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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43123398 No.43123398 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know what the Japanese internet was like in the '90s/early 2000s? I'm not confident enough in my ASCII skills to take this question to 2ch/5ch.

>> No.43123560

Little girls stabbed each other over forum beef.

>> No.43123820

WinMX ruled the P2P world. Japanese people sharing CP in the open.

>> No.43123841

It was literal walls of text or personal sites of little Japanese girls drawing Digimon yaoi. I swear that shit was everywhere back then, you couldn't avoid it if you got into the webrings rabbit hole.

>> No.43123850


>> No.43123860



>> No.43123960

5ch today wouldn't know anyways

>> No.43124813

honestly wish we could go back to those days

>> No.43129721

Personal sites such as Samurai damashii and Virtual net Idol Chiyu 12sai were very interesting.

>> No.43133278

80s in Japan pre-internet was awesome too

>> No.43133511

the way piracy worked was you'd connect to certain opennap servers via winmx, search for something, and then ask the person who has if they want to trade. users with fast connections would just let you download freely, but most users had shit internet so you'd often get downloads cancelled if you didn't have anything they wanted. file releases would get announced on relevant 2ch threads.

I served japanese stuff on IRC and this is how I and the other file sources got everything for distro.

>> No.43141470

What's that thing? Is it like Limewire but more autism?

>> No.43141503
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Remember KiSS (Kisekae Set System)? I heard it was pretty big in the 2000's. Seemed to disappear pretty fast in the early 2010's though

>> No.43144350

it is sad to imagine how much great stuff is on people's long forgotten drives somewhere and not on the internet at all

>> No.43144398

damn forgot about this one

>> No.43145926

I liked the good old days when everyone online had their entire download folder shared to everyone automatically. So much to download then.

>> No.43149678

>Japanese people sharing CP in the open
CP was legal in Japan until like a few years ago

>> No.43152745

I wish I could get a delorean time machine and go back in time to better days

>> No.43161243

was this a web game?

>> No.43164845

loved the internet before google ruined it all

>> No.43165696

super cool

>> No.43166950

I don't know about Japan, but in Poland 25 years ago we had obligatory computer classes at my University. First thing that men did was entering so-called "Altavista" and searching for perverted stuff like zoo or CP for shit and giggles. It was publicly accessible everywhere,

We showed it to women in our group to tease them - and it wasn't pseudo-CP like some "artistic" photos, but literal child fucking - and they were like "eeeewww gross". And that's all.

I don't even want to imagine what would happen today.

>> No.43170146

What changed?

>> No.43170966

outrage culture overtook everything, anyone outraged about anything got attention, that is why politics are so bipolar now, there is never calm and cool, just freaking out amplified on any topic

>> No.43173831
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>> No.43173837

They would report them to the police and they'd be put in prison for a draconian amount of time like 20 years or something. Can you imagine that? 1/4 of a human lifespan for a video?

>> No.43174310
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>> No.43174618
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>> No.43174894

Fun fact, Tixati, quite a popular torrent client, is made and is still developed by the same dude who made WinMX. I wonder what else he's made, sounds like a based guy.

>> No.43180876


>> No.43181789

>Is it like Limewire but more autism?
Yes, it has a trading feature. Most Japanese users never open their shares unless they want something from you or you make friends with them.

>> No.43181804

Possession was legal but it doesn't look like distribution was prosecuted much, probably as much as downloading pirate movies in the west. There are so many people who consumed CP in Japan it's not even funny.

>> No.43181824

There are too many files indexed on keydb.telegrip.info I want and will never get to download them because the network is almost dead

>> No.43183386
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>> No.43183791


>> No.43187615

this still is one of the greatest games of all time, but need an old school tv to play it properly

>> No.43189749

wonder what year this even is?

>> No.43196615
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>> No.43197491

did the BBS scene ever get big in Japan?

>> No.43199429
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>> No.43200493 [DELETED] 

I don't believe you.

>> No.43201454

I'd like a link to that too desu

>> No.43201470

I miss the old internet so fucking much

>> No.43201500
File: 28 KB, 439x600, nevadaswimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you both fucking retarded? You do know why Nevada killed Satomi right?

>> No.43201515
File: 145 KB, 670x896, e079ae84bac0bf8e0462d4fe74051a0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they even know who Nevada is?

>> No.43201562

she looks hot but that makes her even more dangerous desu

>> No.43201570
File: 57 KB, 335x500, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought everyone did.

>> No.43206052

can you translate?

>> No.43206072

"Please to not kill any loli, loli."

>> No.43206452
File: 13 KB, 640x573, nevadatanasmilingcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43207075

what does she do with the box cutter?

>> No.43207698

okay but why was it?
Like to my knowledge, selling it was/still is illegal
Doing that shit to a kid was/is illegal

So, why was owning and viewing it legal?

>> No.43207782

Fopnu, DarkMX, super simple server.

He would be based if he made it all open source.

>> No.43207814

*any more loli, loli.

>> No.43207815

Don't want to start a discussion on pizza but you can see making it as clearly harming a child while watching it or saving it on your pc doesn't harm anyone. It has no difference if 1 person or 1000 saw the video.

>> No.43207821

Because having a video on a compact disk was/is harmless.

>> No.43208472

90s sucked

>> No.43209991

bad take

>> No.43214557

I would gladly go back if it were possible

>> No.43219428

was vagina censored in porn back in the 90s?

>> No.43226562
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>> No.43226939

Porn itself was not legal until the 60s, really. Pubes were censored until the 90s. You can thank the white pigs.

>> No.43227011

It's a dress up doll engine. Iunno what's special about it, it's not like dressing up things became unpopular or something.

>> No.43227054

The thing that was banned more recently was nude photobooks, something that's still legal in the west.

>> No.43228942
File: 197 KB, 857x1200, yuam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really?! I hadn't heard, that is so extremely depressing.... you mean if a hot gravure AV star like Yua Mikami, for example, wanted to do a nude photobook, the Japanese government has said no? Why photobooks when movies are ok?

>> No.43228951


>> No.43229439

he means photobooks with underages

>> No.43230462

the 90s would have been so cool to be in Japan in

>> No.43237960
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>> No.43239168

Most Japanese people didn't own PCs, they accessed the internet through their phones

And not smartphones, but hyper-advanced flip phones that only existed in Japan. They could text, email, had TV tuners, and could browse the old internet long before western phones could

As a result most websites looked like ass because they were designed to be browsed on flipphones

Anyway, here's a famous movie and TV series that was based off of a 2chan thread from like 2003


>> No.43239198
File: 281 KB, 1696x911, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bunch of archived geocities pages, in the "Tokyo" section. Although there's a lot of weeb pages made by westerners


pure soul

>> No.43239225




Back then if you wanted to be a narcissist online you had to at least put some work into making a webpage

>> No.43239246
File: 48 KB, 760x471, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder how they're doing now...

>> No.43239487

it is crazy how fast things advance in the last 20 years, we take what we have today for granted already but thinking back even 2005 which feels like just yesterday almost with how time flies by, and there weren't even iPhones yet then, it is weird to think

>> No.43240900

weird how kanji and hiragana in these fonts has different character weight

>> No.43241935

For some reason seeing these made me sad

>> No.43242450

It kinda sucked if you were into anime since seasonals were basically 50+ of mostly bullshit filler and not much choice. Video games were a different story though. Arguably the peak of JRPGs.

>> No.43247687

anime has changed a lot over the decades

>> No.43248166

Same here.

>> No.43248173

Man, I miss them. Same as those strip games.

>> No.43248184

Fopnu is full of glowies.

>> No.43250170


>> No.43250569

I want to try

>> No.43253193

remember rob pongi?

>> No.43254403
File: 37 KB, 1024x936, 1647496286570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep with one eye open, creep

>> No.43254918

do you remember any names of the games?

>> No.43255400

fuck, i miss arcades

>> No.43255411

I also like to find archived old websites.
Most of the time its simply my hunt for rare MUGEN characters, its quite a interesting rabbit hole.

>> No.43258422

me too, best place to hang out all evening for hours back in the day
