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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4351455 No.4351455 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /jp/ always so mean?

>> No.4351458


Because your posts are always so shit.

>> No.4351460


>> No.4351457

None of your god damn business.

>> No.4351464

all the nice informative people are in Steam/IRC/MSN

>> No.4351472


>> No.4351476


Shut up Pangloss, no one likes you.

>> No.4351479


10/10 would lol again

>> No.4351482

I dunno, I just like to take it easy.

>> No.4351490

Pangloss has more friends than you.

>> No.4351491

>nice informative people

What a lively and interesting jest.

>> No.4351494

Want nice? then go to a fucking forum and suck moderator cock until you become respected.

Here, you only get what you earn dickface, but thanks for making one more garbage thread to clog the front page anyway, faggot.

>> No.4351496

Because /jp/ is trying its damndest to emulate 2ch.

>> No.4351508

It's only mean to you.

And it's because you deserve it.

>> No.4351534


I do not generally get in competitions over my number of e-friends as I am not a crossdressing faggot.

>> No.4351543


who the fuck is this?

>> No.4351569


u mad?

>> No.4351595

No, but I can tell you're getting mad by posting 'u mad?'.

>> No.4351601

/jp/ being mean is the only good thing left about /jp/

>> No.4351625

Because they're a bunch of basement dwelling touhou fags that have no social skills outside of interacting with their waifu and like to spend their time making everybody else around them miserable because they think it makes them feel better.

PROTIP: It doesn't.

>> No.4351663

Problem anon?
It is only mean to idiot and retard anyway.

Also /jp/ is not a place to make friends.
You want friends? Go to facebook or myspace.

>> No.4351690

Hey man, I'm not here to make friends, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.

>> No.4351691

People can say things without repercussions in here so they'll speak exactly what's on their mind. Also, since you're faceless, it's easier for them to insult you, since you are just another anonymous person. They could've agreed with you in one thread and told you to kill yourself in another. That's just the way this place works.

People in forums think the same thing when you make a shitty post, though. They just don't tell you they do and silently put you on their ignore list, and you are left to wonder why you aren't getting any replies whereas Anonymous actually gives you a chance to shape up and become accepted.

So basically, this place is much nicer than any forum out there.

>> No.4351709
File: 11 KB, 245x201, battler dont think so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is your english so shitty and broken, are you some sort of non-native fag?

>> No.4351718

your mad?

>> No.4351795

Will you be my friend?

>> No.4351802

Native to what?
You mean Apache or something?

>> No.4351808
File: 13 KB, 261x230, batora queer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have jarred quantities of mad, yes, what of it?

>> No.4351867

Why so avatarfaggot?

>> No.4352934

Just filter him.

Though for some reason his posts keep showing up for me but do get filtered when I open the thread.

Stupid filter.
