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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43028876 No.43028876 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>42973839

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43029266
File: 1.06 MB, 1918x1078, 天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版_2023-03-25_12-35-59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43029291

I was happier about the working scroll bar.

>> No.43029292


>> No.43029302


>> No.43029442
File: 1.07 MB, 1918x1079, 天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版_2023-03-25_12-55-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.
I guess the imouto will turn out to be a "vpiper" with all her staying up at night stuff.

>> No.43029470

I hate vtubers.

>> No.43029491
File: 28 KB, 1050x702, Magpie_0.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New magpie update is out.
Its mostly just a UI overhaul.

>> No.43029647

Interesting how this has a steam folder in its data pack.

>> No.43029671

I'm guessing that they copy/pasted the build directory from their last project.

>> No.43029705

Guys, I think Yuzusoft is carrying the whole eroge medium with this.

>> No.43029714

They're obviously going to release a global version soon.

>> No.43029742

Wait what there is magpie with ui already? is there anything useful they add?

>> No.43029749

It's not the first time something like this is implemented but it's still very much awesome.

>> No.43029788

Holy shit clickable png they must have spent half of their budget to implement something so revolutionary
When they will finally make an actual working smartphone ala s;g style I may be a little impressed

>> No.43029876

Even mid-tier mobage has stuff like this,

>> No.43029952

Mobage are on different engines. It's about being able to adjust kirikiri to this degree.

>> No.43029998

Then fuck off back there, mobiletard.

>> No.43030026

per app profiles I guess if you are playing multiple games at the same time.

>> No.43030043

damn I gotta play this

>> No.43030046

There is still no function to make window not fullscreen but just increase the window size instead so i can put it into half screen?

>> No.43030063

not yet but you can use JL instead of whatever setup you are using

>> No.43030075

I smell a hookcuck.

>> No.43030089

what's this?
nah i just play gachas on the side while reading sol shit to not fall asleep

>> No.43030114

Its an application for hookers.
Its useless for your case of playing a gacha on the side like the main character of The world god only knows.

>> No.43030130

Get a second display for your gachas.

>> No.43030131

well there is still lossless scaling for that but it sucks that it doesn't have anything better than fsr

>> No.43030194

>There is still no function to make window not fullscreen but just increase the window size instead so i can put it into half screen?
>well there is still lossless scaling for that but it sucks that it doesn't have anything better than fsr
I think somebody was working on a Magpie alternative for Linux, but I don't know how far he got with that...

>> No.43030315

Just finished reading the trial. Regarding BR/NBR They're NBR in past life. They're BR now.

>> No.43030417


>> No.43030477
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, 天使騒々_screenshot 2023_03_25 21_46_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's Ayase.

>> No.43030703

Recommend me something with an aloof but デレデレ heroine please

>> No.43030712
File: 910 KB, 3840x2160, 24308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it actually a thing to eat potato chips using chopsticks or am I missing some kind of reference?

>> No.43030722

Yes it's a thing, to keep playing games or reading without getting your fingers dirty.

>> No.43030810

Then how do you stuff an entire handful into your mouth every 20 seconds?

>> No.43031051

you can get more than one chip at once with chopsticks, anon

>> No.43031147

How long is the new yuzusoft trial?

>> No.43031323

shorter than the full game

>> No.43031700

don't wont to work

>> No.43031731


>> No.43031876

>Yuzusoft making their new games with the west in mind
What a shitty time to be alive

>> No.43031886

By including their first ever real BR imouto heronie? Seems the west didn't affect them much

>> No.43031993

Go get that ADHD checked

>> No.43032012

Damn, this is the first time Yuzusoft's had a fully animated OP since Sanoba Witch.

>> No.43032194

So what is this a reboot of? Why a reboot instead of a remake?

>> No.43032257

Nothing. They just thought it sounds cool.

>> No.43032482

It's because they're reincarnated I think.

>> No.43032886

Reminder to let us be more like /jav/

>> No.43032899

Is she a gaijin? She sure looks and acts like one.

>> No.43032909

地球外 yes.

>> No.43032946

Senren banka?

>> No.43032986

>well there is still lossless scaling for that but it sucks that it doesn't have anything better than fsr
Anon, they added anime4k ul a while ago.

>> No.43033143

literally cafe stella?

>> No.43033179

Anon said fully animated, the other OPs had a mix of animation, CGs and chibis in them.

>> No.43033236

Imouto is the worst character in Tenshi Reboot trial, don't see myself still giving a shit for meme taboos in 2023 so even with that she is still garbage.

>> No.43033255

there's chibis and 3dcg backgrounds here too

>> No.43033260

She's a great mesugaki though

>> No.43033382

A male villain that can brainwash any girl instantly with magic feels wrong in a yuzusoft moege.

>> No.43033399

They're going to make Re-Boot Blue in just a few months.

>> No.43033403

Any girl saying ざこちんぽ is 10/10 for me

>> No.43033433

She's NBR, right? That's not even taboo.

>> No.43033454

Damn both the ending to the trial and the ending to each sample h-scene are such fucking teases.
If she is they didn't say during the trial, didn't mention stuff like mom being a second marriage or anything.
If they pull the card right before the first h-scene that'd be some massive bullshit.
Sample h-scene has her asking to get cummed inside, with BR maybe it could be too far for Yuzusoft, but who knows maybe they grew up.

>> No.43033466

Is Yuzusoft redeemed in your eyes?

>> No.43033496

man the art in sakutoki ranges from good to bad, the character designs as well
ai and makoto looked WAY better in uta

>> No.43033506

Personally at least I'm glad the "eroge-ness" isn't toned down despite the doomposting, feels kinda like a Hulotte game, whole plot is about the MC not being able to get a boner, you get sexy pictures sent, an "h-scene" with one of the girls touching your flaccid dick and a full cast naked CG all during common route.

>> No.43033512

I feel like they were specifically responding to people worried they'd be going full all-ages after parquet

>> No.43033518

The coloring is a huge step down from their previous works. It's missing that nice warm look I usually get from their colors.

>> No.43033521

Yes, just because they got Kanako saying some really filthy stuff outside of her couple gacha roles and with minimal audio censorship.

>> No.43033528

Reading Yuzutrash is not just harmful for the visual novel industry, it's downright destructive. The obsession with yuzushit has led to a decline in the quality and creativity of visual novels, and has contributed to the downfall of the industry as a whole.

Yuzutrash is to blame for everything. This toxic subculture has infiltrated the visual novel community, and has corrupted the minds of countless readers. Yuzutrash fans are not interested in the stories or the characters, they only care about shallow, superficial fantasies that have no substance or depth.

It's time to reject yuzutrash and all it stands for. We must restore the integrity and creativity of the visual novel industry, and rediscover the joy of reading stories that are meaningful and engaging. Let's say no to yuzubuta and yes to quality visual novels.

Long live the plotcucks!

>> No.43033706

Kara no Shoujo and anything like it is trash. Cope.

>> No.43033713

>replying to bait copypasta

>> No.43033743


>> No.43033891
File: 324 KB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT! 体験版天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A yuzusoft game was the last place I expected to see a Dead by Daylight reference (I assume).

>> No.43033920

For some reason that game is really popular in japan

>> No.43033937

Any 4 player game can be potentially popular there. Thank Monhun for that.

>> No.43033983
File: 895 KB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT! 体験版天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, really? I thought it was still popular slang...

>> No.43034009

Normal people don't use it.
t. Jap expat

>> No.43034017

You mean real people in Japan don't talk like eroge characters?????

>> No.43034025


>> No.43034511

Sakutoki has yuzusoft-tier writing. You know it's true

>> No.43034531

Now that I think about it, even yuzuge have more consistent storywriting

>> No.43034619

But Yuzusoft has Qruppo-tier storytelling, they even stole Re-boot MC's tragic curse from Jun's similar tragic curse

>> No.43034720

Qruppo wasn't even a thing throughout most of Yuzusoft's existence.

>> No.43034726

look anon it was a bad joke because Jun is an impo and re-boot MC is an impo and I thought it was funny to imply qruppo invented the concept of impotence and yuzusoft stole it but clearly it only worked in my head

>> No.43034749

Not many anons are aware that their attempts at funny fail. It's okay.

>> No.43034754

Now that you mention it, are there any other canon impotent MCs?

>> No.43034774

vndb has 11 vns with the tag 'impotent mc', all of which are NTR or nurse fetish.
I legitimately can't think of any other VNs that have MC being impotent as an actual major plot point and not just for various fetish h-scenes.

>> No.43034936

Looks the same as all the previous works lol

>> No.43034959

Yuzusoft makes the best moege. Only contrarians disagree

>> No.43035061

It was fun enough for the first game or two but I literally can't imagine how could you still enjoy reading the same shit over and over again
I just can't stand their normalfag protagonists anymore

>> No.43035085

You were around for Bra-ban!?

>> No.43035144

Please God tell me she's not NBR

>> No.43035166 [DELETED] 

Shen's not NBR

>> No.43035178

She's not NBR

>> No.43035184

post proof

>> No.43035190

Don't lie on the internet

>> No.43035197

Why are some of you guys so obsessed with NBR/BR? I'm a simple man, if she says お兄ちゃん my dick goes up.

>> No.43035201

NBR might as well just be a childhood friend. The reveal ruined Riddle Joker's imouto for me.

>> No.43035225

Some people are content with second rate imoutos but not me

>> No.43035239

A good chunk of this site's userbase are from bumfuck America. Connect the dots from there.

>> No.43035256

For me it depends in the way it's presented, if she's introduced as NBR from the beginning and they make that a plot point, like it's a reason why their relationship is awkward and leads to the start of the route, then it's fine, but if they never say anything the whole common route and only just right before the route they go "it's fine because she's NBR" then it feels like a lazy cop-out only done because the devs are afraid.

>> No.43035281

Because NBR is just childhood friend pretending to be little sister. It's just like trannies never be a real woman.

>> No.43035289

i'm a white european and i like br incest (mom)

>> No.43035316

>Riddle joker
I'm pretty sure they told you right away she's NBR.

>> No.43035333

> but if they never say anything the whole common route and only just right before the route they go "it's fine because she's NBR" then it feels like a lazy cop-out only done because the devs are afraid.
I'm afraid this is exactly what's going to happen in the newest yuzuge. I'll reserve judgment until the full game comes out. As far as the trial went though there's no indication that they're NBR in the present setting.

>> No.43035339

I kneel to bare&bunny for having a BR mom or sister in almost every game

>> No.43035346

You know that's exactly what's going to happen. Yuzu never make BR ever.

>> No.43035359

BR mom is just disgusting, seek help.

>> No.43035369

nah, it's good

>> No.43035380

Ngl I'd rather have nbr that makes sense than the usual be bullshit where they don't even have a second thought about cumming inside or even worse pregnancy endings that obviously get supported by everyone with zero consequences
At that point it is literally just default heroine but with that imouto label for the sake of baiting the moebuta hordes and have nothing to do with actual br relationships

>> No.43035418

Moebutas are so dumb. They don't even know that killing is bad or how the cat in the box works

>> No.43035496

Some people really want to have retarded kids

>> No.43035513

that's not how it works mane

>> No.43035549

This is NBR propaganda

>> No.43035886

For me, its the time.
Not a real sister if you met her yesterday.
Not a real osananajimi if you are coming back to town after 10 years and have forgotten basically everything.

>> No.43036052
File: 1.46 MB, 1421x895, Screenshot_72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have the same eyes. I'm going to seethe really hard if they pulled NBR later.

>> No.43036180

what if they just went ahead and never mentioned anything about their blood relation altogether?

>> No.43036184

That would be BR by default.

>> No.43036188

That's pretty much every other imouto heroine in moege and what people want, just don't day anything and let people believe.

>> No.43036232

ai looks cuter in toki
she looks really tiny and soft I'd say that's mission accomplished

>> No.43036384

I can't recall a single vn that hasn't ruined tsundere characters by turning them sompletely deredere. Surely there must be a few right?

>> No.43036414

I think the worse case I read was Nagomi from Tsuyokiss
She just became a completely different character after going full dere and she lost what made her good

>> No.43036457

Imagine dating a neurotically aggressive person. That's what you're wishing for.

>> No.43036478

i dont imagine 3d whores

>> No.43036525

based 2d enjoyer

>> No.43036541

>implying tsundere doesn't have a basis in reality
How utterly lost.

>> No.43036796

Ori is going to get a release date soon! (mousou

>> No.43037217

Ono wasabi and his company will stop making eroge completely

>> No.43037230

What is Baldr Sky FullDive?
console port? isn't giga shutting down in 5 days?

>> No.43037251

>console port
Probably. Entergram makes console ports

>> No.43037263

Didn't they announce going all ages a long time ago? https://twitter.com/laplacian_info/status/1408010666372304896

>> No.43037277

How about some good news for once and have new companies pop up to replace the ones leaving?

>> No.43037449
File: 315 KB, 1891x2048, FsDBgfjakAIo9D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with Misuzu's route.
It's odd seeing someone like Sca-ji hold Maeda in such high regard.

>> No.43037782
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1659424579911431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the "Include/Exclude Lies" traits on VNDB mean? And how do I actually use them properly when searching? How am I supposed to know what "lies" it's specifically referring to.

>> No.43038106
File: 367 KB, 1280x1843, Kishin_Hishou_Demonbane_Artbook_48_A_H_1po_16usDmh_Image_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kishin Hishou still unplayable in Windows 10?

>> No.43038117

there is patch

>> No.43038151

You have to use a crack. If you can't find it, I can upload it later. The source I founded on was some obscure blog site. Well I'm not sure if it actually works on Win10 (I play linux), but I assume it solves the "32-bit game doesn't work on 64-bit OS" problem.

>> No.43038252

From ab https://mega.nz/file/lpky0BiK#Rnq1V9Daf8FJ9TAMJfITwqbfIXoFqULMS9NcRnErgGg

>> No.43038557

After that shit they did with aojashin they deserve to never publish another VN again

>> No.43038579

Stay mad EOP

>> No.43038706

aojashin was probably lightning in a bottle
i think they're done for in general unless they come at their new project with the same amount of passion

>> No.43039030

Any example will be a spoiler, so I will use a boomerge no one cares about.
In https://vndb.org/v979, the imouto is introduced as BR, MC thinks she's BR, but it's revealed in her route that she's the NBR replacement of his dead BR imouto. So the non-spoiler way to tag the game is that there's a blood-related sister, and then set it as a lie. If you want to remove such cases from search, just select exclude lies.
Here's your new company >>42897380. Actually dead on twitter, but let's see how it progresses down the road if release is set for next year.

>> No.43039122
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々RE-BOOT!_体験版.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC will never go to the isekai world and it will be a waste of setting again, won't it

>> No.43039187

I hate this modern ironic moeslop. Back in the day we had honest cute games, like ONE

>> No.43039249


>> No.43039276

It's a yuzusoft game, dude. You're not reading it for the plot. They MIGHT go to the isekai world briefly in one route, but only for cute moe shenanigans.

>> No.43039322

And I bet it will be the sister route to avoid BR question.

>> No.43039332

>She's a great mesugaki though
not a mesugaki
not a loli
not an imouto

>> No.43039374

>So the non-spoiler way to tag the game is that there's a blood-related sister, and then set it as a lie
That's retarded. You're tagging something as BR when it's not BR. Tags should be factually truthful as people use them to find titles they're interested in. There are tags for fake BR imoutos. Either use those or don't tag it as BR/NBR and use a more general imouto tag. No one wants to be lured in by a tag and find out it's a lie and one shouldn't have to look for "lies" in addition to tags.

>> No.43039508

If you want the truth just turn on the spoilers
There are situations when blood relation is a big plot reveal (for example I have read multiple titles where the protag found out that the girl was his sister only at the true route etc) so it would make so sense to spoil it out

>> No.43039522

BR reveal is great. NBR reveal is garbage

>> No.43039737

Its not just the tags.
For example KKK isnt tagged on dies irae as a sequel. I think it should be like in EGS.

>> No.43039745

>wanting spoilers to be up for everyone in the wild.

>> No.43039776

There are still those rare nbr reveals that are done right and makes sense like Kana imouto
I wouldn't want to be spoilered on that one because it would make me lower my expectations to the minimum from the start but instead I ended up really satisfied with how it has turned in the end

>> No.43039790

That's technically a spoiler even though everyone and their mother knows it.

>> No.43039953

Mesugaki doesn't mean loli, her attitude particularly during the h-scene is textbook mesugaki, and she's an imouto until proven otherwise.

>> No.43039974
File: 508 KB, 676x710, 1650030808962122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43040300

Thanks. Can't test it yet because I need to replay Al route in Kishin Houkou and watch her h-scenes in Zanmataisei first. But hopefully it will work.

>> No.43040347

Crunch that fang into my dick.

>> No.43040397

Does the original work on w10?
I also want to try it for al h scenes but i remember the last time i tried to install it didn't want to work fo w/e reason

>> No.43040514

The original doesn't but I think The best ver can run on win10.

>> No.43040581

So instead of releasing the trial for Amakano 2+ Azarashi got Ayumi Sarah to play through it on youtube?

>> No.43041153

>watching someone else read a book
You retards don't actually do this, right?

>> No.43041161

She has a cute voice so yes.

>> No.43041290

Getting a youtuber to play your game seems like very common advertising these days.

>> No.43041343

小春's route is so painfully boring that I don't think I can take WA2 for much longer. Is it worth going to a different route or am going to just have to start a new vinnie.

>> No.43041495

btfo lmao

>> No.43041517

Should've just read it in english bro, much better without retarded maruto prose

>> No.43041519

There's a bit of a difference between an audiobook and someone streaming themselves reading the book.

>> No.43041550

Can anyone tell what's the difference between these two?
If it's basically the same plot and the same cast, then I'll just pick the one with the hotter sex scenes.

>> No.43041583

Have we reached that point that we're defending early 2000's jank?

>> No.43041598

I don't like it when they pretend it's BR then pull out and say it's NBR, it feels like cowardice.

>> No.43041634

I wonder if there's an eroge where a girl(s) has nipple piercings because she actually likes them, and not as a form of sexual choukou.

>> No.43041667

You can just not watch and listen only.

Would be hilarious to have a Westoid Vtuber play eroge if they haven't already.

>> No.43041675

>You can just not watch and listen only.
Even if you listen only, a person doing a stream is reading a game for the first time, will stutter, stumble, etc, and they'll probably go 'eeeh' or 'sugoiii' or talk about their reactions or thoughts as they're reading. There's a world of difference between that and a professional VA reading the text, edited to remove pauses/breaths, doing multiple takes under a director's supervision.

>> No.43041860

I actually find that more authentic. I always found scripted and edited readings to be too robotic.

>> No.43041880

Still can serve a similar purpose, those Ayumi Sarah trial streams are a nice thing to have in the background while doing something else, if then it sounds interesting enough maybe I'll play the trial myself or keep it in mind to check again once the game is out.

>> No.43041882

Sounds like a cope, mister vtumor apologist.

>> No.43041918

Whatever, shitter. You probably think acting while reading a scriptbook is actual acting.

>> No.43041926

Sorry pal, but I know much more about acting (thanks to lupercalia) than you do.

>> No.43041937

>he gets lessons from a porn powerpoint.

>> No.43041940

don't all actors read from scripts????

>> No.43041962

Ever heard of method acting?

>> No.43041964

Isn't that just the excuse actors use when they want to be assholes on set?
Nobody ever method acts as a nice person who helps the production staff on the movie and donates lots of money to charity.

>> No.43041969

It's still acting. Also impromptu is a thing if they somehow forgot a line or two.

>> No.43042016

Not everything is tagged enough.

>> No.43042024

girls who turn into weapons and weapons that turn into girls are my favourite

>> No.43042065

Really funny to see people with zero relation to acting trying to talk about acting, lmfao.

>> No.43042249

They said they would release it later, seems like this is the first time an amakano fandisc gets a trial
>only for cute moe shenanigans
I wish

>> No.43042325


>> No.43043144

Do they realize that shit is literally lost sales?, is not like normal games where if you want to play it you have to buy it(or pirate it) to get the full experience.

>> No.43043175

They never let anyone play full games, just trials.

>> No.43043189

You don't get H-scenes on youtube

>> No.43043413

the worst threads exist when moebuta shit comes out

>> No.43043810

She does voice a heroine in the game, so you're getting her reading the book either way.

>> No.43043893

It's because kids are addicted to youtubers and wouldn't actually sit down and play a game like that out of their own volition.

>> No.43043908

You do know the actual demographic of eroge right?

>> No.43043923

Don't be a dumb autist. Replace it with "zoomers" if that makes you feel better.

>> No.43043979

Plenty of old Japanese men enjoy Vtubers. That's the cold, hard truth.

>> No.43043985

Boomers are spiritual zoomers

>> No.43044264

Okay, Greatest Generation.

>> No.43044284
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, 天使騒々_screenshot 2023_03_27 15_44_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blueball me on this, please.

>> No.43044311

Imouto h-scene gave me hope for the ero in this game, though it weirdly felt like it game compared to the rest, almost Marmalade tier.

>> No.43044324

*felt like a different game

>> No.43044338
File: 2.31 MB, 1600x900, 1669760498346557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How creative.

>> No.43044383

God Kanna's design was so hot.

>> No.43044401

Literally why

>> No.43044417

I clicked the windowed mode button and it put me in that resolution.

>> No.43044482

Very different situations, and he posted that screenshot because of the text but you probably can't read anyway.

>> No.43044505

It's literally the same CG from a different angle.

>> No.43044528

do you get some kind of sick pleasure out of being openly retarded?

>> No.43044548

>almost Marmalade tier.
It lasts 1 hour 15 minutes in auto?
I still haven't touched S&S2 despite having it installed since last year because i fear those H scenes

>> No.43044587

Meant more in terms of dialogue, length is not very clear since the sample h-scenes cut off before you even get the cumshot

>> No.43044595

>length is not very clear since the sample h-scenes cut off before you even get the cumshot
I was just about to download it too. Guess I'll wait.

>> No.43044697

Am I supposed to keep edging until the full game comes out?

>> No.43044752

Well, Yuzusoft is not exactly known for short H-scenes. There are many which last well over 45 mins on auto.

>> No.43045134

holy shit. are they at least engaging? never played a yuzusoft game but 20+ minutes h-scenes make me want to die

>> No.43045168

Why are you even here? Just go back reading your chuunitrash like Mememasa for the 20th time.

>> No.43045183

Look at this salty moefag lol
Must be really sad to waste your life jerking off to the same shit

>> No.43045195

kill yourselves

>> No.43045204

Having a bad day, anon?
I'm here for the same reason you are. Any good VN you like to recommend? I haven't read many

>> No.43046007

sakura no uta

>> No.43046029

Is there a wakarase?

>> No.43046154

You seem to be really salty that you can't handle reading anything harder than moege despite already wasting several years of your life on it
I would recommend you start out with the slower transition into something like Key games first maybe that will help

>> No.43046187

I like to read both moege and plotge. Suck it fags.

>> No.43046200


>> No.43046211

The tribaltards are a loud minority.

>> No.43046296

More like majority
People just can't spot dividing into groups and fighting each other regardless of the topic because it's in our genes

>> No.43046340

you think the majority of eroge readers either read only moege or only plotge?

>> No.43046436

Do you think moefriends enjoy NTR?

>> No.43046446

it's not that far from the truth actually, if you browse through egs accounts you will barely find anyone who has both hard plotge and moege in their favs

>> No.43046507


>> No.43046878

Nothing wrong with a nice NTRge once in a while

>> No.43047372
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, besto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl

>> No.43047632


>> No.43047660

The ending was whatever but the planetarium show itself was actually amazing.

>> No.43048186

I read moege but skip all H scenes

>> No.43048209

bro you are literally me

>> No.43048424

I though the ending was good, really shows how attached one can get to a character in a few hours
I agree with the show, it was actually sad how the adaptation was doomed to get that part wrong.
Wait until you reach enlightment and read moege H scenes and don't use them as fap material.dkvnh

>> No.43048761

Are there any VNs set in China, during the Three Kingdoms period?

>> No.43048775

Koihime Musou

>> No.43049100

But those are the best part of Yuzuge

>> No.43049101
File: 1.02 MB, 1921x1083, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do I go for after Saki?
People say Ako's route is shit but I'm interested in seeing how they deal with being pretty much siblings and all

>> No.43049128

>read moege H scenes and don't use them as fap material
That happens to me quite often when I read routes of heroines I don't like. Skipping feels like cheating so I often enough read them without fapping and usually can't help but think about other girls during them which feels awful in a way.

>> No.43049214

>read routes of heroines I don't like
Do you guys really?

>> No.43049248


>> No.43049321

I don't like heroines in 90% of the routes I read
Such a life of a plotcuck

>> No.43049341

I only liked saki and karen, never read the route of the girls you are not interested in.
> Skipping feels like cheating
This but reading another route right after finishing one, feels like im cheating on the former heroine.

>> No.43049345

But I get off to cheating on heroines.

>> No.43049351

then read two or three routes at the same time

>> No.43049414

There is a better way
Read moege on the main monitor while having several ntr nukige going on auto on the separate monitors at the same time

>> No.43049428

>I only liked saki and karen, never read the route of the girls you are not interested in.
I wanted to do Karen's first because that talk in the beginning was really nice, but I ended up on Saki's and it was really good too.

>> No.43049520

>This but reading another route right after finishing one, feels like im cheating on the former heroine.
I never start a new route on the same day. New day new me.

>> No.43049835

Yeah one of the problems with M*L is that you go blind into mashiro and saki routes so you have no idea what is wating for you, and for the others you don't spend enough time to know if you really want to read their routes. If it serves of any indication, i liked saki and liked karen as well, the others were a pain to read.

>> No.43049928

Me too. Only exception is if I'm reading something with really short routes and still want to read more.

>> No.43050839

Throw your defective brain away.

>> No.43050854

Am I the only one who likes Reina above anyone else?

>> No.43051489

Depends on the game. If the rest of the game is really good, I'll give a heroine who I don't like a chance. If it's bad, I won't.

>> No.43051823

>send nip friend screenshot of that guy in muramasa talking about BBC (not very specific, i know)
maybe the real dekinais where the japanese all along

>> No.43052133

Yes. I've been in a situation of not liking heroine at all but liking her route often enough to not give up routes easily.

>> No.43052507

Nobody cares. Kill yourself.

>> No.43052734

has it been confirmed whether the new yuzuge is BR or not? they are very close to being the best release of the year

>> No.43052872

the vn i wanted to try can't be hooked....
Yu-Ris engine too powerful....

>> No.43052926

Not really, Textractor works with many YU-RIS games as is. Javascript-based shit is the real horror. Which game btw?

>> No.43052936

No, either they say it right before the first h-scene and it becomes the worst release of the year or they never mention anything and we can asume it's BR.
It's Yuzu so it's not like they'll have some "I can't fuck my blood related sister" drama.

>> No.43052967
File: 31 KB, 250x300, 22820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more incest drama like pic related

>> No.43053578

>first vn with a route for a chara voiced by Natsuno Koori since 2018
'been a while, even more if you count only big release

>> No.43053746
File: 1.56 MB, 1390x2048, 1679999446671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>43051489
I'm willing to soldier through some tedium and an unlikable character to some extent, but if I'm bored out of my mind or actively hate it I drop the game

>> No.43053875

There's zero implication about them being NBR in the trial and both siblings have the same eye color which usually imply they're blood related but it's Yuzusoft so it's better not get our hopes up.

>> No.43053910

It's the appeal of incest route but i don't remember any recent releases where incest drama happens. Why can't they make more stuffs like Yosuga no Sora?

>> No.43054498

I care.

>> No.43054713
File: 72 KB, 610x545, 8YB2ZEi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiminozo kickstarter discord out rofl

>> No.43054836

>All ages
Who the hell cares

>> No.43055236
File: 40 KB, 708x708, qe8obkm11byz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is no longer asking

>> No.43055297

>Javascript-based shit is the real horror
really? i haven't played a lot of them but it always work perfectly for me.

Game is https://vndb.org/v42883
I'm having the good old whitebox issue expect it's not a font problem at least i don't think so i tried a handfull of them,I also haven't found any hooks yet,once i'm back from work i'll try again.

>> No.43055564

>all ages reboot

>> No.43055569

>can't understand shit
thanks mtl-san

>> No.43055783

>all-ages ntrge
oh no no no no

>> No.43055996

early in the game theres a scene where he tries to fuck Haruka and they call it off when he attempts to stick his dick into her because it hurts
all ages version replaces it with him hugging her too hard

>> No.43056070


>> No.43056098

i'm just happy that the cucks are getting cucked, sort of a win-win

>> No.43056239

Bruh this is probably the least expected remaster in my life

>> No.43056248

Oh sry didn't mean to tag anyone

>> No.43056257

no worries, SEAbro

>> No.43056259

Shouldn't they finish The Day After first? Also, how the hell are they going to handle THAT route as all-ages. I guess it'll just be cut?

>> No.43056356
File: 739 KB, 1630x1438, 1679648555757463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TDA (resonative) is effectively permanently on hold and not getting any development updates even though the script was finished long ago, because the early access steam game and the gacha bombed so the new owners are kind of fucking pissed and putting all the resources into relaunching the gacha this year.
pic related is his afterword from a new monthly magazine thing he is doing, literally trying to scrape money together that way.

>> No.43056538

That's DRM's/crack's fault, the trial is perfectly hookable.
Mai@KF crack (release from ryuu) keeps PlayDRM on the thing, so if you're playing that you'll need
This should work with the uncracked version too, as long as the DRM is not different at least.

>> No.43056614
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, データなんかねぇよ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43056689

I guess the ultimate lesson here is never, ever sell your creative IP.

>> No.43056702
File: 197 KB, 454x458, lolbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all ages version replaces it with him hugging her too hard

>> No.43056748

Fucking luddite, AI is vastly superior to humans at writing in every way now

>> No.43056811

bro he got an anime out of it that doesn't even adapt the entire story of the one game they chose to animate

>> No.43056867

I swear all of those boomers of the industry should retire from senility
When are we getting new blood??

>> No.43057112

>new vns will be made by zoomers
grim future ahead

>> No.43057149

They can't even finish the last part of tda, let alone alternative 2, and he wants me to put my money in a new project?

>> No.43057221

Not like Millennials are any better. In fact, they maybe too mindbroken to create anything.

>> No.43057273

Younger generations definitely have no idea how to write so you just have to learn to enjoy the random boomer ramblings.

>> No.43057287

Isn't nukitashi zoomercore with all the tranny shit?

>> No.43057360

They are just going to retouch ai generated dialog and call it a day.

>> No.43057450
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>> No.43057461

Is this Amakano?

>> No.43057555

>baby trapped
Big mistake

>> No.43057609

yes, that is correct. His excuse is that, this is "his" project and aNCHOR is just helping, while TDA and alternative 2 are aNCHOR's projects, and he just wrote them.

>> No.43057963
File: 509 KB, 1042x737, top20230324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, faggots, time for a guessing game. There are four women in this picture. Point the one who isn't.

>> No.43058222

What does 730 deus ex machina refer to?
I remember hearing it somewhere else too but google keeps failing me

>> No.43058407

Damn it worked.Thanks a lot, i really thought it was a font problem not a drm one.
So next time i have the same problem,all i have to do is to get the hook code from the Trial's version right?
Thanks again.

>> No.43058474

It's Al's birth year.

>> No.43058563

>tried joining official Yuzusoft discord server
>Only the server owner can post and they only post news that also posted on their site/Twitter.
What's the point of making a discord server? Which boomer idea is this?

>> No.43058580

Shut up zoomer. More importantly I wanted to post in the yuzusoft thread on 5ch, but they're blocking every single vpn, even the paid ones from nord. Fucking cunts.

>> No.43058593

Just join nip eroge discord and pretend to be nip.

>> No.43058621

Who gives a shit? It's an ensemble game no one with any taste will play it.

>> No.43058668

I don't get why a company would have a discord server in the first place. What do you need one for? To communicate with your fans/customers/whatever? Just use typical social media and save yourself the hassle that comes with having to manage your own discord.

>> No.43058682

well you wont really have to manage it if you dont allow anyone to post

>> No.43058734
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>> No.43058793
File: 1.38 MB, 1276x718, 1649881185588541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day they will make a straight game again and that's when im going to play it

>> No.43058927


>> No.43058931

They should take notes from the Purplesoft server where you can actually talk about shit and chat with the staff

>> No.43058956

This makes me feel sad because it seems no one told the artist how bad it looked.

>> No.43058978

Speaking of Purple, does anyone know if their engine is a piece of shit or not? I want to read Amatsutsumi and Aoi Tori but also want to read it with Koku's uncensored artwork. Will it be a pain to insert the CGs from the EOP release?

>> No.43059019

can't you just apply this to the original https://vndb.org/r93997

>> No.43059098

CMVS is a real cunt for script, but CG replacement should be fine.

>> No.43059114 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1494x1770, illust_hina_before.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beggars can't be choosers. There's so little straight trap content that you might as well turn to Ensemble for your fix.
Here's how he looks without armor, btw.

>> No.43059270

Playing through the RE4 remake makes me realize the entire cove, lab, and escape by boat at the end is basically just Butcha-U having a giggle with the writers to copy a part off RE4 (a game Butcha already made doujins and other fan art for).

>> No.43060045

Any recommended route order in Hello world?

>> No.43060268

Too young

>> No.43060774

how do i open the backlog in sakura no toki

>> No.43060898

scroll up nigga

>> No.43060960

I was reading it on a device with no mouse. Fortunately it has gestures and swiping up did the trick. Thanks

>> No.43061027

You should look into something like GestureSign. It's very useful for emulating various things like scroll for games without native touch support.

>> No.43061057

Need link to the latest version of BST.

>> No.43062312

NTA Which one's the most populated? No interest in small circlejerks.

>> No.43062349

You can wave off him having a small member, but how do you explain the completely feminine waist?

>> No.43062454

Maybe he takes estrogen

>> No.43062505

Ah yes the classic case of, "draw a girl but call it a boy".

>> No.43062670

The fuck, new yuzusoft is kinda nice
Maybe cause it’s been ten thousands years since I touched a moege
or cause i love that they used a lot of references of what’s trending right now so I can relate to them

>> No.43062929

Ensemble games are usually pretty good moege. Nothing incredible, but they're solid.

>> No.43062989

Is there a corona reference in the first 20 minutes?

>> No.43062996

>Is there a corona reference in the first 20 minutes?
Nope. In fact, I've seen almost no games reference corona, although I've seen a few mention it indirectly. Anon presumably means the reference to recent popular games, gacha, anime, youtube, etc. It's all fairly standard recent moege fare, but if you haven't read one in a while you might be surprised by how much they reference recent trends.

>> No.43063003

>referencing a highly controversial topic
You some sort of stupid?

>> No.43063022

I don't think the fact that corona exists and is a big deal is controversial.
I'm surprised more games haven't used it yet. The scenarios write themselves. Due to a corona outbreak three to six cute girls are forced to quarantine with MC at his house and moege shenanigans happen. Due to quarantine MC can't meet with heroine-chan so she's staying at home with yarichin-senpai and MC and heroine-chan video chat every day but he notices her blushing and panting hard...
Like, c'mon, these are free.

>> No.43063031

How is disease controversial?

>> No.43063095

Eroge has lost its edge. Something like this wouldn't be out of place 20 or 30 years ago.

>> No.43063107

There are corona eroge though, there's at least one appetite game where the premise is
>MC is working from home and so starts fucking his mother in law.

>> No.43063181

Is she a titty monster? If so, then I'm not interested.

>> No.43063187

I don't remember, I spent a bit trying to find the vndb in appetite's games but there's so fucking many I couldn't track it down. I know I read the game but I can't find it or remember anything about it.

>> No.43063210

Holy shit. This is a game changer.

>> No.43063214

Anon, I don't wanna be mean, but anim ntr games were doing this half a decade ago.

>> No.43063398

>sca-ji asking for AI Yuki lewds on some pixiv profile cause it's on model
It's over. AI generated visual novels from japanese devs soon. AI muvluv once they finally hit rock bottom and Kouki starts scraping the barrel
Side note shouldn't he just ask the original artist, they know each other.

>> No.43063574

he loves how ai can add dicks to any girl

>> No.43063590

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.43063619

I don't care how the art was made as long as it looks good

>> No.43063642

As if eroge art doesn't already look like ai generated samefacing in the first place
I would rather them cut off on budget by abusing the shit out of ai art and invest in a better writer instead

>> No.43063663

You know they gonna cut costs using ai art but won't use this budget on better writers, right?

>> No.43063678
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x1024, 1674814178426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI muvluv
Yes, please

>> No.43063699

Why do you have to crush my pink glasses so hard??
On the other side, it still going to make a big difference for doujin writers who just want to make something good
Like the recent Omega no shikai remaster where they used midjourney to remake the backgrounds and it actually looks good

>> No.43063726
File: 12 KB, 600x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coulda just looked up pixiv galleries lol

>> No.43063769

I wasn't so onboard with the AI art thing at the start but after seeing the shit people do with voices it just made me come to terms with the fact that this shit is only going to get better
At least when it comes to otaku shit, this might end up becoming the future. It's still limited now but who knows what developments we'll see in the next 5-10 years

>> No.43063781

Can’t believe you guys missed this

>> No.43063788

The future of eroge is fully ai animated h scenes

>> No.43063809

At the very least, AI writing would somehow emulate the jank that was early 2000's eroge.

>> No.43063811

VNs don't put enough effort in backgronds. A lot of them look cheap 3D renders and there simply aren't enough of them which makes the setting feel too small and boring. That's something AI could solve without causing a huge backlash

>> No.43063933

i am completely neutral about ai

>> No.43064023

>So next time i have the same problem,all i have to do is to get the hook code from the Trial's version right?
It's worth trying, you'll find out if the DRM is an issue at least.
If you're lucky (like in this case), you can play the full game using DRM-free trial's .exe.
If not, you should search for a crack that removes DRM completely (typically a single file, noticeably smaller than the uncracked .exe). Even if it doesn't get hooked, Textractor's hook search is more likely to work on a game without DRM.

>> No.43064044
File: 323 KB, 402x451, Ooga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43064064

AI BGs are kinda.. eh idk. Sure it can make landscapes but they look off somehow.

>> No.43064074

IIRC Black Sheep Town was uploaded on cs.rin.ru, ask for an update there. I can't care less about non-eroge.

>> No.43064116

I will bet 100 buck that you will never be able to tell apart which bg is ai and which is not

>> No.43064130
File: 1.40 MB, 1152x1152, 1678597094688312-3701250697-dark room, girl sitting at a computer, electric cables, cables everywhere, volumetric lighting, shading, illustration, eldritch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd lose.

>> No.43064133
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43064243

god that's hot

>> No.43064251

Speaking of which, I'd heard Omega no Shikai's getting a remaster with backgrounds generated by Midjourney.

>> No.43066138

new thread
