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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43524998 No.43524998 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.9: https://nyaa.si/view/1666676

Previous: >>43378095

>> No.43525078
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I'm losing my fucking mind.

>> No.43525119
File: 683 KB, 1362x1920, 1674674714807083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't stop grinning while reading this and the 9th volume
very recommended read

>> No.43525204

currently on vol 8
very fun so far

>> No.43525254

>but doesn't isuna gets her memory wiped after tet's story in the LN?
no? why would she? she still remembers it on vol vol 7 onward

>> No.43525335

Lndb seems to be broken after the imgur purge

>> No.43525419

Turbo autism is fun.

>> No.43525496

Are there any light novels that have a more serious psychological character focus and are less about big plots with tons of characters?

>> No.43525539

the words "serious" and "psychological" are already red flags for a rec asker, so i will just ask to elaborate further on it

>> No.43525544

arifureta shokugyou

>> No.43525579

I get it's basically asking for shitpost responses, I just don't know what better words to use. I haven't gotten that much into LNs and was wondering if there were some I don't know about that would fit that niche I like. Like just something that's more slow and spends more time on the characters internal states than on the plot moving or characters interacting

>> No.43525599

sounds like you want to read a regular contemporary novel rather than a light novel

>> No.43525610

No not really, I basically hate all non-otaku media

>> No.43525652

Frankly the fact you're even asking in that way is telling when LNs tend to be like 70-95% monologuing and internal states, to the point some just straight up weaponize it and keep doing it even during fight scenes, which is extreme kino when done well actually.
At least I commend your attempts at not saying you want something "mature" or around those lines like deconstruction/seinen or whatever.
Just stick to unconventional romcoms I guess, oregairu should be everything you're asking for, in the full meaning of it.
From my experience "reel" novels are even worse at this.

>> No.43525672

No it doesn't have to be mature. I get LNs are like that. Really I'm more asking something that doesn't have a lot of characters or a high action plot with lots of twists and turns, but also isn't just purely fluffy fun (not that I mind those either)

>> No.43525694

you can just say psychological thriller you know
also holmes of kyoto, and otonari tenshi but unironically

>> No.43525704

Yeah I don't mind psychological thrillers but it's not exactly what I meant
>otonari tenshi
Yeah I'm interested in that one actually. I think romance LNs might be the closest to what I'm looking for but I was wondering if there's some like this but not strictly romance.

>> No.43525711

>psychological thriller
Yeah that makes things frame better I gue-
I really have no idea what exactly are you aiming at then.
Any specific series you tried and ended up hating or at least strongly disliked and the reasons why? Should help pinpoint what you want.

>> No.43525713

>holmes of kyoto
that's for women

>> No.43525720

n-no, it's kino

>> No.43525722

That's why it's good

>> No.43525729

>I really have no idea what exactly are you aiming at then.
I don't really know either desu, I'm just new to LNs and trying to get a feel for what's out there, I haven't read much yet. If you had psychological thriller recs I'd be interested still though

>> No.43525734

it's literally about the main girl getting dicked by multiple dudes
no sane male otaku would ever read it

>> No.43525744

Wasn't it written by a woman actually? Like, unironically? Not even as an insult, but literally the author is a woman.
Or maybe I'm confusing it with another one with a similar-ish plot also written by a woman.

>> No.43525769

never looked into it because it gave me otomege vibes at first sight

>> No.43525776

You have to had read at least something, right? Or at least have a starting point off anime/manga adaptations you liked, what VNs and JRPGs you liked are also a good reference point.
Don't think it's possible to jump straight into LNs while having the "I don't like non-otaku media" mentality from the start, that's just getting the order wrong.

>> No.43525825

surprised there's not more stuff like that actually, or at least if there is then it's not that well known

>> No.43525857

does drama count or relationship drama is too offputting? because it's not for everyone and there's a difference between normal romance and drama-romance

>> No.43525866

Yeah I've mostly read/played VNs or JRPGs until now, aside from just watching anime. In VNs I mostly like schizo denpa shit and nakige like classic Key stuff. For anime adaptations of LNs, I've seen a lot that are fun but don't make me want to read the LN. Some I really liked are sukasuka, otonari tenshi, adachi to shimamura, I liked some of monogatari a lot too. Recently I liked tsuki to laika. There's probably some I'm forgetting desu.

For LNs I've just read some of adachi and the prequel LN to the game majo no ie.

Depends on the work but drama can be good, feel free to share

>> No.43525871

Can't imagine raw drama really working as a LN outside short ones of 1-3 volumes.
Feels that's the sort of thing that works better as a weekly manga because the readers will end up in a love-hate relationship with the series.

>> No.43525930

>I've seen a lot that are fun but don't make me want to read the LN.
why not? on average the anime adaptations are anywhere from awful to decent, so it's practically guaranteed the ln is what you liked but even better
there's very few exceptions like nonbiri nouka that are the opposite and the anime ends up better than the ln
>Recently I liked tsuki to laika.
from the ones you listed, that one in particular if you liked the anime i do recommend the ln though, at least that and otonari tenshi
i would say monogatari too but that's definitively not a beginner read

>> No.43526033

You mean "The image you are requesting..."? Maybe I'm misremembering but hasn't it been like that for a while now? Years I think

>> No.43526069

why are you faggots so insecure about other people being insecure about "real" novels

>> No.43526077

what did he mean by this

>> No.43526083

feel like i'm gonna pick up isekai nonbiri nouka at this rate because of all the hate. damn my contrarian nature.

>> No.43526100

i don't even hate it, it's good for comfy
it's just the prose that it's so bland at times it feels like a QRD of events more than a story
at least the author gets slightly better about it over time

>> No.43526113

There's that word again
reminder that good prose is supposed to be straightforward and easy to understand otherwise it's failed at being words.

>> No.43526145

go read it and you will see what i mean
smartphone is simple prose
nouka is straight up bland in prose

>> No.43526149
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>it's just the prose that it's so bland at times it feels like a QRD of events more than a story
that's the main problem with it really
i've listened to every volume of the audiobook and honestly it's fine as background noise
but the story-telling is heavily "event-focused" it goes like "and then this happened, and the in spring that happened, and then in summer there was that thing going on" as opposed to be being driven by character interactions, which is my preferred way of story-telling
this is also why i think the anime is superior, because it was forced to put the characters in the spotlight
that said, if you're a prose and lore guy, you'll probably enjoy it a lot

>> No.43526184

Sticking Nonbiri into ChatGPT and asking it to improve the prose

>> No.43526211

Also a pretty good "baby's first sex" for those tired of getting blueballed on adaptations, it's as vanilla wife fucking as it gets.

>> No.43526233

tia was literally raped

>> No.43526247

again there's not being insecure about quality and then there's being so insecure about people being insecure about quality and reel literature that you horseshoe right back round to being insecure and saying retarded shit like bland prose is good.

>> No.43526249

ru too, until literal stockholm syndrome kicked in even

>> No.43526250

if there's no rape it's not a good novel

>> No.43526358

Do you guys know of full body clear plastic covers for bunko? I've seen a few but they just wrap around and don't protect the tops and bottoms.

>> No.43526813

What are some light novels that have surpassed their original webnovel ?

>> No.43527049

Probably the ones that expand on their world compared to the original WN like Overlord or Tensura.

>> No.43527062

All of them, webnovels are unedited drivel

>> No.43527110

Thanks. I was going off from the movie and there are a lot of minor differences with the LN like this that are referenced in the later vols

>> No.43527124

Maybe spice and wolf?

>> No.43527144

Most of them

>> No.43527322

The overlord LN is a severe downgrade compared to the original WN.

>> No.43527356

Absolutely not lol. Even if you hate albedo, and don't like its directionlews nature the worst that could said about the LN is that it's boring. On the other hand the WN is just plain atrocious, especially the latter half

>> No.43527365

In the WN ainz is actually competent and actually goes ahead with his own plans.
In the LN he's a complete clown after volume 3.
That alone makes it worse, much worse, doesn't help an indefinite hiatus would be preferable over the nonsense the story has been since the dwarf kingdom arc.

>> No.43527475

In the WN Ainz does nothing and barely gets screentime. And don't pretend Ainz's character being a clown isn't a big point even in the WN where he keeps trying to act like a genuius, misunderstandings ensur, and then everyone sasuga Ainz-sama.

The LN was great since it let that goofy personality of Ainz shine through early on by giving him ACTUAL SCREENTIME. The comedy was incredibly important as well since otherwise all we'd get is stuff like in the WN with barely any character interactions between Ainz and other characters until the empire arc.

I do admit though that having Ainz as a noble under the empire was hilarious to me just because of how much I love reading about the stress the emperor and his subjects about it, whereas in the LN the emperor's clearly stopped giving a fuck after he gets "defeated" by Ainz's genius.

>> No.43527498

and this is why everyone avoids bringing up the normalfag big 3

>> No.43527512

>Our Glorious Mukudori, their Wicked Ainz

>> No.43527582

Seirei Gensouki dialled down some retardation and MISUNDERSTANDING and got MC and his CF together much sooner however this has a knock on effect with the CF being ostensibly part of the group but having nothing to do for 2 arcs because in the original version of those arcs she wasn't there.

>> No.43527609

don't care what anybody says i like misunderstandings as a source of irony and comedy in my light novels

>> No.43527693

What are they

>> No.43527713
File: 1.04 MB, 1654x2347, Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start this series? I feel like if I start it I'll have to go through the millions of volumes regardless if I enjoy it or not and also I feel like I will die before the author gets to an end.

>> No.43527724

overlord, mushoku tensei and tensura slime
quality of those LNs aside (i actually liked overlord and slime up to a point), all three attract the worst fanbases when it comes to LNs

>> No.43527751

I would have thought re:zero would be in there

>> No.43527767

nah it's a pretty wild ride but the LN fanbase of rezero it's not that obnoxious, the animeonly one is the obnoxious one due to it being a "deconstruction" among other reasons, same with konosuba
meanwhile with the big 3 the obnoxious side actually reads the LNs

>> No.43527848

>nooo don’t talk about actually good LNs talk about my literally who series that despite getting an anime adaption was forgotten in like 2 days

>> No.43527857

Toaru filtered me simply because there's too many volumes even though on paper I should enjoy it.

>> No.43527885

You forgot you wojak.

>> No.43527901

Again nobody cares that you dislike actual good LNs.

>> No.43527905

case in point

>> No.43527915

Case in point my ass this is an LN thread not your personal safe space where you talk about your precious dendro and Trpg now fuck off.

>> No.43527931

Who are you quoting?

>> No.43527943

I’m quoting you seeing as you’re absolutely buttblasted since you got called out.

>> No.43527956

Technically it's split into parts, with each one having an "end".
It is also a prime example of edgy coolness if you're into that, it would be fairly hard to hate it if you do.

>> No.43528000
File: 41 KB, 672x566, 1684558627517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw TRPGfag and Dendrofag who has said nothing at all and has no problem with any other LNs being talked about

>> No.43528001

that's my first post in this thread my dear retarded brother

>> No.43528010

>Overlord discussion lasted 4 posts, wasn't even any shitflinging
>Anon's pointless complaining triggered 10+ worthless posts
Should be a ban honestly

>> No.43528021

Yeah I can see why someone would want to avoid mentioning those 3.

>> No.43528052

willing to bet money that guy hates trpg discussion too

>> No.43528059

Good day gentlemen, I fucking hate lazy dungeon master.

>> No.43528692

You ARE cute

>> No.43528948

whats your favorite finished LN?
because i dont want to wait for months just to wait for a new volume of what im reading

>> No.43528967


>> No.43528986

someone brought up lazy dungeon master, but it is finished in ln form, so...

>> No.43529007

The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village

>> No.43529020


>> No.43529508

The ending + last book felt as rushed and unfinished as a cancelled shounen manga, but the journey there was still 100% worth reading imo.

I wish there were proper resolutions for the main character and heroine's romance instead of them just accepting each other offscreen, but it was still a great read.

>> No.43529602

endings are overrated, part of the magic is waiting as the story unfolds, for better or worse
then again this only works for those with consistent release schedules, unlike lns like kagejitsu

>> No.43529890
File: 198 KB, 812x1200, BEST END DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it apparently made someone very mad, I'll just say it, Dendro. But seriously, nobody's holding anyone back from discussing anything ever since the thread was made last year, the recent Dendro/TRPG influx only occurs due to the series being updated again after a while. And to be fair, the fags were already here from the start.
If you want to blame someone, blame YP/7S for their absolutely slow releases making EOPs miss out on new Kantoku cuties, PETA Hermione, and schizoid elites. I mean, as much as I would love to talk about untranslated series, just how much of us here have read the entire 3500+ chapters of Legend, or unfinished/hiatus series like Tsukikage's 誰にでもできる or 昏き宮殿? Hell, I'm not even sure anyone ever finished Dragoon/Sevens, simply because it's now an old series. It's way easier and more fulfilling to discuss things that everyone knows has serious followers and not just shitposters and falseflaggers you know?
Other than Nisioshit, there's Boogiepop, 3 Days of Happiness, Pancreas, In/Spectre, Holy Grail of Eris, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto, and Utsuru no Hako. You probably should focus on the tragedy or romance (for josei/shoujo) tag since they tend to be filled to the brim with emotional angst.
Overall? Regios (only because Felli won).
RomCom? ImoSae (blessed be Kantoku), Baka to Test.
Battle Harem? Campione, alternatively Ben-To due to the omnibus ending.
Battle shounen? DxD (the sequel doesn't count).
Senki? Vanadis, but also Alderamin, though I'm in a love-hate relationship with that series.
Mystery? Utsuru Hako, anything Nisio.
Smut? 純愛陵辱, Zombie Afureta, Shishunki na Adam.
Mecha/Sci-Fi? Antique, Heavy Object.
Chuu2shit? Mondai.
Axed series? Chronicle Legion.

>> No.43530023

>it's been a year already since this general started
what the fuck

>> No.43530068
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has anyone here read this?

>> No.43530465


>> No.43533454

unironically looks like porn, is it?

>> No.43533823

No, there isn't even any fanservice in the manga

>> No.43534079


>> No.43536811
File: 66 KB, 512x581, yeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the finished ones Mushoku Tensei is probably my current favorite but I also liked:
Daraku no Ou
Zaregoto series
Zombie Afureta(VN is better btw because it’s just LN copy pasted into the VN except you also have proper h-scenes etc)
Rakuin no Monshou
Heavy Object
俺の召喚獣死んでる(shame it was only 1 vol)

>> No.43536822

No epubs so I hope you enjoy shitty jpeg scans and buying paper books

>> No.43536823

I keep reading it as "Zombie Arifureta" and it keeps fucking with me.

>> No.43536872

Don’t sweat it I’ve seen natives on 5ch mistake it lol Considering Zombies in the setting are everywhere and commonplace despite the different meaning if the title was Zombie Arifureta nothing would change and it would be just as fitting.

>> No.43538109

>Heavy Object
holy shit it ended already?

>> No.43538124

>Utsuru Hako
sell me on this one i heard the yandere mc was the highlight or so ive heard
i was reading this back in the day but holy shit, 21 volumes?

>> No.43538237

>Utsuru Hako
unironically a wild ride, cool and kino stuff, really good drama in my opinion, also doesn't overstay it's welcome, would recommend
unfortunately, problem is for better and for worse it's one of those love it or hate it stories thanks to the deranged autism
also if you're starting to learn japanese i would not recommend this as a beginner read in japanese, like at all
the first 2 volumes alone will be completely incomprehensible if you don't already have a good handle on japanese, and even then it can be quite the mindfuck, you're better off sticking to the TL

>> No.43538259

i see well good thing all volumes were TL'd
thanks, anon

>> No.43540549

Does anyone have scans/epubs of the japanese version? I can only find the trasnlation.
Or should I just read the WN version instead?

>> No.43540879


>> No.43540959

Got any recs for an isekai where the protag struggles to survive alone for a while before becoming OP? Like having to forage in a forest or cave or something

>> No.43541096

nameless combatant?
it's an WN though but worth a check out if you like underpowered MCs

>> No.43541108

oops, I meant this>>43525119

>> No.43541116

Kumoko becomes very overpowered by the end, but it is a very long and hard struggle until she gets there

>> No.43541977

>Overall? Regios (only because Felli won).
Felli was top-tier even as a haremfag i was content because at very least Felli was the one that made it,kinda wish for more novels on the style of regios it had some nice ideas i should reread it

>> No.43543580

Most struggles only work for the very early parts of the story.
Still struggling with basic survival after the first volume means the MC is straight up too dumb to live, the powercreep is too steep, or it's a death game.
And those that ask for "struggles to survive" stories are not asking for death games.

>> No.43543612

Any recs for something chuuni, with over the top fight and philosophical shit ?

>> No.43543623

The author really tried to portray the based guy as the villain.

>> No.43543667

did someone say DENDRO!?!?!
also NGNL if you stretch your definition of fight a little, because the non-violence clause does little to make the games not functionally fights

>> No.43543849

How based is the villain?

How over the top are we speaking?

>> No.43543861

reign of the seven spellblades
antimagic academy
infinite dendrogram
blood sign if you like billiards

>> No.43543874

Speaking of Dendro does shit only happen in game or there is effect in reality too? I wanted to pick it up but i don't like game settings if they dont affect irl

>> No.43543909

why are you asking for something with an answer that will be spoilers regardless of the context it's in?
actually, has there been any VRMMO LN story that doesn't become either a death game, ayylmaos did it, or time travel?

>> No.43543927

only sense online

>> No.43543941

I don't really think its that big of a deal spoiler no matter what happens in the story,its less about being "fuck i got spoiled" and more "well thats a turn off/on/whatever"

>> No.43543948

everything happens in the game but you're meant to see the game as carrying the weight of reality

>> No.43544109

>How based is the villain?
Tbf I'm still in the middle of the second chapter so I don't know much. But so far he's the most rational character even if he's somewhat of a douche. Arguable the worst thing he did is the following which I still can't bring myself to hate:


>> No.43544147

after being used to seeing human experimentation for funsies, causing wars and genocides or even doing it firsthand, this feels i don't know, lame?
even in the context of literal extortion is the worst he's done just a nepotism offer? like not even "marry me or your family is dead" or anything, just preferential treatment

>> No.43544192

im not sure we are all operating on same definition of based

>> No.43544195

Basically MC's father sold her for this guy's bank's money so he can continue with the traditional but poor way of making sake and also not make his secret family sake or something. Maybe the dad's a dick but I can't hate the guy who just wants to buy some jc manko.

>> No.43544602

>I can't hate the guy who just wants to buy some jc manko.
yeah that's pretty based, he's not even going full ebil over it either

>> No.43544616

>Battle shounen? DxD (the sequel doesn't count).
>Senki? Vanadis
>Axed series? Chronicle Legion.
Extra Based

>> No.43544630

>Madan no ou
MF bunko editors carried kawaguchi, and nothing he's done since compares

>> No.43544644

Gotta mention the eminence in shadow, it's chunni kino

>> No.43544669

Class gets isekaied, MC can't deal with the group while they're trying to survive in the forest and strikes out with another dude.
MC ends up doing survival alone after a while.
After going survival hobo mode for a couple of years, he goes searching for civilization.

>> No.43544761

yeah but it's not really philosophical, is it? unless vol 5 takes a crazy turn i still haven't gotten there yet.

>> No.43544772

none of the recs are really philosophical desu, very little chuunishit actually is

>> No.43544889

If by that you mean quoting Nietzsche and other philosophers and having half the volume be philosophical debates then no.
If i had to guess by:
>with over the top fight and philosophical shit
They mean:
>Coolness with that slightly unhinged elegance you only get from someone carrying themselves with the confidence that only comes from mastery of supernatural combat.
>With fights between people not afraid of declaring their inner intent as actual attacks, and relying on character drama and chemistry that more often than not borders on philosophical due to exploring the resolve and meaning or lack-thereof said characters have when contrasted with their combat opponent and the context the fight is happening in.
But that's too damn long so the first definition suffices.

>> No.43544941

nta or the original anon but yeah that's basically it
still think we need better definitions for both, "chuuni" got it's definition too diluted and doubt there's a definition for the latter, it just gets thrown in the big bucket of "autistic"

>> No.43544977

chuuni isn't diluted at all unless you're a retard who lets ironic megumeebs from crunchyroll live rent free in his head

>> No.43545602

Bofuri. And not a LN but Shangrila frontier. And probably many more

>> No.43545677

>And not a LN but Shangrila frontier.
it got adapted into a manga without a LN?

>> No.43546231

Yes (and an anime soon). And from what I see it's far more popular than the wn

>> No.43546555

wouldn't call it common, but it's not rare either

>> No.43547131
File: 138 KB, 1077x549, 1655336139960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it kinda depends desu. The game does somewhat affect "reality," but not in the sense that raising your stats or becoming an elite sniper in the game will directly influence your real life ability, it's not as juvenile as that. It's still a "game," roleplaying as a loser doesn't actually meant you're an actual loser in real life and vice versa, you'll just obtain the knowledge and experience of said occupation (which is what actually matters). Dendro is like the egg of a dragon, with the players (+ayylmaos) being the bacteria and viruses that can advance, delay, or outright mutate the embryo development while the dragon itself can't intervene with the world until it successfully hatched, of which it (alongside the surviving bacteria and viruses) would then bring major catastrophe like none ever seen.
Though I guess the "can't interfere unless hatched"-part is an overstatement, since they killed off Not!Holmes, Not!Lupin, and Not!Bethesda because they got too close to the truth.
And game adaptation too. Kaidou's even more excited than the author/Katarina himself dammit.
>Series became so successful the author only made spinoffs of the exact same story ever since
That's fucking funny but also sad at the same time.
>Felli was top-tier
Right? I was actually fucking scared of the side bitches winning due to the Nina hijack happening midway. Also, I was actually glad it had a mono end since the other girls just doesn't have enough chemistry with Layfon as much as Felli. Dammit, now I'm mad again at Shomin Sample because of the exact opposite problem.

>> No.43547355

Why is the localizer that wrote that sounds like he is an actual pedo so he need to say on a novel "since i'm not a pedo" all the time?

>> No.43547398

from the POV character's perspective the little girl he is manhandling is 3D, not 2D, so the translation is contextually accurate

>> No.43547440

Thats not what i asked

>> No.43548944

your question is dumb

>> No.43549019


>> No.43549997

is 変人のサラダボウル any fun?

>> No.43551018

I'm convinced the author of shangrila isn't real, it's just the dendro's author embryo taking a job as another author.

>> No.43552500

If my eyes slide across the page every time I read a food description will I hate 異世界料理道

>> No.43552587

skill issue

>> No.43552629

I fucking hate food so much but I love brown girls so I'll read it

>> No.43552908

What are some novels with a really good hook at the beginning? Something that will get me interested right away, like within the first few pages.

The best one I read was from インスタント・メサイア

>> No.43553606

Any good alternative to calibre? They are slow as shit now from the latest update, it's weird because they run smoothly back then even with windows 7 and HDD

I'm just looking for a free local reader so no self host or paid stuff, I was using sumatrapdf but I'm looking for something that have more customisability but still lightweight

>> No.43553722

I fucking hate calibre, it keeps trying to romanize the japanese filenames to chinese readings

>> No.43553788

are you using the portable viewer exe in the folder? it's still fairly clunky but it works, haven't really found a better alternative

>> No.43553860

I am using ttu reader. I would neber understand why there are so few reading software for japanese text when they are actually the pioneers for e-text

>> No.43554464

>author tweets about how he nearly got run over by an electric moped
wonder how many narou series with a decent following have died completely unfinished because their authors did

>> No.43554630

Probably just a schuld thing. He nearly got ran over by a bike previously, which also happened to be his reunion with his classmate who is riding in the sidecar or pillion (don't remember exactly)

>> No.43554678

sounds like anime-meme tier bad luck

>> No.43556687

>ngnl dwarves just beat raw materials into high tech machines
Well, those are some novel dwarves

>> No.43557174

Also just realized that riku's name is the opposite of sora. So, is schwi a root word for black in some germanic language or what?

>> No.43557208

the epitome of coagulated autism, yes
in every sense of the word really
schwarz is black in german but the katakana of her name is シュヴィ apparently

>> No.43557612

I don't know if it's me just reading bad books or all light novels being bad it's probably that but I fucking hate how almost every single author decides that after a volume or five the main character turns into a moron. I guess it's an easy way to create conflicts but come on

>> No.43557798

Did you just came off reading lazy dungeon master or something.

>> No.43558371

Rolling what to read next

0-1 不死者の弟子
2-3 異世界迷宮の最深部を目指そう
4-6 ぼくは異世界で付与魔法と召喚魔法を天秤にかける
7-9 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい ~最弱ハンターによる最強パーティ育成術~

>> No.43558397
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>> No.43558437

enjoy :)

>> No.43558619

Noble and maybe Lunaere are the only good characters in that series. It's still pretty decent so can't go wrong

>> No.43558889
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new Shana novel coming

>> No.43558913

Shit, it's really been a 10 year gap?

>> No.43558934

10 year gap? うわあああ

>> No.43559626
File: 179 KB, 600x500, Ullr (LO)_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here use kindle for LNs? is it good?
also how good is its diccionary?

>> No.43559758
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It's good enough for me.
For the Japanese dictionary it uses Daijisen dictionary, for English-Japanese dictionary it uses Shogakukan progressive dictionary.
It also lets you look up the word on Wikipedia or a online translator, but these obviously require wifi to use. Dictionary does not use wifi.

>> No.43560276

i like it well enough but be warned. the kindle dictionary gets tripped up hard by conjugation and the default ones have some weird misses sometimes, so you'll want another method for looking things up. you can't just rely on the kindle, especially if you're new. also you can get locked out of copying text if you copy too much from the same book, so be careful if you're looking lots of stuff up or trying to make anki cards from copying out of the kindle. (if it isn't your very first time and a difficult book you should be alright. i was copying tons of quotes and sentence cards from a relatively large book when i found this out).

>> No.43560292

Does anyone know good sites other than the pastebin for good english LNs? Can't find DanMachi vol 18 or Mushoku Tensei vol 23 on them, hell madokami requires some fuckin password to access.

>> No.43560298

There aren't any good english LNs

>> No.43560310

By good I mean well translated
I can't into moonrunes to read raws, I never come here either but I want to continue where I left off

>> No.43560314

just light novels

>> No.43560338

>also you can get locked out of copying text if you copy too much from the same book
What the actual fuck? Is that native to the Kindle itself or only for proprietary filetypes?

>> No.43560374
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Oh I'm a dumbass I misread the release date, MT v23 won't release till august. It works though.
Thanks fren, have a cute Aisha

>> No.43560463
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nice as long it doesnt give major problems i dont mind, i just want to read something in my bed without other distractions

It seems you can add other dictionaries so now im not too concerned about that

>also you can get locked out of copying text if you copy too much from the same book, so be careful if you're looking lots of stuff up or trying to make anki cards from copying out of the kindle.
That pretty fucked up but i dont plan to make anki cards, im already doing that with nukiges in my pc.

>> No.43560672

the message they give you says it's based on the publisher's settings for that book, so probably something to do with the proprietary filetype.

>> No.43560692

Kindle probably limits how much text you can copy to prevent people from bypassing DRM by just copypasting the entire book. Kobo does the same thing, I can't copy more than about half a page of text.

>> No.43561176

you're welcome

>> No.43561256

Yeah TTU reader is good anon sadly it's online. I'm just searching for those that are offline reader

>> No.43561328

It's a PWA, you can install it and use it offline. The download icon should be on the rightside of searchbar if you are using a chrome-based browser

>> No.43561381

ttu works for me offline without any downloads

>> No.43561848

i've read over 200 lns on my kindle and have never seen that happen

>> No.43561869

It probably doesn't occur if you de-drm the book like a normal person

>> No.43562023
File: 1.97 MB, 1079x1533, Teisou Gyakuten Sekai no Doutei Henkyou Ryoushu Kishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can read more of this?

>> No.43562192

Wizard's Brain
Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere

>> No.43562203

if you mean it in the "the author's barely disguised fetish" you're better off straight up reading nocturne smut

>> No.43562431

What's the etiquette for fan translations of stories on Syosetu? Do authors expect you to ask permission? There is a partially translated series I'd like to finish, the original translator disappeared without a trace years ago.

>> No.43562556

No reason not to ask and see if the writer isn't OK with it

>> No.43564208
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finished volume 8 of JC tutor translated
it was kino

>> No.43565263
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Hadakoi vol 3 preview page.
I still don't get why gets so flustered over every little thing when he was supposedly dating her on the first timeline

>> No.43565340

Probably not exactly what you mean, but 'the girl who ate a death god' and 'the girl who bore the flame ring' don't have a big cast of named characters and are pretty good.

>> No.43565789

I hate authors that use rare moon symbols or moon symbols that are usually written with kana.

>> No.43565794

i love them because i can add an anki card to my pokedex

>> No.43565804

when the pokedex reaches 20k in size adding a new card requires some determination

>> No.43565813

it's the opposite i have over 35k so finding new ones is exciting

>> No.43565819

theyre get cus they look cool

>> No.43565825

You need to embrace your inner chuuni.

>> No.43565881

i hate all non standard kanji and want to punch chuunis. recommend me a ln.

>> No.43566046

Managed to find this if you're still here or if anyone else wants to read it

>> No.43566953

I've already watched ngnl, can I just continue with the ln after what it covers?
>How over the top are we speaking?
let's say countries or worlds being destroyed with a snap of the fingers, but it might be harder to find so let's downgrade to cities
something like this anon said >>43544889 is fine too
Thanks anons, will check those, I found most of them but dendro
Already read it. It does have that chuuni vibe I liked but it was missing the philosophical part
it's missing the last 4 chapters so I won't read it for now but it will do, thanks anyway anon

>> No.43569239

>I've already watched ngnl, can I just continue with the ln after what it covers?
i would call the NGNL adaptation a good one, one of the best i have seen even, and i would still recommend you to start from the first volume, adaptations are good but they always have to cut out a lot of stuff

>> No.43569581

Have any of you read the original of something you once read a translated version of before getting into Japanese?

>> No.43569768
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>> No.43569788

Most of what I called my favorites at the point before learning japanese.
No reason not to, I think everyone at some point enters that period of "I have a lot of backlog but I would rather reread something I know" for the first time before drifting in and out of it, but the first time definitively hits the hardest.

>> No.43570131

No, I never read translated LNs.
Reading a translated LN is just going to ruin the experience for when you do read it in the original language. You can only experience something for the first time once so make it the best experience.

>> No.43570232

i started reading lns after i started learning japanese, so no

>> No.43570257 [SPOILER] 
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Finished Nanatsuma/Seven Spellblades 8
Mostly another diversionary plot like the Ophelia and Ashbury volumes, serving more to build on the broader setting and to demonstrate another example of philosophical mage autism, and any real story advancement suffers as a result.
Still enjoyed it, and reverse Chaika was kino.

>> No.43570258

I wouldn't ask the author, if he says no you're pretty much fucked if you want to translate and post it somewhere since you will be the first to be doubted even if someone else translate it. If you do it without asking you can still say "oh I didn't know" if he complains later

>> No.43571511

I read V1 of Hakomari, and V1 plus a bit of V2 of SAO years and years ago but other than that I didn't really get into LNs until after I started learning. I did do a bit of parallel reading as a beginner to help with understanding more difficult sentences. I stopped that pretty quick thought because based on what I could understand, a lot of times translators would just cut shit out, make stuff up because they couldn't get it either, or got the essential meaning correct but mangled it so all nuance/flair was lost.

>> No.43572418

For LNs, no, but for VNs yes. I re-read every single translated VN I played in Japanese. It wasn't that many, maybe 20 or so.

>> No.43572492

Can anyone please tell me what kaidou added in LNs after dendrogram vol17? Is it worth it to read the post 17 LNs if I already read the WN and satisfied enough?

>> No.43573634
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Any other LN with NTR in it?

>> No.43573651

I'm not good at japanese yet but i plan to reread the stuff i that i read in english when i get good enough

>> No.43574179

>It wasn't that many, maybe 20 or so.
that's more vns than the average person has played at all to begin with

>> No.43575854

I have heard WNfags that it's going on a different direction and it may have 2 endings.
That however may be complete bullshit, but I'm a LNonly because that's not a rabbit hole I want to fall into yet so I can't confirm or deny.

>> No.43577397
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>still no audiobook for kagejitsu 5
hurry up damn it it's nearly been half a year. guess it's time to go back to reading about best greedy gun girl.

>> No.43577555

Honzuki reader demographics from piccoma's contest. The demographic chart is similar for nearly all other works where there are more female readers. Why are there so many old ladies reading LNs and manga on web apps, lol.

>> No.43577559
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Sorry, forgot the picture

>> No.43577581

they definitively should have made 2 age charts, one for each
who knows it could be old men but 20-30 something women or the reverse

>> No.43577582

sex with the 7%

>> No.43577588

even the shotas?

>> No.43577589

~~Indecent Wife Hana~~Valkyrie

>> No.43577591

especially the shotas

>> No.43577592

>That has an audiobook.
I can't imagine how the library scene will sound like voiced.
I don't think it's physically possible for a human to actually play out that scene with the intended deadpan seriousness.

>> No.43577617

p sure we might get audiobook vol. 5 in 2025 at the earliest lol

>> No.43577618


>> No.43577704

Because married 初老+ women who can live off their husband and whose kids are leaving the nest have the most free time other than young NEETs, plus women like fiction. Truly a blessed demographic

>> No.43578580

Please read 下準備転生~下準備チートは全てを駆逐する~

>> No.43578796

He cheats by knowing he's going to tensei before it happens and becoming a tensei prepper?

>> No.43578876

Yeah. A friend group actually. They don't get any powers but are given prep time in the afterworld to learn and prepare for a mission god assigns to them.

>> No.43578887

>ngnl 10
>nearly a chapter worth of discussion on boobs

>> No.43578954

is it as degenerate as the author's other series?

>> No.43579026

Sounds like Goku training to fight Vegeta in the afterlife with king kai

>> No.43579028

I don't think trpg is degenerate, but the demihuman setting and the subtle sexual stuff stays the same

>> No.43582367

daily reminder that power fantasies are the reason (you) enjoy light novels

>> No.43582402

I love power fantasies as long as the main character is female

>> No.43582410

i don't need a reminder for that

>> No.43582420
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based kuma enjoyer

>> No.43582425

what is the point of stating the obvious unless this leads to the "power fantasies bad, be a docile indoctrinated fag" you find on western media and sufferingshit in general

>> No.43582430

how do you define "power fantasy"

>> No.43582442

In my dictionary it's anything where you can be sure that the MC has a plan or way out of a difficult situation

>> No.43582446

So, uh, 99% of fiction?

>> No.43582457

There's a difference, usually there is some sort of price to pay but in power fantasies that doesn't exist

>> No.43582462

Well now you just changed the definition pretty significantly.

>> No.43582463

Even if there was a price realistically speaking it would have to follow some arbitrary metric that you deem acceptable.

>> No.43582475

this is moving the goalpost from right outside the house to saturn

>> No.43582603
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Nothing much (for now). Might want to focus on the LN instead since the add-ons (Ray winning the anniversary, Carl/Jubei vs Ray, and mobile savepoint) are "canon" to both version.
In the strictest sense, they're not wrong desu. Kaidou himself said that he'll be adding some major events in vol 21 (Episode Fragment) and vol 22 (second half of The Tournament + new Juliet content), probably because Pale Psalms' (probably) final boss is also in The Tournament and Juliet is now the actual main heroine.
>2 endings
Honestly speaking, it might. But a Fran spinoff is more probable since the editor loves her so much.
Oh, it's mainly updated on Yomu? Figures why I haven't heard of it before.

>> No.43582729

>Oh, it's mainly updated on Yomu? Figures why I haven't heard of it before.
i want to say that it feels like we are entering a WN.only era with shangrila, destiny unchain and so on, and now this being primarily or exclusively updated as a WN, but these days i know better than jump to conclusions like an animeonly, especially when most are VRMMO, or adjacent if the author of that is also the TRPG author
so it's probably they are more likely to be shared here if they are WN-only, because a few threads ago i remember someone saying another novel they were following had no LN yet, and i think it wasn't VRMMO either

>> No.43582792

holy fucking sex sex rape

>> No.43583052

Yeah I wouldn't call it common but it's not rare these days.
The old practice of going to publishers directly is still as strong as ever as well, basically every single publisher opens contests to try get more series these days, though if something good comes out of it is a different topic.
Some even started on WN sites but then moved fully to a LN first format like shinkou who's responsible for like 90% of the LNs with 賢者 in the title.

>> No.43583359


>> No.43584359

I read the special event volume, my doubt is for the things after that. From your spoiler I don't think there's anything story-changing I am missing from post 17+ LNs. I should probably just wait until the eltram incident and read them in a binge to prepare for it

>> No.43584376

>Oh, it's mainly updated on Yomu? Figures why I haven't heard of it before
Yeah, and the author's being down about not having enough readers for this. I want him to continue it for a long time so trying to advertise it where I can

>> No.43584379

i would consider juliet becoming the actual main heroine a pretty big story-changing thing, feels like in the WN ray is a bit too fightsexual (martyrsexual?)
and if the small differences are felt now, they may become even bigger in the future because of a butterfly effect, but that's just me theorizing

>> No.43584458

looks like he's entering it into the 5th Dragon Novel contest, I assume he's entering it under the magic X gimmick category not the strong female protagonist category? I wishe him all the best.

>> No.43584830

posting the contests to read stuff from there, seethe at the winner and mourn the losers sounds like the kind of autistic stuff that would be entertaining as a LN general

>> No.43584922

I just read romance lol

>> No.43584933

power fantasy romance

>> No.43584984

i don't know man, i feel like having an emotionally fulfilling romance is a bigger power fantasy than training autistically the blade hard enough until you warp reality by literally cutting causality

>> No.43585031

Kinda random but on the topic of Schulz, despite it being part of the gimmick I don't think ヘンダーソン氏の福音 has had many really good new ヘンダーソンスケール chapters in a while, probably because now that Erich and Margit are official he can't have proper alternative heroine endings anymore unlike during the childhood arc. The follow-ups for disciple-chan and the criminelf are good, but running an adventurer bar or being a frontier knight just don't have the same oomph to them as something like being the empress's eternal life partner.

>> No.43585175
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My recommendation is to finish vol 18 before waiting, simply because it's hands down the best volume that ties up all (current) loose ends (basically the Arc 1 finale of Dendro), so if by any chance the series, heavens forbid, got axed, HiatusXHiatus'd, or had a shitty end, you can just think of vol 18 as the final volume and everything that comes later being not canon. Then again, the story can't diverge that much before the LN version's Tri-Flags to maintain the powerlevel (unlike Rebuild World), so just do as you see fit.
>can't have proper alternative heroine endings anymore
Well, that's where you're wrong. There's a whole lot of untapped potential in Erica of Königstuhl canton. Just imagine Margit--Marco, Elisa--Elijah, Cecilia--Cecil (predominantly male) Mika, and Nero, all aiming to grab a piece of that untainted nun's purity. What used to be something like a fluffy somewhat dark moege is now a hard yandere otoge (unless Mika won). The greatest love story ever told, you just gotta tell Schuld about it anon.
>WN-only era
Honestly feels like an accident waiting to happen. You just need to publish a legal shittier copy and you can sue them all to hell by saying they plagiarized your work. IIRC that's how Dungeon Seeker got canned, due to Arifureta's author saying he got plagiarized by DS. Then again, it's Alph*polis, would make me rather happy if it gets them into trouble, though I do pity the author.

>> No.43585821

what ungodly things would getting FANGed do to Erica's Sun God Faith build? Would her build collapse completely and have to be redone from scratch since Sun God has a hateboner for vampires? Would her skills and feats transfer directly to the Night Goddess? Would her faith be so strong and PURITY allure be so irresistible that she can just carry on with the Sun God's favor and as a vampire at the same time, like the undead paladin from the newest D&D movie?

>> No.43585955
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it's out!

>> No.43586008

is Kadokawa smoking audiobook crack now? they seem to be pushing them harder both for their JP books and also for EN through yen press and j-novel

>> No.43586067

I remember being very excited for this volume, read it in a day.

>> No.43589288

Never listened to LN audio books, how does chuuni terminology work, do they tell you what the kanji are or just skip it altogether?

>> No.43589315

>do you tell you what the kanji is

>> No.43589455

they often read both versions of a word
so if you have something like 光爆 with furigana saying ライトニング・ボム they'll read こうばく、ライトニング・ボム

>> No.43589459
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Not quite chuuni, but the すかすか books also has some heavy furigana abuse, so the audiobooks make a lot less sense than reading the novels

>> No.43591137

feels like an attempt at "legitimizing" LNs as "real books" or just making them more accessible in general, which feels kinda pointless because no attempt at making books more accessible has worked in the entire history of humanity
another thing is passive entertainment like podcasts and video essays have become fairly popular, so audiobooks are an obvious thing to do, especially with all the audible shilling
basically it may be throwing shit at the wall, but hey, we get audiobooks out of it

>> No.43593579
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Anyone else reading Magical Explorer? I got tired of waiting for the manga and it ended up having far more depth than I expected.
It really comes off as an elaborate shitpost but it's pretty good.

>> No.43596278

Gonna roll what to read next too...
0 ~ 1 - Making Magic
2 ~ 3 - ReRe: Reincarnation Executioner
4 ~ 5 - Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter
6 ~ 7 - Disciple of the Lich
8 ~ 9 - Dungeon Dive

>> No.43596423

how come in english fiction a trilogy feels epic but in lns you get 10+ volumes in a few years and it's no big deal

>> No.43597103

English "epic" fantasies average like 800 pages per book anon, while average ln is like 200 pages when tled. What I would never understand is how could tolkein make LotR appear so grand using just 300k words

>> No.43597323

Exactly going through lotr feels so large scale for some reason, same with dune

>> No.43598650

I'm really enjoying it so much. if it's not flled with comfy character interactions (nanami's banter is hilarious, as is ludi's ramen addiction), its got plenty of meta commentary and mythology/lore.
Not listening to isek/a/i chimp out over 'no sex in muh eroge' was for the best

>> No.43598949

Any LN/WN recommendations for someone reading Classroom of the Elite?

>> No.43599031

It's the prose, it can be a drag to read sometimes which artificially extends it's length, then there's the quick rushdown of random stuff during the trip, put it all together and that's how it gives off the artificial sense of scale.

>> No.43599085

read the author's VNs

>> No.43599142

a fucked sense of perspective probably, it's really rare to see a LN get past 3 volumes, let alone 10+, but when they do oh boy get ready for a 30+ volume odyssey
that and the broader english fiction market reads way less than autistic LN lunatics, so they focus more on short form stories that end within a single volume
the only long series i know if you extend it to the west in general are the witcher, the tower from stephen king, and obviously harry potter, lotr only counts as bigger than 3 volumes if you count the hobbit, which most people don't

>> No.43599145

Definitely giving World Actor a try, thanks.

>> No.43599157

what did you like from it?

>> No.43599345

>because no attempt at making books more accessible has worked in the entire history of humanity
Ahem, the invention of the printing press. But I get your point.

>> No.43599355

ahem, the invention of smut

>> No.43599373

>he wrote akatsuki no goei
what the actual fuck i had no idea

>> No.43599496

Any trackers for scholarly books and articles? Not light reading or VN.

>> No.43599624

Competent and ruthless MC and the fact that a bunch of misfits are slowly but surely are getting character growth.

>> No.43600927

does it at least have relationship/emotional progress? if i had to guess the fixation with sex is basically wanting that instead, or to be exact, the tendency of series with no relationship progress to also have zero sex and have the MC run away from it and any kind of physical intimacy, and wanting to avoid series like that
though this is far from being limited to LNs

>> No.43601242

I'm six volumes in and these are my observations
>kousuke very clearly loves all the girls, it's literally the point of why he's grinding
>Kousuke's adoptive sister/cousin is actively trying to fuck/marry him, and is probably getting help from his angel maid and her mom
> her sleeping in his bed has basically become a regular occurrence
> the only reason nothing has happened yet aside from her nee-chan zoning herself is because kousuke doesn't speak kuudere
>said angel maid is basically his in every sense of the word, and makes it a point to tease him about this at every opportunity
>samurai girl, elf and elf maid all see him as a future hero and their savior
>all of the aforementioned girls have plushies that are chibi versions of him thanks to angel maid.
>none of them seem to mind each others affections for him, and actively work together to do stuff for him
>and now, two different brocons are starting to fall for her him, as well as a seraph tier angel librarian

It's not even a matter of if the progression is there. It simply a matter of when the author wants to pull the trigger, and for now he wants to wait a bit according to what i've heard.

>> No.43601301

>Kousuke's adoptive sister/cousin is actively trying to fuck/marry him
>adoptive and most likely not blood related
that's so lame

>> No.43601381

they're actually cousins iirc. kousuke is the best friend of the game's mc who the actual mc reincarnated into, so technically wincest but technically not.

>> No.43601613

Only decent one I know is 師匠妖狐の寝とられきたん
But it's episodic/each chapter is a different scenario/ending rather than being one long-form story

>> No.43602770

Kept reading it, it's not that autistic unlike how it got shilled to me and I doubt it will really go any deeper.
It's less dendro and more hell mode in that sense, which is not a bad thing, some stuff can be stressing/draining to read if you get too into it and this is relaxing in comparison, it's pretty good.
Got to the point nanami appears and after wondering for a full volume and half why people like her in particular, I found out why.
She's best girl so far, it's not even a contest, and it almost hurts the story in a way by making every other girl look worse in comparison.

>> No.43602963

Just completed ngnl vol 11. The second half, after they realized their first true defeat was nice. But I don't like where this is going: namely ending the series forcibly. There are a lot of loose ends left to connect, and I would like at least one vol for each race.

>> No.43605867

>hell mode
might check this out, anything notable about it
Nanami works because she also gets along with the other girls, aside from the principal. Cant wait to see what thats about.

>> No.43607901

nta but also trying to read it now and the mc droning on about how the original game was takes me the fuck out of the experience
he talks like he's an expert on the game, ok
he talks about him purchasing the game ASAP on a store like it's still the 00s bonuses from different stores as well, which fair enough
then apparently nanami was DLC content later? which he used on his first playthroughs?
it triggers my tism

>> No.43610315

OP for next thread?

>> No.43613358


>> No.43614497

might as well do magical explorer’s recent volume i guess

>> No.43616588

before this thread is over can someone tell me the english title for the trpg series people keep talking about? i wanna give it a shot

>> No.43616765

Min-maxing my TRPG Build in Another World/TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す

>> No.43617533

>JNC licensed dorkness.

>> No.43618016

they had ONE JOB

>> No.43618109

to be fair actually translating it as dorkness for a joke would be dumb as fuck and also ruin the joke

>> No.43619129
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recommendations for an arifureta enjoyer? (aside dungeon seeker)

>> No.43619219

what did you like about it? the edginess/coolness given the dungeon seeker mention?

>> No.43619555

I don't like very much dungeon seeker, but everyone compares it to arifureta, so to not waste time having replies mention it I alredy say it myself

>> No.43620861

I read 公女殿下 vol 1 as my first Japanese novel, it was pretty fun. Probably will read volume 2 because リディア seems interesting, plus the fact that volume 1 wrapped up all the plot but a bunch of threads for potential new plots were left open gives me the impression that it will feel like a sequel rather than part 2 of an ongoing story

>> No.43620966

How about failure frame?

>> No.43621876

I'll give it a try

>> No.43622735

heads up, it's not until volume 2 where you get a real feel for the story beats as volume 1 is largely setup. i enjoy failure frame but the first volume doesn't do a good job of showcasing the latter parts to come after it.

>> No.43623174

is this the "i want to FUCK seras" one

>> No.43623192


>> No.43623213

>i enjoy failure frame but the first volume doesn't do a good job of showcasing the latter parts to come after it.
I imagine this is from being a bit too much of an arifureta clone right at the start.
Feels like it's not until the confrontation with the first big enemy the soul eater head that the novel gets it's own identity and starts being itself instead of "arifureta BUT..." and not much else.
Weirdly poetic when the MC sets out on his journey pretty much right afterwards.

>> No.43625476
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Speaking of which

>> No.43626366

