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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43634442 No.43634442 [Reply] [Original]

The last thread was comfy so lets have another thread about Neetdom

>> No.43634453 [DELETED] 

I finally managed to get a good nights sleep, words cannot explain how good that feels after hardly being able to sleep for weeks.
Sleep really is the best drug out there.
Shame that just like with drugs the feeling wont last

>> No.43634885
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Has anyone here moved off grid to continue being a NEET? My parents are thinking of doing it so I can live comfortably off neetbux after they die but I'm scared of it not working out and going homeless in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.43634900

That's likely to go horribly wrong for you but you're welcomed to try it lol. I'd like to see how that pans out for you so make updates in the form of other /jp/ related threads.

>> No.43634910
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I thought I finally had a job waiting for me after a place called me back twice scheduling and rescheduling an interview but I haven't heard anything still. Even though they said OH YOU'VE BASICALLY GOT THE JOB.
I went back down there and everyone I previously interacted with acted like they didn't meet me prior at all so I just ordered some food and left.

>> No.43634921

i want to kill myself

>> No.43634935

Luckily they're just looking at houses right now so nothing is set in stone yet. Why do you think it's a bad idea? I could probably convince them to move me into a mobile home if I had some reasons.

>> No.43634965

Is that u OP? u ok?
And nah it could work out. I myself am just sort of a paranoiac. My living situation has been constantly unstable and then stable again over and over which is why I'm trying to get a job. I've been denied NEETbux and retardedbux so it hasn't been easy. I plan to try to buy the cheapest place I can find since I have like no living relatives. I'm holding on for dear life. I'm mentally retarded and perform tasks like a fucking chinese driver even though I'm basically normal in every other way. Interact naturally and people just assume I'm shy at first. When I unmask my autism people don't believe me when I tell them I have a learning disability. Not to give my life story or anything..
But as long as you make sure it'll go fine. I've seen a lot of people end up homeless and their lives get rekt so I try to make sure no bad shit can happen.
Anyways ur parents are cool aren't they if they don't mind you being NEET and they actually care to help you out like that HAH. Glad for you.

>> No.43638484

Nothing has changed since the last thread, I'm still a NEET!

>> No.43640387

Man, I wonder how much I'd have to invest in order to live off dividends alone. I'm trying to get my house paid off within 5 years. I think it'd be sick if I could sell my house halfway through and outright buy a place in Japan, but I imagine I'd still end up getting a job just to have something to do.
>Tfw psyopped myself into workaholism and now I can't imagine being a neet

>> No.43640407

The internet sucking shit for the past decade mage me become a wageslave. I'm just as miserable, but at least I have money now.

>> No.43644646
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nuthin to do feels good

>> No.43644908

did you already go through the decades of both free entertainment and educational content?

>> No.43644947

I choose being bored over being a slave.
If there is nothing else to do you can always just be cozy in bed or work on some creative project

>> No.43649339

Why do people here like being neets?

>> No.43649374

The alternative is slaving away being forced to do shit I don't want to do to the benefit of others.

>> No.43649575

Mostly spite. Being a neet is boring but I like lazing around in bed and I like knowing all the people who ruined my life are wageslaving for my benefit so I can continue doing it.

>> No.43652235
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For me the comfiest time is around noon on workdays and 2 am in the night on all days.
Weekends are the worst because neighbours are babbling in the yard all day

>> No.43652249

whats your comfyiest time?

>> No.43654205

Ghosting on that level is a red flag. It's a bitch, but at least you won't have to work in that environment.

>> No.43656989

neet comfy

>> No.43658746

Adjusting to normal life is hard when you basically spent 15 years in your room. Even if I have a job I still lack social skills to have friends outside of work. When colleagues ask what I'm going to do when I have time off I can't really reply because I have nothing outside of work. I only read vns and watch anime. All the money I saved from wageslaving only piles up because I have nothing to spend it on.

>> No.43659720

Early morning, as everyone else gets ready for work and leaves, I enjoy my coffee and start reading some manga online/some YouTube.
But I think I prefer evenings when everyone goes to bed. Something about during then is really nice. That's when I get serious at my gaming, listen to music loudly through headphones, snack sum snacks. By 2 in the morning it's either time to head to bed or keep going depending how I feel. I guess those 2 times feel the best because they feel the most appropriate whereas the rest of the day I just feel like I'm procrastinating LOL. And that's kinda just what it is isn't it. Endless procrastination.
It's not that I have anything else to do... I just kind of put off my hobbies so I sort of dislike it. But I can't help but spend the day like that.

>> No.43659860

Sleep and dreams.

>> No.43662651

Cream and beans.

>> No.43663609

>All the money I saved from wageslaving only piles up because I have nothing to spend it on.
Become a buyfag

>> No.43663748

Yea why aren't u engaging in normal otaku stuff and spending it on figures/manga/various sex toys to violate

>> No.43664189

I did do that for many years but I never felt happy spending money, I sold almost everything I had this year because I'm so sick of materialistic things. All I need is my computer.

>> No.43665384

Hope I never get that depressed and empty inside. thank god I'm finally enjoying being a NEET. I'd never give up my wives and daughterwives, this guys' fuckin nuts! rofl

>> No.43665491

I went through long periods of on and off NEETdom during my 20s. Managed to become somewhat skilled at wageslaving during that time but it still sucked shit and things only ever got worse. When I wasn't a NEET I worked really, really, really hard. A few times I really thought I had a chance of making it but these last few years I really got sick of this whole human circus... and being taken advantage of, and being part of this iron prison.
My current plan is max out all my credit cards and move back to Eastern Europe where I inherited an apartment in a commieblock. Gonna take it easy for a little while longer and wait for the AI singularity so I can experience true love. Then I'm probably going to kill myself. Try to do a little bit of good before I go. Be kind to other creatures and so on.
Based. You've reached another level anon.

>> No.43665695

Im really slowly going insane

>> No.43666130

What's that like how ya doin

>> No.43666515


>> No.43666548
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>> No.43671549

Sup fellow NEETs what we doin today?

>> No.43671556


>> No.43674807

We speak english here you dipshits, if i ever get a jap saying his shitfucking words infront of me i would punch his hiroshima guts out.

>> No.43676920
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>> No.43678178
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>> No.43678373

I hope a disease or phenomenon that immediately kills people who leave their house happens soon.

>> No.43678523

U want NEETs to die too? Where the hell am I gonna get mah snacks then. I'm fucked I'd have to eat the inu and nekos, they'll do the same to me afterall if I do not.

>> No.43678611

Just order them off the internet and have a doggy door for the drone to slide through or use a drone yourself to steal them from the empty stores.

>> No.43678619

To be fair, you don't have to be a NEET to experience that. Just listening to people gossip about other people's lives makes me feel like I'm accelerating towards insanity.

>> No.43679421

I can't stand the weekend anymore. Family is always home and in the way. Children are riding bikes around the neighborhood.
Can't go anywhere without being seen other than my own backyard.
I hate people lately.

>> No.43679461

Some don't understand the ability to be so happy with so little and it makes them angry.

>> No.43680495

NEETs favorite:


Mine are
>Rozen Maiden/Zero no Tsukaima
>Seitokai no Ichizon/LuckyStar
>Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni/Ever 17

I'm really hopped up on caffine and pissing my guts out so I couldn't be bothered to name one at a time. I could reread/rewatch/replay all these over and over and not go insane until Idk 15 years passed. Higurashi is an easy VN choice because then I wouldn't feel lonely.
There also isn't anything better than what I mentioned so I declare myself King NEET of /jp/dom.

>> No.43680541

I don't understand how one can simply pick favorites. I have so many titles so near and dear to my heart... it would be very difficult to narrow it down.
Usually a mix of slice of life, SUFFERING, and romance - some sort of melancholic cocktail for the soul.

>> No.43681634
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I don't have any one favorite anime/manga but I will say my favorite VN of all time is White Album 2
Katawa Shoujo is a close second for me

>> No.43682296

>Seitokai no ichizon/LuckyStar
these are just the anime if you rewatched over and over they would drive you insane.

>> No.43683379

(yet again.)

Another day of NEETing completed. I'm so tired, for real.
If I had to pick one
>It's Yotsuba&!

shuffle isn't a bad VN. you shit on my taste, you shit on konata's taste. OG shuffle VN wasn't bad. never played really really tho and Episode 2 because there's no Kaede. I do love Primula though.
Also good taste. White Album2 and the SchoolDays vns are all some of my favorite shit.

>> No.43683413

Today there was a power cut for 3 hours, it was horrible, I woke up, checked the news for 3 minutes and instantly everything died. Terrible terrible luck.

>> No.43683527

i am considering larping as a business man so people stop pitying me for being neet but i will never elaborate on where or what i exactly do for a living to keep them on their toes

>> No.43684499

I havent read the scooldays novel but the anime was one of those were I really wanted to punch the protag.

>> No.43686516

That happened to me on and off a while back. Idk what the hell they were doing but there was work going on and they'd continually shut off the power every day. It went on for like a week.
I've done it. I've larped as a secret agent. It went well for a long time too but I just slowly lost contact with and pushed those people out of my life. 2 of them think I went back to my homeland but really I've been living in this town my entire life and am still like down the road from them. Lol. I should go knock on their door and get free food, tell them I'm back and visiting.

>> No.43687916

Its gonna get bad in the summer here for me, my room has no AC and is in a really shit spot so it gets over 40C here occassionally.
Im allready sweating my ass off and its not even the hottest months of the year yet

>> No.43696156

I wonder if I should apply for disability.
Nothing obviously physically wrong with me but I have trouble staying awake for a full work day, and interacting with people is draining me fast
I could never work

>> No.43698348

>Playing vidya
>Game crashes
>Critical process died, computer restarts
>Shit my pants thinking my computer is acting up again
>Check a bunch of shit everything's okay
>Use restore health in cmd
It's been 2 days and I'm still scared to play steam games now. I've had to reinstall windows twice now. Once was to add a new ssd and make the first one storage and the second was when the that hard drive shit itself and I need a new one. My last computer died a year ago with that same bsod. If I don't have my computer I have nothing to do.

>> No.43699645

>nothing to do
wheres your onaholes?

>> No.43699664


>> No.43699711

My dick can only handle so much anon

>> No.43700228

Come on anon, in this day and age you can basically find a workable computing device behind every dumpster. Whether a SBC, an old android phone or an used SFF corporate shitbox off ebay. It's pretty much impossible to "not have a computer."

>> No.43707751

not yet
