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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 178 KB, 879x610, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43699616 No.43699616 [Reply] [Original]

From what I'm hearing, they're not fond of weebs.
But I mean they make money off them right, so you'd think they'd somewhat like them. What's the consensus on weebs over there?

>> No.43699659

Yeah, nobody likes an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.43699746

They already hate their native otakus and foreigners who overstay their welcome, it would be more surprising if they did like them.

>> No.43699942

Because of the language barrier they're probably about 20 years behind on what that word means now. But at any rate the Japanese are notoriously insular, and otaku even moreso. Japanese speedrunners for example rarely if ever communicate with or acknowledge foreigners, despite the latter bending over backward to make it easy.

>> No.43700006

I always feel bad for him in this video. He's an autistic loser who probably became an otaku because he was bullied in America. Maybe for being fat, maybe for being rich, but probably not for hurting anyone. And now people in Japan are bullying him, again, for not hurting anyone. He's just minding his own business and paying his rent. And the shit about his parents was both projection and hypocrisy. Japanese parents produce way more otaku than American ones.

>> No.43700012
File: 21 KB, 320x272, weeb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG that video was hard to watch.
>"You look pink like a baby" (called him a man-child to his face)

>> No.43700052

I feel bad too. He doesn't understand Japan is a conformist shame based society, and in shame based societies it is a MORAL GOOD (in of itself) to crush weirdos etc.
Now you might say "but Japan has all sorts of quirky people". But heres the thing, they ACT how they're supposed to. Autistics without social awareness are screwed in Confucius societies.

>> No.43700114

Minding his own business? Nigger please, I guarantee Davido-kun was an obnoxious sperg that drew attention to himself from a mile away wherever he went simply by giving off cringe vibes and having zero self-awareness or respect for the people around him. That's how he ended up on Japanese television, getting shit on.
You can be weird all you want, you just have to not be a fat waitto piggu that annoys everyone around him. It's very easy to just go there and fulfill all your weeb desires, and have no one even notice you exist. If you're not a retarded, that is.

>> No.43700124

>giving off cringe vibes
vibes are a bullshit excuse for not liking someone for no reason

>> No.43700138

if you're called david there's 9 out of 10 chances you're a sneaky piece of shit, so i feel no pity toward that weeb version of chris-chan. the latter at least was an interesting artist in his best years.

>> No.43700179

Incidentally, I have a friend who managed to score a visa to teach english in nipland and he's big into... dating girls he meets on tinder. The guy fucking hates otaku culture and, not surprisingly, at least two of the girls he's been with mentioned they hate foreign weebs from what he told me.
Is this a representation of what most Japanese think? I don't know. But, also incidentally, most if not all the girls that go for him are westaboos. Huge Disney freaks, dreams of moving to Canada/US, extremely fond of capeshit movies, etc.
Me personally, I disregard what westaboos think because - let's face it - they're fucking retarded.

>> No.43700218

This is what one of the guys who bullied davido-kun is up to now. Feel old yet?

>> No.43700257 [DELETED] 

white woman spotted

>> No.43700259

absolutely nobody is going to have a problem with you enjoying anime/manga or other "otaku media" in japan. they are going to have a problem if you don't clean yourself and you're rude/a nuisance. they have a problem with a certain kind of obnoxious foreigner. not all of those obnoxious foreigners are obsessed with anime/manga, they still hate the obnoxious foreigner.

the joke being there's a kind of obnoxious faggot who thinks he somehow isn't an obnoxious faggot because he acts like an obnoxious faggot towards people who enjoy "weeb stuff". said obnoxious faggot is the ultimate obnoxious faggot among obnoxious faggots, but will probably assume the reason people treat him like shit wherever he goes is because of some kind of society wide racism.

if you're paying for someone's meals and they find you attractive, they just might say what they think you want to hear. you've accurately pointed out that his sample is just a few westaboos who were already filtered through tinder. well, good for him. hope he enjoys the dancing monkey gig while it lasts.

>> No.43700282

From bullying otakus to pretending to be one now that it's trendy. Even if Davido was an autist, people like this need to die.

>> No.43700416

Someone on youtube claimed they knew him, and said that he'd march around the halls of school saying "pantsu panstu"(panty panty) etc

>> No.43700789
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>what's the consensus

Go figure, like basically any topic among any population on earth, there isn't one.

Most accurate take so far. Interest in almost anything is fine with most people. Even being "otaku" is not that big a deal with most people, especially younger generations, but what does matter is how you present yourself and whether you're conscientious of others vs a smelly, loud, kuuki yomenai faggot (aka Chinese tourist or western basement dweller).

I'm a giant dork about some of my Japan interests, but if you can learn to modulate that just a little bit, some of them even enjoy it (especially if your interests go beyond just anime).

In fact, speaking a little Japanese and being into things they like (Japanese baseball teams, nostalgic Showa or Heisei era pop music or movies, etc.) can lower their guard quite a bit. Like other human beings, when things they love are recognized and appreciated by others, that's a good thing.

>> No.43705312

one remains autistic and ugly no matter what country you're in

>> No.43707057

Good post. This idea that weebs are hated everywhere sounds more like a projection from ironic weebs in the West that believe they have to always talk down the hobby or they interest because they're not genuine.

>> No.43707121

>That believe they have to always talk down the hobby or they interest because they're not genuine
That's not why people talk down the "hobby", that's because to function a society must single out adults who act like manchildren, should be same for every country as >>43705312 says, but I might be wrong

>> No.43707627

You must be either a newfag or a tourist because you misaligned very poorly who I was talking about. The grand majority of the population is composed of normalfags, who are completely irrelevant to the hobby be in the West or in Japan. Because anime is created by and for weird people, no matter if they're 40+ year old boomer mangakas or modern light novel authors, normalfags always gonna look on it like a disgusting thing to engage with.

I was talking about ironic weebs, who to fit in with normalfags that reject them, start talking down the hobby and put everything in layers of irony. Since they give so much importance to what others believe, they start projecting the same thinking into people who live in Japan. In a sort of persecution complex. The term you used here "manchildren" is funny, because one of the traits of childhood is being unable to take anything seriously, with such definition ironic weebs, and even most normalfags, would be more manchildren than anyone dwelling here. Who often get called autistic for their unhinged interest in some subjects.

>> No.43707768

Manchildren and autistic are referring to the same thing.
Being absorbed in entertainment and not living in the real world.
Normal functional adults usually do not encourage this behaviour.
The idea that weebs are hated everywhere comes from that, weebs are indeed hated everywhere.

>> No.43707813

I get it now, I misaligned because I'm talking about otakus, not weebs the Western Japanese-obsessed freaks, sure.

>> No.43708541

>vibes are a bullshit excuse for not liking someone
Yes, depending on how you view bullshit
>vibes are a bullshit excuse for not liking someone for no reason
Creepy vibes usually have a reason: signalling that someone has failed to use intuitive, emotional means to establish trust, so that evolutionary/biological response is to be guarded for one's personal survival, or usually in today's case, to save face.
Like dude, if you HAVE to use [words] to prove your trust and worth around randos constantly, yes, you may wind up like david-kun in a foreign culture.

>> No.43708631

There are plenty of "successful" and outwardly well-adjusted individuals who are hardcore "weebs". You faggots are just falling for the blackpill that came from all the ironic weebs and twittertrannies that became "the norm" in the last decade because they're all disgusting attention whores that leech of whatever seems popular in the moment.
Normalfags cannibalizing normalfags is all it is.
To think of an example of why the medium has draw so much negative attention one must only not have the memory of an ant and think back to the /pol/ tourists that spammed the internet with le ebbin anime girls with maga hats in 2016. And all of a sudden anime was for nazis. Then twittertrannies co-opted the image because it drew so much attention and now the same tourists that posted anime girls with maga hats associate the medium with trannies. And somewhere along the way every other faggot crawled out of the woodwork and jumped on the bandwagon.
I hope they all die so we can go back to enjoying our various versions of japanophilia in peace and bliss.

>> No.43712009

they are picking the wrong women
find an otaku girl

>> No.43715831

Judging by the information I've gathered from various /jp/ threads in the past, the only japanese otaku girls interested in foreigners are fat or hags and this is why no one goes for them when visiting japan.

>> No.43718171

There are so many buzzwords in your post that it's impossible to understand whatever point you're trying to make

>> No.43718278
File: 571 KB, 1250x2000, 1673798146413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Itz da weebs
yeah fuck em
>Itz da neets
yeah fuck em
oi vey shut it down muh 6 gorillion think of the chilens muh terrorism muh far right natzees

>> No.43720376

One time I was in japonskia at some random manga store and there was a girl browsing some manga that I really liked. I can't remember what it was but I commented in broken japanese that it's a really good manga.
She didn't say anything and walked away, creeped out. H-ha ha.

>> No.43720447

>ironic weebs
>attention whores
Pretty straight forward things that refer to specific ideas that anyone who isn't fresh off reddit would understand. Maybe lurk five more years before you post?

>> No.43720450

While he is cringe and the video is painful, the subs are pretty liberal

>> No.43721398

If you were chad she would have swooned or maybe you are and she spilled her spaghetti.

>> No.43721605

Japanese otaku like western otaku assuming they actually watch anime and not just One Piece
The guy at my college I used to go to was super excited to find a foreigner who liked Macross F

>> No.43721677

i had a girl do that to me in college and later when we became closer she said she was too shy so she run away

>> No.43721785

That's not even all of the buzzwords you used, try again

>> No.43722209

foreigners are foreigners even if nips lol
If you cant fit in with your native culture the chance of fitting into a completely alien one are slim to none, sorry

>> No.43722861

true but also how does one fit in his own culture? lol
I wouldn't know

>> No.43724533

otaku has had by and large lost it's negative connotation over 2 decades ago. It's a more of a question of charisma and social dynamics than culture whenever a weaboo would be found a social pariah.

>> No.43724569

He was probably excited to just find anyone who liked Macross F lmao

>> No.43724722

You're not gorgeous, not delicious and definitely not decultured.

>> No.43729674
File: 117 KB, 1484x1015, manga experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty ms paint illustration of your experience

>> No.43729902

>Goes up to normie girl and viewers get surprised she hates foreign weebs

It's not even a race things, it's just normies who can't put themselves in each other shoes

>> No.43729912 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 1280x720, 1658904299405603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what type of "weeb" you are.

>> No.43729956

>Oingo Boingo
Rest of the image is still cancer, but I fucking love that band, even if it's only there for the funny pedo song.

>> No.43729964

Most japanese people don't like foreigners in general anyway. Eventually once you've lived here long enough you will realize you don't like foreigners either, especially yourself. This is called "assimilation"

>> No.43729970

Subtitles make the hosts seem more cruel than they are actually being. I thought people here understood Japanese?

>> No.43730272
File: 2.95 MB, 3072x2048, 1673675348090303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak Japanese and lived in Japan for about three years. The idea that "Japanese hate foreigners" is way, way, way overstated. What they really hate are people who don't speak Japanese. Any time I felt like it I could show up to a bar and make some friends for the night just by striking up a conversation in Japanese. 90+% of Japanese people were super friendly to me.

As far as otaku go, Japanese culture is weirdly two-faced. During work hours they act all buttoned up, put on a normie face and get all mad if you mess up the vibe, but on evenings and weekends all bets are fucking off. They party hard as hell and get up to all kinds of bizarre shit that makes Japan so famous for being weird. Young, old, rich, married, whatever, almost every Japanese guy I knew did something bonkers with his free time.

So yeah if you show up in Japan during normie hours, can't speak Japanese, and ask where the maid girls are, of course people are gonna be like what a weirdo. If your Japanese is conversational and you catch them off their guard you can easily find the anime fans to hang out with.

>> No.43730728

Good one

>> No.43730852

Two 'stay out' signs in english won't stop me
No hables inglés

>> No.43736023

According to normalfags. You're talking to a normalfag.

>> No.43736061
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>> No.43736172

I can't speak about the past since I moved to Japan only two years ago but recently, probably because of the proliferation of streaming services and such, anime is incredibly popular and not a turn-off.
I think there's a barrier between otaku anime and the more popular stuff but nearly everyone seems to watch bottom-barrel shit like spy family, oshi no ko, blue rock, etc.

When people asked me I'd usually say I enjoyed anime and then cover my ass by saying Kyoto Animation because I figure everyone would respect them since the fire but I realized eventually I could just say I like anime and nobody would judge.

Agree with what this anon said based on personal experiences.

>> No.43739169
File: 44 KB, 630x630, 274419_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is really weird, as a foreigner I'm not sure what to think of it. On the one hand you have people coming back from it and saying it literally ruined them because living there is so nice that when they inevitably had to return to their home countries they realized just how shit it is in comparison.

On the other hand though you hear things about how racist, xenophobic and oppressive their society is and how they live in an incredibly rigid system.

Both of these seem to clash and I don't know which one to believe, Japan is so popular nowadays that it seems like there's people who are way too entranced by it and overexaggerate how good it is, and people who hate on it for being popular and do their best to exaggerate its' negatives.

>> No.43739632

Personally I'm leaning more towards the former

>> No.43739656

Personally I'd love to be friends with a foreign Ameriboo. Sounds like it would be wacky as shit and that's what I'm looking for in a friend.

>> No.43739657

>Racist, xenophobic and oppressive their society is and how they live in an incredibly rigid system.
How do they do it?
How do they get away with doing exactly what I want the west to do and not get called out?
We all know it's because they're not white, and twittards think whites, especially anglos are behind all the evil in the world.

>> No.43740336

Seems like the opinion from people who succesfully adapted to the culture or at least werent obnoxious enough to bother the locals and people who thought they could keep and impose their western lifestyle wherever they went.

>> No.43740989

you're asking the wrong question. it's not about whether you are a "weeb", it's about whether you are attractive.
if you're morbidly obese like davido-kun with very poor communication skills, no shit they're not going to like you much

>> No.43741514

Anyone who subscribes to that idea irl is an actual retard. Nips can be called out for their shit.

>> No.43741853

This is the most accurate take in the thread. The problem is two fold one which i will expand upon.

1. You have people who are unclean, like they have a neckbeard they do not trim or shave, they dress very awkwardly and think that Anime is a reflection of what life is like in Japan when it's not, which explains why they are awkward and weird in public than just an average person overall. This looks weird to the average Japanese person who dresses in normal clothing and expects normal behavior even from appearances while America would be more relaxed because "that's not my family so who cares" in regards to appearances or to people being rude or whatever.

2. Otaku who are escapist and are generally trying to live in Japan forever when they need to confront their own problems and their own issues with the places they ran away from. A lot of this i notice is less and less due to society not being as judgmental of Anime and Manga as interests anymore, but i do notice that there are people who will try to live in these countries and think "they are not harming anyone they do not do anything wrong" the main issue is

A.They do not speak the language which means you created an artificial barrier and you could also improve your home country by trying to have every amenity Japan has in your home country(Namely USA)
B. You are not Japanese so you do not belong there, maybe tourism yes but anything beyond this and not business related means you are draining resources of their economy. No buying food does not count
C. Realize that society always has it's ups and downs to find a community in your own home country that is Otaku and try to figure ways to ensure Japanese culture stays relevant in the West without censorship of culture and translation coming overseas. You are much better at home than over there.

Overall it's not that Japanese hate Weebs or Otaku it's just from their perspective there is more good than bad and it's no different than having 5 million Chinese go into your country because they hate it in China and would like to run away from their problems but cause problems on your end because you do not understand their language and are squatting on your property causing property to go up or generally act like an awkward sperg when visiting. If these two things were cleaned up believe me Japan would literally put American characters front and center again.

>> No.43741937

this is exactly what I thought too hence me leaning more towards the former, but you really do wonder just how much it would really take to "adapt" or "not be obnoxious enough", maybe they do really have it way worse than us in some aspects, you know?

>> No.43741955

The thing is Japan makes the West look like crap because they focus on the right values of things while in America as an example we focus on the worst aspects. For example Japan just has this that beats America
-Better food quality where it's in LAW and in the ingredients to not have filler chemicals etc(Corn syrup, HFCS) and fruit juices have 88% fruit in them
-Actual transportation system to where you do not need a car to go anywhere, Busses are quick, Taxis are efficient, also Trains are on time you can get anywhere in less than 15-20 minutes.
-local family restaurants and grocery store, baked goods nearby all of it is within walking distance from where you are staying at. it's not just fast food places and they are not having to be a 30 minute walk to and back to the store or eating something.
-Toilet seats and bathtubs are actually heated and make America look like it's in the 18th century. Going to Japan made me realize America really is behind in so many respects and why Euros call us out on these things because it is true.

As for the exaggeration of positives and negatives, everyone does this including the so called racism and xenophobia. This is not exclusive to any country overall Also. Japan has issues in regards to a rigid work system where people have to sleep in company offices, and salarymen sleep on trains because of the overwork they have to do, and there is a declining birthrate due to the lack of work leisure in their country it's far worse than America in that regard.

>> No.43741991

>For example Japan just has this that beats America
While I agree with everything you said I feel like you forgot to point out that their social behaviours as a whole seem far better than the west, not to go all Chudingus Westfallen on you but I think them being a lot more traditional while at the same time not being a shithole (unlike countries like Poland, for example) puts them above all else in regards to social values as a whole. There's a proper emphasis on both public and self hygiene and respect which is distinctly missing from other places in the world.

>Japan has issues in regards to a rigid work system
You're right, I completely forgot about how hard Japanese workers must have it. That would definitely be a downside to living there.

>> No.43743543

japan can be both xenophobic and racist and incredibly restricting but also be better than everywhere else

>> No.43743585

based autist.

>> No.43744357
File: 32 KB, 1594x689, later that day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and even shittier ms paint illustration of what happend later

>> No.43744364

is he jerking off to himself?

>> No.43744448

no it's the japanese girl masturbating to the white guy like all japanese women do

>> No.43751115

>I thought people here understood Japanese?
Are you a regard or something?

>> No.43751508

There's this idea that if you go to Japan women will flock to you because you're a Westerner, and that simply isn't true. If you're an autistic, neckbearded, anime dork here, you'll be seen as an autistic, neckbearded anime dork there.

>> No.43754064

why was this deleted?

>> No.43754243

What if i'm moderately good looking, 6' tall and able to conceal my autism reasonably well?

>> No.43754295

>DOES [collective] DISLIKE [collective]
Who cares, unperson?

>> No.43754351

Get outta here you greenposting crossie

>> No.43754614

What you need to understand about Japan is that they value conformity. Once you get that, the rest falls into place. If you behave Japanese, literally just RP as Tanaka the Sararyman, it's gonna be fine.
>Walk into a restaurant that says "no whitu piggu allowed" because you didn't read the sign
>Proprietor tells gaijin-sama to go away
Do you:
>a)Get out your phone and film a video while yelling how racist and backwards this guy is
>b)Apologize and look for a restaurant that wants your custom while thinking no more about it because there wasn't any meaning in it?
Only one answer is correct. Real life situation below:
>You did it! You married a Japanese woman and got permanent residency! You've got a child, and are sending it to school. The child has brown hair.
>You get a call from the principal that your hooligan child needs to stop dying their hair, and no, it doesn't matter that it's their natural color, good Japanese children have black hair
Do you:
>Cry about it and tell the kid that its individuality is great and fight the system and other American BS?
>Tell it to dye the hair because everyone's hair is black and they don't want to obviously be an outsider because it's open season on outsiders?

>> No.43759286

Even full blood Nips can have brown hair and complain about the black hair dye rules

>> No.43759408

Japs hate everyone who isn't Japanese to varying degrees along with everyone who sticks out in some way.

>> No.43760845

B. You are not Japanese so you do not belong there, maybe tourism yes but anything beyond this and not business related means you are draining resources of their economy. No buying food does not count “”

There is so much rotting infrastructure in Japan that could be put to good use though. More people would, probably you know, get more shit done?

Think of it. They could install a higher shelf in wearhouses and expand the capacity of their space by hiring tall foreigners.

>> No.43760857

They have harsh standards for fat. But if you live there long enough many people can lose weight.

>> No.43761542

So the right middle pic, she seems “pissed” because there are two tourists who aren’t bothering anyone, basically having fun?

>> No.43761561

>But heres the thing, they ACT how they're supposed to.
Yep they tolerate you if you realize you are not hot shit, and keep your head down
Same reactions to foreigners too

>> No.43761703

Man that was fast
I wish I was as motivated as you in using creativity and produce meaningful work

>> No.43761759

>Apologize and look for a restaurant that wants your custom while thinking no more about it because there wasn't any meaning in it?
>no meaning to it
Lol no the meaning was that you were refused because you weren’t Japanese
Very racist but hey it’s Japan and they have a right
The CORRECT answer is C, go back home. And only enjoy their media that you can have access to. Don’t think because “anime is fun” then Japan is fun and “tolerant” as well.
Basically, don’t super impose your the idealistic theme of anime on Japan, and then gaslight yourself that “there was no meaning to them banning me entry” and suffer humiliation
>real life scenario
Third option: don’t be a cuck and move with your hapa kid to a country that doesn’t make your kid feel mentally ill by forcing him/her to damage her/his natural hair.

>> No.43762269
File: 408 KB, 1280x720, anime fan vs poser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably triggered the troon janny

>> No.43764140

They are talking loudly on the train, they are wearing revealing and tacky clothes. (Shorts on adults are not acceptable in most of the world). They are disturbing the audio and visual of the space around them.

>> No.43764196

I am neutral to lolis, what that makes me?

>> No.43764231


>> No.43764310

we are all children of earth. No one owns anything. So long as your not causing problems and are trying to fit in you should be free to live where you want and mate with any consenting adults there. There will be nationalists who disagree but they are tiny unimportant people.

>> No.43767391

As opposed to her wearing a revealing pantyhose that literally acts like a see-through yoga pants?

>> No.43767491

the shorts she's wearing don't even cover her ass anon, that's what the image is trying to highlight

>> No.43767526

Ok fair enough , there very short
The guy though, he looks normal

>> No.43767817

unkempt face, anime shirt in public, shorts (shorts as a grown man are just embarassing), dragon ball lunchbox

>> No.43767825

Most people assume typical foreigner hate = JAPAN HATES ALL GAIJIN! Because to weebs it's mostly their first time every going somewhere that isn't a local shop.

Most comes from weebs and failed JET's who have their heads so far up their own ass when it comes to how "Oh nonono I'm a different kind of tourist/weeb/etc. Kanji-kun told me so!" Yet they are literally unbearable weeb 9001

Japanese fucking hate you not understanding that half the time they are trying to mind their own damn business and get on with their day, they don't have 20-30 minutes to sit and baby you on how to get to a train station+all your itinerary and babysit your kids. I've been through japan I dunno 20 times at this point for various reasons, most don't seem to give a flying fuck other than that and putting them on the spot to recall their english lessons they totally didn't forget .2 seconds after graduation.

Where people commonly hate weebs is when it comes to personal hygiene in which weebs COMPLETELY fail at. No your long hair doesn't look just fine, you look like a tool. Shave that pube shit off your face. Learn what deodorant is. Stop fucking standing in front of the doors on the train. If you don't know Japanese don't fucking try the "fake it till you make it" just speak fucking english and if it goes nowhere welp there is your answer.

>> No.43767848

Fucks wrong with long hair?

>> No.43767861

Most people can not fucking do it right. I'm not saying it can't be done just that it looks terrible when most dudes are doing it stupidly and unkept. Like none of these people have heard of conditioner. Shave that shit you hippie

>> No.43767870

What are you talking about bro, most dudes i know with long hair brush that shit all day and take good care of it.

>> No.43767880

Okay that's great, in the context of my post and the thread I am talking about otaku/weebs. I can fucking garuntee you at any shop you go in and see a weeb with long hair it's 9 times out of 10 barely washed or combed shit

>> No.43767889

Yeah i get it, point is japan prioritizes hygiene and appearance. So if you have long hair you should keep it tidy and clean among other things.

>> No.43767895

>unkempt face
Where? I don’t see any neck beard on the guy
Japan is freaking hot as fuck during heat waves
That jap woman is wearing a skirt with see through panty hose
>dragon ball, anime
Ok those are fair enough
All I am saying is, that jap can be jap as they want, more power to them. But don’t humiliate yourself and go there if you don’t like to contort yourself for their rules
Like when covid ended and Japan said: “tourists are welcome but you need a Japanese chaperone, because we don’t want your dirty foreigner body in our pure land, unsupervised”
Which again, their right as a nation, but wtf with this humiliation fetish to go there anyway?

>> No.43767955

LMAO, this is great. This captures what life is like for a Sub5 male anywhere. I had a friend who went to Japan for year (programming job), he was convinced Japanese girls will throw themselves at ANY white guy (even Sub5s). He work there for a year, he never got a GF, not even a date, all he got was a smoking habit, the whole things is kinda sad.

>> No.43768125

>declining birthrate due to the lack of work leisure in their country it's far worse than America in that regard.
Ye you mean a tiny island can naturally sustain 120 million people? They grown this because of the industrial Revolution and they are due to rebalance. America is not declining as much, because we keep replacing everyone with centeral Americans: “oh what? Life is hard and you don’t even have a house? What??? You don’t even wanna work for min wage and want payment to make a family with? Well fuck you. Here is paco to take that job for $6 and never complains about it”
population collapse itself Is a meme made up by (((economists))) to scare retards into opening their border for more slave immigrants to keep housing prices up and wages down. (((economists))) want growth growth growth and can’t stand population going down to its natural level (and losing profits) so they keep harping about population collapse and want to grow the population higher and higher because ponzy scheme “ retirement pensions” aren’t sustainable, even by a population that stays the same. Nah, in order for pension to work, you need a population to grow double every time a portion get to retirement age.
Don’t fall for (((their))) retarded meme
Japan is doing pretty great regarding population management

>> No.43768154

so that's why housing in japan is actually pretty cheap even for very nice houses?

>> No.43768174

>wtf with this humiliation fetish
I don't think its on purpose. I read the west is a guilt based society (self accountable), so as long as you don't hurt others, people ignore you.
While Japan is 'shame based' (accountable to the group) were you HAVE to consider others (they have saying "the nail that sticks out gets hammered").
Now add to that AUTISTICS with no social awareness. And that's how you get shit like foriegn Weebs wearing a Chiyo Mihama shirts, while screaming the Rosario Vampire disco song outloud on a Japanese train.

>> No.43768216

I don’t know about hosing marking of Japan, but I do know of west and influx of immigrants always causes houses to go up, because land is limited
Whatever it is now, a decrease of pop will always results in higher quality in Japan.
It’s funny though, if you search online, western news make your believe that Japan is dying Kek
By humiliation fetish, I meant weebs ,WILLINGLY step into nation which hates them and their behavior
Just sit at home and COnsUmE your shit in peace. They are going to Japan as a country wide nostalgia trip anyway.

>> No.43768515

>Why not just sit at home and CONSUME.
I think ALOT of weebs believe moving to Japan will fix their problems. I've met ones that think Japan as a worldly paradise were autistic-nerds are understood and accepted.
I'd say of the types of weebs:
>Yaoi fangirls are the most delusional & obnoxious about this.
>Then the loli-harem/Isekai fanboys

>> No.43768519
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Okay, I might have to go there for work and my plan was to hide my powerlevel anyways, but how can you explain knowing Japanese without an otaku motive?

>> No.43768553

>I think ALOT of weebs believe moving to Japan will fix their problems.
Yep I believe so too.
I think they see it as a holy land and them being on “haj” and then they get these sorts of “weeb cred” benefit by becoming a Japan “haji” lol
It’s sad and pathetic since weeb are the most acceptable in their own nations anyway
>yaoi girls
I actually read something about how many ftm trannies were obsessive about yaois
Also, yaoi “spaces” are full of ftm in transition

>> No.43768559

>"In highschool I took it as part of our language requirement. I just kept with it because I found it interesting"
>"Oh I got into anime/manga a while back and wanted to know what was really being said without a translation."
Done. People don't give a shit if you like anime most people consume it in some form or another in Japan. It's when you go OH YEAH I KNOW JAPANESE! I GOT IT ALL FROM WATCHING DOREMON! NOW LET ME BADLY EXPLAIN WHY JAPAN #1 AND HOW I NEED A GF.

Japanese are dumbfounded by most who put an active effort into knowing their language so long as you're not butchering it and knowing more than mannerisms.

T. Worked in Japan

>> No.43768574

Say you like Soto-Zen or Shinto or Martial art Samurai shit.

>> No.43768611

Most weebs never put much effort into it and the grass is greener/mythical city on the hill takes over.

I would say 75% of the people I know who moved to Japan because "lol america sux trust me I know bro based off news snippets", of which became severe alcoholics, became even more depressed, or simply came back home worse off. The 25% I do know who became successful generally had some active work/life balance already, like Japan, and wanted to take their skillsets over there.

There is also the huge sunken cost syndrome that kicks in HARD. A few people I know moved their and hated it, but because they were supersta #1 to their friends for "living the dream" they talked themselves into staying there, denying it sucked even though they clearly weren't enjoying it, but still just told themselves the "real japan is waiting".

>> No.43768678

>they get these sorts of “weeb cred”
LOL I'VE ACTUALLY SEEN THIS. Were the 'alpha nerd' of the group is the guy who went to Tokyo for 7 days, and he acts all authoritive & wisened. Its literally pathetic.
>ftm trannies were obsessive about yaois
Yaoi attracts lost of trannies, SJWs & tankies (commies) for some reason. I remember when "Look at him, not me" came out and they were trying to cancel it (because the main girl loses weight and becomes attractive), so IMO its the worst sub-fandom.

>> No.43768750

wow, the bullies in japan are really like in anime they are way more backhanded and ambiguous.
in my shithole country they are way more physical and the insults are way more clear

>> No.43768848

>75% who moved to Japan become more depressed
I've seen this. Had a friend who thought going to Japan would be an amazing thing. He got a resident card (somehow despite barely speaking Japanese) to tutor college kids. After a year or so he came back depressed & broke (never had a GF or even a friend there). Once back he would just sit in his filthy room drinking cheap beers lamenting about his life. It was sad.

>> No.43768849

Yep exactly
They turn into very opinionated annoying “experts” about everything “nipponese”
i only know 2 normal guys who traveled regularly to Japan.
One was a young military Sargent who liked to go there with his wife and wanted to buy a house there for Airbnb a
Another one was a college student who went there a couple of times. His Japanese wasn’t that good but he had a bunch of jap friends who he would go to bar hopping and basically enjoying the night life.
The only “yaoi” I like is South Park tweak Craig episode lol
Ye it’s like most have this unfulfilled dream.
I think an “anime world” (like Disney) should exist so all weeb can get it out of their system and move on

>> No.43768856

>wow, the bullies in japan are really like in anime they are way more backhanded and ambiguous.
It’s cause it infront of tv. God knows how the ACTUAL bullies behave

>> No.43768867

>Once back he would just sit in his filthy room drinking cheap beers lamenting about his life. It was sad.
Wtf is with people becoming depressed alcoholic by going to Japan for one year?
You and several others talk about the same thing.
Is it because they dreams of “utopia” shattered?

>> No.43768885

Shorts are also largely not acceptable city attire for men in most of the world.

Japanese women wear short skirts but also leggings. The people running around America in only yoga pants are disgusting.

>> No.43768910

>LOL I'VE ACTUALLY SEEN THIS. Were the 'alpha nerd' of the group is the guy who went to Tokyo for 7 days, and he acts all authoritive & wisened. Its literally pathetic.
The worst I've had was someone who was a Japan buff and knew Japanese while most everyone in our group was basic yes no+few phrases act like top shit among things here are some of the retarded shit we had to deal with

-took out loli hentai in a restaurant/bar we were eating at. Saying "Oh silly americans porn is fine here lol no one cares" why visibly getting wtf looks by everyone
-needed some supplies for something but instead of just saying like "supah-glue" he tried to do direct translations, even for shit like a hamburger he went directly translating "a beef sandwhich with cheese" into jap
-got drunk in a childrens park across from a school when we called him out on it he proceeded to go on about how drinking in public is what japanese do
-tried and failed to speak japanese to anyone with a pulse to the point where staff at places had to just speak to us
-blamed shit on "well they must be from another dialect or region"

>Wtf is with people becoming depressed alcoholic by going to Japan for one year?
Most people moving there thing "Yeah once I'm there my life will really begin" because the worlds against them right now. GF? No problem I'm white man with a job and anime! Friends? Plenty of them to make it's my new beginning! Hobbies. With so much to do there? Yeah I'll get tons!

People realize no one gives a flying fuck about white dude 100000 who knows japanese and anime. Most would simply realize that they were 12hr difference from all their online friends and had difficulty with any social/online activities where they didn't realize would fall off.
Also, a lot of people don't realize just how much a diet affects your mood/health/etc and drastically going from shit you would get at home to "MMMMM BENTO BOX 711 :O" for everything fucking kicks your shit in.

>> No.43768970

You seem to think that all a human can do is take and destroy resources. You’re very ignorant in this assumption. Of course there are some finite resources today but tomorrow we can replace or reinvent what resources are needed.

the countryside of japan looks like it’s going to die.

I only spent two weeks in Japan but by and large people were very nice to me. Of course there are racist nationalists but they don’t actually matter and are a dying breed.

>> No.43768999

>Japanese women wear short skirts but also leggings.
That’s not acceptable in a lot of places either anon.
Again, nothing agaisnt jap or their culture. They must run it as they please, but going there to be subjected to these rules is retarded
It’s like western women going to Middle East to to learn about “brown people” (and get “anti racist cred” ) but then have to cover their bodies or they go to jail
I see these sorts of proskynesis infront of foreigners very humiliating and degrading.
Solution is not demand them to change (like a lot of sjw weebs in Japan doing right now) but to just respect them and NOT go there

>> No.43769003

As someone who lived in Matsumoto for a bit, it's not exactly dying it seriously looks that way because of the boom Japan went through and shit was just left around. Rural areas are fine but heavily depend on tourism to survive.

>> No.43769022

>Of course there are some finite resources today but tomorrow we can replace or reinvent what resources are needed.
I like to see how you gonna make MORE land in the world
>it’s dying bro I swear
Ye 120 million people are dying right now I swear
If that’s “dying” then USA is rotting in grace right now

>> No.43769030
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>Shorts are also largely not acceptable city attire for men in most of the world.
What the FUCK are you actually on? I've read some dumbshit on this place but holy fuck.

Shorts are fine if you're not going anywhere formal, if you're going somewhere for time off they are fine.

>> No.43769099

Land is easy as shit to make. It’s called a fucking skyscraper.

Also we are not staved for land. there is tons of empty land in the world annd Japan has lots of empty infrastructure and villages.

there will be new habitable land as global warming defrosts the tundra.

>> No.43769140

>Land is easy as shit to make. It’s called a fucking skyscraper.
>skyscrapers are built from nothing, no mining for metals, no concrete, no labor, just POOF and you get land
Ye bro, that’s why the home prices are NOT rising all over the western world. I mean tech is better, mining is faster , right? We all have homes and no one in west is a rentoids .
>global warming
Ye by the time global warming have the effects that they it gonna have, we won’t have any more oils. That means, good bye mining, transportation, cheap plastic, hello starvations, famine, billion people migration (not the “peaceful” sort you see on tv, but genocidal) and war
And then, many places would be underwater anyway (def Japan) so land going to be lost too

>> No.43769287

LAND is not the issue. LOCATION and infrastructure is the issue.

The housing crisis is what happens when you allow land lords to fuck everything up.

Japan looks to have a pretty firm grasp on how to handle land and make sure things stay functional.

>> No.43769344

>LOCATION and infrastructure is
Which is inevitably goes back to issue of land.
When I said “land” I didn’t mean land in middle of no where, I meant a land that actually matters.
Immigrants not locals want to live in middle of nowhere. They want to be close to their jobs, to entertainments and to their families.
That’s when immigration cause the influx of home prices and there is no way to fix that shit

>> No.43769358

*Immigrants NOR locals

>> No.43769511

No way to fix it? It’s very easy to fix bro. Japan isn’t perfect but rent is way more affordable there. It’s called fucking the landlords and dumping them in a lake.

Society breaks down when the life and death issues are not being addressed equitably.

This is why we suspend free market activity in a crisis. If bread gets too expensive then people stop using money and start using violence directly.

The housing issue is people lived worked and paid taxes to build a community and then the land lords raised the prices. This robs them of that community they built and they often live on the street and the more that do the weaker the society protections become.

>> No.43769537

Fucking all all the landlords (and preventing foreign house investing) can fix all this, but it’s currently 100x harder than closing the border forever.
The people in charge don’t want to lose their cashcows that easily
So yes, the solutions seems easy and straightforward, but implementing them is a bitch, specially in west

>> No.43769553

Agreed people have to get out ye old Minecraft guillotine.

>> No.43769580

>be weeb and work in Japan off and on during the year
>never get anything other than maybe a college student or old fart telling me BAKA GAIJIN
>been at this for going on 7 years now

Does anyone have actual like, you know defenitives on what they mean here?

>> No.43769591

>silly american porn is fine here
Lol no, porn is not fine ANYWHERE and they would have kicked your teeth in if it want a “touristy” place
And about your second part: sky is blue everywhere
If you are 10/10, smart and fit, people will love you and reverse, people will fucking hate or if you are lucky, just ignore you
That’s universal (at least on earth it is)
I mean for god sake, even anime portray it like that. The creep is always some ugly fat retard with glasses and acne and the guy with friends and girls and social life is ALWAYS good looking (everyone else in his circles are too)
If your social life is shit in your own homeland, it will be shitty as fuck in a foreign place.
> Also, a lot of people don't realize just how much a diet affects your mood/health/etc
Ye just the taste alone can fuck people up mood and mental health

>> No.43769616

Lol what they gonna do?
Remember the saint floyd protests? The MAX “le socialist antifa” did was to install a guillotine infront of Jeff bezos house and posted pictures with it.
That’s all they ever do. acquire “socialist cred” to get laid lol

>> No.43769626

*If it wasn’t

>> No.43769654

>Ye just the taste alone can fuck people up mood and mental health
Was speaking more to a balanced diet of like caloric intake and things like protein, yeah it's great to lose weight and all but holy fuck. I remember during a comiket meet someone from /jp/ had been eating absolutely nothing but discount lawson bento boxes they would load up on. I also know people who moved over there doing the exact same thing because they had trouble... trouble locating a grocery store... Boy did his mood swings become insane and actually went from losing weight to being more of a fatass.

>If you are 10/10, smart and fit, people will love you and reverse, people will fucking hate or if you are lucky, just ignore you
I wouldn't say you need all of that, but you do need social skills. You can be middle whatever but if you can't communicate or relate to people, japan is literally a speedrun to depression

>> No.43769716

I just learned something that I liked to share with you guys, involving Japan being “the holy land of weebs” and all
It’s about a guy named Ashima takis, a Japanese ultra super nationalist lived durin 30s in usa, had his hands in creation of Nation of Islam AND wanted non whites to see Japan as “champion of non whites”
>Ashima Takis
>pacific movement of the eastern world
>Japan as champion of non whites
>pretended to speak in thick Japanese to sway people
>sometimes dressed up as Chinese to sway chinese
>pictured japan as utopian country for all non whites
>specifically targeted blacks
>advocated for immigration of blacks to Brazil and JAPAN
>he was helping blacks to immigrate to “utopia Japan” with only $50 (30s dollar though)
I wonder what would be Japan now if ashima succeeded and lots and LOTS of blacks immigrated to Japan. Where would Japan be now? Would it still be the clean, respectful, disciplined workaholic rigid society? Would it still be seen as a “anime utopia”? Would weeb still dream of going there?
Would there be a concept as “weeaboo” even?
But hey, ashima can be happy now, since everyone is advocating for Japan to ACTUALLY turn into a multicultural “champion of non whites” society by getting as many BLACK immigrants as she can.

>> No.43769749

>Boy did his mood swings become insane and actually went from losing weight to being more of a fatass.
Wouldn’t that be because of lack of taste enjoyment or “taste boredom”?
>I don’t say you need all that
Ye I know, I went to the extreme to say how people are all the same across the world. But ye, you need to be able to mingle with people first.

>> No.43769769

>Wouldn’t that be because of lack of taste enjoyment or “taste boredom”?
An imbalanced diet can actually do this especially if you go a full cold turkey routine. If you're simply living off 711/lawsons meals your going to lack some really essential vitamins you'd otherwise get from shit. I'm pretty sure Chicken Katsu with rice won't exactly hit all the 'essential vitamin' list you need for a day to day especially if you are a drinker.

>> No.43769793

Ye I get it. During covid I couldn’t really get out at all, and I got massive vitamin D deficiency, and my entire bones began to ache.
Lack of vitamin b can also make people anxious and stressed
I agree with your conclusion

>> No.43769905

Then why are Youtubers and Vtubers popular?

>> No.43770013

Would it be a bad idea to go work in Japan because I think the work culture sounds perfectly autistic? I'm used to working 11-12 hour days, unpaid overtime, show up early stay late etc and it pisses me off that nobody else does the same (and if they do they bitch and moan). Plus if I was in Japan I could go get blasted drunk with my coworkers afterwards

>> No.43770026

Haha, found the burned fatso weeb.

>> No.43770065

The people I know who lost weight in Japan did so as part of student exchange and lived with Japanese families.

If you want to have success there you really need to integrate and learn Japanese cooking. Eating out in Japan is a treat their home cooking is healthy.

>> No.43770086
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>Would it be a bad idea to go work in Japan because I think the work culture sounds perfectly autistic?
Yes as someone who's a contractor and works overseas from time to time in Japan specifically here is the HELL you will be in.
>Lowest on the totem pole, hits broken? Your problem
>Unpaid OT is a given
>Forced "team building" generally which is such of going out for drinks on your dime, expecting to be back at work the next day 0 issue
>working with things that are often far outdated and augmenting them into current modern day sometimes impossible but that word doesn't exist
>the village idiot
>the company idiot
>the reason anything goes wrong
>you are a family of the company but can you please go away
>visa renewal constantly over your head as a "well anon we need you to do X renewal is coming up"
You might get lucky but a lot of places will hire a foreigner to see the use they can get from them and then you're done.

I get it sounds like you work in shit conditions but is there anything actually stoppping you from changing careers locally? What is your country/field of work?

>> No.43770107

Is your friend white and has the most basic bitch whiteboi name?

>> No.43770210

I work in a warehouse during the week and I work at a Chinese restaurant for weekends. I used to be a math teacher but academia gets grosser and grosser by the day so I decided to follow my other two passions, lifting heavy things and ingesting copious amounts of onions. The only thing stopping me from changing careers is that I haven't become the worlds most jacked basedboy yet

>> No.43770241

Which country actually appreciates turbo autistic tactless faggots? Maybe some totally irrelevant shithole like Malawi or Uzbekistan.

>> No.43770250

Korea unironically due to how they can loophole tax laws and working laws through you

>> No.43770285

I don’t know if I want to be loopholed.

>> No.43770294

Kek, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.43770307

Oh look another hypernegative exaggerated take on Japan. It's just like my gaijinpot.

>> No.43770380

>lol, that movie is so old man, keaton plays a dude with anger management issues in a mental ward on a field trip, when their handler dies and all the nutters get unleashed.
What is this reductionist bullshit? You can still visit without acting like a sperg. Stop treating Japan like it's Chernobyl.

>> No.43770392

Who you are even quoting dude?
I never said any of this.
No one in the entire thread said any of this lol

>> No.43770432

Do it. That faggot is probably some disgruntled "expat" who spends his off time at The Hub or some other gaijin bar and rant about his load there with his peanut gallery angry Joes. Sounds like you're fine with JP work culture and that's what they really want, not entitled 白人(white people).

>> No.43770439

Listen to what I say. I'm right. You're not.

>> No.43770511

Wouldn't SEA be a better alternative for these losers? Cheaper, people are friendlier, lower language barrier, and otaku culture there is as strong as Japan's. Plus, girls there have rock bottom standards, where being White is enough to get a wife. The region basically celebrates mediocrity.

>> No.43770607

What the hell bro?
What are you even on?

>> No.43770630

I'm on to you.

>> No.43770732

Good bro

>> No.43770803

Now kiss

>> No.43770858

yeah its kind of like this. I went to college for a year and some guys loved that I liked di gi charat and had a pencil board. We met and went places together and saw a movie. We talked alot of anime

Its hard to know if youre a foreigner wearing out your welcome with people like this or if they genuinely want you to be a lifelong friend or whatever, but otaku JP guys (when theyre young atleast) dont all hate foreigners like theyre these solitude loving conformists some want to believe they are
