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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43165665 No.43165665 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43126122

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43165701

Does anybody have the Sakutoki tokuten novel? I don't want to pay 14000 yen for it alone. I got desperate enough to look in baidu, but even they don't have the raw.

>> No.43165913
File: 1.04 MB, 1186x4602, deco_character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release on the same day as the new yuzukino
she never had a a chance

>> No.43166219

I'm really excited for both, actually. I dunno which I'm going to read first, but I'm definitely going to read both. A banner day for moege.

>> No.43166326

>I'm really excited for both, actually
Same, but gonna read yuzutrash first. Mesugaki imouto voiced by Kanau got me.

>> No.43166359
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>> No.43166401

the pink one is so hot
you just know shes into anal

>> No.43166503
File: 1.65 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT! 体験版天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's adorable but I'm really worried that they're baiting hard and halfway through her route the nbr bat will hit.

>> No.43166527

they already confirmed on twitter her route will be mostly about ntr/mindbreak.

>> No.43166549

Oh yes, definitely something Yuzusoft would do. No doubt about it. I trust you.

>> No.43166714

I think br worth it if you're going to do something interesting with it, like biman4. If you never gonna do any drama, br or nbr doesn't really matter anyway. Making br imouto but no one around cares is fucking lame too. And since it's yuzusoft, you already know they won't gonna do anything interesting with her.

>> No.43167025
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>> No.43167604

why do people care if the imouto is from brazil or not

>> No.43167622
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>> No.43167735

50% of chance of your offspring getting double jump

>> No.43167928

how did you get a picture of my room

>> No.43167934

Because BR is part of you, made of the same stuff, in the same way. NBR is just a stranger you lived long time together with.
BR bond is much stronger than NBR bond.
But NBR could be worthwhile too, BR is just much better and stronger.

>> No.43167940


>> No.43167991

It's much lower actually. Something like 99% of incest offsprings turn out just fine. It's more about increasing chances of some genetic conditions. For example if you have 1 in 10000 chance of getting some debilitating genetic disease in children between strangers then you increase that chance to something like 1 in 1000 for children between close relatives. Odds of things being just fine are still way higher than odds of things going off the rails even if those odds are relatively higher than between random strangers.

>> No.43168056

no, it's 50%
the child either inherits double jump or it doesn't

>> No.43168090

That's only true for the case when both siblings have double jump already.

>> No.43168123


>> No.43168180

do you think double jump would help during sex?

>> No.43168189

but i love neo brazil

>> No.43168260


>> No.43168327

She is really hot.

>> No.43168795

Sure. It will help little sister jump on top of her brother.

>> No.43169015

yuzucels never had a chance

>> No.43169109

what's this from?

>> No.43169154

amakano 2+ website

>> No.43169164

Something new by Azarashi Soft. I'm not into big tits so I don't know details.

>> No.43169325
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Piromizu needs to get cured of his disease and learn how to draw modest chests, even iizuki tasuku could.

>> No.43169370
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x768, あおぞらストライプ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only forgot

>> No.43169558

thats pretty big

>> No.43169580

Question for those who've read K3, is it true that there's an actual in-universe lore reason for the mosaic censorship during h-scenes?

>> No.43169663
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>even iizuki tasuku could
yet sucks at it.

>> No.43169664
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She almost seems modest if you only look at her front view sprite

>> No.43169672
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>> No.43169733

Fuck off eop

>> No.43169754


>> No.43169772

they're sizeable
perfect, i would say

>> No.43169773

Should you save the main heroine route for last in Hello World?
All guides put her first in order for whatever reason but I'm not going to fall for it anymore

>> No.43170615

I wish you could change hairstyles in Yuzugames. Bob style cuts are meh to me.

>> No.43170616

Does anyone have Setoguchi's CARNIVAL novel in digital form (pdf or whatever)? Read the eroge and it was quite good, the novel is supposed to be a climax but don't feel like paying 25k+ for a second-hand book. Would be greatly appreciated if anyone's willing to share.

>> No.43170814

Holy shit I just went to check on the usual book library where I got 99% of eroge related stuff (https://ja.b-ok.global/?books=)) and it says that the site has been seized by burgers???
Where the fuck am I supposed to find random books in Japanese now?? What a bunch of fucking tranny retards

>> No.43170897

It's been so long since Musumaker first released that any girl growing up between that period would gross out the lolicon that bought it on release...
Yet nothing has topped it in quality, writing or understanding of the pedo condition. What gives?

>> No.43170898

You might have to deal with Changs to get your fix.

>> No.43170927

libgen, nyaa, archive.org, DJT, tokyotosho, perfect dark, or some regional library, I guess? none of those are optimal

>> No.43170952

>Where the fuck am I supposed to find random books in Japanese now??

>> No.43170953


I think I've downloaded it from this torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3008171

>> No.43170964

Those usually have only ln and webnovels and almost never any real books

>> No.43170977

If you're interested in classics Aozora Bunko almost has you covered. There's a huge gap in post-war lit but that's generally when the decay began anyways.

>> No.43171017

archive.org and public libraries clearly do have real books, you goof
last time I checked you could find all of houjou no umi on archive.org and my university has an entire library dedicated to Oriental Literature (TM)

>> No.43171021

I remember I wanted to read Hard-Boiled Wonderland some time ago but I literally couldn't find it anywhere outside of zlib despite it being so well known

>> No.43171069
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https://annas-archive.org/ is pretty much the new z-lib.

>> No.43171110

Actually just did some research and it seems they only nuked the domains and not the library yet
They still have onion links and one working url https://lib-fmjzbvj7kcszv6qlzbnibqaw.1lib.me/ so I guess no panic for now but still should go ahead and download most of the shit just in case
I remember also reading some articles about lawsuits to archive as well, idk how those ended but I wouldn't keep my hopes at this rate...

>> No.43171467 [DELETED] 

Elfen King should have had more 調教 scenes. after capturing the kingdom they just stop bothering with the story and the game becomes an endless stream of almost interchangeable rape scenes. When you finally get to the heroine endings it just skips to when they are already completely loyal making the 凌辱 buildup feel pointless and the final vanilla scenes seem cheap. A shame since it would have been a GOATED power fantasy nukige if they fixed it.

>> No.43171545 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, this game just does not want to end

>> No.43171732

The more people post about jewehe the more it seems like a ripoff of Sorceress Alive.

>> No.43171751

Do you guys know any male yandere VNS?

>> No.43171767

this is gonna be really odd, but I'm torn between playing Majikoi, Little Busters and Sengoku Rance for immersion.
any input? recommendations? offenses?

>> No.43171772

fuck off eop

>> No.43171778

>for immersion
anon, your glasses...

>> No.43171790

all 3 are good and if you have not played them you will have to one of these days
Are you in the mood for nakama autism?, or mayhaps comedic rape?.

>> No.43171827
File: 25 KB, 490x250, 356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to bypass this? i'm already using locale emulator
i'd also love not having to adjust my timezone if it can be avoided

>> No.43171843


>> No.43171846

>i'm already using locale emulator
Try not doing that.

>> No.43171851

What's holding me from playing Rance is the gameplay. I think I'll just play a bit of the three and then choose

>> No.43171872

nevermind, a based chink on nyaa had the solution
in case anyone else ever searches for this
>you should delete a file named “MakingLovers” with no extension at first
>then lunch it with LE and make sure you set the “forge system UI" in the config (don’t konw what the option “forge system UI" called in English because I use a Chinese Version).

>> No.43171885
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>> No.43171947
File: 255 KB, 1280x1847, Kishin_Hishou_Demonbane_Artbook_48_A_H_1po_16usDmh_Image_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great VN, fortunately the final fights didn't crash, otherwise would have missed the Lemuria Double Impact. True ending was super satisfying.

>> No.43171964


>> No.43172022

I read a lot of chuunige but this one is still my all-time favorite. Just one nonstop ride with zero fillers and banger music, there is just nothing else like this where you just start reading and can't stop until the very end. Gameplay was the only minus they ruined the pacing so I skipped most of the battles and just replayed them later for the cool finishing chants

>> No.43172962
File: 59 KB, 500x550, serika01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss SLGs so fucking much

>> No.43173085

I remember struggling to input the command to get the true ending. Shit wouldn't work most of the time for some reason, but I finally got it to work one time randomly. Really great game though. I should re-read it one of these days.

>> No.43173209

Talking about music, I wonder is Hishou version of Shadow in the dark is available somehwere. It has different lyrics and is not the sound gallery or in the official soundtrack.

>> No.43173329

It's probably in the game files but idk how to get it, garbro doesn't seem to work

>> No.43173387

Where did you get the first Pia Carrot from? I'm not up to date when it comes to PC-98 era stuff.

>> No.43173403

Oh sweet the anniversary pack which has this and the later entries are on Nyaa. I'll get that.

>> No.43173697

I really do wish more collections get uploaded on the usual places. Can't be assed to get each entry and they're usually the ones with the most QOL and latest support.

>> No.43173856

Thank you very much, anon!

>> No.43173871
File: 76 KB, 600x505, イハナシの魔女DLEditionV1.2(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is pretty fun and I recognize comfy is an overused buzzword these days but I can't think of a better one. It cultivates a relaxing atmosphere. Shame about having such cute girls and no h-scenes though.

>> No.43173881

I have a deep hatred for Okinawa, so I shan't be playing it.

>> No.43173930

Do you guys have any VAs for which you've read all their works?

>> No.43173966


>> No.43173980

You got raped by a nigga?

>> No.43174804

There's an archive of what seems to be almost all the games here: https://archive.org/details/NeoKobe-NecPc-98012017-11-17.. It's sorted by developer and the game was developed by Cocktail Soft. You just have to take the .hdi file and run it. I'm using the pc-98 retroarch core.

>> No.43174817

I've never tried PC-98 stuff before, are there any exceptional ones?

>> No.43174832

Never played that much myself. I know the two most popular developers were alicesoft and elf. With Alicesoft at least I know it's Rance 1-4+kichikuou and toshin toshi 1-2. It really is a whole different era though. If you don't like old games or don't have much patience then you probably won't like the games. There's hundreds of games there if you really want to go searching for a gem. Sorry I'm not much help. Somebody else in this thread probably knows.

>> No.43174961
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so this is supposed to be the most disturbing vn that made boomers shit their pants in fear and confusion? literally "mario if he was on drug and was assaulting real people lol" the vn
did kojima write this shit? can't eroge "horror writers" write anything that doesn't involve imaginary mental illness?
well I guess it's my fault for expecting anything out of denpa trash

>> No.43175256
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, tenzou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for something like kaiji?

>> No.43175641

It has never meant to be horror in the first place duh
The chill atmosphere of the daily life of schizo was the whole selling point

>> No.43175656

I don't particularly care for specific VAs

>> No.43175693


>> No.43175984

An actual mental midget.

>> No.43176842

/jav/ is so much better than us. It's unreal.

>> No.43177254

surprised no one has made strip mahjong rape nukige yet

>> No.43177309

shame about only one route but it was well written and touching

>> No.43177422
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i'm done
are there any games similar to wagahime besides the other takahiro ones?

>> No.43177810
File: 276 KB, 529x478, Eg7OM2BWAAMJY_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically umineko might be the closest thing

>> No.43178469

How is it? Most people I've seen talk about it said it was disappointing

>> No.43178552

i enjoyed it a lot
it's mostly about shooting the shit with a huge cast of likable characters, with a bit of conflict where you already know that in the end everything will turn out alright
i love vns where the focus is on character interaction and this hit the mark perfectly

>> No.43179073
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Wish I had built in lookup like this

>> No.43179260
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Seikishi melty lover or Unionism quartet? Which one had the better protagonist to self-insert

>> No.43179720
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Her winter clothings in the op has to be the dripest drip i've seen in a heroine yet.

>> No.43179890

fr fr no cap

>> No.43180137

bros... im in love...

>> No.43180208

Ugly af

>> No.43180396

Is she married? NTR?

>> No.43180520

>Is she married?
to you

>> No.43180564

but not for long right? otherwise whats the point?

>> No.43180664

>most mentally sane plotfag

>> No.43180766
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you're wrong. I would fuck the adult main heroines and I'm a square body liking pedo

>> No.43180888

Give me a vn that will cure me of my plot addiction
Currently I can't get hard unless some form of cheating is involved

>> No.43180996

I think you are just reaching the point of ascending into allage

>> No.43181623
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Wagahime is very much 'fantasy Majikoi'. It has really cute girls and a lot of fun moments and comedy bits, but a pretty weak plot. It was clearly meant to start a new majikoi trend of a billion fandiscs, but meh sales + covid + Takahiro being busy seems to have scuttled that.

>> No.43182146
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, 2023-04-10-192925_1280x720_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a fucking pinko in East Germany of all places
Just lost all 好感 from me, 同士中尉

>> No.43183027
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Man. This always happens to me. Whenever I make my own choices I get the bad end.

>> No.43183248

Most games from that era are trial and error as a way to hide how short they are if you actually made all the right choices correctly first try.

>> No.43183299

Yeah, it was pretty short. My reading speed is slow and it was still fast. Generally, I like going blind for my first playthrough of VNs. Even with games that aren't from this era I seem to end up with the bad end a lot. My indecisiveness seems to carry over even in vns. I'll use a walkthrough next time to unlock the routes.

>> No.43183325

>wedding ring

>> No.43183765

I miss military SLGs in eroge. Anyone here recommend any? I'll take old or new shit.

>> No.43183784

Getting a good end blind in a PC-98 game is pretty much winning the lottery. It's a nice feeling actually.

>> No.43184155

Nukigebros eating good this month

>> No.43184181

Looks pretty hot, although one of those girls looks like someone from blue archive.

>> No.43184434

Girls in Blue Archive have much smaller breasts.

>> No.43184475

Can we get nukige featuring girls with modestly small to flat breasts again?

>> No.43184482

Karin? they both looks like girls from Ba imo.
But i'm glad we're getting more dark-skinned cuties.

>> No.43184554
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 妹サポ! ~ゲンキンでLowな巨乳妹に、おっぱい揉ませてもらいました~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. A flat woman is a defective woman.

>> No.43184595

Look, anon. I'm fine with mega milkers but I want variety of udder sizes to keep things fresh. These recent eroge releases are swinging too hard in one direction.

>> No.43184619

something about the faces is just off to me

>> No.43185143

Tried Amakano again and I remember the reason why I dropped it. I hate this nameable protagonist meme. Do you think I can't self insert because the mc has different name than me? It's harder to immerse myself when the heroines never call mc by the name.

>> No.43185144
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off course the American would put forward this argument.

>> No.43185260

iirc you can choose the name but he has already a name by default if you want, at least in 2

>> No.43185561

She's based though
Most likely a compressed full route, she has more h scenes and more cgs tan everyone else so I guess her route is longer and hopefully the full package
If you are talking about the first one, they never call you by your name during the base game but in the fandisk they actually do(they learnt their mistake?) and two of them even has an option to call you like they did before or by your name.

>> No.43186034

>more h scenes
same as chitose's actually

>> No.43186297

And of course, it's correct.

>> No.43186318
File: 992 KB, 1000x750, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets it.

>> No.43186991

how about the 2nd one(amakano 2)?

>> No.43187131

What a slut
They call you by your name or family name depending on the current relationship status with them.

>> No.43187485

S'up, checking in after few months.

Is Suigetsu Grand Package available?
Also why doesn't girlcelly upload Tailon versions anymore?

>> No.43188747
File: 48 KB, 395x448, アマカノ2cs2 (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we know the ratio of h-cgs to non-h CGs? I want to know if it's a porn dump before I go in. Not that a porn dump is a bad thing, but I want to make sure I'm prepped.

>> No.43188841

if it's like the first one, should be something like 9-10 h cgs to 9-10 non-h CGs

>> No.43189401
File: 654 KB, 1194x804, 1656572152853267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was a way to check.

>> No.43190279

just how bad things should go for you if you are forced to sell your game for 432 yen...

>> No.43190436

>the second Schwarzesmarken game apparently is unable to load save data for some inexplicable reason despite it showing up in the menu just fine
So who do I blame for this? Oh well, at least I can just use the chapter selection on the main menu to pick up where I left up.

>> No.43190538

i never had that issue, i assume you downloaded it from the age archive right?

>> No.43190552
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1440, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post kino moments

>> No.43190579

Yeah. I'm using wine but that shouldn't matter for something like this. Only thing I can think of is that I have the directory symlinked on another partition which somehow confuses it? I'm too lazy to reconfigure my shit to test that theory out though.

>> No.43190706
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x750, KishinHisho_2023-04-08_19-55-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43190889

what's the alternative supposed to be

>> No.43191913

>If only there was a way to check.
My bad, I didn't actually check.

>> No.43191935

How does Crystalia's older stuff compare to Red Cherish? Are they more standard moege or are they still chuunige?

>> No.43192147

I can't believe this cute daughter kissed her own father and tried to seduce him too

>> No.43192732
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>> No.43193170

This allage scene was hotter than any h scene I've seen

>> No.43193396
File: 144 KB, 794x1200, Fsiay6rakAILbGk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haganeya Jin and Nishii are releasing a demonbane doujin

>> No.43193495

Can I run this on w10 without major issues?

>> No.43193738

Recommend me your best "fuck anything that moves" novels, preferably with short scenes.

>> No.43194370

Yes, though there are a few issues
You need to get exe for it first (was posted in this or a previous thread) and it runs mostly fine but there are a few gameplay fights that just crash for some reason, so you need to get a 100% save file to have the ability to skip them
There are also minor issues like right-click menu and load not working so to load your save you need to start a new game and then load from hotkey instead

>> No.43194875
File: 193 KB, 720x504, mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 h-scenes, 23 cg
7 h-scenes, 23 cg
6 h-scenes, 23 cg
7 h-scenes, 27 cg

>> No.43195021

doesn't really mean that much since they cheat a bit, chitose had 2 or 3 h-scenes with the same cg, some with only 1 cg

>> No.43195153


>> No.43197744
File: 2.51 MB, 2810x3494, 1613442193770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post here too.
Does anyone who played WA2 on console knows when "Answer" plays out?
The song itself, not the instrumental version.

>> No.43198950

In case anyone else in the future gets this issue with Schwarzesmarken 殉教者たち, I found a stupid workaround that seems to work at least. I did somehow break the workaround while fucking around with the game files so I had to wipe and reinstall. It's probably fragile, but I kept my saves. Anyways, just mount the iso and run the シュヴァケン殉教者たち.exe in the iso's files. Then it just works. Don't run Inst.exe besides initially installing the game because afterwards it will launch the locally installed exe one after which will have the bug. I'm guessing that for whatever reason the game installer doesn't install whatever you actually need to properly read a save file and resume from that point. Looking at the files, I didn't see anything obviously missing. I copied the Plugins folder from the iso over to the game directory, but that didn't do the trick either. It works with the exe in the iso though luckily enough. Looking at the nyaa comments, apparently a couple of people had issues with install that disc (#14). I didn't have the exact problem they had, but there's definitely something fucky about it. Thanks Age. Anyways, back to reading.

>> No.43199305
File: 66 KB, 800x450, main_baba833c-fbcc-4dff-988d-baff1090cf26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43201055

I like Oregairu better

>> No.43201305

disgusting fat cow

>> No.43201551

tits way too small

>> No.43201557

Ass way too small.

>> No.43201621

Limbs too small, if anything.

>> No.43201634

I can't wait for the time patrol to show up in her after story.

>> No.43201767

Yeah, its game time.

>> No.43201950

>be American
>go to grocery shop
>get shot
>be American
>go to school
>get shot
>be American
>get shot

>> No.43202186

Samurai girl with black hair and long ponytail.

>> No.43202312
File: 287 KB, 1280x960, never ever forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43202325

still waiting for this btw

>> No.43202450
File: 69 KB, 680x383, uta1 肥溜.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played through Utawarerumono in Japanese like 5 times
>it gets officially localized
>hey, next playthrough I'll check out the English version, what could possibly go wrong? it's a bit relaxing and faster not reading it in Japanese for once
>ragequit 3 hours into the playthrough
Localizers need to be tortured to death and have their mutilated corpses publicly hanged. They just completely ignored many important details and just simply didn't translate random lines like Tuskur implying that Oboro's overprotectiveness is a form of (mental) disorder. And then you have random inane bullshit just dropped in for no reason, like translating (agricultural) manure pit as "diarrhea swamp".

>> No.43202507

Official localizations are done by a bunch of waggies who don't give a shit about details and shit as long as they are getting their per char payment, what do you even expect from them? I can guarantee that literally none of them have played the game they are translating beforehand

>> No.43202643

You don't have to read something beforehand to translate it.

>> No.43202690

off topic

>> No.43202713

And this is one of the main reasons why translations tend to be that bad

>> No.43202745

From the first scene in the Ixrec translation of Cross Channel

Original line
>緊急特報! 蓮ヶ丈奥地に謎の人工建造物を見た!
蓮ヶ丈 = Hasugatake (voiced line)

>Urgent information! I saw a mysterious artificial human at Hasukejou's place!

>> No.43202766


>Joachim Neugroschel (1938-2011) was a multilingual literary translator of French, German, Italian, Russian, and Yiddish.

>Neugroschel translated more than 200 books by numerous authors, including Sholem Aleichem, Dovid Bergelson, Chekhov, Alexandre Dumas, Hermann Hesse, Kafka, Thomas Mann, Moliere, Maupassant, Proust, Joseph Roth, Albert Schweitzer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and modern writers such as Ernst Jünger, Elfriede Jelinek and Tahar Ben Jelloun.

>Neugroschel was the winner of three PEN Translation Awards, the 1994 French-American Translation Prize, and the Guggenheim Fellowship in German Literature (1998). In 1996 he was also made a Chevalier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

>In an interview that touched on his translation process, Neugroschel said, "I never read a book before translating it. No reason to. I do not translate the words literally. Only a bad translator would translate literally." He followed up with, "You don't have to have a sense of the author's work to translate. I read a page and get the style. It is a question of music and rhythm."

>> No.43202801

So our localization bros are now comparable to the genius translator I get it?

>> No.43202820

Just making a point about translation philosophy.

>> No.43202834

Also if you quote translators like that when talking to EOPs they get really mad.

>> No.43203652

maybe one day you'll mature and stop caring about translators and localisations and just enjoy reading whatever vn you want when you want provided it's been released

>> No.43203724

>this website
Pick one.

>> No.43204071
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1068, 476548678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harem×Shangri-La waiting room

>> No.43205049

You should add
>drive 20 minutes to "grocery shop/school/movies/literally anywhere because they designed their infrastructure like shit that depends entirely on cars"
to that shitpost.

>> No.43205065

Is that text intentionally designed to be a pain in the ass to read for anyone with astigmatism?

>> No.43205081

I'm pretty sure a complete lack of sane font kerning looks like shit to everybody.

>> No.43205371

It's a game intentionally designed for masochists, the target audience likely appreciates the extra suffering.

>> No.43207195
File: 1006 KB, 1227x686, 484848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I somehow fucked it up and entered Saya's route? or is there a big swerve and the Festival isn't the beginning of the gir'ls route like I thuoght?

>> No.43207239

Nah, pretty sure I know the scene you're in, it's present in all routes and has some foreshadowing.

>> No.43207269

I read a few more lines and shit is hitting the fan, I was in for a moege, not a chuunige, but I'm not complaining at all. Are Crystalia's other work as good as this one?

>> No.43207859
File: 554 KB, 1248x707, 1651681026623789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VN features a zoomer as the heroine
Finally a realistic vn about what would happen if i try going out irl

>> No.43207938

Surely there has to be some more context here. Everyone has at least heard of wifi.

>> No.43207960
File: 90 KB, 1335x834, Pia Carrot e Youkoso!!-230413-153557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go. Sensei owari.

>> No.43207971

Computer illiterate heroines are annoying.
It's better to have unrealistic hacker heroines than this.

>> No.43207976

It's the Japanese pastime. Cut them some slack.

>> No.43207979

>Computer illiterate
Anon, I've got some bad news for you. That's 90% of women and 60% of men in real life.

>> No.43208002

That's one of many reasons I don't go out of my basement and play eroge all day.

>> No.43208061

Does anyone have a link to Hanachirasu liner notes?
I used the modified eop version so it didn't have them

>> No.43208070

>Computer illiterate
You mean today's youth?

>> No.43208095

Who cares about 3dpd though?

>> No.43208135

What about a new vn? Both leads still sound great.

>> No.43208213

Nitropiss doesn't make VNs anymore.

>> No.43208277

hageneya jin left nitro and im sure they still own the rights to demonbane plus those faggots arent making vns anymore

>> No.43208283
File: 26 KB, 256x368, 1656815326382693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntrbros post your favorite NTR game
pic related is mine

>> No.43208308

I love dogs so much.

>> No.43208317
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, 1660871875934230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros how can humans compete...

>> No.43208403

I wonder how come Haganeya Jin hasn't written pretty much anything outside of Demonbane in his life?
His chuuni writing improved so drastically in the sequel and yet he hasn't used it at all after that, just where the hell he was wasting his talent all those years?

>> No.43208440

so much wasted potential with this shitty gacha i feel physical pain just by looking at it

>> No.43208451

>just where the hell he was wasting his talent all those years?
The Azur Lane anime
yes he wrote for that and i think that was his last "proper" work

>> No.43208557

Nitro is really cursed, all the writers have quit after their best work and only Shimokura kept pushing his limits up until the gacha swallowed him from the inside..
At least Urobucher still managed to make a comeback with Thunderbolt Fantasy which actually turned out to be one of his best works

>> No.43208632

Any eroge heroines who speak Kyoto-ben?

>> No.43208647

>still managed to make a comeback
Butcher has been mostly consistent with Madoka into Psycho-pass
Didn't watch the latest anime he worked on, it seemed a little too gay for me
Butcher probably has one of the cleanest/impressive track records among VN writers

>> No.43208737

All of his other animes outside of those were pretty crappy though
I think the cleanest track record would be Setoguchi, he didn't write anything except for (ero)ge in his life and all of his works were consistently good
And he still continues to write even now after announcing retirement several times without losing his writing capabilities despite being like 45 yo ojisan

>> No.43208758

>I think the cleanest track record would be Setoguchi
Actually I think that's fair

>> No.43208801
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1672183616903765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got into the wrong heroine route
god dammit this is why you can't be nice to people.

>> No.43208914

I hate it when that happens. Makes me feel like a massive fucking retard.

>> No.43209068

why is Al's hair multicolored and not just full pink?

>> No.43209261
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rec me vns with fart stuff please

>> No.43209368

What version is this? pc98?

>> No.43209392

Yep. -> >>43174804

>> No.43209849
File: 143 KB, 564x800, demonbane-boxart-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niθ new style

>> No.43210011

How did you get this game running? Every time I've tried the text has been gibberish.

>> No.43210592

Much thanks.

>> No.43212687

Amakano 2+ trial out.

>> No.43212718

all drive links are dead for now though

>> No.43212829
File: 9 KB, 547x138, 1665331302315406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your shit m8

>> No.43212851

have you tried a dictionary

>> No.43212967

I mean this is fine. That's just gradients. It's weird to see full on silver though.

>> No.43213060

It's fucked for me too.

>> No.43213303

No sample h-scenes?

>> No.43213315

Seems like it's just what the seiyuu for chitose streamed a few weeks ago

>> No.43213789
File: 10 KB, 479x160, Google Drive - Quota exceeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on all 4 links
th-thanks moebros...

>> No.43214231
File: 992 KB, 1019x764, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43214943

new asapro https://asa-pro.com/12th/

>> No.43214958

is it idol shit
i hope it's not idol shit

>> No.43215040

Did idols rape your brain?

>> No.43215050

they raped my dick and i'm just so tired of it

>> No.43215148

i'm still mad the latest ass project didn't end up being a kanojo mo kanojo style harem rabukome
karigurashi renai will forever be their best work

>> No.43216596

The only way Biman 4 could've been more perfect is if there were another protagonist who got to fuck the trap and his twin sister

>> No.43217743

my dog translates for me

>> No.43218024
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, I can't read this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder to hate your country's glowie agencies.

>> No.43218628

the year is 2023 and you still have no idea how to bypass gDrive via starring 2 files and downloading both at the same time.

>> No.43218929

the not-dad should have tried to rape him instead desu

>> No.43218984

latest ass project (yua and rui routes especially) was good enough as it is desu
lack of 3p scenes is the only downside
and maybe not long enough routes

>> No.43219116
File: 639 KB, 500x706, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do ensemble games always have tokuten for the MC? Who even wants this?

>> No.43219160

Such a shame all those beautiful wafuku is wasted on trapshit, their last game was the same.

>> No.43219551

Ensemble's found a niche of boy crossdresses to attend some kind of all girl's school with additional gimmick and they're milking it until it runs dry. They've made other games that don't have that premise like Secret Agent.
>Who even wants this?
I'd prefer if you played a regular dude plowing dudes who look like the MCs but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.43219588

Yeah it get they have that niche but who wants that tapestry of the trap MC
>regular dude plowing dudes who look like the MCs
I get you're gay but I imagine most other playing the game still do it for the girls.

>> No.43219752

Please just explain how to download, I need it so badly, I need my fix man, I'll do anything.

>> No.43219921

he said how in the post you're replying to, retard-kun

>> No.43219934

I don't get it, what's starring a file?

>> No.43219943

i think it's just wasteful how they do traps, they just draw a girl and call it a guy, it just feels more like yuri than anything
i already knew this one was the trap but they gave him feminine hips and all that

>> No.43219956

yeah man, that's awfully unrepresentative of real trans people, i wish trapge went with actual trans horror like perverted deviant parents grooming their child into castrated freak

>> No.43219964
File: 431 KB, 459x817, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have hips this wide, butt fangs, and a thigh gap you could fit a fist through? I do. I look just like this.

>> No.43219970

that's not what i was saying at all you little shit
stuff like tsuriotsu and ruitomo are a lot more palpable than this >>43219964
if anything im more upset that the design is being wasted on the mc and not a heroine

>> No.43219983

Translate this, Krauts.

>> No.43220018
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsuriotsu actually shows protag not wearing any female dress more than once, so not fair to compare kamitrapge like tsuriotsu with other trash
haven't read ruitomo tho

>> No.43220450
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, 乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス_776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス was a solid ensemble title
i don't like the art in their newer games it looks really unappealing and soulless to me - that's also why i didn't read secret agent even though i really like the hiding your identity hijinks type of stuff

>> No.43220536

It’s been years and I still can’t speak Japanese. I’m done with Anki and textbooks. As a last ditch effort I’m gonna try immersion. I haven’t found a VN that would work for me yet. Slice of life/Yuri for aeshetic and furigana cos I’m a smooth brain. Active listening burns me out too quickly and I don’t feel I’m taking enough away so I want to start with more reading. I just haven’t found anything suited to my level of incompetency that is also interesting.

>> No.43220556

>As a last ditch effort I’m gonna try immersion.
>last ditch effort
if you had done that from the start you'd be fluent by now lol

>> No.43220560

Fuck off to your retarded djt, memster monkey.

>> No.43220571

>Slice of life/Yuri
その花びらにくちづけを series
??? theres this thing called yomichan

>> No.43220588


>> No.43220601


It’s kind of demoralising and depressing. Active listening makes my brain just feel like an overworked computer or something. If I just passively listen I don’t feel I’m learning anything. I know words, I can generally get meaning from basic sentences. But that’s about it.


I think working sentence by sentence will help. If I can replay dialogue and paste words into jisho.org I’ll try this.

>> No.43220762

The Amakano 2+ live2d is nice, but the constant bouncing up and down is really distracting.

>> No.43220909

top left is "Iron curtain", top right and the small sign in the back are "Victory will be ours", bottom right is "the time for revolution..." (cut off)

>> No.43221083
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, 154515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and furigana
The only one I can think of, and probably the only one in existence. IIRC Girls Book Maker('s dev's other games?) have internal bindings for MeCab which do nothing in the final release, akin to Steamworks shims seen in some VNs which were never released on Steam proper.

Just text hook whatever homoshit looks appealing to your smooth brain, I guess.

>> No.43221111

>paste words into jisho.org

>> No.43221160

>have internal bindings for MeCab
What does it even mean?

>> No.43221173

https://vndb.org/v800 here you go

>> No.43221229

They likely wanted to build 'furigana on hover' feature of text hookers into their own VN (or more likely VN engine) for the illiterate but somehow it didn't work out.

>> No.43222763

>Im done with anki
You are never done with anki
The first vn you read will always be the hardest ,but as long as you keep moving forward you will get better, and stay away from furigana, it wll cripple you.
Did they retouch it again?, the perfect edition was fine, they didn't move too much but if you started reading other vns after reading 2 you would notice the lack of live2D.

>> No.43223825
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x750, KishinHisho_2023-04-08_17-29-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.43224338

>Pandora Box

>> No.43224874

Do you think we'll get a Roleplayer 3? Maybe this time the girls have small chests.

>> No.43225846

>You are never done with anki
DJT moment

>> No.43225862

i hope the new one add hags

>> No.43225982

>You are never done with anki
That's just wrong. You don't actually need Anki. You could learn a language without it and you could stop (or start) using it at any point.
Anki should only be used only if the user finds it beneficial because there are a lot of situations when it's not beneficial and just useless.

>> No.43226011

There are no such situations, stop trying to justify your laziness.

>> No.43226064

this nigga used flashcards when learning his native language as a baby

>> No.43226076

>learning as a baby cope from reddit all over again

>> No.43226121

never used reddit
dont use anki
still can read

>> No.43226125

Babies would learn the language much faster with anki

>> No.43226134

>i did it so sure it must be optimal for everyone else

>> No.43226754
File: 15 KB, 527x101, 1674208391214520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43226898

I do not know this feeling.

>> No.43227047

As if Anki is optimal in every way for everyone.

>> No.43227657

man the way sakura moyu puts words in italics for no reason is really getting to me
it makes it feel like things are way more insidious or have a deeper meaning only for that not to be the case
like in the common route how they kept talking about the fourth mahou shoujo like she was dead but she was just living in a different town due to going to a boarding school or haru actually being shy, anxious and not so confident when it made it seem like there was something way worse going on with her and the "secret" only the mc knew about her

>> No.43227671

all those words repetition and cringy furigana on every second word was the only thing i actually liked about that writing

>> No.43227683

i mean i'm really enjoying it so far, the world, the music and the general story has me gripped
the writing itself really has some weird kinks to it, the furigana thing is pretty silly though

>> No.43227722

it's still pretty bearable up until the true route, it then becomes so damn repetitive and monotonous that i was feeling physical pain when i was trying to get through it in one go

>> No.43227917


>> No.43228106
File: 600 KB, 1280x720, 恋する乙女と守護の楯_Reboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i paused this game in 2020
finna going to finish it

>> No.43228335

at that point start over

>> No.43228436

Do you even remember what it was about?
I dont even remember the sex scenes of a girl's route i read last month despite not skipping them.

>> No.43228729

sakura moyu is one of the most unintentionally funny games ever made

>> No.43228982

kusoge, read better trapge

>> No.43229151

We already have too many of those.

>> No.43229410

Man, I'm in the middle of Lise's route in Schwarzesmarken right now. Sorry for any Lisefags out there, but this cunt just isn't worth it. Worst imouto ever.

>> No.43230043

such as? i've read tsuriotsu and otoboku 2

>> No.43230062

otome riron, monkeys
koitate is a mix of half-assed plotge with half-assed moege, barely makes use of trap protag

>> No.43230306

Shut the fuck up

>> No.43230371

ruitomo has the best protag ever

>> No.43230402
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the multi-panel-cg story-telling in monkeys was refreshing but it was heavily cut down in the actual routes and the story itself was a disjointed mess that just felt like a strange fever dream at times
had a few decent jokes but that's about it

>> No.43230453

>but it was heavily cut down in the actual routes
Only Garasu's, the rest still used it fairly extensively.

>> No.43230616

>barely makes use of trap protag
How does it make any less use of it than say Tsuriotsu?

>> No.43230786

Any new conquering SLGs on the horizon? My favorite subgenre is dying out and I don't want that.

>> No.43230876

There is an extend version they released a year or two later, you might as well play that one.

>> No.43230910

lack of va, very little cross-dressing shenanigans, you don't get to see protag in cg often, no cg with his face, feels more like just secret identity, so whole thing is less exciting
common, karasu and mebachi were fun enough and 100% worth it, especially when you look at vn length
pacing is just so good

>> No.43230952

>feels more like just secret identity
Yeah, it's almost as if that's the whole thematic of the game.

>> No.43230980
File: 712 KB, 1280x720, 0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very little cross-dressing shenanigans, you don't get to see protag in cg often, no cg with his face
... what game did you play? just looking through the cgs there's countless ones with protag in it

>> No.43231039

game was so fucking average it's gone from my memory at this point
that's what i'm saying, which makes it worse and boring compared to based trapge

>> No.43231057 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 2438x3500, yande.re 341422 ass axl bikini_top bottomless cleavage erect_nipples genderswap open_shirt senomoto_hisashi swimsuits trap yamada_taeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue of the whole series is easily put on display. The grills simply don't compete.

>> No.43231117

Will eroge still exist by 2030?

>> No.43231225

>game was so fucking average it's gone from my memory at this point
it's one thing to not remember it's another thing to just make stuff up lol

>> No.43231392

Only if they get a fat injection of Steambucks, which means an end to schoolgirls in your eroge. Time for the new wave of college based eroge to begin.

>> No.43231640

Hopefully AI kill otaku media once and for all

>> No.43232904

I actually started this the other day. I'm only a little bit in, but I have to agree -- the protagonist has some pretty funny internal monologues.

>> No.43232932

>this time eroge will die for sure!

>> No.43233013

So this is the 4chinner's endgame.

>> No.43233547
File: 196 KB, 850x601, shinku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPT reignited my optimism for the singularity. I am now sure I will have made sweet love with my wife Shinku in full dive VR by then.

>> No.43233615

What's with Aoi Nagisa and phimosis?

>> No.43233879

euthanasia is necessary when the patient's fate is sealed and is agonizing.

>> No.43234618

agonizing how

>> No.43237550
File: 1.14 MB, 1104x904, Elf shows off Mahiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le lapin est amoureux de la lune dans une saison pour grandir

>> No.43238260

I mean Lise is cute, but literally her entire existence just causes nothing but suffering for Theodor. He's way too good of a man for her. Theodor betrays everyone and sacrifices everything for her, and he gets basically nothing out of it seeing as Lise's ultimate fate is basically mentally regressing to a 5-year-old child. I'm actually shocked that the writer had the balls to make this a heroine route. I was fully expecting a redemption of some sort so they can get their happy end, but this was anything but that. I'm not done with everything yet so maybe she'll get a better end in another route, but man what a depressing ending.

>> No.43238273
File: 1.63 MB, 3004x2122, 1663529505582420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, i'm in need of help. I didn't play any vn since late 2021, except for sakura no toki. Please give me anything good that was released since then (if any). No trap game or obvious nukige please.

>> No.43238382



>> No.43238406

Black sheep town
Dead aegis
Ever maiden
Slow damage
Re:d cherish
Tsui no stella
In this order from best to average

>> No.43238480

its been a while since i played it (and stopped after finishing lises route) but i remember that i really disliked how the protagonist changed over time and imo let the heroines use him (mainly in part 2)

>> No.43238504
File: 45 KB, 128x128, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys

>> No.43238626

Hopefully so. I love postapocalyptic games.

>> No.43238656

It will be livelier than ever before because ai will be able to cut so much of the cost at that point so the only thing you will need to make an eroge would be a good seiyuu cast

>> No.43238687

>a good seiyuu cast
Until AI voice generation becomes good enough to replace them too

>> No.43238720

A huge part of eroge readers buy games mostly for their favorite seiyuus so even if ai voice in some magical way will become indistinguishable from the human it still won't make people buy them without that big name seiyuu on the cover

>> No.43238793

Irisdina and Katia change him for the better imo. Before, he was basically a paranoid schizo and in a bad way not a cool way.

>> No.43238878

>paranoid schizo
>cool way
Kek leave it to a terminally online 4channer to frame these as anyway positive.

>> No.43238901

paranoid schizos are 1000 times more entertaining to watch at than your usual normalfags, in the plotge at least

>> No.43238937

yeah maybe better for him, i think i was just disappointed since it seemed like he was going to be different from the usual goody two shoes
and considering the situation around him, i would probably be really paranoid too

leave it to the idiot only being able to speak in bait to leave a garbage post

>> No.43238962

Why? Because you can read their unhinged monologues? Just be a shrink.

>he thinks the truth is bait.
Fucking assblasted autist.

>> No.43239038

>and considering the situation around him, i would probably be really paranoid too
Well that was sort of one of the themes, 灯火 and all that. The Stasi created nothing but tragedy and fear. In order to beat them, the characters had to have hope and trust in each other.

>> No.43239141

>slow damage

>> No.43239866

New thread:

