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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43639952 No.43639952 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.43639978

me on the left

>> No.43639988
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>> No.43639993

Is banana snack?

>> No.43640004

I'd pity-fuck them

>> No.43640011

Back right is cute...

>> No.43640330

which one is Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.43640380


>> No.43640462

i wonder how many of the old /jp/ posters actually became trans. i kept in touch with some of the irc groups and a lot of them went trans over the years.

>> No.43640526

Girl on the right is cute in a homely way.

>> No.43640532
File: 17 KB, 161x133, can't take it easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43640582

Their music is not my thing and they kinda uggo but fuck they are entertaining

>> No.43640644 [DELETED] 

they should kill themselves for bein miurican, trooner
kill yourselves. weak ass souls

>> No.43640736

>i wonder how many of the old /jp/ posters actually became trans.
A decent chunk I reckon. There's a higher than average amount of trannies on the small /jp/ /a/ imageboards I know of, and those that aren't trannies are extremely sexually deprived, the kinds of people that used to post in the ronery threads while they still existed. Maybe that's why those boards hate the 'jak stuff the most?

>> No.43640996

'jaks are a dead giveaway that the user is a newfag and most likely underage that will not bring anything worthwhile to the discussion.

>> No.43641030

>I'm saaazuuuka!

>> No.43641345

I agree, they are probably the best group right now for entertainment purposes, but their music is pretty dead average tier.
Although it's not like i know a lot of other groups.

>> No.43642049

they are great

>> No.43644547
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>> No.43645465

wtf is this real?

>> No.43645744

This place feel like it's the only one where I'm legal to discuss otaku culture with passoniate people who are into these kind of thing and not normalfags. It's still bad but I still want to be here.

>> No.43646194

should have jumped, baaaaaaka

>> No.43649395

All the girls are cute in their own way

>> No.43649771

I bet they all smell cute

>> No.43650019

since when do we like troons here wtf

>> No.43650164

I would like to smell you. You are probably cute and smell silly.

>> No.43650443

anon what is wrong w you

>> No.43650521

hes the sniffer he sniffs

>> No.43650564

I like to add different scents of people into my mental databank of smells. Right now, I'm trying to add the scents of the trans people at work into this databank but I don't want to look too creepy in following their smell trail.

>> No.43650637

Ive watched their first take video like ten times, they're definitely growing on me
Just so different to what I would normally listen to

>> No.43650778

kys desu

>> No.43653267

would the back left no homo
