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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, Nazrin just fell in lava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43163602 No.43163602 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about game ideas and sever hosts!

>> No.43163622

BAR game is now up now!

To join you will need to find my lobby. Find multiplayer lobbies "Multiplayer & Coop" and then "battle list"
There you will see a bunch of lobbies. Mine will be at the bottom with a shade of purple.

Lobby will simply be callled "Gensokyo"
The password will be: fa1c

>> No.43163635

I misspelled server, thread is already over.

>> No.43163690

Why are you so USELESS

>> No.43163709

How is that sven server going right now?

>> No.43163720

Are we severing hosts now? Brutal

>> No.43163773

It's a euphemism for something else entirely

>> No.43163836

ok anon, but you will have to wait for me

>> No.43163856

Sure. I can wait

>> No.43163858

Lots of death

>> No.43163871

How many people are there right now?

>> No.43163879
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>> No.43163906

free and plenty of free servers

>> No.43163915

If it doesn't have 2hus I'm not playing

>> No.43163928
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-04-09_00-44-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made it to iron, leather production is underway, there is road infrastructure and the izakaya is running. Everybody has lived into the new world nicely and its just about time to start working towards a new level of tools and fine gear (for all your touhou cosplay needs)

For the next time, should I host tomorrow or wait until friday?

>> No.43163934

i can be your touhou...

>> No.43164004

Tempting but no

>> No.43164508
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BAR is closed now. We tried to defend from Kutaka chicken swarms but got nuked (chickens can built nukes). Hope the one anon had fun!

>> No.43164859

Sven server is still going. Just start the game and put "connect STEAM_0:1:151676243" into the console.

>> No.43164867
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>> No.43164900

How many players are on?

>> No.43164921

Is there anywhere I can get Sven outside of Steam, or if its Steam only, can I get the game without having Steam?

>> No.43164932

Just.. make a steam account..

>> No.43164936

Nope, all Valve games and apps require St*am.

>> No.43164938

Hang yourself

>> No.43164941

Afraid of hacker 4chan?

>> No.43164944
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It's really not hard to do...

>> No.43164952
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Base Profile Screenshot 2023.04.09 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43164954

Overdose yourself

>> No.43164972

I just don't like making accounts

>> No.43165002
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>> No.43165009

Could you elaborate?

/!\ I'm not a federal agent /!\, I just can't understand what's the problem with making a Steam account... maybe your explanation will open my eyes

>> No.43165027

How long is Sven being hosted for?

>> No.43165045

Its kind of just annoying that everything needs its own separate account and i'm too lazy for just that so i'll pass

>> No.43165061
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>> No.43165123

The ran model somebody used had no panties, saw fox pussy everytime we went up a ladder.

>> No.43165141

Screens? Asking for a friend of course haha

>> No.43165164
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>> No.43165559
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>> No.43165687

10 right now

>> No.43166197
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Thanks for hosting!

>> No.43166202

fuck every single one of my screenshots is a black screen.
that was a good time running through half life one

>> No.43166209
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>> No.43166218

Sven server is now closed. Thanks for coming everyone! I had a lot of fun.

>> No.43166245

Fun as hell way to stay up, thanks again for the session. A dozen people jumping their way through Half Life will never not be amusing.

>> No.43166253

I never thought I'd have as much fun with faggots like you guys!

>> No.43166291
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What a coincidence, Easter, HL, JP

>> No.43166296

With the amount of traps half life has, it was a lot of fun seeing five or six guys show up in the death log as having been blown up or crushed.

>> No.43166316
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>> No.43166353


>> No.43166534


>> No.43166804


>> No.43167278
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Hopefully we host sven again next weekend, it was lots of fun!

>> No.43167313

Maybe. I will have to be more prepared next time.

>> No.43167497
File: 628 KB, 569x821, svencoop_O30ds8FRAV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horror maps went on for a little long but the half-life playthrough was fun.

>> No.43167518
File: 454 KB, 553x624, svencoop_kKv0OJfB38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43167851

Your game freezes when i try to play any Map

>> No.43168316

Didn’t know they had artillery, that was what stopped my advance

>> No.43168336

Damn… should have joined, but i was too tired. Next time count me in!

>> No.43170057

I remember some anons playing Vintage Story that ragequit early on cause the game was too complicated

>> No.43170203

sven was too late for me...

>> No.43170236

>Afraid Of Monsters
AoM next!

>> No.43170319

I'll happily play again tonight
Tomorrow I might have to do stuff though.

>> No.43170363

You all gave up on that game already? I missed Friday but i had everything setup whenever you all planned to do it again.

>> No.43170406

It took me like fifteen minutes to get what the game was structured around.
I have no idea what took everyone so long to get, other than my insistence on the fumo ethnostate.

>> No.43170543
File: 3.54 MB, 765x400, mcdanmaku.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this. But it's laggy and a bit clanky. Not sure how actual 3D danmaku would work. It needs to be lagless at least

>> No.43170588
File: 3.88 MB, 765x400, thmobs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cute mobs, a dialogue system and craftable bullets.
Maybe I will port that one Japanese 1.7.10 mod that's cooler with tons of touhou items and spells to 1.12 and extend the danmaku mod.

>> No.43170646

Nobody gave up, we played it again yesterday (more than 10 players peak) but i am contemplating to put in a break, seeing as it is easter and i imagine others might be busy with family

very nice, reminds me of that one mod stuck on a version between 1.7 and 1.12, did you make it with mcreator?

>> No.43170657

good one. Half of us still live with our parents.

>> No.43170689

You can still spend time with your family though

>> No.43170719

that means half of us out of commission

>> No.43171313

I doubt we will play this again, but you are not the first person I have seen that had problems even running the game. I wish i could tell you whats the issue but i really don't know. Sorry! It could be an issue with ram space. The minimum specs require at least 8.

>> No.43171353

Yeah. There are plasma dome shields that will reflect those. They can be created with a T2 constructor.

>> No.43171624
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>Half of us still live with our parents.
Lucky bastards.

>> No.43171920

Not really

>> No.43171975

>lives with people who loves you
>gets food and shelter for free
the horror!

>> No.43171986 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43172012

We played this.

>> No.43172018

either vags have always been this nasty, this specifically is nasty or i have never seen a vago in my life

>> No.43172031
File: 25 KB, 650x385, long-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a looooooong vagina.

>> No.43172036

>posting on /jp/
the later most likely.

>> No.43172037

>Love you
I said we live with them, not that they loved you.
Going way too far there.

>> No.43172040

Do they hate you?

>> No.43172052

they found the shit shirt

>> No.43172054

well if they did not kick you out yet at the worst its people who tolerates you, which is a lot to ask in today's society.

>> No.43172061

You're disgusting

>> No.43172063

Certified /jaypee/ gaymer

>> No.43172255

lazyness is the death of every autist, it's always something like this, for example: the shit attic, the piss/shit drawer, pissing on the fron door, pissing on bottles, etc.

>> No.43172269

Calm down guys, I was joking for fuck's sake.

>> No.43172279

Yep, this goes into the classic /jp/ moments folder. *flies away*

>> No.43172287

YOU are a joke.

>> No.43172303

/jaypee/ gaymer status: revoked

>> No.43172683

What about the cum socks?

>> No.43172713

So what is available for tonight? I am down for sven coop but I can try BAR as well since I tried zero-k before. Can't play to 4AM like last night due to jobyjob.

>> No.43172812

I'd like to try Beyond All Reason this time.

>> No.43172846

Seeing these threads makes me feel like an old man. Things seem so different now than when some of the same games were hosted here just a few years ago.

>> No.43172884 [DELETED] 

I could host it again in 20 mins

>> No.43172896

Sure. I can host in 20 mins.

>> No.43172902

How come? Looks no different to me, even some games are the same.

>> No.43173019

I'm not too sure how to describe it, and I don't mean it in a particularly bad way. It's just how posting styles and interactions have changed over the years I guess.

>> No.43173060
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If you are not pulling a fast one on me...BAR game is up! Same deal as >>43163622 but the password will be: p2ad

>> No.43173241

okay I've joined.

>> No.43173374

if you timed out rejoin and launch the battle again. it happens sometimes...

>> No.43173401

It timed out for a bit, now It's almost done loading

>> No.43173412

alright just let finish. Rejoin once its its done.

>> No.43173880

>It's just how posting styles and interactions have changed over the years I guess.
I have this observation (a theory if you will) that the posting style of each decade was influenced by the posting style of the popular platforms in the prior decade. and so:

>posting style of the 2010s was influenced by forums and forum culture of the 2000s
>posting style of the 2000s was influenced by 1990s BBS culture

Meanwhile in 2020s:

>posting style of 2020s is influenced by posting style of 2010s smartphone social media culture

I really dislike the current sytle of posting, since its conditioned people to:

>post very short, popular opinion posts that are targetted at maximizing a metric (on 4chan its yous, on social media its and upvote, like, etc)
>ignore any post that has typos and has not been autoformatted by mobile keyboards to look: Exactly like this with perfect capitalization. And punctuation.
>infinitely scroll for small dopamine hits instead of actually reading posts or writing longform posts
>avoid any form of special characters since those are hard to type on a mobile keyboard

it's sad really, the social media posting style tends to flood channels with noise until most people drop mentally drop out of them. sure, theyll still use these channels, but its only out of habit, not enjoyment

>> No.43173898

Okay /jp/, I need to know:
dog girls, bird girls, or bug girls?

>> No.43173916
File: 426 KB, 1448x2048, 024970ec579e8b7f94a6e38625a63c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mice girls

>> No.43173924
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>> No.43173929
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>bug girls
Loud seggs with le Mineycrafta buge until the bed we built with brown bricks breaks!

>> No.43173936
File: 155 KB, 800x800, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_monopollyan__08a1d4e748f97615d778d9d767cd9bcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those are fine but i prefer weird and not so bright ones.

>> No.43173944
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I'm partial to dogs.
Give us games.

>> No.43173949
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BAR is now closed! Thanks for playing.

>> No.43173953
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Thank you all
I have ideas of a game I want to make, but I am stuck between these three.
Mouse girls are cute but I don't have any ideas for them!

>> No.43173959

did you win? i will join next week if you are hosting again

>> No.43173981

We lost in explosive fashion. I will most likely not host next week.

>> No.43173984

Did you have fun though? That's what matters.

>> No.43173992

Of course. Losing is part of the fun.

>> No.43174005

Playing with /jp/ is the BEST fun

>> No.43174641

It's just the current state of /jp/, too many people came in from elsewhere for vtubers and the like. Let's not forget the moderation team was not on the side of the board, and encouraged these kinds of posters.
Hold dear those times you played just a couple of years ago, because it's never coming back.

>> No.43174659

>It's just the current state of /jp/
More like the current state of everywhere. New people come and old people go, no amount of jannies will change that.

>> No.43175008

I feel the same. A lot of times I just feel that these posters aren't my kind.

>> No.43175036

Weren't you here during the vtuber boom? /jp/ became faster than /pol/ and the posting style on here changed drastically in the span of just a few weeks. Lots of people left and were replaced with a new, different userbase.

>> No.43175390

The crazy part is that even though /vt/ exists now there are still vtuber threads here for no reason at all and I just don't understand anymore.

>> No.43177687

Guys, I understand that the board "style" is drastically different, and it hasn't been that long since all this happened... but I've been having a lot of fun with people playing these games that were suggested, and I can't tell if I was playing with newfags or oldfags. It wasn't even something that crossed my mind.

I think this kind of thread is a good way for us to try to unite the different types of users that we have here right now.

>> No.43177732

On that note, is VS being hosted again tonight?

>> No.43177750

I really hope these gaking threads are still going once I get back home in a few days. So far I've missed everything and I feel like I'm missing out.

>> No.43177752

I wasn't hosting it, but I think we're only playing weekends

>> No.43177849

Don't phonepost, bros. S'not worth it

>> No.43177858

I also feel like I'm missing out because you aren't with us....

>> No.43177886

Shame, but at least it means I have more time to work on college. not that I will, but I have to option.

>> No.43177905
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A-anon-sama... I...

>> No.43178115
File: 443 KB, 929x786, 898f77d078b9dc7a7765106b6d0eecec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we just let this thread die out and post a new one during the weekend or what

>> No.43178248

Probably fine to let it die and make a new one Thursday to give everyone a few days to figure out the weekend plan.

>> No.43178452

Was planning on weekends (none during sunday because of easter) but i could host tonight if there's interest

>> No.43178476

Why not leave the thread up to discuss other possible games to host, not that we'll play anything besides sven, vintage story and maybe minecraft

>> No.43178684

Honestly I'm still willing to play HoI4 but it doesn't havr to be the mod we suggested last thread it can just be a portrait mod that changes all the leaders and generals with 2hus

>> No.43178722

Please, I just wanna play a paradox game in multiplayer just once in my life. I suck at HoI so I'll probably get my ass kicked but I'm still willing

>> No.43178796

Could play No More Room in Hell. It'd be fun for a night. Don't know what custom models are readily available though.

>> No.43178963

I think 5 anons were playing Skydrift

>> No.43179033

An anon shared BallisticNG with /jp/ mods a few threads ago. Some racing could be fun.

>> No.43179561

we played terraria a while ago

>> No.43179588

Call me when you guys decide to start hosting Minecraft.
Fuck Vintage Story.

>> No.43179616

VS is just too complicated, huh? Or is there some other reason?

>> No.43179668
File: 121 KB, 225x224, 20230406_185753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but yeah VS is a major filter for me and probably a few other anons, it seems interesting don't get me wrong but it's brand of autism is a bit to high even for me. Honestly I just want to dick around and build a nice house and maybe a bit of pixel art of some 2hus with some anons. With VS it feels like what would take in Minecraft a hour or so 5 hours to do in VS.

>> No.43179780

Same anon and I agree. Here are some of the things we did in the Minecraft server last year:

- We watched videos together in a movie theater
- We made an entire town, farm, mob spawner, kitchen, bathroom, mansion
- We won the game and killed the dragon
- We had numerous maids based on Touhou characters

Next time there is a server I would like to make some pixel art. For those of you interested I recommend PixelStacker


This makes the pixel art file for you which can then be used with the mod Litematica.

>> No.43179831

Yeah, you're kinda right.
The difficulty lends itself to shenanigains, though.

>> No.43179910
File: 81 KB, 1237x726, 1678319189482789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VS has a better survival mode and it is a lot of fun, but many anons just want a chill game with touhou and hang out, and MC creative mode with mods works perfectly.
Besides, they're both effectively free along with other games posted here, and if there's a host there's nothing stopping you from joining whoever you want and posting screenshots or good times.
Above all I'd hate for the thread to turn into some console war shit over who did what and which game is this or that, god knows there's already cesspool generals centered around games on this board. This should be a place to play whatever you feel like playing with other anons and have fun; after all, all of your friends are here.

>> No.43179959

vintage story's survival mode is much better than minecraft's, but i wouldnt be opposed to joining a creative build server, something 1.12 with littletiles, customnpcs and maids

>> No.43179966

>after all, all of your friends are here.
This hits hard, man

>> No.43180032

>vintage story's survival mode is much better than minecraft's
I just want to have little fun, no think

>> No.43180049

I find creative to be boring, no challenge whatsoever.
A little bit of difficulty in doing something is what makes things interesting, after all.

>> No.43180062

minecraft survival just ends up being tedium with 0 challenge at all and building large things without flying sucks

>> No.43180097

I like the constraint of having to think about how i'm gonna build something.
Building a bridge in creative takes time, sure, but building a really nice bridge in survival? that's a lot more impressive, and sometimes leads to a better endpoint, because you had to take the time to think about it.

>> No.43180153

That's why scaffolds come in handy for large and tall builds. Such a shame they aren't in 1.12.2

>> No.43180206

It depends on what you're building and at what scale. Trying to do big pixel (block) art or thematic towns and villages in survival just isn't possible for a typical play session on a server, even with a dozen hands helping. You're spending more time collecting and grinding for mats and tools than building. Not to say that it can't happen, it just has to be an event of its own and players organize as a team to complete it. In creative everyone can be off doing their own thing and have a more relaxed game. Really it comes down to personal taste.

>> No.43180238
File: 320 KB, 800x583, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you nerds pick some simple online browser game like pixelcanvas.io?

>> No.43180241

I said this in the last thread, but i've carved out most of a Chireiden interpretation out of an underground cavern.
Did it take time? Yes, hours.
Does it look cool as fuck? I think it does, and I don't think that the same level of work would go into it had I just done it in creative.
I like working around problems, what can I say.

>> No.43180430

I agree.

>> No.43181572
File: 647 KB, 750x1000, 1667480080292546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a bad suggestion but what about left 4 dead 2, lots of 2hu mods for that and theres the choice for either versus or coop

>> No.43181579
File: 882 KB, 1024x768, marisawithagun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fits in to my 2hu's with guns asthetic.

>> No.43181617
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, 1680306518450600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play l4d2 and you'll get even more!

>> No.43181639

one touhou music mod for that got me into thousand leaves

>> No.43181687

Why the fuck does she replace Nick and not Rochelle? Fucking chinamen can't do anything right.

>> No.43181808

I think it's funnier having Momiji as Rochelle

>> No.43181835

L4D2 is fun, but there's a low maximum player count. It probably wouldn't be bad during the week though, when there are less /jp/sies available.

>> No.43181975

It's entirely possible to have more people on a modded server, I just don't know how hard/easy it would be to set up the plug in required to have 20 people, here's a server with 20 people limit

>> No.43181994

Huh. Sounds kind of chaotic, but fun. Fighting over medkits and a lot of "accidental" friendly fire.

>> No.43182867

Does /jp/ play counter Strike? I want to learn how to play bbecuase i am shit.

>> No.43183070

CSS and 1.6? Sure
GO? No

>> No.43183219

They traniffied CS 2

>> No.43183284
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>> No.43186568


>> No.43189025
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and we can play it on weekend haha

>> No.43189177

moba is the worst genre ever created

>> No.43189747
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 95220662_p25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not played a multiplayer video game in 2 years

>> No.43190073


>> No.43190278

he doesn't like it

>> No.43194769

Next Vintage Story session when?

>> No.43194827


>> No.43195145


Vintage Story is over

>> No.43195237

No it's on friday

>> No.43195326

No it's over



>> No.43196988

Thanks for playing, it was fun.

>> No.43198666

This friday

>> No.43198763

there are a few custom touhou models available on the steam workshop, enough to override every default player model

>> No.43199120

Somebody mentioned left 4 dead 2 earlier, I can run a server for it with increased player count and about 20 different touhou models to choose from, and it uses revemu so no steam is required. Would anyone be interested in that?

>> No.43199144

Maybe this weekend.

>> No.43199152
File: 180 KB, 850x1214, 1636921109770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds really fun

>> No.43199276

I have a download link here
https://pastebin.com/375bMAjm (embedded in pastebin in case 4chan doesn't like it)
I'm not sure a good time to host, friday would be good for me but it seems you guys plan on playing vintage story then.

>> No.43199357
File: 24 KB, 900x600, 1677421455178839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with left 4 dead 2 running abysmally bad on modern computers? When i tested it few months ago it was just slideshow lagfest, i assume it just hates my graphics card or something like that.

>> No.43199707

What is your set up? Source games don't need intense card or anything, I know source games in general tend to lead more on the CPU side of things but with a old game like l4d2 even a laptop could run it

>> No.43199901
File: 77 KB, 578x700, __mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_meimaru_inuchiyo__11524fdc1503f44fa6abd64b9b2e240d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4Ghz CPU along with 6Gt GPU should be enough right? I have far heavier games that run just fine but for some reason l4d2 is odd one that just slideshows, servers are other possibility but i am pretty sure i tested multiple different sessions and it was laggy af even in starting cutscenes.

>> No.43199911

I'm good with Friday. I think Vintage Story usually ends pretty early, and not everyone plays it so some overlap shouldn't be a big deal.
Saturday is also good.

>> No.43200043
File: 195 KB, 1966x2048, 13a9709dd82f37c241c22af88f9a28f8576f986f097b0bde12c56f5834146fce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to join from steam? Don't feel like downloading a separate executable when there's already a working option.
Have you made sure the game runs using your GPU? This is almost never an issue but I can't think of any other reason, L4D2 is not very taxing to run.

>> No.43200202
File: 559 KB, 3106x1850, __kochiya_sanae_komeiji_satori_kaenbyou_rin_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_pandain__48e510d2b3f632b144c50c6b9b70c2ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i was about to say whatelse it could use?
but then there is integrated shit from motherboard but i REALLY doubt that it is retarded enough to default to that. redownloading so i can test. this stuff.

>> No.43200217

Maybe a probably with your hard drive and storage space but I'm not sure

>> No.43200279
File: 208 KB, 700x1200, __mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_spacezin__5804c0300b3be36ec3b007c51797e761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt it since i have 1Tb of free space and i maintain my computer far better than most. considering how often other people need to reinstall. use backups or straight up buy new computer.

>> No.43200299

Then how come it lags on your machine?

>> No.43200364
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x2400, __kawashiro_nitori_inaba_tewi_and_kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_futa_nabezoko__5402f70a601c9b295cd692f7190b7adf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of some random bullshit.
Now that i did some testing again i can only make assumtion that problem was servers, since it works fine now.

>> No.43200500
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently trying to finish up the RO server by adding loading screens to the client and testing the skill changes I'm making. I made a bunch of them that I ripped from the boorus, also tried making my own but I may just only make a couple. if any draw friends want to have their art in the game, please send them to me here. they gotta be in 640x480 or a multiple that I can downscale.

>> No.43200566

It is possible to join from steam, but the download I provided comes with all the touhou models already, so you'll have to download them when connecting. Because l4d2 is bad at downloading files to clients, it can possibly mess up for you.

>> No.43200988

what about skribbl.io ? free browser game where 1 dude gets a word and needs to draw it while the rest guesses. if you create a room you can create custom words so it can be 2hou themed as well. tough you need to write each word manually so writing every 2hou might be a chore.

>> No.43202238

Any plans on what xp/drop multipliers you're going to put in? Also what about 2hu sprites?

>> No.43204413

I should actually put my planned changes up https://pastebin.com/sH39y42f
base/job exp is 7x
item/card drops are 35x logrithmically scaled (lower drop rate gets the 35x while higher doesn't)
mvp items are 1x
quest exp is 5x
I would like to add touhou sprites, but I need to find some sprite assets. otherwise jRO did provide some touhou hats that should be in the base grf, but I need to make them available to buy everyone

>> No.43204539

For l4d2, I can try hosting it this friday at around 7-8 PM EST, or something around that.

>> No.43206153

We could play Blue Protocol when it launches. It can be fun to have a /jp/ guild!

>> No.43207834

Maybe if the JP version remains uncensored. The gameplay didn't look very interesting to me, and there's never enough variety in MMO classes.

>> No.43207839

Hey dude hosting Gensou Skydrift. Are you planning to host again?

>> No.43209275
File: 162 KB, 2048x1448, 68fda27406ff73059b70e57879b8c1daa495036a248359d2c1db47d18365fd15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that makes sense. Looking forward to tomorrow!

>> No.43209737
File: 56 KB, 582x487, 36bcc301d7516b1b44f1324f99642323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt we'll continue playing for extended periods, so I'm not too sure about the low rates. Might as well allow faster progression so people can experience more of the game for the time we do play.

As for 2hu sprites, obviously there are no fully fledged sprite sheets around but here is this set of static sprites that has floated around the web for a bit. Maybe you can do something with it.

>> No.43209814

I would need to split them up into act and spr files, add them to the client and server list, and that could work. as for the rates, I am also accommodating the /vm/ group since they generally just like to pvm and woe. If worse comes to worse and I don't get a big following from them, I can just bump it up and make the server renewal if everyone here doesn't mind, I would rather make you guys happy instead of /vm/.

>> No.43209840
File: 572 KB, 750x600, 1659731120385138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon but i'd be up for it too, didn't get the opportunity to be 3.

>> No.43210251

I dunno about cs2 but some of the agent skins look like trannys.

>> No.43210295

i always wanted to give RO a try back in the days, so i'm in when it's ready.

>> No.43210460
File: 89 KB, 411x294, 1604101910719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43210629

That anon, since there's enough interest >>43209840 which there is I'll host a game around the same time as before which is in about 15 hours

>> No.43212179
File: 1.54 MB, 3500x4300, fac01e13472be74314e0bcc4bf2aab7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to push the l4d2 server back about an hour because I completely forgot I won't be able to be around then, sorry.

>> No.43212191
File: 746 KB, 1119x884, question.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is the VS server gonna be up?

>> No.43212292
File: 420 KB, 342x342, flanbourine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vintage story will be up in 6 hours, at 6pm UTC

>> No.43212365
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>> No.43212872
File: 5 KB, 601x123, 1681474858194935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume that the only thing I need to change in this ini is the username right?

>> No.43213471
File: 1.85 MB, 630x520, sven accident.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the next sven session?

>> No.43213519

I was going to host Saturday, but I might hold off for this week. If there's demand though, I'll still do it. A bit of preparation to do, but that's fine.

>> No.43215162

Vintage story is up!

>> No.43215227

Damnit I'm busy. gonna miss the start.

>> No.43215267

I'm down to play if it will be up.


>> No.43215288
File: 19 KB, 200x410, 1680498253273975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god that music loop was horrible

>> No.43215809

I love you guys.

>> No.43215842

Did you have an orgy in Vintage Story yet?

>> No.43216524
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-04-14_22-08-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lake of fire!

>> No.43216942
File: 368 KB, 761x516, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a katana made of a fallen meteorite

>> No.43217130

Before I host it and have no one join like last time, how much interest is there if I host skydrift now

>> No.43217162

i could download it right now, but pass link

>> No.43217161

Sorry to be inconvenient but i'll be busy all day today so i'd prefer perhaps tomorrow if that's okay.

>> No.43217172

people are playing stuff right now and it seems today is all booked up

>> No.43217192

I have a legit copy but this was posted in the last thread by another anon, no one ended up downloading it cause it apparently seemed shady but up to you https://bowfile.com/5f0t
I'll also try to tomorrow as well, same time as now

>> No.43217193

Dude, just host. The worst that can happen is nobody joins.

>> No.43217229

I'll give it a go, skydrift lobby is up
make sure region is set to EU

>> No.43217392

That link is sketchy and doesn't seem to work anyways. Use this download instead. Same version and everything.


>> No.43217454

No bots?

>> No.43217518

Bots are not a thing in MP

>> No.43217595
File: 31 KB, 398x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol :>

>> No.43217598

Sorry, my PC is dying. Host again another day, I'll get some practice in and be more of a threat.
I swear that I had already unlocked everything.

>> No.43217652

Skydrift closed for now, I'll host same time tomorrow
Allg, any idea where the savefiles are? I'll post mine so anyone who joins can get everything

>> No.43217993

I'm affraid not. A quick search tells me that it's in some obscure steam folder which I don't seem to have, goodness knows how our pirate friends would use it.

>> No.43218102
File: 545 KB, 1283x955, __miyako_yoshika_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_wool_miwol__8a9895aa01d256ab56939404b6bd08b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The l4d2 server will be up soon. As a last step of preperation, please go into rev.ini and change PlayerName to something other than what I stupidly left in there. Also, to connect you have to use the console, and l4d2 has issues with some non-american keyboards and not being able to open the console. If you have any issues opening the console, open rev.ini and put "+console" at the end of ProcName.

>> No.43218185

The server is up, to connect, open the console and put in "connect"
Also, if you connect and then the screen turns black, that means you're downloading something from the server, so please be patient.

>> No.43218196

I'll join in a bit. I'm going to take a short nap first.

>> No.43218222

it says failed to connect after 10 tries

>> No.43218240

i got invalid host version, is it because i am playing from steam?

>> No.43218251

I'm not sure why, I see no failed connection attempts on my end.
I'm really sorry, but I completely forgot the version I am running is an old version, so you actually do have to download from the link I provided.

>> No.43218359
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, a8I0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a campaign

>> No.43218886

Is this capped to 4 players?

>> No.43218890

Not at all, currently at about 10.

>> No.43218922

1 billion dead zombies...

>> No.43219066
File: 21 KB, 200x200, ff69efb317faac11f30a6942f84082d61483229891_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I'm drunk as fuck and I'd like to play something with frens
2hu minecraft would be awesome but idk if anyone has ever set up a dedicated server.
As for now I'm playing mystia's izakaya as I do every weekend night while drunk

>> No.43219168
File: 596 KB, 2560x1440, c8m4_interior0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43219217

H-how do I get 2hu skins for the L4D2 steam version so I can go join u guys????????

>> No.43219289

How long is the L4D2 campaign?

>> No.43219290

You have to pay

With your DIGNITY

>> No.43219295

the steam version is not the same version as the download, you HAVE to download the version provided.

>> No.43219296

you gotta download the sketchy jk link, cant join from steam version

>> No.43219302

we beat it a while ago, but there are a ton of campaigns and we are on our 4th now

>> No.43219315

It seems the steam version is more up to date, so you will need to download the copy above to play either way

>> No.43219330

>Invalid host version, expecting 2226, got 2225
Nani the fuck????????????

>> No.43219342

>download the copy above
Bro please link the link again, im too drunk to find it in the thread by myself

>> No.43219355
File: 21 KB, 486x198, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will need to download the copy above to play either way

>> No.43219362

Uh wouldn't downloading the older version files conflict with the Steam version some of us have?

>> No.43219403

it worked for me when i ran RUN_L4D2.EXE instead of left4dead2.exe

>> No.43219448

ah, sorry, I used google drive because it had a larger limit than mega, but sometimes when too many people download at once it does this. I can try and host another day too so everyone gets a chance to play

>> No.43219456
File: 623 KB, 2560x1440, c6m3_port0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43219533

manage to connect with steam version by lying to the server and editing the left4dead2/steam.inf
downloading models from fastdl is taking forever however

>> No.43219610

>lying to the server and editing the left4dead2/steam.inf
In english doc?

>> No.43219771

go into steam.inf in the left4dead2 folder and make sure these values are in it

>> No.43219793

Don't care just give me a functional download link

>> No.43219854
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, AXSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43219859
File: 57 KB, 217x194, Mag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good photo

>> No.43219981

thank you

>> No.43219986

the l4d2 server is still up by the way

>> No.43219991

My penis is up by the way

>> No.43220012
File: 715 KB, 1024x1024, 1603602726727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good times all around, l4d2 is a good choice

>> No.43220112
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 1671809384471363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into steam.inf in the left4dead2 folder
where is that

>make sure these values are in it
how do i do that

>> No.43220116

Don't bother he bought the game on Steam (lol)

>> No.43220132
File: 261 KB, 576x455, panty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43220133

inside the games base folder theres a folder called left4dead2, inside that is steam.inf
open it with notepad

>> No.43220150
File: 1.80 MB, 1678x944, water bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43220152
File: 80 KB, 224x225, 7c06sialuo281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh too much hassle, i just wanna click and join and play and have fun, sorry

>> No.43220161

You won't be able to right now anyways because the guy hosting it didn't provide a functional link for a free download of the game. See >>43219355 and >>43219448.

>> No.43220265

nta but he was following instructions to join with steam copy so i think he didn't even need to download link in a first place.

>> No.43220290

I can see sanny's panties

>> No.43220316

Why do the anons ITT have a Steam copy of L4D2

>> No.43220343

It was free in christmas

>> No.43220375

It's a fun game that I deemed worth my money.

>> No.43220507

It's my favourite game

>> No.43220595
File: 405 KB, 2560x1440, c14m1_junkyard0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had fun!

>> No.43220597

The l4d2 server is closed now, thanks for playing everyone.
I'm sorry google broke the download, I didn't expect that to happen.

>> No.43220607
File: 492 KB, 2560x1440, c6m3_port0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43220610
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x2000, dbvx165-caa1f336-f2e8-4061-9cbd-40e39fa0348a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pirating games

>> No.43220618
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1674293058177746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43220640
File: 264 KB, 282x478, reisen awp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for hosting!

>> No.43220673
File: 138 KB, 1613x1370, FtrIvo4aQAIO-Yb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the fun time! Made for a super enjoyable night.

>> No.43221140

>avoid any form of special characters since those are hard to type on a mobile keyboard
I never did this because I thought is kinda gay, but now I see it as kinda smug and cute. thanks :) <3 :p

>> No.43221292
File: 28 KB, 795x641, kossy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly agree with you on this, but regarding special characters and autoformatting I've mostly experienced the opposite.
Most zoomer retards like me purposefully switch between more and less accurate writing styles to convey mood and formality (Tom Scott actually made a language files video on this a few years ago), and I feel like special characters have generally gotten more common with the cementation of Unicode as a standard, not less.
But that's just like, my opinion, dude

>> No.43223226
File: 427 KB, 800x974, 1677664007272074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's saturday which means we will be playing sven today, right?

>> No.43223385
File: 82 KB, 218x248, 1681563421884008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did a week already pass? Is my sense of time just that bad at this point? There is no way it was not just 2 days ago.

>> No.43223410

I'll try, but I have stuff to do today, so we might start a bit late.

>> No.43224209

Your sense of time is whack, bro

>> No.43224305

I just really hate emojis and emoticons in general, unless used ironically.
It's usually women as well, which instantly makes them look like children in my eyes.
Fuck feminism, made all women infantile, no wonder there's so many pedos these days, it's no longer a fucking leap mentally.

>> No.43226526

count me in.
Things are made more accessable. If you wanted to act quirky in text, (`-`)b d(^ ^ ') is as much as a learned normie can get, and gooks are exceptional in those ascii art due to gook language has a lot of weird notations already there and able to input.
now web and mobile developers can put 7 skin tones for each pictogram on request bogging up whatever unicode and people can freely post image reaction to each other, these are simply unnecessary to normies. But ofc people who uses them on normal conversation are still massive fags just like women who dress and act certain way to be quirked up for attention.

>> No.43226569

Do you guys like Sven or L4D2 better so far

>> No.43226607

Anything is fun as long as I get to play with all of you! I would like to see if we could play a new game though but I'm not sure what.

>> No.43226617

Honestly dude we should play Civ V

>> No.43226625

There was talk about hosting killing floor which could be fun.

>> No.43226877

There are also touhou models for killing floor

>> No.43226955


>> No.43227984
File: 283 KB, 1050x950, 1678562103646365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting skydrift again
region is EU

>> No.43228168

Closing lobby, maybe another time

>> No.43228244

Damn, just as I get here.
Figured others were interested in joining tonight too. I haven't been following, did the pirated version not end up working?

>> No.43228808

chen sven when?

>> No.43228817

I won't be hosting Sven this weekend. Haven't slept and things took longer than expected today, so I'm going to get some sleep.
I will host next weekend for sure.

>> No.43228975
File: 80 KB, 1200x900, 508a14439dfebd7779ab885010712a0e75c3d20c62eae74ea7d8c7742e031d23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame, but it happens. Take care of yourself anon.

>> No.43229063

The mega link works

>> No.43229121

Would you guys want to play killing floor with touhous?
Maybe we can play it tomorrow.

>> No.43229254
File: 384 KB, 1750x1450, 1662740315955576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be fun, I already have kf on steam so hopefully I won't need to redownload

>> No.43229313

I would love to do this, I've never been able to play it in multiplayer before.
There are a ton of touhou mods and if we put in a resouce doubling mod and set map size and scale to lower values we could finish in one night.

>> No.43229324

Any games up right now?

>> No.43229612

I'll finish YOU in one night, nerd

>> No.43229697

I would play this

>> No.43229702

Looks like I missed everything. I hope there'll be something tomorrow.

>> No.43229781

I had a lot of fun with both. L4D has more potential in the long run though. Lots of decent custom campaigns. Sven can be frustrating when the maps aren't very good.
Civ V could be fun. It could also be bad. I've never really played it multiplayer and it sounds scary.

>> No.43229827
File: 553 KB, 2560x1440, 1250_20210827013510_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43230832

Sure, hopefully your jp version is compatible with steam version though.

>> No.43230877

I just tested it with a real steam version, and it worked. So both the steam version and the one in the link posted should work.

>> No.43230943

New thread?

>> No.43230967
File: 318 KB, 606x697, 1659472993628708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we're on page 9..? And there's about 20 or so threads before us.

>> No.43230973

jaypee is a slow board, learn to pin threads.

>> No.43232714

Will you be hosting KF today?

>> No.43233422

I plan on hosting about the same time the l4d2 server was hosted, so thats about 12 hours from now.

>> No.43234143

/jp/ is literally not a slow board liar

>> No.43234503

Just wait until the vtubers and Higurashi anons make like 30 threads at once and destroy our orgy planning

>> No.43234705
File: 2.67 MB, 2040x3392, 1660522192964559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about ready to make the thread if no one else does, but since we're still a ways to go to dying, a nap is better. Really looking forward to that KF1 session.

>> No.43237506

It is if you ignore the holoniggers and 3d wamens.

>> No.43238475

New thread
