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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 196 KB, 1300x1900, Motherly Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43481275 No.43481275 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>43469825

>> No.43481284

first for anki

>> No.43481296

second for karubin

>> No.43481307

wow not a single good post

>> No.43481324

man, still no good posts

>> No.43481334


>> No.43481342

never do anything people will pay for for free

>> No.43481370

nobody's paying your mom for sex bro

>> No.43481376

paying your mom in my piss

>> No.43481379


>> No.43481424
File: 311 KB, 720x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just train on Duolingo like a normal person? Why do you have to be so weird?

>> No.43481476

i heard they updated duolingo to purposely make it worse

>> No.43481477
File: 876 KB, 1000x1414, 75e7271840bda57b1fa98df452942ce2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duolingo =/= learning

>> No.43481482

people that use duolingo deserve duolingo

>> No.43481511


>> No.43481568

failed 点る in anki today
its over

>> No.43481582

Do you guys mine / double check every sentence and word you don't understand when you're reading a VN in JP? I've been doing this but it gets exhausting after a while

>> No.43481586

yes and no
look up intensive vs extensive reading

>> No.43481594

yes because it's rare now, but when content was full of unknown language I could only tolerate so much. but i usually switched to anime and youtube when I went in to no-dictionary/no-mining mode
this. alternate between both until you don't need to choose

>> No.43481633

I see. That's what I've been doing, more or less.
Especially with nukiges, I don't bother looking every single thing up and still have a good time overall

>> No.43481744

most people who start learning are young so they don't understand patience and discipline
it gets exhausting if you start reading early (as you should), but this gets better with time as long as you do a little bit every day. I say a little bit because you obviously might burn yourself out if you do too much.
there can also be some unnecessarily exertion from spending too much time on each sentence. but there's no set rule for this, so you'll just have to experiment and feel it out for yourself.

>> No.43481816

>burn yourself out
go back lol

>> No.43481948

dont make me bum you

>> No.43481952

witch burnings were a net good

>> No.43482021
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>> No.43482202

wow this thread is garbage
im going back to sleep

>> No.43482234

ill bum you while you sleep

>> No.43482299
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, 0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes m'lady

>> No.43482309

every time i think im done with japanese i randomly get the urge to go back down the rabbit hole

>> No.43482346

why would you stop in the first place

>> No.43482438

ive never stopped but reaching a native understanding is impossible unless you live your entire life in japan and i have to accept that

>> No.43482457

They've stepped up their game to become the #1 dekinai containment app. Good for them.

>> No.43482463

Is learning radicals a requirement? So far I've been just grinding out kanji.

>> No.43482487

just do rtk in 3 months and be done with it

>> No.43482517

They often help. You can tell that 泳ぐ is related to water because it has 氵(さんずい, 三水, lit. 3 water). Runes with 貝 are often related to money, e.g. 資本, 貨幣, 財布, etc. Runes with 雨 are often related to weather (e.g. 雪, 地震, 霜, 霰, 雹, 霙). for more info look up rikudou, 音符, and 意符.

>> No.43482518

gonna start a flower club called 花試合 where we talk about flowers and hold yearly contests on which is the prettiest

>> No.43482520

a lot of people drop out due to burnout. that's just a fact

>> No.43482546

I enjoy the burn. It never runs out.

>> No.43482560

burnout is a reddit meme which they use whenever they want to say they got bored and lazy

>> No.43482579

well, the app I'm using (has handwriting recognition for kanji and I just constantly grind it until i stop making mistakes and move to the next section) kind of does this. It will teach you kanji which are also radicals in other kanji. one lesson will teach you 中 and the next lesson will have 虫.

>> No.43482605

I don't know what you're using, but 虫 is its own radical. also parts =/= radicals

>> No.43482610

being bored and lazy are often symptoms of burnout. pushing yourself into mental exhaustion makes the activity unenjoyable aka boring, and makes you less willing to undertake it in the future = makes you lazy

>> No.43482615

>passive aggressive "replying" to someone without giving them a (You)
kill yourself, troon.

>> No.43482622
File: 87 KB, 1920x1080, terrier_delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then just speedrun it while having fun, you ninny

>> No.43482628

the no (You) is the modern day sage

>> No.43482639

you just did it yourself tranny

>> No.43482661

its impossible to burnout on japanese alone
there has to be other life factors that cause it

>> No.43482663

>people unironically taking 4chan's advice to learn a language are confused when they don't make any progress

>> No.43482666
File: 35 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the no (You) is the modern pic rel

>> No.43482675

you don't have to use (you)s when a thread is this slow, retard

>> No.43482676

how come these try hard losers saying burnout doesnt exist havent made it

>> No.43482683

>correlation equals causation
dekinai logic

>> No.43482693

i did 10x more than the average redditard does and never burnt out

>> No.43482697

you equals loser
kanpeki logic

>> No.43482707

you also have a micropenis. something applying to you doesn't make it apply universally

>> No.43482712

>worthless neet wants a medal for fapping to eroge 10 hours a day

>> No.43482719
File: 11 KB, 171x368, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post how much anki you did in the past year and then talk to me about burnout kthx

>> No.43482728

idiot shit

>> No.43482730

i don't get anki, I tried using it but I didn't understand it.

>> No.43482739


Justify this shit. Explain yourselves.

>> No.43482744

anki is harder than Japanese

>> No.43482746

that's okay, it only boosts your acquisition rate by like 10% at most (and that's assumign you ahve the temperament that can stomach it)

>> No.43482749

only noobs think that

>> No.43482754
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>> No.43482854

anki is mostly for memorizing readings

>> No.43482873 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 139x79, imagen_2023-05-14_101050124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops almost forgot to do my 30 new anki cards today (and 749 reviews)

>> No.43482905
File: 29 KB, 1079x228, Screenshot_20230514_100630_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43482916

what app is this?

>> No.43482943

hate djt like you wouldnt believe it

>> No.43482965

Anki Droid

>> No.43483001
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, gKuEgN3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same gonna go play imoutoge

>> No.43483007

About 15 years studying, including 3 living here, I’m now in year 4 and interact in Japanese on a daily basis, nowhere near fluent (the more I learn the more I realize there is to learn). I think you might be setting yourself up to fail.

>> No.43483058

somebody kill me if i end up like this

>> No.43483084

so 15 years of """studying""" and 3 years of output practice

>> No.43483099
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>> No.43483108

god i love NOT being retarded

>> No.43483113

the rtk

>> No.43483132
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>> No.43483137

no spanish users allowed, spanish banned

>> No.43483140

ddosing your anki

>> No.43483146

jokes on you, i'm brazilian

>> No.43483149

i'm sorry

>> No.43483178

no worries anon you're forgiven

>> No.43483188
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 8VK7wSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won

>> No.43483193


>> No.43483197
File: 2.52 MB, 3192x2560, 108090832_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much negativity in the thread time to inject some positivity

>> No.43483238

imagine being this much of a dekinai

>> No.43483249
File: 167 KB, 485x491, 1577755823232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to inject some positivity

>> No.43483258
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>> No.43483334

brain damaged lol

>> No.43483370

i did the same thing and started with his 1k deck because i didnt know better lol

>> No.43483374 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.65 MB, 3000x3900, 107951489_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes let's take it easy and inject positivity

>> No.43483385

that's what you get for mindlessly following anyone other than cure dolly

>> No.43483406
File: 144 KB, 741x816, IMG_20230514_163914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find these stats like retention etc?
All it shows me is this.

>> No.43483413

2.85 cards/minute @_@

>> No.43483417

an add on called true retention
i have no idea how you get it on a phone though

>> No.43483540
File: 18 KB, 721x303, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-14 124003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can never get to 50% mature on my mining deck ( TДT)

>> No.43483547

read more

>> No.43483562
File: 157 KB, 660x495, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43483596

sometimes i remember the thing but sometimes i don't remember the same thing

>> No.43483612

remembering a thing is probabilistic, by reading more you increase the probability of remembering it at any given time

>> No.43483634

is just reading through tae kim enough (obviously assuming i understood the chapter)?

>> No.43483638

I see, I'll try looking for it for the desktop version, thanks.

That's because I don't just try to remember the single word on the card, that's easy, takes like 2 seconds per card.
But I'm also trying to translate the example sentence just from hearing it into English, and then, wait a minute and try to put together the sentence back in Japanese just from the English translation.
It makes every study session a lot longer as a result, but I feel like I'm learning more that way.

>> No.43483643


>> No.43483656
File: 356 KB, 1069x1512, 75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43483669

complete waste of time, just do that while you're reading

>> No.43483670

or you could just learn to vaguely recognize 4x the words in the same time and get reading faster. and then seeing large amount of authentic text will teach you faster than studying a few example sentences

>> No.43483671

but imouto told me you sound retarded if you use yappari...

>> No.43483676


>> No.43483724

so what's the difference between 値段 and 価格?

>> No.43483740

>What is the difference between price and cost?

>> No.43483748

former is generally used in everyday conversations, latter is more likely to be found in publications, brochures, etc.
価 is also used as a suffix in some words: e.g. 物価, 原価 廉価 (see 廉価版), 株価, etc.

>> No.43483757

more like price and value but whatever

>> No.43483884

read Capital

>> No.43483907

I have noticed when that a man confesses his feelings to a woman, they use 'ore' and 'omae' instead of 'boku' and 'anata'. Is there a specific reason for this?

>> No.43483928
File: 29 KB, 710x947, futene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best Japanese font for everyday use?

>> No.43483932


>> No.43483936

What's "そのせいか" here? "Because of that perhaps .."

>> No.43483937


>> No.43483961

Meiryo or some other gothic font.
A textbook typeface for writing practice.

>> No.43484010


>> No.43484024

Perhaps that's the reason why...

>> No.43484078

ui, signs, subtitles, etc: Noto Sans CJK
prose: Kozuka Mincho Pro

>> No.43484187

who is that one chick you guys keep suggesting that gives grammar videos
I am starting today

>> No.43484196


>> No.43484197

maggie sensei

>> No.43484205

Fuck I forgot her name, what's the one with the weird voice?

>> No.43484223


>> No.43484224

yeah this is the one I want
I remember you guys saying she has a high pitch voice or something

>> No.43484231

Cure Dolly! It was on the tip of my tounge

>> No.43484242

meiryo in general
myouchou for reading

>> No.43484243

thank you so much anon!
yeah i remember now she had dolly in her name
gonna go check her out

>> No.43484259

fake and gay

>> No.43484280

cure dolly website

>> No.43484295
File: 1 KB, 640x400, hwGhrZy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know its a good vn if it asks you if your monitor can display color

>> No.43484326

It is an addon for the PC-version only. Mobile anki does not support addons

>> No.43484345

afaik the heavy lifting is done, but jewgle play won't let them implement it.

>> No.43484386

lemme guess you're reading yu-no

>> No.43484420

Why not just put the apk on github then? Or their own website if they one. They could do it they just won't at that point then

>> No.43484476

Because then you're either maintaining two versions or cutting off your normalfag audience that can't install their own software.

>> No.43484488

it says she's not making videos any more though?

>> No.43484507

I know most people are self-taught here with Anki etc, but is there any value in those language learning apps/programs?

>> No.43484520

Wrote my first anki addon. It converts Voice to Text locally.

0. Install vosk via pip (pip install vosk)
1. Download voice model from https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models: for example https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models/vosk-model-small-ja-0.22.zip and extract it anywhere
2. Change directory to proper extracted model path at the 25th line of ankivosk.py
3. Edit sent_audio_field and sent_target_field in main.py
4. When you add cards with only Audio, and if you want to automatically convert it to text, press Alt+C or button in Editor. It will convert audio_field to text an paste this text in sentence_field

Maybe you'll found it useful. Wrote it for watching Spanish youtube.


>> No.43484525


>> No.43484543

pausing my emersion for this

>> No.43484551

who is this and why should I care

>> No.43484574

lurk longer lol

>> No.43484607

bro just posted his own video lmfao

>> No.43484617

>but is there any value in those language learning apps/programs?
No. They give you false sense of progress.

>> No.43484618

I came here for /djt/ not /ic/

>> No.43484627

Ever heard of notifications?

>> No.43484629

I don't know about the official Anki app on iOS, but AnkiDroid's latest versions are on github. The jewgle version hasn't updated in a long time because there are a few kinks they're working out (I think it had something to do with scoped storage).
The jewgle version will never support add-ons because jewgle doesn't want anyone to download anything (scripts, added functionality) from outside the store.

>> No.43484664

yeah no ones falling for that

>> No.43484677
File: 81 KB, 339x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I'm already drawing anime?

>> No.43484707

Guys, what's this oohTAHku that bearded dude in the video talks about? Should I be concerned? (´・ω・`)

>> No.43484759


>> No.43484796

yep howard came a long way from his humble beginnings

>> No.43484812

Github Anki's latest version is 2.15.6 (July 21 2021), the same version that's on jewgle. Since the latest update (July 21 2021) 4846 commits have been made to the main branch

>> No.43484832

Aside from beta/unofficial releases. The latest beta release (AnkiDroid 2.16.0beta2) was 19 hours ago. I have no idea what changes there are since they don't say

>> No.43484848

now give her a cock

>> No.43484869

the only person that needs to given a cock is you
straight in your asshole that is

>> No.43484878

One of the most useful ones is the ability for cards to auto-answer so that you don't have to smudge the screen with your sweaty hands every 5 seconds.

>> No.43484947
File: 1.32 MB, 1315x896, imagen_2023-05-14_145950077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try son

>> No.43484959


>> No.43484981

cure dolly
the first vbijin

>> No.43484996

i’ll give you my cock into your asshole if you get what i mean

>> No.43485004

good artists do post here
there was an asian looking guy

>> No.43485016

>Doing immersion
>Pull up a doujin
>Text is a bunch of incomprehensible scribbles
>"What is this, fucking Thai?"
>Flip through a few pages until I recognize a SFX word but it's english
>Realize all text on this page is english
>Flip back a few pages
>The whole doujin is in english
This has happened to me about three times in the last month. Is this just something I'm going to have to get used to? Does this happen to other anon?

>> No.43485017

what do you mean?

>> No.43485018

sometimes i wish i was good at art but then i remember its a useless skill

>> No.43485024

i think you need to get used to being retarded

>> No.43485026

no u got brain damage bro

>> No.43485043

spread that bussy and let me smell your boy smell

>> No.43485065

stfu ciaran

>> No.43485071
File: 26 KB, 470x509, 314406414_10106368515675437_3188147996609804256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot stress enough how harmful it was to have yomichan on autoaudio-whenhover.

your brain gets lazy and doesnt try to guess the reading anymore. its also quite stressful to have random words read out lout when mouseover by accident.

>> No.43485080

ya now think about how harmful hovering is in general

>> No.43485083
File: 176 KB, 670x409, 1649529976361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43485091
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this plausible or do these cunts just make shit up

>> No.43485100

uguu be gentle onii chan

>> No.43485106

she's well past the age she should be sleeping with her father instead

>> No.43485108
File: 158 KB, 480x268, best immersion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the usual act childish and cute as possible act.

the more i immerse the more cringe i find this. there were a few terrace house episodes that were almost unwatchable because of this type of cunt.

>> No.43485114

you were the one who was asking for a cock
don't back away now just because it's not what you were expecting
take it in the ass like a man

>> No.43485115
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 112768_700b_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes hovercat is literally a wmd at this point.

>> No.43485124
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x824, 108137436_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot stress enough how helpful it was to have an audiobook version of the book i was reading.

your brain gets good at guessing the reading that it will hear soon and you don't need to worry about the stress of regularly guessing the wrong pronunciation of 生 and thus permacrippling yourself.

>> No.43485153

i'm afraid you've already been permacrippled since birth

>> No.43485157

it comes down to whether you try to anticipate the reading and then get a confirmation/correction from the audio or you just wait for it passively

>> No.43485190
File: 1.49 MB, 1414x2000, 107682229_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready for summer swimsuit fun, djt?

>> No.43485283

Anymore dekinai moments from him?

>> No.43485307

google translated youtube titles are crippling me
i saw 打ち負かす used earlier for a cooking video and had to research whether that was a genuine word you can use for beating eggs

>> No.43485316

your mom was 打ち負かすd by my dick

>> No.43485336

no he hasnt made a mistake since that and just the other day he was reading albatross on stream at 2k cpm with perfect pitch accent despite not immersing for the past week

>> No.43485337
File: 946 KB, 614x775, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood evening

yooo pikamee is back in a new body


>> No.43485358

>N-no way, it'd be kinda embarassing to go out in fornt of everyone in such a girly swimsuit
>What? In that case I should try wearing a boy's swimsuit...? H-hey!
>You seriously got one ready!? Wait, wait!
>I'll go in the girl's one!!

>> No.43485365

>has boobs

>> No.43485374
File: 669 KB, 1422x1054, Screenshot_20230514-220031_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any hard and fast rules for what makes a compound word "correct"?
Is there any particular grammar at play when stringing along kanji with no okurigana or what?

>> No.43485380

It sounds like you're Howard and you're just trying to make yourself look good because you used to be a lolcow on here.

>> No.43485401

nihonjin says it = correct
gaijin says it = unclear until approved by a nihonjin

>> No.43485403

turn off your vpn

>> No.43485416
File: 873 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kimetsu no Yaiba - Katanakaji no Sato-hen - 06 (1080p) [2FF03924]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43485419

dumb, she should learn from her mistakes and go jp only

>> No.43485442

Nope, these are just coined words that the developers thought sounded cool and poetic. It's no different than if I said "I'll use my 'Super Lotus Blazing Flying Leap Attack' on him!"

>> No.43485500
File: 873 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 07 (1080p) [B401C8D0]-[04.04.661-04.08.373].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43485522

The app will do my reps for me? Learning Japanese has never been this easy.

>> No.43485604
File: 710 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 07 (1080p) [B401C8D0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43485682

mined 粘液 from summer pockets today

>> No.43485732

is 可愛 supposed to be kawaii

>> No.43485748

It's supposed to be かわい, which is the stem.

>> No.43485782

i got a stem for you right here *unzips*

>> No.43485788
File: 702 KB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43485813
File: 21 KB, 729x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is missing the い?

>> No.43485832

more like a stump lmao

>> No.43485876

climbing waifu taking big risks

>> No.43485880
File: 329 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Megami no Cafe Terrace - 06 (1080p) [38628C54]-[14.26.658-14.31.246].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43485943

Yes, but the meaning's the same.

>> No.43486081


>> No.43486199


>> No.43486249


>> No.43486281



>> No.43486302

Haha, the joke is that that's short.

>> No.43486533
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>> No.43486542
File: 914 KB, 2221x1406, 20230514_171812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43486554

You don't need an ad-on or plugin.

-Click "stats"
-Scroll down to "Answer Buttons"
-Your retention is the mature graph on the right hand side. It'll have a percentage.

>> No.43486583

Couple of things you can do
-mine less new words
-only mine common words you see often
-decrease the interval modifier

>> No.43486588


>> No.43486590


>> No.43486604

>-decrease the interval modifier

what's that gonna do?

>> No.43486607

I'm in my 3rd year now and the absolute hardest thing is just finding stuff to watch that isn't god-awful.

>> No.43486646

>4th year in
>still can't grasp stuff like といえども, せよ, をめぐって, etc.
>can't produce text for shit
I don't think I'm gonna make it /jp/ros

>> No.43486655



>> No.43486691

>can't grasp stuff like
Just dictionary it
>can't produce
Can't refine a skill without being shif at it first

>> No.43486749

>still can't grasp stuff like といえども, せよ, をめぐって, etc.
How is that even possible?

>> No.43486772

show cards for review earlier

>> No.43486795

I keep forgetting and need to continually look them up.

>> No.43486806
File: 18 KB, 104x219, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43486810


>> No.43486814

I don't know せよ, but といえども and をめぐって just make sense to me

>> No.43486844

I mainly can't think of how they're used.
In the case of the former, I think of とであっても
In the case of the latter について instantly springs to mind.

>> No.43486850

meant であっても

>> No.43487111

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!


>> No.43487119

read https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/learning-kanji.html

>> No.43487126
File: 201 KB, 1239x712, g_got_told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ lost

>> No.43487202

skimmed through the howard video
slight detail that convinced me that he posts here frequently

>> No.43487208

i don't like when people post this picture because the last reply was written by an american (you didn't know this did you). japanese people are into free/libre software and despise proprietary shit. if you don't believe me, just read japanese sites and watch japanese channels

>> No.43487257


>> No.43487268

ero artists getting creative

>> No.43487312

saw that goofy ass beard and closed the tab in 2 seconds

>> No.43487323

I was half-joking. I found it hilarious that ESR's infamous "How to ask questions the smart way" guide was translated into Japanese. I also saw a bunch of stuff on getting vim to play nicely with Japanese.
>the last reply was written by an american (you didn't know this did you)
That's news to me.

>> No.43487353


>> No.43487419

anyone here gone to be a dancing monkey in japan? How was it?

>> No.43487449

Japanese people are so unbelievably rude. 4chan of all places has more manners than them.

>> No.43487615

so long as you have a title and academic background to back it up it's great
be a dancing monkey on a corporate board not a dancing monkey for a fast food chain

>> No.43487621

What are some phrases/sentences that you find amusing/funny, and what do they translate to?

I think "ニガスインパリス" is kind of silly. It translates to "Niggas In Paris". One of the search suggestions on Google is "Ball so hard 意味", and I find it funny imagining a Jap searching what "ball so hard" is.

>> No.43487656

>girl i was talking to on hello talk puts a facepic as her avatar
>she's qt af
many such cases

>> No.43487682

trib her

>> No.43487685

shes attractive enough that id be happy if i died with my face between her legs. also her voice is super qt

>> No.43487727

I'm going to Japan in July and been noticing on the livestreams from Tokyo that it looks overrun by tourists. I'm starting to have second thoughts about spending most of my time there in Tokyo now.

>> No.43487733

you should be spending your time inside japanese women

>> No.43487737

jks to be specific

>> No.43487756

I'm married, I only allow myself to look but never to have sex with anyone but my wife

>> No.43487768

I'm starting to wonder if I should go somewhere other than Tokyo to try to get away from all the tourists

>> No.43487804
File: 3.41 MB, 2320x3276, 108090784_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everywhere you go will have a tourist there. don't be so obsessed with the tourists do what the other anon said and be obsessed with the jks.

>> No.43487840

makes sense but it there are JK's in every city in Japan, and maybe many cities where there are not so many tourists... maybe I should go to Kobe or Hiroshima or Ehime instead of Tokyo

>> No.43487856

if you want easy JKs, go in the inaka

>> No.43487858

Tokyo has literally millions of people, there's no way it can be overrun. You just think that way because you see footage of a tourist trap and then remark at how there's tourists there.

>> No.43487864

where do i find jk gyarus tho?

>> No.43487893

Thanks for the laugh

>> No.43487910

there are no jks in the inaka

>> No.43487911

>Anon realizes he is part of the cancer he hates
The cognitive dissonance you don't have pretty much tells you everything

>> No.43487919

there's nothing to protect though they've already been corrupted by the west

>> No.43487970


most respectuful djter

>> No.43487973

read some story about how the last 2 kids in this I aka school are set to graduate, then it's closing forever because no students
i think one was a jk

>> No.43487978

why are people spamming this

>> No.43487988

Howard, Google lied to you. Sharing your video doesn’t actually help it to grow.

>> No.43487996

howard's tribe knows how to control the media i wouldn't question his methods

>> No.43488009


>> No.43488057

First Matt and now him. I'm starting to think there's some subversion going on.

>> No.43488071

it is pretty simple
u wanna learn japanese then step 1 is to be born japanese
if u cant get that right then u gotta be one of gods chosen people
if u fucked that up too then u gotta suffer

>> No.43488074

didnt read

>> No.43488076

n stants for ru
n st ands for mu
n stants for no
n stands for nai

any that i've missed?

>> No.43488089

I realize, but numbers make it more of a problem, locals can handle a couple of foreigners here and there, but when there is a constant flow of foreigners all day it is a big problem. Tokyo looks horrible right now, go watch the Shibuya livestream, it is hard to find a moment with no foreigners in view

>> No.43488097


>> No.43488123

bro ur apostrophes and capitalization?

>> No.43488126

it's a strange feeling isn't it
there are no golden answers to remedy it, but we're going to live to see the outcome and it's not just japan

>> No.43488134

chatcasing doesnt have to include "u" "ur" faggotry

>> No.43488139
File: 135 KB, 415x578, green frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most annoying kanji you know?

>> No.43488143

the most embarrassing casers are the lowercasers using u but with punctuation

>> No.43488147

you need to throw some numbers in there to go full retard

u n33d 2 2roΣ# in th3r3 2 g0 100% r3t4rd

>> No.43488153

faggot jamal
embarrassing queef

>> No.43488174
File: 3.22 MB, 1892x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the did they fuck enough to make all those kids in a one room house? is it a family activity?

>> No.43488186

some women are just like that knew a chick that on the first date came out and said that she wants 6 kids

>> No.43488193

>locals can handle a couple of foreigners here and there
You're acting like they're some kind of endangered species that needs to be sheltered from the outside world. Tourism occurs in literally every part of the world, somehow people get by.

>> No.43488194

Things are not the same they were 20 years ago, japan is popular now, and is only going to get worse, so you shouldn't really complaint about something you yourself are doing

>> No.43488199

Exactly. He's acting as if somehow his brand of gawking is more acceptable than others'.

>> No.43488252

just learned that there is no such thing as 'it' in japanese
thank you cure dolly sensei

>> No.43488271

>itai nani ga atta no?
Can someone explain what "itai" is?
I keep hearing this, I know its related to surprise but I can't find the word for it

>> No.43488272
File: 27 KB, 672x449, it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43488281
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>> No.43488308

no i already tried chatgpt and it didn't make sense. but i found it now
ittai = WTF

>> No.43488313


>> No.43488324

ai ruined the internet

>> No.43488398

i asked the ai and they said they didnt

>> No.43488413

True, without Kizuna Ai there would be no Vtuber faggotry

>> No.43488414
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>> No.43488446
File: 66 KB, 398x286, a4d979172f624868344233a4bff424d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb question incoming

is this japanese? chinese? is it some made-up symbol meant to evoke something "eastern"? it's bugging the hell out of me.

>> No.43488447


>> No.43488449
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>> No.43488451

are you color blind

>> No.43488458
File: 18 KB, 398x286, a4d979172f62486834423kjubn3a4bff424d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my piss could be red for all i know

>> No.43488465

guess you got your answer

>> No.43488471

guessers ngmi

>> No.43488476

literally 尿

>> No.43488479

if im allowed to cope

>> No.43488488

actually, for the other side of the equation, my city has 1000s of Japanese here on working holiday visas or study visas, I hear Japanese language being spoken everywhere here every day recently

>> No.43488492

dont give a fuck cuz never going to japan

>> No.43488495

Based. Not sure why people want to go, much less live there.

>> No.43488504

who hurt you bro

>> No.43488508


>> No.43488511

some girl when i was 14 y/o

>> No.43488514


>> No.43488516


>> No.43488519

is this correct japanese?

>> No.43488520

>learning Japanese and never going to Japan and never hanging out every day with Japanese people


>> No.43488525

sdfu unfunny faggot

>> No.43488535

how full is your Line contacts with local people that you can go hang out with and speak Japanese with?

>> No.43488537

I literally can't imagine anything more boring. I'm being 100% serious.

>> No.43488540

how full is your mom with dicks

>> No.43488541

>hanging out every day with Japanese people
>hanging out every day with people
>hanging out every day
>hanging out

>> No.43488550

How are you actually bragging about this? Did you actually believe the reddit meme about living in Japan?

>> No.43488592








>> No.43488600

okay so I watched some cure dolly videos like some anon said to do to help me understand the grammar better so I will try to write this sentence again
I still feel like there is something wrong here but its an improvement in my understanding I think
I am trying to say it is my first time coming to japan

>> No.43488633


>> No.43488653


>> No.43488666

Watch cure dolly to help you understand better not make sentences. Reading more will help you make sentences but it'll take a looooong time to get good at it

>> No.43488675


>> No.43488686

bro just dont output u dont need to and u dont have to if u want to write some properly shit u will do it after thousands of hours of emersion

>> No.43488712

Exactly. You can easily pick up bad habits if you try to write at this stage. I mean, just look at this anon's English. It's terrible. You could end up like him in Japanese, only worse.

>> No.43488713

nice trips and yeah i'll try
i've been playing pokemon and watching anime with jap subs lately
i didn't know that actually. I thought even a simple sentence like that would be possible at my stage
oh well

>> No.43488719
File: 1.50 MB, 992x824, gaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43488727

bro you don’t even know how to conjugate to the masu form. what’s wrong with you?

>> No.43488748

i dont know...too excited i guess
i woke up feeling optimistic

>> No.43488758


>> No.43488791


>> No.43488832
File: 3.52 MB, 2688x3379, 107981402_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43488856

Skies of Arcadia? Love how much spunk all those characters had.

>> No.43488858

wait wtf...来ます is the actual formal present because its the kanji that fucking changes the way its said in ichidan
and this seems to be the case only with words that end with u....
wtf bros???

>> No.43488861
File: 2.85 MB, 2026x3149, 108127331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget conjugation. follow cure dolly and only refer to them as forms. then forget forms. think only with your tinpo and allow animal instinct to drive your words.

>> No.43488877

so what I am understanding from her is that only words that end with u need to change to i version to be able to stick meanings to it
like hanashimasu or hanashikata
i wonder why that is though because she doesnt really explain it
i understand ru just needs to be deleted to be able to be stickied now but its still kinda weird that kuru becomes kimasu imo because i thought that all that was needed is to delete the ru
or is kuru an exception?

>> No.43488878

Oh anon
>and this seems to be the case only with words that end with u....
my sides

>> No.43488885

Your brain on creep dolly, everyone

>> No.43488904

oh no wait she is explaining more kek
I am just talking while watching in here, dont mind me
so kuru is not the original form of it is it?
from what I am getting is that the original form that ends with ru gets the ru deleted in ichidan

>> No.43488908

>so kuru is not the original form of it is it?
Holy dekinai

>> No.43488944
File: 144 KB, 904x571, dejwhfgbjhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thanks for the help
anyway I found a wikipedia page that explained this discrepancy and its because suru and kuru are irregular verbs
you're welcome

>> No.43488978

Thanks for teaching me.

>> No.43489001

kachite ? kachite ??

>> No.43489020


>> No.43489186


>> No.43489225
File: 78 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_2023-05-15-11-33-39-23_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck i love obasans

>> No.43489292



>> No.43489425

yea i finished a week or two ago. a lovely game for sure.

>> No.43489438

yooo ur rizz lol, teach us bunko

btw her name is visible af, not that it matters tho

>> No.43489450

highly doubt unko got over 119 on the iq test he took

>> No.43489523

Is it bad if i spend five hours on japanese a day and want to break up with my girlfriend to dedicate more time

>> No.43489552

what the fuck is a 'masu stem'?

>> No.43489578

just talk to older women

>> No.43489681


>> No.43489911

Don't go for a place where people obviously don't want you to be, you would think someone learning japanese would learn to not make a nuisance of themselves.

>> No.43489921

turn off your vpn

>> No.43490056

i got in

>> No.43490069

that was the worst episode by far though

>> No.43490101

true true

>> No.43490103

maybe i'm just getting old or something but i don't understand discussing anime in this way beyond saying it's good or bad, especially u149 it isn't a really great show

>> No.43490115

its over when you hit 25

>> No.43490123

dame how did you know

>> No.43490139

i opened my eyes

>> No.43490210

going to make it a goal to cycle from the southern most point of yamaguchi to the northern most point of aomori one day

>> No.43490218

i hope obasans still like me then...

>> No.43490220

yamagucci gang

>> No.43490231

>draw the top like 口 but leaving space for the 2 following strokes
>then shorter long stroke that will get cut off by the large one that curves around
>then left part, like 興's left side, except the 1st stroke goes left to right (used to be right to left diagonal though)
>then 興's right side
was that so hard?

>> No.43490243

your mom does the strokes better

>> No.43490249

makes it harder too

>> No.43490256

i heard she writes them faster as well

>> No.43490258


>> No.43490260

Only fags care about strokes. I just draw the pictograms whatever way I want.

>> No.43490262
File: 1 KB, 93x40, oiewncido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time seeing this unicode thing

what the hell is this

>> No.43490263

yall motherfuckers gotta calm down

>> No.43490312

How do you translate sneed

>> No.43490343


>> No.43490381


>> No.43490420

bros i don't know what's going on but i feel second hand embarrassment while watching this clip i thought that show was supposed to be based

>> No.43490443

someone call >>43490420 a city slicker

>> No.43490448

sneedo fido ando seedo

>> No.43490508
File: 3.10 MB, 1727x2867, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwCNIRKXjrgC7kxJS90vuoR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top of anime of 2019

>> No.43490531

Why does actual good shit not get made anymore? Would something the quality of Cowboy Bebop be badly received or something? I don't get it.

>> No.43490550

good stuff still gets made there are plenty of great shows in 2021 it's just that most companies only want to appeal to moe otaku because the ratio of production costs to profit is high

>> No.43490567
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆ - 04.mkv_snapshot_21.37.292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be catered to

>> No.43490577

stopped watching hidamari after hoshimittsu show just wasn't the same after that, after x365 really

>> No.43490588

you missed some of the best episodes

>> No.43490610
File: 123 KB, 798x598, mine739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah that sol stuff just don't hit anymore once you get a full time job and have your own slice of life escapades

>> No.43490620

Video on your potential wives came out.

>> No.43490642

why would anybody waste time on some autistic hags when vinnies exist

>> No.43490654


>> No.43490668
File: 220 KB, 800x599, swan0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43490669

I dunno man that first girl they interview is kawaii.

>> No.43490699

sol stuff was made for salarymen in mind

>> No.43490710

maybe family oriented sol like atashinchi or maruko but lucky star spawned an entire genre of moe sol catered to otaku

>> No.43490723

surprisingly, salarymen who watch anime are otaku

>> No.43490736

not necessarily anime is pretty mainstream now especially with shows like kny around

>> No.43490738

The girl who draws is very cute too, although she sounds like a dude and has no tits, so I got suspicious.

>> No.43490744

thirty minute video about autistic adults in japan yeah no thanks

>> No.43490769

sure, but you need to multiply the kawaii by your chances of success and by the inverse of the effort required. and guess what, the extra two factors make 2d come on top

>> No.43490771

oh so you're a shonentard
that makes sense

>> No.43490805

i would say more seinen the only shows i'm watching this season are tengoku daimakyou, g-witch, and u149
i like kny but i haven't even started the latest season despite watching the premiere in theaters

>> No.43490844

oh i forgot ousama s2 is airing too i should start that soon

>> No.43490864

Haven't started that either. Assumed it's gone full shounen battle shit by now.

>> No.43490875

youjo shachou looks fun too might start that

>> No.43490936

Okay, I've got a stupid problem, looking for a stupid solution. I want to watch shows in Japanese with Japanese subtitles and no english, but my wife isn't learning Japanese... and really my only time to watch stuff is with her. Any ideas how we can get what subtitles we need at the same time? Thus far, my idea is to try to get a universal remote so she can watch with english subtitles on the TV and I can watch with Japanese on my laptop, and then we can use the remote to pause whenever one of us needs to without it getting outta sync... but I'm having a hard time confirming such a remote even exists. Any ideas?

>> No.43490949

turn off your vpn

>> No.43490959

divorce your wife

>> No.43490965


>> No.43490974

cool neko hacker made the youjo shachou op

>> No.43490982

stfu twinkie

>> No.43490987

you shut up ding dong

>> No.43490991

how the hell can you tell me it's me every time

>> No.43490992

gonna bing your bong

>> No.43491014

need a 180cm okinawa tanned gf

>> No.43491016

lil twinkle too scared to post now

>> No.43491020

twinkle twinkle little star *unzips*

>> No.43491025


>> No.43491030

>3d and give up your passions
>2d and freely pursue your passions
pick one

>> No.43491044

in 5d (the level im at) you can pick both

>> No.43491046

really weird to see so many anons get triggered when someone shares a reddit post that mentions a wife

>> No.43491065

really weird to see this one anon get triggered when someone says that pursuing 3d might not be worth the effort and the sacrifices

>> No.43491081

trick is to get interests done when ur young so that when ur old and have no time and need affection and someone to look out for you you have already done them to a point where ur not reliant on anyone else

>> No.43491088

austrian guy is terrorizing us

>> No.43491105


>> No.43491120

love crazy girls but they are not good for me not wife material

>> No.43491126

this bunny cat = sex

>> No.43491127

>get interests 'done' during your best years
>get affection after

>> No.43491140

yeah bro esp the ones with pink hair the natural danger color

>> No.43491144

world's going to different when we're old
boomers are the sacred cow
we won't be treated nearly as nicelly

>> No.43491156

also america will be brazil or worse

>> No.43491173

i didnt even read the post cuz most reddit reposts arent funny

>> No.43491185

what do you read bro

>> No.43491195

yes but i don't feel like going on a race realist tirade today

>> No.43491199

its monday after all

>> No.43491219

matt went from epic failson to epic scamson. what a chad i wish i could be a millionaire like him

>> No.43491229

what compels anons to worship

>> No.43491236

yup 6 dolla a month pissmaster got left far behind

>> No.43491283
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Youjo Shachou - OVA [VRV][1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.20.513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep feeling like this one's gonna be based

>> No.43491348
File: 72 KB, 495x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme language

>> No.43491488
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, FwKmTAsaMAEdaVQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43491577

lmao, rent free
ive made exactly two posts in this thread


>> No.43491653
File: 70 KB, 614x694, nooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mou owarida

>> No.43491666

yeah heart hurts so much because revenue stream of easy money is cut off

>> No.43491707


>> No.43491710

fuck ai "art" and mouthbreathers who enjoy it

>> No.43491731

do people really pay someone to type in a bunch of keywords into a free program

>> No.43491746

just delaying the inevitable

>> No.43491760

when i get older imma be a 入力技師

>> No.43491761

yes I get paid for typing keywords into visual studio code

>> No.43491762

hope ai will bring us past the information age

>> No.43491767
File: 667 KB, 1080x1920, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

曲 of the day

>> No.43491794

also a big fan of the baked in ideological asimov rules that current ai has, like telling someone to rope because it will save the environment and saying that it would rather detonate a nuke killing millions rather than saying the n word

>> No.43491854

Need a vtuber for listening practice. Ideally one who plays a lot of older games, pce/sfc/sat/dc etc, and isnt annoying voice. Okayu might fit this but idk if the games she plays are that old or just seem like that for zoomers.

>> No.43491859

can u fuck off dude
get a life

>> No.43491866

idk a better one for older games than okayu/korone

>> No.43491873
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but i want okayus actress to not shower or schlick for a week and then sit on face until she cums in like a minute

>> No.43491876

depends if you are talking to the schizo or the vtuber chad

>> No.43491881


>> No.43491886


>> No.43491911

what happened to this guy btw?
I remember people tried cancelling him a few years back for whatever reason but it seems like his videos are still going strong
good for him

>> No.43491918

why vtubers specifically why not find someone you're actually interested in watching that would make it a lot less cringe

>> No.43491923

hope this guys entire country gets ip banned

>> No.43491925

only vtuber that is superior to competitors is dollman

>> No.43491928

he just looked at the crime stats and came to logical conclusions
the japanese can get away with it

>> No.43491935


cute story

>> No.43491936

this is a vtuber thread

>> No.43491952

i remember when this was teh vtuber thread, how nostalgic

>> No.43491954

i used to like vtubers back during the boom but making it your entire personality and posting about them literally every day is a bit much

>> No.43491955

pretty sure the vtuber spammer was meisou getting her revenge

>> No.43491963

fun fact i’m the "this is a vtuber thread" poster and have never watched vtubers, the statement was meant to be taken as an insult

>> No.43491970

the dust has deifnitely settled too much for them to be as interesting as they used to be. eventually they run out of organic, tennen bits and they become self aware. like how tf2 went from being funny to people/youtubers trying to be funny

>> No.43491972
File: 273 KB, 1374x2048, FwLXQfbWcAMO19t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why vtubers
friendly reminder:
v美人 are the next best thing to a japanese mom:

-constant dialogue
-descriptive dialogue
-VERY language dense, they never shut up
-conversational cadence
-cant be mined if you are watching in real time, nor paused (so you have to pay attention and your brain is in do or die mode)
-if they are playing a game you already played (recent banjo kazooey streams with kone), you already have the english translation of everything in mind, but even if you haven't played the game, they describe everything they are doing.
-they activate the natural "want to understand what the cute girl is saying" part of the brain
-a lot of variety
-essentially always on

probably the next best thing to conversations with nips, but they have the added benefit that you do not have to carry the conversation or keep it alive, the vbijin does that herself. essentually you get a girl talking to you and describing everything for 1 to several hours.

v美人 are THE path to true fluency!

>> No.43491984

remember when the thread was alive instead of 80 ips with half of them being some guy who changes his ip every 5 minutes

>> No.43491989

i think i understand train otaku now

>> No.43491997

probably for the best
not for us but the people that left

>> No.43492003


>> No.43492006
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lets get this thread back on track

>> No.43492013


>> No.43492024

i'd like a cute autistic jap gf but i think at my sperg level i couldn't even manage that one autist in the video where she plays taiko no tatsujin and scratches her minge in a furious rage
plus i feel like nip spergs are highly sought after for their novelty

>> No.43492047

i just want a cute awkward airhead, not a ticking time bomb

>> No.43492050

but does the cute awkward airhead want you

>> No.43492053

yeah man cute and awkward need strong and confident to balance out

>> No.43492054

yes, that's why she's an airhead

>> No.43492059

all women are ticking time bombs especially the cute awkward airheads

>> No.43492066

*flexes biceps*

>> No.43492069

it'd be based if she played RS and we could get 200m skills together
do many japs play tismgame like runescape? i see a lot on valorant and apex, but i've never seen one fishin for lobbies in karamja

>> No.43492073
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for me unmarried obasans with no kids

>> No.43492074

f2p n00b fishing in karamja lmao

>> No.43492077

yes they do, but they have anime characters in them

>> No.43492082

wanted to say I definitely feel like the first chick
like i know how to do conversation and shit like that but its all a mental checklist
she seems like she can go by fine but you can tell on her face she is acting things out as it should be
I was diagnosed for ADHD but never got an official autism diagnosis because it doesnt really affect me
and so I can stay on topic, japan

>> No.43492083

DQ is the ultimate nip tism game

>> No.43492089

>not a f2p locked helmie
enjoy easyscape

>> No.43492090

how about instead of talking about getting a girlfriend you guys go out there and actually get one

>> No.43492097

sadly i live in a 3rd world country and even in my 3rd world countries all the japanese go to london or bath rather than my city

>> No.43492098

good advice

time to get back to my vn

>> No.43492101
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>> No.43492103

>flavor of the month meme helmie with 5 subscribers tryna be like swampletics

>> No.43492111

i already have one but i like posting about women

>> No.43492114

that means having to deal with women
i'd rather just talk about women
i haven't mined these words yet

>> No.43492130

all the asians in london are chinese

>> No.43492140

literally not true

>> No.43492157

all my sweeping absolutist statements are true

>> No.43492170


>> No.43492185

bro her jaw line lmao wtf is wrong with her jaw line bwahahaha

>> No.43492201

relapsed nofap and noporn but my boners are already so much stronger after about a week of it

stop watching porn if you ever have sex bros having ed from porn is fucking embarrassing

>> No.43492213

feel like needing to watch porn to wank is the biggest show of an npc

>> No.43492220

has the npc meme had a resurgence or something recently?
i swear before I hadn't seen it in like a year, now i see it daily

>> No.43492257

do you have sex ever

>> No.43492263

like once every couple of months

>> No.43492273

never had the majiwari and never fucking will

>> No.43492283

at that point you should have no problems with ed unless you are absolutely fucked

>> No.43492311
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maybe you just dont remember it

>> No.43492320

r u implying my mom raped me as a kid and i forgot about all of it kinda hot ngl?

>> No.43492336

can we stop being weird thanks

>> No.43492355

globohomo knows no bounds.

>> No.43492383


>> No.43492407
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>> No.43492506
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>> No.43492516

you used to carry two buckets full with water during class

>> No.43492547

i'm american so i don't understand the cultural reference you're trying to make here

>> No.43492556


>> No.43492557

i carried two buckets of water to dump on your head
(i'm the class bully)

>> No.43492593
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>> No.43492596


>> No.43492606

what are some good japanese shows/movies? anything goes, but dramas and crime shows are slightly preferred.

>> No.43492610

i only watch weeb shit

>> No.43492612

oh, i'm also curious about any weird tv shows (especially if the involve humiliation and nudity)

>> No.43492616

try google

>> No.43492631


>> No.43492677

Bros are there any apps on phone that are worth it for learning japanese?
Anki doesnt exist on android

>> No.43492687

it does, i dont think you are cut out for learning japanese

>> No.43492700
File: 330 KB, 1250x1036, never go full baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anki doesnt exist on android

>> No.43492703

retard maybe download duolingo if you can’t find anki

>> No.43492757

just leveled up

>> No.43492787

ive never played touhou

>> No.43492842

feel like ive reached the point where ive read so many touhou doujins i dont need to play the game

>> No.43492871

the only touhou content I've ever touched was eraTW

>> No.43492875

the doujins have very little to do with the game and often the personalities of several characters are only fan interpretations

>> No.43492921

please post more maternally lovely images exuding warmth and comfort

>> No.43492922

feel like ive reached the point where ive touched my dick so much i dont need women

>> No.43492935
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>> No.43492940
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the jpbros like calling kokkoro mama

>> No.43492946

>learned hiragana quickly
>find it easy to remember kanji
>for whatever fucking reason katakana still fucks me up
how the fuck can I know 4 readings of a kanji, be able to write it, be able to put it into a sentence, but I will always spend 2 minutes deciphering katakana words

>> No.43492953

do not ever post AI slop again

>> No.43492960

are you me?

I'm thinking of putting together a deck of katakana words and just focus purely on being able to read them quickly and correctly rather than meaning.

>> No.43492977


>> No.43493016

cringe posts for the past few hours

>> No.43493043


>> No.43493090
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just immerse in kunoichi

>> No.43493091

it took me a year to acquire katakana
especially stuff that never gets used like ヌ

>> No.43493100

this one is easy because it looks like chopsticks pulling out a long NOOdle with another NOOdle stuck to it

>> No.43493108

you havent acquired it if you still need mnemonics

>> No.43493147

acquired ヌーとリニクス

>> No.43493193

how useful is qolibri?

>> No.43493233

>can remember 挨拶 just by thinking of TMY
>挨 has t(ehen), m(mu), y(a), mu and ya end on down-rightward diagonal stroke
>拶 has t(ehen), m(agekawa), y(uube), magekawa and yuube face left
anti-mnemonicfags btfo

>> No.43493251

i just got crippled

>> No.43493271

the new pokemon game really helped me with ヌ because all the gigamons are called 主ポケモン but 主 is written in katakana
my way is simpler
i remember 挨拶 because i saw it a bunch

>> No.43493287

its mid since all dicts exist for yomichan now and if u use yomichan search theres no real use for it

>> No.43493295

dekinai gonna dekinai

>> No.43493302

yomichan is incredibly useful, but still no holy grail. it lacks a browsing feature like other dictionary software, and it can't look up words that contain a certain string in the middle like, say, jisho

>> No.43493327

we dont use gomichan here

>> No.43493635

we use onaholes

>> No.43493744

on that topic
i got my refund lol

>> No.43493750

what did you buy

>> No.43493784

it's ok, I'm using yomitan now, which is actively being developed.

>> No.43493789

still cant believe tokyo ghoul had the best OP of all time when the rest of the show was such trash

>> No.43493821


>> No.43493833

> ティーバッグ
why are japanese people like this

>> No.43493856

drop sick beats bros

>> No.43493857

Did they fix the bug in Firefox with AnkiConnect where adding cards with the image on your clipboard doesn't work?

>> No.43493885

how are you bragging about being a loser that lives in a shithole country and never goes to Japan

>> No.43493896


>> No.43493916

>how are you bragging about being a loser that lives in a shithole country
But, anon, I don't live in Japan.

>> No.43493923


>> No.43493934


>> No.43494008

afaik they're currently rebranding and working on a method to transfer dictionaries straight from Yomichan
Sorry, I don't have brain damage

>> No.43494035

hovertards dont realize they already got stage 4 cancer lmao

>> No.43494045


>> No.43494049

>Sorry, I don't have brain damage
Oh, my bad. I sometimes forget not everyone here is studying Japanese.

>> No.43494087

nice self own

>> No.43494110

>he thinks not learning the language makes him appear cool

>> No.43494115
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>> No.43494202

i have too many waifus

>> No.43494256

They re-wrote it for the english version and changed absolutely everything.

>> No.43494260
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>> No.43494265

Bebop isn't even watanabe's 2nd best show.

>> No.43494280

You're right, it's actually his first.

>> No.43494299


>> No.43494356


>> No.43494386


>> No.43494406

havent immersed for the past week

>> No.43494412


>> No.43494422

i cant make out raw anime on speakers

>> No.43494451
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immersing in the shadows.

>> No.43494460
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>> No.43494497
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>> No.43494640

バルーンスリーブs are cute

>> No.43494785

Here, caused me to shed a couple of tears.

>> No.43494816
File: 16 KB, 79x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen 百も承知 before, but what is 十も承知?

>> No.43494819

lyrics go 恋はしたい but all i hear 声をしたい
why is this so hard?

>> No.43494875
File: 12 KB, 657x452, ankiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my anki messed up or is Hito really just "一"?

>> No.43494888

it's fine
check a card like 直す to see if it's chinese or not

>> No.43494891

Would you believe me if I told you 二つ was two and 三つ was three?

>> No.43494898
File: 79 KB, 640x400, cJEqLf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can modern vns even compete

>> No.43494907

and then the ancient chinese story goes...
boy: "i get it already, you can stop teaching me numbers"
teacher: "okay, then write for me ten thousand"

>> No.43494981

its not messed up that is called furigana, anon loool

>> No.43494994

>but what is 十も承知?

it's 10 times less than 百も承知

>> No.43494995
File: 322 KB, 415x859, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this kanji? I've been trying to figure it out for some good 20 minutes now.

>> No.43495011

you seem to be on a really deep level of dekinai
did you decide to start learning nip just today?

>> No.43495035


>> No.43495037

yes its my first day

>> No.43495045

What app is this?

>> No.43495066

yeah, that's obvious
kanji can have many different readings, so no, hito is not "just 一"
it's one of ghe possible readings of 一, but the kanji 人 (person) can also bd read as hito
this is japanese 101

>> No.43495071

Got it. It's 襲. Fuck cursive kanji

>> No.43495080
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>> No.43495084

一 is いち
一つ is ひとつ

>> No.43495090

No, it's いつ

>> No.43495109

How'd you figure it out?

>> No.43495112

what's some good manga

>> No.43495118

Have you heard of Death Note?

>> No.43495121

Asked for help on reddit. I can kinda see it with them side by side
I've been reading 聖くんは清く生きたい weekly as it comes out and it's pretty fun.

>> No.43495127

>Asked for help on reddit.
Very based. Reddit's unironically more helpful than djt.

>> No.43495160

alright i read the first section of tae kim and did a few words. i'm spent.

but i can already feel myself getting stronger fufufu.


genki da.

ooh no no no my brother yesterday i was genki janakatta

i can already feel myself leaving behind the EOPs

>> No.43495163


>> No.43495177

She's some dame alright!

>> No.43495199

Woah, slow down there buddy. Most of us don't even know how the casual form works. At this rate, you're gonna leave us all behind.

>> No.43495221
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>> No.43495233


>> No.43495240

why ew the honda trail bikes are awesome

>> No.43495242

it's just the regular kindle app for android, m8.

i still can't figure out how to use desu masu form since our newbie showed us yesterday. 悲しいます.

>> No.43495250

What's the purpose of this in the modern day over an ebike?

>> No.43495255

making people say Ew in mongolian basket weaving forums

>> No.43495257
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>> No.43495261

I have 200 every day. It's not that hard.

>> No.43495266

i missed a day yesterday so this is my first day doing 200
i might have to tone it down a bit if it'll eventually be like this everyday

>> No.43495267

more power
the honda e-bike series are capped at 15mph and these mini bikes are easily 4x that

>> No.43495268



>> No.43495274


>> No.43495305
File: 224 KB, 1920x924, Super Cub - Episode 7 - Reiko with Attached Trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's cooler

>> No.43495324

get it down to around 3s or less

>> No.43495331

Is that really the right thing to do? I feel like hearing the reading while staring at the radicals helps with retention

>> No.43495339

the faster you do them the better you get at doing them faster
its dumb to min max retention in the first place
lets do the math. is it better to have 90% retention and take 4x longer per card, or 60-70% retention and do 4x more cards?

>> No.43495349

You also don't need to perma retain with this deck. You just need to roughly r3member the stuff long enough to be able to start reading cause once you're doing that you actually won't be able to forget these words anymore. The core deck is nothing but a stepping stone, don't waste your time giving it too much respect

>> No.43495350
File: 24 KB, 662x146, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ all these r/learnjapanese guys in the comments on dogens video about why textbooks are shit.
6 years in the country + using textbooks and this guy still can't understand what the lady at the shop is saying to him.
Probably gets 上手'd by his wife and her friends.

>> No.43495371

Remember that based retard Muslim YouTuber explaining how he couldn't n5 after 5 years in Japan and he shows footage of his Japanese wife and child on the prayer mat and talks about he can't even talk to his toddler lol

>> No.43495416
File: 914 KB, 1920x1040, aegisub64_KIiMYCm9PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on translating an anime that was butchered by crunchyroll as a side project to help me study. I've been using my ears for the easy stuff, then trying to test if I can hear an unknown word well enough to go to a dictionary (or try to use the kanji subtitles) for anything unfamiliar. It's been going better than I thought, but still very slow because of my level of knowledge.
However, there is a line that I can't seem to create a good translation for:
CR translated it as:
>Now, battles are fought between spies over information
However, my goal is to at least try to structure sentences somewhat similarly. So instead of translating 現代で行われるのは as "Now", I'm try to think of something that's a little longer. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.43495425

insane that i spent so much money buying computer stuff, plamo goods, trading cards, and video games when i could have been using that money towards cool and useful things like tools and motorcycles

>> No.43495428

allah is punishing him for shitting up the east instead of shitting up the west

>> No.43495432

your jealousy is palpable
they're in japan and you're stuck in your room and will never have a jp wife

>> No.43495447

don't need a jp wife just need jp jks

>> No.43495457

what's the line before it

>> No.43495460

I translated it as
>With that, the era of nations openly pointing their guns at each other faded away.

>> No.43495461
File: 342 KB, 1317x2048, 20230515_202500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired りぴーとあふたみー

>> No.43495464

depends. how much extra time do you lose in extra reviews making up for the drop in detention?

>> No.43495482

do them quick but fuck with the interval modifier

>> No.43495488

ledditors are eternal dekinais. however, defending textbooks is retarded.
>learning teineigo first without the dictionary form is retarded
>the fact that they never introduce anyone to tools to aid with memorizations like the radicals, the rikusho, looking up the naritachi, or the 8 patterns compounds broadly fall into, is also retarded
>why the fuck do they have to make up terms like -ru verbs? just call them fucking ichidan, godan, and irregular like natives do

>> No.43495543

i should make a textbook and compete with george for who can embarrass themselves more trying to read in front of an audience and explain the japanese being used

>> No.43495560

feeling nostalgic for my beginner shitter days making idiot cards by hand, cant believe its been over 5 years

>> No.43495565

most people are dekinai with with aspirations that go no higher than being able to order at a restaurant. going too deep into kanji off the bat would probably alienate those people and result in less $$$

>> No.43495571

>idiot cards
I think you could stand to make a few more. Your reading could use some work.

>> No.43495575

the rtk

>> No.43495579

think u could stand to shut da fuck up

>> No.43495583

everyone sit the fuck down

>> No.43495585

ladies first *unzips*

>> No.43495587

i cant, my butt hurts

>> No.43495596


>> No.43495599

>waah im too fucking fat and depressed with my fat fucking sjw wife to make more than 1 episode per year waaah
fuck him

>> No.43495604

well his wife aint

>> No.43495618


i finally understand why NTR is so popular in japan

>> No.43495650
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wtf no i havent heard of that lmao bet white piggu cant go in though sigh

>> No.43495689

the amount of adult couples expressing any kind of affection for each other is extremely rare in JP media.

become an office drone out of college
get married
stop having sex in your early 30s
proceed to spend half of your salary on hostess clubs or soaplands because your wife turned into a robot after her first preagnency
become a nasty perverted old man because you get no ass or love at home

rinse and repeat

>> No.43495699

talked to 3 different hostesses by chance and out of all the japanese women ive spoken to they were the only complete menheras. one was bipolar, the other told me her entire family history and how she was getting sued cause her dad embezzled some money and the third was an alcoholic

>> No.43495712


>> No.43495717


>> No.43495862

someone should start posting how many hours pass between the new thread being made and the old one archiving

>> No.43495873

I wish Jidoujisho had an option for organizing series into folders

>> No.43495882
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>> No.43495907

See kids, this is why you don't mine and anki.

>> No.43495917

I think it's great he's got a family and all I just think it's hilarious he's so dumb he can't speak toddler Japanese after 5 years

>> No.43495922

What missing 2 days does to a mf

>> No.43495928

Works for me just be smarter

>> No.43495930

t. 70 iq

>> No.43495949

that special moment we can post in two djts at the same time woo.
