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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42901061 No.42901061 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>42848374

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.42901152

Sorry for a late thread. I got way too immersed in reading.

>> No.42901378
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, サクラノ刻_-_Ver1.0.0_2023-03-13_16-58-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42901385

how can people read VNs from a guy that advocates for masturbating using dead chickens

>> No.42901396

I still can't believe he came up with that weird ass example of all things.

>> No.42901793

Sounds more like a reason for reading his VNs

>> No.42901862
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mfs really debated social theory from 2 guys talking about fucking their actual mothers.

>> No.42901867

I'm only interested in fucking actual sisters and daughters

>> No.42901909
File: 587 KB, 710x700, Merry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck was her problem?

>> No.42902079

She just wanted to make a girl fuck dogs on TV for the amusement of rich men. What's so wrong with that?
I prefer the pig fucker anyways.

>> No.42902104

I like depraved shit, but man the pig stuff (Honestly the whole farm stuff) was a bit too much for me. Though, the Turkey scene gave me a chuckle.

>> No.42902111

I appreciate JxJ for having some very, very creative bestiality scenes (where else are you going to see orca fucking?) but honestly I just don't like girls being raped by animals that much. I prefer consensual animal sex.

>> No.42902207

NTA but when was the last time we've had dedicated bestiality eroge? The kink has all but died out on multiple mediums. Hell, there used to be H-manga dedicated to it. What happened?

>> No.42902211
File: 1.06 MB, 1366x768, HechiKoi (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was JKxJK, right? I think they were all coming from 1-2 companies and they died off. Bestiality is out of fashion these days.

>> No.42902243

Can you share the crack for that one? Missed the boat when it was fresh.

>> No.42902249

I lost it when I got a new PC, the crack makes every antivirus program freak out and it kept getting deleted and I got tired of making exceptions. Can't help you there, sorry.

>> No.42902341

Drei, Delta, hell, even BlackCyc has some decent bestiality stuff. Seems rare just to see a new VN with a single scene of dog on girl.

>> No.42902588

That's the spirit

>> No.42902599

>Do I need to read Love x Holic to get into Mama x Holic?
No. Mama is an alternate timeline where the events of Love didnt happen as a side character put them into a coma.
Though I prefer Love Holic and its worth a read.

>> No.42902798

>muh 1080x720 res peasant
Mama > Love. Not just in production values but in scenarios too. H-scenes are passable.

>> No.42903973
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I can fix her

>> No.42904665

Why is she touching her face? That seems unconfortable.

>> No.42904715

35+ year old mother of two

>> No.42904966


>> No.42905054

twins, daughter and disgusting hikki neet son

>> No.42905098

vnchads, if I read like 50 vn in jap will I become fluent (at reading) like you bros??

>> No.42905211

It really depends on how you mean to read them.
You could become fluent enough with much less if you do it smartly. And you also could fail to learn anything at all if you read MTLs.

>> No.42905226

just limit your reliance on mtl and remember to stare at kanji/compounds you don't know really hard every time you rikaichan 'em

>> No.42905381

I read like 30 of varying lengths so I'm not quite there yet, but I think 50 should about do it.

>> No.42905800

>become fluent (at reading)
Obviously, forget about being fluent talking/writting though.

>> No.42905835
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, BUKKAKE! ドシコリングMINUKIマックスアクメしてもいいですか? ~ドエロいポーズして貰っ_2023-03-14_17-11-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are scared of the vibe defloration.

>> No.42905944

I became fluent enough to freely talk with japs on discord by just reading out loud for a few months

>> No.42906398

not even a convincing lie. who hurt you that you want to mislead newfriends like that

>> No.42906451

Lmfao dekinai-kun, go read your moege with textcucker or something.

>> No.42906500

Speaking is definitely a skill of its own, but if you can truly understand Japanese on a high level then it shouldn't be that difficult to express yourself and you will likely become fluent very fast.

>> No.42906537

he might be an american that has a complex about his murrica accent or something

>> No.42906544

Are you assuming that everyone is a sociophobe like you who is afraid to talk with people even online or something?
It took me less than a month to get comfortable enough to speak in English from basically zero experience irl even though my language has nothing in common with it so my pronunciation and accent were (are) beyond garbage, but the main advantage here is that 99% of people don't give a shit about that as long as you are at least understandable
It's way harder with japs because they have no experience in talking with broken nihongo gaijins and don't tend to adapt to your talking speed but it's still doable enough with a few months of practice

>> No.42906600

stop talking about speaking japanese and make me feel bad for wasting 5 years of having available native partner

>> No.42906616

How are they wasted? Wish I actually had someone like this, especially if they are also into eroge and stuff.

>> No.42906628

i was able to court someone online who is ready to talk to me every night (or every other night). I just wasted all those years dicking around with kanji instead of serious studying. We are still in touch these days

>> No.42906647

>I just wasted all those years dicking around with kanji instead of serious studying.
How do you even spend that much time on kanji, you only have to know like 2500.

>> No.42906665

university and life got in the way
i started and restarted a few times on learning all the kanjis. It took a worldwide disaster to have me get off my ass and do that damn thing.

>> No.42906666

DJT syndrome. Just check their thread to find out why they are like this

>> No.42906680

stop projecting on me

did you guys even read his post, he said he could fluently speak to japs after a few months of 朗読, that doesn’t train your output ability at all and it’s barely enough time to train your accent unless you’re getting feedback from a jap
you can become pretty good at writing to japs after a few months of writing assuming you do it a lot and start off with a high level of reading but that ain’t what he said

>> No.42906694

hey i remember when i was green and wanted to just watch anime w/o subs
i did wanikani and shit for 2 years just to realize that i still can't read a simple sentence
that hole is really fucking deep where you are just talking with people about learning jap without actually learning anything
djt is actually what managed to bring me back to senses and realize how much time i wasted

>> No.42906714

you don't need to beat yourself down
the fact that you didn't manage to do it means it wasn't worth doing in the first place, at that point of time.
you was just lying to yourself at that time that learning japanese was important, but it wasn't.
everything have just causes

>> No.42906735

>stop projecting on me
I'm european. Your entire post just confirms my suspicion

>> No.42906740

Well yeah it's obviously not just 朗読 since I had several years of reading eroge as a background
I meant to say that you can definitely get good enough pronunciation by simply reading out loud even without any previous experience irl but you for sure need to have enough language experience to be able to at the very least express yourself

>> No.42906752

You having a stroke or something bro?

>> No.42906763

its a hard pill to swallow, but that's how life works
if you are not ready, you are not ready

>> No.42906791
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>> No.42906796

i would say it's more like whether you get lucky to find the right people at the right time who would lead you to enlightenment
people pretend that they are so cool for learning the right way but they definitely had some luck at some point to find out about that way in the first place

>> No.42906824
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>2 years just to realize that i still can't read a simple sentence

>> No.42906849

hey at least that were some fun 2 years of dickmeasurings with wanikani levels on their forum where everyone was so nice and supported you!!!!

>> No.42906949
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I had never really heard of wanikani besides seeing the name pop up next to words on jisho.org, but could you explain to me what's so bad about them out of curiosity? I just checked their website and it didn't seem that crazy. Do they just never encourage you to read anything on your own or something?

Sorry for the off topic but I never browsed DJT so this shit is kind of interesting/new to me. Here's a totally unrelated cute screenshot to satisfy >>42906791

>> No.42907034

it's just kanji-focused learning through their funny mnemonics with some words on top of that but most of those words were pretty useless that you would already know by knowing kanji anyway
and yea i can say from experience that focused kanji learning with mnemonics is complete garbage and a waste of time
their community made an effort to make you read stuff like yotsuba but never encouraged you to actually break your comfort zone and instead were soothing (lying) to do that everything is supposed to be that slow and that spending 2 years on their course of basic kanjis was completely normal
also their literal obsessity with genki and other grammar grinding before reading shit didn't help either

>> No.42907072

>yea i just conveniently left out all this information to flex on a newfag
lying by omission is why so many newfriends give up learning jap, they see retarded impossible stats like “i became native proficiency in 4 months without living in japan ONLY by reading vn and watching anime (omitting out the detail that i’ve been learning jap on and off for since at least 1 year before)”
this is jap learner cult autism, get this shit out of this general

>> No.42907073

Damn, it almost sounds kind of impressive to stick to something that futile and tedious for that long.

>> No.42907121

>“i became native proficiency in 4 months without living in japan ONLY by reading vn and watching anime (omitting out the detail that i’ve been learning jap on and off for since at least 1 year before)”
>this is jap learner cult autism, get this shit out of this general
Never heard anyone in this general claim anything of the sort though.

>> No.42907143

Why do you keep fighting imaginary foes? My answer was initially to this dude >>42905800 who thinks that reading is the only thing that eroge can teach you
No it's not, it definitely can teach you how the language sounds if you don't skip voices and if you put enough practice into imitating it by reading out loud you can get good enough pronunciation for talking with random japs in the internet
I don't give a shit about teaching newbies or whatever you are trying to do here

>> No.42907178
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nice shit taste, dumb loli.

>> No.42907187

man she was so hot why they had to give her a throwaway 1hr long route

>> No.42907192

So what's your favorite FPS anon?

>> No.42907247

I don't even really play FPS games, I just enjoy being a hater.

>> No.42907330

Ok so I finished almost all of the nitro games and I'm still yet to find a chuuni that would actually make my insides burn from the 漢 energy like it is supposed to.
Demonbane is what I have next on my list and I want to hear some opinions about it to decide how low or high I should keep my expectations.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8lfy_5oG0c This opening is what actually gives me that real nostalgic chuuni feel that I was longing for all this time but I'm really afraid to expect anything anymore given how the rest of nitro games have failed to impress me in comparison to their openings.

>> No.42907348

I would say medium maybe? I'm a chuunifag, and I enjoyed demonbane (both of the games), but neither would be anywhere near my favorites.

>> No.42907467

i studied the rtk deck for 3 months and have the meanings as well as recognition down for life. What are you talking about?

>> No.42907488

What does "almost all" mean? Demonbane is great, but I've never played a bad nitro+ game.

>> No.42907616

It won't give you as much 歓 into the 肛門 as all the homosexual nitro+ works you've been reading till now. Django is my favourite one.

>> No.42907629

What would be your favorite?

>> No.42907674

I'm more of a Masada and Nasu guy myself when it comes to chuuni so their VNs.

>> No.42907700

There aren't bad games but most of them were not kind of what I expected them to be.
I haven't read Sumaga and Hello world, but from the rest of the games, the only time I actually got that trembling feeling inside was the last fight with Ichijo in Murasama.

>> No.42907977
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damn bratty ojousama...i'll give her some correction

>> No.42908049
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>> No.42908259

Each time i see hatsuyuki sakura screenshot i want to reread it again...

>> No.42908530

why? its not that good and other sagapla games mog in the cute girls department.

>> No.42908608

The music man, that music has never left my head ever since i finished it
Just roaming through winter night city and eating oden with sakura under this bgm is literally all i need in this life..

>> No.42908650
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it's the definition of comfy.

>> No.42909356

Shit ending = comfy

>> No.42909422

Any games with a sleazy/perverted mc (that isn’t moege or pure nukige, nothing against em just not in the mood for one)?

>> No.42909426

Bruh what the fuck, it has plenty of weak parts but that's definitely not endings
Yoru ending is still my all times favorite, the whole sotsugyou part of the true ending was so damn beautiful i just couldn't stop crying

>> No.42909671

I didn't read it to be honest.

>> No.42909734

BUT considering it's Niijima I'm fully in the right to think the ending is indeed shit and you're wrong.

>> No.42909776


>> No.42909811

What else nijima did you read? it's not as depressing as natsunagu but it's still pretty damn bittersweet so it's prolly not for you if you aim for pure happy endings
still really beautiful overall though

>> No.42909864
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It's gotten to the point where circles specify that their art is not done by AI.

>> No.42909869

I would do the same if I was in their shoes.

>> No.42909873

so by this logic can i just assume everyone who doesn't specify it uses ai now?

>> No.42909879

Nah I'm pretty sure DLsite forces the tag on AI works and bans anyone who doesn't admit it.

>> No.42909910
File: 613 KB, 1920x1080, cg003_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one someone posted last thread makes me suspicious AI was used.

>> No.42909917

There's no real reason not to specify, shit with AI art is still selling very well on dlsite.

>> No.42909978

Looks way too 下手 to be ai

>> No.42910030

Art that's hot as fuck is gonna sell, surprise to no one.

>> No.42910034

The weird hair shimmer and the mismatch between faces and bodies makes me think it's a (poor) implementation of AI.

>> No.42910137

They used AI but then edited it to make it look bad on purpose.

>> No.42910156

How about you use your autism to instead find out information about the staff and the company

>> No.42910283
File: 995 KB, 1600x900, nukitashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point does Nukitashi get better/good? I've been reading it for a bit, right now we're searching for Fumino (i think that's her name? 文乃), and so far it's just...ok I guess. I'm not really seeing why it was getting so much praise, at least right now

>> No.42910491

I suspect there's going to be a lot of people using AI art as a basis/reference and tracing over it or modifying it slightly into their style in the future.

>> No.42910503
File: 282 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been reading it for a bit, right now we're searching for Fumino
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
>At what point does Nukitashi get better/good?
I love Nukitashi, but the common route of Nukitashi 1 has some serious pacing problems. There's way too much 'how are we gonna get home today' and it gets repetitive. It's the worst part of the frnachise I think it improves significantly once you get to the 2nd OP, and Nukitashi 2 is even better from there.

>> No.42910532
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The world cogs have been broken

>> No.42910759
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC's wife is kidnapped, she gives birth, and his infant son is murdered.
I just wanted a fun historical moeplotge. They didn't have to be this accurate, basically everyone's dying horribly, this is really depressing.

>> No.42911044

>They didn't have to be this accurate
this is what keeps me from reading miburo
i already know the sad tale of the shinsengumi and don't to see it happen to cute girls

>> No.42911097

sounds like a long way of saying 'you're right it is a shit ending'

>> No.42912087

Here's a thread with some chinks discussing it, but the artist has almost 200k twatter followers and has been posting the same art on pixiv for 4 years https://www.pixiv.net/users/2681650

>> No.42912131

This site made me wish I knew Chinese. I MTL'd the thread from Chinese to Japanese, because I thought it would make less mistakes than Chinese to English, but it's still fucked up sometimes. Look at how many discussions they have. 50 active threads in the past 90 minutes. Is there an active discussion site like this in Japanese?

>> No.42913099

Is he trying to make as ugly nipples as possible what the fuck is wrong with this dude

>> No.42914373

But AI art was only a thing since late last year/early this year right? I dont remember seeing it much before.

>> No.42915216
File: 1 KB, 68x126, 1661174399442757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it's been bothering me for ages.
On VNDB what's the deal with the letters next to the gender/sex, in pic related for example? Some characters even have no letter at all. I couldn't seem to find an answer in the FAQ.

>> No.42915228


>> No.42915232

Blood type, japs are obsessed with that shit for whatever reason

>> No.42915270

Yeah, it's really obvious it was blood type now. Strange that it's next to gender though. Thanks

>> No.42915312
File: 692 KB, 960x820, ch_img_sora1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are familiar with eroge character introductions will probably recognize it instantly as a blood type. That's why no one has bothered to explain it.

>> No.42915359

do japs really pay attention to which blood type is fictional character?

>> No.42915389

I think at least authors pay some attention to match blood type of characters to stereotypes.
Maybe it was a bigger thing some time before but I think I haven't seen eroge users paying much attention to it nowadays.

>> No.42915484

Which ones have you read that you like the best so far?

>> No.42915535

Birthdays and three sizes are even more meaningless, yet the fictional girls always these. On the contrary, the hymen state is far more important but rarely, if ever, mentioned.

>> No.42915562

it's important but it's generally pretty obvious what it is
moege = intact
plotge = long gone OR intact but mc has to watch someone else break it

>> No.42915622

Birthdays are at least nice to celebrate both by makers and fans.
Three sizes and height could also mean a lot if you have particular preferences for body types. It's bad when three sizes are obviously different from how characters are drawn though.

>> No.42915761

Birthdays are nice but there's so many characters I like with birthdays close to each other that it gets kind of overwhelming
I remember when I tried to draw fanart for girls I like on their birthday every year, I burnt out... but then if a character I like gets barely any fanart or love on their birthday I get sad

>> No.42915778

Stfu moefag.

>> No.42915785

Yes, that's my point.

>> No.42915917

>not celebrating their birthdays

>> No.42915921


>> No.42915922

does anyone have Kazoku Keikaku ? I've looked everywhere I know

>> No.42915928

mean for>>42915484

>> No.42915997

Yea you won't get far just by reading stuff like this
Literally just go ahead and try to read Kikokugai for 5 min and you will realize your actual level

>> No.42916004

i'm a simple man, someone can't find a moege, i go to the ends of the earth to find it for them, someone can't find a cuckge, i sleep

>> No.42916016

I agree with the other dude. I read a lot lot more than 50 and there are still rare parts which can completely throw me off. You need to cover all different genres to get an actually good pool of vocabulary.

>> No.42916058

I would still consider myself an intermediate at best so I'm still adding a lot of words. These are just some of my personal favorites, not my recommendation for the most efficient ones to learn Japanese.

>> No.42916107

Barely intermediate after 30 titles should indicate that it's time to switch stuff around
The shorter nitro titles are usually a good start

>> No.42916129

Just be a man and read one long game with a lot of writing. You'll be ready for anything after that.

>> No.42916206

Maybe I'm underselling my ability a bit. I'm finally at the point where I can read an average moege and only look up words every few minutes so I don't exactly know what that makes me. Thanks for the input though.

>> No.42916248
File: 153 KB, 800x600, she and her father's son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used goods are not allowed.

Now that's closer to my strike zone, except both brains and tits are needed. NBR oneechan-types are nearly perfect, you basically start with wife material waiting to get gf'ed right from the beginning.

>> No.42916269

No problem, I added your name to my stalking list and I will be looking forward to your rating of Daito.

>> No.42916283

lmao alright man, only on the second route now so stay tuned.

>> No.42916338

nbr onee-sans are ok as long as they groomed the mc and have been raping them from a young age

>> No.42916432

really i dont understand this, theres enough people that care yet like u said noone does it, its especially annoying when its really vague during the scenes
it could just be at the end of the game, like some character stats, or maybe they could sell some kind of detailed setting documents for the people that want it(i know this kind of already happens, but its almost always only really general plot/character backstory stuff)

>> No.42916576


>> No.42916851

bless you anon

>> No.42916943
File: 1.89 MB, 3840x2160, quaet7ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't view him as enemy anymore.

>> No.42916978

Well I just got to the part where the class president twins rape the MC, so am I at least close to being done with the boring shit?

>> No.42917316

Any VNs with a heroine sort of like Kaede in Shuffle that's sort of justifiably guilty about having wronged the protagonist but not in an NTR kind of way?

>> No.42917333

If you find the humour and gags boring, I would say drop it. Do you want me to change your diapers too?

>> No.42917377

Yes please.

>> No.42917524

Then you'' have to continue reading Nukitashi2.

>> No.42917543
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>> No.42917597

Name 5.

Here are 1.5 to get you started
Kimiaru (half sis)

Kinkyuu Sengen (BR sis)

>> No.42917624

okay, he lost me there

>> No.42918081

I don't remember the details (it's been a long while) but the queen in Himekishi Angelica abandons her nobility in order to follow you in exile in her daughter's route.
Fucking rotten bitch, I was too disgusted to interact with her even once throughout the entire game and the devs STILL forced her on me as a baggage to poison my baby-making life-long vacation in the woods with her superior daughter. Yes, I am STILL mad about that a decade later.
Needless to say, I didn't play her route, but this is the closest I can think of.

>> No.42918106

I can't quite figure out how that's related to what I said. Either way, why would you go into cuckge expecting good or pleasant things to happen?

>> No.42918136

Very directly, her guilt forces her to willing pay the price of wronging you.
And I don't believe that
A) trading your lover for a position of power
B) before the game even starts
C) in a game about getting revenge for that
counts as cuckshit. A betrayal, sure.

>> No.42918163

Seems like the part where the heroines get repeatedly gangbanged by other guys counts, though.

>> No.42918191

That exists? Well, if it does AND you're suffering from a competionist's autism forcing you 100% everything, then you should probably skip it. Otherwise try not sucking at the game too much and you won't get the bad end.

>> No.42918232

No, it's been around for a while. It's only been good/widespread since last year.

>> No.42918244

>class president twins
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.42918246
File: 1015 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-06-28 20.46.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was a cool guy

>> No.42918264

the class president and her sister fucked the mc in the woods

>> No.42918284

Sure, they're not twins though.

>> No.42918833

I disagree about birthdays, many times the devs celebrate it and it also can serve a purpose in the story, or possible append patches
>three sizes
Now this is the true meaningless shit because most of the time the sprites don't actually reflect the three sizes written in the character sheet, specially the hips
That's pretty much implied with the tag "heroine with sexual experience" though

>> No.42918886

90% of moeges have no hymen since they don't have cgs with blood which means that moeges have nothing but sluts

>> No.42918899

esl eop bro...

>> No.42918932
File: 70 KB, 198x199, 1663712376038039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me who hurt you

>> No.42919174
File: 3.85 MB, 2560x1440, 2022-12-06_00-47-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other titles with open racism?

>> No.42919214

It depends on where you draw the line at. That dude in Muramasa was a more extreme example and there's not really any other quite like him I can think off the top of my head. But a more general "ick not this ethnicity" type of sentiment is reasonably common.

>> No.42919268

Does anyone know a program that will let me input a manual translation for a specific part of a VN without having to unpack the files?

>> No.42919279

I just want more racist vocab and expressions

>> No.42919294

I doubt this exists

>> No.42919296

Depends on the engine.

>> No.42919308

The game's Reika Final. I've tried messing with the game for hours with different programs and couldn't get the script.

>> No.42919325
File: 180 KB, 1024x576, my rolemodel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the fandisc.

>> No.42919334

how tall is that nigga

>> No.42919345

Haven't played the game. Why does he behave like 4chan's true self insert?

>> No.42919367
File: 118 KB, 1024x576, 1662939075662577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is still white in his world so it's understandable.

>> No.42919391


>> No.42919895

Looking at how stuff like Fuyukuru keeps getting switch releases makes me really interested in how they actually managed to make that shit allage when the h scenes there were 90% of the plot

>> No.42920090

why are all the good eroge about depression

>> No.42920136

because you worship meme faggot writers

>> No.42920145

i only worship little girls

>> No.42922157
File: 278 KB, 1609x908, 冥契のルペルカリア_2022-05-29_20-03-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42922362

it's a shame uguisu kagura is pretty much dead
they made depressing/tragic games that weren't exceedingly depressing

>> No.42922430

I remember lucle saying in a stream that istoria wasn't that depressing because it had a happy ending

>> No.42923251

>that head

>> No.42923498

You might have to write another program to use that program, though.

>> No.42924427

Which one is the better mech series, Muv luv or Baldr Sky?

>> No.42924456

baldr sky is for real plotchads, muv luv barely has any ntr

>> No.42924543

I hate this shit where two characters look like they belong to different species, and the non-heroines look better.

>> No.42924553

Muv-Luv. Baldr doesn't really focus on mech autiism

>> No.42924557

Aliens are moe.

>> No.42924573

Muvluv is the only chuuni that doesn't looks like it is written by some edgy autist

>> No.42924578 [SPOILER] 
File: 371 KB, 646x524, nightmare fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the worst case of ayylmao out there. Some uguus had higher impact back then.

>> No.42924580

not a good thing

>> No.42924601
File: 149 KB, 1280x904, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42924612

That art is okay. Some Key VNs are worse

>> No.42924644

Muv Luv but I've only played one Baldr game (sky).

>> No.42924652

The laser class was always cute desu

>> No.42924657

Actually the most effective alien design i have seen so far
So simple yet so terrifying when you actually get to face them

>> No.42924730 [SPOILER] 
File: 385 KB, 2403x1354, 冥契のルペルカリア_2022-05-16_21-35-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes still hot af regardless

>> No.42924971

I have been rereading Muramasa and just noticed a detail that still doesn't make sense to me regarding that helmet thing
So I always thought that this scene was referring to the moment after he raided his mom as those flashbacks always were shown back to back but now reading the 5th ch he clearly mentions while looking at the helmet that it became like this a year ago. So it means he actually cut it down at the moment when Hikaru got that disease? But what exactly made him lose his sanity and made him achieve his akki mode and why that scene was left unexplained if it was that important???

>> No.42925321

Other way around, you can avoid the NTR in Baldr
Muvluv is based and you can't avoid it and get a a 20 minute scene with the heroine describing how much she loved in it depth
Truly a series for cucks

>> No.42925349

Actually wait that's not exactly right
I forgot that there were 2 kabutowari - the first one was the Kageaki when he raided his mom and the second one was Hikaru right before she became ill.
When he is recalling the Hikaru one he says: 知っている。何が....怪異を成し遂げるのか
while referencing him fucking the mom.
Now the question: what has Hikaru actually done that made her reach a similar state and then fall from her illness? Has she already reached insanity before that so that's why she says that ginseigo didn't make her go insane (because she already was to begin with?)

>> No.42926614
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>> No.42927275
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>having a zero day in your body
Maybe this whole cyborg thing was a mistake.

>> No.42927383

I mean that scene is literally two fakes talking to each other about things that never actually happened to them

>> No.42927476

Alright but do I really have to sit through 30 hours of a boring SoL eroge just to get to the mech parts? It doesn't really seem worth it in terms of time - enjoyement efficiency.

>> No.42927574

>boring SoL eroge
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Extra is great.

>> No.42927578

>boring SoL eroge
That's where you're right kiddo. Extra is shit.

>> No.42927588


>> No.42927661

Why do you even read eroge when 99% of games are "boring sol" and there are only so many games that pander to your tastes?

>> No.42927687

since when did 99% mean 100%?

>> No.42928525

Black Sheep Town, Belgrade Metro, or Ihanashi Witch?

>> No.42929497

It's unironically great for what it is with that true early 2000s style of comedy that you barely will find anywhere else.
You also only need to clear 2 routes to open unlimited so it's not as long as you think if you skip side routes.
It still can feel pretty repetitive and boring close to the middle so what I would recommend is to just watch it on yt like at anime here
This guy has some incredible voicing skills and his voice suits Takeru so well that hearing his actual seiyu in Alternative felt really weird in comparison.

>> No.42929534

Muv luv is really all are about experiencing Stockholm Syndrome induced by reading boring kusoge for 50 hours (extra+alternative+unlimited, all voices skipped) huh.

>> No.42929585
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stockholm Syndrome induced by reading boring kusoge for 50 hours
That's what kamige are all about

>> No.42929636
File: 127 KB, 581x443, 1670954743393925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is offtopic but can one of you honorable nippon enjoyers tell me what the lady in the comic is saying?

>> No.42929745

Kill yourself EOPscum

>> No.42929747


>> No.42929973

Glad I'm not a balloon tit loser

>> No.42930007

>muv luv has a 30 hours prologue to filter cancer
Truly one of its kind

>> No.42930558

i already hated propeller but what the fuck is this?

>> No.42930878

It's an admission that there is like over 50% chance of this release being canceled all together. They probably started preorders with a hope to secure additional funding for voice work and such expensive things but failed to generate enough preorders and enough interest to actually do it.
It's rather rare for eroge to be released after they get repeatedly delayed from a certain announced date and then announced to be released eventually with such ambiguous period.

>> No.42930971

I wish, something with so ugly copypaste designs doesn't deserve to be born into this world

>> No.42930985

No offense but DJT is up there for that buddy.

>> No.42931827
File: 190 KB, 710x440, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Nukem Propeller

>> No.42933988

why keep doing this at this point
just fucking cancel it

>> No.42934064

Why don't they just do crowdfunding?

>> No.42934430
File: 959 KB, 1265x714, 1648890420602547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again they will make me choose a girl literally in the second day of school

>> No.42937658

>Not letting fate decide for you by pulling a choice out of the three from a hat.
Miss Fortune frowns upon you.

>> No.42939012

Why are you playing Amakano 2 when the updated re-release is scheduled to come out in like a month?

>> No.42939132

2+ is fan disk for 2, the fuck are you smoking, retard?

>> No.42939141

I thought it was an updated re-release with a new heroine.

>> No.42939308

It's fandisc with new heroine

>> No.42939321

That's weird.

>> No.42939333

go back to your shithole, eop-kun

>> No.42943589

has anyone here read this?
i love kokonoka's art but the writer seems to be specialized in writing shitty nukige so i'm kinda hesitant to start this

>> No.42944980
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, mcclainseeker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine how easy-mode your life must be with a sweet name like McClain Seeker.

>> No.42947497

esl eop mtlbro...

>> No.42947673 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, bites dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first character that canonically sucked mc off is the lesbian

>> No.42947701

it's insane that this was treated like a h-scene and is in the scene recollection in the extra section
since sakutoki kept mentioning the importance of criticism, i hope that faggot takes the criticism of chapter v to heart

>> No.42947706

Literally nothing wrong with V here, one of the best chapters among with IV and VI.

>> No.42947795

>literally nothing wrong
>the sudden nonsensical art duels
>the overreliance on fantasy elements which are a complete miss, it was dumb in uta and it was even dumber here. what's worse was showing how kei dedicated his entire life into creating "himawari" only for naoya to rely on magical paint
>rin pretty much zero screentime or presence, i wouldn't be surprised if thomas had more lines
The only decent things in V were the Kana circle scene and mostly her and the ED
There's more to list off but I'd just end up getting pissed again and it was mostly able to finish on a high note

>> No.42947839

Learn japanese.

>> No.42947893

He's right, not even samefagging

>> No.42947904

How about you argue against the point I made

>> No.42947948

Sure, samefag-kun.

>> No.42948027

SCA-Ji fags are delusional

>> No.42949945

Before Ouka he worked on Heart de Roommate and Snow which I found to be really good. From the cgs that i've seen of it it looks like it has a lot of soul, so try it

>> No.42950041

he worked on private nurse too which was surprisingly good from what i remember, he's definitely pretty decent at emotional buildup and setting up fun character dynamics.

>> No.42950715

Guess I'll just pick one at random.

>> No.42950725

idk if I should be asking this here but you know the first OP of Sorceress Alive ability to believe? Would any anon be kind enough to provide the full song?

>> No.42950771

Do you guys have any actual reliable download links for downloading untranslated vns? ryuugames usually has what i'm looking for, but when it doesn't i have to scramble to fucking anime-sharing and look for a post that doesn't have dead links and then spend a good few hours downloading all the parts. it's even worse when that site doesn't have what i'm looking for either.
is there a magical link that i haven't found yet that you guys might have?

>> No.42950777

Download translated versions and remove the patch .xp3
Works more often than you'd think.

>> No.42950806

...maybe i somehow phrased that the wrong way, but i'm looking for sites that host raw, untranslated visual novel download links. if the visual novel that i'm looking for has a translation you fucking bet i can find it in 5 seconds on sukebei or something.
i'm asking because untranslated vns are way harder to find

>> No.42950931

There are two magical letters: ab
But you need to have friends to get in so most people here just resort to asking others for upload

>> No.42950941

damn, what a bunch of fucking faggots

>> No.42950969

If you know where to look you can easily find an invite by lurkings through anime discords for that one dude with wip and unlimited invites

>> No.42951245

The explanations for the futa penis had more lines than fucking Rin

>> No.42951256

rutracker also seems to have a lot of stuff uploaded

>> No.42951301

swirly eyes make me hard

>> No.42951355

sukebei with japanese names
anime sharing downloading from some russian weird filehosting site(once i spent 2 weeks downloading one)

>> No.42951473
File: 22 KB, 222x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga EGS

That can't be AI art. Her facial expression has too much humanity. This >>42915312 >>42922157
is AI art.

Worse than Marmalade's delays and that game at least looked good. This one will flop no matter what. propeller's Death March lol

>> No.42951517

I don't think she's AI but the guy on her left might be. Just kinda looks AI to me.

>> No.42951613

Are you retards just going to call anything you don't like ai from now on?

>> No.42951802

Shut up, bot.

>> No.42951940
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, grater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I had no idea what this was

>> No.42952321

Any VNs where the moral is "actually, revenge good"?

>> No.42952340

Hentai prison, shockingly.
They have a whole discussion about how stories where MC is trying to get revenge on someone then stops at the last minute and lets them go are stupid.

>> No.42952351


>> No.42952357

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.42952740

ok please just tell me when nukitashi gets good i cannot take this boring ass story anymore

>> No.42952747

Once you get to OP 2.

>> No.42952753


>> No.42952805

Are you alright in the head, dude? I genuinely don't understand the point you're trying to get across here.

>> No.42952894

im way past op 2 though
it just feels like im still in the "how are we gonna get home" loop, basically nothing has happened

>> No.42953149

Are you actually in one of the routes? Which one?

>> No.42953342

maybe? i was choosing the gyaru girls' choices so far since i was told she was the first route to do

>> No.42953364

You can figure out if you're a route by going to the scene selection screen on the title menu - it'll just tell you.
Yes, you should do Nanase's route first. Unfortunately, it's also the worst route and suffers from being intended to be played first for a number of reasons, but Nanase is cute at least.

>> No.42953703

Just ignore and don't give him attention.

>> No.42954434

I don't even remember why people liked Propeller in the first place. That's the absolute state they're in.

>> No.42954471

Let us all be more like /jav/ friends.

>> No.42954835
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 2023-03-18-224348_1280x720_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon was right, the Red Cherish fandisc really is better than the original game. Maybe it's because they only focused on one story and didn't have to shove in other routes in there, but overall it was definitely better written and more well thought out. The final showdown was pretty hype and better than anything in the original in my opinion. I'm just a sucker for the good old cliche of both sides shouting life philosophies at each other while beating each other up with their fists. Sue me. Also, it's nice to get some good old イチャイチャ from an already established couple straight from the beginning. You don't always get that in this medium although it makes you kind of jealous as a reader.

>> No.42955352

the last decent game they released was evolimit which was well over a decade ago
their talent has hit a mixture of washed up or straight up leaving their company
im sure this game would have sucked like their recent ones

>> No.42956297
File: 842 KB, 1280x720, RE:D_Cherish!_-Eternity_Blood-red_cherish_eb (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unica was my least favorite of the original 3 heroines, but the game absolutely improves from having one route and solo focus on her and its to the benefit of everyone in the cast. The final fight was the best part of both VNs and has a bunch of great moments for every single character. And it actually has a well-done theme that is communicated and examined in multiple ways throughout the VN and directly plays a role in the climax as the characters both physically fight and argue about their respective philosophies, in a way that actually works and improves the story, which is shockingly rare.
The one kinda weird part at the end is that Yukimitsu essentially winds up in a weird Soma nightmare situation where his clone pretends to be someone else and goes off with Melch into the sunset, doomed to never see any of his friends or lover again, all so Real Yukimitsu can have a happy ending. That's pretty fucked up. Just a very well done VN overall and I'm very interested to see what they do next. Proof that you can have a great chuunige in a short-medium length package without having it be 80 hours long.

>> No.42956718

>Proof that you can have a great chuunige in a short-medium length package without having it be 80 hours long.
depends on how large your cast is, you're going to want some routes to adequately explore your characters
but of course linear stories and dare i say, the ladder structure are preferable in those types of stories

>> No.42956944

So basically medium length stories are the sweet spot for a good VN by anon standards?

>> No.42956956

No, but if you're a long story you'd better deserve it and most long stories don't.

>> No.42957038

short-medium content is literally mcdonalds tier.

>> No.42957137

sounds good, mcdonalds is fucking awesome

>> No.42957262
File: 2.19 MB, 1345x962, 1679206273170705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guess who's the boy?

>> No.42957286

Obviously the middle one with the flap over his crotch + the smallest tits.
Holy shit, Ensemble's made 29 games?

>> No.42957293

the middle but the hips on that "boy" are insane
man trap protagonists just feel so wasteful

>> No.42957325

Guys, there is no boy, stop with your transphobic bs, they all cute girls.

>> No.42957331
File: 2.14 MB, 1345x962, 1679206273170705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42957350

Japs don't get it, you are no jap, so please use non-jap gender paradigm.

>> No.42957387

But in most Ensemble games the trap identifies as a boy but is forced by plot shenanigan to disguise themselves as a girl and stops as soon as they're able to.

>> No.42962547

I look like this

>> No.42962696


>> No.42966421

>blacked americanshit discussion
hell no

>> No.42967649

please don't use the same bait more than once in the same thread

>> No.42967739

Most of my favorite VNs are the super long ones, but most writers/developers shouldn't be trying to pull that off.

>> No.42968163

Unica was always my favorite because she's literally me (hacker, hikikomori, etc.). Des is cute, so she's my #2. Rouge was the one I always found kind of plain. Not terrible, but not really my preferred variation of お嬢さん.

The ending was definitely kind of weird. I mean it makes sense. You can't help but feel sorry for Melch after all that. But cloning yourself was not the solution I was expecting. I figured she'd just have to learn to cope, but everyone pretty much admitted she was too weak and still needed something to lean on. A bit of a strange direction to go in, but well it's not like Red Cherish is some kind of manifesto against codependence (the opposite if anything).

>> No.42968360

Long can be fine for plotge if it's well paced but it's insane to have 40 hours of SoL or something similar, most books can tell a story just fine in the 200-300 pages range so I don't see why eroge insists on having these ridiculous lenghts as if they somehow needed that length to develop the characters or set up an interesting story.

>> No.42968478

Just read faster lmao

>> No.42968484

Most long eroge have LOGH sized casts.

>> No.42968588

>she's literally me (hacker, hikikomori, etc.)
You aren't a cute girl

>> No.42968606

Stfu with your transphobic bs

>> No.42968644

Speed reading fiction as if you were consuming trash food is a very shallow way to experience art and it's a bad habit to watch out for rather than something you would want to do.

>> No.42968733

Nips prefer quantity over quality

>> No.42968754

The evil hacker known as 4chan is definitely a cute girl.

>> No.42968848

That hasn't been a thing for several weeks now. It's all about Indian larping.

>> No.42968864

lolno. The ones that are remembered and talked about are always the same 10-20 titles.

>> No.42969023

Clannad is 100 hours of SoL and is perhaps the best thing i've read
Seems like a personal problem

>> No.42969152

>ree theyre too long
>ree speedreading bad
Ok schizo

>> No.42969696
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>> No.42969728

大仏… 本当に奈良だった

>> No.42971076

where can i find strategy guides for untranslated vns?
im playing shizuku 1996 and can't find anything in any site

>> No.42971144

try this for older vns

>> No.42971179

Japanese studios tried to emulate Key's success with +100 hour long eroge of the 2000's. That led to many failures in sales and studio closures, until producers and directors discovered that the public preferred shorter works in general, which also have less economic risk to make.

>> No.42971218

>until producers and directors discovered that the public preferred shorter works in general
citation needed
You can only sell short works as low price cheap shit. To sell full price VN you need at least 2MB of text now, which wasn't the case in 2000s.

>> No.42971272

Waffle in case point. Check out rants from his writer/producer Kagami about that problem.

>> No.42971395

>Check out rants from his writer/producer Kagami about that problem.
He later said that he was mistaken

>> No.42971636

>shizuku 1996
You really don't need a guide for this one. Literally just do the girls routes in the order they appear in the game. Whatever you do, make sure Ruriko is last.

>> No.42972431

>follow up article
I suppose that's a fair correction to make. For a same reason, some people leave a hobby but other people join.
Even if he kind of tried to quantified people leaving because of the long length, it would need to be compared with the amount of people joining the medium because they are precisely looking for long length works.
So you cannot declare long length as a reason for the shrinkage of the genre, without that point clarified before.
When you take a general outlook at the leisure scene, with soshage, doujin jrpgs and light novels gaining a bigger part of the market, and less people owning PCs, who knows what effect does length have at all if any.

>> No.42973229

What are the best PC-98 games? I love the art style the games have, but I know know of things like YUNO and EVE

>> No.42973532

how the fuck do i make it over the reading vn in jap beginner hurdle?? i’m reading stuff i want to read, it’s short, it’s relatively easy but my reading speed is like 2-4k/h even after a week of doing this daily for min 1h. when does it get better bros, i want to be like you guys and read for hours and whatever i want

>> No.42973555

>week daily for 1h
idk but i read daily for 10 hours for months and it's pretty comfy compared to the start

>> No.42973560

It's been a while since I read Muramasa but the implication here is that's when Hikaru became certain that Kageaki is her real father and it drove her into a corner. As for why she (and Kageaki) can do it, there's no clear explanation but I think it's Konjin's influence (like with Yagyuu and his people). A lot of legends about Konjin in Wolf's research paper actually match Hikaru so there is that.

>> No.42973598

This. Read more and it eventually gets better.

>> No.42973610

Dude from your screenshot sounds like a pretentious salty faggot with too much free time, you should probably tell him to kill himself.

>> No.42973842

New thread:

