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File: 268 KB, 1076x1532, Kirisame shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43526567 No.43526567 [Reply] [Original]

What did Marisa mean by this with her shop services?

>> No.43526637

She is a really reliable girl, i don’t know what else to tell you

>> No.43526658

>Bloodline prosperity
Oh boy, I sure hope that means what I think it means!

>> No.43526691

All she is going to do is measure your skull dimensions and tell you what race you should procreate with for optimal children.

>> No.43526695

Exactly what you think NOT

>> No.43527760

>romantic fulfillment
She'll help me find a girlfriend?

>> No.43527831

I shutter to imagine what kind of girl Marisa would try and set me up with.

>> No.43527865 [SPOILER] 
File: 412 KB, 1988x2048, mi ma balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here she is, Anon! From the moment I saw you, I knew you two would be the perfect match da ze~

>> No.43527893

I can feel it in my boner

>> No.43527902


>> No.43531111

Would she even be interested in romance?

>> No.43535079

How can Marisa help with romantic fulfillment when her and Reimu got flustered when they thought they stumbled upon a couple kissing?

>> No.43537425

she uses supernatural powers to inflict pain on human males

>> No.43537864

Tarot scam

>> No.43539028

Imagine being told that if you go to such and such location you'd meet the love of your life, but all that awaits you is a bakedanuki

>> No.43540064
File: 1.07 MB, 850x1200, 1655293036774017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be some background youkai mob whose first idea for a date location some dingy cave and conversation topics range from "what's your favorite meal" to "check out this cool trinket I found from this outsider I ki- er, helped home."

Not saying it couldn't work out Anon, you do you, but don't expect quality.

>> No.43540246
File: 312 KB, 900x1273, alice3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those other retards are wrong. It is Alice. Marisa hopes to fix Alice up with a good anon so that she will finally stop bothering her.

>> No.43540409

So Marisa's dating service is just desperate youkai coming up to her and paying her off to hook them up with desperate humans?

>> No.43540917

To be honest, a mob youkai might not be so bad. Most of the known and named girls are pretty unhinged, so maybe the more wifely youkai are the ones that are never talked about.

>> No.43541234
File: 104 KB, 1105x1034, __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_kae_karee__8f07a04a609a7a3ac4074f567355862e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't trust a tengu, fox, or tanuki, but a kappa might be alright. They seem like they would be amicable enough as long as there was no money involved.

>> No.43541287

Kappa might make a good partner. Just be cautious if her hands stand moving towards your ass in the bedroom.

>> No.43541510

She'd hide it with a lot of flash and mystery. She'd ask you a few questions, then wave around a few flashing powders and mumble a few incantations. Then she'd tell you the time and place where your new lover can meet you. Just make sure to go alone and tell nobody, or the magic won't work!

>> No.43542426

People desperate enough to ask for help from strangers are usually not picky. Really, a wife whose only flaw is that she snaps a few chicken necks every now and then and has a breath that constantly smells like iron is really, all things considered, not a dealbreaker,

>> No.43542531

She's going to hook you up with Alice since she is a lonely weirdo

>> No.43542572

The whole thing sounds like an incident in the making. Sasuga Marisa

>> No.43543219

Someone told Kirisame-san that some blonde midget is using his shop's name to scam people
