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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4282973 No.4282973 [Reply] [Original]

I will be living in Japan for four years starting in November, I have one simple question.

Do Japanese girls like American guys?

>> No.4282976

To fuck? Yes.
To be around? No.

>> No.4282975

They love dirty baka gaijins. Especially otaku ones with which they share interests. Be sure to show your powerlevel whenever possible.

>> No.4282981

They do. Even if your dick is small by white standards, you're probably huge by Asian standards. Size matters.

>> No.4282984

Insecure race traitor. Get the fuck out of here you chink fucker.

>> No.4283000

Lovely, suicide/nooses are the new "/b/tard" (4chan types) "lets go troll the topical boards" theme.
At least one other thread already >>4282980

>> No.4283004

As long as I get my dick wet I'll be fine, thanks guys.

I presume I will find these woman on the prowl at gaijin friendly bars.

>> No.4283006



(>>4282973 is a number lower than >>4282980, indicating >>4282973 was posted first)

>> No.4283008

I don't see why so many people waste money going to Japan just to fuck the girls.
There are Japanese girls where you live to, save yourself a few thousand bucks.

>> No.4283009


hope you enjoy rainforests

>> No.4283011

get your jimmy waxed -- do it yourself

Go fuck yourself, post pics on "/b/"

>> No.4283014


I'll be there on a business venture and a man has needs, hence this topic.

>> No.4283015

think about the gross woman who lust after niggers in the usa

yeah, i didnt have sex once while in japan and couldnt care less. fucking whores

>> No.4283016

man you people are dumb, fuck off

>> No.4283020

As long as you're longer than 1,80 and not fat they'll find you attractive.
The average japanese is short and ugly so it's an easy win.

>> No.4283022


asspained much?

>> No.4283025
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>> No.4283029

if you want real japanese girls you'll have to actually work to get laid, if you want something that just looks ethnic, go to roppongi or kabukicho and get yourself a corean.

personally, the only thing 3d and japanese i would touch would be highschool girls. they are fucking delicious.

>> No.4283035


Don't high school girls whore themselves out like crazy in japan?

>> No.4283051


Not to whitey, and the ones that end up doing that kind of shit, you probably wouldn't want anything to do with.

>> No.4283066


they won't tell you what they're doing.

>> No.4283073
File: 76 KB, 698x658, ohlookyousuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have issues getting dates wherever you are now, you'll have issues in Japan.

Once a shut-in loser, always a shut-in loser.

>> No.4283074

i haven't been able to find any, but then again I don't know the right people probably.

>> No.4283077


Not to non-Japanese. Fixed for you.

I hate when people make it a matter of race, when it's actually not. It's a matter of being Japanese. Asian-Americans wouldn't be able to get laid too.

Anyway. shitty thread, and bad trolls.



>> No.4283100
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>> No.4283127

"Japanese" is a race.

>> No.4283167


Maybe for Americans who don't know to use the words "race", "racism" and "racist".

You guys think it can apply to anything (I've read comments about people being "racist" against women), when it actually only applies to caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid, etc. It does not apply to nationalities, ethnic groups, genders, etc. That stems from the non-anthropologic usage of the word, which is wrong, but commonly accepted (that's why you will find that definition in some American dictionaries). Go check how the whole world (including the countries who came up with that stupid notion of races, in the first place) use the word.

>> No.4283200
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Greetings from /b/.


Fix'd Amerifag.

Pic related: It's you.

>> No.4283217


>> No.4283241



>> No.4283251

if you look like clint back then it shouldn't be a problem

>> No.4283256

Why are you guys replying seriously to a troll thread?

>> No.4283261
File: 21 KB, 660x435, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

