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43564175 No.43564175 [Reply] [Original]

Two sage with radically different background

>> No.43564231
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>> No.43564247

*angelic choir*

>> No.43564259

Anon, you would have to be alive at the time that song was released to post here.

>> No.43564314

Meh what do they care, it's all over tiktok anyways

>> No.43564333
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Zoomers these days can't even get the damn song right, y'see back in my day...

>> No.43565077
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About Gensokyo's geography, where is the Forest of Magic is located in relation to Human Village?
I thought it was mentioned in PMiSS that it's to the west and Bamboo Forrest to the south, but after re-reading I couldn't find it so I must be misremembering it. Fan maps can't agree on this either. I've found picrelated, with its maker claiming it was the most accurate, but I'm not sure about it's locations for the Forest of Magic.

>> No.43565089

According to some of the manga like WaHH or the fairy manga the shrine and forest are to thr east/south east of the village

>> No.43565107

I'm gonna be that guy, and say that ZUN is so inconsistent that making a map that adheres to canon is an exercise in futility.
Anything can be wherever, but I like to think that weird spacetime manipulation means that technically the space in gensokyo is infinite, even though that's 100% refuted by canon. It just makes more sense to me than the recursive space explanation.

>> No.43565130

Yeah ZUN is inconsistent but generally the mountain is depicted as being north and the forest to the east with the shrine being around the same area along the border of the barrier. Fairy manga mentioned it in passing at least since the fairies house is directly in the barrier
The space is infinite though at least as confirmed in WaHH and its easier to get back where you started than to go explore

>> No.43565515

I hate Okina so much it's unreal.

>> No.43565528
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Another thing I want to mention is this fragment from PMiSS - apparently the Garden of the Sun is a location in the "heart" of Gensokyo that is far away to the south from the Village. This must mean that Gensokyo is at least twice the size that fan-made maps usually attribute to it, and that so far we've only seen northeastern parts of it (or just northern - maybe Gensokyo is more oblong than usually imagined).

>> No.43565545

i like ace combat

>> No.43567135

Ok Aya

>> No.43570465


>> No.43576175

>page 10
No one cares about canon anymore
Billion must pichuun

>> No.43578761
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Gensokyo seems to use both modern yen (CoLA mentions paper money, Yukari donates paper money to Reimu in VFiS, BAiJR has a picture of Aya donating a yen coin to Tewi) and Tokugawa coinage (AFiEU has prices on Seiran's dangos listed in mon, Reimu had a bundle of 1000 mon - kanmon, with her in one of the manga, I think it was FS)
Wonder if they accept any non-japanese currency there?

>> No.43580208

rather than different backgrounds, is more interesting the difference in personality and modus operandi. Yukari can take retarded gambling in fucking with the lunarians but she supposedly have the greatest good of gensokyo in mind. Okina on the other hand, seems like it doesn't care about anything but power grabs and amusement, not even Kasen likes her

>> No.43582111

>Scarlet Devil Mansion right next to the human village
That seems very dangerous for the humans. The Hakurei Shrine is much further away.

>> No.43582474

The map is not to scale (as there is no scale), but yeah, SDM seems a bit too close considering that getting to the Hakurei Shrine on foot takes oly about an hour.
Wait, that can't be right. This would make Gensokyo incredibly tiny unless there is more territory to the west - only about 8 miles in diameter, which is ridiculous, territory around Yatsugatake would have to be at least 16 miles in diameter if it were to have the entirety of the mountain within it's boundaries, and that's just the mountain

>> No.43585151 [DELETED] 


>> No.43587901

Unless you broke your way in like Marisa, I don't think SDM is that dangerous to human merely passing by

>> No.43587931


>> No.43587957

I have literally zero knowledge about touhou besides a couple of characters and I want to get into the fandom. Where do I start? I don't want to play the games though so...

>> No.43588084

Read the wiki, read the official printworks, read doujinshi (just don't take their content as canon facts).

>> No.43588135

Is there any canon manga or novels I can start with?

>> No.43588720

Perfect Memento is a somewhat of a guidebook to the earlier (and probably the ones you're familiar with) characters, only the "author" is an unreliable narrator so some details aren't 100% or are proven wrong later on in other works
Still it's a good starting point for learning of characters
Most of the manga and novels require you to have game knowledge first though because they'll reference events that happened in them

>> No.43590508

Fuck you Kasen

>> No.43593049


>> No.43594175
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Why does Yukari summons trains and train signs in fighting games? is there something related to her lore that im not getting or is it because its easy and kinda funny to summon? I dont hate it i think its really fucking cool but its not like shes
connected to trains like how Murasa is connected to boats and shit.

>> No.43594482

surprised that zoomers have the attention span to browse /jp/

>> No.43594996
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The scarlet devil mansion is actually a western style japanese mansion, one of those that were built during the meiji period trying to copy west aesthetics but that ironically do not actually exist in Europe

>Wonder if they accept any non-japanese currency there?
that's an interesting topic
I think the basic logic of gensokyo nad touhou is that whenever something is forgotten in the real world and stops being used and remembered it starts appearing in gensokyo. With the advent of digital payments physical yen are starting to be slowly obsolete (only slighly), but I don't think other coinage like dollars or euros would appear in gensokyo because they were something that really existed in japan as something that is being forgotten

>> No.43595180

Probably this

>> No.43595350

Merry is a train enthusiast, why do you think she moved to Japan in the first place?

>> No.43595370

'erry on the 'rain 'hreads

>> No.43595495

Actually getting into Touhou by reading the manga first might not be so bad, it would be like a complete stranger being droped in the middle of Gensokyo. You don't know who those people are but you can still watch how they behave and get to know the different locations over time.

I would recommend to start with either Wild and Horned Hermit, or Forbidden Scrollery which is more recent but might be easier to start with.

If you feel like you're really missing some information about a character while reading, just refer back to the wiki:
- check the page dedicated to that character (especially the expandable sections under "Official Profiles").
- check the page about that character or location from "Perfect Memento in Strict Sense" or "Symposium of Post-mysticism".
- check the page about that character from "Strange Creators of Outer World" (in "Who's Who of Humans & Youkai").

>> No.43602307

Who is the Embodiement of the Scarlet Devil

>> No.43602485

remilia, who the fuck else?

>> No.43603390
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did you seriously forget about flandre?

>> No.43604197

no, but its refering to remilia

>> No.43604207

Well, ZUN did for a long time

>> No.43605864

Isn't the SDM based off of the mansion at the Kyu-Furukawa Gardens in Tokyo? The earliest picture of it looks like a modified version. The only difference is in EoSD, the windows appear to be rounded at the top like the old European style.
Which also brings to mind... is there any baseline for what the mansion looks like, like a rough pre-established exterior appearance?

>> No.43605931

>Kyu-Furukawa Gardens in Tokyo
I personally don't think its based in any particular building. Perhaps is true that ZUN got inspired when he saw that one, but I don't really remember the actual mansion appearoing well in EoSD in a way that could definitely show if it was based on an IRL building or not

whatever the case, the point of my post there was more about how Remi MAYBE is lying and she doesn't have any relation at all to Europe and was never there. She may just be a massive westaboo

>> No.43605942

ZUN himself has never depicted the SDM, it's always been the work of his collaborators.

>> No.43605950

Perhaps, although the plot of EoSD revolves around the mansion suddenly appearing on the misty lake, not that it was there before, and vampires are explicity stated to be extinct in gensokyo, sans Remy/Flan.

There is no real evidence to suggest that Remilia lied about that, and is such a huge westaboo that she built her house in that way on purpose, when canonically she speaks perfect english (Or writes in english, but same thing in my book)

>> No.43605993

yeah, and they all paint the place differently, although all share common designs of western style japanese mansions
I don't think the exact design matters really

>There is no real evidence to suggest that Remilia lied about that
No, but its fun to consider it, isn't it? The idea is more about that Remilia has always been japanese and living in japan alongside the mansion when it moved to Gensokyo. Also, perfectly possible for a westaboo, moreso if they are 500 years old, to learn english

Now that I think about it, why would a romanian vampire from the Tepes bloodline speak english?

>> No.43606110

>>Now that I think about it, why would a romanian vampire from the Tepes bloodline speak english?
Because Remi is actually anglo-saxon and has zero connection to the Tepe's bloodline by actual blood and was born into English nobility.
Basically she made up the whole Tepe's bloodline and a lot of other things cause it sounded cool.

>> No.43606140

Isn't the thing about the SDM being in the middle of the lake just product of a mistranslation?
Also, how do the other realms and the boundaries interact?
Like, does the Gensokyo border cordon off a part of actual Hell or does Gensokyo itself have it's own hell?
Do we even know if the border is actually round?

>> No.43606198
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, Cirno is smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we even know if the border is actually round?
That is actually answered in Wahh, you can imagine it as a dome that goes up to encompass the moon but in truth its actually infinite and you can go in any direction as much as you'd like without running into any walls and only finding more and more land.

The sanzu seems to be a boundary in the same way in which unless you're suitably powerful only those with access like the Shinigami and other important denizens of hell can cross, otherwise you'd just get lost on the river and can never find your way to the otherside.

Not sure about the SDM but Reimu did have to cross the lake and most jap artists depict the SDM at being in the center of the lake so its likely canon as it can be in 2hu.

As for the nature of hell there is the more typical Christian/Buddahist hell which is former hell containing the lake of blood, needle hell, etc etc and theres current hell where Hectia rules over which according to some sources is about the size of Saturn and more of a free-for-all with the ministry being the only thing imposing any kind of order that isn't animal yakuza style

>> No.43606206

>Isn't the thing about the SDM being in the middle of the lake just product of a mistranslation?
No, it just varies. In CDS it’s shown in the middle of Misty Lake with a bridge connecting it to the mainland. In SSiB it’s shown to be on the shore surrounded by forest.

>> No.43606207
File: 3.32 MB, 1280x720, canon remilia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anglo saxon
>when she's a catholic nun
yeah right

>> No.43606225

You’re thinking of Rokkenjima mansion. Ryukishi used pictures of the gardens and mansion for Umineko.

>> No.43606231

Sorry anon but the church separated during the 16th century when Remillia was born, so unless she became a nun during the rule of Mary I theres no way for your fetish to be real

>> No.43606246

I can't find any of that, it says she's from "Europe", but again if she lied about Tepes she could perfectly be lying about where she's from anyway

its not that I really care, its just a fun theory, I'm just basing this on the fact that mansions like the scarlet devil mansion do not actually exist in Europe and they only exist in Japan and I think also Vietnam from their French rule era

>> No.43606273

I mean, it wouldn't be impossible for her family to have a hungarian/romanian noble migrant at some point, nobility got around a lot more than the commonfolk did at that time.

Or it could just be that she's metaphorically descended from Tepes, since she's a vampire, and that's all she's referring to.

>> No.43606279

how the fuck isn't it real when i just posted it

>> No.43606297

oh yeah absolutely. Out of curiosity I checked the wiki and there's sadly a big "citation needed" that should be on the page about her backstory, but regardless it states that the part about descending from vlad is a lie, although oddly enough unkown to everyone in gensokyo

The real answer of course is that probably ZUN never really put that much though into it and it doesn't matter that much. Again, its just food for though

>> No.43606315

my dumbfuck brainlet take is that, as gensokyo is a place of fantasy and illusion, the places can change and mutate, moving, expanding, getting smaller or shifting

>> No.43606327

So it's like the minotaur labyrinth?

>> No.43606355

maps of gensokyo are often interesting to look at, to see what are the takes from the fans, but they are quite meaningless when suddendly a game comes up and somehow a huge canyon was always there in the middle of a mountain or similar. Its fun, but quite pointless, to try to map out a place that is defined by existing outside reality

>> No.43607529
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So you're saying that Remi was just larping all this time?

>> No.43607545
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bit rude to draw her so ugly, senpai

>> No.43607932

Since I'm the one that asked this question I fell I should clarify. One of the manga has the SDM styled like the mansion I asked about. As for the windows, the stage in EoSD has the light coming through in the arched windows in the background. But for everyone else talking about the SDM crew in general, the sisters are supposed to have a five year difference, with Flandre being named for French Flanders as the prevalent theory, and Remilia being tied with either French in origin or Italian based off of "Remilia" being a modification of "Emilia". Sakuya's artwork for the pocketwatch is an Elgin Father Time, which is out of the US. Meiling may have come from the Sino-French war in Shanghai. Patchouli is English? I would guess based off of her general magic knowledge (ha.), she's around 150-300 years old. Koakuma is from Tampa Florida, minus her perpetual French accent in fan works.

>> No.43608011

>Koakuma is from Tampa Florida, minus her perpetual French accent in fan works.

Literally the only time I have ever heard of this.
I think reading into the pocket watch thing is a little too much, since I think ZUN just ripped it from some source library (Or maybe the internet, but I think 2002 internet wasn't all that great). Even going with that, luxury items like clocks would find themselves across the atlantic fairly easily, same as guns. The Papal State used Remington rifles for a short while, for example, and clocks used to be pretty closely related to rifles for a time when it came to their manufacture/export.

I honestly don't have any theories for Patchy, but I always sorta guessed she was the french one, and the rest were English/British.
For all we know, Sakuya was clobbering around the streets of Edinburgh before she got picked up. Maybe that's where she met Meiling?
Remilia at the very least speaks perfect English, and it's not uncommon for nobility to speak a romance language, back in her day it wouldn't be unheard of to name your kid with a romantic name to distinguish them from commoners, especially in England. Most of the pre - 1603 nobility was Anglo-Norman, or even directly Norman with only a hint of Saxon in them, since 1066 killed all of the old Germanic nobility for the most part. I'd assume Flandre is just called that for some reason, the connection with Flanders seems more like a coincidence than anything thought out.

>> No.43608041

saying anything about koakuma, the character ZUN never gave half a fuck about and barely counts as having an appearance in the game (she has as much presence and character as a spinny enemy) is shitposting
saying she's from Florida is some high quality premium advanced shitposting

>> No.43608165

because you posted filthy 3d instead of 2d
you fool
you absolute buffoon
you simpering troglodyte

>> No.43608182

That's what it was meant as for Koa. Just a shitpost. But honestly, look at the girl. She screams "Tampa" to me. As for Remilia, she's a beautiful little gremlin Noble and I love her.

>> No.43608188
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it wouldn't be that far off if she did live in japan before transfering to gensokyo and thus as a mere european style mansion. Her spear is slavic, her chupacabra is mexican, her gatekeeper is scottish, her maid is slavic too but has a jap name.
Remillia was born during the time the british empire was the hugest in the world and it stayed that way for quite awhile so she would've had plenty of time to travel the globe eventually becoming a weeabo and settling in Japan. Though that last part is headcanon the fact that she can speak jap rather well, named her maid a jap name, and moved to jap fantasy land despite clearly being able to sustain in the outside world all points to the fact that she's a huge weeb and only moved over out of whimsy

>> No.43608234
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>Her spear is slavic, her chupacabra is mexican, her gatekeeper is scottish, her maid is slavic too but has a jap name.
what the fuck am I even reading

I like your theory too, which is the opposite of mine. I was thinking that she was japanese from the beginning and trying to pass as an european but your idea of her being a european who ended up deciding to become davido kun would be fitting as well

>> No.43608268

She was just following the customs of european royalty to larp as successors of renowned monarchs/dynasties or as successors of the Roman Empire.

>> No.43608356

Wouldn't the spears be Scandanavian? They're from Odin and Loki, or at least named for them. As for Sakuya being a Slav, isn't that just from how the Japanese portray Russians with the white hair and all? Plus, if Remi was smart about the descendant of Dracula thing, she could roughly spin it as being his daughter or granddaughter depending on what time frame she wants to stick to. Bram Stoker has him going to England, after all.

>> No.43608382

>Wouldn't the spears be Scandanavian?
NTA, but just wanted to point out that behind the mythology Odin was a Russian tribal lord who's legend became what we know over time so they'd be pre-mongol slavic.

>> No.43608407

>Wouldn't the spears be Scandanavian
yeah correct, scandinavian, not slavic. Regardless its just fucking funny to do wild assumptions of such precise nationalities based on nothing

that's really cool

>> No.43608434
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Anon, have you heard of Norway and Sweden?

And the British empire was at it's peak ~150 odd years ago, not 500, that was the Spanish empire. Britain would still have been two seperate kingdoms in 1500.
I don't think Sakuya is Slavic either.
She just doesn't give me an air of somone who lived in the tundra or the steppe.

>> No.43608551

>Anon, have you heard of Norway and Sweden?
don't you gaslight me into believing they exist, and like I said the associated legends of being Odin's spear are Russian in origin but became myth in the scandies later

>And the British empire was at it's peak ~150 odd years ago
Britain was still there crying at the spanish and attempting to muscle in, at the time they had were attempting to colonize the Americas, had trade going on in Africa. Either way by the 18th century The brits had their empire spanning all the way to India and it only grew over time.
As British Nobility she would've had claims in most of the holdings in those companies and been able to travel as she pleased as her long life and durability would ensure that a few months of voyage would pose no issue. As the empire expanded she would've been more exposed to Asia and become a weeabo

>> No.43610399

Crazy SDM origin theory
Remilia and Flandre were born in the Burgundian Netherlands during the late 1400s, most likely in Fladers since their names are a corruption of French names and during a time the Duchy of Burgundy under the House of Valois ruled both France and Burgundy.
Patchouli was a magician from France that befriended Remilia after escaping the Inquisition, she helped to hide the Scarlet Devil Mansion inside the Ardennes after the parents of Remilia and Flandre were captured and lynched or executed during the complex political situation happening during that time (Charles the Bold's reign and countless wars in his attempts to restore Lotharingia or create a proper Kingdom of Burgundy).
Patchouli and the Scarlet Sisters lived in relatively peace, with the magician summoning Koakuma as her familiar to help her kidnap humans lost in the forest to feed Remilia and Flandre. During the Napoleonic Wars and after witnessing massive fights between humans next to her home like never seen before, Remilia would consider the need to find a mighty gatekeeper to keep her mansion safe from any unwanted guests, so she would embark in a travel with Patchouli to Qing China some time during the Century of Humilliation (Opium Wars, Taiping Rebellion, Boxers Rebellion, Revolution of 1911) to find a proper gatekeeper, finally finding it in the form of Hong Meiling.
The SDM family would live pesceful until the beginning of WW1 when the Battle of the Ardennes threatened their home, Remilia and Patchouli would begin making plans to move elsewhere but they would be caught off-guard by the esely stages of the Battle of France and the Battle of the Bulge during WW2, in both wars any missing soldiers who disappeared into the forest would've been used to fed the Scarlet Sisters as well to keep the SDM safe feom pesky intruders.
Timeskip to the end of the 90s, a young and experienced vampire hunter lady finds the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she passes through its defenses and reaches Remilia, after a fierce battle she is defeated and almost killed, but the vampire mistress is impressed by her skills, she manipulates the huntress' fate and makes her utterly loyal and kind to her, soon after this event the SDM would move into Gensokyo, Japan. It would be here where Remilia gives a new name to her new head maid: Sakuya Izayoi.
She would remain in a stasis-like state recovering from her physical and mental injuries while the Scarlet Devil attempted to take Gensokyo, leading to the Vampire Incident and the establishment of the Spell Card system as well as the Devil's Contract.
Once Sakuya had awakened fully healed, Remilia decides to make her more friendly to the humans of Gensokyo (since changing her fate in a wakened state might have caused a sudden change in her personality and social behaviour), so she decides to start an small incident by summoning a Scarlet Mist and forcing Reimu to get into the mansion, thus leading to the EoSD events.

>> No.43610903
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>She was alive 500 years ago
>1500, the cenit of the spanish empire
fuck it, you are all wrong
Her real name is Maria Remilia de la Concepción Escarlata and that explains why she's an ordained catholic nun and her sister's name is Francisca

>> No.43610913

>Odin was slavic
I know slavs had connections with scandinavians, but I never heard about that, any sources you could share?

>> No.43612111

>Koakuma is from Tampa, Florida
Oh man I didn't expect to laugh this hard from reading this thread.
Thanks anon.

>> No.43612671

Sauce? Reverse is giving me nothing.

>> No.43612890

I don't think its up anywhere

>> No.43612931


>> No.43614220

Didn't Spain owned the Burgundian Netherlands?

>> No.43616207

This may surprise you, but they controlled the spanish netherlands

give them back you fucking heretics

>> No.43616932

They weren't Burgundian anymore by then, but yeah. However, I think present Belgium was eventually transferred to the Austrian Hapsburgs as Austrian Netherlands.

>> No.43618512

After Charles the Bold died in battle like a true dumbass his daughter Mary inherired the burgundian throne and was forced to make many concessions to keep her position secure, she then married the Archduke of Austria Phillip the Handsome.
Mary fell from her horsr and broke her neck after giving a child to Phillip, some royal marriages here and there later and you have Charles of Habsburg as Emperor of the HRE as Charles V, King of Romans and Spain as Charles I and Duke of Burgundy.
And after the Treaty of Utrecht ~200 years later the Spanish Netherlands were ceded to Austria, becoming the Austrian Netherlands until Napoleon's invasion. Then it would unite with the Netherlands to become the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and later become Belgium and Luxembourg.
So yes, it would be possible that Remillia and Flandre went from being Burgundian to Spanish to Austrian to French and finally Dutch & Belgian before going into Gensokyo.

>> No.43622428

So what is it with Byakuren and Miko, who had absolutely no contact with the world for more than a thousand years, having any clue about spellcards? Did they get a lecture off screen?

>> No.43623579

Damn, God did make them a number for the fiasco of joan of arc

>> No.43625905

>"Alas Joan it is not personal, it's just politics." Phillip the Good in the Grand Dukes of the West campaign finale in AOE2 DE.
Guess God really took it personal and reduced Burgundy to a note in the pages of history just a few decades later.

>> No.43626000

presumably ten desires doesn't take place 20 minutes after miko woke up from her nap
they had to recruit all those fairies sometime

>> No.43626210

>they had to recruit all those fairies sometime
They didn't. Who beside Remilia and Orin would even recruit common fairies?

>> No.43628181
File: 111 KB, 256x320, LilyUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do fairy wings connect to their back?
Are they all detached and floating like Cirno's icicle wings?

>> No.43628560
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>Eternity from Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Everlasting Edition

you question really fucking confuses me

>> No.43628657
File: 77 KB, 850x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realised I didn't word it right so I went to draw a clarification. What I meant to ask is: if a fairy has multiple pairs of wings like Lily, do they converge to a point or sprout along the length of the back, unless they float like Cirno's.

>> No.43628794
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So pretty much asking if they are like butterflies or dragonflies
I think you won't find an answer and each fairy has different wings, as you already know by bringing up how cirno doesn't technically have wings

>> No.43628923
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I guess they float? At remilias moon party you can see lillys wings compared to sunny, and they seem to be all be separate.
It is also probably worth noting that lilly has three or four different wing "designs," including a more "normal" mob fairy set, the flowery one from the card art, and even a feathery, bird-like one for her boss sprites, so the individual fairy probably has some influence as to their appearance at any given time.

>> No.43629028
File: 1.55 MB, 900x1291, image_2023-06-01_153628237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the touhou manga I should read?

>> No.43630341
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Can someone give a quick rundown on Flandre's wings? was she born without them or did she lose her real wings in an accident or something? if it's the latter then why can't she grow them back?

>> No.43630598
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flan is a very stupid character to duscuss because Zun doesn't give a fuck about her and has remained completely irrelevant since her debut. She finally made a comeback in sunken fossil world, but probably not due Zun's interest because her dialogue is so fucking bland and shows so little personality that almost nothing can be surmised about her and it begs the question of what the fuck was the point

The point I'm trying to make is that any question whatsoever related to flandre can only be answered with a "who the fuck knows?" because she has nothing, her popularity being an absolute mistery to me. You may as well come up with a theory and at least start some discussion instead

Do you still want me to give you an answer? She was born with them and she got them from her mother while remilia got hers from her father

>> No.43630658

So you're saying there's absolutely 0 references to Flandre's wings in all of the official works?

>> No.43630882

Why would there be? Its such an irrelevant question about such an irrelevant character. Do you expect a reason to why the horse of prince shoutoku wears a cowboy hat?

>> No.43630947

She's special.
Magical girls get magical and cool wings on their backs.

>> No.43631096
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>She's special.
She forgot her cute and cool hat.

>> No.43631123

honestly anon, I actually can't remember any magical girl with wings on her back. Sakura doesn't get wings, they are part of one of her hundred costumes

>> No.43631253

It’s a bit odd
In CoLA Rinnosuke says it operates on a barter system and calls money evil. His perspective may be warped since his only “customers” never pay lol
But they also use money in the manga

>> No.43632348

ZUN himself said Vampires dont use their wings to fly, so may as well make something different and Creative with flan wings. Zun is not Tolkien Anon, he just throw shit at walls and hope is Aesthetic, this is the guy who lost the majority of source codes of old touhou games

>> No.43632368

Dude's an ass, there's literally a daily festival in Hakurei/Morita shrine that makes bartering shit very impractical
And we already see a lot of shop in the village like Geidontei and Suzunaan

>> No.43632786

probably meant that batering is still in practice which would make more sense since we see money, shops taking money, donations to the shrine, and Komachi takes money as part of her job

>> No.43633022

I feel like this was loosely based on the overworld from genius of sappheiros.

>> No.43634818

Who was the miko who made the feast at Halurei Shrine to celebrate Hieda no Akyuu's birth?

>> No.43635091
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4chan is full with zoomers now face the facts anon

>> No.43637840

Never played that one.

>> No.43638719

Better question is who is the Lunate Elf?

>> No.43645479
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From PMiSS
>It's believed that Roukanken was forged by youkai, and it's too long to be used by normal humans.
Has Akyuu ever used a sword in one of her incarnations? Hell, has she even seen one? This is nowhere near unusable.

>> No.43645628

But the real question is who is Hartmann?

>> No.43645932

Philosopher who theorised about subconscious/unconscious minds seems like the most likely choice.

>> No.43645953

back in my day we listened to whatever we found on newgrounds

>> No.43649576

Man with a heart.

>> No.43654410

Old chap!

>> No.43657014

What happened to the old Hakurei miko?

>> No.43659785

Reimu's mom probably died.

>> No.43665280

Oh yeah one of the mangas said Remmy is an orphan. No dad either.

>> No.43665714

The difference being?

>> No.43671001
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There is no difference, both owe me sex

>> No.43671734

>the sisters are supposed to have a five year difference, with Flandre being named for French Flanders as the prevalent theory, and Remilia being tied with either French in origin or Italian based off of "Remilia" being a modification of "Emilia".
adding about this, both being royalty (french) it may have a smidget of true, considering that Louis XII had several offprings that died very young and almost got right the years (500 from 2002)


>inb4 they were boys
so miko too

>> No.43671750

>Remillia was born during the time the british empire was the hugest in the world
lel, these times spanish were the greatest shit, try a century later

>> No.43671785

last thread someone hypothetised the mikos ZUN draw decades ago were past hakurei mikos

>> No.43678135

Do we know how much time in universe has passed between Touhou 6 and the most recent one?

>> No.43679296

Touhou's universe pretty much happens in real time, so 21 years. However the characters doesn't really age so for example Reimu's age is pretty much the same now as it was during EoSD. Most characters are youkai or gods anyway, they live for so long age doesn't really matter for them.

>> No.43679467

>Touhou's universe pretty much happens in real time, so 21 years. However the characters doesn't really age
>Reimu and Marisa are grazing The Wall

>> No.43679615

That would answer how many years have passed since Touhou 6's release date and today, which isn't what I asked.
Surely multiple games stories could've happened in a single in-universe year.
That would explain away the aging problem too.

>> No.43679690

Her mom went on to have adventures with the 7 Luck gods and a Tanooki.

>> No.43679729

Can we make a giant iceberg with all the touhou lore point we know?

>> No.43679806
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So you mean how much time passed between 6 and 7? About a year. However, 7.5 and 8 happened in the same year as 7.

>> No.43682675

Damn, that's wild.
I really thought they were still in the early 2000s in-universe.

>> No.43682700

So are the PC98 games canon?

>> No.43682839

What I heard from other anons is that ZUN mentioned as long as it doesn't conflict it's canon.

Problem is that theres a lot of contradictions by things like Alice, Yuuka, and Marisa never really even mentioning events of people from 98.
Not even Gengi has been mentioned in any printworks or games as far as I know

>> No.43684535

Alice mentions that she has met Reimu before on PCB. But Reimu do not remember.

>> No.43687060

Is there a handy list of which first-person pronoun each character uses in the official works?

>> No.43689771

Wait really?

>> No.43696172


>> No.43696965

Replying back to you on this, as that's a legitimately good catch. I wouldn't say that they were originally male, but being royalty at that time would contribute to growing up acting masculine in a sense to not be run over in the courts, or even to keep male suiters away. It's known in the Japanese translations that Remilia speaks Japanese in a haughty male style when she's hamming it up, so..... maybe she slips back into what she had to do way back when? Or, her being a chuuni with a Dracula fan club, she's probably imitating lines from Castlevania.

>> No.43698001

about how characters refer to themselves
about how characters refer to others
i don't know about any specific list

>> No.43699135
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Interesting. Thanks.
Second one is too case by case to be convenient to summarize but here's the first thread condensed to one image to serve as easier reference.
