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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43697193 No.43697193 [Reply] [Original]

guide: http://learnjapanese.moe/routine

previos: >>43685966

>> No.43697289

it's funny. DeepL will arbitrarily produce better results when you translate japanese to either English (US) or English (UK).

>> No.43697506

I don't know where else to ask this because /lit/ and /his/ are shitholes and this seems like the best place.
Where can I find good academic history books or articles on the Nara period in Japan? I can read Chinese so any resource in English or Japanese is fine.
Also, is there a good resource for learning Japanese if I already am conversational in Chinese and can read their newspapers, or should I start from scratch with kana?

>> No.43697543

this is the absolute worst place to ask this question, i've tried something similar
>I can read Chinese
chinks need the rope

>> No.43697555

maybe ask on the chinese internet?

>> No.43697570

I'm not Chinese and I can't understand their written slang, it's like trying to decipher niggerzoomerspeak.

>> No.43697576

"people" who learn chink of their own volition deserve the rope

>> No.43697583

well you learned it for a reason may as well make use out of it :)

>> No.43697761

i dont agree with that. china was basically the only highly advanced civilization outside of europe

>> No.43697768

>raped by literal mongs

>> No.43697781
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>> No.43697780

who didnt get raped back then? it was a different time

>> No.43697809

misheard 韓国人 as 黒人 because she slurred her words

>> No.43697945
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You need to read about 12,000 words per day to reach fluency. This means roughly 2+ hours of reading per day.

>> No.43697951

acquired 乳首

>> No.43697956

acquired ケツ

>> No.43697980

so can japanese women actually have pink nipples? it seems most have dark nipples, but i swear ive seen porn where some have pink nipples.
is it just a random genetic trait?

>> No.43697982

welcome to learning jp day 2

>> No.43697988

you can bleach them
ive seen it on knight scoop

but some have natually pink too

>> No.43698034

only the pure have pink nipples. that's what they believe.

>> No.43698128

this is what happens when a 119 iq tries to be clever

>> No.43698132

fact: you don't know japanese

>> No.43698157

please stop talking about iq

>> No.43698163
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wtf is the difference between a クモの網 and a くもの巣? does くもの巣 refer to just anything the spider lives in (in most cases the web, but sometimes a burrow), while クモの網 is always the web? goo.ne.jp defines each as the other...

>> No.43698219

both mean essentially the same, but you'd use one over the other in different contexts

>> No.43698289

Can the Japanese read upside down like we can with English?

>> No.43698329

depends on their IQ. if you took that IQ test someone posted yesterday, you saw one of the tests was about rotating figures and recognizing if they're the same

>> No.43698336

So women can't read upside down?

>> No.43698344

you can't

>> No.43698347

Day 32: Just done playing FF4 and I'm getting closer toward the end of Sakubi.

>> No.43698424

I've been using core2k/6k along with playing text hooked VNs for a while now and I'm surprised that I'm already "done" with the deck, as in it's not giving new cards anymore. I guess I'll just build my own deck from here on out using whatever new words I find in my games.

>> No.43698475

How many new cards a day were you doing?

>> No.43698477

they bleach them only yt people have naturally pink nips

>> No.43698484
File: 11 KB, 847x72, image (26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof todayt I finished a little faster than yesterday it seem like my brain start to pick up and memorize some of the deck.

>> No.43698617

naaaaah aint no way on god this nigga finna do be using sakubi in 2023

>> No.43698626

think it's an elaborate troll?

>> No.43698632

i think youre cringe

>> No.43698637

nah i'm based you're cringe

>> No.43698642

based in shit

>> No.43698646

talking about shit is cringe

>> No.43698654

you really wanna spend your weekend getting owned in djt kiddo?

>> No.43698663


>> No.43698758

saku this

>> No.43698776

i stopped caring about the japanese language when i started eating unwashed japanese pussy

>> No.43698812
File: 39 KB, 340x265, 2023-05-25_18-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno what to do this weekend

>> No.43698817

read 繰り返す as ayatsurikaesu

>> No.43698845

how many words did you mine before reading was comfy

>> No.43698853

reading what? even if you mine 60k words you will still be uncomfortable if someone puts the 古事記 in front of you

>> No.43698862

yeah because they would probably be gay

>> No.43698869

i wanted to learn one word for every inch of dick but i had to come up with more to get enough
thats why i called it a dictionary

>> No.43698870


>> No.43698898

i rolled a d20 and got 11, interpret that how you must

>> No.43698920


>> No.43698928
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>> No.43698936


>> No.43698966

not doing reps today, u cant make me

>> No.43698987

dame, been stuck cooming to ai babes since stable diffusion came out. really hurting my jap gains

>> No.43699008
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>> No.43699010

How do you boys get in your conversational practice?
I'm making decent progress on building my vocabulary and grammar. but will still come across as a complete retard in conversation. Are there any decent AIs for both spoken conversation and written/typed conversation?
Google-fu reveals the existence of the latter, but I don't know which ones are half-way decent.

>> No.43699024

just talk to people that you don't mind thinking that you're a retard

>> No.43699089

Does playing Japanese audio on repeat while I sleep count as immersion?

>> No.43699093

Only if it's succubus hypnosis.

>> No.43699107

wait 家内 basically means inside the home? lol make me a sandwich

>> No.43699225

Are japanese people accepting of foreign trans folks?

>> No.43699230

I hope not

>> No.43699235


>> No.43699267

becuz we're interested in japan because it's not the usa

>> No.43699272

nobody is

>> No.43699281

America is not friendly towards trans folks.

>> No.43699287

>spent an hour trying to decipher a single long sentence
>eventually realize that i was literally reading an idiom which was causing all the confusion
>it was pretty straightforward after all

>> No.43699292

one day i hope you realize the truth

>> No.43699316

I already have

>> No.43699331

you would have joined the 41% if you had

>> No.43699332

its not even worth talking to it

>> No.43699397

where did all the namefags go in the past year

>> No.43699403

your moms house

>> No.43699429

it's a long story and i'm not the one to tell it

>> No.43699448

mlen happened
not a long story

>> No.43699450

yes u are

>> No.43699487

>ni can be translated as "by"
>"watashi ni wa ____" = "____ by me"
why do these little things take so long to click

>> No.43699489

How the fuck do I never see 暖かい. Pretty fucked up

>> No.43699499

>>"watashi ni wa ____" = "____ by me"
that's not right though

>> No.43699548

thank you 4chan for exposing me to 中出し more often than any srs system ever will

>> No.43699669

i think you mean "to me"

>> No.43699683

when your friends and family associate studying japanese as being a core part of your identity
today my brother law explained figuring out a problem we were having while fixing a bike by telling me, "thinking of it as if you were studying japanese..."

>> No.43699714
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>> No.43699744
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>> No.43699850
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wait did u guys hear about this new anime coming out うちの会社の小さい先輩の話
holy based

>> No.43699859

>lolis with huge boobs
I think I'm going to be sick

>> No.43699877




>> No.43699895
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>> No.43699941

what time do your reps reset
so far mine is just at default, 4 hours after midnight

>> No.43700134

6 am

>> No.43700174

>uhhh bro you need to know all the days of the week, all the planets, how to count in the つ, 個, 日, 年, 月, 分, 回, 人, 台, 本 and 枚 counters before you can consider yourself n5

>> No.43700187

that doesn't sound too unreasonable at all

>> No.43700196
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>> No.43700200

yes 115-125 wordcels are the worst. there is a disgusting epidemic of wordy/philosophical understandings of things in the vain of "to be a ripened apple is the act of having matured". just empty vapid low resolution nonsense. always put respect on the mathematics types.

>> No.43700226

can confirm i spent the evening fixing a japanese bike plus i like working out

>> No.43700238

i unironically talk to and have phone sex with japanese women in their 40s-50s
i meet them on skypech

>> No.43700243

if i told them i have a skinny/thin white dick would they be turned off and hang up

>> No.43700249

idk try

>> No.43700258

idk japanese

>> No.43700281

most of them dont need to see your dick anyway

>> No.43700290

Don't learn the stroke order just draw shit in whatever way you want

>> No.43700304

Stroke order is 99% intuitive once you internalize the patterns. The hard part is remembering which pieces to use.

>> No.43700306

anyone ever read the bible in japanese? i'mt thinking it would be kino.

>> No.43700309

the hard part is not dying from boredom cuz that shit gay

>> No.43700321

If I wasn't an expert at enduring boredom I wouldn't be posting here.

>> No.43700325


>> No.43700328

ive only ever had to write 2 kanji in my whole life

>> No.43700335

why ruin the cocoa nibs?

>> No.43700351

i do love fat oba(a)sans but my body definitely wants to impregnate some young skinny women
i dream of it all the time
wonder how they compare

>> No.43700666

4000th mined word was 泥酔

>> No.43700965
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don't mine words mine love

>> No.43700978
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>> No.43700990


>> No.43701536
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>> No.43701541


>> No.43701576

they're all gone and they're never coming back.
it's just you and me in here now.

>> No.43701612

alright screw this good night i'm going to the beach in the morning.

>> No.43701613
File: 364 KB, 1152x1536, A3B5EB71-6BC1-4F27-957C-8997173EA926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how sad

>> No.43701633

What happened to anal cream?

>> No.43701648

check ur ass

>> No.43701895

took me 30 seconds to get the 見たさの part

>> No.43701969

took me 20 seconds

>> No.43702270

watching yuu yuu hakusho, anime is too easy now

>> No.43702527


>> No.43702593

i want では to feel natural when i read or hear it

>> No.43702594

Pure listening practice

>> No.43702620

平仮名も読めないんだから, まして漢字は無理だ.

>> No.43702669

ちんぽ が うすすぎて 白い です

>> No.43702704


>> No.43702810

this is far from the most perverted thing i've seen come out from japan but something about the premise of this particular picture makes me really uncomfortable
i'm familiar with the meme but still this one is especially creepy for some reason

>> No.43702826

did another "finish japanese rep before bed and complete geography reps early in the morning"

>> No.43702849


>> No.43702851

yeah i like zundamon a lot too and she's still relatively untouched by the western world and i'd like to keep it that way のだ

>> No.43702857

i'm glad someone else here understands...

>> No.43702885



>> No.43702900

it's cause usually rape stuff either plays up the fact that it's horrible traumatic rape or does it with a very light or even humorous tone
this just does it so normally that it's freaky

>> No.43702901


>> No.43702910
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goood morning



>> No.43702911

meant for >>43702885

>> No.43702918
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whats the learning japanese alternative for this

>> No.43702933

its the vn AIR

>> No.43702934

Probs wanikani

>> No.43702942

i think it's also the fact that he image is implying that the feelings she develops from being taken advantage of is true love
perhaps from a woman's perspective not only is it especially traumatic they probably experience a level of 複雑 when it comes to their rapist
the idea of genuinely truly fully loving someone may seem impossible after that if you experience something like that

whoa playing the classics i see

>> No.43702945

i'd hope even most normal people realize duolingo sucks balls after a few weeks

>> No.43702946

probably JET or a similar program

>> No.43702974
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>> No.43703004

wonder how much of djt will understand this

>> No.43703011



>> No.43703062

is finishing core 6k in 2 years ok pace if mine on the side aswell?

>> No.43703072

why are you doing two decks

>> No.43703081

faster than analclown

>> No.43703101

Who was the guy that posted a picture of the kantai collection dog doujin where she started shooting lasers out of her hands? What was sauce

>> No.43703103

You should already know easily over 10k words 2 years in
Core decks lose their purpose in a couple months

>> No.43703118

literally pointless

>> No.43703182

dont know any words
im never gonna learn them
and dont even care

>> No.43703239
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good question

>> No.43703281


>> No.43703337

So finish the deck asap then focus on mining?

>> No.43703350

She started shooting the captain/commander cause he told he'd to have sex with it

>> No.43703429

What's a カケモ?

>> No.43703609

still a noob and i get owned by を during listening, thinking its the beginning of a word

>> No.43703976

djt always kikarete kurete arigatou

>> No.43704005


kyo wa ii denki desune

>> No.43704021

曲 of the day

>> No.43704040


>> No.43704131
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alright going to the beach now see you losers later

>> No.43704170

the best ones are the ones where they're cheating on you

>> No.43704238
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>Listen up Yotsuba, I'm a pro at catching cicadas.
I don't understand why this is causitive or why it is たら form.

>> No.43704291

pool's closed!

>> No.43704353

if you let me catch the cicadas

>> No.43704371

yotsuba to is intermediate level. read this instead https://mangareader.to/read/the-girl-i-like-forgot-her-glasses-1316/ja/volume-1

>> No.43704401


>> No.43704417

Why would that be causative and not potential?

>> No.43704480

do you plan on working in japan?
what's the most viable job for a foreigner over there other than teaching?

>> No.43704706


>> No.43704711

it’s actually “if you let me catch cicadas, i’m at a pro level” “in other words, a cicada pro”

>> No.43704718
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What color are their clothes? If you answer wrong, you are doomed to never make it.

>> No.43704724


>> No.43704726

oh nonono djt btfo!

>> No.43704753


>> No.43704791


>> No.43704828

blue and green

>> No.43704847
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Is my Japanese deck compromised?

>> No.43704887

i just learned 正々堂々 from Pokemon, i bet you have no idea what this means hehehe

>> No.43704902

learned it from わんわん三銃士 forty years ago

>> No.43704906

stfu all

>> No.43704911


>> No.43704947

just heard 豪華絢爛 for the thousandth time

>> No.43705112
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

最終回エモかった... (泣)

>> No.43705556

kyoku of the day

>> No.43705664

post it

>> No.43705678

went to the store and there was a kokujin there

>> No.43705718

my favorite type of japanese restaurant is the kind you only get in dying shopping malls across the us that only serve shitty teriyaki dishes and are fully staffed by mexicans
good stuff

>> No.43705807

ski dress, djt-kun

>> No.43705838
File: 716 KB, 1284x2778, 91A4922A-2956-464A-B1DC-485C2E144AF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt and dogen in shambles

>> No.43705870


>> No.43705907

>スキンシップ skinship
what the..

>> No.43705962

there’s nothing wrong with that

>> No.43705966

kogasa eye colored

>> No.43706009

when i see that word in doujin i get hard unless i've already masturbated a few times over the past couple days and have erectile dysfunction

>> No.43706107

>erectile dysfunction
are you old or something?

>> No.43706128


>> No.43706364

Peak JP humour

>> No.43706425

post your 直す card

>> No.43706439

obese and fap too much

>> No.43706475

love power level hiding shit like this

>> No.43706570

they already know that. the only people in shambles are the ones scammed by them

>> No.43706682

honestly feels good knowing vshitters' lives will never improve and they will forever be simping over an ugly woman pretending to be an anime child
couldn't be me!

>> No.43706700

cant improve perfection

>> No.43706729

rip おじさん

>> No.43706753


>> No.43706767
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>> No.43706792

bro random people lost fingers cuz of him

>> No.43706830

honestly starting to believe preindustrial society was the right thing for humans. things would be so much better without globohomo and the same 10 globocorps controlling society

>> No.43706863

now say that in japanese

>> No.43706888
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140s btfo

>> No.43706919

bugpeople cant comprehend

>> No.43706962
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>> No.43706988

honestly fine with not being a 167 freak

>> No.43707030

ao to aka

>> No.43707033

life before kouseibussitu was hell so no thanks

>> No.43707043

thus you will always be a slave

>> No.43707067

do you ever have any suicidal thoughts?

>> No.43707069

you sound like a clueless retard who'd cry like a bitch when his nose falls off from untreated syphilis

>> No.43707079


>> No.43707080

syphilis and almost all modern diseases were much more rare before globohomo and everyone being encouraged to fuck as many people as possible

>> No.43707088

life expectancy was down the shitter
idiots like you would be the first ones to go in preindustrial times btw

>> No.43707090
File: 71 KB, 1316x788, firefox_b5q3fjIGVz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are japanese diablo4 twitch streamers playing the necro the least?

>> No.43707092

stds only affect degenerates

>> No.43707094

that's crazy for someone with a life as pathetic as yours. must be a 2 digiter for sure

>> No.43707104

>t. statisticlet
post childhood it wasnt that different, just a lot more dead babies

>> No.43707107

dont forget all the normal weight people walking around, what horror. luckily we put a stop to that in our infinite wisdom

>> No.43707111

preindustrial life expectancy without including infant fatalities is about the same as today. the only thing in regards to life expectancy that has improved is infant mortality rate. not to mention we are now at a point in history where life expectancy is decreasing and will continue to decrease

>> No.43707120

didnt know nu djt had neoluddite hours. kinda based

>> No.43707133


>> No.43707144

I use a pitch accent deck just try to identify the drops. I wonder if that has an impact.

>> No.43707153

maybe something cultural.

>> No.43707156

maybe try to learn some basics about things before speaking on them

>> No.43707186
File: 280 KB, 1908x1080, FK5fSeHXoAIH7xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe try and get some bitches

>> No.43707190

>back then if you were 25 you were expected to live another 25 years
wow that's fucking sad
>nowadays if you're 25 you should expect to live another 55 years
much better

>> No.43707271

by what metric?

>> No.43707309

and how many times have you taken modern medicine in your life lol talk about pathetic

>> No.43707348
File: 1.70 MB, 275x206, 1536187124712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For longer sentences, how the fuck do you even start tacking them without your brain turning off? I know the context and I still have no fucking idea what Takamura from HnI is saying here.


I also hate people who do whatever they want and pick on others but, without always (?) , people who constantly keep silent and always (let them) do what they want also disgust me.

Tell me how close I got here please.

>> No.43707356

you don’t even understand the article you linked, literally the pot calling the kettle black

>> No.43707358

>I also hate people who do whatever they want and pick on others but, those who constantly keep silent and always (let them) do what they want also disgust me.
That's what I meant, I ctrl+z'd by mistake before sending.

>> No.43707437

the social thinker for 110 iq people. should've stuck to math

>> No.43707443

maybe try to learn some basics about things before speaking on them

>> No.43707467

you got it right bro heres my translation tho
i hate bullies but people who just stay quiet and take it in the ass make me sick

>> No.43707503

bruhs mia

>> No.43707505

wtf you nailed it. it's not that he's wrong but that his arguments were low resolution non-empirical bullshit. he should have picked up statistics and attempted to validate his hypotheses instead of just spewing stories that sound good.

>> No.43707518

he refolded out of existence

>> No.43707547

nope, that's retarded. and now we have genetic engineering on the horizon. even now we can use embyro screening to select the embryo that will almost guaranteed have a 5 IQ point advantage over an embryo you'd have at random:
and that's something we can do RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

>There are technologies on the horizon that will allow for significantly greater gains across all heritable traits, making possible gains of 4 or more standard deviations across multiple traits simultaneously.
>If AI doesn't destroy the world first, the next 30 years will likely see the greatest crop of geniuses and athletes the human species has ever produced. If we are wise and select for traits like kindness, altruism, and happiness in addition to health, attractiveness and intelligence, the children born with these benefits may be able to guide the human species through the incredible upheaval and instability we are likely to see over the next century.

luddites need to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out because in just a few more generations of suffering your descendants are going to be mental and athletic geniuses that are happy and have no mental illnesses. thank you technology, and fuck you ted. no i am not going to go live in the wilderness and get eaten alive by a grizzly bear you retarded autistic fuck. FUCK primitivism.

>> No.43707555

you wont catch up to me with just 5 points

>> No.43707566

my digit recall is really awful and made me realize how stupid i am even though my reasoning is above average. that's why 5 points wouldn't let me catch up to anon.

>> No.43707568
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>> No.43707572

>he doesnt understand that better is relative to a metric
sasuga sub 100s

>> No.43707577

tried all classes, cutthroat build is fun
bow skills suck though

>> No.43707579

wonder if this guy is happy or if his identity is still stuck in being a weirdo on twitter tweeting generic motivational advice that matt likes.

>> No.43707587

no they will be slaves of a few long nosed technocratic elites or inhabitants of a blasted nuclear wasteland
you retards are dumb as the communists with your perfect in theory bullshit

>> No.43707592

they made me take the digit test in middle school

>> No.43707595
File: 328 KB, 764x1023, nanpa masuta ni naritai wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43707614

finally gene editing is going to make it possible for gaijin to acquire Japanese
found a streamer on twitch once who looked similar to this, very cute. it turned out it was a man (male, korean). awkward
how can you criticize that when you're literally the negative image of perfect in theory? you take every single thing and automatically assume it will only make things worse, because that's what conforms to your dogma

>> No.43707615

>preindustrial life expectancy without including infant fatalities is about the same as today.
i saw a neat graph on twitter showing expected remaining years of life for every age bracket for primitive people and prospects were still pretty awful, with people who were 10 or 20 only living until they were 30 and 40, or something like that.

>> No.43707658

luddite faggots stay seething

>> No.43707662

matt vs japan and japan won

>> No.43707663

that's probably true, but to be fair it's also likely true that living a real life for 20 years feels like much longer than being immersed in screens, wage slavery, etc. for 50 years

>> No.43707674

do you trouble focusing on tasks for long?

>> No.43707676

>muh real life
absurd how you niggers always claim that everyone was so fulfilled

>> No.43707679

would u rather be a 150 virgin or a 105 with a wife

>> No.43707692 [DELETED] 

I'm not you niggers and I'm not claiming everyone was fulfilled

>> No.43707710
File: 11 KB, 719x71, 1605972492553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43707715

thats a myth. high iq boosts everything including social awareness but media has only popularized the autistic high iq trope

>> No.43707744

what an absurd strawman, this has nothing to do with dogma it has to do with rationality
is it more rational to assume the concentration of power resulting in censorship abuse and control will continue or that it will stop for some unknown reason?

>> No.43707762
File: 31 KB, 308x561, msedge_9ShtphSggZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes when the amount of numbers got to 6+ i get distracted and the numbers i was attempting to memorize would slip from my mind. but i still think i'd tap out at like 100 if i didn't lose focus.


>> No.43707797

i knew you were high iq but just being held back by something :)

>> No.43707871

He talks about this.

>> No.43707877
File: 6 KB, 230x252, 1663389167239496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was fun but did kinda take a while

>> No.43707895

its easy to game but you're supposed to do it without mnemonics or chunking

>> No.43707903

chunking is cheating now???

>> No.43707908

of course lol its testing raw brain ram

>> No.43707918

unknown to you

>> No.43707924
File: 172 KB, 679x442, 1666584056033086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just means i have more efficient software

>> No.43707973

no it means you got low self awareness

>> No.43707994

>just memorize stuff but you aren't allowed to try to memorize it

>> No.43708041

see im better than u so cuz i already know who u are thats real iq in action

>> No.43708042

love reading about etymologies of japanese words

>> No.43708118

why do people say "learning a language is not a race" to people who talk about learning faster? Isn't it unequivocally better to learn a language faster if you can do so with the same effort? Is it just dekinai cope since they spent years doing Genki I & II?

>> No.43708124

pepo gonna pepo

>> No.43708140

i resent the fact that i never got to go to japan as a youngfag

>> No.43708186

part of it is dekinai cope
part of it is valid since a lot of people quit because they go full retard in the beginning and get burned out once the initial motivation runs out

>> No.43708219

Burn out is a cope too. I'd bet 99% of those people were going to quit anyway even if you gave them a structured well balanced schedule to learn with.

>> No.43708244

I bet 25% of them wouldn't if they paced themselves properly

>> No.43708295

if you're older than 23 it's just over and you should give up on everything

>> No.43708298

its better than ever thoever

>> No.43708306

the only thing you need to give up is the delusion that the things you seek would fulfill you, then you'll be fine

>> No.43708336

dno why idiot shit like op pic is allowed

>> No.43708355
File: 174 KB, 800x1138, 2963789529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43708402

better than a vtuber

>> No.43708415

If you think about it learning japanese is like being a tranny.
If you want to learn kana, kanji, different words with their meaning you must practice it every day. If you don't practice it you forget and stop knowing japanese. Trannies must dilate every day. If they don't dilate, wound between their legs heals and they stops being trans.
That means japanese is for trannies.

>> No.43708427

imagine letting troons have that much control over your thought process

>> No.43708515

if u didnt use english every day ud forget it too

>> No.43708540

moes guide is too long

>> No.43708559

its also trahs

>> No.43708560

when to switch to a J->J dictionary?

>> No.43708569





>> No.43708729

Do you know how to read this?


>> No.43708734


>> No.43708750


>> No.43708871


>> No.43708976

any good vinnies

>> No.43708998
File: 83 KB, 960x657, 1680033521897865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna read 不徳のギルド

>> No.43709075
File: 735 KB, 1920x1080, 不徳のギルド 第09話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43709092

yep true

>> No.43709109
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 1686441308040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43709168

yaru na

>> No.43709262


>> No.43709299

it's one of those things everyone swears is good to do but there's no real evidence to back it up. so never.

>> No.43709304


>> No.43709305
File: 45 KB, 474x510, 298163146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43709313

i switched to japanese definitions a while back and i kinda wish i didn't.

>> No.43709317

i wish i didn't read that post

>> No.43709329

once you reach intermediate level which im at youll realize the error of your ways

>> No.43709363

literally been 6 years of not learning japanese for me and i still use english definitions

>> No.43709454

I've been learning japanese for 11 years now and still can't read a sentence.

>> No.43709458

you are now aware that Yomichan's japanesepod101 audio does not have a recording for 日本国 but does for ニガー

>> No.43709486

I'm in Kyoto rn. Apparently mikos are actual little girls wearing the white and red outfits.

>> No.43709491

the lower red part is called hakama

>> No.43709492

what is a good first VN that is 100% voiced? A lot of recommended VNs have voiced dialogue, but the narration is unvoiced.

>> No.43709498

never read a vinnie with voiced narration and i've read over 150 nukige by now

>> No.43709502


>> No.43709505

I can read Japanese just fine but I have no clue what the words actually mean

>> No.43709511

read manga for 3.5h today

>> No.43709529
File: 1.25 MB, 722x987, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43709562

I need to post more about this sometime, but my nihingo after doing my reps for 5 years, was enough for the tenchou to let me into k-otome(.com) aka 秒即DE舐めてミント. It was also enough for the girl.

>> No.43709566

phantom of inferno lil bro

>> No.43709581

heaven burns red

>> No.43709603

the audio doesn't matter if you're not going to focus on it and replay it several times and repeat the sound in your head several times in an attempt to memorize the phrase/word/sentence. VNs are for reading. end of.

>> No.43709604

>learnjapanese subleddit is shutting down after corporate forced the cucked app and started charging for access via api
>jannies are quitting after doing it for free for over a decade
>they're gonna move to another site (which won't pull the same shit, we swear, honest)
api cucks get what they deserve

>> No.43709639

I think the red mikos are little girls, the green ones are teens or young women, and the blue ones are old women.

>> No.43709649

Can i read a lolige as my first vn?

>> No.43709671

oh no reddit sisters where do we post our wholesome japanese memes now?!

>> No.43709722

wtf aroe you even saying

>> No.43709746

>>>/gif/25303701 (NSFW baka)

>> No.43709755

i don't like how pacifism is pushed in s2 of vinland saga. it feels preachy and gay.

askeladd chose to live as a viking despite having hatred for their brutish ways and died in the end and told thorfinn to abandon his revenge quest. that was a more subtle and captivating way to tell a message about violence. the viking karate stuff is just homo...

>> No.43709757


>> No.43709764

they're so fucking cute. japanese whores don't seem like whores because they're so fucking cute even though they definitely are whores.

>> No.43709771

the western world doesn't understand the attraction of innocence they just want full on sluts because they cannot appreciate subtlety

>> No.43709841


>> No.43709995

found jamal


>> No.43710012

wish i didn't look through this thread
humanity is disgusting

>> No.43710052
File: 560 KB, 743x1076, 850e978c04a136c2eba5b55aa6c5dd6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43710069


>> No.43710084




>> No.43710100

this thread restored my faith in humanity

>> No.43710116


>> No.43710248
File: 746 KB, 850x1114, sxarp yakiniku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems other kirara refugees wound up in here too

>> No.43710346



>> No.43710402

I've heard conflicting opinions about the 6k deck. Some say 2k is enough and to just mine after that, others say the 6k is still very useful and it makes reading way less painful than trying to read after 2k, even if it will be painful regardless. Should I do the 6k?

>> No.43710516

The core decks are just to help you start. Regardless of which one you choose, the rate of vocabulary acquisition from reading and listening will greatly outpace it and unless you're doing hundreds of new cards a day from the deck you'll end up at a point where most of the new cards are words you already know. You will be too good for it to matter in a few months, unless you try to complete a core deck before starting immersing. If you want my advice, just go with the biggest core deck and keep using it until nearly all the new cards aren't new to you anymore. At that point you know you've outgrown it and you'll switch to mining only. That's the most fun way if you actually enjoy anki

>> No.43710528
File: 217 KB, 1303x472, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of recommended VNs have voiced dialogue, but the narration is unvoiced.
that's why vns are not the no.1 input in the official djt rankings
stick to jp-subbed anime for now
alternatively, the oreimo psp game is basically a fully voiced vn but you'll have to emulate it and it doesn't have porn

>> No.43710589

Which rentry is this from?

>> No.43710595
File: 6 KB, 222x227, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i come across a word and decide against mining it because its not very frequent, but it would be good to add like a +1 to it so if i come across it again i know to mine it. is there any plugin like this?

>> No.43710645

Any frequency list will run into the same issue with being coloured by its source material. For the most common words it doesn't matter because you're definitely going to need shit like "up" and "very" immediately. That's why it's recommended to start reading whatever you're personally interested in so that every word you encounter is by definition relevant to you.

Second of all the cards have a sharp drop in quality after the 2k mark.

Consider the following cards
2998 従業員 employee, worker
2999 雇用 employment
3000 実績 achievement, performance
3001 業績 achievement, performance(yes the given definition is the same as the previous card)
3002 応募 application
All business focused stuff because it's based off newspapers
3804 俺 I, me
Most common male pronoun that you'll encounter in chapter 1 of Yotsuba.

>> No.43710647

does someone have a script that will automatically save an image taken with alt+printscreen on windows? i just want to save screenshots of my active window, but alt+printscreen just copies it to the clipboard.
no. it's ugly.
i would also recommend those youtube manga videos for beginners
combine these with manga_ocr, and they're basically as good as subbed anime.

>> No.43710651

i have a 2k deck and i just downloaded a 6k deck but there are only 4k cards in it. does it mean i dont have to worry about missing cards and it just auto deleted duplicates or what

>> No.43710658


>> No.43710663

sharex does exactly what you want bitch boy

>> No.43710666

youre ngmi without sharex

>> No.43710671

were you able to fuck her? just read a 体験レポート and it only mentions 素股

>> No.43710703
File: 540 KB, 960x1378, Juujika No Rokunin - Raw - Chapter 22 - 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43710705

i know, but it's so ugly.
i think i might just use obs to take screenshots.

>> No.43710755

well, at least they have the balls to shut it down for good this time, unlike when a certain black man couldn't breath so they kept it down just for 24 hours to solve racism

>> No.43710780

This mo**way guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He's an ESL who spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan so that people give him money on Patreon. Pretty pathetic.
If you want to learn Japanese, follow people who actually know jack shit when it comes to learning a foreign language. Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is among them.

guide: https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/

>> No.43710789

>spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan

>> No.43710798



>> No.43710813

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.43710825

we here at djt dont endorse malware ridden decks
use core 2.3k the official anki deck of djt

>> No.43710826

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.43710833
File: 1.37 MB, 2418x2599, 1669733278247206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt's official deck is ankidrone starter pack btw

>> No.43710835

my grandmother liked precious moments and this image reminds me of her ;_;

>> No.43710870

guys always remember to write down the context of the words
i just saw my 触穢 card again and failed it brutally

>> No.43710918


>> No.43711219
File: 81 KB, 850x891, 1685838742594827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your answer https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/does-playing-japanese-audio-on-repeat-while-i-sleep-count-as-immersion

>> No.43711244

Thank you.

>> No.43711271

No. All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.43711437

dame i shouldnt watch unrequited love movies

>> No.43711885
File: 794 KB, 1142x639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning


>> No.43711896
File: 578 KB, 1156x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43712060
File: 71 KB, 654x680, FyUVmTfaQAAe0B_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that in Kagawa prefecture you can only play games for one hour a day.

>> No.43712101

another japanese deck before bed and geography thirty minutes before reset (6am)

>> No.43712154

Am i doing something wrong? Im 1.2k words into 2k6k and daily reviews are taking over 1.5 hours, im only doing 10 words a day. Feels like the reviews keep piling up, it used to take 30mins.

>> No.43712210

yeah that’s not normal check your settings

>> No.43712214

lets enjoy kagawa life!

>> No.43712312

it'll be back up not much later. there are many people who can't live without being unpaid internet janitors

>> No.43712395


>> No.43712406

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.43713469

the meaning and reading are obvious though you dont even need a card to guess both

>> No.43714097



>> No.43714251 [SPOILER] 
File: 838 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch from Mercury - 21 (1080p) [E72C94F7]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43714552
File: 448 KB, 399x383, imbeggingforkanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone rewrite this with kanji so I can have the slightest fucking chance of being able to read it.

>> No.43714574


>> No.43714579

reader moment

>> No.43714583
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, Heavenly Delusion S01E11 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43714601

guy dicks breeds guy lips, but in the end it has to be this gay

>> No.43714610

Thank you.

>> No.43714941
File: 940 KB, 1920x1080, Heavenly Delusion S01E11 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43715086

曲 of the day

>> No.43715099

>every recording on forvo is heiban
retarded japanese

>> No.43715130
File: 603 KB, 645x699, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43715175
File: 5 KB, 269x118, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43715195

for ひる

>> No.43715259

素面 dictionaries say atamadaka i've heard it nakadaka like 10 times i swear

>> No.43715319
File: 682 KB, 1120x732, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43715334

wrote 劫火 as 業火
its over

>> No.43715384

how 億劫

>> No.43715419
File: 712 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 11 (1080p) [BB488F8A]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43715502

yep, another great tengoku daimakyo episode
this show keeps delivering

>> No.43715522

knock knock, delivery!
*shoves foot up ass*

>> No.43715553

you can use manga for sex instead of masturbation? enlighten us

>> No.43715619

i made a real thread since the other has tatsumoto in the op


>> No.43715634

bet yall cant read 鸊鷉

>> No.43715703
File: 236 KB, 600x600, 214-Haneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me alternate (if there's alternates) meanings of aku/あく? Writing this in hiragana because the Jap Pokémon games use hiragana for what is called the "Dark" type in English, and Bulbapedia claims it means "evil". I could be wrong but I have a hard time believing they're calling this many Mons evil. Pic not a dark type

>> No.43715719

It means bad/evil yeah, but can also refer to mischievuousness and trickery

>> No.43715777

bro that's why sentence mining is so great...

>> No.43715873

Why the fuck would I need to know that

>> No.43715880

get owned son

>> No.43715919


>> No.43716264

So is the idea maybe that it's a pun/meant to vague? (Now it makes me wonder about the English name too, but I'll assume that's a "dark deeds"/"dirty trick" sort of thing.)

>> No.43716320

it's not a fucking pun it just means that they are pokes prone to tricking the opponent and playing dirty

>> No.43716346

Not a pun, not meant to be vague. It's just 悪 which doesn't have an exact English equivalent. Read something where cute girl calls the protagonist 意地悪 every time he teases her, or notice people saying 趣味が悪い when someone indulges in a bit of schadenfreude for example and you'll get a better feel for its less heavy side. Notice how incineroar is like the bad guy in a pro wrestling lineup who resorts to dirty tricks. That's why he's 悪 instead of 格闘, not necessarily because he's evil
