've ever seen in a VN. MC comes up with an elaborate plan to lure the villain into a trap, they go on about it at least a couple hours working on every detail, they start going on a journey to hokkaido where they'll entrap the villain, they arrive at the shore and then the villain shows up and shoots MC in the head and the route ends. It feels like the author got bored or ran out of time writing the route and had to move you along to the true route, I've read bad ends less anticlimatic and with more closure.
Pic unrelated

>> No.43720501


>> No.43720535

this is how you end up in adult diapers at the age of 30

>> No.43720614

(also a summer game)

>> No.43721038

Rather unnecessary.

>> No.43721480

That's a shame because kurumi has a wonderful charadesign and a cute personality, I was really looking forward to her route

>> No.43721495

if you really like her I would still read her route, it's not as bad as the other anons are saying just not as exciting compared to amane or noah
it's still a solid moege route with a lot of cute and funny moments

>> No.43721505
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a bad route, it's just not as good as the others, especially Amane's. Suffers from the classic VN trope of let's introduce a new character and make half the route about them instead.

>> No.43721742

Do you miss "who dun it?" murder mysteries in eroge? Was playing Doop and it reminded me how The Thing basically dominated Japanese pop culture.

>> No.43721784

WHAT are you doing with these resolutions, man?

>> No.43722648
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>> No.43722674
File: 1.45 MB, 1063x1500, 1657475601556503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there is an anon here who reads this shit
The last edition just got uploaded

>> No.43722713

>kurumi has a wonderful charadesign
Is literally a gyaru wih vtuber hair

>> No.43722734

>vtuber hair
That's how gyaru dye their hair nowadays anon

>> No.43723172

Are gyarus still a thing in Japan?

>> No.43723548

i don't live there so take this with a grain of salt, but whenever i hear writers and vtubers talk about it, they say they never see them around these days. i suspect it's just evolved into something unrecognizable from the trope.

>> No.43723566 [DELETED] 


>> No.43723755 [DELETED] 


>> No.43723796

a bit late, but i enjoyed https://vndb.org/v1049 very very fucking much. extremely comfy vn
also aneimo 2 https://vndb.org/v256

>> No.43724101

I've got autism and can't play winter games during the summer. On the flip side I get to work on some summer games that I had on my backlog, thinking of finally reading Aozora

>> No.43724130

>I've got autism and can't play winter games during the summer.
That's normal

>> No.43724132

I honestly thought that anon was just an aussie at first

>> No.43724164 [DELETED] 

VN server

>> No.43724361

interesting art and setting but this game has a 60 on EGS...not that i trust EGS completely since most people who read eroge are retards

>> No.43724395

never trust review scores, especially fucking eroge review scores. if you think it looks good, read it and find out if you like it or not

>> No.43724413

>mfw I'm a tropical monkey.
Glad I don't have the seasonal 'tism or I'd just be stuck with Nukitashi.

>> No.43724440

>Trusting the score of npcs
Now tell me who is the real fool here

>> No.43724619

sorry for your loss

>> No.43724718
File: 1.32 MB, 1500x1500, eb_stamp04---.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desperado FD when...

>> No.43724726

People tend to yearn for what they don't have, in my case im from a place where it never snows so i tend to like winter settings more for the coziness of it.

>> No.43724757

Why are there so few autumn VNs? Summer and Winter get plenty, Spring has some thanks to sakura obsession, but for autumn there's barely anything

>> No.43724783

look i am twelve do one thing i am not happy
listen to my voice for a time and realize i am unhappy
if you think i am happy and you rape me my mother will smash your brains
do one thing and enter my mind instead; don't use your penis

>> No.43725153

The remake looks so bad... OG charadesign was the cutest

>> No.43725174

Swan Song.

>> No.43725291

There's nothing related to it beyond how beautiful the scenery looks.
There's always asairo at least.

>> No.43725423

at least it gets one of the best ever https://vndb.org/v1483

>> No.43725556
File: 46 KB, 553x647, 1469381698607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially I thought to myself there is no way Senren Banka's MC isn't the biggest cocksucker homolord but now I understand. Were I in his shoes I'd uncontrollably hug and cuddle and head pat Murasame; I would never give her a moment of relief, just basically fuse with her. You can't life like that, your daily life would be a goner. He's a smarter and bigger man than me. I respect him now!

>> No.43725947

I had a bunch of summer titles lined up but after doing a few I'm tired of the heat and have to take a break with winter games.

>> No.43726160

thanks for all the reccs bros, these are great. i’m set until winter comes back for real

>> No.43726245

I play winter VNs in summer and summer VNs in winter.

>> No.43726293

I will play Noble Works and yes I will only do Mayas route.

>> No.43726920
File: 1.42 MB, 1143x831, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43727179

The prose in Sakura Moyu really isn’t that bad. I expected way worse from how bitterly people bitch about it desu.

>> No.43727194

Never trust this thread.

>> No.43727218

If you think senren banka mc is bad wait until you see the cafe stella's one

>> No.43727232

in classic yuzu fashion they both act like different people in different routes
senren banka MC's denseness is forced super hard in murasame's route, cafe stella MC turns in to an absolute freak in mei's route

>> No.43727235

prose only exists on a macro scale. Once you learn to read on a micro scale, prose no longer exists.

>> No.43727245

Wouldn’t it be the opposite

>> No.43727288

Interesting, i never read murasame route but i did read the other 3 and he seemed to be pretty much the same.

>> No.43727315

Muramase is the only attractive girl though

>> No.43727526

nah it's pretty bad senpai. wait till you hit the true route.

>> No.43727647

Maybe. I read all three heroine routes up until now and never found it bothersome.

>> No.43727790
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x960, 1655598580183788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A molecule of water has struck my clothing. I am going to contract the dreaded Japanese Giga Cold and fucking die.

>> No.43727800


>> No.43727829

I heard mystery/whodunnit still very popular for standard novel in Japan, you might want to check those out.

>> No.43727869

You faggot Westoids keep sperging about this when there's some nugget of truth to this. Being drenched in cold water can lower the body's resistance.

>> No.43727875

Try not having the immune system of a 60 year old man and you'll be fine.

>> No.43727947

That's rich coming from a NEET who screeches at the thought of going outside.

>> No.43727969
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain this

>> No.43727970

This assumes that the hikikomori NEET lives in a sterile clean environment, but I would highly doubt that.

>> No.43728023

Has anybody tested Claude's 100k context model as a potential translation tool for VNs? I'd like to see if it has any potential given that the massive 100k context would, at least in theory, allow it to translate while using a massive amount of preceding and succeeding text for better contextual accuracy.

I'd be glad to do any tests you all want to suggest to see whether or not its translation capability is anywhere beyond mediocre/machine translation-tier. If nothing else, the translations might at least be bad enough for the thread to laugh at for a bit.

>> No.43728194
File: 302 KB, 1600x900, RE:D_Cherish!red_cherish (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand, Eternity Blood focusing solely on Unica was definitely the right move and significantly improved the game by not having to add to additional routes that don't really do anything.
On the other hand, goddamn do I love Des and wish she got more attention.

>> No.43728228

I walk in the rain with no problems tho

>> No.43728269

>Is literally a gyaru wih vtuber hair
Anon, gradient hair or multicolored hair where the inner is a different color than the outer (it has a specific term I forget the name of) is a fashion trend in Japan for the past couple years both in real life and in anime/manga. Vtubers, anime, manga, VNs, etc, don't create style or design trends, they imitate existing ones.

>> No.43728285

There was that Indian hobo who never bathed who was disgusting as fuck, but lived to be immune to several diseases. Are the rest of us doing it wrong?

You might have a different sort of issue if you do it regularly.

>> No.43728512

any advice for a beginner vn when you've just finished a core 2k deck. something easy but a little challenging

>> No.43728516

anything from Yuzusoft, Tonework's, or Anim Mother & Wife.

>> No.43728525

Cafe Stella

>> No.43728527
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>> No.43728536

yuzuge are a terrible rec because they're going to take a beginner literally 120+ hours to finish

>> No.43728540

So what? It's not about speed, it's about practice.

>> No.43728544

it just feels demotivating to slog away at the same game forever

>> No.43728554

I agree but it depends on what we mean by beginner.
It's only long, as far as VNs go it doesn't get much easier, so if you're ready for VNs at all..

>> No.43728573

>It's only long, as far as VNs go it doesn't get much easier
there's like a million short titles that are on the same level or even easier
yuzuge tend to have some kind of super-natural backstory going on with a couple of loredumps and even short fight scenes

>> No.43728618

Can't argue with that

>> No.43728666

Anyone play this? Antivirus is bitching about the .exe, but I'm assuming it's fine.
I played very little of SofthouseChara stuff, so I can always fall back on that.

>> No.43728694

he wants a lil bit of challenge, it should be fine

>> No.43728746

Not a VN. Console vidya tends to be on the easy side, especially if it came out before 2000.

>> No.43728859
File: 126 KB, 1280x741, cwev_52a_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got around to finishing Chiwas route in the latest Hooksoft release. The only thing I felt after was "Yup, that was most certainly a Hooksoft game".

>> No.43728890

Check out this site https://jpdb.io/visual-novel-difficulty-list.. I personally recommend this https://vndb.org/v16150 because it's nice and short and relatively easy. Those kind of single heroine nukige are good when you're just starting out in general. I really don't understand this >>43728540 sentiment, those games are boring as shit if you have to spend that much time on them and you're probably just gonna burn out.

>> No.43728897

I played it, my antivirus wasn't doing anything so idk

>> No.43729338

You can just use Win10 LTSC. Nothing but security updates, no bullshit no telemetry, supported until 2027

>> No.43730077

>no telemetry
imagine believing this lmao

>> No.43730284

Did you enjoy the game?

>> No.43730414

Well, not that much, it was way too much lighthearted every fight is turned into a joke so there is no catharsis or whatever even against the last boss, besides, the gameplay was worse than your average mobile game, it's a step back of 20y some gags were fine though, and I like Nan's art and some seiyuus so I still read it until the end, even if it's full vanilla unlike evenicle

>> No.43730434

No one is forcing him to complete every route though, the usual would be reading only the one from the girl he likes the most(and that's pretty much how every moege should be).

>> No.43730884

My completionist autism won't allow that

>> No.43730931

What VN has made you cry the most?

>> No.43730933


>> No.43730945

I didn't mean crying from your dick

>> No.43730978

Clannad then.

>> No.43730995
File: 256 KB, 1212x678, Screenshot_2023-06-13_09-08-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear. Their objective with her must've been to make her as annoying as possible. Even the appearance is obnoxious.

>> No.43731014
File: 12 KB, 586x121, 1685400940373782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in EOP land.

>> No.43731024

Will you really sit through hours of some girl you don't give a fuck about?

>> No.43731050

NTA, but yes.

>> No.43731055

nta but I usually read all routes as well. If I'm not that interested in a heroine or the route is boring I just start speedreading. I only drop games if even the heroines I was interested in ended up having boring routes.

>> No.43731067


>> No.43731096

I do. 100% or drop really early in the common or some shit. Nothing in between.

>> No.43731133

hasshaku-sama is pretty sad

>> No.43731190

Isn't her gimmick that she's a former gyaru and still talks like it?

>> No.43731504
File: 190 KB, 1215x675, Screenshot_2023-06-13_11-00-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch. Didn't like her in the first place, but this I wouldn't forgive. I loathe people like this.

>> No.43731557

Utawarerumono, granted it was throughout the series mainly the duology

>> No.43732382

that can be a good thing because after he learns most of the vocab especially frequent in the work and internalizes the characters and the setting, he's going to basically have 100 hours of close to n+1 reading material.
you can go from like 1k to 7-10k reading speed with your first vn if it's long. experiencing that kind of progress is extremely motivating in itself

but I'm not saying a yuzuge is the best choice. that'll just depend on personal preferences.

>> No.43732450
File: 220 KB, 2106x443, unhapy maher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about the CG changes but not that they made the sprites hideous. Are the new routes at least good?

>> No.43732521

When you line up the sprites like this the theory that someone else is working under the name of koku makes more sense, like what happened to nanao.

>> No.43732532

both look shit

>> No.43732575

The first is a significant downgrade (I'm assuming the old is on the left). The rest is basically the same.

>> No.43732670

The third is terrible, hair looks like shit

>> No.43732677

>Big downgrade
>Small downgrade
>Big downgrade
>Slight improvement
>Small downgrade

>> No.43732688

>Characters are fatter

>> No.43732701

i actually like koku so it's a win for me

>> No.43732739

>I like koku
We know *zip*

>> No.43732755
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, tenshin_1686691668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banter between mc and gramps is the highlight of this vn

>> No.43732767

Kurumi > amane, no need to get upset contrarian taboofags. kazuki fumi is shit and so are your overrated taboos.

>> No.43732768

We had a discussion like this a feel threads ago. It seems like some nips are also not very happy about the changes.
Though I haven't seen anyone comment about the added scenario.

>> No.43732776

Alice's face looks a bit off, could just be that specific sprite.
I liked Yayoi's old hair color more but prefer the new body.
Maia got a bushier tail.
Saki and Keiko got it the worst for some reason, might just be me too used to their old style.

>> No.43732865

Keiko actually looks better

>> No.43732901
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x1500, 748936983446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the most gallant and cute girlboy

>> No.43732934

I don't mind the CG changes but some of these sprites are huge downgrades. Was thinking of playing the older versions since you spend more time looking at sprites than CGs but it would be such a pain skipping to the new content after.

>> No.43732993

You can still read the original, pretty sure the new content is only in the FD

>> No.43733175

Thanks for the comments anon.
I thought they could have made another chuushingura but it sounds like they didnt wanna try.

>> No.43733297
File: 663 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost yummy tummy time.

>> No.43733417

Going to be reading it for the first time.

>> No.43733503

Thanks anon.
>Kazuki Fumi is listening to vtuber livestreams while doing work
>Ou Jackson was living in various hotels during corona times because it was so cheap

>> No.43733558

Putting off from reading this paid off

>> No.43733644
File: 624 KB, 1025x526, 黒人VS白人_i0FdL3XqlL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43733779

many such cases

>> No.43733793

Do PIN-POINT games normally have atrocious voice acting or was I just unlucky and picked an exceptionally bad one?

>> No.43733869

Why is there political commentary in my interracial NTR?

>> No.43733904

just suck it up and read hanahira

>> No.43733955

I thought you guys were joking when you said you wanted to try that eroge...

>> No.43734585

The art in this was so awful.

>> No.43734634

Is Princess Lover still worth playing?

>> No.43734712

Had the first impression that it was a bit too low quality, but now I'll read this one.

>> No.43735209

any reason why sometimes manko and chinchin are beeped? it seems pointless

>> No.43735265

that's Japanese modesty

>> No.43735275
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x960, 黒人VS白人~パワーセックスの虜になった妻~黒人VS白人.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought you guys were joking when you said you wanted to try that eroge...
I didn't just try it, I beat it (or really, skimmed tapping on ctrl now and then).
It's a pretty bad ntrgame and way worse than a lot of pin-point's other games, they can do so much better. That said, it's unintentionally very, very funny so maybe worth a skim for that.
Me on the right.

>> No.43735351

Seiyuu used to think they had a future in anime and didn't want those recording to exist, doesn't happen much nowadays since eroge seiyuu stay stuck on eroge.

>> No.43735426

this looks like shit and i'm not one to be typically put off by for lack of a better term smutty art styles

>> No.43735652

I always preferred the artist that did Keiko. Less.. rocket titty, and generally just more pleasing to me.
Though honestly, I'm not really interested in a bonus scenario as Hapymaher was already doing the same thing plenty of times. Only half of the game (and half of the fd) are actually content, the other half is just redoing the same thing once more. What would a new scenario bring? More recycling? Probably.

It's an issue with the writer. I like what they do, but all their works have copious amounts of reusing already finished plot points. The most harmless in Fake Azure Arcology, where every route basically has the same story, so you can just skip every route past the one of the main girl. Which you'll have to do, if you want to get her epilogue. But in Hapimaher it's not that easy, as the common route story can be recycled in the heroine route and then once more in the FD. As much as I liked Keiko, that was so fucking bad.

Looks like dude works for Navel now. Never checked it out actually. Seems short, so it might actually not be filled with writing quota content.

>> No.43736358

People would have been happy with just extra scenario
What a waste of time and effort
Could have allocated that for a new game instead

>> No.43737473

Was Hapymaher worth reading?

>> No.43738320

Anyone have 女体転姦 https://vndb.org/v28018
The creator took it off dlsite it looks like

>> No.43739226
File: 519 KB, 641x478, poorryou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting CLANNAD after story today. Last route I finished was Kappei, was not a big fan of the route to be honest. Feel a little weird about using spoilers for an almost 20 year old game with an anime adaption that everyone's watched, but just in case I guess: I'm not an oncologist, but if you're already at the point with your osteosarcoma that you need to be hospitalized, doesn't that mean it has already spread out? The whole course of events was just rather bizarre. Eventually he goes for a bone grafting option which would mean he could still run at a competitive level but his doctors never bothered to inform him of this option? Just weird. Also did Ryou really have to suffer that much in two different routes? I feel for her.

>> No.43739529

I don't think anyone here has read the new one, you can go ahead and be the first one to share his impressions.

>> No.43739547

I meant the old one

>> No.43739684

it's sort of worth it purely for maia, get her "bad" end and then call it a day
i kind of liked the dream within a dream shenanigans, they lent the vn a very, well, dreamlike atmosphere
but other than that it was kind of shite and i wasn't a fan of any of the heroines

>> No.43739770

desu I'm only interested in Maia

>> No.43739852

then prepare to be massively cockblocked on every level
there's one (1) good scene in the game and for what it's worth it's pretty fucking good
but otherwise there's far too much not-maia in the game and the plot spends an awfully long time trying to tell you that you're not getting her and you should feel bad for wanting to

>> No.43739945

Why would they do this and then make her the best girl?

>> No.43739998

i have no fucking clue
typical nippon, create a best girl and then go "haha whoops you don't want that you want this infinitely shittier boring girl instead"
god damn remembering this stirred up a lot of long-buried seethe, i'm angry just thinking about it

let me amend that recommendation to "it's not fucking worth it"

>> No.43740130

my reika shizuru yuri scene...
my reika misuzu oyakodon...
I need it...

>> No.43740145

Thanks to whoever taught me about Magpie a few threads back by the way. It's great. I'm using ACNet since it seems to be the best scaling option. Any further tweaking considered standard I should know about when it comes to upscale VNs?

>> No.43740170

She isn't the best girl. Also the reason she's handled the way she is is because story.

If it'd be a nukige, it'd be a different thing. Her role was fine. She played it well.

>> No.43740218
File: 45 KB, 473x139, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it done on purpose?

>> No.43740240

I don't just want to fuck her I want her to be my wife, can I do this?

>> No.43740492

I hate EOP so much bros... I just want to play some cozy early 2000 vn and they're all prepatched in english I'll never be able to play to heart 2 or ONE this is unfair

>> No.43740534

Those patches are usually a separate file you can just delete, maybe you can experiment with it, unless it's different for old games

>> No.43740540

jesus fucking christ you can learn japanese but not find a raw version of a visual novel? get outta here

>> No.43740580

Raw VNs are easy to find. raw manga is the real hardmode

>> No.43740606

Very true, if anyone can find me any scanned volume of the White Album 2 manga I'll give them a cookie and a rimjob

>> No.43740610

>raw manga is the real hardmode
can confirm this one and I barely read any manga. I feel bad for manga fags.

>> No.43740612


>> No.43740643

i can find 99% of the vn I want to read but those two are just hard to get

just go to a-zmanga anon

i can only find them prepatched. I need to look for a way to "depatch" them which I don't know if it's possible or not

>> No.43740667

Acnet is too destructive.
I suggest fsrcnnx_lineart or if you want something in-between I think other people use some kind of an anime4k.

>> No.43740673
File: 1.33 MB, 819x666, >file.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love stumbling onto little things like this.

>> No.43740736

make do with that you stupid fucking faggot. now get out and don't come back for at least a month

>> No.43740821
File: 817 KB, 1412x1080, 2023-06-14 11_37_34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using ACNet and it looks pretty good.

>> No.43740824

I find funny how in panda chinese and westerners are starting a war with R18 doujinshi and they won't upload the raws, instead, they translate and upload the translation and never share the raws.
What a time to be alive

>> No.43740925

thank you kind anon, you have a good heart

>> No.43741164

Chinks have been doing that since forever and it's always been super annoying.
Fapping to the pretty pictures+the preview at dlsite for the story is not the same.

>> No.43741197
File: 289 KB, 828x796, 1683056149971322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-get out

>> No.43741209

Kim's so cute. Heroines like him?

>> No.43741282

>I suggest fsrcnnx_lineart
It does look a bit sharper. I'll run with it and see about it, thanks.

>> No.43741305

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.43741351

mental illness

>> No.43741364

Stallman forgive me. I use FOSS but I sin by playing eroge.

>> No.43741371

Ryou is a slut who only likes Tomoya because he's an edgy delinquent despite never really having talked to him. You're supposed to realize this after playing Kappei's route where she talks about raping Kappei while he's sleeping and finishing Kyou's where she gets a new boyfriend straight away in the epilogue.

>> No.43741513

Tell them that in the character popularity poll, they're taking suggestions

Some manga has never been scanned and is out of print so your best bet is to buy it secondhand

>> No.43741534

>i can only find them prepatched. I need to look for a way to "depatch" them which I don't know if it's possible or not
To remove the patch usually you just need to remove a file without needing to dabble with the .exe, that's how devs usually put normal patch too, especially for a kirikiri engine game
You can easily tell which file to delete usually by just sorting the files based on date creation/modification
I sometimes downloaded chink patched games because I can't find original version alive and I only need to delete the chink text file to get the game run with the original Japanese text

>> No.43741535
File: 185 KB, 1239x712, 1647401111231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43741589
File: 93 KB, 983x1024, 1655773384084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linux shimaitachis...

>> No.43741591

Holy based

>> No.43741612

I will change this... I'll make my own FOSS eroge...

>> No.43741625

The funny part about this image is that linux is actually pretty great for games now (thanks valve). The only engine I've run into that shits the bed completely in wine is Malie.

>> No.43741634

Most games with movies still crash whenever they play. Either that or two minutes of blackscreen. Includes live2D scenes.

>> No.43741645

Yeah I am aware. I actually did use linux around the time of that image and remember always having problems in that area. I was also a lot younger and dumber though so that certainly didn't help either.

>> No.43741652

>Most games with movies still crash whenever they play
99% of the time you're just missing codecs and shit. Install them and it's fine. If the developers actually hardcoded windows media player, install that too.

>> No.43741675

Why did you use Hapymaher to soapbox about your anti-Jap crying, Chang?

>> No.43741759

seemed as good a segue as any
i'll stop being mad at them when they get some taste in fictional women in porn powerpoints

>> No.43741780

installing from disk or iso is painful

>> No.43741806

She has a very short route in the FD

>> No.43741878

I would say it's less painful than windows because you can just use mount and not have to worry about garbageware like daemontools or whatever people use these days.

>> No.43741931

"just use mount" has never worked for me for vn isos but maybe I suck

>> No.43741941

They are based for giving lolis and their orbiters the short end of the stick.

>> No.43741962

How is it possible that you can't mount an iso and click on an .exe file and yet you're using a Linux distribution?

>> No.43741966

mount myeroticgame.iso /media/cdrom -o loop

>> No.43741976

New Bishop and Bishoujou Mangekyou games announced, but I guess none of you care about this kind of games.

>> No.43741983
File: 143 KB, 547x441, 1685845206245423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43741985

Do you mean the yuki onna one? We've been talking about that for ages, catch up

>> No.43741994

I don't frequent this thread since I care mostly about porn.

>> No.43742004

We need more nukige posters desu.

>> No.43742006

the installer exe usually shits the bed

>> No.43742016

Most nukige are garbage not worth fapping to

>> No.43742019

LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine install.exe works fine here

>> No.43742024

>Most nakige are garbage not worth crying to
et cetera, not worth wasting time arguing about this endless shit.

>> No.43742034

Maybe you could be more specific? I just installed Noble Works on Arch despite never having done it before and it worked on the first try. Make sure you have the right components installed and Japanese locale, see >>43742019.

>> No.43742044

if the disk contents aren't encrypted I just extract the iso

>> No.43742073

Nakige work to the strengths of VN as a medium though, nukige mostly suck unless they're very well produced or fulfilling your degenerate niche fetish

>> No.43742079

Besides the guy playing clannad who sometimes drop his thoughts, most people talk about eroge here
Im literally reading one right now

>> No.43742087

He just told you that he didn't want to argue about him liking nukige and you start arguing with him again.

>> No.43742096

Most people play moege not nukige, porn:not porn ratio too low

>> No.43742108

>porn:not porn ratio too low
Not true in modern moege

>> No.43742125

Sana Edition

>> No.43742137

can't believe it's happening

>> No.43742142

it's pretty low if you're just looking to jerk off unless you're a NEET okay edging five hours to a bunch of whores spouting shimoneta

>> No.43742159

>but I guess none of you care about this kind of games.
Kek speak for yourself even if Bishop is a one trick pony. They're really good at that one trick.

>> No.43742163

I will be doing Airi's route first then Sana. Maybe Sakuno if I feel like it.

>> No.43742172

I"ve been starving for an eroge featuring bestiality. This fetish fell hard across all porn platforms.

>> No.43742174
File: 305 KB, 357x492, rwcXmpXvrIRsBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks when they start to shit the bed at their one trick, though. Still disappointed.

>> No.43742193

Is their latest game that bad? Everywjere else I've read said it's just the same ol formula and I don't mind that.

>> No.43742202

It is, except no group H-scenes, no pregnant H-scenes (duh) and fewer H-scenes than Tomefure despite having more characters. Also the ending was complete garbage. The H-scenes were still hot though, so it wasn't a complete waste.

>> No.43742221

>no group
Oh no no no no. That's like if KFC took out one of its sacred spices. Something must've gone wrong in production.

>> No.43742274
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x4320, 1665002938005614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My HDD were i had all my important stuff including vns and multimedia i collected for almost a decade is failing and i can't access to it
Despite reading different utsuge and moege, for the first time in my life im experiencing what it feels to have suicidal thoughts.

>> No.43742291

happened to me last month with 1 HDD, welcome to despair.
Seriously, try at least to recover a list of everything you got in there, then start looking in the various forums/communities/trackers and so on to recover your stuff.

>> No.43742372

I prefer RAVU_Zoom_R3. It has decent sharpness, doesn't destroy details much, has decent performance, and could upscale any resolution.

>> No.43742402

Buy another drive (preferrably SSD) and use recovery software to the dying drive and salvage what you can.

>> No.43742748


>> No.43743123

>he finally found it

>> No.43743182

Lol >>43743156

>> No.43743194
File: 14 KB, 768x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty good
remove restore if your gpu can't handle it

>> No.43743223
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upscale_ul for oldge if your gpu can handle it

>> No.43743411

>(preferrably SSD)
That one that broke was an SSD, and it can't be recognized by anything, not even an external dock.
Must have been a mechanical fault, happened out of the blue, the PC didn't recognized anymore after turning it on like normal. I do daily checks, no faulty sector or any clicking, no reason at all....

>> No.43743461
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x4608, 1679678827335090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly i lost so much shit and i don't want to start from scratch again, i even had some old vns that i had to download from weird chinese sites under shitty servers that limit your speed to 100kbp/s because i couldn't find it anywhere else like 5 years ago
Ill try to do what i can but i think most of it is fried.
Sorry for the offtopic shit, have another collage pic i liked to make, found it through the /v/ archives. Sadly i lost all of these with my HDD.

>> No.43743468

If it was an 980 Pro, 990, 970 EVO PLUS, the problem was a faulty firmware.

>> No.43743487

>If it was an 980 Pro, 990, 970 EVO PLUS, the problem was a faulty firmware.
What can be done in that case?

>> No.43743516

You need to (well, had to if its broken now) update the firmware.
Google "980 firmware fault" or something.
I remember there were bunch of news about this and there was a /g/ thread as well >>>/g/91330134

>> No.43743528

>Also did Ryou really have to suffer that much in two different routes?
YES. Fuck that ugly, stealing horoscope bitch. She didn't suffer enough and even got rewarded after ruining Kyou's route.

>> No.43743530

Why did I hover over the spoiler... I was actually enjoying it, but that first one is ridiculous.

>> No.43743538

>You need to (well, had to if its broken now) update the firmware.
No way to salvage it now?

>> No.43743540

It was probably for the best that you did. The letdown will be less severe.

>> No.43743542

How? I could be enjoying the next 10 hours and then be disappointed at the end. Now I'm not gonna enjoy it but still have to finish it.

>> No.43743561

I just can't care about bishop games until they start doing something different.

>> No.43743572

Mashifoni correct reading order:
Sakuno because imoutos deserve love
Ange because fuck maids
Miu because true route

>> No.43743599

Couldn't read eroge for 2 months because of an injury. Now I don't know if I should continue Sakutoki, start Yuzu, or wait for Sana.

>> No.43743614

SSDs that fail fail suddenly. Get a bunch of cheap 8TB HDDs and use ZFS with redundancy.

>> No.43743688

Just checked, it's a 860 EVO.

>> No.43743875


>> No.43743881

wow that looks good

>> No.43743890

Why are you still using upscalers instead of just having AI redraw the CGs?

>> No.43743901

I like Airi, shes a classic tsundere that doesnt beat the shit out of the protagonist like Sana does.

>> No.43743935


>> No.43743972

>upscale_ul for oldge
could you show your effects besides that? or is it just upscale ul?
that is the first magpie screenshot i've seen that doesn't look like melted shit

>> No.43743977
File: 267 KB, 1350x950, 438689346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NBR heroines need love too

>> No.43744276

kys dinuz/Nemesis2005/Necessary_Pool/Healthy-Nebula364

>> No.43744427

New thread:


>> No.43745060

There is still no release date, but the harem scenes come later:
