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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 219 KB, 1000x1125, 1208457356606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43504939 No.43504939 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>43495710

>> No.43504984
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Updated Japanese guide: https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/

>> No.43504994

I don't understand how kirakira names work

can you just make up whatever pronunciation you want for a kanji if it's a name?

>> No.43505023

Pretty much, but normally the kanji relate semantically to the phonetic reading chosen.

>> No.43505103
File: 48 KB, 471x268, 1393801352613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ankitard here, just started learning. Anyone got a nice CSS for the cards I can copy? Like color coding the particles, etc.

>> No.43505118
File: 258 KB, 1143x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is impossible

>> No.43505189
File: 507 KB, 472x304, 1404887616696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help proofreading a doujin I'm almost done translating. It's my first project, I care and don't for criticism. I just want to do it.

How can I get in contact with someone.
I'm not doing this for money

>> No.43505210

Post a sfw page and the translation you have for it.

>> No.43505234 [SPOILER] 
File: 404 KB, 1280x1895, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry.

Like I said it's my first project.
So far I've almost got the script done. It's a new thing for me.

Learning how to use photoshop, certain fonts, etc. My bad. I understand what you want. But give me time I'm learning.

This is a page from it

>> No.43505250

queef are you ever gonna release your secret project you sad lazy fuck

>> No.43505258

>It's my first project, I care and don't for criticism. I just want to do it.
I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say in English.

>> No.43505260

we call it a mlen moment

>> No.43505266

Who’s mlen?

>> No.43505275

a scholar and wordsmith

>> No.43505279
File: 45 KB, 500x458, 7lxynl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time anon.

>> No.43505309

I need a serious answer. I can’t keep up with all the lolcows. I know QM left because he couldn’t ready 勝手 or something. Nuke’s a lolcow. Some girl named OG said this place would die. Jamal’s black. Anacreon’s French. Matt ripped people off. Yogapants started Refold.
I’ve picked this all up from bits and pieces in these threads over time. The only people I don’t really know are mlen and ciaran.

>> No.43505314

yogapants hasnt been mentioned in a long ass time bro

>> No.43505315

I can't tell if you're using 蜂蜜 to make fun of people who just learn english definitions or if you're just retarded

>> No.43505318


>> No.43505323

Not true. Someone posted a clip of him saying ちっとなんか a bunch to Nuke.

>> No.43505324

>Post raw page
>Copy paste your translation you have for that page
Could've done it in the time it took you to type all that out.

>> No.43505328

How would that even make fun of people for using English defs?

>> No.43505334

蜂蜜's definition in english is honey, but it only refers to bee barf, you don't call people honey like in english. People who rely on translations frequently make mistakes like that.

>> No.43505338
File: 109 KB, 599x509, 1655069193000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a god damn joke. But some djshitters here cannot fathom this and instantly go to the default of "I know more than this person, they are so wrong haha".

>> No.43505343
File: 216 KB, 868x1228, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.43505345

damn i get this

>> No.43505357

I think you’re overthinking the joke. It’s just a play on words. Also, English definitions aren’t causing people to make those mistakes. It’s lack of context when looking them up in the dictionary to say something.

>> No.43505365
File: 433 KB, 500x280, 1363077313378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. It's been a long time since I've posted.
Next time I ask I'll make sure to have everything.

>> No.43505370

Guy’s a pseud. He can only think in sense-for-sense translations. Jokes are off limits.

>> No.43505381

hey guys look up the md5 of this one loooool >>4350533
namesimasu ? namesimasu ? lmfao

>> No.43505385
File: 27 KB, 827x377, 2jhr03jhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. He will soon be replaced.

>> No.43505387

Should I switch to manga without furigana? I wonder if having these kind of training wheels is detrimental in the long run.

>> No.43505393

the namemasu tabemasud the 8 at the end meant to quote >>43505338

>> No.43505403

>chatgpt’s less autistic about jokes than djt

>> No.43505415

>namesimasu ? namesimasu ?
Um, what?

>> No.43505426

>compelled to reply to both posts calling out namesimasu

>> No.43505463




>> No.43505493

read it as hatimitu

>> No.43505592 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 680x680, 1683460525834807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it from here https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/setting-up-anki.html#import-an-example-mining-deck

>> No.43505602

you don't have a choice. if some manga is written with furigana, you'll have to read it with furigana. but choosing a less interesting manga just because it doesn't have furigana is retarded imho.
if you absolutely can't stand furigana, read ranobe or novels.

>> No.43505714

>anki uses skill based matchmaking
this shit is rigged from the start, fucking time-sink skinnerbox, just let me shit on easy cards

>> No.43505794

i'm hungry for verbs and manko

>> No.43505805

protip after making her cum once from licking her manko and kuri you should keep licking and put in fingers

>> No.43505941

What are you reading, anon?

>> No.43505965

Is there a way to export Anki cards with corresponding furigana over each kanji without doing it by hand? Yomichan doesn't seem to support that. Is it a stupid idea? I know there are some cases where it doesn't really work.

>> No.43506026

switch to not manga

export to where
this should probably be done using css with multiple fields not an export

>> No.43506085

I mean to export them to Anki. It can be done using a syntax like 元[げん]気[き], but I don't know how to generate it automatically.

>> No.43506096

just use css to put it the kana above the word if you really need it, but here's a hint, you probably dont

i just have my front be the kanji and then back adds kana below it (+context and definition)

>> No.43506098

>switch to not manga
I'm too 出来ない for that

>> No.43506145
File: 18 KB, 313x249, Screenshot_20230517_144434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just use css to put it the kana above the word if you really need
That's not what I'm asking for. I want it to be obvious which kana goes to which kanji.

>> No.43506166

it becomes obvious once you learn some words

>> No.43506193

Yeah, but I feel like it would help a bit

>> No.43506299
File: 16 KB, 280x194, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you don't know the words beforehand, you're beyond fucked. Nice.
Captcha: XDS42

>> No.43506539

you don't realize how soon you'll be too good for that to matter

>> No.43506595

Funny, I also did a translation of a erovn that I'm waiting on proof reading for
and btw, anyone here use Japreader, seems like its been down lately

>> No.43506829
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Updated AJT Flexible Grading

The new version adds an option to press the k key to flip the card while the card is in question state. This means that users can easily flip a card and rate it “good” by pressing kk. This feature can be enabled in Options and is off by default.


>> No.43506864

{furigana-plain} in Yomichan Anki template settings outputs in that format. and in the card template you can just use {furigana:Field Name} to have it displayed property

>> No.43506989


>> No.43507028

thanks for posting this anon, I fucking love gyaru like none other except maybe futa gyaru :)

>> No.43507159

Need something to put on my phone for immersion when I'm slacking off at work

>> No.43507170

pixiv 二次創作 and original short stories are great for that

>> No.43507244
File: 345 KB, 1555x2176, FwVH8B-aEAEY2qi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood afternoon


>> No.43507245

this thread is more ill than usual
im out

>> No.43507271


>> No.43507274


>> No.43507288

仕事中 に あくび した、 首されました

>> No.43507298


>> No.43507308


>> No.43507312

怖 コアラ
折れた コアラ

>> No.43507361

It outputs that format, sure, but it's for the whole kanji sequence, not for each one separately

>> No.43507368


>> No.43507418
File: 148 KB, 1199x701, Screenshot_20230517_182014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked and it's not implemented yet. I kinda gave up. As another anon said, it's not really important anyway.

>> No.43507505
File: 668 KB, 870x1500, 104404447_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning and remember to appreciate modern technology today.

>> No.43507578

when you're still early on in your anki reviews is it a good idea to create several profiles so you can go over the reviews twice a day?

>> No.43507589

hell no, save that tiem for actually listening and reading more

>> No.43507714
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>> No.43507721
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>> No.43507737
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>> No.43507823
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>> No.43507826
File: 101 KB, 340x231, markup_1000002879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can the professional nanpa yarichins in the chat explain to me how this bowing request is supposed to actually work on girls?

>> No.43507869

just had a brain blast
finna give chatgpt my anki list and ask it to make compelling i+1 content

>> No.43507893

Here Yukari san says what we saw was a dream. (It wasn't a dream) What do the nips mean when the thing we saw was a dream, when it wasn't a dream?

>> No.43507945

it can generate content but not really compelling content

>> No.43507973

what do people mean in eigo when they say i'm living the dream but it's not a dream it's real life that i'm living?
also という夢を見た not just 夢をみた

>> No.43507993

just did the first mission in ff8 and im very disappointed by the way this game is designed. i'm the guy who played ff7, which i loved very much. currently i feel like dropping it

>> No.43508029

isn't the first mission that bit where the mecha spider boss chases you down a hill?

>> No.43508070
File: 8 KB, 320x180, 35983312.1617763.M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would the teacher and pic related

>> No.43508206

All Final Fantasies are shit after you've played 7.

>> No.43508252

all turn based rpgs are shit are youve had sex

>> No.43508257


>> No.43508259

Is there a good rule of thumb to find raw manga in good resolutions? Most (even if very famous) don't have digital raw releases.
Are doujins the only option?

>> No.43508262

what are you trying to say? are you an esl who generally doesnt know the phrase 'im living the dream'?

>> No.43508421
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>> No.43508464

paychads keep on winning

>> No.43508481

i was mocking the original question you dork

>> No.43508575

Try reading the thread before replying.

>> No.43508636

What's another way I can translate "気持ちいい"?
I'm trying not to say "This/It feels goods" over and over. I want it to be a little spicier

>> No.43508643

good shit

>> No.43508651

that's the stuff

>> No.43508659
File: 144 KB, 657x493, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a spicy meatball

>> No.43508676
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.43508677

waht is better gotiusa or yuru yuri

>> No.43508684

I'd definitely rather watch yuru yuri even though i dropped it
Gochiusa is clearly pedo shit

>> No.43508699

gochiusa is so good i watched it twice

>> No.43508733
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>> No.43508740
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>So if you don't know the words beforehand, you're beyond fucked. Nice.

language in a nutshell

>> No.43508747

youtube video rankings https://playboard.co/en/chart/video/most-viewed-all-videos-in-japan-daily

>> No.43508771

me with the pink jacket

>> No.43508832


>> No.43508876

yuru yuri makes me happier

>> No.43508877


>> No.43508888
File: 1.15 MB, 1078x1527, markup_1000002883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still don't understand why this is such a powerful and successful maneuver

>> No.43508890
File: 193 KB, 663x498, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43508905

autistically changing the language of all my devices to japanese

>> No.43508925
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, ご注文はうさぎですか? S01E01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43508948

as for me

>> No.43508955

Holy the Mc has a face

>> No.43508969

>read official english translation of a light novel
>"Preach, sister!"
why are they like this

>> No.43508977

>not showing off the cute dance
how dare you

>> No.43508988


>> No.43508989

im a sister

>> No.43508991

got the 鬼神 armor in zelda

finally oni link clicks lol
never made the connection i thought it was just a cool sounding word they made up

>> No.43509071
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's why they always release at the same time

>> No.43509078



>> No.43509086

that's how an otaku light novel originally written in english would sound, it's a good localization

>> No.43509106

i can't even tell if this is bait

>> No.43509117

light novels use slang all the time

>> No.43509137

you tellin me the average japanese persone finds linnies to be cringe?

>> No.43509145

esls don't understand the difference between a good translation and a good localization. sad

>> No.43509205

preach sister! is a localization because it appeals to the judaeo-christian culture of the west, something that isnt part of japanese culture

>> No.43509209

"sister" appeals to my dick

>> No.43509216
File: 174 KB, 1400x491, why translations are inherently bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43509217

jailbait carries connotations of the american justice system, something that would make no sense in japan

>> No.43509225

>is a localization because it appeals to the judaeo-christian culture of the west,
What localization has appealed to Christianity ever? Are you stupid?

>> No.43509229

official releases are localizations not translations. good translations sound lame and make for poor localizations

>> No.43509232

light novels written in english are shit like the hunger games and harry potter, which i'm pretty sure don't include dated internet zoomerspeak

>> No.43509233


>> No.43509244

You heard me.

>> No.43509247

good translations are good

>> No.43509249

good translation:
ramen and youkan (tl note: youkan is a jellied dessert made from red bean paste)

good localization:
noodles and pudding

>> No.43509251

i very clearly wrote "otaku light novel"

>> No.43509256

localization is just a subset of translation it's the same shit at its core

>> No.43509259
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 1684154234649309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america is a judeo-christian nation, so any US-localization appeals to judeo-christian values

>> No.43509267

read 鈍色 as にぶいろ again

>> No.43509278
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good question

>> No.43509283

America was built on Masonic-Semitic values. Any localization appeals to crazed trannies and Satan worshipers.

>> No.43509291
File: 22 KB, 474x235, sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43509297

its in a song by eve, singing along i naturally remembered it

>> No.43509304
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43509306

you're a dumb esl who wants to feel special for reading untranslated japanese media but in reality you understand neither language, both the nuances and references are lost on you

>> No.43509311

i understand english at a native level. actually, i'm sure you are an esl coping about your own skill level

>> No.43509331

>i understand english at a native level
so you are not a native. in other words you are a coping esl ranting about localizations lol

>> No.43509332

I'm native english and I give all ESLs in this thread the honorary native english titles

>> No.43509338

thank you

>> No.43509341

that wasn't me, not sure why that anon answered in my place
that said, you're a fag and translations/localizations are cancer

>> No.43509346

you didnt deny it

>> No.43509348

Well, I don't.
Don't say that. I'm revoking your status.

>> No.43509351
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>> No.43509354

japanese is unironically the best language in the world
everything sounds better in japanese

>> No.43509356

Age? We can settle this matter of authority by determining which of us is eldest.

>> No.43509359

me? beyond native.

>> No.43509361

me? inside a native.

>> No.43509365


>> No.43509367

I'm at least your age + 1, so that settles it.

>> No.43509370

fuck i was gonna say this
sorry esls, i couldn't pull through for you

>> No.43509398

uhm anyway, stop localizing my otaku light novels.

>> No.43509423

what annoys me is when people read a translation and then claim a series is shit even though they've literally read what is essentially fan-fiction

>> No.43509442


>> No.43509621

i have nothing to deny. you're the one ranting

>> No.43509651

you mean a localization

>> No.43509678

the bible

>> No.43509702

Bible wasn't localized, unless you're talking about the Message.

>> No.43509705

>ramen and youkan (tl note: youkan is a jellied dessert made from red bean paste)
sounds retarded

>> No.43509719

if the plot is shit or the characters are uninteresting, that's not the translation's fault

>> No.43509759

why in a jp knowing thread would a person be so obsessed with their en skills? oh yeah because they suck at jp and need to grasp for some way to feel special.
t. native in all languages now thanks to my chat gpt

>> No.43509768
File: 591 KB, 2212x2212, jp_ochagohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someonehelp with this? I am having difficulty finding the correct answer.
It was related to nice food so I assumed it's "I am full".

>> No.43509774


>> No.43509782

>It's ochazuke.

>> No.43509790

just did an オナ電 in japanese with an 女 from skypech ask me anything

>> No.43509802

It's the name of the dish? Thank you. Now it makes sense. Took me ages trying to figure it out.

>> No.43509810

dumb faggot neck yourself

>> No.43509815

yall got issues fr

>> No.43509819

No problem. Feel free to ask any more questions.

>> No.43509825

no problem feel free to suck my cock *unzips*

>> No.43509840

That's rude, anon. How would you feel if there was some Japanese you didn't understand and no one helped you in this thread? I imagine you would be quite peeved by the situation.

>> No.43509847

is p equal np

>> No.43509857

that won't happen because 1) any japanese posted in this thread is worthless and 2) i'd just understand it anyways
now suck my dick already i'm getting blue balls over here

>> No.43509866

>i'd just understand it anyways
Nah, you suck at Japanese.

>> No.43509868

YOU are 精神薄弱者 (tl note: 精神薄弱者 means intellectually disabled person)

>> No.43509870

the only thing i suck at are pink nipples and mankos

>> No.43509884


>> No.43509890

love observing the djt rabble from my golden throne high above it all

>> No.43509906

baaaaaaaaaaaa ss s ssssss ed

>> No.43509910

*opens thread and scrolls all the way to the bottom without reading any posts*
wow not a single good post sasuga djt

>> No.43509918

Anime is one of the top reasons that English speakers decide to learn Japanese, and anime streamer Crunchyroll and language app Duolingo are taking note. The two companies are teaming up to help Duolingo users learn some of their favorite phrases from popular Japanese anime.

Beginning today, Duolingo's Japanese course will feature nearly 50 phrases inspired by popular anime series.

“Anime is a dynamic medium and we know viewers have a curiosity for learning," said Terry Li, Crunchyroll's Senior Vice President of Emerging Business. "Now on Duolingo, fans worldwide can celebrate anime through learning iconic phrases from their favorite series.”

The Duolingo anime crossover makes a lot of sense for the platform, as Duolingo said 26% of the app's Japanese learners cite fun — like watching anime — as a top reason for learning Japanese. Duolingo is an education app that allows users to practice foreign language words, phrases, and grammar. The service offers courses in more than 40 languages.

As part of this new promotion, premium Crunchyroll subscribers can redeem a two-month trial of Duolingo's premium tier, while Duolingo learners could be eligible for one month of ad-free Crunchyroll access.

Crunchyroll is also sharing a roundup of anime featuring simple, easy-to-understand Japanese for language learners who are just getting started. These shows include Bananya, Laid-Back Camp, and more.

>> No.43509928
File: 346 KB, 1080x1434, Screenshot_2023-05-17-23-01-46-05_965bbf4d18d205f782c6b8409c5773a4~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low test bro
for me its big dark obasan nipples

>> No.43509935

remember when queef tried flexing his kanken knowledge and then read 軽蔑 as けいぶ lmao

>> No.43509938

shut the FUCK up james no one asked for your opinion

>> No.43509947


>> No.43509950


>> No.43509952

>nearly 50 phrases
made me l0l

>> No.43509966

that's a good day's worth of onkey for me

>> No.43509980

he also couldn't read 椎間板 sad day for animecarders

>> No.43509997
File: 268 KB, 1460x1080, Screenshot_2023-05-17-23-01-31-99_965bbf4d18d205f782c6b8409c5773a4~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you mad

>> No.43510010

i may be mad
but at least i didn't post my mom on 4channel

>> No.43510017

true true

>> No.43510036
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43510038


>> No.43510052

imagine booting up qolibri like a cuck every time you immersing

>> No.43510065

imagine booting up windows like a cuck every time you immersing

>> No.43510067

imagine booting up /djt/

>> No.43510088

>one desktop icon
>a million taskbar pins

>> No.43510095

he pinned task manager lmfao what a noob

>> No.43510099

Ha, he misread 広義. What a silly fool.

>> No.43510103

i miss matt

>> No.43510111

best op of the season
what a banger

>> No.43510122

a cutie i want to 与える her my 精子

>> No.43510128

generic af

>> No.43510140


>> No.43510147

>cortana enabled

>> No.43510155

siri, what's kougoooouhhhh in english

>> No.43510159

i actually installed qolibri and goldendict. i couldnt be happier

>> No.43510162


>> No.43510166


>> No.43510180
File: 315 KB, 860x1214, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me in the black sweater
rest of djt in the bikini

>> No.43510186

not sure what's more pathetic
matto bonder and his two gay dads, or djt seething over a five-year-old clip of him missspelling an obscure vietnamese word

>> No.43510191

>ntr isn't gay

>> No.43510195

broo turn on ur monitor

>> No.43510197

if he wants to know what's more pathetic he should turn it off

>> No.43510200

djt is in good shape tonight

>> No.43510203

just like ur mom

>> No.43510210

only cuz i drank half a bottle of gin

>> No.43510213

yeaaaaah tanoshikattaze

>> No.43510217


>> No.43510229


>> No.43510239

das rite tho

>> No.43510240

dude weed lmafluency

>> No.43510243
File: 285 KB, 1461x1080, Screenshot_2023-05-17-23-01-39-74_965bbf4d18d205f782c6b8409c5773a4~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese? for me its fat older japanese women

>> No.43510276

bros subahibi changed my lyfe

>> No.43510277

>Calm down, calm down, you two. What's all this ruckus about?
Rat's bad at Japanese. This was very accurate to the original intent of the line.

>> No.43510289


>> No.43510326

Or is he saying 騒々しい? Listening's hard.

>> No.43510362

No you can actually have a good and accurate translation that also reads and sounds naturally. You just have to have someone skilled do it.

>> No.43510369

Mate.... just use a dictionary.

>> No.43510381
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same same

>> No.43510398

not gay but that was a great scene

>> No.43510400

Here on DJT, we don't believe in things like "dumb questions," only questions.

>> No.43510409

>wonderful everyday
hahahaha japanese suck at english. i'm gonna speak like that to them so that know how it feels.

>> No.43510411


>> No.43510418

why didn't you use a dictionary when you didn't know the words?

>> No.43510430

every question is a dumb question to somebody

>> No.43510432

I always use a dictionary. What are you talking about?

>> No.43510447

everything's a puzzle if you're dumb enough

>> No.43510452

also if youre smart enough

>> No.43510459

midwits win again

>> No.43510471

just don't be ted kaczynski smart

>> No.43510477

already am

>> No.43510481

where are your letters?

>> No.43510492

he scored 136 on the wais

>> No.43510503

yah i could probs kick his ass

>> No.43510506

careful youre sounding a bit oversocialized m8

>> No.43510536

put on some logh and i just understood everything instinctively i didnt have to look anything up

>> No.43510559

tfw you graduate from enki

>> No.43510572

never liked the monkey shit in gt

>> No.43510589
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>> No.43510648

what if tippy had an illegitimate child with chiya's grandmother
then chiya and chino would be related

>> No.43510667

never gonna graduate from anki
i use it for everything now

>> No.43510724

That's what I've come to realize as well. I could've made my life a lot easier if I had just used it to memorize all my stuff.

>> No.43510743

how we are supposed to "graduate" from anki? we are not elephants. we don't have a long-term memory.

>> No.43510747

dont you remember every line from cartoons you watched as a kid
just do that with anime

>> No.43510755

he's not an elephant he doesn't watch anime

>> No.43510758

i don't. i don't actually remember that infamous vegeta's line where he says "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND"

>> No.43510760

does anyone have a list jlpt word list or frequency list or something? i want to supplement my mining on days when i cant mine enough.
inb4 read more.

>> No.43510765

Kids would be unironically smarter if they were forced to actually understand the dialogue in cartoons. Kids just let all the hard bits fly over their heads and they come back 10 years later and rediscover the show they liked what was wittier than they thought.

>> No.43510767

I did but I was separating them by mistake
"o cha zu keda" instead of ochazuke and I was getting other meanings.

>> No.43510771

dont fucking tell me to immerse myself when i barely know any words u motherfucker

i need vocab and grammar u piece of shit!

>> No.43510775

Don't listen to him. A lot of people here forgot how bad their parsing skills were when they first started.

>> No.43510776

bro you're supposed to act as a child. you should immerse yourself in nihongo even if you don't know jackshit. haven't you watched the stephen kauufmann video

>> No.43510779

dno man cant relate how can you not remember epic scenes they get burned into your mind

>> No.43510784

I think the other Stephen was based for debunking those scam artists and proving that comprehensible input is how we learn, not nonsense babbled at us.

>> No.43510790

i forgot his surname so i just put "kauufmann" but yeah it's that stephen i was referring to

>> No.43510792
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gpt-san is so boring with no personality..

>> No.43510800
File: 459 KB, 1115x1600, image_460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compelling content did you read today?

>> No.43510812

enough for what?
you can make input comprehensible even if you barely know any words through using a simple anime with subtitles, using a dictionary and referencing a translation

>> No.43510828

Yes, I know that. I'm arguing from the standpoint of immersing without any formal study being done into the words and grammar.

>> No.43510831

i'm currently reading this manga about a class full of mentally ill women and this one teacher who hates women (not gay just sexist) and he says mean stuff to em
it's pretty compelling cause i love it when women cry

>> No.43510833

yea im into formal study i put on a suit before i emmerse

>> No.43510841

>it's pretty compelling cause i love it when women cry
dangerously based

>> No.43510855
File: 462 KB, 1266x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43510857 [DELETED] 

NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.43510869

tell me about him.. why does he learn so many languages?

>> No.43510881

He's a con who can't even speak the only one he pretends to know the most about, Japanese.

>> No.43510883

go'dam one piece has been crazy good lately

>> No.43510887

bounties are power levels

>> No.43510889

yeah so?

>> No.43510896

so youre gay you fuxking chugger dont yeah so me

>> No.43510901

don't be mean I imagine him as my cool supportive uncle

>> No.43510902


>> No.43510905

u cant even come up with a reason y power levels r bad

>> No.43510909

turn on your scouter

>> No.43510912


>> No.43510916

imma supa hella gayajin

>> No.43510917

dick size is power levels

>> No.43510919

shieeeet man muh dick

>> No.43510940


>> No.43510941

Little known fact. In Japanese, Vegetable actually says that his power level or 戦闘力 is over 8000 (八千だ!). Isn't that interesting?

>> No.43510950
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compelling content? yeah i've got some content about compelling.

>> No.43510967

holy shit oshi no ko is a bad series
the latest episode was just sappy bullshit like why the fuck is akane's manager so bad and not tell her to play up the rivalry and delete twitter off her phone?
she would stand out immensely from that other chick and be infamous
literally she will be flooded with roles in movies and several years later when she gets interviewed over that reality show she can just apologize then
its like these people have zero clue how the entertainment industry works despite being in it

>> No.43510979

magical reincarnation babies

>> No.43511007


>> No.43511011

woah u cant say the n'wah word here

>> No.43511012

moe whats your take on osi no ko

>> No.43511018

no one misses him

>> No.43511020

yeah we do

>> No.43511021

relax bro he just posted so im asking

>> No.43511023

When did he post?

>> No.43511029

dno i just felt an immense 10k episodes tier reiatu and figured its him

>> No.43511036

subs readers mad at the raw king again

>> No.43511039

*raw king might not actually understand much of what he watches

>> No.43511040

if you dont believe in the input hypo thesis why you in the acquirers thread

>> No.43511047

try inputting my foot in ur ass

>> No.43511048

theres a super high chance the jidaigeki transcriber was none other than moe himself i wouldnt be talking smack if i were you

>> No.43511050

Because I believe that mishearing words doesn't count as "input" some much as "stupidput."

>> No.43511053

com eback after youve watched 10000 episodes raw son

>> No.43511061

Then I'll be as illiterate as you lol

>> No.43511064

but you will be beyond fluent

>> No.43511066

I want to be beyond native and all Japanese people seem to do is quiz themselves on kanji readings.

>> No.43511070

yo when goku first transforms into ssj3 that shit fire
be like goku

>> No.43511072

wahhh i cant read these chinese houses but i know all teh words by ear i wasted all my time

>> No.43511074

stfu jamal

>> No.43511077

kids dont end up like keibu guy

>> No.43511078

>djt wishes to be illiterate child levels of fluent

>> No.43511081

if u gave an illiterate japanese kid ur idiot card program hed be kicking ur little faggy ass in no time

>> No.43511087

now this i agree with
the average native in any language is illiterate

>> No.43511091

Nah, he'd get so confused if he had to learn the words I'm learning.

>> No.43511095

yah hed go why is this idiot ""learning"" when he could be acquiring

>> No.43511100

>enough for what?
i want to add X words per day so that memorizing words dont take decades.

>> No.43511106

just use core 10k

>> No.43511108

You know that episode is based on a real reality show stars suicide. Right?

>> No.43511113

i know most of the words in it, i just want to use it to fill in gaps. and i dont want to have two decks. but i guess i could write some script to extract the words from it.

>> No.43511117

just use core 100k lol

>> No.43511123

nibbas be flashtarding shit theyve never heard lmao

>> No.43511128

prove it
with japanese sources

>> No.43511129

personally i use core 1M

>> No.43511143

Suck my dick

>> No.43511148

I only studied the first 50,000 words from that to kick-start my learning, but now I'm thinking I want to suck-start the shotgun that is the AJATT approach.

>> No.43511149


>> No.43511154

you're memorizing words when reading too. and you don't even need Anki at all for it to not take decades. so lowering your new cards when you have nothing mined won't hurt you. just read something enjoyable. mining from lists sucks ass

>> No.43511165

perfect, thanks!

>> No.43511174

realistically i've seen every word on JLPT lists at least once so it's not really mining from a list.
i read plenty, but it feels like a waste to not spend the 20-25 minutes a day to do 20 new words in anki. it's so time efficient.

>> No.43511179

ok where did you see 佳句

>> No.43511184

How are you at the point of still considering prebuilt decks but unable to mine enough? A single chapter of manga gives me like 8-20 words.

>> No.43511193

typical bluster you see from gossiping bitches who just repeat what randos say without any standard of proof

>> No.43511194

true true

>> No.43511205

congrats you found the one exception

the more words you know, the fewer there are to mine, and the more obscure they are
sure i could probably mine 20 words per hour of reading if i mined every single word i dont have in anki, but for now i would rather fill in the gaps by adding jlpt vocab i dont already know for some reason (for example if you dont read the news you might not know 加害者 even if you are n1)

>> No.43511206

>congrats you found the one exception
uh huh

>> No.43511214

>(for example if you dont read the news you might not know 加害者 even if you are n1)

>> No.43511238

you only need 60% of the questions correct to get n1 fyi
maybe 横綱 as an example suits your pedantic n5 ass better

>> No.43511242

lmao dude i just cant

>> No.43511245

i understand that to you it might seem like n1s know everything about japanese but when you get here you will understand that its just the beginning

>> No.43511248

maybe if you got to n1 by grinding genki and "mining" from """lists"""

>> No.43511256

what kind of a self-own is this? its not my fault you couldnt grind genki (like 200 pages of mostly english?) and spend a few hours in anki to get to n1 lmao

>> No.43511259

you dont gotta troll me just cause you got owned earlier

>> No.43511261

hope you guys had a nice day today bros

>> No.43511274

ur bait so shit it makes ur face look good lmfao

>> No.43511278

don't need to hear any advice from someone who used genki lol

>> No.43511281


>> No.43511344

can I get to n5 in a year?

>> No.43511356

That's unironically the pace of a college class that has to try to get 80 stoners who like anime to memorize something.

>> No.43511514

dont care

>> No.43511528

memorized 死姦

>> No.43511544

vivaldi is now perfect with the workspaces feature

>> No.43511545

Death by snusnu?

>> No.43511549

You made a typo, friend. You meant 屍姦.

>> No.43511551

as for me i prefer debussy

>> No.43511554


>> No.43511562

why the fuck does it seem like every artist has some kind of issue with the heart?

>> No.43511568

rip miura

>> No.43511577

very little exercise and high stress

>> No.43511582

gonna start the geography anki deck

>> No.43511586
File: 70 KB, 912x919, Screenshot_2023-05-18-05-23-53-39_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43511588


>> No.43511596

you're close bro

>> No.43511610

did bunko ever lose his dt card to that gran he was talking to last year

>> No.43511648

yeah he posted pics

>> No.43511684

13181 people on pixiv also made that "typo" then, lol

>> No.43511716

Haha, yeah, they actually did.

>> No.43511720


>> No.43511755

i learned so many words that i forgot some english

>> No.43511756

and only 4435 people knew to use the "correct" term. wow, so many people in japan don't even know japanese as well as our angry caps guy.

>> No.43511786

Is there any trick to remembering the voiced or plosive sounds? I get that べ and ぺ are different but determining which is "be" and which is "pe" isn't sticking to me when reading.

>> No.43511799

yh the trick is read more

>> No.43511804

p sound is the circle

>> No.43511813


>> No.43511822

it's the difference between speaking ペラペラ and ベラベラ

>> No.43511828

just another example of the common djter being beyond native level

>> No.43511834

Thanks but this is exactly my problem.

>> No.43511854

Another thing is how to properly pronounce weird things like "rya" because whenever I hear it I just hear "ya"

>> No.43511908

A typo's a typo. No different than writing donator when you meant donor.

>> No.43511934





>> No.43511946

>the number of pixiv tags means I'm right

>> No.43511961

tokui guy still here wtfff and still doesnt know japanese

>> No.43511967

Who's tokui guy?

>> No.43512002

thats what happens when you spend all day here instead of learning
take note

>> No.43512012

You mean like what you're doing right now?

>> No.43512015

yeah i think the fact that the word using that kanji is in the dictionary and is more commonly used within a reasonably large community does in fact demonstrate that it isn't a typo. kinda funny you're trying to double down on your bs though.

>> No.43512020

Yeah, I think when a more common kanji is synonymous with the real kanji, people misinterpret the spelling and write it incorrectly.

>> No.43512028

some non white

>> No.43512031

you're both wrong
stop acting like you're native and know wtf you're talking about

>> No.43512033

I'm right.

>> No.43512071

i literally only pull that on brazillians because i know they care about it so much

>> No.43512095

Pull what?

>> No.43512099

i wonder what how that guy is doing today who made the japan prefecture deck

>> No.43512122

wish itazura guy would come back

>> No.43512125

lately i've felt like everyone on 4chan knows japanese because every thread on /v/ has multiple japanese knowers but our post counts have fallen from 1700 per thread to 400. where are these people learning japanese? are they paying matt?

>> No.43512127

they got uprooted

>> No.43512142

The hardest thing about learning japanese is it's fucking impossible to find a tv show/anime to immerse with that isn't awful.

>> No.43512147

These threads are largely a waste of time/full of coomers.

>> No.43512156


>> No.43512158

the japanese they know is like n5 at best and the djt golden era is over. the 4 master disappeared and theres no point coming here besides chilling out after immersing

>> No.43512182

ciaran and queef still post though

>> No.43512188

moe too

>> No.43512224

i know

>> No.43512232

learning all the verbos but none of the nounus is my problem

>> No.43512296

they refolded

>> No.43512311

protocol 80

>> No.43512331

they migakued

>> No.43512388

I’d consider myself a master, so no worries.

>> No.43512419





>> No.43512452

Imagine if I

posted like this

each time I

wanted to say


>> No.43512487

reminds me of a phil collins song

>> No.43512501

u mad lmao

>> No.43512528


why would

I be


>> No.43512533


>> No.43512577

JK shitagi wo kagitai

>> No.43512614

there can only be 4 masters bro u are too late

>> No.43512626

golden eras over cause the masters stopped pissing all over the thread

>> No.43512677

putting her own wet 下着 on her face is the best thing to do before starting クンニ

>> No.43512680
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>> No.43512712

kinoookoooooooo ChAnNeRuUuu

>> No.43512726

*spanks you*

>> No.43512841
File: 417 KB, 2500x1800, FwE1DtBacAAPclO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning



>> No.43512884
File: 84 KB, 702x1538, FwXtwlhagAEe_JC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more immersion

>> No.43512904

imagine getting filtered by mario world lmfao

>> No.43512921

i've never beaten a mario game i tried some of the old ones and i got sent all the way to the start of the game when i ran out of lives

nihongo is easier than mario

>> No.43512988

>sent to the start
a good feature of older games because it forces you to learn the game

>> No.43513013

is there a rule for when to read 明日 as ashita or asu?

>> No.43513019


>> No.43513051


>> No.43513137


>> No.43513160
File: 168 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 06 (1080p) [F9D98CB5]-[08.33.179-08.37.391].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43513299

>2. English Proficiency
hahaha so true

>> No.43513370

i know it was the april fools but i believe they fear chatgpt bots posting en masse on 4chan
would fuck up their honeypot

>> No.43513384

imagine the fragrance

>> No.43513387

there's no way to prove that there isn't a significant amount of chatbots already posting on 4chan anyway

>> No.43513398
File: 37 KB, 921x691, Screenshot_2023-05-18-13-23-14-39_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43513429

going after retarded women is cute and valid

>> No.43513485

shooped-in faces of ghosts stopped being scary since like 2006

>> No.43513488

tfw no sub 80 iq deaf wife

>> No.43513503

ty to the guy who posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJhG-OhWCuI

it's really comfy to watch

>> No.43513509

Akane did nothing wrong

>> No.43513524

no one misses them

>> No.43513534
File: 516 KB, 800x910, recharging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more immersion soon, less comfy though

>> No.43513640

first time seeing a trailer for a live stream how cool is that?

>> No.43513715
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why are you learning japanese?

>> No.43513783
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>> No.43513815

just ignore unko he has brain damage

>> No.43513896
File: 372 KB, 688x784, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt can't read this

>> No.43513897
File: 361 KB, 699x812, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning japanese in hopes i can decipher this one day

>> No.43513918

pretty sure the first word is 片思い

>> No.43514030

can't wait to fire up some u149 tonight :D

>> No.43514050

noticed i always pronounce u149 as う149

>> No.43514188


>> No.43514242

u149 always reminds me of U2 cuz of the name but that always reminds me of Nirvana cuz that one song then i start thinking about how Alice in Chains was better

>> No.43514257

ok boomer

>> No.43514266


>> No.43514275

hehe ひっこし野郎 nice name

>> No.43514322

bro u just jealous i got to see toadies live in some dive bar

>> No.43514336

yosh outputted

>> No.43514346


>> No.43514355

only spoken japanese (this time)

>> No.43514373

most of the reading i do comes from looking at erohon and eropics

>> No.43514428

how bad is your ed?

>> No.43514435



>> No.43514459


>> No.43514471

are the feet based on hers too?

>> No.43514474

most of the reading i do is of this kind

>> No.43514484

i don't have any trouble in fact i jo'd to just my thoughts last night

>> No.43514527


>> No.43514536

dont mind him hes just jealous that youre rape ready
up on demand
in and out before the police show up

>> No.43514544

don't be weird

>> No.43514554

>jo'd to just my thoughts last night
whenever i do that i run the 妄想 from the girls pov
anyone else do that?

>> No.43514582


>> No.43514584

posting absurd shitposts on the internet is a treasured pastime of mine

>> No.43514589

once i mousou from the joseis pov i usually come immediately

>> No.43514594
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes no sense
i shouldnt be able to get 暑さ resistance from a hairdo while wearing a winter jacket

>> No.43514598


>> No.43514602

you're crazy

>> No.43514604


>> No.43514610

its magic

>> No.43514625

it's not a hairdo it's a headband it absorbs the sweat

>> No.43514638


>> No.43514641
File: 517 KB, 1142x720, 1633412677136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best japanese phenotype

>> No.43514656

damn they could possibly be quite good looking if they lost weight

>> No.43514660
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>> No.43514688



>> No.43514707


>> No.43514711

>you need a Twitter account to view mature content
fuck you elon

>> No.43514722

speaking of elon with my recent interest in motorbikes one downside to evs is the lack of a cool sound coming from the engine

>> No.43514752
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1674437460866449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't even use the search feature without making an account anymore

>> No.43514763

>mutant tits
into le trash

>> No.43514772

this is good, keeps web crawlers from indexing and complaingin about the lewd

>> No.43514795

elon btfo'd

>> No.43514814


>> No.43514846

葉っぱ 一枚 あれば いい
生きている から ラッキイ だ

>> No.43514881
File: 261 KB, 1000x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh didn't know this show was about a board game

>> No.43515034

when you discover shows via porn..

>> No.43515079


>> No.43515099
File: 1.00 MB, 1078x720, 1641137072500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt click

>> No.43515157

sooo true

>> No.43515336

lol this show is epic

>> No.43515579

why did hibiki pee herself?
did she think sensei meant that he wanted her pee to hydrate with?
i'll rub her nose in it, dirty dog

>> No.43515587
File: 299 KB, 594x331, 1663597920832194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43515608
File: 369 KB, 1170x1569, 1684101324476100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43515616
File: 1.27 MB, 1100x1600, 1683393578003929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43515642
File: 225 KB, 573x915, 1684423867917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43515654

I've never won a game of tic tac toe against ChatGPT

>> No.43515680


>> No.43515989


>> No.43516160

another premature thread death when will op learn

>> No.43517541

5 hours later and we still arent even next on the chopping block

>> No.43518062

Is it another advertisement for the company that built his house? He's done like 3 of those so far.

>> No.43518075

Nah, difference is Dogen is an actual qualified teacher, with residency in Japan, and an actual college education to back it up. He's selling a legitimate service, and his marketing methods aren't dubious at all.

>> No.43518101

Ah yes, wideface mcgee

>> No.43518117

Him trying to speak japanese in that video with matt was embarrassing. Especially after yelling at matt for 45 mins saying putting effort into pronunciation isn't worth it.

>> No.43518785

New here. How the fuck am I supposed to use that yomichan thing. I already imported the dictionaries but it doesn't work

>> No.43518790

hover dictionaries dont work
just emerse

>> No.43518895

10 hours. still not next in line for the archives

>> No.43518953

an update: it refused to work for an hour then it just magically started working by itself... okay then...

>> No.43518963

