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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 392 KB, 2048x1364, 1609117147003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42841270 No.42841270 [Reply] [Original]

Sakura Season Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>42657951
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10305423

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Flowers
Previous Photo Challenge: Rain
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(The thing you're looking for is made by Six House Dolls.)

>> No.42841284
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Sorry for the late thread, anons. My power was out.

>> No.42841825
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>> No.42841941
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for anyone interested, there's a seemingly NIB unpainted VMF50 type B body+head up on YJA, pic related

thanks as always

>> No.42843931
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>> No.42843970

arigatou senpai!

>> No.42845895
File: 164 KB, 2048x1536, FZkuH7AakAAT78R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42846014

I LOVE dolls.

>> No.42846907
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>> No.42847888

Dollfriends...the calendar...

>> No.42848588
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New thread, I guess it's time to horny post

>> No.42848873

you hornypost but all i can think about is how much of a pain in the ass smartdoll bikinis are to put on with all the ties.

maybe this year, anon...

>> No.42850162
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>> No.42850327

You say horny but I all I can't not hear a squeaky toy sound when he honks her tits

>> No.42850470
File: 133 KB, 945x2048, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the not-so good quality photo. I just got my first anime doll, Bought it second-hand in Mandarake for around $100 usd.

>> No.42850487

Welcome to the hobby anon! She's pretty, do you know what she is?

>> No.42850550

Thanks, and yep, It's from the Azone Pure Neemo series (based on anime characters), actually she is Yujia Wang from Assault Lily Bouquet. I have another 6 dolls but those are not anime-style. I mean, I'm not (that) new to the hobby, is just my first anime doll lol.

>> No.42853828

I love looking at dolls, but I am afraid they will take over my live if I ever get one

>> No.42854193


>> No.42854768

Is there a good semi-permanent way to affix things to the inside of a doll body, like magnets for animal tails for example? I used adhesive putty at first, but it would come loose after some time. So I thought I'd try hot glue thinking it would hold better, but it also falls off after some time. Is there anything better that I could use that wouldn't fall off after a while, but would still be removable in the event I need to move to a new body, without causing damage? Or am I just going to have to reattach the things every couple months?

>> No.42855906
File: 179 KB, 1366x846, 20230308_125154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was photogenic and could do this with my dolls

>> No.42856383
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>> No.42856422

I really want that dress (MDD version). Do you know who made it, and if it's available to buy somewhere?

>> No.42856436

Seconding this anon, I'm obsessed with this.

I got some doll props in today, anons. I hope to take some photos with them soon.

>> No.42856740


>> No.42856803

>pre-order sold out
>event only by lottery for remaining
I get it, but fuck.

>> No.42856964

It looks like they have restock notifications set up, so hopefully they'll rerelease these.

Thank you anon.

>> No.42857193
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That's just how it goes.

>> No.42858339
File: 519 KB, 1200x1594, noname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcomed a new girl today (well yesterday since it's after midnight now)! I bought a Dollbot body a few months ago, but my other girls are too pure to put in suggestive poses to show off the body, so I thought I'd get a new girl who could do it justice, like a succubus or msgk. As you can see, I ended up going with the latter. I haven't decided on a name yet, but I've been looking at ones that use the kanji 紅 and I'm thinking of going with 紅愛 (kurea, which could also be written as Claire in English), but I haven't committed to that name yet. I'll do a proper photo shoot and decide on a name tomorrow probably. I just wanted to share a preview for now!

>> No.42859162

isnt the head too big? i like her smug smile though.

>> No.42859767


>> No.42860390
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>> No.42860712 [DELETED] 

It's a MDD head on a MDD size body, so it might be a matter of perspective. The wig is also pretty voluminous so that could be a contributing factor as well. I like her smug smile too. DDH-29 is perfect for that kind of expression.

>> No.42860721

>It's a MDD head on a MDD size body, so it might be a matter of perspective. The wig is also pretty voluminous so that could be a contributing factor as well. I like her smug smile too. DDH-29 is perfect for that kind of expression.

>> No.42862217
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>> No.42862707
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I took one more photo, but I have to put it on hold. I noticed some light red staining starting to form on her arms, so I think I need to wash the wig. Thank god it hasn't stained her face. I wonder if maybe the protective coating they spray on the heads protects against staining to some degree.

>> No.42862740


>> No.42862908

I'm washing the wig now and there is no dye coming out of it whatsoever. It makes me wonder if something else caused the stain and I'm only just noticing it now. I did have the body on Ichigo who wears a red and white dress, but I've never had staining from that dress for as long as she's been wearing it (with her MDD body too), and I don't think her arm was in contact with anything that would cause a stain to occur.

>> No.42863310
File: 165 KB, 800x800, jkhjkhui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863332

I'm going to take a guess that it's not the wig, synthetic fibre wigs don't usually leach dye because they're not dyed, the material just is that color. It's likely actually transfer from the red parts of her outfit onto your skin and back onto hers when dressing her. Red fabric dye is potent and your skin can pick some of it up

>> No.42863357

I never considered that the dye could get on me and then retransfer to the doll. Is that why some doll owners wear gloves when they handle them?

>> No.42863381

Take out a loan for miku, she will understand.

>> No.42863419

how did you get a dollbot body? i want one. she's cute!

>> No.42863473

I ordered it from their website dollbot.jp. They ship overseas. I also got the small chest part and two other hand parts. The subtotal for all of them was 40480 (product prices still look the same) and EMS shipping was 7950 to the US.

>> No.42863612
File: 1.20 MB, 1536x2048, 44FE00BB-C7B3-4199-B9F5-7B81E066BD25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I didn't know they shipped overseas! Thank you for the information!

>> No.42864098

You should wear gloves anyway, finger oil is bad for everything.

>> No.42864188

No one ever told me this info...

>> No.42864257
File: 203 KB, 1840x1228, 1663058999400860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are by their very nature, too unclean to deserve coming into direct contact with such pure, angelical, otherworldly beings. Wear gloves!

>> No.42864365

You can get one significantly cheaper than that if you keep an eye on mercari jp and mandarake. If I see one I'll post it here, anon.

>> No.42865314
File: 466 KB, 512x768, 00038-1906366404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been learning who to generate doll images with AI

>> No.42865562
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 20230308_220505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're pretty neat

>> No.42865573


>> No.42865660
File: 748 KB, 4096x3072, 20230309_204628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I also follow the person that made that image. I like his photography of real dolls as well (picrel)

>> No.42866512
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>> No.42867649
File: 310 KB, 1812x1758, Screenshot 2023-03-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks just opened up the voting for the 'best of' rerelease of colab DD. (only DD, DDS/DDDY and MDD will be later?) So if you ever wanted a Rise Kujikawa, an old school Saber, a Rin Shibuya etc. you can vote once a day for three dolls or three times for one doll.

They're also taking recommendations for a new collab, you can suggest things here: dollfie.volks.co.jp/special/dd20th/project04.html

>> No.42867657

Wrong link for the suggestion poll: dollfie.volks.co.jp/special/dd20th/project05.html

>> No.42867705
File: 302 KB, 1080x1529, Fq1utZhaIAET5Sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two new dolls also announced. Ciel from Tsukihime

>> No.42867716
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Shin Sato from Idolmaster

>> No.42868725
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I knew you had good taste
nayrt but I'm so sorry anon
I just assumed you were the gloves-off type
some people don't use gloves because you do lose some tactile advantages (and a level of intimacy for people that's important for)
I don't have many pics with my hands in them but picrel wasn't to censor them, that's just how I handle dolls
I tend to deep dive into research whenever I get interested in something and that includes the whole gloves thing, so I've never handled my girls without gloves
if you need recommendations, I use tight-fitting neoprene gloves and alcohol wipes (both for the gloves after I put them on and stuff like my camera) which might be super autistic

is nothing sacred

>> No.42870224

Is finger oil really something to worry about? Personally I think that's just being overly cautious. I've been handling my dolls without gloves for as long as I've had them. I usually wash my hands before I do, but I have taken one camping a few times where I didn't have that luxury. There's no sign of any kind of "finger oil" damage on her at all. Can you show me any examples of dolls that have been damaged by finger oil?

>> No.42870338
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>> No.42870540

Mayura? I miss it.

>> No.42870970

Curious as well. I imagine faceups are the largest concern. I also have noticed my older ddII body having rough patches of skin(like sandpaper) but unsure if this is due to oil, or staying clothed 24/7, being in 1 position too long, etc.

>> No.42871040

> rerelease
Will these be a faithful reproduction or a re-imagining? I'm assuming the latter with f3 bodies? I'm not a fan of the older volks heads or clothing lines.

>> No.42871047

Please rerelease Rise Kujijawa, I want her head and the aftermarket prices are obscene. Good luck to whoever you guys want to win!

>> No.42871187

in the past when they've done re-releases of old dolls they've been on the old bodies. But who knows with Volks.
I voted for her three times today, and I'm going to do it again tomorrow! Let get it done anon!

>> No.42871232

I've asked my friends to vote daily for her too. Let's do this!

>> No.42871432

from what I've heard for dolls specifically, it's not so much overt damage as it increases discoloration of the vinyl with age
however I just did some quick googling and it looks like oil can dissolve the plasticizer added to make the vinyl pliable (they're all petrochemicals after all)
think of it like a reverse staining process; stuff you want absorbed into the vinyl gets washed away instead
that makes sense to me from other stuff I've read you can probably go ask /ona/ about silicone lubricants lol
now I'm no expert so I can't say how big a deal this is with the specific combination of vinyl dolls and skin oil (and sweat salts)
even if it was just about the discoloration, I'd still wear gloves
yeah all the dolls gradually discolor anyways from age, that's fine nothing stays the same forever, but I'm not going to hurry the process along

>> No.42871816

>recommendations for a new collab
Does this mean I can finally get my hands on a rozen maiden doll!!? If not maybe violet evergarden or even a longshot like lafiel. Volks should do more polls

>> No.42872276
File: 486 KB, 2048x1536, media_Fq1CmPXaUAYcCkv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. She's very cute
How long does it take for a doll to start yellowing? 5? 10?

>> No.42872287

They've done Rozen Maiden before for their Super Dollfie line, but that's long gone. Could be a chance, no harm in asking. Violet Evergarden is the one I've been sending to them, it would be great!

>> No.42872313

Dang for a second I was wondering if that really was an entire doll-sized arcade...
That's a really good photo.

>> No.42872359

I shot my shot for Shiki Misaki so you have nothing to lose anon.

>> No.42872382

I put in for Kaine from Nier, figured it might be possible after all the SE dolls in the past few years

>> No.42872520
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1605365-8da9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>>/a/249858538 thread has inspired me to make a Akebi Doll, I know there's already a Pure neemo but I highly doubt it'll be able to pull off her poses, like standing splits ect. Who makes the most flexible BJD?

>> No.42872575

That is a tall mother fucking order. Vinyl dolls don't generally move like that due to joint limitation of the internal skeleton vs the exterior shell. Maybe with a hybrid upper vinyl/lower silicon doll you could do some of it. Resin will give you the most range of movement for poses, since it's just a string inside. You can do a hybrid with a vinyl head if you can't find a resin company that does anime faces that you like for her. You could check out the Dolldreaming forums too, there's a lot of people on there with hybrid customs that could point you in the right direction to get what you want.

>> No.42872577
File: 157 KB, 1080x1349, bendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A well-tightened Dollfie Dream f-3 frame can do some shit, but the hip joint is notoriously fiddly for people to figure out how to lock into place. For raw flexibility, Angel Philia bodies use a softer vinyl on an obitsu frame and so they can do shit like picrel. Many of the sculpts are a bit... suggestive, but Elle is a good neutral anime-style sculpt. The downside is that AP girls have very wide hips (and sometimes very large busts) and finding clothing for them can be a struggle. (To get her on her tippy-toes like that, you'd also need special heel-feet that have that arch built in, but you can find those on places like Yahoo Japan Auctions.)

Another option is a silicone body from someone like Evoke Doll or ADYKA, but they have their own pros and cons. (They pose well, but they can be more fragile, heavier, similarly hard to dress, and silicone is known to attract lint like a magnet.)

You have some options though, anon. Good luck!

>> No.42872614
File: 21 KB, 400x400, PFL074-FLSa-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like the Pureneemo Emotion body, which actually has a very good range of motion, you can tell by the kneecaps that she's on this body

>> No.42872810
File: 927 KB, 2305x4096, 20230306_061602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just voted. I NEED a new release of Luka, the fact that she goes usually for over 1500 bucks it's absurd. Also she is the sexiest model they ever released.

>> No.42873553
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>> No.42873602

Have you ever made clothes for your dolls?

>> No.42873884
File: 229 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP0173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding APs, just recently figured out how to do pic related
but also seconding that their body style probably isn't a good fit for Akebi

hi vexint

>> No.42874281
File: 1.61 MB, 2811x3446, F576473B-286A-4763-871C-E0B9F3921B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have to style Arcueid’s hair but Dorothy has a sister now.

>> No.42874300

aww, super cute

>> No.42874825

Congratulations anon, she's beautiful! They both are.

>> No.42877494

mustn't fap mustn't fap mustn't fap mustn't fap mustn't fap mustn't fap

>> No.42878329

such a cutie. i love this kind of doll.
there's someone skilled enough that post in this thread, but i'm sure not one of them.

>> No.42878551
File: 126 KB, 736x1050, be160cff1d9d7422de1115cf9cd7a80b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this pastel aesthetic for doll clothes. Anyone knows where I could buy them. I haven't found something like that in Etsy, Ebay or Yahoo Auctions.

>> No.42878625
File: 434 KB, 1080x1610, IMG_20230311_181605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.42879861
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 8ea3bf14d9594e77a26e395ec7b1f2b0_tplv-banciyuan-tl640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very familiar with ball-jointed dolls. I was looking at a Chinese site searching for chink yumejo/fujoshit and saw this huge doll head. Is this a normal size for a doll? Judging from his head this doll's got to be at least the size of a 1 year old.

>> No.42879958

Looks like it's probably sized for a 9-10inch wig, probably a 68-75cm range doll. They're huge but it's a common size range for male "1/3" or SD sizes.

>> No.42880020
File: 194 KB, 1365x2048, 1677669644080318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you to the anon for responding, but does anyone know what head she is, you said Dollfie? Because I think I'll do like you said, but do the face up myself. Just have to do more research on what paint would be safe to use on her head.

>> No.42880675

just bought some various colors of fleece to make some photo backdrops (solid colors)
now I need to figure out some kind of frame to drape them over
>wine aunt samus anon has already posted for the month
>can't ask them what their green screen setup is

>> No.42880852
File: 1020 KB, 1200x800, Set up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still around; here's a picture from last October that shows my whole set up. It's very DIY. The beauty of this is it breaks down really easily and stores in a small space. What you'll need is
1/2" PVC pipe
6 1/2" elbow joints
4 1/2" T junction joints
1/2" Curtain rings (get the ones with alligator spring clips on the bottom)
Two spring clamps for the top bar to keep the outer rings tight
all in all I think I spent around $20 and it'll last pretty much forever. Oh, and FYI, PVC comes in super long pieces, bring a saw or PVC cutter when you go to buy it.

>> No.42881361

PSA: Don't buy from Etsy for the next few days, they're caught up in the SVB collapse and can't/aren't paying sellers.

>> No.42881711
File: 238 KB, 1200x1199, 1547530456168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god. Thanks for the heads-up anon.

>> No.42881927

Holy fuck, I feel like that should be much bigger news considering Etsy is publicly traded.

>> No.42882072

It's affecting (effecting?) a shit ton of companies, groups, and organizations right now, SVB was one of the bigger banks in the US unfortunately. If you want something off Etsy right now, see if they have a secondary storefront, a website, or another way they can accept payment. (Bypassing the Etsy fees is cheaper, anyway.)

>> No.42882134

>SVB was one of the bigger banks in the US
It wasn't even in the top 10 and it basically only serviced tech startups, most of which are scams anyway.

>> No.42882204

I'm glad my startup's money is properly insured

>> No.42882285
File: 107 KB, 1300x861, 20230311_214456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am almost sure this is a DDH-03 Dollfie Dream head (as in picrel). You can buy a blank head on the Volks USA store. Good luck!

>> No.42882379

It's a DDH-06, dollfie dream standard head.

>> No.42882395
File: 411 KB, 1988x2048, media_Fp9oZqpacAImOIi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I'm permabanned from the entire Etsy platform anyway! I wish more creators made their own online storefronts through, and no Shopify doesn't count it's still ass
Create doll startup

>> No.42882587
File: 58 KB, 564x860, cafeyui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will u all be voting for? I'm trying to think of a character who hasn't had a vinyl doll before. A precure or Monogatari girl would be really cute imo

>> No.42882808
File: 1.50 MB, 2624x3878, FJSGxz9akAI9FI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you anon's for your help, it seem really tough, but i believe I can do it some how.

>> No.42882968

>Good thing I'm permabanned from the entire Etsy platform anyway!
...alright, how'd you do it?

>> No.42883410

Hoping for a Rise rerelease because her price on the aftermarket is absolutely nuts. I'd also personally like Sakura Miku, because I want all the Mikus one day.

Russian or shenanigans? I know Ko-fi has started to let people make a storefront, an artdoll maker friend of mine has one.

>> No.42883719
File: 285 KB, 960x1440, 1617579629763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting photos of dolls with guns or other tacticool shit.

>> No.42884077
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x1200, 1678324302793932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original creator of the custom/doll? all i can find is pinterest reposts by egirls

>> No.42884082
File: 71 KB, 736x736, 1678344927276041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42885518
File: 450 KB, 1200x1806, 20230312_073714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this hashtag on Twitter

Many jp collectors use this hashtags to show their Mini Dollfie Dreams using guns. It's really cool.

>> No.42886675

>It's very DIY
I figured it would be
I've looked around and there doesn't seem to be many options for doll-sized backdrop rigs, they're all in the range of either 2'x2' or 10'x10' (not surprisingly, because they're all the same chinesium)
I was afraid I'd have to go DIY but was curious if you'd found something better, or had some neat trick I could steal

>> No.42889904
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, FLYyFYoVkAQrgBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#武装ドール as well but they usually are bad at tagging tweets so its better to check their follow list since they all tend to follow each other.

>> No.42890194
File: 49 KB, 750x550, AP000085_001_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone on here own Angel Philia Doll, and if so is it worth it?

>> No.42890278
File: 50 KB, 592x548, uawtfmou5v5a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"worth it" in what way?

>> No.42890436
File: 114 KB, 800x800, 1668407435145082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Azone dolls? Saw picrel on amiami, and looks like an affordable in to dolls.
I read in the guide that some have fixed eyes/wigs, how can i tell which models have this?

>> No.42890458

scroll up, anon…

>> No.42890551

that's an "uncle" sized doll. He's 75cm.
I consider them different than SD but that might be personal opinion and my being a volks super dollfie bitch

>> No.42890682
File: 1.23 MB, 1966x3500, yande.re 852629 aegir_(azur_lane) azur_lane breast_grab dishwasher1910 horns no_bra pantsu tail tattoo thighhighs wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As in quality wise. Is it as good as a dollfie? Because I want to make a custom doll that has some curvature. I like Dollfie but they aren't to curvaceous.

>> No.42890846

curvy yes, but not particularly chubby
their waist is about the same diameter as their thighs (for the newer type H thighs, type Cs are a bit slimmer)
the AP here >>42873884 has the smallest bust size but they come bigger (even comedically so)

>> No.42891355

Smaller Azone dolls (Picco and Pure Neemo, 1/12 and 1/6 respectively) tend to have painted-on eyes and rooted hair instead of glass eyes and wigs. Picco Neemo also has a Type D chibi proportion body with larger hands and feet seen most often in their Little Fairy line.

Their 50cm dolls use the AZO2 body made by Obitsu, and usually have glass eyes and wigs.

>> No.42891850

I have a few Pure and picco neemo, I love them dearly. They're cute and portable and fun to dress. The posing on the pureneemo Flection body is okay but limited, but almost every other body that Azone has is very flexible. The doll you posted will have the very posable Emotion body, I have the other version of her on preorder and I'm excited to get her. You can generally tell who has swappable/fixed eyes/wig by the eye pattern. If the eyes are painted on, neither the hair or eyes can be changed. If the eyes are inset and made of a different material than the head, both the eyes and hair will be changable, since the eyes are inserted via removing the headcap; in these cases the headcap will also have all the dolls hair attached to it, so you can just buy a replacement blank headcap to use with wigs and such.

>> No.42892771
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>> No.42893967
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>> No.42897338
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>> No.42898055
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>DDdy "Yor Forger" Original Head
Is it just the paint that make it original or is it actually unique shape? It seems quite similar to DDH-06 and Miku but not quite there.

>> No.42898108

It's an original sculpt. Miku has wider set eyes, a wider mouth, and rounder/shorter face, and DDH-06 has less sharp eyeholes, a more pronounced curve between the mouth and nose, and a different mouth shape.

>> No.42898147
File: 328 KB, 1080x1080, 4518992431154_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it be DDH-09?

>> No.42898200

it doesn't seem to line up, the more I look the less I can tell different heads apart

>> No.42898208

Licensed sculpts are unique and not a part of the general line.

>> No.42898262

ok thank you.

>> No.42899641
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>> No.42899914
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Ok, after saying this I actually ended buying one at Yahoo Auctions jp. It was finally sold for like 660 dollars, so I couldn't resist. It's kinda crazy that in this hobby I can look at a price like that and say... yeah it's pretty cheap. I can presume that so much hornyposting did something to my head

>> No.42900534

does anyone have a tinyfox body? how are they in terms of posability and vinyl quality/feel?

>> No.42900588
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I wish I would've bought her when he first came out. She looks o cool. But the price no.

>> No.42900708

It’s an ok body, I have six 1/4 girls now and most of them have weak/floppy ankles. They move similarly to an MDD. The bodies are nice and heavy and come with a soft coating. The coating is a nice touch but if your doll gets stained and you try any treatment the coating will peel off. I don’t think they’re made of vinyl but some different type of plastic.

>> No.42900781

Question: Is Volks main website the best place to buy Dollfie Dream heads and body parts, or is there another place?

>> No.42901195

oh weird
that sounds like the coating they use on handheld electronics like some mice
hope the doll coating doesn't decay over time too

>> No.42902618
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So whatever happened with this, anyway?

>> No.42905241
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>> No.42905615

wow, this is a really good photo

>> No.42905626
File: 1.01 MB, 2044x4096, IMG_20230314_154159927~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chink doll arrived not as poseable as i was expecting because its using elastic string

>> No.42906027
File: 2.51 MB, 4096x3072, sgg73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know a 1/6 loli body with actual joints that would fit the head of >>42905626

>> No.42906099

>actual joints
wait are you saying it's not as poseable because of the type of string used, or because string was used?

>> No.42906184
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Can't say much without seeing more, but it looks like the legs are single joint, and I wager the arms are too. They limit movement a lot more than a double-joint, and depending on the body joints, those can too.

>> No.42906267

oh do they all use string i assumed they were like action figures where theyre friction joints
yeah legs are single, arms are double but only seem to work in like 2 positions

>> No.42906292

Oh hey anon, I've seen your doll before. I really like her.

Dolls here come in two major types: resin dolls which are held together with elastic, and vinyl dolls that have an internal skeleton. If you want the latter, look into Obitsu, Azone, or Dollfie Dream.

>> No.42906328

This somehow falls into the uncanny valley despite the plastic hedgehog hair

>> No.42906414

It's bc it looks a dead ringer for a claymation head from robot chicken but with hd texture clothes.

>> No.42906419

like the other anon said, what you have there is an actual BJD (vs. the vinyl ones which are often called BJD but some will debate that)
/toy/ had a general for those but it imploded recently (again)
you should be able to swap in a different 1/6 body in theory, S-hook neck adapters are available but I think it would depend on the target body
Obitsu, Azone, Parabox have 1/6 vinyl and/or hard plastic bodies (skin tone may not match exactly though)
Volks only does 1/4 and 1/3 dolls I believe

>> No.42906586

What you could do(and what I did) is use copper wire. Run them down the arms/legs and they'll stiffen the joints to hold poses better.

>> No.42906885
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she cute and yeah i think the arms are single jointed too
cool will have a look thankyou, got this one because it was relatively cheap but i like her so dont think i mind spending more the face is nice though, are there any sites doing the actual jap ones where you can request makeup for the faces i got the seller to add freckles to this one ontop of their default makeup option
not sure if i can do that the hands and feet are attached with hooks

>> No.42907399
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>> No.42907851

Yeah, that's the problem I ran into as well, it's why I made my own. It's been working great for the last two years though.

>> No.42908641
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>actual bjds
No offense, but this is one of the dumbest takes I have seen in the western community of doll collectors For the people that make them, vinyl dolls like Dollfie Dreams, Smart Dolls, and Azones, etc. are all ball jointed dolls (球体関節人形 in Japanese). The owners of Volks have described their dolls as that, Danny Choo has called them so, Azone refers to their dolls with that term. I don't understand why some retarded western resin collectors decided to make that dumb classification for some arbitrary reasons. The idea that a BJD has to be made from resin it's stupid and inaccurate, since people were making dolls will ball joints for centuries, like that famous one from Albrecht Dürer, which is made from wood.

>> No.42908676

I think the difference is strung vs. skeleton, not the material the doll is made of
idk I'm exclusively vinyl, just parroting what I've heard to supply context
>some will debate that
including me, I just write really passively

>> No.42908768

If anything the ones with strings aren't really ball jointed dolls since they dont have real ball joints

>> No.42908829

>Angel Philia
Are there companies doing 1/6 bodies like these? http://faithz.com/sayuri-body-head-not-included-soft-skin-ver-whitey-p-1970.html

>> No.42908868

Not to my knowledge, but someone might know more than me.

>> No.42908892

The distinction isn't really material but the joint system (skelton vs. stringing) as the other anon already said, I don't really care either way but the reason DDs are sometimes considered to be in the same family as strung dolls is because the original version, DD1, was vinyl but had internal stringing instead of a skeleton. I think it's kind of a moot point to make the difference in most cases when the aesthetics, clothing, companies, and communities around all of them are pretty much one and the same though, yes.

>> No.42908907

To add onto this I know that traditional BJD aesthetics are quite different from the anime aesthetics of the typical vinyl doll but a lot of that is also merging with things like Dollfie Icon, and the many resin/true strung anime style dolls that are cropping up.

>> No.42908922
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Whatever doll you have, resin or vinyl, all dolls are good dolls.

>> No.42910221
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>> No.42910816

>not sure if i can do that the hands and feet are attached with hooks
You can, mine are attached the same way. As long as the wire in thin enough to fit in the pathway with the elastic, you're good.

>> No.42911243
File: 120 KB, 1600x1063, winter_white_snow_trainstation_dollfie_nagano_rina_dollfiedream-946010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42911589
File: 186 KB, 1600x1066, winter_snow_toys_volks_nagano_x5_hatsune_miku-671094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fucken wimdy

>> No.42911640

Lurked on and off for years, moved to Japan a few months ago and bought a camera recently.

I was wondering are there any BJD themed events (both large and small scale are okay) in the greater Tokyo area at this time of year ? Or is everything hosted and advertised through twipla nowadays?

I can take pictures of specific dolls you want too!

>> No.42911807

oh i thought you meant replace the elastic entirely, yeah that make more sense kek

>> No.42912406
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>> No.42914248

The two big ones I know about are Dolls Party and I-Doll. The next Dolls Party in Tokyo is on April 23, and the next I-Doll Tokyo is this weekend!

>> No.42914865

Oh wow, talk about random luck. I'm free as well on those days. Gotta figure out exactly what their photography rules are though...

Thanks a lot, you definitely made my weekend a lot more eventful than initially planned!

>> No.42915712

Haha, yeah. You need both - the wire won't be able to hold the tension well, but it can stiffen the limbs enough to hold poses.

>> No.42915884

Would a DDH-01 head look weird on an Angel Philia body?

>> No.42916587
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>> No.42916717

that's a lot of whiskey if it's not a cocktail

>> No.42916921

i also hold my drinks like this

>> No.42917029

Being a Japanese doll is hard, she deserves a... triple?

>> No.42918242

lovely classy ojou-sama drunk doll.

>> No.42918360
File: 574 KB, 1600x1600, 05_azk2_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A voluptuous 1/6 vinyl body? I don't think so. The only option I can think of is the new "Q'z Body" that Azone was developing last year, but that body still have not been released as a product.

>> No.42918431

idk what that means but not big breasted if its that, the angel philia i linked is flat chested

>> No.42918617
File: 99 KB, 682x1024, 20230315_182555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall some people have made hybrids like that before. I guess it really depends on your aesthetic preference, I think they look cute. I believe this one is a photo of a ddh01 on an Angel Philia body

>> No.42918889
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So I gather you are not going to appreciate this
(This guy also makes flat chested versions)

>> No.42918903

the ugly legs ruin it for me.

>> No.42919328
File: 126 KB, 799x1200, E82F3E20-65EB-40AD-9053-A77B0F22C5E7.jpeg.b332a74817494f561d8cf4f901afee92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doll >>42866512 is also a DDH-01 on an AP body
or at least I think it is in that pic, iirc the owner has changed bodies (and tweaked faceup) once or twice

so much stuff you can only buy at these events…

>> No.42920149
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Looking for a place to ask some questions about the new Piccodo Body20, I know it's not a BJD but I'm always directed here when I try to ask about 1/6 anime style dolls on /toy/. I picked one up for fun and I have no idea where to get a head that fits it. Apparently all the piccodo heads are designed for their Body8 model (obitsu 11 sized). I have measurements if this isn't the wrong place to ask.

>> No.42920533

It's okay to talk about non-BJDs here, anon. Half the dolls we regularly discuss aren't technically BJDs. Cute anime dolls are welcome here, and even cute non-anime dolls too. Just not the ones you fuck.

Not familiar with this doll myself, however, if it's using Obitsu 11 heads, you can purchase them from AmiAmi and Hobby Search. You can buy the heads rooted if you don't want to mess with wigs, or you can buy bald heads. They come blank but you can apply decals for the face or paint them if you're extra crafty. For the obitsu heads, you'll have an easier time looking up things like Monster High repainting videos than BJD faceup videos just because of the material differences. Can you provide the measurements for the body? There are other heads options too but I want to know what to recommend. Also super important question: Is that the color you got for the body? It might limit your head options but there are still options.

>> No.42920652

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant that they probably DON'T fit the obitsu heads, the piccodo heads are made for a "deformed" body that's a similar size to the obitsu 11. So they basically made a body with no heads to fit?

Here are the measurements:
- Height/212mm
- Neck circumference/36.5mm
- Shoulder width/34mm
- Arm length/65m
- Chest/90mm
- Waist/76mm
- Hip/107mm
- Inseam/133mm
- Foot length/27.5mm
- Hand/21mm

And yeah, that's the color I got, it was an unusual color so that's why I picked it up. But yeah I assumed they wouldn't make a body that didn't fit their own heads.

Thank you for your help!

>> No.42921049
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>the piccodo heads are made for a "deformed" body that's a similar size to the obitsu 11
That was pretty interesting to read, so I looked the heads up and found this one:
A head circumference of 4cm is actually just right for an approximately 22cm body. If you were buying an Obitsu 22cm body, that's the size head you'd get to go with it. So it won't have a bobbleheaded chibi look but will look a little closer to the 22cm doll/head combo in pic related. Obitsu also has some tan 1/6 heads, but their tan is a very different color than this one. All of Piccodo's stock photos for their wigs have the little body! The one you got looks so nice. I'd advertise it a lot more if I was them. You kind of have me wanting to get one now.

>> No.42921426

Yeah, I can’t find any shots of this body with a head on it, it seems crazy to me. I wondered if they were just rolling out their parts slow and would release a head later. The piccodo heads specify the 4mm neck peg, and the body20 has a much wider neck, but doesn’t specify the peg size… Maybe somehow they are compatible? I ordered one of those heads separately so I will find out when it arrives. Thank you for the tip about obitsu, I will look there if it doesn’t work.

The body is nice, it has a matte velvety finish and looks very pretty. I haven’t tested all the articulation yet, so couldn’t say if I’d recommend it or not. If anyone else gets one I’d love to hear their thoughts, I can’t really find a lot of discussion of them.

>> No.42921433
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oh nice he has an s version not currently on the website though, i might try to contact

>> No.42921477
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I found this body on aliexpress does it look like a copy of anything or is it a china design from taobao or something? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32914681196.html

>> No.42925503
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>> No.42926012
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>> No.42926344
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Cute shota

>> No.42926481

Basically everything on aliexpress is a bootleg. Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with resin to know what that one is, however.

If Volks start selling male MDD bodies I'm going to bankrupt myself.

>> No.42926884

I really wish Volks would, even as a limited seasonal item I would buy a couple male MDD so fast

>> No.42927035

i don't see the benis

>> No.42927831
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, m41258304533_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIB AP Super Sonico up on Mercari right now for anyone interested

>> No.42928068
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Great find anon. I'd love for someone here to pick her up. Picrel -- don't let the painted eyes put you off. They have their pros and cons over inset eyes, but you can still work around them just fine.

>> No.42929422

What doll is this?

>> No.42929472
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anyone have experience with the dollzone bodies i think this might be a good replacement for the one i have, are they good at posing?

>> No.42932151
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>> No.42932605

Do you not like the current heads that the Piccodo already has? They have regular ears, knife ears and I think cat eared, closed and open mouths too

>> No.42933082
File: 2.02 MB, 2992x2992, 20230317_143504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a customized Mini Doll for Dream. Mini Dollfie Dreams are usually girls, but some artist make them look like boys.

I have that body since I own a Dollzone Black Cat (she the cutest little thing, I took a brief photo of her). I'd say the body is really versatile, I think it has what some people call a double joint system? I mostly collect vinyl dolls so I am not sure. She has no problems with posing as far I am aware.

>> No.42933187
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she looks very cute think ill get one do you know if anywhere sells a hands set i saw on their website each pair is like 20 dollars kek

>> No.42933919
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Happy St. Patrick's Day doll thread

>> No.42934491

I was under the impression that they were only for the body8 and wouldn’t fit the body20. The body arrived first and I was looking at its measurements and they didn’t seem to match, that’s when I realized I’d never seen any pictures of them actually using the head. The way they release their stuff is weird, they release all the parts for preorder at different times, they don’t sell eyes, etc, so I wondered if the body is meant to fit some other popular head.

>> No.42934532

Happy St. Patrick's day dollfren.

>> No.42939561
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! (Belated)

>> No.42944582
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>> No.42947727
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>> No.42947944

beautiful doll.

>> No.42949119

Such elegance. Truly exquisite.

>> No.42951183
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>> No.42951490

Do any BJD lines specialize in sculpted/molded hair? I love doll clothes, but I dislike doll hair, rooted and wigs.

>> No.42951660

I think Sio2 Doll has some! And the Penny's Box blind box dolls do as well, they're small and cute and you can get one from Jane's Doll Land for cheap.

>> No.42951807
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>> No.42951826

Sort of related question: Where the fuck do I even get hair for the bald 1/12 Picco Neemo heads? I currently have a wig I had to make but it looks really bulky at that size.

>> No.42953471

This looks so nice.

>> No.42953555

not a fan of adult-like dolls but this one is very beautiful.

>> No.42953889
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Couldn't resist. Seems like a good deal

>> No.42958418
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Back from Day 2 of the I-Doll event, took around 250 photos (not all of them are good desu).

I'll drop a few in here.

>> No.42958422
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>> No.42958429
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>> No.42958442
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>> No.42958451
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>> No.42958462
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>> No.42958467
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>> No.42958511
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Got a lot more but don't want to spam.

Event was fun but I imagine Day 1 was even better. The weather was fucking awful that day though.

>> No.42958599

so many awesome dolls. love the vampires girls.

>> No.42959680
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Scary! GAO!

>> No.42965614

Really like this one. I wish I could tell what hair do is in the back

>> No.42965832

Luckily I took a picture of the groups name. It's CotinDoll.

I'd imagine it's this wig

All my other pictures are a similar front shot. We didn't really have that much room to move in between stands.

>> No.42966535

great photos
unsurprisingly I recognize a few dolls from the first one
>don't want to spam
just drip-feed us over the next week, it'll help keep the thread alive

>> No.42968379

Please feel free to spam now or in subsequent threads anon, sincerely. It's so cool to see everything.

>> No.42969508

Question for Japanons. Are there any good places to look at doll clothes (more specifically, MDD) in person besides Mandarake and Radio Kaikan?

>> No.42970273

I think it might be an Iplehouse Kid body.

>> No.42970567
File: 861 KB, 3000x2000, 20230318_091740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how expensive a bicycle like this is

>> No.42970641

If you can get to one of the physical Volks stores they're an option.

>> No.42970910

If you went to a Surugaya, AmiAmi, or Lashinbang (secondhand stores) that have doll sections, they might have individually packaged doll clothes you can card through. I've been in all of those stores, but I wasn't into dolls at the time and I don't recall seeing the doll accessories becuase I wasn't looking for them.

>> No.42971215


>> No.42971714
File: 217 KB, 1200x1200, masectomy doll with fucked up skin and some kind of abdominal problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels strange to look at SmartDoll's site for the first time and see a huge collection of dolls with skin conditions and physical disabilities.

>> No.42971808

That's acne, mastectomy, and an insulin pump for type-1 diabetes. Someone convince him to do a double mastectomy bust so we can finally have flat chested SmD again.

>> No.42971817

Buy from me !

>> No.42971825

Not that anon but is this an advertisement or a store name, I sincerely have to ask.

>> No.42972190
File: 2.13 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's surprisingly a lot of doll stores especially in the more popular wards of Tokyo.

These guys are right in my neighborhood, they rent 2 whole floors in the entertainment district so I doubt it's cheap.
Drip feeding it is!

>> No.42972444
File: 1.02 MB, 768x1152, 00034-3623675839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are able to use stable diffusion locally, you can download this lora and try for yourself
Since it seems to be trained mostly with MDD dolls, many of the pictures will look like lolis

I believe the guy that was posting AI generated dolls on Twitter stopped doing it, don't know why.

>> No.42974151
File: 228 KB, 1500x1000, 1626738623148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42975092
File: 2.13 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42976902
File: 168 KB, 1400x2048, 7F0AB61D-0F97-4BD3-99C1-914A6C710C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42978217
File: 363 KB, 1365x2048, AD369879-CA7D-4021-9ABB-364A480535D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42978269

nice elf

>> No.42979695
File: 680 KB, 4096x2303, 61905908-77A9-4FA2-9CFF-3A1058D6B3FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42979844
File: 54 KB, 853x1280, 20230318_154752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bratty loli dolls in need of correction

>> No.42979872
File: 583 KB, 3072x4096, 08A99746-24A1-4A96-B4F6-56A097012E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42981648
File: 917 KB, 730x1100, tumblr_bfd43ceea81ac24e3da49bcc8f3439d5_559c1607_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42981652

I don't suppose anybody knows where the plush in the bg is from?

>> No.42981703 [SPOILER] 
File: 954 KB, 3000x4000, 20230320_175953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too hot, bros

>> No.42981717 [SPOILER] 
File: 758 KB, 3000x4000, 20230320_180200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42982581
File: 2.18 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42983165

I have this urge to make a doll rpg party

>> No.42983204
File: 2.68 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bishoujo themed d&d session...I'd pay to see that lmao

>> No.42984041

very cute
she's not a shy doll, that's for sure.

>> No.42984531

Are AP doll bodies compatible with non-AP heads? They have great body range available in shops, but the few AP heads that don't look cringy are not in stock.

>> No.42986263

middle one: sucks your blood
right one: sucks your dick (and your wallet)

Pretty sure you can modify most connectors to fit any head, but maybe you won't be able to position it so well anymore.

>> No.42988940
File: 1.92 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42991030
File: 1.08 MB, 2732x4096, 20230320_125937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42991162
File: 81 KB, 650x415, resin jointed gingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do hands with jointed fingers (pic related) exist for vinyl (plastic skeleton) dolls? Or is there a handy tutorial for modding resin jointed hands to work with vinyl dolls?

>> No.42991374 [SPOILER] 
File: 381 KB, 957x1277, 微信图片_20230106014347(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resin anons, I am very afraid. I am very, very afraid. 68cm centaur arriving in the mail. I have to string this myself. If anyone has any advice at all, I'm all ears. Picrel, human foot for scale.

>> No.42991661


>> No.42991670

All I can offer is be careful not to snap a hook into your eye while you're wrestling the pieces together, post pics when you get him and godspeed

>> No.42991806

That's a big honse. I have no advice, but also want to see it when you get it.

>> No.42993119
File: 956 KB, 4096x2730, 20230321_183519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second what the other anon said, the most well known maker of articulated hands for Dollfies is
@GENSOUDOLL on Twitter. The problem is that, like many other jp artists, buying from them is a pain in the ass. From time to time their hands appear on Yahoo Auctions, where you can buy them using a proxy like Buyee.
Having said that, I really like them, they make for very nice photos.

>> No.42993304 [SPOILER] 
File: 871 KB, 3024x4032, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to share. I'm not keeping the head, I have a head from Natsuki BJD I'll be putting on it because I do enjoy my anime trash. I'm excited to get everything together, but really not looking forward to the assembly process. But I guess I have to learn somehow.

>> No.42993328

oh wow
and oh hey it's that dress on the right that anon wants >>42856803

>> No.42993448
File: 1.94 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? I think I saw it a few times at the event

>> No.42993465
File: 2.21 MB, 3744x5616, IMG_0334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep... Some of the really good dresses and accessory stands had a no photo policy but I imagine that's to avoid resellers and the likes...

>> No.42993476
File: 2.23 MB, 3744x5616, IMG_0335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposed knees covered by stockings erotic ToT

>> No.42993891

the reason is probably different in Japan yeah
in the US I've come across people not wanting their handmade wares photographed because they don't want people stealing their designs
I get it but don't really get it, but I know I'm the weird one the idea of making money off my art weirds me out, want people to enjoy it freely

>> No.42995607
File: 2.55 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42996645
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, 20230318_153420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing the photos people take at doll conventions

>> No.43000994
File: 623 KB, 2880x2160, 20230321_204231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43001864

Any news on new MDD bodies?

>> No.43001875

Assault lily was a great yuri anime

>> No.43002015
File: 169 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20230211_114159_432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most beautiful doll pics ive seen

>> No.43002027

Not yet, but Dollpa is coming and I expect we'll get it then.

>> No.43002344
File: 2.01 MB, 2016x1512, 1679519176360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended getting a ucanaan doll as my first bjd since she would easily pass my country customs without breaking the bank, i never thought I would be so happy dressing her and just taking care of her hair.

>> No.43002397

She's beautiful anon, congrats!

>> No.43002503

Do DDP wear MSD shoes or DD shoes? Thanks.

>> No.43002570

nice, enjoy

>> No.43002587

Looking at Volks webstore, it indicates that shoes which fit MDD and MSD also fit DDP. Shoes made for DD do not include DDP in the "Fits" list.

>> No.43002618

Thanks anon, much obliged.

>> No.43002981
File: 1.05 MB, 3024x4032, Fr2nSOoXgAEZwni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dolls so much bros.

>> No.43003213 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 2064x1548, pomeranian for scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help me anons, it's here. Photos incoming, slowly. Pomeranian for scale.

>> No.43003243

Surprised how much better these dolls look outside of stock images
Whats her name?

>> No.43003345
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x1048, 1679527758117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the catalog she is meiya, i was thinking of calling her sora.

>> No.43003387 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1637x1491, miku for scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it truly did not occur to me how big this was. Most of my dolls are SD, I'm used to large dolls... the three-pound resin horse's ass hits different, however.

>> No.43003422 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1956x1344, pieces of a centaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sincerely don't think the stringing tool is going to cut it. I own safety goggles already for unrelated reasons, but before I do this I'm going to the hardware store tomorrow to get something shatterproof. Better safe than down one eye. Whenever I can get this together, I'll report back.

Any suggestions on how I should paint the bottom? (Both aesthetic suggestions, and practical tips are invited and appreciated.)

>> No.43003473

Not until Volks sells all of the terribly proportioned Mochi Asahi dolls in their warehouse.

>> No.43004241

She's totally about to honk the other one's boob, isn't she?

>> No.43004424
File: 1.73 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43004470

good lord that's a giant doll, good call on the safety goggles... If you have a range of hair colors in mind for the doll's wig I would suggest adding a similar tone somewhere in the body paint for aesthetic unity, but otherwise I'm not sure how this kind of doll is usually done. Cute little gremlin pom

>> No.43004484

It's so much larger than I expected to a degree that's almost comical. I have no idea where I will put this when it's assembled. Thanks his name is Max and he lives here because no one else was willing to put up with him. He's very gentle and curious about the dolls! I'll report back whenever I can get this together, anons! With some proper photos.

His tail (he came with a hair tail) is white, but I could dye it. I could dye the body, even. I have too many options, so I'll think it over carefully. I like your ideas, anon!

>> No.43004934
File: 2.00 MB, 3024x4032, 2C438FEE-7026-4F76-BE25-4C22125F0ADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did kind of mess up the posing there, oops.

>> No.43005498

nah, it's fine, I just thought it was fun.

>> No.43006486
File: 2.81 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43010641
File: 727 KB, 4096x3072, 3FFFACA9-ED6F-458F-8072-0F9C54EE4165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43012557

dollbros do we have hope for a male mdd body?

>> No.43012659

Do not post like that please.

>> No.43012877

I'd take literally any male body if it was available outside of Dream Choice. I don't have hope, but I want to believe.

>> No.43013165

What's wrong?

>> No.43013428

Maybe. I want to believe too that maybe when the new MDD female body drops, it'll come with male option parts.

>> No.43013561

There's a genderless (?) one as unitorso only in dream choice but honestly as long as you have a proper shirt/shorts on it the MDD body (s bust) is androgynous enough

>> No.43013562
File: 668 KB, 2730x4096, 20230323_112809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best friends

>> No.43013600

Update on the centaur: he's together, but the joints are still pretty loose even after yanking the elastic pretty tight. Should I trim it shorter? Some other trick, tip, or thing I overlooked which I might not know about? Thanks anons.

>> No.43015344

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