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4287814 No.4287814 [Reply] [Original]

Hm, well this is odd. Funny how Jessica trusts Ronove.

>> No.4287830

Oh god, hit the decks....

>> No.4287838

/jp/ fife months ago:
"Jessica is the worst character in umineko"

/jp/ now

Seriously... can't I have one day without a thread about her....

>> No.4287841


Not as long as I make 3 threads a day about her, and considering I used to make a VN thread per day, expect to see a Jessica thread on /jp/'s page one for at least a year.

>> No.4287853

We came to our senses.

>> No.4287856
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>expect to see a Jessica thread on /jp/'s page one for at least a year

>> No.4287864

OP here, you're not me.
Oh, by the way, just watched the preview for episode 26(slowpoke), shit was surprisingly BAW.

>> No.4287874
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Well, this is your alternative.

>> No.4287898

Great.... I was a Jessifag before but now... whiel I don't see what you guys like about her. It must be her tits and that she is blonde because most of you throw her little character devolpment out of the window for wincest shit end.

>> No.4287909


I like DID meido better in the moment. Can't we have a Beato thread or something?

>> No.4287916
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Sure, we can have a Jessica thread

>> No.4287924

>keep it! your promise!


>> No.4287930

I, for one, like Doubletrice, if only because it seems like something R07 would do.

>> No.4287950
File: 39 KB, 209x151, 1256099079195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you weren't.
You ain't fooling anyone, partner. Trust me, the WINCEST thing is by and large mostly a joke. The fact that you said "little character development" kinda sorta tips me off to the fact that you are trying to vindicate yourself in order to rain on people who actually like the character's parade.
Well, that's fine. But there are people here who actually like Jessica. I see no problem with having a thread about it.

>> No.4287962
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It's called Moon-chan, you lying faggot.

>> No.4287965

Possibly. Ronove is kinda shocked when she says that.

>> No.4287970


>> No.4287983

You know.... couldn't it be possible that a Piece Beato actually existed, and then just randomly, like, died or something?

>> No.4287998

I suppose. But, uh, what, would Shannon/Jessica be carrying out her will?
Very doubtful.

>> No.4288000


You cannot deny it!

>> No.4288015

Maybe because ronove is genji?

>> No.4288046


the only acceptable wincest is Battler and George wincest

>> No.4288047
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It'd be rather odd, but why not? Why couldn't there have been a Piece Beato in the past? She wants him to remember her, doesn't she?

>> No.4288073

So Shannon and/or Jessica kill their entire family for the sake of a girl no longer on the island?
I don't think that's quite... well... sane.

>> No.4288085

Well, who said Beatriiche is the one comitting the murders?

>> No.4288100

Even with that logic, for Shannon/Jessica to abandon everything in the middle of a murder spree to act as an envoy to some unrelated chick... still makes no sense.

>> No.4288115

Doesn't that just prove she isn't Beato, as Beato has been betrayed and would know better than to trust a promise?

>> No.4288125

Not quite. Beatrice has faith in the promise. Remember, waiting for him to fulfill it and all.

>> No.4288126

>>4287983 You know.... couldn't it be possible that a Piece Beato actually existed, and then just randomly, like, died or something?

If she did exist, she is either dead or not on the island by the time the game takes place.

From Episode 4:

>No more than 17 people exist on this island!

From Episode 5:

>Furudo Erika is not the culprit.

>Furudo Erika had no influence on any of Beato's games before now.

>She does not exist in the worlds before this one, nor does she influence them.

>Furudo Erika only increases it by one person.

>Besides her, the number of people on this island is exactly the same as it was in the previous games.

I posted the first five to draw attention to the following

>In other words, the number of people in this parlor now is equal to the total number of people on this island

From Episode 6:

>Including you[Erika], there are 17 people on the island

Unless you can prove that Shkannon has another personality that everyone else recognizes as one of the original characters, or that someone else is also suffering DID, no other humans can exist on the island.

>> No.4288146

That's what I said. I said died or something, saying she was not on the island. Really, that entire paragraph you wrote was redundant.

>> No.4288161

Odd that the chick who lies alot wants someone to keep their promise.

>> No.4288169


Just wanted to make clear to anyone who suggests that Piece-Beatrice or some other character exists must be able to explain how that character does exist, according to the Red Truths I reposted.

>> No.4288178

Pray tell, what IS Doubletrice, precisely?

>> No.4288198


Both Shkannon and Jessica have Beatrice personalities that are fighting each other to be Battler's love or some such.

>> No.4288204

Really? Are you the Anon who said they liked it, or some other Anon?

>> No.4288205

>Not quite. Beatrice has faith in the promise. Remember, waiting for him to fulfill it and all
>waiting for him to fulfill it and all
No she didn't, if she had then she wouldn't have been created. Now don't be retarded and say something like "but..but, she was created to!", because she was created to remove the pain and sorrow and nothing more.

>> No.4288212

Only half right. Doubletrice is the theory that Shkanon and Jessica both have Beatrice personalities, but that they were created independently and for different purposes. Jessica created her Beatrice personality herself to love Battler in her place, while Shkanon's Beatrice personality was forced on her by Kinzo and is the Beatrice of the legend. Meta Beatrice is a combination of the two Beatrices.

>> No.4288215

I thought Battler's sin was just the catalyst for the tragedy.

>> No.4288217

Jessitrice fags got butt-hurt because their theories can't compete with Shkanontrice. In the end they just try and include it somehow.

>> No.4288221

The monologue banks on him fulfilling his promise. It's right there.

>> No.4288240


Wouldn't the other way round be ...more logical?

>> No.4288243

I can't believe you guys actually think shkannontrice has a chance at being the truth.

>> No.4288244
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>Using the term butt-hurt
lol, u mad.

>> No.4288251

One of the first people to think up Doubletrice here: I came up with it because not only are there certain aspects explained by Jessitrice that Shkanontrice doesn't explain, but there are certain aspects explained by Shkanontrice that Jessitrice doesn't explain. If you think that there might be two Beatrices, each with their own purpose and only sometimes working together, however, a lot of weird things and inconsistencies in/between Episodes start to make sense.

>> No.4288259

How so?

>> No.4288264
File: 675 KB, 659x2850, WOOSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I'd say it could easily compete with Shkanontrice. Adequate foreshadowing, and Shannon was never really alone. George was involved with her before Battler was, after all.

>> No.4288271

0/10, try having better evidence next time. Though just to smite you're shitty topic of trolling I add that in fact it's the opposite, as she calls up Battler even though she's "dead".

>> No.4288284

Woah, dude, I'm not trolling, I'm just sharing my opinion. Don't curse me out because you disagree with me. It is a fact that Beatrice believes in promises. That is all. You should chill out, and stop cursing, it really doesn't make you look good.

>> No.4288296


Simply becaus eof Episode 6 in which it is stated tat Battler told the Beatrice that like him that he likes girls like Jessica and so Beatrice was born.

>> No.4288300 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anon talk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4288297

My my, are we butt-hurt. You can push and change theories to incorporate Jessitrice as much as you want, but it won't change the fact that at this point Nanjotrice has as big of a chance as it.

>> No.4288308

Just use the term asspained, you'll live longer.

>> No.4288309

I don't get it. Battler asks if she also has a relationship with a servant and she becomes flustered. Then he brings up Kanon. Why do you think she's talking about Battler?

>> No.4288314



>> No.4288317


Didn't you know recently people call Kanon Battler.

>> No.4288318

She gets flustured far before that.
Something that seems like one thing on the surface, can mean something else entirely.

>> No.4288322

Ya, except the ENTIRE time Beatrice has been spouting that there is no chance for it to happen. There is a difference between hoping and believing. Learn it, it might save you some day.

>> No.4288335

Nah, she's pushing for a miracle. She believes, I think. Remember episode 5? She was always holding out for Battler.

>> No.4288341

Of course Nanjo isn't Beatrice. Nanjo is Gaap.

>> No.4288343


>> No.4288351

Miracles only happen because you believe they wont. Seriously, you're making yourself look dumber.

>> No.4288362

By which to say, you are calling me dumb, not that I am actually making myself look dumb. No need for insults, bra.

If you want to say Beatrice didn't believe in Battler, go ahead. I doubt that, myself.

>> No.4288376

> Miracles only happen because you believe they wont.
What was Bernkastel's quote? "Because I know there won't be a miracle, I am the Witch of Miracles"?

>> No.4288379

ITT: People looking into text too much to make their dreams come true.

I would think after the pony theory people would learn.

>> No.4288400

Would you rather have:
Oh kanon-kun you're so dark and mysterious and totally not my bff shannon.

Or rape victim jessica.

>> No.4288409

The former, plus rape victim Shannon.

>> No.4288417

You really haven't been paying attention. Beatrice wishes for Battler to remember his promise, but believes he won't. The point that you do not realize is that Battler already has failed Beatrice in the promise, and that is exactly why she was created in the first place.

>> No.4288421

How about none?
We don't need Beato to be a rape victim, jeez.

>> No.4288440

Or how about "Shannon you're so good, I'll make you my boyfriend!", and then Kanon was born.

>> No.4288450

Nah, in truth there are lots and lots of Jessitrice fags out there.
It just happened that someone came up with the Doubletrice theory and the most open minded people of both sides liked it.

Also Jessitrice is supported by Shkanon, if Shkanon is true, its very likely (for lots of reason that i wont explain for the 432740273003472th time) that Jessica knows it. And also doesnt love Kanon.

So... 1+1 = 2

>> No.4288454

Why do people insist so much in rape?

We're not in Nasuverse you know

>> No.4288468

A lot of people say something along those lines, and for a reason. I don't feel like explaining it to you fools, try figuring it out on your own.

>> No.4288473
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But how can a female character be sympathetic if she hasn't been raped?!

>> No.4288476

Hahaha no.

Kanon existed for three years beforehand. And there's still a good chance Jessica isn't aware of Shkannon.

>> No.4288487

Jessica, also, existed three years beforehand. Quite frankly, if Jessica doesn't know after having Kanon dress up as Saucegay, I will give up Umineko.

>> No.4288489

>>And there's still a good chance Jessica isn't aware of Shkannon.
>>there's a good chance
>>good chance

And we're the delusional ones.

>> No.4288495

But then why would Kinzo hire a six year old female maidservant? The man was clearly touched in the head, and with all the black magic books, it's certainly a possibility that he was going to use Shannon as some kind of container for Beatrice. Perhaps she herself began believing it.

>> No.4288496

In fact, Jessica covers for Kanon. Battler assumes it's because he's bad at speaking.

>> No.4288500

But she should know Kanon is Shannon, so unless she's a lesbian, it hints her lusting for Battler or George.

And George is fucking disgusting, so it kind of narrows it down.

>> No.4288501

Kinzo is a man of refined tastes, I doubt he'd use a filthy brown haired wench like Shannon to be Beato 3.0(If you honestly buy into that crap).

>> No.4288506


>still a good chance


>> No.4288513

And, of course, there's also the fact that Battler says one kilometer. He could have said back at the mansion. Could have said near the garden, but no, he picked a term that he fell under.

>> No.4288515

The children from the Fukuin House were thought to be sacrifices for something or Kinzo's ceremony. There's evidence that younger children worked there as well. No one really finds it strange in particular that she was so young when brought to the island.

>> No.4288516

Without love it cannot be seen.

You know, everyone thinks that Kinzo is a rapist son of a bitch but there's a big chance that he's just misunderstood.

Maybe he have a emotional connection to the kids on the fukuin house, or even a paternal connection. Who knows.

The fact is that Shannon isnt the only one to be hired by him at that young age, just the one that's sticking with the Ushiromiyas by that long of a time. (I mean, not counting Kumasawa and Genji)

>> No.4288518

That flies in the face of one of the stories themes, though.

Remember the stipulation for the "revival of Beatrice?"

"Unless everyone believes in the miracle, it won't happen."

>> No.4288520

The issue is EP 2. If Jessica knew Shannon was Kanon then why would Shannon suggest Jessica take Kanon out.

There's also the lovers challenge in EP 6. You can argue Jessica doesn't really love Kanon, but at the same time why would Zepar and Furfur pick them for the lovers challenge if they weren't? Unless Jessica is a lesbian and knows well that Kanon is actually Shannon.

>> No.4288523

...So Beatrice won't revive if she herself doesn't believe, huh?

>> No.4288524

..Are you suggesting Battler is in love with Jessica now.

>> No.4288525

There's also Manon. Shannon and Kanon just happen to be on the island that day.

>> No.4288527

No, certainly not. He said it himself, his first love was Shannon.

>> No.4288530

>Could have said near the garden, but no, he picked a term that he fell under.

>> No.4288531

Because she loves her as a friend and wanted to help her in her issues with her classmates.
Thus dressing as Kanon and going with her to the school festival (remember the clothes Kanon was wearing.)

And about the EP 6 shit....duh...Because its always been implied that they were ''lovers'', but this is obvsiouly a clue.

>> No.4288542

Except the proof for Shkanontrice is undeniable and the proof for Jessitrice requires reading into stuff more than you probably should. Also, the only people supporting Doubletrice are Jessitrice-fags and Shkanontrice bashers.(mainly because there are no actual Shkanontrice-fags, everybody hates the theory) I trully wish you fuckers would give up on arguing these shitty theories. Even I don't like Shkanontrice, but I at least admit it is the strongest theory and am not putting undo effort into trying to disprove it by forcing over read into stuff upon others.

>> No.4288543

Not, he's just incompetent.

>> No.4288545

Oh, well, I didn't mean it like that. But rather, this.
>Kanon was the only person on the island who could be her boyfriend, and so, judging from her reaction, I was right on
The text tells us she reacts to his kilometer comment, is what I meant.

>> No.4288547

Bad writing. Ryukishi obviously wanted this scene to raise red flags like it's been doing, he just made it really, really awkward. No one would say "LOL ONE KILOMETER?", but he needed a way for Battler to unknowingly include himself in the equation.

Whether this is a red herring or not remains to be seen, but everyone should concede it was written that way to hint that Jessica loves Battler.

>> No.4288551

>Except the proof for Shkanontrice is undeniable
>Even I don't like Shkanontrice
Cool story bro.

>> No.4288557

>Except the proof for Shkanontrice is undeniable
No, negative, not really.
>Except the proof for Shkanon is undeniable
This, however, is correct.

Remember the difference, it could save your life.

>> No.4288560

Different anon, but let me add on.

In EP 6 it was stated in narration that Jessica was jealous of Shannon for having a boyfriend (George). This is true because Kyrie was able to manipulate the fact that they both had envy, and was able to fight her.

Why would Jessica be jealous of Shannon being with George, if she was manipulating them together as many Moon-chan theorists say? That doesn't really make too much sense.

>> No.4288569

She teases Shannon about it, but she doesn't seem to hate Shannon for it. Seems like more of an encouragement thing that anything else.

>> No.4288571

Natsuhi was the most obvious culprit to EP5. It meant she was?

Remember the red herring pointing to Shannon as culprit in the closet scene while it was hidden a foreshadowing for the involvement of Jessica. Its JUST like that.

The point is, we know that the answer wont be that simple as ''DID MEIDO DID IT'' so we're taking it on hard mode.

Like it or not, the probability of R07 pulling something like Doubletrice is very high.

>> No.4288576

Implied? During EP 6 they literally confess their love for each other.

Frankly I see no reason for Ryukishi to push Jessica/Kanon on us so much, if in the end its a troll. Plus in EP 2 after the festival Jessica talks with Kanon in the garden as if he was his own separate person and not just a Shannon personality. What is the point of showing us this scene?

>> No.4288578

I can add an alternate truth to that. She couldn't get the same relation with Kanon, hence she's envious of Shannon for having a more honest relationship.

>> No.4288580


Problem is that she really has envy. She even has a power lever because of it...small and nothing against Kyrie but still existent. Reads as Jessi is freaking jealous.

>> No.4288582

And yet, in Episode 6, Jessica is the only person of the six who cannot state why she likes the person she likes.

>> No.4288586

>it was hidden a foreshadowing for the involvement of Jessica.

How the fuck was this foreshadowed. Because Natsuhi mentioned how she would lock Jessica in a closet at times to make her reflect. By the time Natsuhi goes to the closet Jessica was already dead - Virgilia confirmed it.

>> No.4288587

Ah, but dear Anon, Jessica can't come up for a reason for her love. When every other character can. Kanon even mopes about it when he loses the pistol duel, saying that perhaps if his love was allowed to blossom he would get a reason.

>> No.4288588

She doesn't encourage it. She really does envy them. In one arc where she's alone with George and Shannon, she says she wanted to leave the room and the way they acted all lovey-dovey around her made her feel uncomfortable. If anything, she's deceiving herself into believing she loves Kanon.

>> No.4288591

Well, this could just be me, but a person with false love would be rather.... suspicious, would they not?

>> No.4288593

Because nobody ever tries to find love. Especially not hormone raging teenage girls!

>> No.4288595

see >>4288582

And also the scene in EP2 had millions of clues inside of it. Like for example the implication to someone having more than one self inside himself.

Just for it the scene isnt useless anymore

>> No.4288604

You forget this.
>After Jessica's death, her corpse was never moved!

And yet, she moved. Along with the rest of the cousins, naturally.

>> No.4288610

Even if she died the order for Natsuhi to hide in the closet was before it. So your point is null.

>> No.4288611


Yeah because after losing the duel he didn't die directly. Cool story, bro.

BUt honestly you don't get it? Jessica just loves Kanon like every normal teenage girl would love her boyfirend. just because. She can't say because he is so nice or smoething like the others because he was still in emo despair so what was she supposed to answer? GOd people do you really want that Jessica doesn't love Kanon and her whole devolpment is thrown out of the window? The scenes in which she finally does something are all related to him. Do you want all those hours we fought through the sappiest scenes be in vain? I don't.

>> No.4288615

I meant after that. By the time Natsuhi gets the phone call the meta-world appears and Beatrice is talking with Gaap about how they moved the corpses. Virgilia then says they're dead.

>> No.4288627

You are saying that while Shkanontrice destroys both the scenes between her and Kanon and the scenes between George and Shannon.

Also making Shkanontrice a slut.

>> No.4288630

Well, obviously Jessica isn't the man on the phone. She can, however,still be involved.

>> No.4288631

Regardless of whatever theory is correct, the whole family deserves to die for not going HURR SHANNON IS DEAD YET KANON IS WALKING AROUND DURR after Episode 1's first twilight.

>> No.4288642

Um maybe because they didn't know about Shkannon?

>> No.4288643

On the flip side of things, Shkanontrice assumes that Shannon, and Kanon, murder their best friend and love interest respectively, while double-dating them.

Not exactly feeling the love here.

>> No.4288644


I dislike both theories, because of the very reason you stated.

>> No.4288647


>her whole development

what? Her and battler spend a lot more time together and they both usually have fun, all we ever hear about kanon from jessica is "o kanon? *blush*"

Which, if shannon = kanon, would be a lie anyway.

>> No.4288649

Nanjo and Jessica most likely did. And possibly Hideyoshi.

>> No.4288650

You can't say that when the only other current alternative is Shkannontrice.

If you're so big on the relationships, Moontrice is better.

George and Shannon get together, Kanon never existed, and Jessica possibly gets with Battler, assuming Ryukishi is not a fag.

Shkannontrice, Shannon loves Battler, possibly George too, possibly even Jessica. She now beats Sakura is sluttiness. Only one couple has any chance of happiness.

>> No.4288652

My point is if R07 needs do destroy one of the relationships the best would be to destroy the weak relationship between Kanon and Jessica instead of the strong and confirmed relationship between Shannon and George.

It simply does make more sense.

>> No.4288655


Basically her devolpment in Episode 4 and 6 which you are kindly ignoring.

>> No.4288657

>Her whole development
What development?
Kanon and Jessica is the least authentic relationship in the entire series. Seriously, it doesn't go anywhere, it's never explained why they like each other, ever!

>> No.4288661


Come again? There are mor possibilites you are just deadlocked into your moon-chan or shkanontrice stuff. You all stopped thinking

>> No.4288663

Shkanontrice makes more sense along those lines than Shkanon.

>> No.4288664


Yeah, the woman in charge of hiring all of the servants (Natsuhi) has no idea that Shannon and Kanon are the same person.

Oh wait, that's fucking retarded.

>> No.4288667

Her development in 4 amounted to her taking on Ronove in a magic fight, which is no different from her taking a stake to the back. In episode 6, her development is.... not being able to kill for him like Battler is for Beato and George is for Shannon(and vice-versa) and not being able to state why she loves him.

If one is looking for a good relationship between Jessica and Kanon, they won't find it.

>> No.4288670

Dude, everytime she's developed it has to do with Kanon 75% of the time.

EP 2 her entire development was centered around her relationship with him. EP 4 as well has her fighting for Kanon. EP 6 is all about Jessica/Kanon.

If Kanon and Jessica's relationship is destroyed then more than 50% of Jessica's development in the game is dead along with it.


>> No.4288673

Doubletrice and Fusiontrice could work, but the details are so goddamn sparse on both, they're not nearly as developed as Moon/Shkanon.

If people flesh out those other two theories, and it fits, then okay, sure.

>> No.4288674

>mor possibilites
Yeah, I don't think it's us who have stopped thinking, but, uh, to use a fancy phrase as well, "Without love it can't be seen".

>> No.4288682

It was more than thousand times told why Kanon loves her, no almost craves for her as she is his sun and hope yadayada

I remember the days in which people claimed Shannon/George was the weakest couple

>> No.4288688

What relation? Really, she hasn't developed at all since episode 2. Not in the slightest.
And Shkanontrice destroys the relationship, seeing as she'd be murdered by , ahem, him. In addition to Shkanontrice being a slut, naturally.

>> No.4288691
File: 147 KB, 600x600, IMG_003801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting superior culprit.

Admit it - you wish Kyrie was the culprit. But no: we got stuck with either DID meido and incestuous delusional moon.

Way to go Ryukishi. Thanks for all the stellar development Kyrie got (which was pretty much nothing compared to the fact that every milf got their own arc but her)

>> No.4288696

With how fucking jaded and crazy basically everyone on Rokkenjima is, I find it very hard to just catagorize Jessica's weak "love" of Kanon to be slice of life teen romance.

No one in this story is normal.

>> No.4288700
File: 225 KB, 657x1417, moooooooooooooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>She is his sun

>> No.4288704

She lies in episode 4, just as much as Jessica does.
She can easily be the culprit.

>> No.4288707


WRONG! The moon refelcty the light of the sun

>> No.4288710

I'm just hoping if she's not the culprit, she's one of the very few "good guys" that are trying to put an end to the killings, and competent about it.

Battler and Kyrie EP8 logic team where?

>> No.4288714

>>4288691 you wish Kyrie was the culprit

No, not really. I'd rather have Eva+Hideyoshi, or the servants acting out Kinzo's will.

Kyrie has shown absolute disdain towards the thought of being the head of her own family; giving it all up for Ronove. The only person she despised is dead. For what reason would she commit the Rokkenjima Incident that is unrelated to the fortune or prestige of the Ushiromiya family. Also, explain how she convinces at least Shkannon to aid her in her endeavors.

>> No.4288722

Who the fuck cares about GeorgeXShannon or JessicaXKanon!? Too be frank, both relationships were forced and crap. George would be sad but it would most likely make him into a better man in the end, and Jessica's never happened in the first place. Seriously, I am hoping both relationships are shattered no matter who is Beatrice.

>> No.4288723

Well, there is a sharp contrast in Jessica's phone call and Kyrie's phone call.
Jessica tells Battler about how the enemy is using magic.
Kyrie tells Battler to accept the witch.

Both tell Battler about magic existing, but Jessica takes a hostile stance, while Kyrie tries to convince Battler to accept the withc.

>> No.4288728

Wow, that's kinda mean spirited Anon.

>> No.4288741
File: 241 KB, 640x480, 1251090098547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving it all up for Ronove.

>> No.4288750


So you think Kyrie isn't the culprit but Eva is involved with the murders. Even after being a major red herring in EP 3 and in EP 4 shown to be a miserable wreck after surviving?

>> No.4288756

Well the thematic is love you know.

Trust between reader and writer please.

Shkanontrice fags says that so much but never grasp the true meaning of it.

>> No.4288765

I'm all for a slightly bitter sweet, and dissolving GeorgeXShannon into it is that perfect bitter.

>> No.4288768

>>4288714 giving it all up for Ronove

Rudolf. Figures I mix up the two manliest men in Uminkeo.

>> No.4288770

And Jessica x Kanon?
That would dissolve too.

>> No.4288781


No, I don't. My point was that Eva has far more reason to cause the incident than Kyrie.

>> No.4288782

Too bad you haven't realized the love between the adults counts, and is quite well developed at that. It's the children's love that is crap.

>> No.4288785

Except the fact that Shannon wins in EP 6 probably implies her love with George is the one that will last, while Kanon's with Jessica is doomed to fail.

>> No.4288788

Well, Kanon is the Hanged Man, while George and Shannon are the Lovers.
Jessica is getting screwed under Shkanontrice.
Battler too, most likely.

>> No.4288789

Are we so delusional to actually believe in the love between Kanon and Jessica!?

>> No.4288797

Not really, just playing devil's advocate, and assuming a scenario in which Jessica really doesn't know that Shannon = Kanon, and why Shkanontrice fucks it up.

>> No.4288805


I am, because if I didn't I would ignore about 70 % of both of their development.

>> No.4288809

>assuming a scenario in which Jessica really doesn't know that Shannon = Kanon
THAT is being delusional.

>> No.4288810

But the love between parents was there since the beggining.

The loves of Kanon x Jessica, George x Shannon and Beatrice x Battler are the ones we see grown along the series.

They are the MAIN relationships of the series.
And surely you cant end a history about love destroying all of it.

>> No.4288812

Well, not really. She'd lose development in one sense, and gain it in another.
The kilometer scene becomes pretty damn amazing, for example.

>> No.4288825

You know that being Beatrice gives TONS of development to a character, right?

>> No.4288827


How becomes blatant lying to the reader pretty darn amazing? Showing us the rejection of Kanon, then having Jessica saying that she was rejected by the guy she likes and then saying that the first scene didn't happen at all. Pretty darn amazing writting skill you have there.

>> No.4288836

>>Implying that umineko isnt full of lies and illusions

God damn people have a short memory.
Remember when we tought kinzo were alive and kicking?

>> No.4288838

Now you realize exactly how little they were both developed! This is proof that Beatrice is one of them and the other is the main culprit. Why else wait forever to actually develop them?

But if we are playing the assumption game, then Shannon and Kanon could still be 2 people and Ryu07 is trolling us really hard. In which case the best scenario is Kanon being Beatrice, as it doesn't refute GeorgeXShannon's relationship and Jessica is a bitch and deserves being boyfriendless.

>> No.4288842

I bet you think the magic scenes really happened too.

>> No.4288852
File: 16 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good writing
>Beatrice is actually a DID meido who kills her various love interests when she isn't busying having pistol duels with herself

>> No.4288856
File: 631 KB, 628x2379, Maria knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also...

>> No.4288858


Of course, as mcuh as I believe that the stakes are barely dressed little girls.
Did you forget that Tohya thanked Ange for reading the story and not only the red texts as you guys do?

>> No.4288859

Remember when Krauss and Natsuhi bro'd out and chatted with Kinzo? Hell, the first damn scene is a flashback with Kinzo, and it didn't even happen.

>> No.4288862

Uh... I have a feeling that conversation between Kinzo and Nanjo at the beginning of Episode 1 did indeed happen. It just happened a year earlier than everybody thought.

>> No.4288864

>Of course
Not even going to bother with the rest of your post, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.4288868

Or he's fucking trolling.

>> No.4288870

>>Implying we arent looking further in all the story than someone who takes ''WHITE HORSE'' right on

>> No.4288871

Its like your non proved theory bro

>> No.4288883

Seems like you took that scene entirely out of context.

>> No.4288913

Really guys, I'm sure we'll get a good explanation for all of this.
Moonfags, Shkanontricefags, do be aware we have two episodes to go. Next episode is being run by Bern, we're in for a bunch of trolling.

>> No.4288922

I can see how you get Jessitrice, but you see I REALLY don't want 2 DID people. That would be fucking ridiculous. Also there are some pretty big contradictions with Jessitrice. Such as the fact that at the end of episode one Battler meets Beatrice, and she certainly isn't Jessica as Jessica is standing next to Battler as Maria walks away from them up to Beatrice.

>> No.4288924

I miss when we thought the pony theory seemed likely.

It was full of holes and I wasn't in it for piece-Battler shipping. As far as ships go piece-Battler can go fuck a duck for all I care. I just miss having a theory that was fleshed out and involved kinzo-vision.jpg.

>> No.4288929

Episode 2, Beatrice appears while Shannon is dead.
Episode 4, Beatrice appears while Shannon is far away.
In addition to that, in episode 2 and 4 Beatrice has a tattoo on the opposite leg of Shannon. And nowhere else.

>> No.4288936

Well, she did say she'd expose the total truth, at least we won't get BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BEATOOOORIIIIICHEEEEEEEEE oh, my family is dying? I'll get on that a little later.

>> No.4288941

see >>4288929
Both don't make sense when you think of that.

>> No.4288945

Er, his family wasn't dying, Battler thought it best to have them play dead.

Until Erika decided to have some fun, of course

>> No.4288948


I can't wait for that. Battler kinda annoyed me with that.

>> No.4288951

In the same way its impossible to Battler to met Beatrice in EP2 and EP4 if Shkanontrice is true.

Doubletrice man.

Also as i said some times before: It DOESNT have to be DID.

One person can create another person inside itself, a mask, a personality, without needing to have a identity disorder.

See Jessica talk in EP2.

>> No.4288966

Battler doesn't ignore his family that much in EP6. It would seem like less time was spent bawwwing if he didn't spend so long being tortured for his waifu.

>> No.4288970

This so hard.

Seriously, I get that you're sad that your waifu died but dude what about your family being slaughtered? I mean holy fuck they get married at the end of EP 6 and the entire time I'm thinking "wait what the fuck happened to everyone else after Erika went head slicing, are you fucking kidding me I'm getting a reduced blood bath AGAIN"

>> No.4288980

Bah, after seeing he bawwing for hours and hours in the first few episodes its a good change.

>> No.4288986

Actually he kinda does. Only reason that Erika and Bern trapped him in the room was because he refused to answer about who got his piece out of the locked room, as it would reveal a piece of Beato's heart.

It sounds pretty heroic, until Beatrice reveals how it happened in the end and it turns out if Battler revealed it would have fucking got Erika in for a mindfuck rather than hurt Beatrice.

>> No.4288988

Yeah, this.
Jessica sometimes can be Beatrice when Shannon can't, and Shannon is quite capable when Jessica can't.

How? Whole lotta crazy, that's how.

>> No.4288990
File: 534 KB, 1024x576, 1248915802960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As far as ships go piece-Battler can go fuck a duck for all I care
He's the only good person in the story, I hate you.

>> No.4288994

Assuming Shkanon some of that is refutable from that alone. Anything not in Battler's view is unknown, so if she's far away then she might as well be right around the corner. Also it could be a temporary tattoo, nothing said it was a permanent one. Also if Shkanon is wrong, then Beatrice is more likely to be Kanon and thus free from a lot of that.

>> No.4288997

Yeah but I was sure EP 6 would answer some big things about the mystery.

All I got was hobo Battler and Shkannon confirmed.

>> No.4288998

Whiplash, dude. Wait for it, we have a couple games to go.

Bern will fucking destroy lies and the Battler/Beato ship, and everything will suddenly be awesome and also hobos.

>> No.4289007

Thank god. I love how when Battler became the GM we all thought he was going to crack open this mystery.

In the end we need to have the biggest troll in the entire game show us the truth. Ain't that just ironic.

>> No.4289016

If Beatrice is Kanon, and Kanon alone, Jessica is gonna be mad.

>> No.4289021

The problem isnt with Beatrice tatoo but with Shannon's tatoo that wouldnt get off that easily.

Now i had the hilarious vision of Shannon with lots of tatoo stickers in her room one for each day.

>> No.4289025

Bern will be a cold bitch and we will love her for it. There will be tons and tons of truth and facts and true facts and no fucking shipfaggotry. She will call out Moetrice on her clone shit and Battler will lose his waifu again, and either he will be a hobo or he will bitchslap Bern and be an awesome hobo.

>> No.4289029

Flat chested ending fuck yeah.

>> No.4289033

I just see her shoving the stickers in her closet, saying NO ONE MUST KNOW MY SECRET.

>> No.4289044

Someone get a drawfag, we got the best drawing ever

>> No.4289056

Suddenly EP7/8 seems fucking awesome.

>> No.4289060
File: 64 KB, 420x544, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Hideyoshi the only good "possible mastermind" left?

>> No.4289071

Don't cross out Rudolf yet.

>> No.4289081

He dies first twilight in 1, 2, and 4.

There is no way he is the culprit.

>> No.4289093

We thought EP6 would be great too.

>> No.4289100

Its okay to be honest, Krauss is the culprit.

He brought some SPACE PARASITES from his space colonies and the parasites are making everyone allucinate and kill themselves while he laughs at them.

Its vegeance for everytime they looked down on him saying he is incompetent and not a visionary. TAKE THAT FUCKERS.

>> No.4289118

>>Implying that when EP5 came out everyone wasnt saying that it sucked and now everyone says that its fucking awesome

>> No.4289136
File: 48 KB, 420x406, 32168c0002347f31f9e95da5b80d729c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm not the only one hoping Shkanon is through some massive trolling false and hates the idea of either Shannon or Jessica being Beatrice. Kanon is the only decent character eligible to be Beatrice, Jessica is too much of a manipulative bitch and Shannon is too much of a whore. Also Boku end.

>> No.4289137

We also thought EP5 would be shit, like what we think of EP6 now.

EP6 will be like EP4: a little slow and a little too full of fantasy, but with serious badass moments and incredible bawww.

I wish to see Battler have a shitfit over Moetrice and I wish to see him go fucknuts insane because I am a terrible person.

>> No.4289164

Not a fan of yaoi, I'll pass.

>> No.4289168


>Episode 2, Beatrice appears while Shannon is dead.

Can't trust Battler's POV at that point as he gave up his detective's authority (e.g. he accepted Beatrice the Golden Witch as the culprit)

>Episode 4, Beatrice appears while Shannon is far away.

Never sees her full body. Also, he waits a bit before beginning his investigation, giving "Beatrice" plenty of time to commit suicide.

>> No.4289189

He goes crazy and rages?

Okay, EP6 confirmed for awesome.

>> No.4289197

>We also thought EP5 would be shit
And it was.

>> No.4289208

So we have speculations that could or could not be true.

>> No.4289240


More like
"Baaw I wanna have ma beato back! BAWWWWW BEATO! GO AWAY YOU FAKE! BAAW!"
Like a little child that it doesn't get it will.

>> No.4289253

He acted like I would think Kinzo would in that situation.

>> No.4289261

He really is the heroine. What a bitch.

>> No.4289272

New ability: Endless Tantrum

>> No.4289274

Well duh. Battler = Kinzo, after all.

>> No.4289276
File: 340 KB, 642x2975, kinzobattler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because he is.

>> No.4289291

Y'know, Ange says the "It's useless, it's all useless" line too.

>> No.4289302


Are you saying Ange is Kinzo then?

>> No.4289304

Because she hands around Amakusa who is Battler who is Kinzo.

>> No.4289315

But of course.

>> No.4289324


Speculations or not, Battler surrendered to the witch before Shannon died in Episode 2. Until Ryukishi says that Battler's POV is truth throughout the whole episode, anything we see after Rosa taking the keys from the remaining servants after they encountered Kanon again must be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.4289353

But Battler has always been like that.

Just because he got the cape didn't mean he would kick ass.

>> No.4289378

There's any foreshadowing that indicates that after Battler accepts the witch any shit can happen? I've been thinking but im not sure.

I used to think that the scene in EP1 was bullshit tough, there could be a rule that says that after the last twilight, its an auto loss for Battler so he can see all kinds of shit.

But theorys are theorys

>> No.4289379


Yeah but how about "Baaw my family dies" no all he does is crying for Beato nowadays. I could care less about her in the moment. Since episode 5 the pair became as bad and meh as KanonJessica and GeorgeShannon. So I only wnat Bern as GM now.

>> No.4289397 [DELETED] 

See >>4289025 and >>4289379.

>> No.4289423


See >>4289025 and >>4288998.

>> No.4289439

Jessica deserves her own board.


either that or make an umineko board


>> No.4289447

Or you could always visit that lolseacats board.

>> No.4289460
File: 76 KB, 500x759, be1b88a31dbf6bcaaf3e31c9f7c3b202427e2ebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kanon is Beatrice, then it isn't Yaoi. Though if you're a closet-homo that doesn't like DFC because it makes you fantasize of men, that is your problem.

>> No.4289485

More like I don't like viewing two men fuck each other, which is also why I find futa bizarre, but carry on with your phallic obsession, Freud.

>> No.4289487


>> No.4289603

Can someone clarify for me what shkannontrice theory is about (I only know the name)? No matter how hard I think I can't make any sense of it.

>> No.4289605 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.a n o n t a l k.com. Thank you.

>> No.4289607

>>4289378 There's any foreshadowing that indicates that after Battler accepts the witch any shit can happen?

The end of Episode 2 not ringing a bell with you?

However, I will admit one problem with my argument is that only Piece-Battler surrendered to the witch, not Meta-Battler, before Shannon, George, and Gohda's corpses were found.

>> No.4289621


You're familiar with Shkannon, yes?

Shkannontrice is an extension of Shkannon, implying that Shannon created a third personality, Beatrice, who is ultimately the mastermind behind the murders.

>> No.4289637

Technically, Shkanontrice just theorizes the third personality, not that the personality is the culprit/mastermind. It could still go either way.

>> No.4289691

Since Battler never really get's to know Kanon and the only area the personality is developed being magical flashbacks which are full of lies, I dare say that Kanon might be the Beatrice personality. Kanon just wears male clothing, nothing she does in front of Battler ever indicates she actually thinks she's a male. Also wasn't Kanon closer to Kinzo than Shannon?

>> No.4289717

Kinzo treated Kanon like a son, though, not like a daughter. (I say this with the assumption that Kinzo wouldn't take someone he treated like a daughter out hunting, and considering Kinzo's views on male and female roles, that seems like a fair assumption to make.)

>> No.4289758

Assuming Kanon is a girl(which is more or less guaranteed as of the present moment), that only makes it all the stranger. Though it could just be us taking it too literal, and it's just referring to Kinzo pampering and raising Kanon like his own.

>> No.4289782

Jessica is suspicious. The moon means 'looks can be deceiving' or some shit.

Jessica is not the fucking culprit.

>> No.4289795

If we ignore the evidence for Jessica being the culprit, we might as well ignore the evidence for Jessica being Beatrice.

>> No.4289810


Jessica's not fucking beatrice.

>> No.4289812

You're an idiot.

Kyrie and Shkannon are far, far more suspicious than Jessica.

As Shkannontricefags constantly bitch about, to reach Jessitrice, or Moon culprit, it takes a stretch. Only through digging into the episodes was the theory created, it's not anywhere near as overt as red herring Kyrie.

>> No.4289828

Please explain to me this whole jessica shit.
I haven't been on /jp/ for like 3 weeks.

>> No.4289892
File: 674 KB, 660x2850, culprit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but you should seriously check easymodo.

I haven't saved or even memorized all the information on this theory, but a very poor, concise version is that she toes the boundary between suspicious and SUSPICIOUS, if you catch my meaning. Even before EP6 her actions have been very sketchy, but with 6 all but proving Shkannon is canon, her suspiciousness jumps hugely.

Jessica has been best friends with Shannon for a decade,crushing on Kanon for three. They live together in one house, on an island. There should be no possible way for her not to know they are the same person.

One of the more "damning" pieces is the image related. As said, she should be well aware that Kanon is Shannon, so this doesn't refer to him unless she's a lesbian. Therefore, it's one of the men on the island, and we know Battler broke a promise to a girl as a child.

>> No.4289954
File: 134 KB, 750x624, 1262518867923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryu is into lesbians, look at Bern and Lambda. It's not impossible that Jessica is lesbian, nor is the chance as small as you all might think it is. Also old Beatrice said she was giving her love to the new one, most likely meaning the old one found someone to move onto. If Jessica wasn't into Kanon then she never moved on and thus another hole in Jessitrice.
