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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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43635266 No.43635266 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.43635270
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.43635272

Can she be saved?

>> No.43635498

Explain why is she friends with every whore holo?

>> No.43636590

>every whore holo
There is only one, and they both are in the same gen

>> No.43636642

Oh I just noticed there's anmin ASMR tomorrow.
So two weeks in a row where she has work Saturday on Noel and can't steam Zelda but has night Canan stream.
Is it really work or is she losing motivation to stream twice in a day?

>> No.43637173

Nah probably gets off too late for herself to justify playing Zelda for like 2-3 hours. Could also get off at the usual time but made plans to hangout with the other girls afterwards like for dinner. And if she is trying to keep a sleep schedule, she rather do a sleep ASMR for 1 of her 4 Nico streams and go to sleep before 1am.

>> No.43637735

June is always her busy month because Noel's anniversary is in July.
Last year she wanted to move and open the FC in June too but pushed it back because she was toobusy with Noel

>> No.43637815

Graduation from working as Noel and scaling down to being obscure Japanese ASMR e-girl showing off her titties. Either that or a solid wake-up slap and explaination that giving a shit about bunch of randos pirating her content will kill her physically or mentally.
It's just another Mike/Rushia case with girl that clearly is not cut for big fame being mentally crushed by trivial issues, except Canan is from what I know not an awful bitch on top of that.

>> No.43637979

>no tweet on Noel for a day and only advertising on Canan
I'm going to keep believing she's on a depression state.

>> No.43639201

Its fairly likely, it is around that time where she gets hit by a depressive wave.

>> No.43639219

Forgot to ask but what was Jp side opinion on the previous FC.

>> No.43639803

It's over...

>> No.43639895

Pregnancy would fix her and also do unspeakable things to the sheer volume of her chest.

>> No.43639950

For just a year. After post-partum breastfeeding they would deflate a lot

>> No.43639989

But what a year it would be.

>> No.43641223

She said she's sick on Noel and she still has work.

>> No.43641708

体調悪い just means she's on a depressions slump nowadays.
Last week work ended early enough that she could watch Subaru FF but still didn't feel like streaming.

>> No.43641757

Why can't she just stream and be happy like everyone else?

>> No.43641792

Because she's a broken menhera that took on herself being cute animu girl and irl erotic asmrist/model AND let random actions and words of literaly whos on the internet live rent free in her head.
You need certain level of distance towards audience and whatever happens on the internet for that and Canan breaks down when she realized that anon number 49592039029502 jerked off to some old video of her that he found on shady porn website.

>> No.43643101

What are the chances she cancels Sunday Morning Muscle?

>> No.43643373

She's one herself?

>> No.43645006


>> No.43645088

Lust isn’t love, virgin coomers. Hope you’re having a good weekend.

>> No.43645151

I am in pure love with canan's massive breasts. I want to confess sincerely to them under the full moon.

>> No.43646507

If anyone has heard Choco ASMR. I kind of wish Canan would learn to do the mouth noises like Choco does. Imagining the Bj scene with the sounds Choco can make. Its nut worthy just from sound alone.

>> No.43646531

Forgot to add I mean an ASMR voice pack that came from the last goods release she did.

>> No.43646557

Aki makes the best BJ noises though

>> No.43646948

Anons can you explain to me why you dont meet with girls to fuck them but instesd watch thus whore to jerk off?

>> No.43646967

direct me to the /jp/ dating thread and i'll happily go there

>> No.43647001

This is facts. She's low-key the sexiest holo.

>> No.43647022

She would have to drop the dildo to make good noises, eroge VA use their finger or small hard things, but sucking on the dildo for FC gets her on the mood better I guess.
When she uses her fingers for nico streams the sounds are better.

>> No.43648731

I know she's gonna be busy this month but did Noel give a possible schedule for this week?

>> No.43648838

Not any particular days if that's what you're looking for.
All she said was that she wants to have a regular time where she streams like her 10AM Sunday zatsu, so she's thinking about 19:00

>> No.43648839

Not really. She didn't want to make one because of how many recordings she has this month. She asked about time if 18:00 or 19:00 was easier for members.
I'm imagining less on Noel and the minimum on Canan.

>> No.43649187

Are these from her side stuff, I know she has voice work, or does she also have some good holo stuff.

>> No.43649737

I find her sexy because of the voice work she did on the side along with her holo work. Have you seen any of her concerts? That girl has a dancer's body, she can work it like one, and she knows it. That makes her very alluring. I can only imagine how amazing it'd be if she rode you. Not a lot of people recognize how sexy she is because not a lot of people watch her.

>> No.43651972

No doubt about that. She moves like she would have full control over you. Haven’t heard her side stuff and have been holding back on listening to her ASMR since the earliest is from 3 years ago. Not sure of she has more hidden in members or if they got purged when YouTube went crazy.

>> No.43652100

Where can I see her nude?

>> No.43652203

Anon, Rushia already graduated

>> No.43653119

Rika deserves a thread more

>> No.43653609

then make one yourself

>> No.43653627

This thread is embarrassing it should be deleted

>> No.43655546

Then leave.

>> No.43655911

Oh yeah, a mod turned off bumping so this thread will die.

>> No.43655930

But why?

>> No.43655963

Yeah that’s a weird thing to do

>> No.43656771

What's so hard about getting an artist to draw a monthly wallpaper? Does no one want to work with her? It's so weird she did members wallpapers for two months and apparently can't now even if she wants to.

>> No.43657238

It's more of her being a mess of a person and not wanting to bother people or commission things every month. She probably just forgets because she's busy and her manic states.

>> No.43657601

I also imagine she has no idea what to ask for on commissions. Like I think she could commission a ASMR themed wallpaper using one of her outfits one month the next, a RPG styled one etc

>> No.43658423
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I feel bad for her. I wish she could make this work. She doesn't need to "live with it" but find balance.

>> No.43658581

There's an obvious big step she can do to get better but she'll never do it and its to quit being Canan. I'm not even trolling or bating when saying that, I really believe that being Canan is whats holding her back.

>> No.43658655

I hate that I'm curious about this tweet (I stopped caring about her mental state a while back and just accepted that she's a late twenties, moody swingy, menhera so I could move on with my life) but what's this tweet about?

>> No.43658662

It's clearly in the back of her mind because she's threatened to quit before and even told chat that they shouldn't expect her to be around forever.
She's also said she'll stream forever and be an old lady still streaming.
I think she should stop with the FC and go back to just ASMR. Kind of like what Mel did. Nobody pirates her NND stuff anymore so that stress will be gone and she wouldn't have the stress of that.

>> No.43658694

"I gain weight as a side effect whenever I take psychiatric medication so I'm trying to control my mental state without it now, but I still get mood swings after all
No choice but to deal with it...
For the time being, I'll be taking a break from community streams for my mental health.
(I set it so that I won't be able to stream! Because otherwise I'll get addicted.)"

>> No.43658993

she still shills her fc to hell and back so i doubt she has plans to stop anytime soon. the money is just too good

>> No.43659096

Quitting Canan isn't gonna do anything to help her but staying as Canan isn't going to be helping either.
She's emotionally immature and I really think she doesn't have a direction in her life and that makes her moody and angsty. I mean, what's left for her? She has money, she has a stable-ish career. Getting married? Having kids? Despite her saying she doesn't want either you can tell she's conflicted because her friends are doing just that. The benefit of having kids or a spouse is that you have a goal in mind "to set up a safe and secure environment for myself and my family's future". When you're younger, it's all about getting to the point in which you can even set up a future for a family. Well, what if you don't want a spouse and a family and already set yourself up well for the foreseeable future? You're just direction less. That's where I think she's at and whether she remains as Canan isn't going to change anything.

>> No.43660051

Man this game is really going to take like half a year to finish at this rate.

>> No.43660825

Damn lucky bastards that got chosen.
Just dropping DWANGO shitty site would do her wonders. I’m under the belief if she uploaded FC videos like how she got them to stop being auto taken on Fantia the piracy would go down a significant amount. She may lose the live aspect but she would at least no longer have the the widespread sharing of her FC.

>> No.43661652

It took her half a year to finish BoTW where she was playing every weekday during some weeks and considering ToTK is an even bigger game it would still be an improvement for her

>> No.43663726

What does she think edging?

>> No.43664317

I'm not really familiar with Mel but hwo far did she go? The thing about Canan stepping back is her voice is noticable so she can't really come back and now there is already ample footage of her masturbating on cam, complete with a nipple slip.

Kinda hard to go back when you've cultivated that kind of audience/image.

>> No.43664323

Meru had a pube slip and she's still universally beloved

>> No.43664335

Mel never did an FC but she was quite lewd that led to a nipslip and she accidentally flashed her pubes while playing with her panties.
I don't know if the story is true but I heard her grandfather passed away so she stopped doing earlick lewd ASMR and just does ASMR on her roommate occasionally and cosplays.

>> No.43664594

I wonder what exactly those two events have to do with one another lol.
I don't see how Grandfather dying and no more whoring are connected, in my mind.

>> No.43664613

Whenever a major upheaval happens in your life, you might have occasion to take a look at your life as a whole, and reevaluate things you took for granted. A grandparent dying certainly counts as that if you're close, so merumeru probably just looked at what she was doing online in the wake of that and decided it didn't make her happy.

>> No.43666608

what an audio nerd she is

>> No.43666750

what I would give to see that body get hugely pregnant

>> No.43668029

>Mel never did an FC
She did, just not in the way people think of one based on what Canan does. Mel's Ci-en was more about closer access to her via monthly brief 1:1 chats and a short customized audio based upon a scenario that either you submitted or that she came up with (blatant NSFW requests not allowed).
She dropped her Ci-en back in 2021 after it became too much of a timesink for her, it brought in alot of money but it was impacting her other work with how much time was needed since fans were leaving the audio scenario creation fully up to her by and large.

>> No.43672512

What was her pricing compared to choco Cien and Canan FC

>> No.43672714

That was weird, when I saw this tweet I thought she meant something in the game made her motion sick, but I'm watching the vod now and she literally just gets nauseated out of nowhere with nothing on the screen moving at all

>> No.43672725

Yeah, me

>> No.43672834

Just because that's when she verbally said she's not feeling well doesn't mean that's when it started. She probably been feeling it before that moment but just kept quiet about it.

>> No.43672846

I know, and that's not what I'm talking about. There's moments earlier where she's heaving, tries to drink water to calm it down, then it doesn't work so she steps away. I noticed those and there wasn't particularly anything moving on screen either.

>> No.43672850

She's been sick the last few days, probably still getting over it.

>> No.43672851

This is the part where you make up a narrative about her being pregnant because she had an upset stomach.

>> No.43672881

Didn't she say something about leaving a ventilator running? Or not running? But yeah it didn't seem like screen nausea, and well the tweet doesn't say either, she got nauseous from something else.

>> No.43672925

Got timestamps?

>> No.43672989

No heaving but I imagine he means 2:41:00
She muted then started rushing to end it after coming back.

>> No.43673268

Yeah, me

>> No.43673359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43673528

It had 3 pricing tiers
500 yen
1000 or 1500 yen, forgot the exact amount
10000 yen

>> No.43673557

If she's worried about her hymen then she should try anal.

>> No.43673566

See it's fucking sad that the schizos here can't even pounce on a narrative like that and all they can say is what >>43673268 said. Let's face it guys: our schizos aren't just schizos, they're low IQ as well. It's sad.

>> No.43673629

Yeah I'm totally not just somehow managing to yank your chain with a generic and overused 4chan phrase :) I'm indeed low IQ and you're indeed not a 4-chinned tourist from leddit

>> No.43675654

Thats not bad

>> No.43675862

It always something with her.

>> No.43675921

The same is true of any woman, you just pay attention to this one. She's not worse than most.

>> No.43676034

Yes but compared to other Holos. I know she's still up there in terms of stream time but she's lately in the middle. We could have so much more.

>> No.43679191

5ch loves talking about this ちとす guy, seems he's going menhera on twitter after losing the talk event lottery.
Did anyone here win?

>> No.43679769

where? I went to his twitter and nothing looks out of the ordinary

>> No.43679846

The tweets about his shitty art and job got really depressive after the winner announcements on the 5th

>> No.43680161

A very cringe thread

>> No.43680208

Poor guy.
He really loves her. Seems he has health problem and a shitty job and uses her as an escape. I figured some of her biggest followers would lose out.
I didn't even bother trying to enter. Not that I wanted to speak broken Japanese to her or English she wouldn't understand. What would anyone even say?

>> No.43680550

5ch obsess over anyone that’s a top whale or artist to try and get Holos to distance themselves from them it’s a really sad Japanese form of tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.43680567

I always felt bad for him. His art isn't that good but that doesn't stop him from doing it or loving Canan. At this point more power to him.

>> No.43680621

I respect the dude, my art sucks ass even more so on tablet so I quickly gave up trying to draw. It sucks not being chosen especially since its her first one. But hopefully if she does do more in the future she does time wise something longer Than 1 minute per person. I am curious what she has planned for the. 1 year anniversary for the FC she mentioned after the picks were sent.

>> No.43681935

Why is she so secretive about her life? I want to if she is having a bad day or not

>> No.43682063

Because she's scared her fans will rape her.
It's very bizarre how she talks about that as a very real fear but then says how much she lover her fans anyway in the same sentence

>> No.43682077

Or she has a boyfriend she's trying to hide.

>> No.43682178

There's plenty of streamers that don't say anything about their personal life outside of stream announcements and you think Canan of all people is secretive?

>> No.43682251


>> No.43682606

True, why can't she just say where she lives

>> No.43682841
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>> No.43682866

Well better being 虚無 over going menhera in community streams, and losing weight must make her happy, no matter the reason.
Definitely makes me think that invitation from Pekora was to cheer her up, she always seems to do those sudden invitation collabs when Noel is feeling down.

>> No.43682912

Why would pekora know she not feeling well? Don't tell me canan is in the discord menhera ranting to her "friends"

>> No.43682946

These aren't guerilla streams, they're planned weeks in advance when they're forced to plan their schedules.
Did you think she literally invited Noel a couple of days ago?

>> No.43682951

Noel usually talks about upcoming collabs and she didn't with this one.

>> No.43682977

Did you watch it? They literally said so, Okayu and Polka got invited the night before and Noel 3 hours before the stream.
Pekora is always like that, same with the Clubhouse Games collabs, she just starts it and hopes people will join, and it's Pekora, of course people will join.

>> No.43683016

This Geoguesser collab was also a sudden plan by Pekora inviting Noel the day of, or before.
And I think during January she was also feeling down and not doing community streams? Not sure though

>> No.43683063 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43683119

That's why she got sick during the Zelda stream. She literally hasn't been eating.

>> No.43683131
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She had a mood swing in the middle of January (can see when she said if she should take meds), but she was still doing community streams back then

>> No.43683134

She has no sense on how to lose weight.

>> No.43683154

Doubt this was intentional, she is just depressed so she literally has no appetite

>> No.43683309

Does gray hearts mean depression?

>> No.43683445

It means silver as in Shirogane Noel.

>> No.43683828

>someone sold the FC rewards stuff on mercari

>> No.43683838

And old comiket stuff.
Some really old die hard fan quit I guess, kinda sad

>> No.43683866

Had enough of menhera e-thot and decided to make some money and dip.

>> No.43684147

Or likely moved on with their life. Maybe got a girlfriend or even married or just fell out of the hobby with age. Maybe he just killed himself. Nobody knows.

>> No.43685861

That actually looks pretty nice. Kind of regret not bothering to set up physical deliver + a forwarding service. The digital rewards aren't great.

>> No.43685968

her tits look disgusting, jav wen?

>> No.43688249

Did I read this right?

>> No.43690290


>> No.43691048

she deleted all of her tweets on her canan sub account again

>> No.43691077

based coomers dont have space for garbage, they just wanna coom

>> No.43691284

Well he held on to the comiket stuff for plenty of years.

>> No.43691315

Wish Noel would cancel reading and taking superchats like Lamy did if she's going to keep complaining about throat problems.
She already said she won't on Canan so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.43691869

She loves reading Noel's superchats because it's praise and starts conversations with the fans.
Canan is just people being critical and telling her how much they cum to her.

>> No.43692367

nice try

>> No.43692404

I wonder if she would still be happy if those messages didn't have money attached to them

>> No.43692436

She doesn't read them because she doesn't have time. She put them off and put them off to the point they piled up and she can't read them all. It would take all day.
Noel is more manageable because not every stream can people donate so it doesn't pile up.

>> No.43693304

It's always something with her.

>> No.43696915

Not "something" when it's always the same thing, she's depressed and not doing anything about it.

>> No.43697233

She's just in bed all day now, how so we save her?

>> No.43697535

Her taking the first step to fix herself requires getting better medication, that doesn’t turn her into a zombie. After that it would be up to her friends being there for her, since if we take her word at face value she felt better after hanging out with them but it’s only a temporary fix. Like when koyori and her spent all night talking during one of her spells she was good during that time but had a full crying community stream after she left.

>> No.43697612

Why would Koyo cry :(

>> No.43697939

She said she doesn't take her medicine because she gains weight and other side effects. See >>43658423
Solution is find better medication or quit the FC so she doesn't have to show off her stomach.
Also looks like she's purged her Canan Sub account. Probably why she's so active on Noel's.

>> No.43698670


>> No.43698855

She gets along with most of them as work colleagues but the only ones in that list that she's close enough to talk to outside of work is Marine and Lamy

>> No.43698866

maybe she should make friends with more stable holos?

>> No.43698904

Such as?

>> No.43698911


>> No.43698934

I guess no stream because crepes with Aki and Lamy.

>> No.43698981

hags and married women are proven to have a calming effect on menheras

>> No.43699003

College friends stories are making her crazy enough already, a real happy married person as a close friend would just make her more depressed

>> No.43699254

I'll do it. I'll save her. I'll hold her every night and tell her everything is going to be okay. I'll help her with her business and expand her brand. I'll make her happy.

>> No.43699282

you've gone too deep

>> No.43699337

inside her?

>> No.43699507


>> No.43699519

Maybe she should just stop having friends

>> No.43699534
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>> No.43699546

i blame this elf for all noel's problems

>> No.43699579

Noel needs to get some weight off of her chest

>> No.43699607

at least one poorly adjusted japanese man would literally kill himself if she had a breast reduction

>> No.43699656

She's carrying a lot of baggage though.

>> No.43699829

I can carry it for her

>> No.43700071

Probably that guy that almost killed himself for not winning the talk lottery

>> No.43700336

menhera whore friends isn't going to help you, they can't even help themselves

>> No.43700620

Why did she scrap her sub account on Canan?

>> No.43701514

not the first time, she does it from time to time when she doesn't like how negative it gets

>> No.43701794

I’ve noticed she’s done it every time she declares she won’t do community streams for a while.

>> No.43701820

Did anyone get her bride voice? Is it worth it?

>> No.43702091

You know, I used to care about her mental well-being. But seeing how much of a menhera she is and her insistence to not do the things necessary to help herself (take meds, stop FC, etc), I stopped caring. Now I just wait for the FC's and I coom. It's pretty nice. You guys should try it.

>> No.43702227

That’s all she is worth she’s selling her body to losers she doesn’t deserve any kind of respect or a second thought. She’s meat. She doesn’t give a single fuck about any of her viewers outside of whatever idiot throws her the most money.

>> No.43702258

you know these women barely talk when they aren’t at work right? They have friends, family and lives outside of their work and only share what they want you to know about their lives. Stop being so fucking naïve thinking that Hololive is some big happy family it’s a fucking job.

>> No.43702892

funny how you're trying to dunk on him for making assumptions when you're doing the exact same. breaking news some of them are actually close and some aren't. another funny thing is they actually don't like talking about off stream hang outs so they get together more often than we know

>> No.43703100

Well she at least seems to be at her happiest when doing Noel stuff and ignoring Canan, like today.

>> No.43703644

She is worth more than that pile of shit Mikarin*.

>> No.43703674

Fucking retards.
Her real friends are Miko, Suisei, Aki, Pekora, Flare and Polka.
She is not friends with Marine's clique.

>> No.43705074

I hope she streams tomorrow afternoon.
Wish she'd never started these Sunday morning streams if it means she's satisfied with only one stream on Sundays, says it's for "consistency" but streaming every weekend at 11 AM was already consistent enough.

>> No.43705341

I can only see her doing that if she has gotten a little better, haven’t gotten to see the Aki Lamy crepe but from her tweet it seems she’s doing better.

>> No.43705956

We really trying to pretend she was consistent with weekend game streams? How many times have people in this thread complained when there was no Noel stream because of recordings?
It may still be too soon to call but she hasn't missed a Sunday zatsu yet by comparison

>> No.43706918

maybe better emotionally but not quite all there yet

>> No.43708057

Meant like a Zelda stream after the Sunday talk, but it’s good to hear she is beginning to feel better.

>> No.43709624

Has she said when she's gonna start gamin again?

>> No.43709651

No, she'll go to the hospital if she keeps feeling bad, streams will happen if she feels well, won't schedule them ahead of time, just that maybe they'll happen at any point but don't expect them.
Her symptoms are that she feels like she's drunk and sleepy all the time.

>> No.43709695

Ahh she almost said she wouldn't read superchats today and do it next Sunday, but then remembered she has something that day and will have to end fast.
It's the Canan FC talk event, always fun seeing that, also she must not be all that excited about it if she forgot.

>> No.43709698
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yea she just needs this american cock

>> No.43709711

Fuck off.
So sick of these edgy teenagers.

>> No.43709732
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Fuck when you start paying attention to those superchats he's so cringe

>> No.43709743

How long does each person get per meeting?

>> No.43709761

1 minute

>> No.43709763


>> No.43709786

Damn I thought it was gonna be like 4-5 mins per person. Imagine if some madlad flashes her tho lol

>> No.43709935

There's 200 people. If everyone had 5 mins that would already literally be over 16 hours even before counting breaks and downtime

>> No.43709941

Sounds like the life to me lol.

>> No.43710018
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get off your phone first fag

>> No.43710295

Sounds like your typical overworked Japanese young adult with an illness that found refuge in Canan/Noel.
I feel for the guy.

>> No.43710465

That’s how choco and Mel do theirs don’t they split it over 2 days and 4 hours break another 4 hours next day same thing

>> No.43710480

How long and how many people were there in the talk events she's done as Noel?

>> No.43711121

A lot more but I would imagine but wouldn’t even get 30 seconds

>> No.43711261

Telling a woman you’re weak and sick isn’t a way to impress then chads sends empty superchats and membership gifts

>> No.43711298

Guy just wants a girlfriend and is sick and works all the time to get a real one so he found on in Canan and treats her as such. It's very common in Japan, men can't do the whole dating scene in modern Tokyo while working full time and keeping up appearances.
Plus what the rest of the world is falling into is women's high expectations and men feeling unworthy with income or something else. There's a reason this generation is the loneliest generation.

>> No.43711349

Then insulting them in a donation is gigachad shit

>> No.43711427

All this talk and no leaks. Where are the goods?

>> No.43711677

Tell that to Anri Okita

>> No.43711688

It's not like she couldn't afford work done if they did. But she's too scared to go under the knife or she'd get her nose fixed.

>> No.43711900

Don't forget that this generation's women have the least amount of loyalty. If a woman doesn't like you, she'll just dump you and find some other guy who wants to fuck her. And she'll find one since there will always be some guy who is desperate enough to take the bait as long as she spreads her legs. Also if you do anything that upsets her, she can always play the victim card on social media or in court, she'll always get the benefit of the doubt, and the guy from then on will forever be portrayed as a monster. This generation is absolutely fucked.

>> No.43713287

Is NoelFlare real?

>> No.43714384

Business couple. I like to think that they are good friends irl though. They've been through a lot together in Hololive after all, that doesn't just go away.

>> No.43717367

Useless thread is useless.

>> No.43718580

She's dying....

>> No.43719165


>> No.43722077

Is it over?

>> No.43722735

>suddenly she's better after the weekend is over and expectations for long streams are over
And then she'll be bad again by Friday, this shit is all mental, she stresses herself out too much.

>> No.43722926

Blame Internet for making humanity crazy

>> No.43723850

How long was this depression period it felt longer than usual and that’s with Pekora and Aki giving us some collabs.

>> No.43723884

I feel it started right after the last FC, with that stream where she asked what she can do better and got a couple people complaining.

>> No.43723910

no, it started when her menstruation had an irregular schedule which is like 2 days before FC started.

>> No.43724259

Actual clinical depression episodes, especially ones from bipolar episodes last for weeks. If you're just feeling down for a day or two that's not depression, you're just feeling down like a normal human being.
Of course people here would try to doompost anyway but her case is mild compared to other people with the same illness

>> No.43724594

Nah I get that it just felt a lot longer than the previous ones, maybe because she took the initiative to keep herself from doing community streams early on. And then her being fairly open about it on Noel, I guess made it feel longer.

>> No.43724940

She should just stop streaming and get a real job. Or retire. Clearly this streaming stuff with her mental illness isn't healthy

>> No.43724979

Only Canan is fucking her up, she clearly doesn't enjoy it anymore but keeps fooling herself.

>> No.43724992

Its entirely because of Canan. If she only streamed as Noel she would be fine.

>> No.43725290

Having friends she can do things with, really makes the difference.

>> No.43726221

A lot of bullshit to put up with just to cum. May as well just go back to porn.

>> No.43726261

t. Canan

>> No.43726267

She's been on the record a lot saying she does enjoy doing this. She's a exhibitionist, getting off in front of people awoke some kink in her.

>> No.43726318

Maybe she can enjoy it while she does it but it's still the cause of her problems, the complains about the content despite trying her best, DWANGO limiting her, the piracy, the stress when she leaves all streams for the last few weeks of the month, the time taken with all the signing, the 5ch shizos she pays attention to, etc, every time she enters a slump is because of Canan.

>> No.43727044

I know this is probably bait but you do realize that she had a "real" job that she hated, which was the reason why she started her paid ASMR channel and joined hololive right
she enters a slump because she has a mental illness which affects both sides.
She has gone on record saying that if one side disappears from the internet then both will.

>> No.43727126

Canan is more trouble than its worth at this point.

>> No.43727221

that's subjective and if she thought that then she would've retired Canan years ago. There's plenty of vtubers that retire their personal accounts or put them on hold and plenty that don't.
She enjoys the attention and gets to do what she normally couldn't on Noel, and the same applies to Noel getting to do what Canan can't.

>> No.43727254

She won't give up on Canan because she probably doesn't see it that way but to everyone else its clear that Canan is the source of most of her stress

>> No.43727383

Literally everything listed here>>43726318
is something she has to deal with on Noel too except for the piracy. For example,
>the complains about the content despite trying her best
applies to Noel too
>DWANGO limiting her
and she's limited by YouTube and Cover's guidelines on Noel
>the stress when she leaves all streams for the last few weeks of the month
5 streams that she can schedule whenever she wants is nothing compared to the all the recordings and Noel work that she's not allowed to push back.
>the time taken with all the signing
you do realize she has merch on Noel too, right?
>the 5ch shizos she pays attention to
which exist for Noel too.
I can guarantee that you talk about the site and visit it more than she ever does

>> No.43727391

You wouldn't love her as much if she was mentally well, anon, and it's fine to admit it.

>> No.43727407

you're right, and I'm not afraid to say it

>> No.43728506

>She has fantia
If she wanted to get naked she would have done did long ago. She a money whore.

>> No.43728517

>money whore
Nothing wrong with picking the path with the best outcome. She does make more doing what she does than any JAV actress. It does feel like she's dialed back the GFE though since all her stuff is NTR or some other scandalous event. She doesn't do vanilla anymore despite chat wanting it.

>> No.43728722
File: 205 KB, 673x1237, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she literally did them last month on Nico. Look how many times she uses イチャイチャ and 彼女 in the titles.
Vanilla is just tame so she has to do wilder stuff for FC

>> No.43728737

Aren’t they more forbidden situations or in the Christmas case we are NTRing her regular Nico viewers, which now that I think about it isn’t it after that FC that she started shilling her FC more frequently. You think she felt guilty about NTRing her regular viewers.

>> No.43728876

>You think she felt guilty about NTRing her regular viewers.

Don't tell him

>> No.43730197

Why we have so many depressed and mentally unstable women nowadays? I mean, guys aren't better, but I do feel people just need to find a good partner to overcome loneliness. Every time I hear about a woman working in "erotic"/"sexualized" world, all of them are pretty much depressed, unless they have someone special close to them.

>> No.43730966

You just hear about it more because of stuff like social media, and they would hide it more in the past for fear of being put in a ward indefinitely.

>> No.43731065

Since she’s feeling better I think it’s safe to assume we will be getting a ASMR stream this week and something following the talk event my guess a cooking stream. After that maybe a ASMR leading into the June Bride FC

>> No.43731243

>Every time I hear about a woman working in "erotic"/"sexualized" world, all of them are pretty much depressed, unless they have someone special close to them.
I highly doubt it's that. Lets be real, none of them were young and dreaming of being whores for money, so first they have the issue of what they are vs what they wanted to be, secondly your entire existance is going to be pandering to gross coomers, it's like retail only the customers are all ugly people who fuck you. Then you also have family cutting ties, etc.

Any guy getting with a sex worker will be cucked btw, not just because of her "job", but simply because the girl doesn't respect herself and won't respect the guy for accepting her knowing what she is. All the stuff about sex work being empowering is entirely sex workers trying to convice themselves they haven't fucked up their life entirely

>> No.43731927

>caring about how the walking sack of boobs is doing
She chose her path. Now show me the boings, the only value she has and ever will have.

>> No.43734304

Any Hopes for NND June outfits. Since we know FC is a June bride although I’m not sure how that would look like, maybe a lingerie styled like a wedding gown.

>> No.43734480

Yeah I'm guessing lingerie, knowing her she'll want to wear something over it though, maybe a simple one piece white dress.
Wish she'd show it soon since apparently she got it some months ago already

>> No.43734790

If she lost weight with this depression episode she better drop the too fat excuse for reverse or transparent bunny suit now.

>> No.43734854

She'll never do that now. She's never risking a nipslip again.

>> No.43734930

3kg is nothing. Adults can fluctuate an average of that much in water weight alone.
If she was say at her heavier end at 53~54kg then she'd just be back at her usual 50kg. She'd probably rebound back a bit before the end of the month anyway.

>> No.43734947
File: 1.12 MB, 955x811, RDT_20230613_2052195172610802208554422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tweets as Noel wanting Burger King
She's never losing weight

>> No.43737825

Looks like she's having a lot of fun with the Sankisei collab. She should leave Canan behind after all. She has more than enough money already and she'd probably be much happier that way

>> No.43738858


>> No.43738984

>she got warned again for last stream
Fuck, say goodbye to that free tits paizuri.

>> No.43739047

I hate DWANGO is that a reason her depression felt worse.
She really should change to something like Fantia even if she loses the live aspect her having control of what she can do without worry and have a buffer between her and it going live to catch slip ups.

>> No.43739094

Damn it sounds like she really was bad the last few weeks, good thing she managed to keep herself from doing community streams.

>> No.43739098

Going to have to listen to this again since I'm working but she's said some interesting stuff.
Could hear well the stuff about R18 content but sadly with those warnings it seems she's going to hold herself back even more on FC.

>> No.43739116

Yeah they are really killing the FC, I hope she takes the suggestions of trying other sites.

>> No.43739136

Well she takes the warnings to heart as "I went too far" so doubt it.
She lets herself get carried away by the moment but when she thinks back she didn't actually want to give so much service.

>> No.43739150

If I'm hearing right she has a lot of leeches asking for money and not giving back?

>> No.43739192

she talked about it before, she mentioned former "friends" that ask to borrow money

>> No.43739194

old friends I’m assuming

>> No.43739218

She said it was multiple parts that got a warning and we should know.
I'm guessing the paizuri but what else? The masturbation wasn't really any worse than previous but maybe too close? Or just the subject being papakatsu

>> No.43739241

the riding scene in cowgirl position

>> No.43739284

That sucks those were the best parts other than the really good blowjob scene this time

>> No.43739487

there's no actual hardline for what counts R18 adult content because it's just "depictions of sexual content"
That's why slurping noises from earlicking or just someone with tits big enough can already get you age-restricted on YouTube but be fine on NicoNico, it entirely depends on who's judging
No one can deny her content is sexual anyway, so it's not like she can play dumb

>> No.43739691

100% the warnings are for those crotch shots she did while doing the service for feetfags, her panties nearly shows her danger zone

>> No.43739847

Community stream flood gates back open I see

>> No.43739958

Wasn't her contract for this FC only 1 year? This upcoming stream will be her 1 year if I'm not mistaken, so we should be knowing her decision if she's staying or not pretty soon.

>> No.43739968

She seems to have found a good solution, whatever setting she changes makes it hard enough to stream so in a depression state it doesn't happen anymore, then once she feels better, or manic, she finally feels like changing the setting and streaming.

>> No.43739984

It's not really a contract, at some points she said at least 1 year because she promised 1 year rewards, and she already talked about plans for year 2 rewards.
I doubt she'll quit for a couple of years, but it wouldn't surprise me if she scaled down, completely dropping the short videos and maybe making the streams shorter.

>> No.43739996

She said she'd give 3(?) months notice because there's a "pay for 3 months up front" option. This was a couple of months ago that she mentioned this and people were doomposting that her even bringing it up meant she was going to quit. I doubt it, it brings in too much money for ~3 hours a month.
I will say, as a day 1 renga member, I don't want her to go R18 but DWANGO warning her over her current style of content is complete bullshit. At this rate the FC stuff is just going to be Niconico but she can say chinko and give a dildo a handjob, which is not worth 10x the cost imo.

>> No.43740018

She needs to take this chance while she's manic and record a really hot video for the 1 year reward before she gets depressed again, and busy with Noel.

>> No.43740056

Make the streams shorter, make more shorts where it at least seems she can go further due to being able to edit the videos, but the editing should never reach the pink bar censoring again.
I agree on the not going full R18 since with how much stuff is posted online and it affecting her already if she ever does go 18 it would make the slip reposting seem like it was a regular NND video. And if DWANGO does get worse on doubling down on her content, she should consider leaving the FC. It’s not like they will ever fix their sites, she should consider alternatives if she does plan continuing.

>> No.43740068

My hope is that she knows she's making enough money that she knows Dwango can complain but won't really do anything about it, like she already knew crotch close ups weren't allowed since the Swimsuit Stream I think and still went with it so she doesn't care much.
Or maybe it really is because she can't hold herself back when she gets in the mood, and well I doubt that'll change as long as she doesn't stream while depressed.

>> No.43740094

Never assume you're immune. If you do it enough times they'll come down on you. She doesn't want to risk losing her channel.

>> No.43740137

This is why Macoto is winning

>> No.43740172

I just feel like the way she talks about it they aren't very threatening with those warnings, more like suggestions? "If you do that and have an accident again we'll be in trouble so be careful" Would explain why they seem more lenient for videos.
So as long as she keeps her confidence that there won't be more accidents she can ignore them, hopefully.

>> No.43740197

yeah, but Japanese are indirect in general so it might as well be the same thing

>> No.43740239

I don't know much about Macoto but does she have an outlet like this? I imagine it's the same treatment but does have somewhere to talk about it.

>> No.43740307

If she was actually violating any policies then shouldn't she have to edit the video? "Don't do X anymore, but you can leave the archive up," doesn't make any sense. They should either draw a firm line or shut the fuck up.

>> No.43740342

Doesn't matter. If Dwango says don't do something she'll stop doing it and won't fight back. Her biggest fear is losing her channel so she'll do whatever Dwango tells her.
I wonder if she'll eventually stop if the stress gets too much. She was excited for the FC before because it gave her freedom but if they restrict her this much it's just a racier NND. Combine that with her mental health, the piracy, and work and she's pretty stressed out. So maybe she'll just stop.

>> No.43740424

I’d be ok with her stoping the FC. It let her be more free but it came with a lot of drawbacks that doesn’t seem worth it anymore. Since she originally thought it was going to be her and her most dedicated fans, instead got over 4 digits of people for the first half of the month which granted those were probably her original target audience, but as the videos came out more and more people jumped in hoping for more slip ups, the piracy skyrocketed making her think she can’t fully trust even her most dedicated fans, the mental drain caused by the wide spread sharing of her content and so on.
I’ll keep on repeating this in the hopes she sees this but sites like Fantia have better safeguards when it comes to taking her content as she herself has seen that stuff reposting stop in the main ones she kept track of.

>> No.43740708

Jesus christ the way you fags talk about "piracy" makes it seem you're talking about high art or something
It's just a pair of boobs, who fucking cares. You all should get a grip and stop tarding out, and she too.
>inb4 shitty cheeky comment about how boobs are high art le ebin shitpost lmao gottem

>> No.43740753

Piracy is only talked about because how it affects her, yes it's retarded but it's making her depressed, no one is asking for the piracy to stop because it's imposible and only she doesn't realize it, but the point is if she dropped FC and joined a more secure site it would drop down, look at how little Rizuna's 10k fantia plan gets shared, and that new 30k one is never getting shared at all.
And if piracy goes down she'll go crazy lest often.

>> No.43740854

What they said>>43740753
also wait Rizuna got another tier jesus, honestly her 10k tier wasn’t worth the price what’s her 30k tier stuff

>> No.43740908

No one will ever know, plan description just says "I'll upload those kinds of videos" and only had like 5 slots, first post for the plan only said that it's a 5 minutes video.
She could be full nude fucking her dildos and those 5 people will never share.
I'd go insane if Canan did something like this, she's very generous by comparison.

>> No.43741199

Yeah i don’t think they will ever be shared by those 5 since she could just nuke them easily since she knows who are part of the plan. I tried her 10k plan for a month was the most disappointing month of content I paid for, Canan content is leaps and bounds more worth it.
I’d also pay for it if Canan did a super tier on fantia also can’t they decide if they let someone join said tiers.

>> No.43741325

Well they can decide how many can join, I wouldn't like it because with how popular she is no way I'd get lucky enough to join, and the idea of super expensive content being posted without knowing what it actually is, not even a thumbnail, is horrible.
But yeah if she just did a normal unlimited expensive tier it would be fine, wouldn't stop piracy much though.

>> No.43741501

I haven't watch the community stream, but I'd doubt it'd be the tit free paizuri. I think the fake sex scene was the issue. She had one and then two tits out and then was bouncing up and down. A clip of that without context would seem like a POV of her getting fucked from cowgirl.

>> No.43741546

Macoto is a gigastacy when it comes to piracy. I don't know how she does it but you'll be hard pressed to find her stuff outside of torrent sites and if you do, you'll only get a few hours before it's gone. Her content on FC is tamer than Canan's for double the price but you can tell she doesn't not give a fuck. She knows she has paypigs that will bend over backwards. Macoto has the right mindset for this type of business. Canan doesn't but ultimately that's why folks like Canan more.

>> No.43741584

Well it can be both but I think they care more about "what can happen" than "what it looks like", whatever if it looks like she's having sex as long as she doesn't show anything, but if she's doing crotch close ups or going bra-less then an accident that leads to R18 content, or even illegal if pussy, can happen, and she DID have an accident already so they can't trust her.

>> No.43741933

Is Noel being L cup something she's said as Noel before? I feel like she always went with "K cup for knight"

>> No.43742127

I think other members have mentioned she is bigger

>> No.43742153

She hasn't. Like you said she has always said Knight Cup.
According to the clip someone in the chat told Watame that Noel is L Cup now so she responded to it

>> No.43742188

If someone said it on her chat I wonder if she'd deny it or get confused about whether she has mentioned it before or not.
She was already dropping roleplay last Sunday saying "College" instead of 学び舎

>> No.43742393

Wouldn't L cup in Japan be K cup elsewhere?

>> No.43742404

Why come we doesn't just get a kanji captcha??

>> No.43742508

Now that the dust has settled, was the nipple everything you expected?
Personally, I found it somewhat underwhelming and only marginally suckable.

>> No.43742599

What's the difference in content between Her Fantia, NDD, and fanclub?

>> No.43742602

What nipple?

>> No.43742696 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 400x374, Grunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Halo grunt

>> No.43743175

NND is her original channel.
It's where she'll usually do 2 Earlick ASMR, a sleep ASMR which is audio only, and something else like a cooking stream or last month she tried on outfits because she was cleaning out her closet.
Her Fantia is where she'll upload rejects thumbnail photos and high quality versions of past NND streams. Sometimes the occasional video but it's largely a second thought to her.
Fanclub or FC is probably the only one worth it if you could only sub to one of her accounts. It's where she'll stream once a month a racier more lewd earlick ASMR. She also has videos to rent and sometimes uploads random NND videos.

>> No.43743195

How racier is her fanclub stream?
It cost 1000 Yen and i don't want to get scammed by big tits girl.

>> No.43743209

You only get the FC streams with the 5k and 10k yen plans and we'll have to see how they are now that she's gotten repeated warnings from Dwango about her content. It might not be worth it, some already think it won't be. You could also get it for free if you know where to look.

>> No.43743373

You're removing the context, which is a mistake. The nipple itself is just mid. However, the fact that the nipple is apart of her absolutely massive mammaries makes the whole package god like.

>> No.43743421
File: 43 KB, 379x121, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved to 10 PM because she doesn't want to overlap, I guess Flare's 1 million, Korone's new outfit and maybe she's in Matsuri's totsu? There's a lot of stuff today.
Well she was fine overlapping Laplus 3D so shows who she really cares about in hololive.

>> No.43743505

What 3d are you taking about? I see no 3d scheduled anywhere

>> No.43743523

A few weeks back she overlapped Laplus 3D to play Zelda.

>> No.43743541

Lapu is mid

>> No.43743676

It was a prerecorded variety show, not a live concert.

>> No.43743704

Is this nipple slip the one with the bunny suit or was there a new one?

>> No.43743733

the only nipslip happened was the succubus one

>> No.43743759

Right, that was the one i was thinking of

>> No.43743793

It's Flare's endurance stream. There's no set time because she doesn't know when Flare will hit 1 million.

>> No.43743810

Guessing she wants to do a call in to give her congratulations to flare

>> No.43743837

It's Flare. She's struggled the most out of everyone in their gen to get this far, not to mention how she disliked her original model and wanted it redone to be more girly for years.
No surprise she wants to support her genmate.

>> No.43743909

Flare is 6k away and let's be honest, you gotta seriously doubt that she'll get 6k in a reasonable amount of time. Noel might as well not stream tonight.

>not to mention how she disliked her original model and wanted it redone to be more girly for years.
Not to mention how much of a choosy gigastacy she is. She's basically the Ina of HoloJP

>> No.43743971

Nah L cup is L cup for example Mugi is L and actually looks like it
Canan is just lying

>> No.43743999

would be a K in UK sizes, H in US sizes

>> No.43744004

unlikeable mentally ill retard

>> No.43744315

Yeah that would be nice. Hope it goes well even if Noel doesn’t stream because of it. It’s cool how much they support each other. I would say they should have a dinner celebration the day after.

>> No.43745395


>> No.43745751

Oh I didn't even notice the stream got further delayed to tomorrow.
And still not Canan plans but she said it would happen this week? She barely has two weeks left for 4 streams

>> No.43747103

Shouldn’t be too hard ASMR could happen after the Zelda stream. A cooking or other type the day after the talk event and another ASMR as a lead in to the FC. The weird one would be the ASMR that doesn’t lead into the FC if it doesn’t happen this week, next week would be the best place since I’m sure she doesn’t want to do 3 in a row like last time where it affected her throat.

>> No.43747732

Not happening. Nico streams are always announced a day in advance.
Zelda is at 19:00 anyway, and I highly doubt she plans to cut it off in just a couple of hours.

>> No.43748046

I know why she pushed back her stream today, its because she went over to Flare's house to "celebrate" her 1 mil.

>> No.43748140

No camera streams for the next week so a cooking is what we will get till next Friday.

>> No.43748251

Damn you probably right. Wonder how many rounds they went. We know Noel can go 3-4

>> No.43748305

Did she say that? I heard her say the next Nico stream, whenever it happens, will be earlick.

>> No.43748720

I think she delayed because she fell back into a depression. That tweet on her sub account about memories and getting nostalgic during Flare's songs must have become melancholy.

>> No.43748725

Nope, but I think originally she was planning to do the earlick tomorrow but with Flare reaching a million it’s a cause for celebration so she’s pushing stuff around. And the talk event happening Sunday she will probably want to talk about it hence why I think a cooking the day after would be the best choice.

>> No.43748786

She said she won't talk about the event since she feels bad for the people that didn't win

>> No.43748929

Did she damn never mind then, still think a cooking for Monday though.

>> No.43749191

Yeah, it's a shame since her talks after the Noel talk events are always fun.
Maybe she won't be able to hold herself back and talk about it next FC stream

>> No.43749569

She still has the FC anniversary that she will more than likely talk about after this FC. Wonder what she has planned to do for it, my guess is it would be swimsuit themed for the start of summer but it being the 1 year I don’t know anymore.

>> No.43750107

Well other than the stream she wants something special that can be enjoyed equally by kaigainiki too, can't imagine what other than some extra video, maybe make it available for wood plan too.
Sounds boring though.

>> No.43750270

Man I hope the 1 year reward will be good. All the rewards so far hasn't been worth it, especially as a kaigai subber. If the 1 year reward is lackluster I'm probably gonna cancel my sub.

>> No.43750590

At this rate we'll get 1 year at the end of the year.

>> No.43750642

If we are lucky

>> No.43750934

Add Flare to that list, HATE Flare

>> No.43750954

We love Flare so you can leave.

>> No.43751031

Hate everyone except canan, she shows her boobs
