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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43201431 No.43201431 [Reply] [Original]

Another former J-pop star has said he was the victim of sexual abuse by Johnny Kitagawa, a revered Japanese music producer who died in 2019.

Kauan Okamoto said he was abused up to 20 times between 2016 - 2020, beginning when he was 15 and in a boy band.

The 26-year-old said he believed as many as 100 boys had been abused.

Kitigawa denied all accusations during his life and he never faced charges. A BBC documentary in March detailed allegations from several victims.

Multiple accusers told the BBC's Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop documentary they feared their careers would be harmed if they refused Kitagawa.

In Japan, he was viewed as one of the music industry's most powerful figures. When he died in 2019 at age 87, his legacy as the architect of J-pop idol culture was widely celebrated in the country.

>> No.43201436

However allegations that he had groomed and sexually abused minors had been around since 1999, when a local magazine Shukan Bunshun published accounts from six former idols.

Most Japanese media however did not cover the allegations - prompting years of accusations of an industry cover-up.

Mr Okamoto told a foreign media press conference on Wednesday he had been compelled to speak out after the BBC documentary was released last month. He first detailed his allegations to Shukan Bunshun on 5 April, and he was invited to speak at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo on Wednesday.

"Japanese media are extremely reluctant to cover this issue, but [I have heard] foreign media, like the BBC, might report on it," said Okamoto, according to reports.

The BBC's investigation into Japan’s J-pop predator

The Japanese-Brazilian singer and songwriter said the abuse occurred about 15- 20 times at Kitagawa's Tokyo apartment.

He had been picked to join the Johnny's Jr group in 2012 - which was a talent pool of male idols in training at Kitagawa's agency Johnny & Associates.

>> No.43201443

Mr Okamoto said he knew of at least 100 boys who had stayed over at Kitagawa's home and he believed all of them had been abused.

On Wednesday Johnny & Associates issued a statement after Mr Okamato's press conference saying the company was working to "strengthen our governance system".

It did not address Mr Okamato's allegations or make any other reference to its founder.

The agency remains Japan's top male talent manager and production company. It has produced some of the country's biggest boy bands, such as SMAP and Arashi.

Mr Okamoto said he hadn't considered taking legal action against Johnny & Associates.

Instead he expressed hope that telling his story would inspire more victims to speak out.

"I hope everyone will come forward because it is an outrageous number of victims," he told reporters on Wednesday.

"I believe that what he did to me, performing sexual acts when I was 15, and what he did to other boys, was wrong."

>> No.43201448

Oh no not Kauan! That was my mans and them!

>> No.43201455

Otaku culture?

>> No.43201542

which johnny's idols does /jp/ like?

>> No.43201628

the soft skin ones

>> No.43201629

Take this garbage to your containment thread

>> No.43201663
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>> No.43207240

why isn't there more reaction to this? is diddling little shotas just normal activity in japan?

>> No.43207377

It was an open secret for a long time in Japan that nobody could do anything about because of how much pull Johnny had in the Japanese media industry. His groups were huge moneymakers (Morning Musume weren't shit compared to SMAP and other Johnny's groups) to the point where he could effectively blacklist other agencies from getting on TV by threatening to pull his acts from shows or stations that aired them. He's basically Japanese Jimmy Savile and his shit was likely covered up and ignored for a lot of the same reasons: powerful entertainment figure with a long career that likely made a ton of powerful connections which would implicate a lot of other powerful figures in the media/political sphere were aware of what was happening and chose to ignore it. And now they don't see a reason to continue it because he's dead so what would bringing it up now even accomplish? Just sweep it under the rug.

>> No.43207392

They literally only made cp illegal in 2014 why are you so shocked?

>> No.43207394

reaction where? western media needs to stay out of Japan's internal business, this is not your culture

>> No.43207456

Um ACK-shully the UN NEEDS to ban Japanese men from drawing loli or it will normalize the rape of children by soldiers in Yemen or something to that effect.

>> No.43207706

So early this year! I guess it has been getting hot though..

>> No.43207778

Japan is rightful US colony, they must abide their master's moral

>> No.43208491

I vaduely remember that back when bunshun reported he was a child molester, johnny sued them and then the court agreed that he was a molester. I kinda forget how it went down but I think they still had to pay some damages because even if something is true it can still be defamatory in japanese law

>> No.43210724

I'm more surprised they haven't yet turned this into being about how actually the female idol stuff is worse. Even though all of the sexual harassment and molestation and shit you hear about came from Johnny's.

>> No.43211199

3d out

>> No.43213165

at least our boys haven't touched girls

>> No.43213589

I wouldn't believe a word coming out of the mouth of a disposable celebrity. Especially female. All lies and bullshit.

>> No.43220463

Wait THE JOHNNY guy???? The one connected to all those groups??? Holy shit

>> No.43227709

So J-pop boy-band shota faggots are actually groomed and sodomized as little faggots
>tries to make surprised face and fails

>> No.43237944

stop using the stupid American sjw word of the day, it is dumb and overused, and doesn't belong in discussions of Japanese culture

>> No.43238003

Sorry rittre fagguto, I deeduntu meen tu offendu yoo

>> No.43241734 [DELETED] 

And why should we care about this?

>> No.43241788

we love johnnys here and hate akb

>> No.43241864

You mean homosexual Indonesians? You’re not a part of /jp/. The mods were gracious enough to give you a containment shithole, stay there.

>> No.43241877

seethe and cope, even kpop idols are more popular than akb in japan

>> No.43241930

I don’t even know what you’re blabbing about, jungle nigger.
I know Indonesians are low IQ ESLs but you can’t even use a simple word like “cope” appropriately.

>> No.43241955

pretending to be a non akbfag
you only appeared when akb was mentioned

>> No.43241971

I know you're shitposting, but this is the exact mentality that most of the Japan outragers operate on.
