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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 1003x799, TMITHC UCS Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4322178 No.4322178 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up in a world where the Axis (including Japan) not only won WWII but seemingly effortlessly curbstomped all of its enemies.

>> No.4322191

>suggesting Roosevelt's policies ended the Great Depression

>> No.4322185

Isn't that the plot of that one VN....?

>> No.4322192

Kill myself because my waifu more than likely doesn't exist.

>> No.4322219

What VN?

>> No.4322225

How come there's a huge lake in the middle of Africa?

>> No.4322235

Artificial lake generated by the Germans draining the Mediterranean.

>> No.4322237

History should stay as it is. If the world war wouldn't end like it did ZUN would never exist and therefore there would be noone to invent Touhou.

>> No.4322239

Honestly, What's up with that?

>> No.4322241

>accuracy in a poorly written book
>implying Spain would still exist if Germany won world war 2

>> No.4322242


Ah, yes. I didn't notice how small the Mediterranean was.

Why would they do that, though?

>> No.4322246

I'm ok with this.

>> No.4322263

Is there anything related to ZUN's existence or his works that would be affected by the butterfly effect resulting from the Axis victory?

The book says that the drained land is used for farming, if I remember correctly.

>> No.4322266
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> See these everywhere
> Shit massive bricks

>> No.4322427

Lebensraum of course

>> No.4322443

what is it with Ireland?

>> No.4322452

Uh, independent country?

>> No.4322459

I don't wake up because my grandparents would probably be dead.

>> No.4322463
File: 30 KB, 431x388, Cirno4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, looks like Canada is safe from everyone.

Live life as normal.

>> No.4322469

A republic?
For real?
You've made my day then. we drove the dictator out and didn't have to get back to kings, I'm happy

>> No.4322472

Yeah, that's what America thought about "Europe's War"

>> No.4322479
File: 98 KB, 1024x763, nihon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how things roll, OP.

>> No.4322511

As a member of the master race, I am pleased

>> No.4322526

ah, that explains why Italy's entire coastline is marked as German-controlled, because it isn't their original coastline

>> No.4322570

Nothing would change.
Hitles was the Reich, with his death nazi commanders either would've turn on each other, or moralfags would just reintegrate the occupied nation's goverments, possibly leading to a better EU and a North America Republic instead of the USA.

>> No.4322600

Nazis would've worked on cloning technology to keep Hitler alive forever

>> No.4322604
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I hope you understand that it was all because of me.

>> No.4322605

In EU3 I colonized North America with Japan.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.4322631
File: 79 KB, 350x218, trlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying America not getting involved in World War II would have made any difference whatsoever to the outcome

>> No.4322640


He isn't the one who wrote the book

>> No.4322661
File: 43 KB, 224x203, 1264229028515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>believing otherwise

>> No.4322677

> America refuses to sell anything to Britain or Russia
> Germany chokes off Britain via U Boats and it falls
> Germany and Japan gang up on Russia which is not prepared for a 2 front war

>> No.4322681

well if soviets would have run over europe due that, I must say I'd have much rather chosen nazi rule than communist rule, my family being tall and blondes and from allied country I'd be much better off than under stalinist dicatatorship

>> No.4322689
File: 10 KB, 251x251, wonka wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany and Japan gang up on Russia which is not prepared for a 2 front war
lrn2history, Russia was fighting both sides anyway before they capitulated.

>> No.4322702

I made a greater russia that had all of china by 1650's.

such a fun game

>> No.4322718

You know this entire shit with WW2 could have been avoided if France hadn't been so shit

They had the best army in the world at the time and they failed massively. Did anyone with any tactical prowess in France die after the Crimean war or something.

>> No.4322730

YEP. France had the power to invade Germany days after they invaded Poland. It was actually a huge risk for Germany. If France had attacked Germany in 1939 Hitler would've been fucked.

>> No.4322740


>derp derp Maginot Line

>> No.4322750

well not after Rhine valley was reoccupied. Germans made some hefty fortifications in that area, and France lacking the advanced assault doctrines that Germans had (ie. blitzkrieg, feuer und vorrucken) would have pretty much crushed French forces or at least stalled them in yet another trench war which could have then be easily crushed by germans or circumvented for later fun.

>> No.4322763

not really a question of being prepared or not, but rather the fact that Germany and Japan could bring all their forces to bear without having to deal with the Western Allies (plus Germany's infrastructure wouldn't have been decimated by US bombing)

>> No.4322786

I don't think people realize how much material was provided to the allies by the US

>> No.4322796


>> No.4322820

If Britain and France had helped the Czechs Germany would have been defeated easily. Even the soviets had supported the Czechs.

Their army was utter shit then and Hitler's Generals and political allies knew it. Thats why they forced him to accept the "peace" deal.

>> No.4322838

>implying it wasn't mainly the brits doing the bombing runs

furthermore, why the fuck is this in /jp/

>> No.4322861

I like the utterly unexplained blue.

>> No.4322872
File: 224 KB, 800x600, [JimBond007] Hanachirasu 088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4322886


It's Sweden. Nobody cares about Sweden.

>> No.4322889

/jp/ - History

>> No.4322891

I care about Sweden.

>> No.4322894

That and Turkey out of nowhere.

>> No.4322933
File: 43 KB, 500x485, 1264719857431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He would be wrong and so would you.

Americans flew more bomber sorties than the UK did. The UK flew more fighter sorties than the US.

It was collaborative effort.

>> No.4323036

Haha, look at lil' Switzerland
