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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 315 KB, 1920x1080, Bioshock2 2010-02-09 02-53-21-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4334746 No.4334746 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese loli harvesting ADAM.

>> No.4334748

How can you tell she's Japanese?

>> No.4334756

Murder Females, Acquire ADAM

>> No.4334759

Frilly dress and bow in hair

>> No.4334769

Is that some underwater System Shock 2?

>> No.4334776
File: 910 KB, 800x943, 1265637129966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bioshock popular in Japan? It has a lot of art for a shooter.

>> No.4334782
File: 216 KB, 1200x800, e6f9b9b9b26bffa5ac76853201b89ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be the little sisters.

Japan loves imouto

>> No.4334793
File: 82 KB, 480x719, 13c040bacdc046b58c3442eefb3085ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I don't really like art that makes them look cute.

>> No.4334796

Wait, the first one was called underwater System Shock 2.
Is this underwater System Shock 3?

>> No.4334800

Oh dear. I actually find it a little regretful that it's hard to find Japanese fan material for western games just due to the language barrier, since it seems there's a fair bit for a variety of games. There was a batch of rather fun, cute Fallout 3 comics on /tg/ some time ago, for example, but I never quite managed to figure out what they were about.

>> No.4334807

System Shock 2 was System Shock 2. Bioshock was underwater System Shock 2. Bioshock 2 will be... err... underwater System Shock 2 2?

>> No.4334813

I'm Underwater Ray Romano

>> No.4334823

Just bought it. Bioshock has yet to beat System Shock 2 for me. Maybe Bio 2 will manage.

>> No.4334827
File: 203 KB, 800x800, 1209125945734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4334828

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2?

>> No.4334831
File: 232 KB, 950x1351, 1219687217135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4334842

Didn't Bioshock 2 get released today? Any uploads yet?

>> No.4334844


The ones with the FFXI goblin?

>> No.4334845

Everywhere man.
I haven't played anything in this series. Any good?

>> No.4334848

Try Razor1911's upload. It has some missing files though.

>> No.4334851
File: 139 KB, 555x453, remiliabat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that! Those were... well, cute. Pity I didn't save 'em. Most of them were decipherable despite the lack of moonrune knowledge.

Hur hur, you said "doodie".

>> No.4334855

It's a great game. You'll love Rapture. The music and the atmosphere are awesome.
>It has some missing files though.
Is it still playable? What's missing?

>> No.4334861

There's a separate torrent for those "Missing Files", haven't finished downloading the game, can't give you more details.

Personally I like the creative ways you could off'd enemies in the first game.

>> No.4334864

i'm downloading toothless' version, do i need any extra files or anything?

>> No.4334865

Thanks. Gettint it.

>> No.4334866
File: 161 KB, 500x333, evilmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the 'shocks, I am certain none will surpass the horror of System Shock 2's psionic laser chimpanzees. Those fuckers were vicious. I nearly went into cardiac arrest every time a solemn, silent "eek eek ook" drifted down the hallways of the Von Braun.

>> No.4334874

All of it is golden on bitgamer, not that I need the upload.

>> No.4334876

If you haven't played the first Bioshock, then you obviously don't know about saving lolis.
If you save enough they leave you a teddy bear, I HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH'd.

>> No.4334890

I HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH'd everytime they cried for Mr Bubbles. And then I walk over to harvest ADAM from her stomach.

>> No.4334896

I played Bioshock first and it sparked curiosity in me about System Shock.
After many tries I could successfully run it on XP and... my god... It was so much better and terrifying game.

>> No.4334897

I'd rather reinstall Deus Ex.

>> No.4334898

I cried with them for Mr. Bubbles, then I hunt down everyone who harvests them with drills.

>> No.4334903
File: 145 KB, 480x798, midwife_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwives and giant arachnids would like a word with you. Alone. In a dark room filled with eggs.
Come to think of it, the whole enemy roster was terrifying.

I knew you had good taste, sir.

>> No.4334906

Glorious japanese don't like barbarian killing shooters like fat gaijin scum.

>> No.4334913

Cyborg-Midwife: so moe

>> No.4334921


You know

>>>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

always scared me more than anything in SS or Bioshock for whatever reason.

>> No.4334922

Pooh-pooh! Midwives, one good hit with a rifle and they're gone, like everything else. Spiders? A few hits. But the monkeys... those little fuckers were hard to hit, but most of the time when you meet them you have only the wrench to go with. Squeaky little fuckers.

>> No.4334934

I think that Bioshock 2 would appeal to the true lovers of little girls, not the filthy pigs who'd defile their grace. So, dividing /jp/ into 3 (The true, saviours and purveyors of loli-love, the filth, and those who wish to be the little girl of one of the aforementioned two) we should have 33.33...% of /jp/ on board. Defend your little sisters well, there's nothing more depressing than one without their own Mr. Bubbles.

>> No.4336518

When any splicers bother my little sister when she's harvesting, I drill charge the fuck out of them. Feels good

>> No.4336534

I have to admit I am looking forward to Bioshock 2 due to this whole "protect your loli" deal.

>> No.4336551

already beat the game, you need to download faster

>> No.4336563

Too busy playing Mass Effect 2. I like to take it easy.

>> No.4336573

already beat mass effect 2. Not like we have anything else to do with our time

>> No.4336581

What about school, a job, family, basic self-maintenance?

>> No.4336592
File: 45 KB, 228x236, 1256733379974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>school, a job, family, basic self-maintenance

>> No.4336608

well I could study for calculus or work out or help my sister with bioshock 2, I just don't.

>> No.4336610

I'm sure we at least have family and, ummm..., maintenance.

>> No.4336613

I thought that Dead Space took more from System Shock 2 than Bioshock.

>> No.4336626

bioshock and system shock have nothing in common.

>> No.4336631


Most of us who are actually NEET's pretty much keep ourselves to ourselves and don't interact with our family (assuming we still live at home) unless absolutely unavoidable.

>> No.4336707

Aside from being developed by the same team, having some of the subplots from the previous game and Bioshock being a spiritual successor to SS2!


Watch this video at 03:30

>> No.4336784
File: 112 KB, 707x500, ror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4336812

And still, both games are nothing alike.
Also, it would be fair to Bioshock to NOT compare it to SS2. It only shows how much is a gap between a good game and a masterpiece.

>> No.4338201
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, Bioshock2 2010-02-09 12-46-26-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come get your Little Sister reward
