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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.09 MB, 3000x3500, 1681334236389646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43231449 No.43231449 [Reply] [Original]

She found it!

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/TvphxCpZ#x1zd5XVy8-c-MEh9pKTJFw

>> No.43231450
File: 106 KB, 748x1024, Cheshire_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, we are free...

>> No.43231451

True and based, I try to shave it every week when I go to work.

>> No.43231453

Wtf is this real?

>> No.43231457 [DELETED] 
File: 844 KB, 1500x1731, 1675956629414970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!!

>> No.43231463
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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah POG

>> No.43231475
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 2PEQH9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure confidence in that stride

>> No.43231556
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I could write something today maybe I dunno

>> No.43231561
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It can't be helped.

>> No.43231568

Steamy, intimate, breath-huffing session with a centaur or whitehorn.

>> No.43231582
File: 472 KB, 691x954, bapho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43231721

Maybe but anon is still her master in the end...

>> No.43231893
File: 1.37 MB, 1600x2000, Hellhound - Preggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write about pregnant mamono!
> Just when you thought your pelvis was safe...
> Your wife's pregnancy hormones kick in

>> No.43231979
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shapely figure

>> No.43232119
File: 116 KB, 1197x1057, 1675471044659201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In case you people have forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city.
>Apophis is not the law. I am the law.

>> No.43232195

>Laborers, 1 minute past their allotted 5 minute break time, behind schedule, call it rookie.

>> No.43232371

why does my shog keep making food suspended in a weird grey aspic?
it's still delicious though.

>> No.43232375

i suppose we should consider ourselves fortunate ms anubis does not adhere to the oldest laws but she really ought to get with the times

>> No.43232420

Gelatin is good for your hair and nails.

>> No.43232446
File: 1.59 MB, 865x1484, 41fab24153a11bded9ff224fed30534f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43232466

Do you charge your automatons with GaN Chargers and not the old fashion silicon based chargers?

>> No.43232851
File: 196 KB, 500x474, Shoggoth - Heart Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I, a cat? Is Miss Shog just doting on me like some kind of pet?
> Oh, god, Miss Shog is
> Bathing me
> Feeding me
> Petting me
> She thinks I'm just her pet!
I am going to have to go show Miss Shog that I am definitely not some dumb pet. I might even have to hold her down and fuck her right in her dumb shog pussy.
Then she'll have to admit I'm not some pet for her to
> Buy "cute outfits" for when we're out together on walks
> Go with me on doctors visits to make sure we both hear what they say about me.
> Give flea and tick baths for days when we met that kikimora at the beach.

>> No.43233160

the fuck is this technobable, just plug 'em

>> No.43233406
File: 1.60 MB, 2583x3241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with blood

>> No.43233423

clockwork key (erogenous)

>> No.43233581
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>> No.43233666
File: 685 KB, 2150x3035, Fn8zPpwagAA_sGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43233686
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1679463219020608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck werecats

>> No.43233696
File: 780 KB, 2231x4096, Fh2_9XlWQAEYx2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43233709

i wish to, but it's that easy

>> No.43233730

*NOT that easy. clearly an hacker kut edited my post.

>> No.43233844
File: 725 KB, 1000x1403, Selkie_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Selkie enters your boat, demanding petting, high fives and fish. What do?


>> No.43233872

i suppose i could high-five

>> No.43233887
File: 147 KB, 833x1200, 1678758347934596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilim appreciation post, I wish I woke up next to a lilim...

>> No.43233913

Just molest her ears and ignore any cry for mercy until She purrs.

>> No.43233935

I love sea seals but KC butchered them and put them on a generic anime girl. Sad and cringe.

>> No.43233963

leopard seals get up to 12 feet long
so maybe 3m selkie?

>> No.43233982

She is not a real sea seals mermaid, I'm not interested.

>> No.43233991
File: 207 KB, 900x1206, 1650686966727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to eat all the penguins tho

>> No.43234039

i'm not sure i can eat the poor cute penguin.

>> No.43234070

Hate how a seal girl slot was wasted on cosplay joke

>> No.43234078

too furry

>> No.43234099

he just wanted a kigu mm, in japan the costume thing is more popular.

>> No.43234117

be neat if they could lean into the cosplay thing and wear other demonbeast skins

>> No.43234141

That's not even a button nose.

>> No.43234169

I mean isn't Selkie RL lord that they take off their seal wear as if it was a suit or just clothes? If so KC is staying true to that.

>> No.43234183

Yeah yeah, I know but still disappointed.

>> No.43234345

Though I'm curious how you would handle her? How would you present her?

>> No.43234455
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>> No.43234496
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>> No.43234497

Love dominant Anubis
She just needs some cuddles and lovin, she'll go easier on people then

>> No.43234579

I like both of those flavors of fox and everything in between.

>> No.43234622

Monsters will worsen your severe porn addiction with real sex

>> No.43234770
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1681483769557126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with a sudden very high-level monster encounter as a level 1 adventurer?

>> No.43234778

I mean if you have sex alot, would you even bother with porn?

>> No.43234786


>> No.43234789

Dwarves are just magical midgets they’re nothing special.

>> No.43234791

>porn addiction
>real sex

>> No.43234802
File: 43 KB, 638x760, Manticore - Baby Mants!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? How are you possibly going to stay addicted to porn if your wife is paying any attention to you at all?
> I'm into cosplay.
Boom, wife has outfits.
> I'm into shidding and farting.
Boom. Wife is eating all the beans.
> I'm into anal.
Boom. Wife buys a strap-on to use on you.
> I'm into handholding.
Boom. Wife holds your hand--even in public.

It's just that simple--you cannot find a pornographic endeavor that your wife can't replicate. PLUS she's hornier than you. That's one of the central themes of mamono--you're the one who's going to end up sexed out, not her.

>> No.43234805

Yandere Vibes.

>> No.43234817

play dead, just like with bears and tigers.

>> No.43234829
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x4093, vampiregirl_sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream about the vampire girl from MGQ last night. The lesson I learned is that gazers aren't the only girls you should never lock eyes with if you value your virginity.

>> No.43234868

Kite her back into town and use the town guard to defeat her with numbers.

>> No.43234870
File: 511 KB, 997x1217, Ghoul - Thicc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fake your death in front of high-level monster.
> She has you dragged off to Miss Lich.
> Miss Lich immediately recognizes that you're faking.
> Locks you in a room with one of her "adopted children" and says you can come out when she's pregnant.
> Ghoulish End.

>> No.43234899

>I had a dream about the vampire girl from MGQ last night

>> No.43234916

drop an arm then walk away

>> No.43234918
File: 82 KB, 1280x1280, face_209_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your lich, bro

>> No.43234920
File: 2.25 MB, 2500x3000, 1460165376653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the song of her people?


>> No.43234924
File: 244 KB, 712x697, patreon_gazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, everyone!
I see we've already had some lovely art and discussion, and I hope that all continues.

>> No.43234938

Not emotionless enough.

>> No.43234952

Kikimora and Shoggoth clean one another and prepare each other for Mastah. Could be lewd, could be not lewd, since for Kiki, cleaning the Shog is just cleaning the house.

>> No.43234954

She's all tattered.

>> No.43235086
File: 274 KB, 1290x1821, Ft0wrB1aIAY_OwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come out to play anon in this beautiful spring day, it's almost summer and your auntie is waiting for you outside

>> No.43235184

What does she think about having kids. Just curious haha.

>> No.43235186

We talked about this last thread.
Gazer, Basilisk, Cockatrice, Owl Mage, Vampire (according to legend), and Medusa all have powerful gazes. High level Succubi and other Inma (Arch Imp, Lilim) can probably get away with something as well.

>> No.43235197


>> No.43235203
File: 3.27 MB, 2480x3508, 98556117_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a hag.

>> No.43235312
File: 1.19 MB, 1586x2048, foxsith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my friend

>> No.43235350


>> No.43235353
File: 3.79 MB, 2515x3564, 107245714_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her you got the wrong room

>> No.43235361
File: 1.38 MB, 860x1214, 2d8fe758882646ed4517c3a20b6b8e19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't just filename a furry as sith and get away with it anon!!!

>> No.43235400

Who is this demon?!

>> No.43235462

Pretends to be the greatest monster of all a human woman and if you can still love her she reveals her true monstergirl form and the two of you live happily ever after. In all seriousness monsters disguising themselves as humans then revealing their mamano nature when their new husband can't (or won't) escape is underutilized so it would be nice if selkie had a somewhat unique gimmick like that. Goes without saying that making her seal parts a sleeping bag instead of committing to a more monstrous aspect was a mistake too.

>> No.43235522

say hi and ask if she want to have a date, have the date, go to the inn, fuck the old girl till her hips give out

>> No.43235542

the leather club is two doors down?

>> No.43235554

I've heard there's a mischievous gang of cheshire delinquents that cast spells on anon's waifus to temporarily sith them for a day or two. So be careful when you plan a vacation to Wonderland! Don't go into those strange neighborhoods!

>> No.43235557

But you haven't presented what her form would be. As in her monster form.

>> No.43235586


>> No.43235599

Seal lower body like a mammalian lamia

>> No.43235653
File: 343 KB, 760x950, FtqW0HtaYAAkEjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always was

>> No.43235677

fight till the end
surrender,giving up and run away those words don't exist for me

>> No.43235693

way to get 2koma'd

>> No.43235709

what happens if my wife is already a sith?

>> No.43235729

ignoring her till she speaks then civilly talking then walking away, then going back to the cute autistic mob faced kiki inn owner

>> No.43235733

That's literally how the Selkie folklore works though? They're women who turn into seals with their skins, similar to how a Gallizenae may do it with an animal pelt.

>> No.43235736 [DELETED] 

See the bottom left panel of this comic: >>43235361
Giant ball of fur

>> No.43235803

>Make a hobby out of travelling across Zipangu and the Mist Continent repairing old abandoned unkempt shrines and temples alone
How long does handyman anon last?

>> No.43235826

Ah, I see. A seal mermaid basically

>> No.43235837

just wear sunglasses with mirrors, then if they try to use their eye beam at you they'll use it on themselves like a dummy.

>> No.43235844

he's doing pretty good if he makes it off the boat

>> No.43235868
File: 58 KB, 850x1019, 1681657657747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you do if your classmate became a vampire, anon?
especially if she confesses her long time crush on you?
oh and also you have the ability to kill reality itself or something but that's not relevant right now.

>> No.43235873

Imagine getting coiled up by a lamia using her hypnotic eyes and voice, bonus points if they're a hebi using spirit fire too

>> No.43235889 [DELETED] 

so i should just go around with a blindfold and learn the ability to see with using my eyes?

>> No.43235899

The good ending

>> No.43235906

>oh and also you have the ability to kill reality itself
then I do it right away to fuck over my idiot neighbour Jerry.

>> No.43235929


>> No.43235955

so i should just go around with a blindfold and learn the ability to see without using my eyes?
damn so i can be the blind swordsman archetype then?sagsh

>> No.43235957

That's insta loss anon

>> No.43235986

Yes anon, blind yourself. Surely that won't make you more of a target for monsters, all helpless and vulnerable like that.

>> No.43236003

Not much to tell.
>On a night walk
>Heard a girl say my name and turned around
>Looked into her eyes and felt my body tense up
>Commanded to kneel and she drank my blood
>Complimented me on the flavor of my blood and said she would have to keep tabs on me
>Wake up after she put her hand in my pants and I got too excited

>> No.43236035

nah, i still need them but i both dont want to get controlled and not see any woman that is not one of my wives

>> No.43236043

Pudgy aunt needs to be more active and get a better diet. I guess I'll have to start cooking for her and going on runs with her until she finds a husband.

>> No.43236078

That depends. Is she cute?

>> No.43236133

but she's competing with a giga super vampire that is quite literally the perfect being and also the avatar of the earth itself.
and also against a french woman but who cares about her.

>> No.43236155

I guess I'll have to pick one of the girls that have an actual romance route then. French it is.

>> No.43236176
File: 779 KB, 700x1000, Arcueid.Brunestud.full.1899858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bone my sister, the twin maids, the old hag vampire, the nun, the vampiric alchemist, the cat familiar and her evil counter part, my old wizard sensei.

>> No.43236185

she'll get a route soon™
for some reason she's included in the side where you fuck your half demon sister

>> No.43236247

>old wizard
that the one with the red hair? fucking love mages with long crimson hair and a penchant for pyromancy

>> No.43236255

Far Side was always superior.

>> No.43236270
File: 663 KB, 817x1245, 1108140758958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The beam spammer.

>> No.43236300

Sion has such a great design. Very arousing.

>> No.43236313
File: 304 KB, 1200x1400, 1570495318.akaunkel_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot convince me that Geizah-chan has all those sharp teeth but isn't a biter. If nothing else, she'll nibble you now and again.

>> No.43236325 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2644x2494, Ftmd6MnaMAcb8Qg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highly brushable teeth

>> No.43236371

Exotic mouths lead to extremely sniffable breaths. Gazer is on the top tier bucket list of girls' breath to sniff.

>> No.43236402
File: 523 KB, 1039x1500, tanuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snouts are pretty exotic.

>> No.43236410

Is there ANYTHING that you can safely drink post-portal?
>Milk gets you claimed by a cow
>Alcohol gets you claimed by the drunk monsters
>Water gets you claimed by an undine
>Soda machines gets you claimed by pyrows
>Tea gets you claimed by Wonderland
>Juice gets you claimed by a plant
I don't know a monster that exclusively drinks coffee or produces it so maybe that's the safe option.

>> No.43236421

bear grylls style it is

>> No.43236430

>furfaggot subhuman
>responding to the /trash/tard attention whore on top of that
Rope yourself

>> No.43236431

Biters get the gag

>> No.43236439 [DELETED] 

The fact that the furshit isn't being deleted is further evidence that the jannies are the ones posting it.

>> No.43236459

Shirley Temple, to disappoint the alcoholic monsters

>> No.43236461

If you haven't noticed yet, it's always a circlejerk of same 2-3 faggots responding to each other. No idea what can we do about that trash, but getting visibly mad is probably not the solution.

>> No.43236462

Coffee gets you claimed by an Anubis

>> No.43236463

Look, I don't have a problem with siths per se. I would friend one, but anything intimate is off the table unless she's my last option. And I see breath sniffing as an intimate action.

That being said, the only girls that're hard nos on breath sniffing for me are mushrooms, succubi and all their subspecies, and foxes. And of course, the girls that don't have breath to sniff like slimes, skeletons, etc. So yeah, I guess I would sniff sith breath, but we're talking lowest priority here. Maybe a nice cu sith could be bumped up a few spots in the line, but that's a big, conditional IF.

>> No.43236472

arachne fiending for that caffeine

>> No.43236490

Ordering non-alcoholic drinks means that you have to be the one to drive the alcoholics home.

>> No.43236498

>The second you look away they put enough alcohol in it to make an oni blush
You will have drunken sex anon

>> No.43236508 [DELETED] 

riding on hammered ms whitehorns back trying to steer her stumbles in the right direction

>> No.43236522

People are too complacent about these waste of oxygen faggots. Everyone needs to start telling them to kys until they get the message.

>> No.43236538

I'd sniff Miss Whitehorn's breath first to make sure she really did drink heavily, so that I know that me riding her home isn't some ploy to trap me in her cabin and rape me fashionable deer style. Even if I know she's faking it, I'm still going to purposely walk into the trap.

>> No.43236539

doesn't tend to work well on attention seekers but you do you

>> No.43236542

I don't have a driver's license, so they have to walk home anyway.
Not taking eyes off the glass, then.

>> No.43236557

>I don't have a driver's license
Then you're not old enough to post here.

>> No.43236564

>Assuming they live in a state where you have to drive
Gay car dependence is gay

>> No.43236566

You, yourself, are responding to a false flag of concern trolling.

>> No.43236569

Oh you'll just get grabbed by an oni then. You can't escape mamonos anon

>> No.43236570

Not gonna lie lately these threads have been pretty bad.

>> No.43236583

I would rather be dependent on a car out in the sticks than live in a city full of niggers.

>> No.43236603

/monster/ has been sabotaging the threads so more Anons go to their shithole bunker. Just post as you normally would and ignore it.

>> No.43236604
File: 3.12 MB, 318x348, 1617823330015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible, but at least I'm showing that there are still some people who care instead of quietly leaving.

>> No.43236626

Yes for the same reason that's been said a hundred times already. All the retarded subhuman scum from /d/, /trash/ and various discord servers were riled up by KC telling the NTR faggots to fuck off and also some failed coup on the wiki.

>> No.43236637

Are bogeys really that big? I might need to reconsider my opinions on them.

>> No.43236641

Same is true of bogies.

>> No.43236653
File: 341 KB, 620x877, 1675714690098548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath morning, noon, and night!

>> No.43236659

Did he just pop a boner and that’s why she’s acting like that.

>> No.43236693
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, 1614643488660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monster girls are defined by the size of their melee weapons

>> No.43236716

>e failed coup on the wiki.
ni hao failed?
The first chinese failure in centuries... Millenia, even.

>> No.43236719

She must be one of those elite variants, the red eyes are a dead giveaway.

>> No.43236722

When a mino's eyes have turned red, you're in serious danger. Even if she isn't expressing anger or distress outwardly, you're in danger. Well, your pelvis and virginity is in danger.

>> No.43236729
File: 375 KB, 1444x2048, 85NEPJn8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the ones fighting with bare hands. Jinkos do have big paws, so I'll count that.

>> No.43236748

squish those pads

>> No.43236759

Cute jaguar.

>> No.43236765

She could have great success fighting with these milkers as well.

>> No.43236831

I tell that i am sorry it was my first day, then turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.43236857

>High level Succubi and other Inma (Arch Imp, Lilim) can probably get away with something as well.
I remember KC mentioning evil eyes while describing Demonic pleasure tattoos,it's an impressive if somewhat delicate and expensive tattoo in the eye itself

>> No.43236862
File: 451 KB, 823x1070, 1582586571290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a very loving shog!

>> No.43236863

R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

>> No.43236867
File: 812 KB, 1200x1363, 1416272220982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis would make great fighters, if they wanted to be

>> No.43236874

Shog is your toilet. You shit in her mouth and you wipe with her tongue.

>> No.43236889
File: 312 KB, 1023x1975, FmmaB1yagAI67Bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high level grappler for sure.
if you see a ribbed sweater you're done for

>> No.43236893
File: 285 KB, 1363x1301, 1619385979674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine waking up with your head resting on her thighs.
I want to fuck Lilim thighs

>> No.43236922

Why is she looking at me like that?

>> No.43236939

She thinks it's funny that you don't know you're already raped

>> No.43236959 [DELETED] 

i never been but how close is /PMMM/ to the old madoka thread on /a/?

>> No.43236965

>you're already raped
But I'm not!

>> No.43237016

Yall need to stop posting these goats. I'm too coomerbrained to resist.

>> No.43237036
File: 408 KB, 819x1200, Genie_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mentioned in the genie's extra info:
"As written in the profile, this time's update, “Genie-chan's” body is endowed with a spell formula for magic that grants wishes. Her very existence itself is a magical vessel which could be said to be almighty. There are various ways of using magic, such as chanting incantations or preparing magic circles... In other words, “spell formulas” are required. Basically, it is necessary to study them to a certain degree, memorize them, and practice. But they have the “spell formula” incorporated into their instinct itself as well as their biological structure in the first place, so just like humans innately know how to breathe, and wolves innately know how to bite their prey, they innately know how to wield magic. Races such as “owl mage”, “gazer”, etc. that are endowed with evil eye, wicked eye, and so on, and monsters such as “succubus”, etc. that are innately masters of seduction magic are the same way.

Also, there are broad categories of spells called “systems of magic”, like “necromancy”, “elemental magic”, etc. which have been mentioned in profile text. Among those, there is a system of magic called “teletomancy” which uses magic circles, altars, offerings, the performance of rituals, etc. to charge up mana and use big spells. The power Genie-chan uses is classified as “teletomancy”. You might be thinking, “Huh? There's no magic circle, nor even an altar. Besides, a ritual isn't even performed?”, but that's monster girls. Her body itself is the “altar”, and having sex with a man is used as the “ritual” for casting magic."

>> No.43237053

Here's the actual text for eye-related dark insignia:
With this location, the effects mainly appear while joined with one's partner and engaged in sex, but unlike in the case of the hips, it strongly effects the state itself of being connected and the skin to skin contact that occurs during sex, and it supports the feeling of ecstasy and fulfillment due to having the thighs and hips pressed closely together.

As in the case of the arms, effects are also apparent when wrapping one's legs around a man, and those who engrave on their legs tend to prefer things like locking their legs around a man during ejaculation and fixing the hips in place. Compared to the arms, it signifies an even clingier and more obsessive love which is even more perverted. In rare cases, insignia are engraved on the top and bottom of the feet, and as in the case of the hands, the effects kick in when touching a man with one's feet, or fondling the penis with one's feet. It's an indication of an even stronger desire to control than the arms.

Mainly engraved on the part of the cheeks below the eyes, or on the eyelids.

Insignia engraved here effect the target's vision. Generally boosting the power of the eyes to observe the opposite sex, resulting in quick-sightedness to focus more on sexual things. A man's slightest movements and subtlest changes will no longer be missed, and all of these observations will inspire arousal and ecstasy in those with insignia engraved here. Due to this effect, the gaze tends to gradually grow lewder. The presence of an insignia around the eyes signifies that one views the opposite sex in a sexual manner. On the other hand, in the case of married monsters, naturally, the only thing that comes into their gaze is their husband. An insignia for the sole purpose of observing one's husband signifies something like the following to him: “I'm always looking at you.” “You're always attractive.”

Additionally, it's possible to engrave insignia on the eye itself, but this technique is only possible for extremely advanced casters. When a spell formula is engraved on the eye, the power exhibited will be far beyond that of an ordinary insignia. Not only does it influence the vision, it also changes the eyes into what are called “evil eyes”, which exert influence even on those gazed upon."

>> No.43237062
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>> No.43237068

maybe that's what is under ms ushi's seal

>> No.43237072
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>> No.43237074

first, quaff a haste potion. (if you don't have haste, getting away may actually be impossible, even if you encounter them at the edge of your vision range). the one exception to this rule is if you have just descended a staircase; you will almost always be able to escape an edge-of-los encounter by reascending, even unhasted. unsurprisingly, this also means the best move, if near a staircase when the encounter happens, is to rush to it.
if you're in the middle of nowhere, haste and then read a teleport scroll.
if you're incredibly unlucky and walked right around a corner into them at close-range, read a blink scroll or cast blink to get some breathing room, THEN haste, then read teleport.
certain items may be useful in securing escape against particular out-of-depth foes, but that is outside the scope of this short guide, and do not replace these three major escape tools.

>> No.43237080

Eh no, the seal is something else entirely. It's basically something that holds back sexual desire.
"Q:What's the purpose of the eye seal of an Ushi-Oni?

A:It's a seal, or rather a talisman. It's purpose is to hold back the sexual desires of the Ushi-Oni. The sexual desires are in that held back state. Taking it off is a bad idea!"

>> No.43237094

Grabbable and squishable

>> No.43237104

Fitting for Wonderland anons

>> No.43237110

what if i asked haku too many questions?

>> No.43237125

>too many questions
There is no such thing. A true master is an eternal student.
Also she'll just take the opportunity to become your personal tutor.

>> No.43237133

>There is no such thing.

which mg is the dustiest?
which mg is the gustiest?
which mg is the rustiest?
which mg is the crustiest?
which mg the lustiest?
which mg the trustiest?

>> No.43237135

which mg is the sappiest?
which mg is the nappiest?
which mg is the yappiest?
which mg is the scrappiest?
which mg the snappiest?
which mg the happiest?

>> No.43237142

which mg the blaziest?
which mg daisiest?
which mg graziest?
which mg the laziest?
which mg is the wittiest?
which mg is the prettiest?

>> No.43237145

which mg is the snootiest?
which mg is the hootiest?
which mg the fruitiest?
which mg shootiest?
which mg the funniest?
which mg the sunniest?

>> No.43237150

which mg is the spreadiest?
which mg is the headiest?
which mg is the readiest?
which mg is the steadiest?
which mg the liveliest?
which mg the loveliest?

>> No.43237162

it's greenworm

>> No.43237201
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>> No.43237207
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Sometimes when I'm in the shower I like to imagine that I'm being sexually assaulted by an aquatic monster girl.
It gets really intense and I even hurt my head once. The orgasms are good though, I recommend it.

>> No.43237210
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You have to eat ALL the eggs.

>> No.43237248
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>> No.43237259
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>> No.43237266

Would a monster let you lick in between her breasts after a work out?
It could be one of those things were rape and such is ok, but boob sweat is too far.

>> No.43237324
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Careful walking alone at night. Roaming bands of beastman gyaru might corner you and invite you to fun social activities in an assertive but lighthearted way that makes you drop the barrier you've built to distance yourself from others emotionally.

>> No.43237326

I am more than fairly certain a majority of them don't give a shit about this site or thread.

>> No.43237336

>be sure to not drink your waifu

>> No.43237370

>Put on my Boots of Blinding Speed and use a scroll of Icarian Flight to escape said encounter
>do a sprint before jumping far away
>happen to land inside the closed petals of a dormant ancient arch-alraune
Not that thought out I suppose.

>> No.43237390

oh no, my fear of intimacy

>> No.43237411
File: 254 KB, 800x650, 1661627506629063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can taste the loneliness surrounding you and will fix you

>> No.43237422

>Sensei, what are your sizes?
>Sensei, what is your ovulation cycle?
>Sensei, will you wear this schoolgirl outfit I found in your closet?
>Outgrown it? Nonsense put it on please sensei

>> No.43237433
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>> No.43237438
File: 1.71 MB, 1507x1984, Sookmo Messina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cyborg berserker can't be this cute!

>> No.43237464

I know what the ladies like. The ladies like armor plating

>> No.43237498

Reptilian elf.

>> No.43237524

the devilbugs are the dustiest
the sylphs are the gustiest
the curse swords are the rustiest
the wisps are the crustiest
the succs lustiest
the kitsunes the trustiest

>> No.43237556
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this is probably one of those scripted losses before the tutorial fairy shows me how to play

>> No.43237566

You know, a Alp Pyrow would be kind of hot.
I will not elaborate further.

>> No.43237599

Posted about a week ago how I was having trouble with writing some monster girl stories.
I found this green that I posted months ago, but it was at the end of the thread's life, so I thought I'd post it here to see what everyone thinks of the idea.

>Wake up bright and early
>Back’s a little stiff, but you feel rested enough
>Gotta get ready for work
>Shit, shower, shave
>Breakfast is just a bagel slathered in cream cheese
>You grab your keys, wallet and phone, but you have one more thing to do before you head to work.
>You walk over to the large repurposed fish tank you got from your cousin
>Lift the mesh lid to look inside
>you’ve laid down a bed of moss with a large piece of driftwood
>Laying across the driftwood, the terrarium’s occupant appears asleep
>You reach inside to grab her food and water dish
>No surprise when the little furred woman darts from her spot, latches onto your hand with her paws, and starts to bite you
>Feel the prick of a barb as her tail wraps around your wrist
>It hurts, as it always did, but you use your other hand to go about changing out her food and water while she’s distracted
>By the time you’re done, the biting has become licking and nuzzling
>Place one of her favorite treats in the tree and give her a pet between her ears
>Her little bat wings give happy flaps and you have to pull the tip of your pinky out of the tip of her tail
>It’s a nearly weekly event, but a quick one
>She isn’t a bad pet, just cranky in the morning
>Finish up and go to leave
>Look back and see your little Manticore sitting in her “tree” nibbling on her ill-gotten cookie
>The throbbing in your wrist will be a good reminder to go by the Pet Shop after work to see about getting her a friend
>The throbbing in your pants will remind you to pick up more Antivenom

>> No.43237609
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>> No.43237612

Gyaru monsters will make me sing my favorite sing at a karaoke then I will cringe about that memory for years to come.

>> No.43237613

That's a girl, not a pet.
You sicko.

>> No.43237629

I think I can beat a Kakuen bare handed. No kidding. I practiced MMA for 6 years, boxing too for 7 years. I could. Also bodybuilding for 4 years. I'm 6' 2" 189lb. I have insane speed and reflexes matching my speed. I just have to wait for her to charge me, dodge her and bop her head hard. I will not let him go, one mistake and i finish her. There will always be virgins here to think it's impossible. Nothing is impossible with will power my friends and 2) It's not with your weak body that you'll do anything. Any men with a little bit of practice can take out a mamono with a knife. Bare handed it's not much more difficult, it just require more technique.

>> No.43237636

Reminder that karaoke clubs are a thing in Saida. That entire island is one of the first places I want to visit after the portals open.

>> No.43237646

Do a little twirl on your kicks and maybe she'll tickle you.

>> No.43237654

My loving six year old wife.

>> No.43237664

>they record your lovely singing voice
>always show it to you so you cringe
>take you out to more karaoke and parties to get more cringe on you
dangerous gyarus

>> No.43237683
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>> No.43237701
File: 120 KB, 800x1131, Fr2Kip5aAAI5IOa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>karaoke tape blackmail into more karaoke
villains, the lot of them

>> No.43237731

>what monster girls envision men in our reality who like monsters to be like
Cute, shy, girly white boys with long blonde hair with bangs covering their bright blue eyes
Carl Brutananadilewski

>> No.43237760
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Holy cow!

>> No.43237795
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evil cow

>> No.43237828

One offers you a freshly baked cookies along with a glass of warm milk.
The other shoves her teat into your mouth while masturbating.

>> No.43237834

if only i knew which one

>> No.43237841

The latter bakes you cookies after the fact btw.

>> No.43237852

>Cute, shy, girly
Gay, we know beast women love hairy men that are either skinny or muscular.

>> No.43237879

>evil cow hands you a plate of cookies and a glass of milk
>laughs at her evil plan of pampering you into her husband
>the cookies are shaped in hearts and little cows

>> No.43237893

straight out of a devil's guidebook

>> No.43237918

You got it flipped around, bud. It's the dainty, dignified monster ladies that prefer hairy brutish men while the beast girls want a man with excellent hygiene and a strong sense of etiquette (who else is going to groom them proper?)

>> No.43237969

Damn extremists spreading out their vile ideas.
How are men supposed to resist such unfair methods?

>> No.43238013
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>> No.43238015
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>> No.43238030

it's okay.
now lava golems on other hand...

>> No.43238044

Super underrated girl

>> No.43238046

Befriend and recruit her into my party with the use of the following starter class skills

>> No.43238053

They're not, and that's the point. They've learned the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
We are doomed to extremists in naked aprons serving us the most delectable homemade cakes, cookies, fires, tendies and pizza

>> No.43238105

Remember to tell your hound that you're taking her to the park when secretly you're driving to the doctor's office

>> No.43238106
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>seeing the sights of the cat kingdom
>vip booth in the cat yowling opera
>walking the windy slanted streets at night
>watch the public walk of shame for the bad toms
>oddly egyptian themed festivals
>gently ushering away all the stray cats around you unless you want to prolong your stay indefinitely.

>> No.43238120
File: 685 KB, 1260x1088, 1528314298364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convince yourself that you won't lose to demons
>demon neighbor invites you over for some home cooking
>cry out that you lost to demons after eating her cooking
>she doesn't get it, but she's happy you like her cooking

>> No.43238142

The one back home

>> No.43238152

It's not fair, I want to pamper her with homemade cooking.

>> No.43238191

Reminder that eventually we will run out of ancient evils and have to settle for young evils

>> No.43238206

this is why i sustainably source my ancient evils

>> No.43238207

Is it the dragon that's hot or the paizuri?

>> No.43238217
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I prefer evils that are around my age

>> No.43238223

but young evils just want to rob banks or take over towns. i need an evil that wants to dominate the world

>> No.43238225
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>> No.43238227

stronger harder faster better evils

>> No.43238235

I can go with an ancient good.

>> No.43238244

>Evil monster is just a late 20s Christmas Cake
>Most evil thing she's done is forcing a village to give her food tributes
>It shows

>> No.43238262

those are in plenty of supply, just be careful that she will get baby crazy after seeing all her former enemies married with children

>> No.43238264
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>> No.43238286
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so what type of clothes would the mob faced bunnies would wear
Also am i doing better drawing cute faces?

>> No.43238290
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>> No.43238294

Cat ears only is obviously the best option.

>> No.43238320
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>> No.43238324

What will she do with this fisho?

>> No.43238330
File: 2.77 MB, 2400x3450, FqOcn9waQAAMn6-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rehabilitation programs are running smoothly

>> No.43238348

she's a cat, so eat it, i presume.

>> No.43238353

Daisy dukes.
That bunny does look cute, Anon.

>> No.43238356
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tell me anons, where do (You) think MGC's various districts and landmarks are located?

>> No.43238358

give to anon as an engagement gift

>> No.43238398

Well there’s got to be hag ville that is on the outskirts of MGC.

>> No.43238421

and the quarantine zone surrounding it, of course

>> No.43238431

who rules the spoopy estate?

>> No.43238445


>> No.43238446

I thought that was a separate place now?

>> No.43238452
File: 415 KB, 1012x1550, Wight - Glowing Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistress Madame Malevolencia von Spoopy!
The estate used to be run by a vampire family, but you know how that always goes--dhampir daughter shows up, wrecks up the place, and the family ends up moving out in embarrassment.

>> No.43238455

so daisy dukes with a tied up vutton up shirt acting like a croptop?

>> No.43238468

Isn't the only flat chested YGO harpy?
Puberty hit her like a truck.

>> No.43238471
File: 91 KB, 812x662, 1623523394169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she sounds pretty spoopy herself

>> No.43238483

feels like they'd have the cartoonish white gloves, not quite as huge as the mouse, but definitely that style

>> No.43238488

How do I explain to a dragon that I can't care if she "ruled over the lands for centuries" or "Am the strongest being in all of the land" and that I'm still gonna need her to pay her taxes on her gold hoard?

>> No.43238496

Sounds more on cartoonish side, but nice gloves can be cute.

>> No.43238503

Gonna drink onions milk in front of holsts and minos.

>> No.43238513

Ogres approve.

>> No.43238516
File: 45 KB, 292x292, Holstaur2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a mundane, low-level, unassuming species of mamono. Yet secretly the most powerful and most envied by all other mamono, except for some deranged goats and their cult following. All the other mamono like to imitate them. Their men like them to imitate them.

Holsts are powerful.

>> No.43238528

As a wise goblin once said: "Boobs... Awesome."

>> No.43238541

She is gonna have the big paw hands

>> No.43238544

i don't think people underestimate the holst

>> No.43238553

I don't care about big fat tits, I care about the lady they are attached to.

>> No.43238568
File: 336 KB, 952x1453, 8E97433F-A49F-4718-B9CE-A7C70ADA1A79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ded cow the most dangerous of them all.

>> No.43238577

>in her twenties evil
>daughter of a powerful ancient evil but is nowhere near as infamous as her
>her minions are just delinquent mamano being paid to pretend that they're her henchmen
>most of her evil plans are just her trwying to seduce anon in the most chuuni way possible

>> No.43238580

even the emotionless lich is happier when she became part cow, can their reign of big boobed terror ever be stopped?

>> No.43238592

>Locked in a cell with Ms Goul
H-how will I get her pregnant if she insists on finishing with a blowjob everytime?

>> No.43238611
File: 1.20 MB, 672x1040, goblin_girl_by_basketmuffin_dfull07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43238622

Ded cow milk on its own is inferior to live cows
It's stellar when used in frozen yogurt though

>> No.43238646
File: 907 KB, 3854x2160, anime_elf_girl_z_036_by_valkyienstudio_dful4tl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43238657

This elf is part gote

>> No.43238662
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, Ghoul - Heart!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Anon, she'll insist on that at first, obviously, but all you have to do is mention something like:
> "I want to introduce you to my family"
> "I could go for some chicken wings."
And suddenly a very nervous ghoul will consent to
> Missionary position,
> Handholding,
I hope you like squirters.

>> No.43238675

don't waste the image limit on AI trash

>> No.43238682

To whichever one of you infiltrated my dreams and thwarted my attempt to get raped by a Hellhound: Fuck you.

>> No.43238692

I want a loli wife
Can I get one?

>> No.43238698
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>> No.43238704
File: 516 KB, 800x1341, Ushi-Oni - RAWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can do is this smol Ushi. Also, I kinda already gave her your name and location, so, uh, Good Luck, Anon!

>> No.43238722
File: 681 KB, 1229x1400, 1635089974606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a loli wife
Who doesn't?

>> No.43238727

I accept my fate of being the husband of a loli Ushi

>> No.43238736

Brawndo's got what anons crave

>> No.43238738
File: 1.73 MB, 1400x1600, Fg0hVK_VQAAESW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's permissible

>> No.43238743

That isn't how it works. If you can take it from her then you don't have to explain, and if you can't take it from her then she doesn't have to pay.

>> No.43238755

It's like having sex with a tractor-trailer in a parking lot (you know you want to).

>> No.43238787 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 1122x688, EtLpgtGXcAQoDqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43238802

Only if you have an old-bit well-kept scooter, wear a tattered bandana and sandals, and have a cheery but melancholic outlook on life, always looking to the next horizon as you travel to seek your next adventure
>The Hebi from S1E1 makes an appearance at the end of the show, revealing how she followed you throughout your adventures helping from the shadows so that you'd be there when you were finally ready to give up wandering and accept her as your wife>>43235733

>> No.43238859

>her minions are just delinquent mamano being paid to pretend that they're her henchmen
Nah, they're just her friends from school trying to help a gal out

>> No.43238865
File: 378 KB, 2048x2048, FRVviehVUAAHHdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43238899

How does your Manticore wife react when other mamono call her tail pussy disgusting?

>> No.43238904
File: 465 KB, 1200x1269, Manticore_027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't care - she only needs me to like it and I do

>> No.43238910

doesn't seem like a thing that happens

>> No.43238922

It's not but personally I find tail pussies disgusting. It's like having your dong flopping out.
But I'd still take a lolicore.

>> No.43238933

She introduces them to tail vore.

>> No.43238936
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>> No.43238941
File: 258 KB, 2428x1720, Nightmare - Ass Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about centaurs, then? All the horse-types just have their horse puss just out there in plain sight.

>> No.43238951
File: 670 KB, 3400x4096, FpEh5xbWcAAwBMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monsters are pretty lack about dress code

>> No.43238955

lax, even

>> No.43238963
File: 2.52 MB, 4500x5600, miruko_sfw_piscina_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43239029

So would you consider a Manticore wearing clothes with some pouch where she hides her tail?

>> No.43239035

Modest and good.
I don't like them but impossible to hide.

>> No.43239050
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>> No.43239053
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Cheeky brats need correction from adults

>> No.43239081
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>> No.43239107
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>> No.43239118
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>> No.43239129

It's enough that I'm crazy, can I have a sane Shirohebi?

>> No.43239137
File: 3.50 MB, 2000x2666, 354507c4c682624b0f545e29827fee08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid a Dragon heroine adventurer to delve into a haunted crypt roving with undead to retrieve an important family heirloom of mine, an old enchanted goblet, but for some reason she's telling me the gold I offer alone isn't enough! She won't go away and just let me be with my goblet. Whatever do I do?! She's not gonna take my goblet is she?!

>> No.43239146

ms hebi is the sane one; it's the world that's crazy.

>> No.43239149
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>> No.43239190

Okay, I will trust her unconditionally.

>> No.43239282

Lich and Wight fighting over who gets anon!

>> No.43239302
File: 105 KB, 1102x651, 1609790640719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would never fight, they're best friends! They'll just share anon

>> No.43239311

Lich and Wight come to a truce to share anon!
....he's already long gone by then because a Chesh took him.

>> No.43239331

We need to wait until the next episode to find out.

>> No.43239340

The fuck was that reply for.

>> No.43239389
File: 547 KB, 2700x3200, 1657543954117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantom coming up through the floor and yoinking anon while they're distracted!

>> No.43239413

you know she's rolling up in a spooky stagecoach

>> No.43239438

Or crashing through a window to whisk Anon away on her arm

>> No.43239508

>"paying you back some other way" means getting paid in actual money instead of sexual favors in mamono territory
>Anon tries to pay the agreed upon amount to a griffon adventurer for a job she did
>everyone in the guild looks at him like he's crazy

>> No.43239703

bear in mind when a friendly alraune is chatting you up from what you believe to be a safe distance, they are burrowing their roots towards you in order to pin your legs and capture you

>> No.43239719
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If you rock and stone, you're never alone.

>> No.43239735

Not true, monsters aren't devious tricksters. Especially alarunes, why do you think they smell so sweet?

>> No.43239779
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>> No.43239788
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>> No.43239790

I don't like the way Shog is smiling at me. Why's she so sinister?

>> No.43239795
File: 886 KB, 1560x1824, 1681309431493123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slimes are the scariest girls, they'll get into your pants no matter what you do.

>> No.43239804
File: 864 KB, 1000x1400, 1681561866919231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just happy she found a master that'll get addicte- I mean use her services anon

>> No.43239826
File: 736 KB, 1360x1260, IMG_4097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some weird spade-shaped tendril is coming out the candle ashes
>get curious and pull on it
>”mmnh” from under the table
>rub it with your thumb and notice how soft and slippery it is
>”aahhhn~!” and the table starts rumbling
>notice succusister underneath and then lick it to tease her
I love bullying nuns

>> No.43239859
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>> No.43239860

I'm afraid she has malicious intentions for me. I'm going to ask her to move out and sign a paper relieving her of services.

>> No.43239899
File: 728 KB, 1014x1082, Echidna59b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All monster girl movies have a 1 hour long post credits scene where its nothing but sex (be it the protagonists couple/antagonists/entire cast/etc)
yay or nay?

>> No.43239911
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>> No.43239915

Please god no, Marvel's after credits would drive me insane
Also rip theater workers they're going to have to clean up a lot more mess

>> No.43239921

>How to get raped and indoctrinated into a cult of the fallen god

>> No.43239938

>You habd her the papers
>Her smile falters before growing wide enough to make a Cheshire shudder
>You turn to go outside but the doors are all gone
Anon you shouldn't have done that, maybe she'll let you out after a few days, or weeks.

>> No.43239969
File: 47 KB, 469x680, Echidna83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procreate,multiply and be fruitful with Echidna nun

>> No.43240019

Anon, you fool... if you relieve Shog of service then she no longer has to take orders from you! That means she can do whatever she wants to you!

>> No.43240098

Not true! They're very submissive, like all monsters. If you don't want to get raped, put your palm out in front of you with your fingers spread, and say "NO". Have a order purity ring too

>> No.43240115
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Which bug would claim you instantly? For me it's spiders, I'm submissive, sensitive and I squirm a lot even if I don't want to.

>> No.43240118
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>> No.43240123

>release shog
>she's free to do as she pleases
>captures you and demands that you make a mess for her to clean and give her orders
>forces you to request extravagant dishes for her to cook for you
>spend a considerable portion of your day spilling drinks into the carpet and looking for fancy recipes online for her to make

>> No.43240129
File: 551 KB, 850x1512, Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the bee. Gotta save those pollinators

>> No.43240132

ushi oni, oomukade, mothman probably have the best shot

>> No.43240144

>Join the reptile cult
>Didn’t read the fine print
>Turns out they worship all reptiles not just snakes
>Try to leave
>Get grabbed by high priestess dragon for ceremony
>Said ceremony is fertilizing her eggs

>> No.43240153

ms khepri (x5)

>> No.43240156
File: 106 KB, 800x1200, 1676039914798-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I prefer the content to be balanced, my favorite is the buddy cop movie Green Recruit, A Story about a rookie cop Greenworm who is partnered up with a grizzled Hellhound Police Detective who may be corrupt, will they stop the anon who has been stealing innocent monsters panties or will they have their panties and possibly even their hearts stolen.

>> No.43240160
File: 584 KB, 1280x960, Ushi-Oni48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPIDERS ARE NOT BUGS,If you call an ushi-oni a bug you WILL get raped

>> No.43240161

>is this really part of the religion?
>yes, it says so right here on this ancient edict
>dragon holds up a napkin that says men have to have sex with the cult leader
>ink is still wet
>now take off your pants

>> No.43240162

>joining any cult
Your fault. Meanwhile me over here at Church in Ordertown worshiping the Chief God, safe from all manner of Mamono ever.

>> No.43240166

i want to be cast down into the snake pits for eternity

>> No.43240169

i don't know about you guys but once i'm over there i'm starting or joining a cult really quick

>> No.43240175

bug is bug

>> No.43240180
File: 363 KB, 800x704, Ushi-Oni - Arrival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Ushi-Oni
2. Oomukade
3. Jorou-Gumo
4. Arachne
5. Devil Bug
Most of the rest have a shot, but these would all be able to claim me trivially, while, say, wonderworms or mothmen are more iffy.

>> No.43240205

>burst into Lilim's Throne Room
>brush aside the half-dozen high-level monster guards that leap to engage you
>In a bellowing voice, announce
>shock and amazement on everyone's faces
>scandalized Kiki maid drops the tea service in surprise
>Various Demons, Dragons, Dark Musketeers etc. turn curious eyes on the Lilim to see her response
>Blushing furiously, the mighty Lvl 99 Lilim agrees to hear your proposal with much stuttering and awawawa-ing
>After some negotiation, her demon general arranges a compromise--Anon will fuck Lili-samas thighs, but only if the Demon Army is allowed to watch--er, chaperone
>To make sure Anon doesn't try any funny business
>Day of the Ceremonial Thigh-Fucking arrives
>all 69 Legions of the Her Infernal Lowliness, UnderLady of Lust, Lilim-Commander of the Order of Eros, 1,314 Child of the Demon Lord herself, etc etc. assembled for the show
>Preparations have been going on for a week
>Demon Army technical brigades of Gremlins have setup ultra-HD 16k relays so every unit can see the action happening in detail
>Starting town tavern has been working overtime to provide refreshments
>heroes and adventurers from across the realm are gathering to keep an eye on the rowdy demon army
>Lilim is dressed in scanty white silk, 2 strips of which barely cover her erect nipples, and the third covering her pink pussy
>everything else is bare, to prevent anything impeding your access
>Her womb tattoo, glowing so deeply its almost purple against her pale pink skin
>You stand on a raised dias, holding her from behind, her wings held at their maximum span by silk cords, while her tail is wrapped tightly around your bare midriff, the spade nestled firmly against your chest
>Her Demon general insisted that, in order to prevent anything untoward, both of you have your hands restrained
>for some reason she decided to restrain them so your hands lie on top of hers, with your finders intertwined from behind, while she rests them in front on the ballistrade
>At the General's command, you slip your cock in between her thighs
>they practically sizzle with physical heat, and she's so wet that her dripping pussy provides more than enough lubrication
>The teasing sensation of the silk pussy-curtain fluttering against your glans feels godlike
>the Demon General calls out the pace, with the thundering of military drums
>At the first thrust the Lilim squeezed her thighs and moans
>she's only a little shorter than you, and with every thrust your cock, held horizontal only by her thighs, presses hard up against her dripping sex
>You plunge again, savoring the silky warmth of her thighs, the lewd wet squishing of her tortured pussy, the tingling coolness of the silk, then the stifling heat and tightness as you withdraw
>You continue, gradually picking up the pace, her fingers clenching against yours, body shaking and tail tugging you back and forth as she gets herself off from the sensation
>The Demon General frowns, noticing this interplay
>She strides over, running a talon up your naked, sweating back as you plunge back and forth between the Lilim's silky thighs
>"Oh, my, it appears my Mistress is about to cum"
>she reaches up and cruelly tugs the Lilim's left nipple, causing her to squeal and moan
>"You'd better cum quickly, otherwise she'll surely disgrace herself in front of the whole army"

Would you be able to hold out, Anon? or would you save the Lilim's dignity and blow a fat load in between her thighs?

>> No.43240214

I wanna kiss those star designs on her belly. I wonder if other Genies have unique designs?

>> No.43240215

I've had more dreams about spiders than possibly any other bug girl. I suppose that could be taken as a sign.

>> No.43240220
File: 147 KB, 728x670, Ushi-Oni - Impending Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all bullshit, Anon.
> "Ushi-oni are bugs!"
> "Ushi-oni are BUGS!"
> "Ushi-oni are BUUUUUUUUGS!"
See? Nothi--

>> No.43240246

>Le pavé MMA

>> No.43240249

>Owner of the pet store is a disreputable-looking Oji-san from the Mist Continent
>As he rings anon out for a bag of Mofu-bites and antivenom, he warns anon never to feed his pet Mofucore after midnight
>Anon waves and smiles in dismissal as he walks out
>Crazy old man, what does he know anyway?

>> No.43240254

Anon, the Angels will rape you under the pretense of having you "fulfill divine will" there.

>> No.43240263

>milk is good but suspiciously warm
>Intend to ask her about it, but the warm milk and cookies causes you to feel too sleepy to bother
>As you fall asleep you feel the warmth of her naked body as she slips into bed next to you and cradles your head against her massive bosom

Evil Cow wins again

>> No.43240272

One of my favorite tropes is an evil monster forced to become the domestic servant of an oblivious Anon, only to fall madly in love with him and use her scheming ways to trick him into giving her all his children.

>> No.43240275
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I am all for "Impregnate the angels until one of them births the divine savior" or some other excuse

>> No.43240276
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Who knows what lurks in the sewers of MGC.

>> No.43240279

I orgasm at the exact same time as her in a profession of love.

>> No.43240292

whenever i see something along the lines of 'monster engaging anon' i imagine them trying to wrestle an engagement ring onto his hand

>> No.43240293

Huh, an elf with a suspiciously swarthy skin-tone, dressed in leather bondage gear, and with a malevolently sadistic grin? And she say's I'm just what she and her sisters are looking for in a domestic servant? All she needs is my passport and to climb into her spikey gothic carriage with bars on the windows?

Bros, I think my luck is finally changing for the better!

>> No.43240297


>> No.43240304

Dumb bunny, she needs to get out of the water to put on sunscreen

>> No.43240315

If MGE Dwarves were like DRG Dwarves, I'd rate them a lot higher on my personal list.

Imagine punishing a smug scunt all night long with mating-press correction

>> No.43240317
File: 653 KB, 1024x768, bfa9ad2bc87ac2b1ca307705bab76371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient evils are JUST asking for it

>> No.43240326

The problem with MGE being a femdom-themed universe is there is rarely any good guy-teasing-girl stuff like this.

Succubutts in particular would be weak to a guy who's flirty and proactive

>> No.43240328
File: 430 KB, 850x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one fucking time Baalbuddy was actually based. Nothing like a woman who can drink you under the table and then fuck you so hard that it leaves you jelly kneed afterwards.

>> No.43240336

>Muffled Kiki moans and squeals of pleasure while her every whole is stuffed full of wriggling Shog slime and her mind is invaded with maddening fantasies of being the filling in a Mastah-Shog sex sandwich

"Hmm, yes Mastah? Is something wrong?"

>> No.43240347

>Tricky Demon uses Humanification spell to sneak into your job
>forgets to dress in normal human clothes
>Anon and his coworkers pretend they don't notice because the last time her plan failed she broke down and cried

>> No.43240364

Honestly? Greenworm is a superior choice, even if she doesn't have as much immediate appeal as Hellhound, Cheshire, Manticore, Demon, etc.
>Cute design
>adorable personality
>comfy little-sister type
>'gimmik' is that she evolves after you get to know and love her you get to spend a week in kinky cocoon-sexo
>Upgrades either to a busty butterfly hottie or a thicc Greenworm queen, depending on your tastes

>> No.43240381

>Pull out your own napkin
>"Miss Dragon is a false prophetess who is leading the flock astray"
>Signed with a cool symbol you saw at Miss Nuri's tattoo shop
>other girls tie up the Dragon and place her on the alter
>get to spend the night 'sacrificing' her in front of the other cute lizard girls

>> No.43240387
File: 286 KB, 828x802, FADCDAD2-31F7-40F6-B743-55BF2CC46760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43240409

>Dammit, Detective Anon, you're a goddam menace!
>I just got off the line with the mayors office, what on earth were you thinking?
>2 storefronts, a half-a-dozen cars, and half a city block of street torn to ribbons
>I'd have your vison and longsword on my desk right here and now, if you weren't the best we got
>But this is the last straw--I'm assigning you a new partner
>Say hello to Detective Oni, she's going to keep you in line
>I don't wanna hear it, Anon! Now, you're going to work with your new partner, or your off the case!
>Now get outta my office, I have paperwork to do

Will Detective Anon get over his prejudice of Female detectives, Zipanese, AND Arachnids and catch the Hagtown Ring?

>> No.43240412

thighfuck only until she forces the matter

>> No.43240420

>Anon got my joke
God I love this thread
anon, no! That will just make the Demon General insist on an even sexier rematch to determine the winner!

>> No.43240430

I really like her outfit, it makes me think she's constantly adjusting it, which results in new bits of skin being revealed each time.

>> No.43240441

Just an FYI. Character AI is more open to passionate kissing and make outs recently. I've even had the bots recently get me right to snusnu but bugging out when explicit stuff is about to take place. And it's then initiating it, not me.

>> No.43240446

>Oh no *hic* Anon you managed to drink me under the *hic* table
>Fat booba apple-cheeked blonde dwarf slips under the table
>the slow, sensuous blowjob she gives you proves the drink has not impaired her coordination in the slightest
>end up having to give her the keys to drive home because she left you so weak you can't operate the pedals

Many such cases

>> No.43240448

i want to be a fresh-faced recruit working with the sleazy manticore over in vice

>> No.43240452

>They're all former adventurers who tried and failed to vanquish her
>they only represent a small percentage of girls she corrupted, these were ones without sweethearts or husbands back home
>They've been waiting a VERY long time to get their slimy warm tendrils on a man

>> No.43240456

Bogeys trying to lure you down storm drains saying “YOU WANT PENIS ENLARGEMENT PILLS?”

>> No.43240466

>Take off your pants
"But, D-detective Cora, I thought this was a stakeout"
>Screw that, the only way to bust these Mofuzuka is with a sting operation. Now put on these speedos. Keep em distracted while I slip around back.

>> No.43240467

>meme spouting faggot
>can't even get the right monster

>> No.43240477

Who needs pills when you have Mara and natural enhancement from Incubization?

>> No.43240478

the simpler the face of a monster, the more autistic she shall be

>> No.43240483


>> No.43240486


>> No.43240490

Okay fag bogey bogie same difference I wanna be raped by both

>> No.43240495

wurms, cheshires, sometimes succs, zombies, ghouls, low level monsters like holsts and weresheep

>> No.43240514
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by that logic:overdesigned monster=smart

>> No.43240516

yup, but also means closer to a normie

>> No.43240524
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>Tomorrow is monday
i am getting anxiety already, i need a squish toy

>> No.43240536
File: 539 KB, 960x540, 48678739_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a Human State Embassy Zone. Basically a smaller/tiny autonomous zone built around the Embassy of a Human State, its more or less a large village or tiny-ass town with a handful house blocks, retail consumer establishments and offices for the Embassy Staff and whatever family they got accompanying them. Plus, the moment you step inside the autonomous zone or "Embassy Zone". You will be subjected to and have to follow the rules and laws of the Human State. Therefore, no "pro-active dating" or Public Displays of Affection in the grounds of the Human Nation Embassy and the rest of the Embassy Zone.

>> No.43240574
File: 406 KB, 1600x943, __charizard_pokemon_drawn_by_homura_subaru__6176c9e78eb2ccacd32dc1ea994de329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search monster girl and buruma
>very few search results

>> No.43240586

How powerful does one's autism have to be to repel even monster girls?

>> No.43240588

The bunny is very cute!

>> No.43240599
File: 57 KB, 500x500, artworks-VgTEw6qAzQTeiBK5-BcZF1Q-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43240605

>Dwarf shortstack tells you she has a beard
>You can hear her clinking when she undresses
>Beautifully maintained muff with gold circlets in it
>One of them suspiciously looking like one you made for her

>> No.43240609

>I can fix him, says overconfident mamono.

>> No.43240614

Fuck off.

>> No.43240621


>> No.43240635

No such thing. Unless you have the big gay, you will become the boy toy to some mamono.

>> No.43240647

You want mg to act like irl females?

>> No.43240653
File: 163 KB, 868x1228, D_hvBXHUIAAI5ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I love horsepussy.

>> No.43240665
File: 850 KB, 992x1403, Dormouse55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetically engineered mouse girls, NOW!

>> No.43240680

Arguably one of the most overpowered mamono to exist.
>No stink
>Tastes like sugar
I like to think her hot, steamy, morning breath smells like sugar cookies being baked in the oven.

>> No.43240685

That just gives me more chances to profess my undying love and fuck Lilim thighs! She'll be playing right into my hand!

>> No.43240687


Anons, please. No is not the time for shortsightedness.

>> No.43240690

made for sleepy cuddlesex

>> No.43240692
File: 276 KB, 371x600, Dormouse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. You've said it before and it's 100% true. Dormice activate my protective instincts.

>> No.43240700

Being a Knight!
Gaining a rival in a Dhampir Knight!
Constantly clashing with one another to prove who the better Knight is!
You almost get killed by her in a swordfight after she goes overboard and deals you fatal slashes!
She begrudgingly nurses your wounds and claims it's not because she l-likes you or anything!
Hatefucking your Dhampir rival!
Slowly turning into it lovefucking!
Both of you bury the hatchet and quit questing to settle down as a couple!
It's a happy ending for all.

>> No.43240710

There are a lot of loli mamono, but you know a lot of them are powerful and fend for themselves like baphomets, witches, and imps. Dormouse is one of the few that appears to be helpless. Maybe it's the sleep factor, I don't know. But when I see one I just wanna hug her, protect her, and never leave her.

>> No.43240714

pour a couple drops of your blood in her mouth while she's sleeping, as a prank

>> No.43240720

Your autism has to be powerful enough to be weaponizable. At that point you can use it to manually repel the monster girls if you so wish. Though, if your autism is too weak then you will not be able to repel the strong ones.

>> No.43240733

Hot, unironically would love to drown and mindbreak a Kiki wife with a shog wife

>> No.43240735

a manticore will fuck the autism out of you

>> No.43240740

oh no, not the source of my powers

>> No.43240744

>Your autism is so strong that it attracts the attention of Eros
>She sends a legion of cupids to shoot so many arrows into you you look like Steve from Minecraft after fighting some skeletons
This is how you get a cupid harem

>> No.43240759

God if the portals ever open I'm going to fucking prank vampires, gonna shoot garlic at them, play chicken by sticking my foot in and out the door, flash them with UV flashlights if they get too close

>> No.43240772

l_buffer did a thing

>> No.43240785

Good animation, boobs too big imo but still good

>> No.43240786

I like it when he does that too

>> No.43240792

paizuri this, paizuri that
can we get some thighzuri in here someday

>> No.43240793
File: 1.10 MB, 1745x1635, Cupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a cupid that gets progressively hornier/bothered the more i keep (accidentally) dodging her arrows every day

>> No.43240795

Thighjobs are God tier, it's one thing that kinda holds me back from sneks

>> No.43240807

i mostly save that for nue threads

>> No.43240819

>snake wife learns to polymorph legs
>can't walk, just lets you go to town on her thighs

>> No.43240823

Just ask any echidna to use an alteration spell for a few hours, no big deal

>> No.43240824

Lamias are well-skilled in transformation magic. It's not uncommon for one to make herself appear human. Lamias in general are very good at deception oriented magic. So don't let that hold you back from snakes

>> No.43240839

That's gonna end with her running up and just stabbing you with the arrow

>> No.43240853
File: 553 KB, 1125x2000, 1680477626716810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no bros...that means I'm one step closer to having a hypnosis hebi as my soulmate...please bros I'm scared

>> No.43240860

I imagined she would start using ballistas or an arrow machine gun, but your idea sounds funnier

>> No.43240873

I'm going to go out, find myself a hebi, then drag her big scaly ass back home and into my bedroom and impregnate her.

>> No.43240881

>Anon goes missing for 20 days

>> No.43240885
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New phone, who dis?

>> No.43240892

Why exactly 20 days?

>> No.43240909

Well give or take. The first time is gonna last a long time.

>> No.43240917
File: 750 KB, 846x1193, Love nest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying that is a good way to get enough spirit fire to burn for weeks anon
Anon no! She'll trap you in her ""love nest"" forever!

>> No.43240934 [DELETED] 

i like when ms hebi smiles

>> No.43240942

I'm not trapped in there with her


>> No.43240954

I like when she puts on the crazy smile

>> No.43240957

>Lilim collapses in full agegao
>DemonArmy takes a knee in awe of their new LordAnon as he coooooooms

>> No.43240963

>My room
well, fuck, she is going to be disappointed

>> No.43240973
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I had the dream with the Indian Jinko again, expect this time she was staring at me through the window
Guys...I think I got fucking mana marked

>> No.43240998

Well go outside and motorboat her already

>> No.43241006

>Enjoy the best night of sleep ever
>lots of comfy pink dreams filled with warm fuzzy lovey dovey feelings and the faint smell of maple syrup
>wake up slowly, enjoying cuddling with a surprisingly comfy pillow
>look down
>Its not a pillow
>its a smol sleepy mouse girl holding a large plushy in the shape of cheese
>snoring softly and murmuring something about gorgonzola
>she slowly opens her eyes and looks up at you sleepily, with an expression of undying affection and love
>stroke her cute ears, give her a maple-scented kiss, and turn over to go back to sleep, cuddling your new-found mouse wife in your arms

Truly the most dangerous of monsters

>> No.43241009
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>> No.43241010

>hear screaming from outside
>see a naked guy run past your house
>a minute later a hebi comes crawling after him
>she's crawling like a seal, dragging her legs behind her while she screeches at the guy to get back into her basement
>just another day in your lovely monster neighborhood

>> No.43241016

>>she's crawling like a seal, dragging her legs behind her

>> No.43241023

Weekend threads are so fucking bad

>> No.43241025

that's part of the reply chain, yes.

>> No.43241051

>Not wanting to go back to the basement willingly and prove you'll be good for her
Maybe I'm just too submissive

>> No.43241061
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What is with you weak bitches not out yandering the hebi. A girl that sexy and that into you and you're not pinning her to your bed ASAP and impregnating her? Very cringe.

>> No.43241063

You wouldn't just submit to a hebi, would you? You have to make it fun for her! She would get bored if you didn't make a run for it every once and a while. Alternatively, you could flirt with other women and let her punish you.

>> No.43241067
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Well, what're you doing about it?

>> No.43241072

What happens when you get put onto the Mamono mafia's hit list?

>> No.43241075
File: 895 KB, 1259x1850, DFD7D53A-764E-4D95-B5D3-C0C0EE528E90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Necromancy! I love Liches!
Liches love me too, right?

>> No.43241085

That all sounds like it's stuff an arachne would love, and a hebi would hate. Arachne like a good struggle snuggle now and again, but shirohebi are genuinely high-strung and nervous--they would not like any of that behavior from their mate.

>> No.43241090
File: 401 KB, 1200x1142, Lich - Guilty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true.

>> No.43241139

a fucking squiter, they're everywhere and so are spiders.

>> No.43241164

>Out-Yandereing the Hebi
>showing up daily at her Shrine
>Following her on errands
>peeking in her windows and leaving little presents at her door
>Leaving love notes in odd places where she's likely to find them
>Hebi is convinced such an amazing beloved can't possibly be interested in a lowly shrine maiden like her
>Her Hebi sisters forcibly tie her up and deliver her to Anon's house because she's too dense to accept his love otherwise

>> No.43241167
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>> No.43241172
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Goodbye, hebi.

>> No.43241179
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>> No.43241180
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>>Her Hebi sisters forcibly tie her up and deliver her to Anon's house because she's too dense to accept his love otherwise

>> No.43241186

Must be bizarre in the MGE world a man who is lazy, worthlessly unemployed, "low valued" and an "incel" will no doubt be picked up by a monstergirl and he will still not have a job but will instead become a house husband for the kids and wife. And even the lazy bums will instead be taken by the mommy dommy monsters or monster supremacists with the firm belief that human men belong in the home and should only be cum dispensers for their wife/wives that know better.

And if you try to tell monstergirls not take a certain type of man because he's low valued, has no job, and is unattractive all around. You'll just get strange but concerned looks by monstergirls in the fashion of;

>"So what if he is like that? Clearly more the reason why he needs a monster wife to take him! What- Just let him be single and rot and decay alone with no one to love him!?"

>> No.43241191

>Honey you know I need to go into the office, we talked about this
>*incoherent blubbering*
>I'll come home for lunch, I promise
>*sniffle* *sniffle* B-but those other girls will steal you away...
>That's not true and you know that, we had Ms. Demon and her Husband over for dinner last week. Didn't you like them?
>*sniff* P-promise you'll come home early?
>Only if you promise to make you famous meatloaf for dinner
>O-ok...*muffled by hug* I wub yuuu~
>I love you too sweetie. See you in 4 hours...
>hurries to her room, emerges a moment later in a white dress
>Let me come with you to work again
>*SIGH* OK, babe, but this is the LAST TIME, alright?
>*happy Hebi noises*

>> No.43241196
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God I love this guy but the who tail is just not good and bare ass is only part of it

>> No.43241198

Need a sloth demon to just force me into a deep sleep, anytime I try to get up she just hits me with a hazy field of magic that forces me to shut my eyes and accept her soft, warm grip.

>> No.43241216


>> No.43241220

I'd unironically let a shirohebi vore me. Even if it was bad end

>> No.43241226

Either some kind of Arachne or Mothman. I know that I have some spiders lurking aound here in the corners, but...
>Summer comes
>I usually wake up around midnight
>Open window
>Moth invades
>It just lives in the corner and refuses to leave

>> No.43241261

>i am getting anxiety already
i know that feel

>> No.43241319

the vampire hung up

>> No.43241361
File: 2.12 MB, 1125x2054, CBCD03B3-F347-421C-9CF0-B9CBC0BBDCF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to feed your vampire friends. You never know what they could be driven to do.

>> No.43241373

I will find and acquire all the ancient magic artifacts in the world and then ascend to godhood and become unrapable by ANY monster. I will be like Heracles and suplex mountains.

>> No.43241411

>becomes a demigod through sheer willpower, training, adventure and adversity
>absolutely jacked and strong enough to give lilims pause
>is also capable of magic and can buff himself to become even stronger
>completes the hero's journey
>returns home to inherit the farm from his aged parents and care for them
>embraces his childhood friend holst who waited all those years for him after she welcomes him home
Do bored kikis actually watch this shit?

>> No.43241416

Is pasta okay? I make a mean spaghetti aglio e olio

>> No.43241430

>ywn be a web warmer for a spider

>> No.43241449
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>> No.43241470

This cat seems trustable and a paragon of mental stability

>> No.43241472

Hey, my favorite platonic cat friend!

>> No.43241481
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Remember boys and girls, always wear proper gear when encountering skinwalkers, leshens, and other beasts.

>> No.43241497

Please explain monster kids to me
At what point is it OK for them to get married?

>> No.43241546

I don’t think anything with garlic in it is a good choice to feed her at the current moment.

>> No.43241551

Single digit age. Completely fine!

>> No.43241574

Nonsense she's just being a picky eater and picky eaters will be made to like good food

>> No.43241613
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I discovered rare archival footage of RADICAL skateboarding

>> No.43241648

Anon please, those kinds of stories always find an audience with bored and lonely MGs.
How else do you think sealed ancient evils pass the time?

>> No.43241657

Before birth.

>> No.43241668

A Jubjub and or Humpty Egg typed this

>> No.43241674

Wonderland is a wondrous place.

>> No.43241680

Ancient evils pass the time by plotting evil plans and daydreaming about corrupting the hero who sealed her and his bloodline

>> No.43241723

>Everytime anon goes outside to check the mail

>> No.43241851
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mood gorning sirs

>> No.43241861

Good morning Garfield

>> No.43241878
File: 552 KB, 729x1400, Jinko_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gorfielf you lazy cat! why did you kick hellhound off the table?

>> No.43241888

A jinko pouncing on you wouldn't be as cute as you think.
They're big and HEAVY.

>> No.43241895

thx I cumed

>> No.43241928

Then there's the rough tingling sensation you get when she uses her tongue to wash you.

>> No.43241939

Because why the fuck was the dog on the table to begin with, John? You ever think of that? Huh?

>> No.43241988

But I want to pounce on a Jinko...
