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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4295375 No.4295375 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/eople

How do you feel about incest? I mean, in real life, and in a brother and sister situation only. Do you believe it is wrong in any way? And if you do, why? Is it not like any other kind of relationship?

>> No.4295384

It's genetically disadvantageous.

>> No.4295390

Brother/Sister incest is disgusting

Brother/Brother and Sister/Sister is the only acceptable thing

>> No.4295392


I meant sex with no impregnation.

>> No.4295394

As long as you're not planning on having horribly deformed children, then whatever floats your boat.

If you're going to have children, then they better be superhuman, or you're going to jail.

>> No.4295405

Fucking him/her: good.

Impregnating/being impregnated: bad.

That's about it.

>> No.4295407

I love my little sister, but I know I'm not the right one for her. ;_;

>> No.4295409

irl incest is disgusting 3dpd

>> No.4295412

The only thing wrong with it is that society has come to be disgusted by it. The issues with genetics is likely a factor in that.
Otherwise, I always thought it was fine.

Too bad all sisters are whores.

>> No.4295423

Realistically, genetic issues are only likely to occur in a small, incestuous population. For instance, if a family of four stayed at home and mated with each other for three generations, then the kids would be.... messed up. However, a single brother and sister pairing wouldn't have that high of a chance of such problems with children, really.

>> No.4295426

The only thing wrong with incest is that we aren't having enough of it!

>> No.4295427

People exaggerate the genetic disadvantages. We were discussing incest in my anthropology class in fact. Anyway, I'm all for it. Even if my sister probably isn't ;_;

>> No.4295428

>society has come to be disgusted by it

That's not what your usual japanese hentai artist thinks, bro. And he wouldn't be drawing that if the readers didn't enjoy it.

>> No.4295433

Since were into this topic, if you have a brother or sister, and you knew him / her liked you, would you have to guts to engage in a relationship?

>> No.4295437

Bloodlines predisposed toward certain genetic conditions are drastically increasing the chance of passing it on actively by mating with each other.

Just don't do it, man.

>> No.4295447

I don't have any problems with it. I'd like to fuck my sister.

>> No.4295481

Family have a history of cancer?

Enjoy your kid having an even more likely chance to get fucked over by hyperactive cells.

>> No.4295485


From .1% to 2% is a 'drastic increase' as far as these things go, though.

>> No.4295497

All genetic problems and cons of incestuous sex can be solved by the use of condom. As far as this goes, it is fine.

>> No.4295518

Really this "incest will result in retarded babies" shit is just a word-of-mouth myth with only a grain of truth in it.

The human species, and really any sexually reproducing species, can take a LOT of abuse when it comes to incest. It takes many generations of incest within a single family where you have to get to the point where you have to worry about defects (well, worry about it much more than any other couple, that is)

>> No.4295526

Anyone who says they are against incest is just jealous because they didn't grow up in a situation where you could have nightly sex at a young age.

>> No.4295531


I believe it is less serious than what people are making it to be but more serious than what you say. If there is a percentage of chance, no matter how small it is, it must be taken seriously.

>> No.4295536

I'm against it, and it has nothing to do with the genetic bits. If you were brought up as brother and sister, you're brother and sister.

If you're brother and sister genetically, but weren't brought up together, I have nothing against it.

I just think you should separate what kind of relationships you have with different people. A brother or a sister is a brother or a sister, not a lover.

>> No.4295541

If your family has a history of anything bad at all, it's serious business.

>> No.4295567


I cannot see how that applies. Brothers and sisters are people first of all, before being part of a family group. They may fall in love as any other couple.

Maybe I just have different values.

>> No.4295574
File: 170 KB, 800x600, ririko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People don't know what they missed when they were twelve. Reading Sharin made me remember about some warm memories with my stepsister.

>> No.4295598

If said sister/brother was hot then no problem. Have condom ready to avoid derpy children. If hambeasts, then no. Simple as that.

Humans are predisposed to fuck anything who is a sign of youth and health, regardless of relations.

>> No.4295626

I have nothing against incest as long as it's consensual. But I have a brother, and I'm not gay, so I can't enjoy it or anything.

Fuck yes you are the 2nd best Sharin girl.

>> No.4295630

The same logic applies to parents and their children. I think we're more complex than "person first, then family member". Your identity as a family member is part of your identity as a person.

I do respect your opinion on the matter and I don't claim to be more right in my opinion than anyone else is in theirs.

>> No.4295646

Who? I don't see anyone in that picture.

>> No.4295647

It's only "wrong" because that's what society tells you growing up.
What if you weren't taught that it was wrong growing up, that nobody was taught this and that nobody cared one way or another?

Of course there is the genetic breakdown issue of incest, but as stated people over blow it.
It would take generations of inbreeding for any serious chance of defects happening, and many kids have birth defects anyway.

>> No.4295660

So you believe you should be able to tell others what kind of relationships they can have?

>> No.4295697

Being raised under the same roof throughout the years creates similar values and quite strong bonds. As far as you watch out for genetical problems, its ok by me. I would do my sister if I had the balls to do it.

I believe incest has more value as a relationship than normal ones, though you don't learn or change as much.

>> No.4295787
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>> No.4295794

I'm against sibling-incest because, fuck you I'm an only child, if I can't have it no one else should.

>> No.4295829


Convince your parents to adopt a little girl and raise her in the /jp/ ways. She will refer to you as onii-chan and play videogames with you all night. Also, she will act proper and bear the hairstyle/clothing of your preference.

Life is good.

You now feel calm and warm.

>> No.4295831

Aren't you a hostile little tosser.

I said I'm against it, if I was a parent I sure as hell wouldn't want my kids to fuck eachother. As long as they hadn't moved out of the house, I would have a say in if they could do that to eachother or not.

Other than that, did I say I forbid other people to do as they wish? Being against something doesn't mean I would actively prevent something.

Do you think you have the right to say what other people can and cannot think?

>> No.4295835

My parents are dead.

>> No.4295839


>> No.4295837

2D incest is the only acceptable incest.

I feel like puking at the thought of getting physically close to my siblings or parents.

>> No.4295889

It's an iffy field. What if they are half brother and sister?
I think it's not right... not in our culture anyway.

>> No.4295899

What if they are cousins whose parents are two sets of identical twins, therefore they are genetically siblings?

>> No.4295909


That sounds... rare.

>> No.4295913

Extremely rare...

>> No.4295921

What if their parents are two sets of identical Siamese twins?

>> No.4295928

Inbreeding causes evolution to work faster.

>> No.4295929

I lol'd

>> No.4295937

I fucking hate my sister. When she left back to my home-country I thought "Fuck yea".

>> No.4295962

Awesome, triple siamese twins?

>> No.4295976


That's because they're fat, ugly, older than you and not moe at all.

>> No.4295992
File: 54 KB, 875x543, 1259276662666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT /jp/ fails at biology forever

Look, this shit is real simple. Incest does nothing except stop new genetic information from being integrated into a family line. This means that whatever genes your family had BEFORE you and your sister/mother/father/whatever bumped uglies is going to be all the genes your offspring have to work with

This can be a good or bad thing. If you have an extremely healthy family with no history of heart problems or crazy genetic diseases or shit like that, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with one or two generations of sister-fucking

Now if your family is known for getting all kinds of crazy and unhealthy genes making you prone to sickness, or anemia, or whatever the fuck, then you're getting into dangerous territory, because those are the same genes that are going to be in your offspring. Without new, healthy genes that can possibly counteract or override old, shitty genes, you're gunna be stuck with said old, shitty genes

This is all a tremendous simplification of the issue, but it's accurate enough

TLDR: "Yuo'll maek mutant babies" is a fucking crock of shit that isn't supported by a shred of legitimate science. Rather, any offspring you have will simply not have access to any NEW genetic information that may or may not enhance the health of the child you have. It won't be a problem if your family is healthy as fuck, it will be if your family is sick as shit. It's as simple as that

>> No.4296012

Good job, you just repeated the previous posts using a lot of words more.

>> No.4296017

Try reading the whole thread, not ejaculating what you learned in Bio 101 because you saw the words 'genetics'

>> No.4296034

>Posts 53, 50 if you discount mine the posts after it

Yeah, no

>> No.4296091


>> No.4297602

More discussion is required. Iam interest.

>> No.4298155
File: 91 KB, 456x683, no no big brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, speaking of incest, does anyone have the rest of these? I had this one buried in the back of my hard drive, and I've been trying desperately to find the rest. I can't find them anywhere because apparently I'm an idiot.

>> No.4298170
File: 50 KB, 455x681, No no big brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have this. only two I saved, can't find the rest.

>> No.4298172

>hey guys, I'm going to shove my fetish on this board since japan is for weird shit like "adult novelties" right??
And it produces a serious thread.

Nice work, sankaku and j-list.

>> No.4298179

/jp/ has always had an incest fetish though.

>> No.4298184
File: 316 KB, 1920x1440, Sister_incest argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been posted yet? I'm surprised it hasn't.

>> No.4298193

not in this thread.
but yeah, pretty much that.

>> No.4298203

No that was some troll posting incest fanfiction doctored-up to make it sound like he was doing it IRL. It eventually pissed off the staff to the point where they bitched the early /jp/ out about it, and the only reason it was on here in the first place is he'd been trolling /a/ about it prior to the split.

>> No.4298215
File: 359 KB, 640x480, 1245158383388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ fails at biology
>new genetic information

>> No.4298217

How long have you been here? A week?

>> No.4298219

Generic troll response much?

>> No.4298222

3D girl are pig disgusting anyways.

>> No.4298231

>some troll posting incest fanfiction

Must have been one damn dedicated troll with all those 250 reply threads.

>> No.4298332

Anything on these?
