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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 379 KB, 1446x2048, marine jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43085536 No.43085536 [Reply] [Original]

GUIDE: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/learnmain.html
Japanese Subtitles: https:/kitsunekko.net/
Immersion: https://live.fc2.com holodex.net
See ads/anything about an "official guide" on the thread? see this before clicking on it

>> No.43085538

yosh new thread

>> No.43085552

yooo jk thread!

>> No.43085555

Yeah this one.
Thanks for baking.

>> No.43085566


>> No.43085577
File: 139 KB, 850x1176, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_akasaai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.43085585

You posted it.

>> No.43085594
File: 158 KB, 1860x1080, Screenshot_2023-03-31-18-37-54-87_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43085604


>> No.43085624
File: 2.84 MB, 960x540, 1659304224794824.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43085651
File: 381 KB, 492x270, mikomikomiko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!

>> No.43085663

bike bros...

>> No.43085678

God i love Japanese otaku.

>> No.43085701 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 561x591, 1680280504604621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43085712

damn no wonder everyone wants a piece of that

>> No.43085727 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 1270x1080, Screenshot_2023-03-31-19-25-03-75_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43085763

Todays Kyoku

>> No.43085779

wawa fixed her...

>> No.43085791

Mowwie Kawaiiope

>> No.43085830

yoooo new holox chapter is out!

>> No.43085848

Holo picked up thanks.

>> No.43085880
File: 49 KB, 750x614, 1672699219839238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the last word you learned?
for me it's ハスキーな声

>> No.43085915
File: 519 KB, 900x900, FsjdPOQaAAAhwUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goooood evening


>> No.43085931


>> No.43085942


>> No.43086001
File: 244 KB, 1275x709, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43086186

I love learning Japanese!


>> No.43086276


>> No.43086279


>> No.43086307


>> No.43086405


>> No.43086602


>> No.43086992


>> No.43087210

shitty ddl sites become a lot more bearable when i realised that my seedbox has pyload already setup with all the plugins already sorted, it still takes a while but i just copy+paste the link and do a captcha and it'll be download when i look the next day

>> No.43087230

>waiting a full day to read some manga

>> No.43087242

it works out for me, i only read completed manga so when i'm starting the penultimate volume i load up the next one that catches my fancy from my to read backlog

>> No.43087257

glad im not an autistic manchild addicted to chinese picture books

>> No.43087271

your too busy slithery up an octogenarians withered cunt so old that it's haunted

>> No.43087272

覚める vs 起きた?

>> No.43087291

bunko isnt awake yet budso

>> No.43087397
File: 124 KB, 740x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am i looking at?

>> No.43087466

I have enough raw manga to last me years just based on stuff that gets shared to 4chan.

>> No.43087511




>> No.43087523

Any good april fools from Japan yet?

>> No.43087538


>> No.43087565

What is ur daily routine sirs?

>> No.43087613

Is this sentence grammatically correct?


Please help me fix it

>> No.43087666

You don't need a な cause chiisai is an i-adjective and add a の to oppai

>> No.43087672


>> No.43087689

thank you, satan. so its: 小さいのおっぱい方綺麗と思います, ?


>> No.43087695


>> No.43087743

no it's oppai no hou because the way is belonging to the boobs. missing a ga and da
like this

I suggest you immerse a bit more before trying to communicate but there's no problem with just wanting to make sentences

>> No.43087748

what is hou doing here btw? ive only seen it as direction or way

>> No.43087776


>> No.43087792

i suggest you go to bed

>> No.43087805

what from /a/ dump threads and looking through the archive? sounds like a pain in the ass to get

>> No.43087834
File: 1.09 MB, 1262x1500, 1607792415792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else here who does all their reps and mining on mobile?

>> No.43087854

my time is too valuable to waste mining on a fucking phone

>> No.43087858

this doesnt explain it though? this is houka which is used when comparing

>> No.43087873

You must be a very important man.

>> No.43087881


>> No.43087906


>> No.43087910

use eyes

>> No.43087960

but tae kims just says same thing...used as a way to make a comparison, or as a 'way' to do something...the example sentence above uses hou in no such way

>> No.43087975

use brain

>> No.43087984

you gonna explain or just act like a women? i asked a question and you linked an answer than didnt even answer it and now youre acting bitchy and cant even quote reply lmao

>> No.43087989

Have you considered looking 方 up in a dictionary and finding that it explicitly says what it does?

>> No.43087993

huh? what are you talking about bro

>> No.43088000
File: 30 KB, 402x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so 方 was used to say small boobs as a type/catagory that he thinks are pretty?

>> No.43088012


>> No.43088022

first of all it says ほうが everywhere and you wrote houka. hence use your eyes.
>the example sentence above uses hou in no such way
is plainly wrong.
小さいおっぱいのほうが綺麗 is comparison
compare to tae kim

they are both XのほうがY. its the same grammar.

no u retard

>> No.43088034

i meant the website you linked is explaining houka

but anyways thank you for trying to explain but it still makes 0 sense, what is he comparing the small pretty boobs to?

>> No.43088045

ohhh ok i get it now hes saying 'i think small pretty boobs are better (than big boobs etc)'

>> No.43088047

which they objectively are

>> No.43088050

the second thing is the little ん sound

>> No.43088052

>what is he comparing the small pretty boobs to?
other boobs of other sizes

>i meant the website you linked is explaining houka
ctrl+f ほうか no results

>> No.43088057

please stop posting

>> No.43088065

>>i meant the website you linked is explaining houka
>ctrl+f ほうか no results

ok i concede anon, seems i cant read lol anyways thank you for taking the time to actually help me :)

contribute to the thread or fuck off cunt

>> No.43088078

heres my contribution to the thread
*drops a fat dump*

>> No.43088096

thank you for improving the quality of your contributions

>> No.43088144

im just done with anki and mining, boring as shit and anki is lagging for some reason

>> No.43088173

imagine falling for the anki meme

>> No.43088208

AnkiDroid and Jidoujishou

>> No.43088209

only ankichads are gonna make it

>> No.43088242


>> No.43088408
File: 241 KB, 1283x724, 1674299623045953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros if you go to japan and a woman offer you tea be careful you might not be able to leave if you drink it

>> No.43088606

So you use this to talk about the previous phrase? But since it's jap it probably has like 1000 hidden meanings

>> No.43088634

Where do we get out switch RoMs??

>> No.43088699

private trackers ofc

>> No.43088724


what mean?

>> No.43088761

it means you should use google

>> No.43088859

Hello, I found this one vid where a girl was talking about something deep and emotional (im sure of it) and it just hit me in the feelings even tho i didnt rllly understand what she said. So id really appreciate if someone would translate it, preferably word by word.

Thank u very much

Link to vid: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJaJsAxK/

>> No.43088873

shes just talking about how much she loves it when strangers ejaculate inside her

>> No.43088882


>> No.43088956

50% off dlsite coupon what do i buy

>> No.43088959


>> No.43088962

upload this doujin for me brother


>> No.43089028
File: 2.84 MB, 3000x3000, 1654123058353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to go to London to take BJT in August or later but there are basically no dates available for second half of the year, what the fuck is up with that? There's plenty of free timeslots for the next 3 months, but basically nothing afterwards. Everything after June having been reserved makes no sense. Do these slots open up like 3 months in advance or is everything really reserved in such a fucked up pattern? Paris test location seems to have open days for the rest of the year. Fucking fuck.

>> No.43089051

do i conduct business in japanese and get paid for it? every day

>> No.43089086

yes we're all very impressed that you're a fluffer at a soapland

>> No.43089448

literally 3 dollars total i was hoping to save 20+ here

>> No.43089514

rember when anime fans weren't obsessing over real women

>> No.43089544


>> No.43089712

Fell for the anki meme around 2 weeks ago with a 2k deck and I feel like I might be shooting myself in the foot
I only count a card as "easy" if I'm able to read the word as well as know the meaning, so half the cards I need to review everyday I know what they mean, I just can't remember the right way to read the kanji out loud.

>> No.43089723

>pressing easy/hard

anon i...

>> No.43089750

wait I though the meme was only pressing "easy" or "again"

>> No.43089763

only press again and normal

press normal when you get both the reading and the meaning, again otherwise. 5 second time limit

>> No.43089848
File: 25 KB, 749x513, 8vi1wap39lqa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43090048

I press easy if I get a brand new card right or if it's something braindead in retrospect and under 1 month interval eg 髪留め

>> No.43090084

i just delete em

>> No.43090105

i just dont mine easy shit

>> No.43090113

never mined never will

>> No.43090133

I am roughly 1k cards deep in the core 2.3k deck and I'm starting to read an easy VN by just brute forcing it and using a dictionary for a lot of words. I know the advice is to be okay with not knowing what a sentence means, but something I can't stop thinking about is if I think I know what a sentence means, but it ends up being wrong and I don't find out until months later meaning I have a bad habit I need to unlearn before I learn the correct meaning. Am I just overthinking this?

>> No.43090142

roughly 7 inches deep in your mom

>> No.43090143


>> No.43090639

Does anybody know of any EN -> JP popup dictionary with Anki support? I have some Japanese friends that want to learn English

I found one that works for EN -> CN that I was gonna modify to use a JP dictionary instead but if one already exists I don't wanna put the effort in

>> No.43090681

Closest thing your looking for that I can think of. Just configure it for English

>> No.43090718

Are there any books similar to Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata for japanese? I.e. books entirely in japanese that teach by slowly introducing new grammar and vocabulary in a comprehensible way. E.g. Lingua Latina I
starts with
>Roma in Italia est. Italia in Europa est. Graecia in Europa est. Italia et Graecia in Europa sunt. Hispania quoque in Europa est. Hispania et Italia et Graecia in Europa sunt.

>> No.43090766






>> No.43090851

Dude just read easy stuff then make it harder there's not much stuff that will hold your hand like that

>> No.43090866

Well why isn't there you dumb slut

>> No.43090886

zlib is down again and cant find the xxxx Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT Nx anywhere... does anyone have a link?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43090956

what the fuck is this name lol

>> No.43090992

im gay

>> No.43091003

isn't this like 15 minutes into tae kim territory
hell i think even duolingo covers this
anon you can't be this lazy and expect to learn any nihon geese

>> No.43091026
File: 1.13 MB, 4096x2382, FskDFx2aYAEqOZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning

upcoming immersion

>> No.43091045


yooo what are the holobros cooking

>> No.43091055

曲 of the day

>> No.43091090
File: 191 KB, 1780x1080, Screenshot_2023-03-31-18-42-34-48_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds based

>> No.43091139

redditors will claim that's a bad thing

>> No.43091247

Cute videos with subs

>> No.43091281


>> No.43091298




>> No.43091410

You guys are never going to believe this. I picked up an otaku slang book as a joke and it told me what a niwaka was.

>> No.43091421

a 俄かファン i assume?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43091432


>> No.43091521



>> No.43091594

https://youtu.be/V9Vwu_Jjjg0<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43091843

accidentally watched all of this before i realized i didnt have subs on

>> No.43091915


>> No.43091927

never watched hololive/vtubas or gf simulator channels and never fucking will

>> No.43091937
File: 65 KB, 907x985, aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43092107

Yosh outputted

>> No.43092277
File: 657 KB, 1919x1080, women1of5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy this one has TWO afterstories? hell yes

>> No.43092333 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x4032, image(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese obaasans

>> No.43092476

are you denma-kun?

>> No.43092483

>gf simulator
its more like lesbian friend simulator

>> No.43092565


>> No.43092612 [DELETED] 

yea thought that was pretty obvious

>> No.43092850 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 851x1257, midori-oohashi-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43093041


>> No.43093157

Why is みたい such a piece of shit?

>> No.43093607
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, My Life as Inukai-san&#039;s Dog. S00E01 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43093639
File: 931 KB, 960x540, My Life as Inukai-san&#039;s Dog. S00E01 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-[06.01.257-06.03.467].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43093690



>> No.43093786
File: 384 KB, 1119x2940, IMG20230401162743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43093943


>> No.43093952


>> No.43093972
File: 521 KB, 1325x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well djt, where would you choose to live?

>> No.43094007

nagano or gifu

>> No.43094098

gunma (im brazilian)

>> No.43094191

i would not live in japan because it's not my country<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43094218

Where my hypothetical fat obasan gf lives

>> No.43094290


>> No.43094368


>> No.43094501
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1679451489343226.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try https://ja.annas-archive.org/
gooood morning!
>>43091045 >>43091055
feeling de iku!

studying japanese today too!! todays immersion https://youtu.be/RIZQdWkIkQo

>> No.43094736


>> No.43094755

wow i sure am glad vtumors got their own board haha

>> No.43094765

and that board is /jp/

>> No.43094794

send jigokuraku jp subs
or gay porn
don't tell me which

>> No.43094848
File: 248 KB, 1128x500, Screenshot_20230401_192751_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the AI bullshitting me or is this legit info?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43094851

bad anki day...
flunked 11 matures in my core reviews and ended with 85 retention, and 7 matures in my mining deck with 75 retention...<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43094950

its literally made for bullshitting mane, even if its true i wouldnt trust it, just look up gogen or something
itll make shit up rather than tell you it doesnt know

>> No.43094954

But what's the point of 陶 in 陶酔, then? My dictionary doesn't say that it's ateji.

>> No.43094973





dont try to understand why words are read or written a certain way, logic or reason are not guaranteed, if you really care look up 陶酔 語源 and read that, because in this case it looks like that explanation was straight up made up

>> No.43094996

Unironically the AI's explanation was better because it creates an useful mnemonic.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43095004

whatever goats your float man dont say you werent warned though

>> No.43095010

stfu candy<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43095020


>> No.43095031

i aint no candy, schizo
mans so used to making headcanon while interacting with jp hes outsourced word meaning fanfics to ai

>> No.43095032

based online mega manga library desu

>> No.43095044

浴 溶
I hate when they do this stupid crown thing.

>> No.43095047

>i hate being dumb
unrelatable but understandable

>> No.43095071

you love being dumb?

>> No.43095081

understandable interpretation

>> No.43095085
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Shinka no Mi S2 - 12 (1080p) [6A3DE4FF]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43095087
File: 1.30 MB, 1220x1182, 23118477-4445-4D65-895B-CAA22174E033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish all the manga had hiraganas above the kanjis :x is based collection tho
*keeps looking for one i can actually read* :/

>> No.43095097

if you want hiragana just listen lole

>> No.43095139
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jigokuraku - 01 (1080p) [A13977A0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43095142

look at that edge

>> No.43095162


>> No.43095179

Where do you even get raw manga in this day and age? Nyaa has like 1 in 10 I search for, and even then it's incomplete.

>> No.43095182

hiragana wouldnt really help because if you dont know the word then you need to learn it regardless of if the reading is readily available

just read more

>> No.43095188

Just learn the kanji as they come along lol

>> No.43095191

hiragana help looks it up

>> No.43095203

if you dont know the word then looking at it in kanji wont help
>read more
learn japanese

>> No.43095211

it will if you read more
context my melanin enriched friend

>> No.43095225

you failed a baby quiz you cant even read baby kanji forget the meaning lol

>> No.43095227
File: 933 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jigokuraku - 01 (1080p) [A13977A0]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, ill borrow what >>43095081 said

>> No.43095231

havent been able to find a reliable source so far, its scattered all around and i have to spend like a day per series i want to read to find something worthwhile
if you find anything let me know

just know words with all the kanjis bro

beginner cope, it's helpful for some words, for others, good luck if you don't know them
eg 勝手口

>> No.43095245

just know words with all the kanjis bro
trying my best....

>> No.43095257

youll get there mane dont sweat it
why not try something with easier lookups like vinnies, linnies, or animays

>> No.43095266

ive read more than you will in your entire life
why dont you start by learning baby japanese first

>> No.43095267

what quiz was that my seething friend?

>beginner cope, it's helpful for some words, for others, good luck if you don't know them
do... do you not know what context means?

>> No.43095275

every quiz you ran away from my n6 loser friend

>> No.43095278
File: 837 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jigokuraku - 01 (1080p) [A13977A0]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43095281

so none of them?
you wouldnt even join the room lol

>> No.43095290

This post is WARNING. I joined the server expecting to find a nice welcoming community because I thought they had a nicely written guide but I was wrong. When you first join you'll have to pass an N4 kanji quiz to get access to the whole server and I couldn't pass it so I just decided to open the "beginner-chat" and holy shit what I saw... full of racial slurs and suggestive l0li images... I asked what the fuck was going on and they started insulting me too and sent me some DMs and holy shit I'm traumatized please don't join. My dumbself opened not 1 but 2 messages with gore and poop videos before realizing what was going on and left.


>> No.43095291

>havent been able to find a reliable source so far, its scattered all around and i have to spend like a day per series i want to read to find something worthwhile
I want to read オタクに優しいギャルはいない but if I have to pay 90 yen for every fucking chapter I will die of starvation next month.

>> No.43095292

remember that time last year when you failed the n1 quiz 20 times and coped about the font lol

>> No.43095309

Current thread: #3536

Previous threads:
>>43068286 #3535
>>43048128 #3534
>>43029314 #3533
>>43014504 #3532
>>42995528 #3531
>>42980450 #3530
>>42934329 #3529
>>42923008 #3528
>>42910679 #3527
>>42900847 #3526
>>42883123 #3525
>>42877144 #3524
>>42863018 #3523
>>42849420 #3522
>>42841048 #3521
>>42826934 #3520
>>42814563 #3519
>>42799800 #3518
>>42788397 #3517
>>42703693 #3516
>>42771186 #3515
>>42758398 #3514
>>42739461 #3513
>>42726652 #3512
>>42712013 #3511
>>42703720 #3510
>>42692047 #3509
>>42684105 #3508
>>42675081 #3507
>>42665699 #3506
>>42654509 #3505
>>42642217 #3504
>>42623920 #3503
>>42610898 #3502
>>42595655 #3501
>>42499589 #3500
>>42583909 #3499
>>42570190 #3498
>>42561336 #3497
>>42551504 #3496
>>42543210 #3495
>>42532219 #3494
>>42523368 #3493
>>42511546 #3492
>>42499630 #3491
>>42488186 #3490
>>42377984 #3489
>>42480080 #3488
>>42471582 #3487
>>42464473 #3486
>>42456485 #3485
>>42445349 #3484
>>42436424 #3483
>>42426184 #3482
>>42414929 #3481
>>42407080 #3480
>>42396556 #3479
>>42387194 #3478
>>42378019 #3477
>>42367140 #3476
>>42326870 #3475
>>42356179 #3474
>>42343310 #3473
>>42335711 #3472
>>42327005 #3471
>>42316964 #3470
>>42305918 #3469

>> No.43095318

you're thinking of someone else my schizo friend.
the fonts not even that bad compared to most cursive fonts<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43095336

i know youre afraid because youre changing your posting style lmao
keep it up sissy its fun watching you squirm

>> No.43095338
File: 24 KB, 553x161, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this nerd

>> No.43095339

"bro why isnt there furigana for 駅付近"
"i read more than you will in your entire life"
i mean ok man this aint a competition but you cant fault me for finding this a little funny

>> No.43095362

this is far too easy and doesnt count but who knows maybe sasuga cant even read this lol

>> No.43095371

afraid of what?
be gentle oniichan

>> No.43095384

Nice OCR<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43095395

beep boop i am a robot

>> No.43095398
File: 591 KB, 2000x3000, FskcS2UaIAALfah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, opening a ストゼロ to that

>> No.43095401

afraid of the posts youve made over the years being connected and identified with you lol

>> No.43095410

its really not that hard mane i dont know why you set this up like some sort of big test with n5 words and all

>> No.43095412

feel free to build whatever schizo narrative you want

>> No.43095419

A 13 year old girl wrote it.

>> No.43095420

feel free to keep shitting yourself lmao

>> No.43095427

i shit on the designated street not on myself sir

>> No.43095431


>> No.43095494


>> No.43095534


>> No.43095555

お婆さん (23)

>> No.43095564

お婆さん[2] iykyk

>> No.43095567

stopped my japanese learning to laugh at some other language autism


>> No.43095568


>> No.43095622

What the FUCK is this?

>> No.43095645

carls right

>> No.43095653


>> No.43095675
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if you are looking for something in particular post its name

>> No.43095708

Based Matt!

>> No.43095735

a real guru and hero of the japanese learning community
everybody kneel

>> No.43095749


>> No.43095761

i stand with matto

>> No.43095772

saw that one earlier, here's vikemen, the rigging is great

>> No.43095782

Voice changers are soulless unless you go full tilt with them

>> No.43095788

>japanese learning arc

hey, at least he aint calling it a journey

>> No.43095808

Quizmaster stole everything from Core 2K, Matt, and Khatzumoto and rebranded it as his own Animecards method, hogging all the credit and spotlight for himself. Can you believe that?

>> No.43095818
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muy basado, el don hakka VA A HACERLA!

>> No.43095827

sasuga holocancer

>> No.43095834

can't matt's mom sue him for intellectual copyright infringement?

>> No.43095837


>> No.43095844
File: 47 KB, 600x476, PeacefulFewAmethystgemclam-poster-2150824454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>credit and spotlight

>> No.43095847

yeah matt did invent shutting urself in ur room watching anime and jerkin it to vinnies after all

>> No.43095859

and for that matt(pbuh) will be blessed by amaterasu for eternity

>> No.43095860

cierto cierto

>> No.43095864

matt said vinnies are repetitive and low quality otaku entertainment

>> No.43095870

its kinda true but thats what makes them so good

>> No.43095882


>> No.43095891

matt had a genius and based workflow
look up word in anime subtitles -> search for a sentence in an aozora bunko that uses it -> make a sentence card
he was destined to make it

>> No.43095903

my workflow

look up a couple words
gaslight myself into knowing those im too lazy to lookup
dont make anki cards

>> No.43095904

remember when matt deleted anki and made a rant video on it only to reinstall it a few weeks later lmfao

>> No.43095917

for me? it's looking up every single word, even basic words i already know or can infer

>> No.43095918

he made a good point though. you don't need cards for common words if you immerse, and rare words aren't worth learning anyways because you rarely see them

>> No.43095937

then why did he reinstall it

>> No.43095947


>> No.43095950

peer pressure

>> No.43095961

you gotta admit ankicels are quite toxic

>> No.43095975


>> No.43095992

next borderline nothing wrong season when?

>> No.43096019

if god wanted me to succeed he would have made me smarter

>> No.43096090

ankilets fear the ankicel's gains

>> No.43096095

anyone using anki is a beginner

>> No.43096103

anyone not using anki is a dkn

>> No.43096105

no ankicel has ever made it

>> No.43096119

pretty much everyone who made it in the modern era was an ankichad, from matto sama to doth

>> No.43096128

im 10 times better than doth tho
pretty telling of your level that you worship him

>> No.43096129


>> No.43096136
File: 3.73 MB, 480x360, arthur-internet[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a gajillion times better than doth

>> No.43096141
File: 311 KB, 349x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43096148

even more telling of your level that you think it has to be a lie

>> No.43096165

its ok to admit you're nuke tier

>> No.43096170

that's what i've been telling you

>> No.43096189

well its great you admitted it

>> No.43096215


>> No.43096224

"My Life as Dogowner's Dog"?

>> No.43096225


>> No.43096229

doth felt the need to mention words like hinsyuku and kaikou in his r*ddit post that alone tells me how many levels below me he is

>> No.43096237

i'd be impressed if there was anyone below you

>> No.43096254

sneed harder jealous dekinai

>> No.43096259

jealous of what?

>> No.43096263

The joke is that they've switched personalities.

Though this exchange gave me a giggle:
>やっぱ性格悪っ<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43096266

jealous of me someone 10 times better than doth thus 100 times better than you

>> No.43096269

lol k

>> No.43096276

the dekinai ankicel screams in denial

>> No.43096302
File: 102 KB, 220x220, HoesMad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read don't sneed

>> No.43096309

i read more in a few hours than you do in a week dekinai scrub

>> No.43096323
File: 1.71 MB, 4096x3288, FskUk9waMAAkpBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i watch more vtubers in a few hours than you do in a week

>> No.43096330

less talk more walk

>> No.43096333

yh austrian guy has 5k kanji and could own sasuga any day

>> No.43096338

suisei built for seggs

>> No.43096348

you won't catch up with me even if you run scrub

>> No.43096353

What is your daily routine sirs?

>> No.43096360

why would i want to catch up to your cope?

>> No.43096363

scream harder scrub your tears are delicious

>> No.43096368
File: 78 KB, 772x525, 6b6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43096372

classic sasuga retard

>> No.43096377

just facts

>> No.43096379

poor sasuga hasn't even learned his 2nd language yet

>> No.43096387 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 495x498, angry-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on #4

>> No.43096391

being dekinai in one language wasn't enough huh
sasuga cuck

>> No.43096392

i'm not a cuck my wife's bf is just there for support<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43096473

anki and dorama when waking up then cunnyge after work

>> No.43096487


>> No.43096500

makopi chama...

>> No.43096528

I'm new to these types of games, any suggestions?

>> No.43096538

just look up the tag on vndb and sort by score

>> No.43096546

he real god who could put these noobs in their place without breaking a sweat

>> No.43096547

wake up
get out of bed
have breakfast
do anki
work out
jerk off
take a shit
go to sleep
rinse and repeat

>> No.43096551
File: 285 KB, 1152x720, 97738[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad and short
happy and long

>> No.43096556

where is he these days anyways

>> No.43096573

i dont feel comfortable sharing any information about him without his explicit consent
i think you can find him if you try, hes 3 contacts away from you at worst
we all love him

>> No.43096587

hes a host in shinjuku 3-chome

>> No.43096607

you shit too often, stop eating fiber and eat more raw meat

>> No.43096622

really wanna make a server for upper intermediates and invite the old gs like ciaran and makopi
it would be so epic

>> No.43096647

too bad none of them want anything to do with you

my diet consists of
protein yogurts
protein shakes
divine protein shakes

only fiber i see day to day is in my clothes
we gettin shredded up in this bitch
a single whiff of my protein farts is enough to power ronnie for a week

>> No.43096651

why? i didnt disrespect nobody

>> No.43096655

I learned hiragana and it already has some uses to me but over half of the text I come upon is in katakana
Everyone was saying that hiragana is the more common one but so far it seems to be the other way around to me

>> No.43096673

its not a you thing, its a general disregard of any new faces
that being said im only passing by, so i might have not recognized you
if you were of any note youd probably be in one of those servers already though
you do you though man i dont mean no disrespect

>> No.43096682

>youd probably be in one of those servers
which ones?

>> No.43096693

yeah, in rpgs and stuff there's a lot of katakana

dont become like her https://streamable.com/h7c0fv

>> No.43096700

i mean i could list several but you should be aware of at least *some* of the offshoots unless youve been here for under a month
none for ciaran though afaik
and makopi comes and goes as he pleases pretty much
hes a bit whimsical

>> No.43096716

grugcords the only good one

>> No.43096729

i miss grug

>> No.43096747

ciaran got a job and forgot japanese, hes too scared of getting btfod so he left all the servers

>> No.43096752

funny i did the same thing

>> No.43096769

big if true

>> No.43096780

feeling this happen to me as well
only immersing 3 hours a day versus 16 does make a big difference

>> No.43096797

i didnt know any japanese to begin with so its no big deal
whats immersing, i just read linnies while commuting and on weekends
almost finished a volume this month haha

>> No.43096803

itiban tuyoi djter ni naritai kana

>> No.43096808

>whats immersing
sorry, emersing

>> No.43096809

jew nen hayai

>> No.43096823

i dont get it
think im gonna hit the sack

>> No.43096834

it looks like a spot in djts A+++ class has finally opened up for me

its time for me to make it big keikakudoori

>> No.43096839
File: 42 KB, 184x163, 1676750911203147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bros i'm simply not very good, i can't always read the things or hear the words, i've never helped ego boost a namefag and i didn't study the djt lore before i started coming here

>> No.43096863

>djts A+++ class

>> No.43096867

glad i never participated in this aids rat race

>> No.43096868

its ok man just hang around long enough and youll get up to speed if you dont act like a total tool
join the server and ask one of the big goys for a quick rundown if you want to speed up the process, if you happen to land on a nice one theyll help you out
that being said i think you should just focus on reading and mining, ability gives you more street cred than lore knowledge
honestly if youve been namefag fart huffing for too long with nothing to show for it youll end up looking bad instead
good luck and all the best, its a marathon, not a sprint, and such

>> No.43096869

based gmi

>> No.43096880

all you guys are talking about the learnjapanese.moe server, right?

>> No.43096884

lol they have a new 19 page rule book and got civil warred, everyone good is on the new server

>> No.43096887

of course, i love shoui and jmaa
i personally gained the highest rank on over 7 alts by using google, just to show my appreciation

>> No.43096888

im not on any server

>> No.43096891

never used a server for immersing
how does it work?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43096899

you waste all your time shooting the shit with a bunch of turbo namefags and hope the fart huffing will improve your nihongo no jutsu

>> No.43096920

but you dont know nihongo like i know nihongo tho

>> No.43096921
File: 424 KB, 504x478, Nippah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a good community you get called a person of color if you arent improving

>> No.43096940

if youre the strongest nihongoer in the room then youre in the wrong room
my mom told me that

>> No.43096948

its good your mom remembered what i told her

>> No.43096953

what if you are the strongest nihongoer in the world?

>> No.43096960

then i would finally introduce myself

>> No.43096963

thats a cheap shot man you know you can do better

you get the right to say you know japanese on djt without being challenged or ridiculed
then fail to parse a local asking you what time it is during your visit to japan

>> No.43096972

your mom told me a shot is a shot cheap or not

>> No.43096978

then you're in the wrong world

>> No.43096980

then you're in the wrong world

>> No.43096992

"what did he mean by 汝"

in a perfect world men like me would not exist

but this is not a perfect world

>> No.43097001

im like cell im beyond perfect

>> No.43097006

cell got his ass pounded by a kid

>> No.43097009

so what youre saiyaing is that you can get btfo by a 10 year old
makes sense to me

>> No.43097011

i'm like android 17 cause i'm in cell

>> No.43097018


>> No.43097034

still cant believe they brought cell back once again and made gohan blanco real as well

>> No.43097043

i think they used the el hermano thing as a guide
still waiting on shaggy blanco

>> No.43097045

white and blue hair is fucking lame

>> No.43097060

i know you are but what am i

>> No.43097098

namek arc was peak dragon ball

>> No.43097115

dagon these balls across your face

>> No.43097124

>saying that hiragana is the more common one
This is nominally true but useless. You obviously need both to read literally anything.

>> No.43097129

cant believe they didnt make vegeta atone for all the namekians he murdered

>> No.43097141

not true, i have a chrome plugin that turns everything into hiragana, even kanji
im not learning no chicken scratch scribbles

>> No.43097151
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>> No.43097157

they should've decorated him with a medal for helping with the pest control

>> No.43097167

Gonna need one that edits video in realtime too.
Maybe one for text on screen in games.
And a phone app that does the same for your camera so you can read katakana IRL.
You got a lot of work to do.

>> No.43097177

Dイド? Dイド?

>> No.43097203

namekians have the strongest balls though

already have yoga working on it, i told him well split the profits but im not going to pay him shit
dont tell him though

>> No.43097244

not a fan of greenoids

>> No.43097248
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - 01 (1080p) [546D5B2B]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tree of savior was shit!

only good thing was the panchira on walk animations

>> No.43097253

we all green here

>> No.43097290

White is based in the obasan sense

>> No.43097298

i was literally born a supaa sayajin

>> No.43097300

the only people who ever say that are orange

>> No.43097319

same but my hair turned brown by 10

>> No.43097354
File: 259 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - 01 (1080p) [546D5B2B]-[12.51.730-12.54.233].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43097364

with every rank gained i realized how hilariously easy the one below it actually was
greens are mostly hit or miss me thinks

>> No.43097370

im above it all

>> No.43097379

i think youre just jealous

>> No.43097383

yea ok

>> No.43097391

>im above it all

>> No.43097393

literally me

>> No.43097412

If you couldn't pass at least n2 first time you joined the server its over man

>> No.43097465

its just a type the reading test dude

>> No.43097473

I thought I was reading japanese like a slug especially comparing to natives who can read faster than light, but then I read something in english for the first time in a while and I realized I was pretty much reading at the same speed
how do I learn to read faster than a old man with dementia?

>> No.43097521

japs don't take the jlpt so i'm not going to

>> No.43097522

Have you tried trying to read faster?
Outside of that there's always shit like this but I dunno how to make them work with Japanese outside of adding spaces yourself

>> No.43097529


>> No.43097551


>> No.43097619
File: 339 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - 01 (1080p) [D7AC5868]-[09.15.055-09.19.851].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43097633

>silencing subvocalization
souless and ngmi

>> No.43097644

i vaguely recall matt weighing in on this topic
forgot his opinion though

>> No.43097647


yooo they put bunko into anime!

>> No.43097821

What country is the most popular for dating japanese girl?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43097826

not urs

>> No.43097840

necessary to read at sanik speeds

>> No.43097849

same as every country sir
indian men are desired everywhere

>> No.43097892

Why would he do that instead of using the sentence he found it in? Sometimes I feel like I must be missing out on something because so much of what I see seems absolutely retarded. Like when people consult a frequency list to determine if they should mine a word they encountered. Like it's right there, you saw it, you had to look it up to understand, why should you give a shit about how often it's supposedly used elsewhere?

>> No.43097894

listen bruh
he better than you
get dunked on

>> No.43098065

its unfair to compare mere mortals to matt sama (pbuh)

>> No.43098113

Which 5ch boards do all the cool discussions take place?

>> No.43100144

youre just stating the obvious man if you werent born japanese its over
all us lesser beings can do is mimick, after exerting vast amounts of effort

>> No.43100497
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>> No.43104520

god I love 小路 so fucking much
