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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42793104 No.42793104 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.6: https://nyaa.si/view/1634180

Previous: >>42582919

>> No.42793235

i think OP should say >mistakes and subtext trimming by translation and MTL instead because it makes it sound like a translator is at fault for missing all the nuances when really its inherent to the process of translation

>> No.42793702

more often than not it IS the translator's fault for making MTL tier mistakes though

>> No.42793707

Why did last thread die?

>> No.42793719

probably an autosage, somehow it happens often but usually happens past 250 posts so nobody notices

>> No.42793733

bad translators make translations even worse but even a """good""" translation is still shit

>> No.42793848

is danmachi good?
should I even bother after all these years?

>> No.42793864

The anime adaptation is pretty damn bad.
The LN is really weird, because it goes from "what is this garbage" to "this is pretty good" to extreme kino fairly quickly and the train hasn't stopped yet.

>> No.42793878

>fairly quickly
Within the span of a few volumes or the first?

>> No.42793900

It's a fairly long one, and it really depends on (you).
Without spoiling anything, I would say if you aren't feeling it by the second volume, it's probably not for you.

>> No.42794544
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It's been like a year now

>> No.42794960

it got axed, bro

>> No.42796005
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Hey look, it's the King of Jobber!
The first volume feels rather aimless desu, not to mention Bell's whole motive for getting stronger feels a bit cheap, doesn't mean the story itself is bad though. You could actually feel the desperation during each boss battles, and Bell's "Tsuyoku Naritai"-shit becomes quite endearing after a while since Omori tries his best to not give Bell the easy way out (at least for the main series, SO Bell seems like an oretuee MC no matter how you look at it).
But Lili's introduction is quite bad though, and while she proves her worth during Niggoliath arc, the subsequent volumes after that practically drives in the point that she's quite useless other than being Omori's main device for Deus ex Machina scenarios. Also, please hate the editor if you don't like something in the story.

>> No.42797747


>> No.42799796

>volume x.5

why do they love this?

>> No.42799956
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i fucking hate it it ruins my notion volume progress calculation

>> No.42800229

it's funny because .5 volumes are the best ones compared to regular volumes

>> No.42801059
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Speaking of dendro, wasn't the main manga axed? The twitter account just posted this.
Was it just hiatus?
More crow record when?

>> No.42802203

Only Crow Record was axed and some anons must've confused it with the main one, but I'm pretty sure the main one won't go beyond Franklin's Game either. It'll probably be over or at least wrapping up by this time next year.
Crow Record sure won't come back, but for what it's worth, Kaido said he's expanding the Tournament arc to accommodate content he planned to put in Crow Record if it continued.

>> No.42803811

it's good

>> No.42804962
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as for me

>> No.42805353

now that was brought up, i wonder if dendro is going to start doing x.5 volumes too
would be pretty funny

>> No.42805638

I feel like we already had a few volumes that could've been x.5s.

>> No.42805749

eh the island death game very much was but it's not QUITE a proper x.5, hard to put it into words
and honestly it boils down to not being LITERALLY labeled as x.5 despite the content qualifying, my autism itches

>> No.42805782

Anyone got raw epubs for volumes 2-11 of dendro?

>> No.42805862

I feel like the implication of an "x.5" is that it's less important than the rest, but with basically everything in Dendro being interconnected and so little being wasted, it's kinda hard to label anything as such.
I've seen someone say that Hugo's adventures should be relegated to a separate side story LN, but we now know that it leads to a conflict involving people close to Ray, which will ultimately have an effect on the Altar-Dryfe war. It's also where Benetnasch is introduced, and we all know damn well that he and Ray are gonna meet at some point.
The battle royale volume has something similar with the introduction of Jubei. She wants to meet Ray IRL and who knows what'll become of him when that happens.
Maybe some AE stories could pass as x.5s, but even there you have stuff like Godslayer, which is actually so important it's the title of the next volume.

>> No.42806005

How to make european sounding names:
pick some カタカナ
now mix them randomly and choose the combinaison that is the hardest to pronounce
here you go, now you have a cool isekai name

>> No.42806048

Why do people keep thinking this is a writing advice general? Go to /lit/ if you want to share stuff like this to help people with their writing.
And before anyone points it out, I'm aware it's a /v/-tier complaint, I just refuse to acknowledge it as such at face value.

>> No.42808052
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Nah, Yuri's (mis)adventures can and should've been made into a spinoff LN instead since there's a clear end (Hugo/Cyco becoming an actual Superior + killing that one escaped Irregular UBM) and direction (fleshing out the other countries and their Superiors) so we can wholly focus on the main story. The main story itself has enough "bloat" to go past the 30 volumes mark just by adapting current WN content, not to mention Another Episode, Episode Superior, Outlaw, Fragment, Pale Psalms, and the LN originals. I know Kaidou's perfectly capable of executing it correctly, but introducing 100 Superiors (and their emotional baggage) throughout the main story would be way too excessive, even if it directly ties in with the real final boss past the Game Over arc. I mean seriously, a bit of handwaving with Hugo becoming a Superior and getting a Mythical or Irregular special rewards when (s)he reunites with Ray would honestly still be acceptable since there's literally a shitton of asspulls that exists throughout the story (no matter how believable they were).
Then again, whether Kaido decided to make a side story or a spinoff series out of Dendro, it won't really affect the main series as much as it would for other LNs like Danmachi (and to a lesser extent, Index) whose plot tolerates little to no interference due to the way it is structured (i.e., making Arrow of Orion non-canon or downsizing Bell's feat in oneshotting the big bad of Sword Oratoria).

Also, not really related but I guess Ray would only name the axe after Game Over since narratively speaking, it could be turned into an Irregular by the Ayylmaos if it ever got a name.
Can't be helped Anon, the isek/a/i thread is losing traction again. Can't really bitch about isekai if the thread's filled with Chink and Gook shills.

>> No.42808941

>anon makes an observation about japanese authors

bro, your meds...

>> No.42808966

fuck off

>> No.42809061

Perhaps such spinoff LNs would've worked if Kaido wrote the whole thing with them in mind from the start, but with the way it's actually been laid out, nothing feels fully disposable.
For example, I really don't think the "main story" would benefit from losing, for one thing, all the details about Phantasma and her plans that were revealed in the Winter's Orb arc. Even if Kaido could shove them into Ray's story, they would feel detached and out of place if it's before the end of the war, and have little impact if it's after the war.
As things are, though, her powers were elaborated on under the most fitting circumstances(i.e. a city full of job-less tians that she's trying to eliminate because her powers rely on jobs) and her intentions for the war were revealed right before its final day to raise its stakes higher than they've ever been.
Kaido refers to the arc as "day 2.5 of the war" for a reason, and I certainly don't think I'd be as intrigued by how day 3's gonna play out if 2.5 wasn't treated like a part of the main story.

Also, a meta read of the axe naming thing tells me that the axe won't become Irregular simply because then Ray wouldn't be able to store it away and that'd be a pain in the ass.

>> No.42810626

I don't like Dendro.

>> No.42810658

You can go sit in the corner with the guy who doesn't like Ototenshi

>> No.42810690

but i like that one

>> No.42811263

i like dendro but i'm that guy that hates otonari tenshi
now we must fight to the death

>> No.42811638

I propose that instead of fighting, you marry and have children that will hate both series.

>> No.42811985

my backlog is huge

>> No.42812068

so is my blacklog

>> No.42814243

sometimes it feels i'm the only one that doesn't, but i also just follow a few series

>> No.42814464

>Yuri's (mis)adventures can and should've been made into a spinoff LN instead since there's a clear end and direction so we can wholly focus on the main story
i understand a complaint like this on a larger company making a larger franchise or something
but this is literally one guy, you're not going to speed up getting more content regardless
>but introducing 100 Superiors (and their emotional baggage) throughout the main story would be way too excessive
the mess that is so many people bouncing off each other is very much the main story to begin with

>> No.42816182


>> No.42819319

That aside, when it comes to one guy writing vs a studio writing, it seems like stuff from one guy writing ends up overwhelmingly better than the alternative in most cases.
Not just in novels, games and anime originals suffer this too.

>> No.42820656

Anyone read the 進化の実 lns? I'm just wondering if the novel is as much of a trashfire as the anime or if it's just suffering from an awful adaptation.

>> No.42820761

the anime actually suffers from not showing the insanity properly, that one is a very high effort shitpost, but still a shitpost
not even a parody, deconstruction or what have you, it's simply a deranged shitpost

>> No.42822748

>yp has been butchering shit for so long that people actually believe this.

>> No.42822791

Not that guy, and maybe it comes from being good enough in japanese since the BT days, but even what people shill as the best translations still manages to come off as amateurish and borderline edited MTL sometimes, with bad ones barely resembling the original text, especially if they were "fixed" to flow better in burger.
I really don't know from where is this coming from.

>> No.42822885

keyword is sometimes. once you step out of the light novel bubble, you start to realize how much higher the standard for japanese translations are in general.

>> No.42822915

I really don't see it, unless you mean legal documents and the likes.
In games the standard is even lower, at times the text says something completely different to the voice lines.
In anime it feels they write random shit sometimes.
In manga it's pretty obvious it's just edited MTL from the mistakes made.
VNs? Nice joke dude, there you're actually better off using OCR or a text extractor and MTL unless it's a fan TL, in which case you take whatever you get.
Maybe you mean in J-dramas?

>> No.42823026

legal documents, news articles, common japanese literature ect. of course material aimed for kids like anime will be a shitshow standard wise. the idea that it’s impossible to have good translation is a cope from a lot of the same communities you mentioned, used primarily as a justification to not get good at jp

>> No.42823063

>material aimed for kids like anime

>> No.42823146

just because seinen exists doesn’t change the target demographic for the majority of ln/manga/anime. lets not kid ourselves here. license publishers deliberately take advantage of this as their demo is none the wiser

>> No.42823159


>> No.42823180

>justifcation to not get good at jp
it's the opposite though?

>> No.42823182

speaking of backlog, how do you guys decide what to read now?
i just read dendro vol 19 and 20 won't be out in english for a while
i'm behind on like 5 series i like, even more i wanted to pick up and i just can't decide what to read

>> No.42823222

whatever has the cooler looking cover

>> No.42823688

>yp has been butchering shit for so long that people actually believe this.
it has nothing to do with yp or even japanese translation it's a general problem of all translations of media

>> No.42824059
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it really depends on what mood i'm in
i look at the stuff i have in progress and go like yeah let's continue here

>> No.42824151

nah it's just shit

>> No.42824249
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>> No.42824284

This has been repeatedly proven a fact for longer than a decade straight at this point, and yet people will still find ways to cope and refuse to learn japanese.
It's just screaming at the void at this point.

>> No.42824289

shockingly accurate

>> No.42825691


>> No.42825813

>you start to realize how much higher the standard for japanese translations are in general.
they just read better because the people doing translations of "normal" novels tend to be actually decent writers in the target language
it's just putting a nicer coat of paint on the same shit sandwich

>> No.42826978

I regret believing the faggots shilling 公女殿下の家庭教師. Don't bother with it, it's mostly meh

>> No.42827112

The standard for "real" literature is way fucking worse though, look how badly murakami shit gets abridged in translation. Or official subs for movies and J dramas is localized as hell same as they are for anime.
Legal documentation translation has to be accurate but it also has none of the stylistic challenges of translating creative writing so it's comparing apples and oranges desu

>> No.42827149

the idea of the impossibility of a good translation is a reason TO get good at JP, not an excuse not to
if you think good translations can exist then you have a reason not to bother learning JP
go to bed you're drunk, you're trying to start a translator shitting derailment but you're getting off on completely the wrong foot.

>> No.42828452

he meant for translators themselves to get good at jp
god your dumb...

>> No.42829106

If people read translations and are enjoying then just let them be, no one needs to learn the language of every country that they consume content from, most people don't even consider entertainment media an important part of their life enough to learn an entire language just for it.
Once you learn Japanese you don't need to wait for translations or care about their quality so just stop stressing about them (unless you're a translator yourself)

>> No.42829170

>If people read translations and are enjoying then just let them be
i absolutely will
but i won't let them be if they start claiming that reading a translation is the same as reading the original (or even that it's better because the translator "fixed" things lol)

>> No.42829495

>you read your nip stuff in nip language
>it's pretty great
>stuff is translated in english
>now you have to share your enjoyment with casuals
>it is badly translated
>people shit on the stuff you enjoy, making comments about the "poor writing" of the author

>> No.42829581

oh yeah that's another annoying one

>> No.42829636

This happening is why I gave up on LN discussion altogether regardless of the place until these threads.

>> No.42831359

This happens so often I'm led to believe it's intentional sabotaging from YP and 7S.

>> No.42831485

stop discussing it with eops and join japanese discussions on futaba and 5ch then retard

>> No.42831504

also when people complain about bad writing it rarely has anything to do with style and prose and everything to do with lazy asspulls, characters turning into retards, and mary/gary sues

>> No.42831517

hahahahaha no
90% of the time they complain about the prose, the other 10% they are complaining about something that is only ever a problem due to missing details from speedreading

>> No.42831637

i've almost literally never seen anyone complain about the prose when they're bitching about writing and when they do they're from the rare complete ln novices who aren't already used to playing the japchinglish deciphering game that dates back to baka tsuki

>> No.42831824

anons are deliberately missing the point because it’s impossible to want good translation and also want to learn jp /s
notice i said good and not perfect

>> No.42833392

Read any interesting WNs lately?

>> No.42835311

i read this very obscure wn called ありふれた職業で世界最強

>> No.42835402

Is the first volume of『もしも明日、この世界が終わるとしたら』 pirated anywhere? My google skills are failing me.

>> No.42836044

you can read it for free on bookwalker
just need an account

>> No.42837371

i can't think of anything new i have found that wasn't already published as a ln

>> No.42838096

Given most people only care about what is the current FOTM anime adaptation, it may actually count as obscure again at this point, more so now because it actually ended and there's no signs of the afterstory getting adapted yet.

>> No.42839147

tourist here
Why doesn't /jp/ do raw manga dumps? It seems like it would be a fun way for everyone to practice nip together.

>> No.42839194

too slow and inefficient
by the time someone dumps a raw chapter you can get on any raw manga site, you could have speedread a grammar guide and be ready to read with the help of a dictionary
and that's assuming it's a manga original, if it's an adaptation you're better off reading the original instead

>> No.42839416

damn, /jp/ really is autistic. way to efficiencymaxx comfy reading with frenz :(

>> No.42840316

>really is autistic
where do you think you are?

>> No.42840588

all that "reading with frenz" still happens, there's just a higher barrier for entry
pretty much every time something with a cult following gets a new volume in the original japanese, you get people talking about it
though sometimes it happens when there's a new EN volume, but people default to talking to the newest content anyway even when it's not translated to EN yet

>> No.42841728

>page 9 after 3 hours
did something happen in the rest of /jp/?

>> No.42842765

speaking of cult following, when the FUCK is the next kuma kuma kuma bear

>> No.42843428

soon tm

>> No.42846243
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i liked renji at first but quickly changed my mind

>> No.42847981

i remember reading this but somehow all i can remember is one guy on /a/ REALLY hating it
i can't even remember the names of the characters or what happened in the story until i dropped it

>> No.42849022

More things should cause that, there's the guy that really hates lazy dungeon master but it's not enough.
Just like dendro causes people to go into fervent devotion, and more things should do that too, there should be more things that cause seething hatred.
Not so bad it's good, not "guilty pleasure", not "I love to hate it", but actual, direct, focused, vehement seething hatred, "this thing existing is an insult to reality itself" kind of hatred.

>> No.42850179

Alright I'm picking up either Danmachi or Orphen help me decide. I've watched 3~4 seasons of these without dropping so it's about time I do some reading.
Danmachi seems more exciting but comparing those two based on the anime adaptations probably isn't fair.

>> No.42850325

I want to say danmachi because if it's for you, it's very kino and it's the one I know.

>> No.42850361

Really Happy, SAOAGGO volume 13 is finally releasing this week in Japan, Fifth Squad Jam conclusion or something is what it's called.

>> No.42850678

i will believe it when it finally releases, reeeeee

>> No.42850797

i mean yeah, tism is what drives most of deep-fucking-end otaku fiction
what did you honestly expect?

>> No.42851367

I've been thinking this for a while, but this acronym is really ridiculous at this point

>> No.42853945

Wow so the latest 86 novel falls in the relatively rare variety of Japanese fiction that directly uses fucking nukes and not some copout allegory. Good volume as always.

>> No.42854282

dunno why would that be noteworthy when the magical "allegory" variants tend to be far more devastating.

>> No.42854312

That's exactly why. No magical loli elf jew or anything. It was just played completely straight with radiation sickness even.

>> No.42854325

still don't really see why would it be special beyond blind praises over perceived novelty

>> No.42854340

I literally was just saying it was unusual. Why do you have to argue against things I never said?

>> No.42854345

i guess it would be less "arguing against it" and more like saying "and?"

>> No.42854355

But is the main girl still sex?

>> No.42854363

Of course but she has barely any screentime this time around.

>> No.42855755

Nice, Im so excited.

>> No.42857579

Sex with pretend womanlets.

>> No.42858755

Someone help,this loli is getting more and more smug with every volume, we're approaching critical levels of SMUG here.

>> No.42859840

It's time for the smug s i n g u l a r i t y

>> No.42861271

I fucking love it, it gives me more shit to read

>> No.42861309

How are you liking COTE so far? It's the best LN I've read so far.
I really want to read Genius Prince

>> No.42861320

>just lear a whole language just to read a children's book, bro

>> No.42861521

Most people here regularly consume Japanese content. If you read 1 LN a year and watch american black people dancing the rest of the year, why are you even here?

>> No.42861727

you don't have "more", it's just named differently
and I hate it because my main plot is being halted by side stories

>> No.42862491

>If you read 1 LN a year
I read like 10 just in February
>watch american black people dancing
Yeah no, you're way off
>main plot is being halted by side stories
That's what I mean by "more". I love side stories because they are more content, more details, more everything.
If I really like the series, every page I turn comes with the dread that it's one less page left in the book for me to enjoy.

>> No.42862557

>I read like 10 just in February
... if you're reading that much it's literally a waste to not learn japanese wtf are you doing

>> No.42862583

COTE is a lot of fun so far, I like how the author occasionally lets shine through that Ayanokouji has more than a few screws loose in the first person narration. I've only read what was covered in S1 of the anime though it'll be interesting to see how it plays out

Genius Prince is a bit like Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha with a few more jokes but also more grounded (more politics & strategy, less fantasy & magic), I have to kinda force myself to not blaze through it because the volumes are not that long. Haven't seen the anime for this so I don't know how it compares.

>> No.42862641

>Ayanokouji has more than a few screws loose
Yeah he's a very interesting character :^)

> have to kinda force myself to not blaze through it
I'm like that with every novel, it's such a pain. If i really like a series I'll just devour every volume.
Myself, I've only seen the anime, but it caught my attention and thus made me want to get on the LN. The only reason I haven't started it yet is that I know there's only a few volumes out and they would last me a couple weeks at the most.

>> No.42863385

Are you the other anon I talked to in the thread that died prematurely?

I said I was excited for SAOAGGO XIII,and you said you'd believe it when you see it;

I guess you believe it now,what with the volume cover already shown off.

>> No.42863574

not either of the two possible anons, i just want to point something out
>発売日 2023年3月10日発売
due to timezones, that's in a few hours if there's a midnight release i think

>> No.42864692

>just to read a children's book
That would be an argument if you didn't want to read that children's book.

>pulling down your pants
>just to take a shit
If we can assume that the latter is part of your life, it's just sensible to make sure that the experience isn't any messier than it has to be, by accepting the former as well.

>> No.42864718

>unironically arguing with someone making up excuses to not learn japanese

>> No.42864730

Illogical arguments annoy me.

>> No.42864744

learn to ignore it or you will spend the rest of your life glued to the monitor arguing with shitposters that also have nothing better to do

>> No.42864767

>the monitor
I constantly get into arguments in real life as well, because my autistic attention to arguments regularly gets misunderstood as support (or rejection) of positions.
It's just who I am. At least my family usually gets where I'm coming from.

>> No.42864772

my condolences

>> No.42866316

Why would you come to /jp/ expecting anything else other than autism?

>> No.42869055

To laugh at autists? It's like going to the zoo

>> No.42871619
File: 54 KB, 350x450, hermione granger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard people say it's JP Harry Potter so I was expecting something "comfy" but apparently it's a revenge story so is it "edgy" or what?

>> No.42871648

it's supreme edge

>> No.42871651

pretty sure HP is a long ass story about dealing with literal wizidd hitler and the episodic SCP problem so i don't know why would anyone call that "comfy"
but yes, it's "edge" or more accurately, "kino"

>> No.42871700

>it's supreme edge
I guess that's fine too
>so i don't know why would anyone call that "comfy"
Most people I know/have seen who remember it fondly tend to focus on the magical boarding school aspect and not really care about the Voldemort plotline that much. But yeah I get what you mean

>> No.42871761

the magical boarding school aspect is easily the worst part of it, and i don't mean in a "le bad write" way, i mean harry's life is still shit even after getting to wizidd school to the point his life threatening SCP adventures are somehow treating him better than that, at least until the second half but by that point the wizidd hitler plot is on it's way to the climax

>> No.42871787

I mean yeah Harry's life is definitely shit, but pretend you're like fucking Ron or something. It seems like a swell time overall minus the whole life/death plot. Play quidditch with your bros, goof around in the magic school, etc.

>> No.42871796

For Harry sure but not for the 30 year olds who've spent X thousand on HP merch and play quidditch on the weekends

>> No.42871798

>Like someone taped a copy of Harry Potter over an episode of The El Melloi Case Files

>> No.42871811

I literally bought all 10 volumes because of that anon's description. Haven't started reading them yet.

>> No.42871833

>but pretend you're like fucking Ron or something. It seems like a swell time overall minus the whole life/death plot. Play quidditch with your bros, goof around in the magic school, etc.
For that matter, I know that kind of imagining is done with things like Tolkien and Dr. Who in the west too.
But there's some kind of twisted irony on those same people mocking "weebs" for doing literally the same thing they do.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if anyone here is fucked in the head enough to WANT life/death plots, so it wouldn't even be the discount version of it, but the full deal.

>> No.42872743

where the fuck do I find COTE v0 raw?

>> No.42873146

>Classroom of the Elite Volume 0 RAW
I think I got this from someone here, just pictures but better than nothing

>> No.42873161

Thanks I guess but It's really fucking annoying that they didn't release this vol digitally and instead they had to make it fucking BD exclusive. I think I've seen some fan translations but how the fuck do they get the raws

>> No.42873641

do it faget

>> No.42873784

they preordered the BD

>> No.42874939

>pretend you're like fucking Ron
The guy who had to spend an entire year at wizard school without a wand?
The guy who ends up second-class in everything, with his friends being the overachievers?
The guy who was somehow poorer than the boy who had an massive sob story about how his parents were dead and his family hated him? Who didn't even manage to be special in his suffering?

That guy must have felt like shit.

>> No.42875022

Are there any anons versed in 官能小説 here? Please suggest me some good stuff with fantasy/isekai setting

>> No.42875553

JP Harry Potter is Tokeijikake no Ley Line.

>> No.42878305

Literally just don't have inferiority complex and none of that matters. The wand bit is a good memory in the making ("haha remember that one time my wand was completely fucked up, man that was nuts"). Hell if I was in Ron's shoes, I'd be grateful that Harry sucks up all the attention so I don't have to deal with that bullshit. Anyways, Ron has a big, large loving family which is one of the oldest pure-blood families in that universe. That shit matters 1000x more than being a special snowflake (although strictly speaking, he is one himself). Also, he gets the girl in the end anyway so it works out.

>> No.42878447

It's on my backlog. It's slowly coming to the forefront as I finish some other things first.

>> No.42878810

Learning Japanese was the best decision I've ever made.

>> No.42878946


>> No.42878991

If I didn't learn Japanese I wouldn't be college-dropout NEET. Do NOT learn Japanese if you have predisposition to being an useless NEET.

>> No.42879004

nah you would have just spent your time on something else instead of studying

>> No.42880008

>Literally just don't have inferiority complex
Literally just don't have the consequence of these circumstances?

>> No.42880115

It's called "grow up and be an adult". You know, like what the actual character did. Being jealous of your friend is not "woe is me" material.

>> No.42880181

idk anon, "just turn the other cheek and take it like a bitch" seems really weird to self insert as
is that what normalfags are into? because i can't really relate

>> No.42880233

Not having immature jealousy issues is not "tak[ing] it like a bitch". Get yourself sorted out if you seriously think like this.

>> No.42880252

it's less jealously and more like wizidd school is shit in general unless you're from a rich family
i guess that makes it pretty realistic, but still

>> No.42880379

Don't listen to this anon
It's true you'll become a college-dropout, but then you can become a hikikomori work-from-home freelance translator making poverty wages for the rest of your life, so you don't have to be NEET

>> No.42880419
File: 325 KB, 500x705, 4618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my image of that word is publishers like Madonna Night Bunko with real-ish cover art and no illustrations inside the books

>> No.42880575

How much better than the show is the Arifureta novel? I have a pretty high tolerance for bad/boring, even managed to sit through 空戦魔導士 in one go, but Arifureta really isn't doing anything for me. I'm at EP 6 and I don't care about Hajime at all yet

>> No.42880578

>It's called "grow up and be an adult".
>pretend you're like fucking Ron or something. It seems like a swell time overall

>> No.42880589

i've read the wn and ln
the high point of the show is ep 8,9 and 12,13
if you don't like those then you also won't like the novel

>> No.42880594

i want to say the arifureta anime is the worst LN anime adaptation i have seen but the otome mob one exists now

>> No.42880624

I'll keep watching then, thanks.
I went into it knowing people were calling it a dumpster fire but I can't see how the novels would be better unless the writers accidentally read and adapted an entirely different novel

>> No.42880640

p sure episode 6 is the one where they took an entire volume and compressed it into a single episode

>> No.42880653

it's not hard to strip away everything that makes a particular LN good in an anime adaptation, it's so easy it's basically the expected outcome these days
and now i remember the dendro anime exists, at this point i have memeing about it not existing for so long that i actually forgot it exists, i was about to say
>if they ruined arifureta that bad, i can't wait to see the shitshow that would be the dendro adaptation
but then i realized, wait, shit

>> No.42880679

Does bookwalker have any particular dates for guaranteed sales? Something like the steam seasonal sales for example

>> No.42880751

what's wrong with the dendro adaptation? surely it can't be that bad

>> No.42880771

*angry waving of prosthetic arms while standing in place T-posing*

>> No.42880824
File: 50 KB, 352x500, 516IY1am+gL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Mother D.O.G. which started literally last month. I'm not familiar with this author so I don't know how it compares to his previous works, but I liked it a lot overall and it's a pretty good start. As you can probably guess by the cover, it's about super goth loli and her sidekick and their quest to hunt down and kill D.O.G.'s (bad things that kill people). It's technically "science" not magic, but whatever it's basically a urban fantasy anyway. My only real small complaint is that it takes a bit of time for the story to setup all the obligatory stuff for you. From a narrative point of view, it's neccesary, but as a reader you pick up most of it by not being retarded (what, 夜子 isn't actually 12!!!). Anyways, what I really liked the most was the strong focus on characters. In just these 300 pages, you learn a lot about the main duo, 夜子 and サトル. The episodic structure is used pretty well to characterize both of them and you come out the other end wanting to know what their next adventures are going to be. Pretty nice read. Worth checking out if this is your thing. I'm interested to see where the series goes from here.

>> No.42881255

but i want to be a useless neet

>> No.42881256

>drop romance WN temporarily because the MCs trauma arc starts feeling like a bit of a slog
>very next WN also has an MC trauma arc
I know conflict is necessary but I just want バカップルツッコミイチャラブ

>> No.42881453

I'm starting to think 二十世紀電氣目録 might be a politicized book.

>> No.42881577

You got my interest off the cover alone before even reading the post.
But reading the rundown actually convinced me to give it a go.
>Dengeki bunko.
Looks promising at least.

>> No.42881931

Yeah the cover was what initially piqued my interest too. A good cover alone is definitely pretty good advertisement.

>> No.42881963

otonari tenshi HATE

>> No.42882352

I'm rereading vol 2 of keiken zero and forgot what a bitch Maria was
I fucking hate that daddy complex bitch

>> No.42882371

you are probably right because I too never saw the term being used for porn LN, but you get what I mean. I am feeling like shit after a brief period of hospitalization, I want something to clean my mind

>> No.42883105

It's a long and arduous journey to become a useless neet. Are you ready to make the commitment?

>> No.42883242

are you guys willing to share the epub, haha...

>> No.42884003

searching 官能小説 on youtube is super interesting

>> No.42884083

I'd like to know as well

>> No.42887979

Sorry, I only have it on paperback.

>> No.42888584

Are you not worried about cutting yourself?

>> No.42888647


>> No.42888859

I don't know why anyone would use paperback when there are people who accidently papercut their eyes.

>> No.42889139
File: 620 KB, 1362x1920, Page 1, object 1059 (X).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good stuff with fantasy/isekai setting
If you're interested in single-volume stories, I've read one of 竹内けん's ハーレム series before remember thinking it was good. (They're fantasy, not isekai.) It's a "series" set in the same world but the books are only barely connected, standalone stories.

>> No.42889534

What app is this? It looks nice.

>> No.42890044


>> No.42893643

Nobody discusses anything here.

>> No.42894842

weird to say this practically right after people discussed stuff

>> No.42896209

NTA, but "right after" is not exactly the right term when there was half a day of zero activity before she made that post.

I think the general did lose some anons again, who probably returned to the /a/ general like the battered wives they are.

>> No.42896269

The isek/a/i general is still active? Last time I saw it was fully overrun by KR/CN shills and /pol/ spam, not even exaggerating when I say 90% of the thread was nothing but that.

>> No.42896296

I don't know what goes on in there. I instantly hide it whenever I see it.
But from the numbers, it seems there's still plenty of activity.

>> No.42896354

Oh cool Gimai Seikatsu vol 8 is releasing on the 25th of April https://twitter.com/gimaiseikatsu/status/1630160950987833346

>> No.42896437


>> No.42896736

Not all activity is good activity.
I will argue most activity is bad activity these days, when 99% of the thread is shitposting, that general is better off dead, but that's a problem all big boards struggle with now.

>> No.42896876

Any anon know how to revert the reader back to 横読み on kakuyomu? The reader settings disappeared after I changed it to tateyomi to see how it looks like

>> No.42897487
File: 570 KB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need it
you should never be using 横書き

>> No.42897593


>> No.42897684

>it's about super goth loli and her sidekick and their quest to hunt down and kill D.O.G.'s
i didn't know lolis could be police officers

>> No.42897923
File: 1.12 MB, 1353x1907, Kill Time Communication labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look into those labels that publish Narou Nocturne novels, like ビギニングノベルズ

>> No.42898310

Who's gonna stop them? Shotas?

>> No.42898993

account settings maybe? i don't use yomu

>> No.42899779

Now that the dust has settled... What's the verdict on Mitsuha's adaptation?

>> No.42899792

it has not settled, i'm still cleaning my room and the doost is everywheres

>> No.42901209

>page 9 with a 4h old reply
did this get autosaged again

>> No.42901493

Maybe, but have you seen kakuyomu's vertical text on mobile? It's utter shit

>> No.42902451

do you have any example screenshot? don't use the site but you made me curious about it

>> No.42902927
File: 218 KB, 1079x1846, Screenshot_20230314-141934_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can manually zoom in to make it fill the screen, but it only displays like 2 or 3 lines at once. And I actually found the reader settings while taking the screenshot but it does nothing

>> No.42902942

Solved it by changing to desktop mode, reverting the settings back and switching back to the mobile site. I should have tried this first

>> No.42902980

>cucked by mobile mode
many such cases

>> No.42906376
File: 946 KB, 1024x1280, 306a0db20a9a7d78707b88376201f584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Toradora, right after reading Zero No Tsukaima. I opted to pick up the LN because my previous experience with ZnT (anime first, them the manga and finally the LN) made me realize that all the adaptations lobotomized the source material. I haven't seen the Toradora anime but, after seeing some clips of it on youtube, it seems to have similar problems.

So, for ZnT, the LN ended up being the absolute best version of the story. Characters had more complexity, there was more dialogue in general, including a lot of insight, and the story was able to expand itself in ways that neither the two adaptations couldn't. Overall, ZnT was a great book, and despite a few low points (mainly the chevalier arc and the inn filler shit) it still had plenty of great moments to compensate. Louise was hands down the best part about it. Her character progression was on point and all the suffering she and Saito went through paid off nicely towards the end. Having a romantic story where the main couple isn't formed at the very end was also refreshing.

As for Toradora, I went in expecting a diet coke ZnT after hearing people make comparisons between its respective tsundere MCs. I wasn't a fan of the high school slice of life setting, as it wasn't as interesting as the magical journey in ZnT, but I will admit that when Toradora tackled more serious themes, it being more grounded in reality made them hit extra hard (volume 10 was fantastic). I wasn't a fan of the side characters and Amy was annoying, but it had a superior male MC and Taiga had some wonderful moments towards the end. It was fun to compare her to Louise, because despite both having the same archetype, they are very different characters. It made me wonder about how the two would interact.

Overall, I would consider ZnT a superior story due to how consistently entertaining it was.

>> No.42907671

The WN downloader doesn't work on kakuyomu? It's pretty comfy to just read stuff on calibre vertically.

>> No.42908294

both are shit tsundere
I hate the violent type tsundere

>> No.42908303

I'm going to guess that Taiga doesn't hide in a locker for a year in the LN.

>> No.42908461

i like them

>> No.42908500
File: 964 KB, 1081x1500, efc72e81313c0afff7ef64bfc5697534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty different, because the anime had to wrap things up before volume 10 was out and they could only use some guidelines as a point of reference, thus you had a vastly inferior ending. Since the LN doesn't need to worry about time constraints, Taiga and Ryuji got much more (dangerously cute) couple dialogue, Taiga became a supportive, sassy fiancée and the darker moments in volume 10 reminded me the post-Albion war chapters in ZnT in terms of how dark shit got. There is even a sweet last hurrah for the main group, in case you enjoyed just watching them have fun without the family drama getting involved.

On a sidenote, it vaguely reminded me the last couple of volumes in ZnT, the ones written by the ghost writer. They had a different flavour about them, like a different kind of story just hijacked the plot but you still got something cool out of it. They tried to casually return to highschool antics halfway through and I found myself speedreading because the mother plot was so much more interesting. The final epilogue left me satisfied but I would have loved a couple more volumes of just the main couple doing cute shit together. Ryuji and Taiga's playful banter was wonderful.

>> No.42910724

>made me realize that all the adaptations lobotomized the source material.
>the LN ended up being the absolute best version of the story
I really don't want to ruin your moment of euphoria, but this is something I think pretty much everyone here knows at this point.
A lot of it comes down to directors not really caring about capturing the full depth of something, but it also comes from anime episodes having limited runtime, which is something that just can't be avoided.
Kagejitsu adapted an impressive two volumes in 20 episodes, as opposed to the standard of 3-5 in 12 episodes, and it STILL felt rushed and cutting out too much at times.
Best case scenario the adaptations serve to improve the source material rather than replace it, there's just not enough runtime or pages to give the full depth on an adaptation.

>> No.42910805

know where to dl her jpn LN? nyaa only has 3 vols out of 8. already read the wn, but i wanna read the LN extras.

>> No.42910964

I get what you mean. Part of the reason why I emphasized this is because ZnT holds some nostalgic value for me and, while I did enjoy the anime back in the day, it was the LN's more restrained approach that made the overall experience feel that much better. Hence why I used the word "lobotomized". Because even back them I remember thinking "this series has so much potential".

>> No.42911716

>Ryuji and Taiga's playful banter was wonderful.
otonari tenshi HATE
toradora HATE

>> No.42911978

Are your posts just an expression of your insecurity about having nothing to say?

>> No.42911991

no, it's just seething envy over not having something like that myself, honestly not even gonna to pretend it's not

>> No.42912403

What's the next trend after isekai? I don't remember any one genre having such a stay in the LN meta as isekai.

>> No.42912829

even the next yuzuge is isekai

>> No.42913096

You really have to be new to think that isekai is a trend.
Not only isekai is only popular if you count trash that dies before volume 4, even then all the things getting adapted to anime now are really old.
For years now the trend has been non-fantasy modern times romcoms and just normal fantasy action, which will probably be the trend in anime adaptations in like 2 years at most.

>> No.42916457


>> No.42917141

Man, I can't blame you. Once Taiga was able to freely express her love without limitations she became so freaking cute. They already had a great chemistry even before that, but seeing Taiga become Ryuji's emotional pillar, who pushed him into being more assertive while Ryuji pushed her into being more gentle just created this perfect balance. The sequence where they were sharing the heater was the cherry on top. Taiga playfully teasing Ryuji, who was this close to losing it, pushing her down and fucking her right there. Amazing stuff.

>> No.42917836

Anyone got some pictures of the illustrations?

I'm a J-M,so its still too hard to read full novels right now.

>> No.42918922

what happened to light novel database

>> No.42918995
File: 1.56 MB, 1031x1454, seras10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone wants to rape the elf, the ln

>> No.42919019

Do they succeed in doing so?

>> No.42919072

they will, the author is obsessed with this idea and has a netorare fetish

>> No.42919523
File: 1.21 MB, 609x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about buying this after watching the anime, but all 3 volumes were released in 2019~2020 and apparently it didn't survive the volume 3 curse. rip

>> No.42920444

Is there anyone here who read the 公女殿下の家庭教師 WN version? seems like it slightly differs from the LN in the early part but the differences increase later. Can anyone tell me where it starts differing too much, please?

>> No.42923460
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>> No.42924011
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>> No.42924019


>> No.42925225
File: 81 KB, 616x181, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just like my isekai lns

>> No.42925341

I don't think I have read that many LNs, let alone isekai ones in particular, that are explicitly preachy about a particular topic.
The most I have seen commonly is "being good person good" but that's kind of it.

>> No.42925418

I think anon was referring to the "titles that explain the entire content of the book" part

>> No.42925455

That was such a bad and tired joke I didn't think he was referring to that.

>> No.42925485

>he thinks it's a joke

>> No.42925592

jpn writers have such a high level of education, and expect the same from their audience, that they title their LN as if they were scientific articles.

>> No.42925665
File: 1020 KB, 700x978, 0504555e-94dc-4e6b-9ffc-0ea61fc39730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sabamizore's illustrations but I wish her illustrations were more accurate to the story.
Does Seiyuu Radio have the same problem?

>> No.42925807

There's always some fag who feels the need to defend his hobby when nobody is attacking it.

>> No.42926190
File: 775 KB, 1443x2048, Gun_Gale_Online_Vol_12_-_279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I want a hot,virgin,protestant,gamer GF,and I WANT IT NOW!!!

Miyu is like 3 of those things,how easy do you think it would be to convert her?

>> No.42926225

>tfw sleep deprived
>read that as prostate and was about to call you gei for liking getting pegged

>> No.42926255

Sorry, I like SAO,SAOP,and SAOAGGO,might even try Accel World.

Im starting to think making online gamer friends is a myth,I've met 5 or 6 women since January,playing Overwatch 2 And one is using an alt because her main account is too high to play with her friends,and at least 2 have confirmed boyfriends, girl was playing healer sitting in menus for like 2 hours,and I tried to invite her but it kept timing out, don't know what bitch is doing. I've met like 3 dudes,and one is so high in rank I can't join him, like...forget GFs, I can't even find digital friends. SAO lied.

>> No.42926428

maybe play better games?

>> No.42927109

Try an MMO instead

>> No.42927871

Difference in culture and time.
Back then in JP MMO circles, making friends like this was possible, in fact ending up with lifelong friends out of them wasn't all that rare.
In the west it was like this in the early days of MMOs too, but then WoW came out and ruined it for everyone.
Nowadays MMOs and online gaming in general are endless treadmills where you hop in, mindlessly grind, then get out, all matchmaking is fully automated, allies could be AI bots and it wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.42927913

Thanks for the profound thoughts.
Yeah, I've heard Reki was inspired by games like Wizardry,and MMOs like Ultima Online and Ragnarok. Back then it seems you could fully PK anyone you wanted to and take their resources. I'm not sure wow ruined it, 've heard a lot of marriages started because of WoW,whether they lasted is anyone's guess.
I've heard the ratio of girls in FFXIV is 50/50, but who knows what you'll get,it could be a girl,or it could be a "girl". Not to mention the possibility it's overrun with faggots,and it seems like every girl is pozzed to the gills in America,would hope Japan is better.

>> No.42928590

>he still has hope in 3dpd
i don't envy your naive optimism

>> No.42929403


it's over, soon anime fags will steal our russian waifu

>> No.42929419


>> No.42929604

nice, i was wondering why this doesnt have an anime yet

>> No.42933118

>I'm not sure wow ruined it
like any other blizz shit, it took a relatively niche genre and made it palatable for normalfags, aka profitable
which means the following race to the bottom ruined everything, resulting on automated matchmaking for "convenience", etc
there's a line between QoL and the games playing themselves, and to this day the west still doesn't realize "busywork" is also part of games, it's a basic rule of pacing, when everything is all action all the time, it becomes monotone

>> No.42934320
File: 209 KB, 600x600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's out boys

>> No.42935052

is kadokawa the only one that really cares about making audiobooks?
do they even sell enough for them to consider them profitable?
kinda sucks LN audiobooks aren't more common, but i understand the amounts of effort it takes

>> No.42939577

Not gonna lie, I don't see a point in dabbling on more mainstream fanbases and communities these days.

>> No.42946918

Is the anon with the kindle unlimited still have it? I'd like to rip something if it still do.

>> No.42947564
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 51v2bRS7TZL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gagaga bunko/shougakukan also makes quite a lot of them
>do they even sell enough for them to consider them profitable?
depends on the deal they have with audible
if you have an audible sub you can just listen to every ln audiobook, or even download it with openaudible
audible must pay publishers a shitload of money for them to continue releasing new stuff

>> No.42948202

What would be some good dark fantasy recommendations? it doesn't matter if it is jp only

>> No.42948324

What's your definition of "dark fantasy"? The actual genre, whatever the hell nips seem it means, or something else entirely?

>> No.42949262

Oh, my bad. Something similar to berserk I guess? I haven't read light novels in years, so don't have a reference within the medium to be more specific. I apologize if I'm being too ambiguous

>> No.42950863

>Something similar to berserk I guess?

>> No.42952245

How do those subscriptions even work? How do they pay those putting up content when it's all available for such a small expense?

>> No.42952345

I imagine the average user Audible user is some 30 year old mother of two who keeps her subscription running forever to listen to the newest New York Times Best Selling airport novel and not someone who even knows they can sub for a month once every few years and just DL everything they want. The latter is definitely in the minority and losses from them get made up by the former. Not to mention some people are weird about forgetting/getting lazy to cancel services. There's been a few times where I let streaming sites charge me for a few months where I hadn't watched anything before bothering to cancel. Also Amazon has fuck you money, I wouldn't be surprised if they can make loss leaders out of an entire industry just to keep control over it

>> No.42957632

>Also Amazon has fuck you money, I wouldn't be surprised if they can make loss leaders out of an entire industry just to keep control over it
honestly this sounds like the most reasonable explanation

>> No.42957657

i would imagine they have deals with the most popular publishers that go something like "release x new audiobooks per month and we'll give you y money per month", and those are what drives people to actually buy a sub and (hopefully) make the whole operation profitable
and then there's probably money being distributed to every publisher based on the actual number of times their book has been streamed though that is probably peanuts in the grand scheme of things

>> No.42965595

>page 9 after only 5h
isn't that unusually fast for /jp/?

>> No.42967979
File: 1.14 MB, 2495x965, あした、裸足でこい。2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the second volume of this

>> No.42968308

don't get baited by the elf, this has completely turned into horseshit, give me back my time

>> No.42968528
File: 91 KB, 496x545, 1671385993208470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like card games and monster collecting genre. What should I read.

>> No.42969187

She's really hot though, I don't think I can resist. How bad could it really be?

>> No.42970480


>> No.42971457

she's sex and that's all that matters

>> No.42971781

I'm reading seija musou and I feel like the author completely forgets what they've previously written and the protagonist's characterization changes at a whim

enjoyed the first two volumes but it really dragged the next few

>> No.42974097

I really like how it sounds like a shitpost, but that's actually half the plot.

>> No.42978362

I just found out that 辺境都市の育成者is actually a prequel set it 公女殿下の家庭教師 world, far before the current timeline in the series. And reading the webnovel, there are increasingly more and more lore connections between the two

>> No.42979654

so mad they're not making more of the 公女殿下の家庭教師 audiobooks

>> No.42980951

it's probably a bit too much for normalfags even in japan, and for better or worse that seems to be the main market for audiobooks

>> No.42981056

Wait really? I keep throwing that one back in my backlog but never drop it because the tummy cover girl is sex.
Feels weird for that to be in a setting that surprisingly I didn't start reading to satisfy my pp.

>> No.42983378
File: 474 KB, 1676x2068, FqTIclDaMAAbBT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42983579

if your willing to read non jp shit
The Black Company up till the 3rd book
Gotrek and Felix up to giantslayer

>> No.42983677

How big are audiobooks for LNs in japan, the anon who was asking about radio shows got me wondering if some publishers do the Black Library approach and guaranty every single book gets one by having its own team of narrators and voice actors

>> No.42983704

Buy it. I'm not a huge fan of Mone, I hope we get more focus on the present next vol or just Nito time

>> No.42984921

Any sales figures on this in Japan?

>> No.42986081

Has anyone here read 恋に至る病? I want to give it a try, but I'd like to read some impressions

>> No.42991045

the cover looks interesting so i added it to my backlog at least

>> No.42991399

I really, really doubt turning it into what is effectively a drama CD is going to be doable, even for the most popular of series.
Even the most basic popular 10-volume or so series may end up with literal days of uninterrupted runtime if turned into fully acted audio.

>> No.42991648

has this happened for real yet

>> No.42991918

Might be a cool idea, but like the another anon said, that sounds ungodly expensive simply because of the massive amount of lines you'll have to pay the actors to do.

>> No.42992034

does anyone have ラッキーチャンス!

>> No.42992565

gagaga bunko has a bunch of audiobooks with a cast of characters voiced by seiyuus, some even with famous ones you'll know from anime


for instance

>> No.42993532
File: 53 KB, 352x500, B07Q9ZG5YP.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the first volume of Mad Bullet Underground. I got exactly what I hoped for based on the cover + synopsis and more. It's, of course, cool edgy chuuni action. The setting is a crime-ridden lawless city, and there's people that have been surgically implanted with what's called a "銀の弾丸". That gives them cool powers that varies from person to person and of course the main character is one of them (referred to as 銀使い). Two main things stood out to me: the plot is extraordinarily well put together and the character dynamics between the main trio are excellent. And well for any story, these are among the most important things you have to get right so yeah it was a really good read. I've got the rest of the series, so I'll be getting on that next for sure. Just wanted to drop my first impressions real quick.

>> No.42993850

thanks for posting this, was trying to decide what to read next and this looks like it matches my taste perfectly

>> No.42994577

Also thanks for posting the nice find, I don't know how I missed this when I constantly check dbunko for new releases.
I don't think I will ever get tired of:
>Shit happens.
>Everyone has powers now, be a 何も使い and have fun.

>> No.42994655

I was reading something else a while ago (forgot what it was) and noticed it was advertised at end among the usual short list of series that are mentioned. The cover pretty much instantly grabbed my attention, and I added it to my list. Those blurbs at the end of books are actually kind of nice. Sure you can just look up publishers and stuff on the internet, but I dunno it's kind of convenient after you're done reading something to scan a quick list of things to see what would be a good read next. I guess that's the whole point heh; well it certainly works.

>> No.42994737

>I was reading something else a while ago (forgot what it was)
>The cover pretty much instantly grabbed my attention
was it this >>42880824

>> No.42994759

But would it be cheaper then a normal anime adaptation.
I realize an audiobook wouldn't be as good at promoting the source as an anime, but I wonder if an audiobooks would have a lower Manabi line, especially if they either make do with lesser known and or a small voice cast
But again begs the question if audiobooks are even popular in japan, in the US, it's still kind of small at 7-8% of all book sales, but iirc some fantasy and sci-fi authors have gone on recorded saying they've made more money from audiobook sales then paper and hardcover.

>> No.42994919

I was looking at some jp reviews and it looks quite interesting. I will write my impressions here when finish reading it

>> No.42995667

How enjoyable is shangrila frontier if I liked dendro and ヘンダーサン氏の祝福を? Seeing authors of both series talking about it caught my interest

>> No.42995773

Does anyone know the title of the LN that isekai to modern Japan that was posted here a while ago?
I remember the MC was blonde and the story was recovering the Japanese economy.

>> No.42996161

it heavily depends on what you liked from both dendro and TRPG
if dendro is the whole thing, and let's say TRPG is like a casual-ish playthrough taking it slow and not skipping any cutscenes, doing all the sidequests, then shangrila is basically a speedrun, and while i can't say in a good say, i can't say in a bad way either
so yeah pretty polarizing, it's quite literally half of dendro, but for some it will be removing unnecessary baggage, for some it's removing the most important things

>> No.42996170


>> No.42996700

That's it. Thank you.

>> No.42998972

Nah it was something else. Might have been one of the El-melloi Adventures books.

>> No.42999025

Thanks anon. Seems like it's not exactly what I want but I will give it a try first.

>> No.43002143

new >>43002141
new >>43002141
new >>43002141

>> No.43008167

