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43350775 No.43350775 [Reply] [Original]

marisa fucks up

>> No.43350871

Marisa is so fucking small
god its hot

>> No.43350937

Marisa... marisa...

>> No.43350941

From the thumbnail I thought her pigtails were Sagume's wings and I was incredibly confused

>> No.43350972


>> No.43351247

Marisa is such a dork. She doesn't even know she needs to be nude to properly apologise.

>> No.43351349

I want to ejaculate in Miyoi's boobs btw

>> No.43351446
File: 61 KB, 208x433, IMG_20230427_150648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First we were told that the endless sake is produced from sake bug, but now it actually comes from magically gathering all leftover liquid inside all gourds in Gensokyo?
Also all the tension from previous chapter that become nothing and end up just telling us another thing that oni can do. Average inconsequential LE chapter I guess.

>> No.43351760

Miyoi told us what was inside already, and there was no bug. She said it was like being in a giant brewery that was flooding with sake.

>> No.43351814
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The only mystery in this damn manga is how does Zashiki Warashi, a species of child-like youkai, have one of its member to be one of the most bustiest character in all of Touhou, canonically speaking?

>> No.43351908
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It's over. ZUN has kowtowed to the coomers.

>> No.43351928
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Suika pits
that is all

>> No.43351987

ZUN's been a footfag since at least DDC

>> No.43352102

Since at least LLS, even.

>> No.43352726
File: 1.00 MB, 1114x1600, ibuki gourd 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be argued as a retcon or argued as "an elaboration given 'oni manipulate the hidden/keep secrets'"

I'll go grab where it was originally explained "how the gourd works"

>> No.43353790

I'd argue it can still work when you take account both factors, but take it with a handful of salt.
1: the gourd was imbued with the essence of a sake bug (stated in SaBND), and a drop of water is enough for it to create allegedly endless amount of sake
2: the gourd takes vapor from all other gourds in Gensokyo and that becomes the endless amount of sake
To sum it up, the water vapor it absorbs is what feeds the bug essence which leads it to creating the endless amount of sake.

It would be clever if there was a callback to the sake bug, but as is it feels like a retcon that just happens to work well with the old info.

>> No.43354008
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>>43352726 whoops never posted reply
Strange and Bright Nature Deity chapter 18

Suika herself explains that the Ibuki gourd's insides are coated in Sake Bug extract. Possibilities:

a) retcon
b) "additional information", so both reasons for the gourd's abilities are true
c) Suika was lying on this page

>> No.43354029

nah that doesn't really count

and yeah it's not "a bug"

Even Suika was like "what the fuck are you talking about" when Miyoi explained what was "inside" the gourd, implying this is a Zashiki Warashi-exclusive thing. Anyway it's just "bug juice coating" (allegedly)

>> No.43354037
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>> No.43354066

Somehow I don't think that even if you account for every sake gourd in Gensokyo, the amount that evaporates from them can really keep up with Suika's drinking.
Plus, wasn't it said earlier that Gensokyo cannot actually produce all that much sake and much of what the villagers drink is implied to just be watered down stuff that came from Suika's gourd, or did I just imagine that?

>> No.43354111

why are the two new manga retconning lore? first the ufo cast were sealed in the underground not makai and now sake bugs aren't a thing anymore. zun is getting dementia

>> No.43354185
File: 2.78 MB, 1440x2296, IaMP Ibuki Gourd + Suika's Power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're misremembering some details from... I THINK it was Yukari's IaMP ending, where it's explained in narration that the gourd basically originally has no limits, but like, Gensokyo "forgot" it so it has a kind of automatic stopper and can't flow endlessly. Suika's power (and so implicitly, "oni" power) is described similarly. Like, it's inherently dangerous for all the oni to return to Gensokyo en masse in this day and age.

Spoilers? Sorry ZUN (w/e it's a fighting game). Also Suika mentions "TILT" in a usual "strange reference to reality". She thus implies that this limitation is something she's aware of.

>first the ufo cast were sealed in the underground not makai

Bro, what? The UFO cast was always sealed underground. It goes
10 -- Kanako arrives
11 -- Kanako feeds Utsuho a Yatagarasu. Orin sends wicked spirits to the surface. The Underground is unsealed.
12 -- Some of the major cast of UFO escapes the Underground as a result

Byakuren was the only one sealed in Makai.
Shou and Nazrin were not sealed.
Reimu, an ignoramous, saying "they're all from the Underground" regardless is 100% in-character. Even Marisa has made similar ignorant statements in the past, like saying Reisen is "basically a Lunarian"

>> No.43354231

Only Byakuren got sealed in Makai. The UFO gang just crash-landed into underground long after Byakuren was sealed, sprung up back due to geyser and went to unseal Byakuren in Makai which is the UFO plot.

>> No.43354254
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Checking I guess you mean this TL note.

If the translator is reading this thread: Reimu is an idiot, please remember. Of course she would just say "everyone came from the underground".

>> No.43354282

Of course she is a idiot, the angry spook was able to trick everyone when she possessed people regardless if they were underground or not.
That is how the Moriya shrine got shanked.

>> No.43354304
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Bros, I think it's the first time I've seen Marisa crying (the portrait after being defeated in the games doesn't count). We have seen Reimu cry on several occasions, but they are all funny. when Reimu cries it's funny. when Marisa cries it is painful.

>> No.43354313

Deserves all the rape and abuse of this world

>> No.43354315
File: 2.76 MB, 2020x1452, Gensokyo's Sake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked it up, and unless this was retconned or explained as a lie, much of the sake in Gensokyo really should be coming from the gourd, which of course, makes no fucking sense when considering the latest chapter.
Like, if it's all supposed to be true, it would mean the gourd is the source of much of the sake in the village, watered down, at that, whereupon a part of it evaporates and is drawn back into the gourd, which is then used to create more of Gensokyo's shitty-ass sake.
They'd just be drinking water, at that point. Maybe ZUN should stop trying to write manga while drunk. He's clearly not thinking straight.

>> No.43354345

How that's worded and given what she's exactly saying...

To be honest with you, I think that's "Suika bragging and bullshitting", for which she has a track record ("I can destroy Youkai Mountain myself!" "Sure, I can gather 'news', no problem!")
I wouldn't take these particular two pages seriously, especially as it simply doesn't make sense. Sake existed in Gensokyo before Suika, and Suika's gourd came into Gensokyo with explicit limitations.

>> No.43354357

Unironically the character that deserves to be raped the most

>> No.43354403

I think she doesn't say all of Gensokyo's sake come from her gourd here. It's just the sake that Miyoi has been serving at the bar in the chapter, which Suika just delivered earlier.
Isn't that what the whole chapter is about?

>> No.43354411

Are you sure she's not specifically talking about the sake served *in* the pub? Because that sure sounds like it.
Also looking up the chapter, ZUN definitely do remember the sake bug by way of Suika's "slime secreted by amphibian" comment. So at this point I'm not sure if he's being forgetful drunk or trolling drunk.

>> No.43354437
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Maybe, but with the way Suika talks, it sure sounds like Gensokyo isn't supposed to be able to brew all that much sake, and it doesn't seem that the stuff Miyoi serves is any worse than what the villagers are used to, so all the other pubs must also be serving garbage, explaining why everyone is so surprised by Kanako and the sake bug sake, since that's a very rare opportunity for them to drink booze that isn't dogshit.
Given how shitty this entire manga is, I really wouldn't be surprised if ZUN puts any actual thought in it, let alone concern himself with the continuity.

>> No.43354662

It literally never says the gourd is used for all of Gensokyo's sake. It even outright says
>The stuff you serve these days at the pub
"These days" even means it might not be permanent.
Oni can't lie.

>> No.43354720
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>Oni can't lie.
Suika is an explicit exception to this.

Small note that the word used in Japanese is closer to "heretic" or "maverick" than outcast. 異端児 is the word used to describe Suika, meaning she doesn't conform to all the standards of an oni.

If you need actual evidence of her lying, the easiest thing is in BAiJR where she tells Aya she can gather "news" even though she doesn't know what that means.

>> No.43354732
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Oh and she lies about not being Suika in WaHH, wearing a disguise and playing dumb when Reimu catches her

Suika is also exceptional in that she does not fear roasted s oybeans, and can even eat them en masse without seemingly any problem at all. Kasen meanwhile flinches at the mere thought of being hit by them, Remilia (and presumably Flandre) gets burned by them, and Yuugi outright says she's weak to them.

>> No.43354757

Suika isn't a oni, she is only pretending to be one.

>> No.43354803
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>it sure sounds like Gensokyo isn't supposed to be able to brew all that much sake
*This* season. I don't know how you missed it when you posted the page, but her point was that with autumn and later winter creeping in, rice would need to be conserved, hence any proper sake would be precious.
Also it's hardly fair to say what Geidontei (are there even other pubs) served is garbage, when the sake you compared it to are quite literally out of their world; one from Outside and the other from Old Hell.

>> No.43354877

So in the end, we're back to this question

>> No.43354924

As it turns out, the real answer is "it wouldn't have done anything because she would need to thaw every gourds in Gensokyo".

>> No.43354932


>> No.43354949

All things considered, I actually can believe the "both things are true" aspect of the gourd.

To be honest, the "sake bug extract" never really made sense. After all, the way a sake bug works is that it turns water into sake, as in while it's whole and alive. Unless there was some other aspect we were missing, it never "made sense" by the setting's own rules how Suika's gourd would actually function without a whole bug living inside it. It had also always been described as "an oni tool", so special, because oni tools are total bullshit.

>> No.43355003

why? I mean, it's not like she did anything wrong. She just wanted to help and it ended in the worst way.

>> No.43355015

she would only need to thaw one random gourd she came across

>> No.43355058

Marisa really is a good girl, always trying to help people in the village.
But Miyoi just keeps fucking with her brain everything they meet.

>> No.43355074
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This should have been the last panel ever of the manga. A perfect ending.

>> No.43355079

An indirect lesbian kiss with Suika...!

>> No.43355138
File: 1.42 MB, 1011x1452, Suika bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking back on things, ZUN indirectly references the sake bug coating back here in chapter 13 for the "Kanaka being a shit" arc.

I'll take this to mean that my aforementioned option b) is reality: both aspects of the gourd are true: it uses sake bug extract, but it also specifically "creates" sake by drawing sake from other sources. This explains why it still has the abilities of a sake bug without actually having a bug inside of it.

>> No.43355140

If Miyoi really lives in there, every time Suika drinks from it, she's drinking sake that's had Miyoi whole body soaking it. Miyoi bathwater sake.

>> No.43355157

The bug and the gourd turns water into sake. Suika said it draws evaporated liquid, not sake from other people's gourds.

>> No.43355179

sure, whatever, my point is just that I believe our previous understanding of the gourd was not full

So, though I thought it was a retcon, it isn't really.

>> No.43355184

>Kanako being a shit

>> No.43355944
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Do you think that in the end Miyoi used her power to give Marisa a nightmare and punish her so she would forget what happened? I mean, I think it's not the first time Marisa has found out that Miyoi is a Zashiki-warashi. but it seems that Miyoi uses her ability to make them forget her. although maybe I'm wrong and actually if it's the first time that Marisa discovers it.

>> No.43357183

and you believed her? she just didn't want to tell you how she is covered in bug cum every morning.

>> No.43357341
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I find it kind of interesting that both this and the recent CDS make a clear distinction between species-wide ability and the character's own.
Now I wonder how many of this apply to other girls.

>> No.43357365
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>Marisa is so fucking small

>> No.43357519
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This is definitely Miyoi's being Miyoi, taking advantage of Marisa's emotional state to use her ability on her again.

I like this idea but then if the gourd can't get enough vapor by itself you could just add some water yourself.

Maybe Suika doesn't understand how the gourd works? She's not the one who created it after all, so it's possible she just thinks she knows how it works. And some chapters ago she brought cards without even knowing what kind of spirit they were possessed by (assuming she wasn't lying about that). Seems like she doesn't know everything about the various oni treasures she has access to, and probably doesn't care as long as she's having fun.

Either way, assuming she wasn't lying about the gourd stopping to produce sake in the first place, then we need an explanation why this would happen, and the new evaporation thing provides it. Or maybe the water required by the sake bug just froze in the gourd.

>> No.43357751

Marisa is showing off her feet and legs a lot these days.

>> No.43357759

She knows I'm watching and wants to marry me.

>> No.43358150

>you could just add some water yourself
I was going to say that Suika can't be bothered to do that when she can just wring Miyoi's stock dry.
But this >>43354185 brings up an interesting point about introducing foreign objects into another. If the same applies to the gourd, then maybe she can't. Maybe using anything but hidden water vapor could throw the magic of the gourd out of wack.
Of course if she did pour something into it at some point then that's just nonsensical reach.

>> No.43358370

Maybe she did just add some water to it. She did say she pretty much immediately forgot what she said to Miyoi and is drunk all the time anyway

>> No.43358382

>She's not the one who created it after all
We don't know that, right?

Suika's outfit, 3 objects, and her gourd are hers, but as far as I'm aware we have never been told how she got each.

You could take any headcanon, like her making the sphere, cube, and pyramid herself to "represent" herself, or maybe she got 1 each from each of the other 3 "Big 4" Oni. Maybe she made the gourd herself because she wanted one, maybe a master craftsman did.

She does know how it works, after all. It's hard to say.

>> No.43358403

Something else about that IaMP scene I literally only noticed now:
Suika says "just put on the cap". It doesn't imply that she added water to it here, it just automatically filled up. Thus, the "vapor" explanation actually can make sense when paired with the extract explanation.

>> No.43358554

Does Miyoi still have the sake bug Suika gave her? I thought it would be in the ice she cracked open last chapter and Suika was going to take it back or ask her to give her sake from it.

>> No.43358892

Maybe Suika took it back at some point? She did say it doesn't last long and it has been tens of chapters since then. No reason to keep it around when they're not throwing another sake fest.

>> No.43359024

Manipulate the hidden and secrets huh? Sounds familiar.

>> No.43359028

Uhhh, Oni magic hides the bugs. The water turns up in the gourd, the bugs turn them into alcoholic behind the scenes.

>> No.43359035
File: 1.26 MB, 1526x2160, Okina_Whos_Who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i forgot my image

>> No.43359088

Onis only draws power from the hidden, while Okina manipulates them; she can reveal and veil all secrets.
That's my two cents, anyway

>> No.43359110

So, where does Miyoi actually live? Since the gourd is ruined but she says she still feels nothing.

>> No.43359159

The whole point was that the gourd was a fake which she says after saying she felt nothing. Reread and learn English or Japanese better.

>> No.43359171

So where's the real one? And is that the one with sake bugs?

>> No.43359212

Suika has it, did you even read? She pulls it out and Miyoi is even drinking from it at the end. >>43355074

It was soaked in whatever extract from the sake bug is, it doesn't have a bug inside.

>> No.43359226

So what was the point of the gourd she handed to Miyoi?

>> No.43359304
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>> No.43359913
File: 297 KB, 942x457, a605d71d-675d-452f-b585-938f6b20edc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya you can control time. Lazy maid.

>> No.43360081

Nothing states that Sakuya can stop time indefinitely.
>but nothing says she has limit either!
Naturally everything limits, so unless it is stated otherwise it makes more sense to take limitation into account, even if it's not stated either. Saying Sakuya has absolute control over time is like saying Aya can manipulate wind to create massive typhoon on the other side of the earth enough to demolish a city. Obviously Aya's power isn't that absolute despite the lack of contrary evidence.

>> No.43360414

Marisa is likeable.

>> No.43360419

She has a limit because she's a rip off of Dio, and he had a limit.

>> No.43360519

I forgot how kanako roasted miyoi
haha, stupid whale

>> No.43360624

Food can't cook when time is stopped

>> No.43361701

is miyoi's tits getting bigger?

>> No.43362129

one of the things sakuya is explicitly able to do is manipulate time for specific objects, meaning she would be able to cook food fast by manipulating the flow of time for the objects involved in cooking it

>> No.43362157

Based. fuck I need more ryona marisa doujins. her tears are delicious

>> No.43362189

Made for merciless tickling

>> No.43362416

Imagine being Miyois repeat customer, getting drunk in her bar, fondling and grabbing her tits and ass while she serves drinks

then afterhours you take her behind the shelves and fuck her tits and pussy to your hearts content

>> No.43362446

No dice. After hours, Geidontei becomes a youkai dive.

>> No.43362451

great, the youkai sluts can join too

>> No.43362470

Sanae booba

>> No.43362604

Gotta say, the whole conversation about the reveals of the Ibuki Gourd this chapter were fascinating to read.

>> No.43363138
File: 20 KB, 800x520, 1572695450856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized gathering water from all the gourds in Gensokyo is in line with Suika's ability to "gather" everything, which I forgot and isn't even explicitly stated in this chapter. Only telling the bit about oni drawing powers from "hidden" things and whatnot makes it rather confusing.

>> No.43363207

that's true too

it's almost annoying how retrospectively there's a lot of details this adds up with

Well, I guess if there's any character ZUN would be on the ball about it'd be Suika. He's always openly admitted that he likes Suika.

>> No.43363458

I wonder if that's a thing with oni in general. Like Yuugi having the power to wield unexplainable phenomena whatever that means, with that "unexplainable" bit being what's hidden.
Unfortunately we don't know what Kasen can do as an oni because she literally had it cut off herself.

>> No.43363779
File: 139 KB, 640x919, zashiki-warashi dorks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zashiki-warashi are supposed to look like little girls and have youkai internet.
Miyoi on the other hand has huge tits is taller than other zashiki-warashi and hangs out with old men in a bar.

Something isn't adding up

>> No.43364065
File: 213 KB, 765x1035, __ibuki_suika_and_okunoda_miyoi_touhou_drawn_by_mizumoto_tadashi__f40d7c0c821a5d799f757628db728a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is not a normal Zashiki-warashi. just looking at the skirt shows that she is the Zashiki-warashi of the Ibuki gourd's and not of a normal house. Her power is also more related to bars than to common houses.

>> No.43364130

I feel like it might be safe to assume it's "being able to talk to and understand animals"

>> No.43364168

I think that's her power as a hermit. Characters like Tewi refer to her as "the hermit who guides us". I think their powers as onis are more related to things like being able to use an invisible hand.

>> No.43364181

No other hermits have that ability.

Additionally, throughout WaHH we see multiple times that Kasen can't really do many hermit-related things, doesn't understand what hermits are supposed to do, and needs basic hermit concepts explained to her. Komachi even outright asks her, "why are you pretending to be a hermit?"

However, guiding animals is noted as one of her signature abilities.

>> No.43364196
File: 1.06 MB, 1017x1440, Kasen is not a real hermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WaHH chapter 20. In this chapter she also goes to Miko to learn more about hermits/this chapter revealed just how little she knows about hermits.

>> No.43364240
File: 1.19 MB, 1012x1439, animal speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important bits here:
-Kasen sees speaking to animals as natural
-Miko doesn't even assume hermits can speak to animals.
-Miko refers to a famous hermit who was close to animals, but couldn't speak with them
-While laughing on the next page, Miko says that Kasen is far beyond her as a hermit as she can speak with animals

>> No.43364255
File: 1.13 MB, 989x1440, Kasen doesn't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and on another note, not related to powers, but this page once again reveals how "not a hermit" she is

"Wants to get closer to people"? Hermits usually seclude themselves from society. She really doesn't get it.

>> No.43364285

the hand thing is definitely not her "ability as an oni" since she wasn't born with it, her arm was lopped off

Definitely not sure what that is precisely, however. She could always just have multiple abilities--she even says as much in WaHH chapter 1. After all, that smoke "arm" is extremely special, and doesn't exactly seem like something you'd learn as a hermit art.

>> No.43364318

Those are just regular zashiki-warashi, just like there's plenty of regular bake-danuki who don't look like Mamizou.
It's just that classic, non-touhou zashiki-warashi have the appearance of a little girl in the first place, while bake-danuki have the appearance of, well, tanuki.

>> No.43364504
File: 1.17 MB, 1012x1453, 178811ba-7d9e-4ce2-8f84-4c1d1dcf5e10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zashiki-warashi of the Ibuki gourd
She's only recently possessed the gourd, we even saw her first meeting with Suika and she still looks the same other than her clothes

>> No.43364535

but is miyoi part of the zashiki-warashi network?

>> No.43364774

No, the fact that the other ones didn't invite her to negotiate with Okina shows they aren't associated at all.
If Aya didn't write that article, Miyoi would be in the dark about the missing lucky poltergeists too.

>> No.43365182

>no other hermits have that ability
Miko and Seiga also have abilities that other hermits don't. Personally, I think that her ability to talk to animals is on her hermit side since you don't see her hand speak or control any animal. The only thing we see that her hand manages to control when fighting Reimu is an army of skeletons. What I'm trying to say is that although that ability may not be hermitage, I don't think it's oni either. rather it seems that it is something that she acquired after her hand was cut off. maybe being "reborn" as a better person was what gave her a new ability.

>> No.43365840

She is still a warashi, of course they are still growing.

>> No.43365900

>Zashiki-warashi are supposed to look like little girls
>aged from a minimum of around three years to a maximum of around 15 years
>Both males and females have been seen.

>> No.43366083

She doesn't need to stop it, she can speed up or slow down other objects alongside other things, she's just a lazy maid.

>> No.43367551

m*mizou is as flat as her young bake-danuki troupe

>> No.43367875

Tbf they're THE transforming youkai anon, so at least it makes sense for them to have various appearance.
But tf happened to Miyoi for her to have puberty when her fellow zashiki still stuck in their child form lol

>> No.43368071
File: 203 KB, 853x572, tanuki mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true

>> No.43369718
File: 79 KB, 898x632, 1666274087202916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I cum inside a gourd, does it mean suika is drinking my cum vapors?

>> No.43370034

Only if you're in Gensokyo

>> No.43370138

Influenced by the outside world during the chapter where they all left.

I like to imagine ZUN wanted to make a joke about the gourd but then pussied out from putting the rectangles of paper over her boobs like it was the gourd.

>> No.43370167

Maybe she's just really, really old and they die/disappear when they grow up after having been raised properly. It could be why Miyoi is concerned about being forgotten in the earlier chapters. She doesn't seem like she has that much control over whether people remember her even though she can give them nightmares. There's also no reason for her to be hiding in the first place, everyone think she's human and there's no rule against zashiki warashi interacting with the people in their household directly.

>> No.43370171

Even though non humans seem unaffected, maybe the other zashiki warashi already forgot about her and that's why she doesn't interact with them.

>> No.43372974
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>Maybe she's just really, really old
That reminds me of something so I looked it up, she did in fact say that she has existed from way before Geidontei was even a thing. Depending on when that is exactly, she could very well be pretty ancient.
Also another interesting thing I noticed, in the recent chapter she "revealed" to Marisa that she's a youkai and asked her to keep it a secret, presumably from Reimu. Except she has already told Reimu that very early in the manga, in chapter 3. So maybe they do forget about her eventually if she doesn't make an attempt to stand out.

>> No.43373173
File: 122 KB, 850x850, __okunoda_miyoi_touhou_drawn_by_seireiart__sample-a8d60d4999ae2f5d08cbeaa941348749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically the mystery and intrigue that the protagonist is someone who can be forgotten is what brings out this manga. ZUN could take advantage of this and make one of those chapters where she would risk ceasing to exist or something. We are already in chapter 40, and touhous manga usually go up to 50. Do you think the end is near?

>> No.43373631
File: 87 KB, 944x944, FuiJp6aXwAIuYLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe whaletits manga is ending already. Miyoi still feels like fresh new character to me and her fan content hasn't catch up to Kasen and Kosuzu yet.
I remember CDS came not long after yet it feels like it still has a long way to go.
Why is time moving so fast?

>> No.43373669

Miyoi will never get that volume of art because there's just not the fanbase for it anymore
at this point in time most doujin authors left are the established ones who stick to their characters (so, EoSD to about UFO) and the most you'll get is when they toss you a bone like a miyoi/shota doujin or a cameo in a tomoki tomonori doujin

>> No.43374022
File: 291 KB, 750x750, 5e0210fa1aa5ffbb96c4284f5f0f1e59abc4a399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. There are tons of artist that exclusively draw 2hus post-UFO and lots of them came just recently. Touhou popularity and content has been on steady rise again after the reclining period, even if it's due to growing internet users in general.
It just seems like Miyoi is at the bottom in terms of popularity, compared to other manga characters. Hell, I'd figure Kosuzu would be less popular for being powerless human yet I know one Kosuzu artist, the memes she has spawned like kusarigama Kosuzu, and she has her own convention too along with Akyuu.
Maybe it has something to do with the content of the manga itself and how Miyoi take part in it. LE is indeed lacking in several places compared to WaHH and FS.

>> No.43374158

if only people would translate their works

>> No.43374178

>Miko and Seiga also have abilities that other hermits don't.
Yeah. From training. Do you ALSO not understand hermits?

Also, uh, no? Miko's hearing is an innate skill, Seiga's hole-making is a skill from a special tool. Both of them share various hermit abilities. Seiga taught Miko, Tojiko, and Futo hermit skills.

It doesn't really matter what ya think though since as I explained, it isn't explained as a hermit skill and Kasen isn't an actual hermit in the first place. She's an oni.

>> No.43374329

At least reupload them first. This recent trend of condeming reuploads and translations in the name of supporting creators is killing the other parts of the fanbase.
I was goign to suggest Kosuzu probably has more fanworks because as a character she's able to do things on her own and move almost freely (just have her tag along with a stronger human or Mamizou) compared to someone like Miyoi who stays at the bar and only visits the shrine.
But the whole point of her character is that she chose a home where she could move freely...So I guess she's just boring for creators.

>> No.43374430

she was pretty popular, I think she ranked in 50s in jp polls

>> No.43374439

>This recent trend of condemning reuploads and translations in the name of supporting creators
Huh that's a thing?

>> No.43374459

but my point is that Kasen's ability makes more sense as a hermit than as an oni. Why would an oni speak and control animals? onis are not friendly creatures, it doesn't make sense to see the original oni Kasen with little birds surrounding her and singing near her. she's too dangerous for that. On the other hand, someone pure like that Kasen who abandoned her evil and stopped being an oni (in essence) makes sense that she has an ability that makes animals want to follow her orders. The point is, Kasen is a fake hermit, yeah, we all know that. It's a lie to hide her identity, but hiding under that identity after changing her life is what allowed her to have that ability. There is no way anyone would convince me that controlling animals is her innate ability as an oni, which is the central point where this discussion started.

>> No.43374846

Most of the time we don't know where those abilities came from anyway, for some characters it just makes sense given their species, while for others they exist just because. Like, where does Kosuzu's ability even comes from, she's a human.

According to Strange Creators of Outer World:
>As a hermit, she possesses many abilities, but it's not clear as to whether her ability to communicate with animals is her own ability, or if it was derived from her status as a hermit.

So the origin is voluntarily unclear and debatable. Kasen's getting her current ability from hermit training does make sense and seems the most likely, but there's still a possibility she could originally guide oni or something, which then turned into guiding animals after cutting off her evil side.

>> No.43374938

Kosuzu's ability is stated that was a kind of mutation by over exposure to yokai's books.
Suika's gourd proves that it is required a secondary contingency to make the sake.
even in gensokyo, Nothing comes from nothing.

>> No.43375139

Kasen's ability to "speak" is probably some variation of her ability to turn youkai into other forms of youkai, so definitely derived from her oni powers

>> No.43375277
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Reimu a cute.

>> No.43375312
File: 100 KB, 382x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa continues to be very fucking small.

>> No.43375327

Marisa looking very huggable there ze

>> No.43375444

It's nice to see Reimu having friends that isn't just Marisa.

>> No.43375583
File: 296 KB, 800x1131, 84085725_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I questioned the sake bug thing ever since whale saw brewery in the gourd, inconsistencies are much more recognizable if you binge read the manga, like that time she served sake from Suika's gourd to Kanako who she thought was just a human customer.
My headcanon is that youkai constantly try to come up with explanations on how their powers work and try to make them sound realistic yet unimaginable for humans, since by Gensokyo rules it's human awe that gives them power or some other vague stuff like that.

>> No.43376064
File: 50 KB, 331x599, Unshou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure are a lot of old men in Gensokyo.

>> No.43376499
File: 216 KB, 863x1024, 1682582262676221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is zun doing?

>> No.43376541

not only reimu butt, butt sanae as well. good chapter.

>> No.43376687

>ZUN could take advantage of this and make one of those chapters where she would risk ceasing to exist or something.
That was what happened a few chapters ago when Suika went to old hell, Miyoi disappeared, and everyone at Geidontei thought it was just the old man working there. Miyoi didn't know where the gourd or Suika was so Yuugi helped her out. I don't know why Miyoi didn't just go back to Geidontei but maybe it's like that one zashiki warashi in the backdoor world explaining that they need to change homes from time to time and it's not a good idea for her to go back to the bar indefinitely.

Miyoi has the problem of needing to actually know something about her character since she doesn't have any stand out simple aspects. "She cooks good, can't be remembered, and gives you nightmares when you get drunk". All she has for secondaries is a big pair of boobs.

>> No.43377290

>but hiding under that identity after changing her life is what allowed her to have that ability. There is no way anyone would convince me that controlling animals is her innate ability as an oni, which is the central point where this discussion started.
I know. You're looking at evidence that she's had 0 training, doesn't understand hermits, doesn't know what they do or how to be one, and thinking "well, this ability that another hermit we know about thinks is basically impossible for hermits to do must be a hermit ability".

Anon, Miko who we DO know had extensive training can only think of a case where there was a guy who was liked by--not a guy who guided or spoke to--dragons. Then she describes Kasen's ability as superhuman. Kasen herself also describes her ability in a natural way. She says animals CAN speak and that she's able to speak with them after Miko expresses bewilderment that a hermit would consort with animals. In the first place hermits don't "consort", they seclude, which is why in that chapter Miko points out that she "has disciples" but doesn't really want them.

Kasen thinks hermits are "wise and immortal beings who are the peak of humanity/can become celestials" but doesn't gather what they actually can do beyond that since she's just an oni trying to make up for her extensive past sins.

>> No.43377314

>Kosuzu's ability is stated that was a kind of mutation by over exposure to yokai's books.
That's not true actually. Or at least, if it's true I don't remember that ever being stated.

Remember: her ability is just being able to read any language. She HAS developed it recently from before FS starts, but I don't recall anything specifying that it was born of contact to or attempts to read youma books.

>> No.43377360

Touhou manga don't "usually" anything, since their lengths vary somewhat wildly.

You could argue that Lotus Eaters being similar in vibe to WaHH and Forbidden Scrollery means it's probably going to end soon though, that is true. WaHH ended at 50 and FS ended at 53.

>> No.43377369

Now that i think about it, outside of Rinnosuke, is there any other handsome looking guy in the manga? Most are really old grandpas, school children, or ugly mutants.
While the average village girls are super cute.

>> No.43377402
File: 60 KB, 302x325, Hungry_villager1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This swanky fucker is not only a looker but also a complete baller. 100% Reimu's future husband material.

>> No.43377457

suzy was bitten by a radioactive book and developed book senses

>> No.43377572
File: 100 KB, 688x326, 1682956693967385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these two old men are you?

>> No.43377604

Mustachio, no doubt about it.

>> No.43377626

Me the tsukkomi grumpy ojiisan on the left

>> No.43377871

The based bald dude with mustache, he knows the truth about Gensokyo.

>> No.43378265

The druggie is rather good-looking, if very disheveled. Really just tie his hair back and shave a bit and he'd be fucking Eientei's rabbits like... rabbit.

>> No.43378418

Is that professor oak on the right?

>> No.43378560
File: 373 KB, 640x918, rLd03p5QbQoZ5y-qhrSSjMa58PIZvIBRatMgg1I-GEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These old ugly bastards get to hang out with touhous.

>> No.43378980

Who are these few lucky bastards who got up there with the 2hus?
Smelling 2hus up close.....I'm jealous

>> No.43379143

Imagine being the lucky ugly bastard that got to sit next to the Yuyu and gets a whiff of her softness...

>> No.43379173

It's worded weird but it can work with the current explanation.
What she's saying is not that the sake comes FROM her gourd. It's that the sake they use is the same as hers, because it literally is, except when they serve it they water it down, while Suika only steals the pure essence of it.
So yeah Gensokyo's sake being Suika's but watered down can make sense.

>> No.43379415 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 283x333, 1652435251213243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this lad

>> No.43379421

Youmu's boyfriends

>> No.43383782
File: 338 KB, 400x661, ekisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Fortune Teller was allowed to pose normally and act calmly I'd rate him pretty high desu, I'd argue his "creepy" youkai-ified face enhances his looks if anything

>> No.43387031
File: 1.58 MB, 1606x1160, moldy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Suika clean the gourd if it's always full of alcohol

>> No.43387572

It's not always full, there's only a gourd full each time she uncorks it. All she had to do is empty the content and clean it before corking it.

>> No.43395950

Ok Kosuzu

>> No.43395960

Something tells me Suika would be down to fuck if you asked her.

>> No.43398750

How would you know?

>> No.43399881

I'd prefer it if it were Kasen or Yuugi but this little goblin works too I guess

>> No.43399950

I love that this thread has more discussion solely because we got a new info on how Suika's gourd works, and also a bit more about oni I guess.
What's next, will we find out Yuugi's dish doesn't actually make sake taste better, but it has properties that changes your taste buds so you only *think* it tastes better?

>> No.43403988

ZUN should give more insight to these too since this is alcohol manga after all. That and Kasen's sake cup that has healing properties iirc.
But ZUN probably only care much about Suika in this manga.

>> No.43405772

>What's next, will we find out Yuugi's dish doesn't actually make sake taste better, but it has properties that changes your taste buds so you only *think* it tastes better?
Its more about the method than the result, it would only make any difference to you if you care about the method.

>> No.43406454

I wish this manga would introduce some of the more unique drinks in Gensokyo

>> No.43406563

You know what?

Miyoi would look even better pregnant and lactating

>> No.43406571

You bet it, buddy

>> No.43406605

Is miyoi the town bike for all these drunken old men

>> No.43406611
File: 183 KB, 355x439, GeidonteiOwner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, jiji

>> No.43406645

Obviously. How do you think she got those knockers?

>> No.43406647

What you don't want a drink from her fat titties

>> No.43406674

How do whale milk taste like?

>> No.43406815

Yuugi's dish is sought after because you'll never spill your drink when using her dish.

>> No.43413792

Having sex with Miyoi is shit since you'd forget you've shagged her when you wake up the next day.

>> No.43413842

and that's a good thing!

>> No.43415242

I sure forget every single time how boring her shitty manga is.

>> No.43415468

This is hot actually. She can have as much sex with random villagers as she wants then act like nothing happened the next day only to do it again!

>> No.43415511

You think she playable in next phantasmagoria?

>> No.43415540

ZUN has always been a footfag

>> No.43417230

sake is shit

>> No.43417564

What druggie?

>> No.43417819

This dude >>43379415

>> No.43421489
File: 177 KB, 1000x1413, drug dealer peddling his filth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy addicted to antidepressants.
