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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 1000x500, 1651529912192087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43368363 No.43368363 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone from here actually going to this? Could you please stream and let us non-goers see what it's like

>> No.43368371

I don't know why I thought it was in las vegas. It's in LA

>> No.43368372

bruh that shit ended

>> No.43368379

It did? wth..........................pics?

>> No.43368384

check cgl anon

>> No.43368395

either way I head the people attending saved the event. idk about the rest of it I'm going to retaisai in Japan so w/e

>> No.43368508
File: 535 KB, 1920x1920, american raiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43368513

you were there? any videos anon
I want to live vicariously through them

>> No.43368541

No I just nabbed it off the twitter account. There are some videos there if you want to look though

>> No.43368665

>any videos anon
Here's the 4chan meetup

>> No.43369257
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>> No.43369428

Me on the left with the white crocs

>> No.43369573

is that James?

>> No.43369655

Isn't the bitch who draw that literally a manchild?

>> No.43370464
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x1960, 20230429_084015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was there. pretty fun and will for sure go next year. met three other anons, one of who cosplayed.

>> No.43370524

I was so mad at myself that I missed it when I was in the area for work. I only noticed there was a convention because I drove past someone cosplaying Yukari and I circled around to ask them what was going on. There was only 2 hours left at that point so it was hopeless.

>> No.43371522

I'm going next year. Probably

>> No.43371573

tfw hikkineet
idk what's happening for me even next week but I think I'd like to go.

>> No.43371650
File: 49 KB, 583x498, silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you fuckers were all complaining about how it's terrible it'd be in the last thread and here you are crying about missing it

>> No.43371664

where can I buy an inflatable yuyuko

>> No.43371759

LMAO I can see the maid Nuenners that someone allegedly stole.

>> No.43371782

>someone allegedly stole.
I planned to bring my fumos and sukus with me next year so they didn't get lonely at home but reading this, fuck that shit

>> No.43371864

all drawfags are manchildren retard

>> No.43372070

>it's real

RIP Maid Nue, she's probably getting hotglued by a big fat ugly bastard as we speak....

>> No.43372476

I can't believe Nue is the new NTRhu...

>> No.43372524

Guess I'll keep them home then or keep them very close

>> No.43372591

do you think if I invited a girl to my hotel room at 2024 TF for some frozen soda and touhou fumo racing she'd come?

>> No.43372605

I'm not a girl but so long as you promise no fagshit I'd come

>> No.43372613

That'd be cool. Party in the hotel for some underground money matches

>> No.43372631

Deal, I'll see you in a year and if you don't deliver I'll be disappointed

>> No.43372641

I'll see what I can do, no promises. I'm the hikineet who couldn't make it to this one

>> No.43372665
File: 25 KB, 787x418, 1653338216293065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting this as my wallpaper so I wont forget

>> No.43372967

The pressure is on...

>> No.43373749

It's not that dangerous if you don't take your eyes off it or keep it in a bag that's on you.

>> No.43373806
File: 1.53 MB, 246x246, sad_remi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like going to cons but if it comes around next year I might go, it looked kinda fun I just feel strange going to a con alone

>> No.43373983


>> No.43375158

I have yet to see a dirty deka fumo

>> No.43375396

Does anyone know what was the KKHTA presentation like? Something about KKHTA being a misunderstood work of art lmao.

>> No.43375436

This is why i never plan on going to a convention, other than the lack of deoderant.
Thank god I don't live in cali though.

>> No.43375450

I live in Cali.....

>> No.43375460

I'm so sorry.

>> No.43375469

If you tell me where you are when you do go we won't have to be alone

>> No.43375481

Say what you want, ass size checks out.

>> No.43377138

I would have gone if there werent any troons, fags or leftoids

>> No.43377158

So you could be the only one representing all three?

>> No.43377170

Fuck off tourist, this isn't /pol/.

>> No.43377224

This. I fucking hate right wing larpers that cling to Touhou. It has always been a series by a liberal Japanese man for other liberals.

>> No.43377328

>It has always been a series by a liberal Japanese man for other liberals.
What...? I'm just sick of election tourists shitting up this site.

>> No.43377465

some yt video

>> No.43377483

Holy bad video and audio quality batman, who took this a time traveler from 2005 armed with his Motorola flip phone?

>> No.43377493

That Bad Apple player was going so hard

>> No.43377517

Touhou is for CHUDS only, troon

>> No.43377519

some better quality video, i think its fully dubbed with music
>tfw they're playing an indie itch.io game I've played before
god that would've been fun

>> No.43377532

The quality is nostalgic honestly.

>> No.43377781
File: 285 KB, 974x1080, chudmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43378249

Give the apparent crowd, just looking vaguely in the general direction of a girl at this convention will result in nausea and a rape accusation.

>> No.43378324

The youkai cries out in pain when she hits you with danmaku...

>> No.43381498

Here's the KKHTA video if someone wants to see it

>> No.43381942

Hold on, why is mostly everyone in this event middle aged? They all look 30 years and older.

>> No.43381951

Based, KKHTA is a fucking masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending it's not. It's both the Citizen Kane and The Day the Clown Cried of Touhou rolled into one.

>> No.43381952

Because all the based kids stay on /jp/ and avoid what looks to be cringe central.

>> No.43382757


>> No.43382804

Shut up with your buzzwords, cunt

>> No.43382850

The only buzz i get is from my gallon of monster energy i drink every morning.

>> No.43382981

Remember that schizofrenian art stills art

>> No.43383001

What was the last thread about KKHTA?

>> No.43386899

I'd meet up with you.
It was nice to meet other imageboarders this year and talk about things I normally never get to talk about IRL.
Even if you're socially awkward, we could always bond by playing games. Like Touhou 19.

>> No.43387016

Even if you're socially awkward and autistic I imagine at least trying to be nice towards your fellow /jp/ anons helps a ton.

>> No.43388421
File: 1.18 MB, 4032x3024, 1674723548347478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe these 2hufesters are so bad after all..
>2hufester isn't autocorrected

>> No.43392914

Damn, the place looks very nice, and the people seem alright too.

>> No.43392927

Literally looks like a reddit meetup.

>> No.43392934


>> No.43392935

How much cosplay sex do you think they had?

>> No.43392956

Do you remember that rumour of the Touhoucon where it is said that they had entire orgies?

>> No.43392963


>> No.43392986

It is said in a video called the "the touhoucon failure" it just for a moment but i remember that the rumour says that they maked orgies in the superior floors and someone called "sans" has something to be with it

>> No.43393028

Raiko why did you eat the whole drum set...

>> No.43393043

What's the story behind these videos anyway
Is it a fiver or something?

>> No.43393044

closest thing that video gave me is a "scandal" where we has very unspecific, anything more concrete like a forum or something

>> No.43393047

That could be us....

>> No.43393049

That lyrica devilisih face is weird

>> No.43393056

Sorry I'm not gay.

>> No.43393062

I reader it in a lore thread, those iceberg threads were someone talks about that, and someone called "sans" answered some question if i remember well

>> No.43393064

Ok thread went for long enough
Post the crossplay sex videos now

>> No.43393108
File: 514 KB, 3686x796, Touhou Con Orgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43393119

still unconvinced. there's like a 1:10 ratio here of women:men

>> No.43393171
File: 606 KB, 1382x233, Psychopaths (and sans).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43393177

Wait here...

>> No.43393201

You telling me I could have fucked a cute neko boywife?

>> No.43393206

Are you in the photo?

>> No.43393266

No, but I'm sitting on the floor crying as I realize the hubris of my mistakes has cost me more than I could ever know.

>> No.43393288

Yeah, i will do that tomorrow

>> No.43393324
File: 1.66 MB, 1311x610, Perfection.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go there and make an exposition about this image

>> No.43393333

How do you even make friends
I don't know
If I went there I'd be going all alone and nobody would approach me and I wouldn't know how to approach people besides nice cosplay ahah see you
What do you say afterwards? Wanna be friends?

>> No.43393345

I'm going to take a guess here and say these are the most popular touhou characters for that specific country/area

>> No.43393377
File: 1.34 MB, 1580x2238, 1659173281958727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the iceberg image

>> No.43393387

I want to discuss that in a 2hu event, the image that youre seeing means something different

>> No.43393390

I'm going to take a guess and say it would be some bullshitted presentation that isn't even remotely true on how Flandre scarlet was behind the 1982 Tiananmen square massacre, and how patchy caused Venuzuelan inflation to skyrocket, proof being "Patchouli knowledge inflation"

>> No.43393392


>> No.43393416

I remember well that the man who created this >>43393324 had something towards Russia and their allies, so, he made a map we're the protagonist (Reimu, Marisa) as the world heroes have to battle to battle against the villains Russia(Remilia), Flandre(China), Sakuya (north korea), vietnam (meiling), venezuela (patchouli) and cuba (koakuma)

God knows why that order

>> No.43393573
File: 1.19 MB, 1527x623, My exposition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Hello, i am Anonymous, and i will expose about how politics and touhou project are interwined, and how they should to be combine into something new, as geography, first, as everyone knows, the Scarlet Devil Mansion are communist, because:(Scarlet=Red=Communist) so, that makes the EOsD events be like this map, Russia is Remilia, because she is the commander of the other countries, Flandre is China because she is red and yellow like the flag of China and likes desctruction, north korea is Sakuya because the other option was put her in Venezuela and i am not that crazy, vietnam is meiling because she is asian, but china was already taken, Patchouli is Venzuela because Koakuma is cuba and they are a perfect duo, also Patchouli looks like the actual president of that country, and koakuma is Fiddel castro, thanks for hearing me today, any doubt?"

>> No.43393587

I remember that the thread i saw was different, bigger, VERY BIGGER

>> No.43393590

Does ZUN support throwing communist and leftist filth out of helicopters?

>> No.43393604

I would walk out of your presentation by the first sentence.

>> No.43393605

It was in an old thread, were a bigger iceberg, and i bigger thread were discussing touhou lore, and someone called sans started to talk about "Touhou Con Orgy"

>> No.43393631

Do you guys remember that GREAT thread about touhou lore with a giant iceberg as OP?

>> No.43393685

Do you have something towards being called anonymous?

>> No.43393792

Your entire wall of text is one run on sentence. I would walk out in the middle of it.

>> No.43393827

Ah, yeah, sorry anon

>> No.43393867

Anon, he is anticapitalist

>> No.43394304

Is he? Well atleast hes the nationalist fascist nazi type of anticapitalist, right? Surely hes not a gay tranny supporter like 99% of leftists are

>> No.43394340

Do you want friends?

>> No.43394571

If i remember well, in one of magical astronomy descryptions he said something pretty anticapitalist, or more like a critice

>> No.43394575

Sorry to break it down to you, but ZUN is not a chud.

>> No.43394645
File: 202 KB, 510x414, hatethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking cancer

>> No.43394744
File: 183 KB, 256x256, 1682418269277589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ called
they want their nazi larper back

>> No.43395349
File: 77 KB, 847x796, 1681296372467758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touhoucon 2015 orgy
so I found this on warosu, I don't have facebook so can somebody check and post a mirror somewhere

facebook () com /

facebook () com /

>> No.43397019

Let me see...

>> No.43397115

It turned into political discussion and Touhou con orgy discussion

>> No.43397147

Orgy discussion is on-topic and good discussion

>> No.43397161

Yeah, but at the end what happened, someone have seen the facebook post?

>> No.43397174

I think you need a Facebook account for that so I'm not gonna even try it, man

>> No.43397180

I know, well, i will wait until someone sees it

>> No.43397264

So, this was just a meme, and it turned to real?

>> No.43397270

I'm waiting on >>43397019 to post what the link is

>> No.43397280

Ahhh, ok ok, sorry anon, i will watch

>> No.43397307

Anon, there is a problem with that

For what i can verify, both post are deleted

>> No.43397316

oh... the trail goes cold yet again.

There must be something else out there

>> No.43397326

I mean, sure that video must exist somewhere... I need to ask someone who actually went

>> No.43397355

Wait, we can try with something to go to delete pages

>> No.43397366

does that work with something requiring a login like facebook though?

>> No.43397377

Ah, yeah

>> No.43397387

if you find anything please post the results

>> No.43397405

Someone made a screenshoot of the page

>> No.43397408

But God knows where i can get it

>> No.43397767

i went, it was great fun
here's my haul https://files.catbox.moe/adttqy.jpg

>> No.43399492

There was a thread about that, ZUN made a critic in one of her albums to the capitalism, or something like that

>> No.43400378

It had nothing to do with an orgy.
The dude (Johnnyjunkers) just got really drunk and started breaking shit and being disrespectful.
It wasn't the first time he's had convention drama regarding his drinking habits.

>> No.43401412

and yet no one is posting the archived dead link contents..

>> No.43401485

Is that a little Guile figure? Who the hell would sell that at a Touhou con

>> No.43401598

Is this a sticker patch or magnet

>> No.43401608

also how much did they neko tote bag cost

>> No.43401967

oh that was a gift from my friend actually, wasn't sold at the con



>> No.43404196

oh shit I'm in that vid

>> No.43404236

Will we ever get to the bottom of the mysterious 2014/5 orgy

>> No.43404304

A lot of people where bottom on it.

>> No.43404318

There was no orgy, it was just some drunk uptight cosplayer causing drama with convention staff.

>> No.43404333

I want to see the video apology.

>> No.43407299

