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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4329465 No.4329465 [Reply] [Original]

After my exams I'm going to live in JApan for a few years. A friend of mine moved to Australia 5 years ago and is moving to Japan the same time as I so we're going to live together. I don't have to be afraid I won't find a job since he has found a job there as a teacher through his JApanese teacher in Australia ánd he has arranged some odd jobs on the school he's going to work for me. Right, so, I was wondering about a few things and they're manga-related, please don't kill me.
1. I'd like to go to a manga-like school myself. I heard there are manga-schools in Japan to learn how to draw manga. Do you think they'd accept me there?
2. I'm 18 now but I hope I will be a great mangaka when I'm 25 years old. I'd love to find an editor or something like that there to publish my own manga. I know it sounds stupid, but I'd like to know how hard that is for a foreigner or for a Japanese person even. Do you think I should start drawing doujinshi and sell it at Comiket or something like that?
'Scuse my English

>> No.4329468

Figure out how to speak japanese fluently first

>> No.4329476
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>>Do you think I should start drawing doujinshi and sell it at Comiket or something like that?

>> No.4329482

Few to none western mangakas have ever achieved even moderate sucess. I can say, without a shadow of doubt, that you won't be the exception.
Regarding the 'manga school' they'll accept you as long as you speak fluently and pay them.

>> No.4329483

Argh, how long will that take me? I was hoping I could be dependant of my friend the while time lol. I only know Hiragana (hooray for My Japanese Coach) but got lazy and stopped learning JApanese.
Is it really that stupid...?

>> No.4329487

Hey guys, I wanna be a big shot mangaka but I can't draw cute girls or manly men. What do?

>> No.4329488
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>> No.4329491

Well I know one that works on Prince of Tennis manga as an assisten. But you are right, I was just hoping that living in Japan would give me more chance.

>> No.4329493

First of all, are you a shit artist?

>> No.4329499

I envy you, OP.

I'm going to move to Germany soon. Better country than Japan in every way, but it doesn't have DA-ZE

>> No.4329501

>First of all, do you draw moe?

>> No.4329506
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>>I hope I will be a great mangaka when I'm 25 years old

>> No.4329508

>shit artist
you decide for yourself


What is DA-ZE?

>> No.4329510

Remember to greet everyone with SIEG HEIL.

>> No.4329513
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>Hey guys, I wanna be a big shot mangaka but I can't draw cute girls or manly men. What do?

Draw cute men and manly girls.

>> No.4329515

Hahaha oh wow

>> No.4329519

I live in Holland actually which is close. I went to Germany a few times, it's a nice country. Why are you going to Germany? Why not to Japan if you envy me?

>> No.4329525
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>> No.4329527

You and everyone else Op....

>> No.4329532

Because Japan has no jobs for an engineer of my field, neither does Sweden.

>> No.4329533

Bro, you should email Fred Gallagher

>> No.4329586


>> No.4329591

Every time I see that faggot's name I start wondering, "Which one of the Oasis brothers is this?" and then facepalm when I finally remember who he is.

>> No.4329593

Alright your art isn't offensively bad, there are worse Japanese artists than you who have jobs making manga out there. However worse is a subjective statement here, for one thing an artist might make less detailed or refined art but be able to crank out pages at the speed of sound. Another artist might be kind of shit at drawing but writes a story that well compensates for everything else.

But unless you have amazing speed and excellent art you'll never make it in Japan. You are one unknown artist in a sea of thousands all trying to be the next big thing in manga, while some may be worse than you in terms of talent many more will be far superior through their sheer slavish devotion to the field. Coupled with Japan's notorious xenophobia and the chances of a non-Japanese becoming a successful mangaka approaches 0, Japanese people will see a western name on the front of the book and immediately put it down, publishers will treat you like a black guy trying to get a job in the days before Political Correctness, you will be reviled by critics simply for being white.

Your dream is doomed to failure and the experience will destroy your pathetic illusions of Japanese culture ruining your self-esteem in the process.

Give up on Japan. Give up on Manga. Give up on Anime. Stop drawing "anime style", learn to draw in your own unique way. Westernize your art a bit so it doesn't seem like just another weeaboo shit scribble. Then try and either publish western comic books or start another webcomic.

>> No.4329618

I understand what you mean, I'm actually trying to go away from manga and I'm always experimenting (I even draw realism). What if I use a Japanese name while publishing manga? And CLAMP or Oh!Great aren't Japanese names so as long as I can draw a good manga and my nationality stays a secret, there could be a smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll chance. Or am I just making shit up because I can't accept the truth? Baww

>> No.4329626

This, except the trendy idea of making another shitty web comic. It's just as inbringing as being a blogger or youtuber.

>> No.4329633

>i even draw realism
This should be a given
learn to realism -> apply realism stylistically = moe animu shit

>> No.4329643
File: 25 KB, 538x383, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know, I'm actually drawing realism so my art gets better. I want to have a semi-realism style but I need to know the basics first. Pic related, a realism study of mine (one I really like).

>> No.4329695

Don't draw manga.

>> No.4329702


The Japanese name will protect you from the fans but not the publishers, unless you can hide your identity from them you're still going to be black balled. And this is just me pointing out the extra shit you'll have to go through to get published, you'll still have to do all the grunt work it takes to get noticed in the first place such as getting a portfolio of existing work together.

Hiding your identity wouldn't work without a Japanese friend to represent you anyway, to get noticed you'd need to sell those doujins at comiket and if they saw a white guy behind the table they'd give you a wide berth. Get some Jap to do it and he'll get all the credit for you work, probably even force you to split the profits with him.

Like I said, you're a drop in the ocean of competing artists and you'll start out with considerable handicaps.

Yeah webcomics are an over stuffed, shitty medium and always have been. It's still a viable option for an artist interested in making a living off of their art, if nothing else making a webcomic with regular updates shows you can work to a schedule and make art of a consistent quality. If you're really lucky it'll take off and you'll make money off of it but honestly webcomics are better as something you can pad a portfolio with when you're starting out.

>> No.4329835

>Coupled with Japan's notorious xenophobia... etc. etc. etc.

Why do so many people think this? Does this Anon speak from experience?

I've been living and working in Japan for years and I've never had trouble with xenophobia...

>if they saw a white guy behind the table they'd give you a wide berth.
I sell stuff at comike and this is bullshit. How many times have you been to comike, >>4329702 ?

Stupid troll.

>> No.4330262

>learn to realism -> apply realism stylistically = moe animu shit
This is what people with no drawing talent actually believe.
