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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 765 KB, 849x1200, Fo6s6vdakAAx28Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42809651 No.42809651 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>42726429
Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

>> No.42809653
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>> No.42810833
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5SC code from stream

>> No.42811360

I raged at the lack of donut drops so I used up my 71 gold keys instead

>> No.42813839

It's ridiculous how Enma gets away with being an absolute must for Nadia for most of this game's lifespan.

>> No.42814020

Have to do with how most people don't really care about high scoring in guild EX.

>> No.42815442
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>> No.42818649
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Managed to get a stable gryphon 100 auto team, is it worth pushing for more? And if so, can anyone post their lineups?

>> No.42819324
File: 652 KB, 566x537, msedge_T4ZoFhYQhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot if I did this shit last time, but I only remember it was a real bitch
Meanwhile, this two shooting from downtown make this a joke now
Also casually dropping the black golem in between slices to clear the scythes

>> No.42819446

I don't think the drop rate changes too much unless you can do 130+ so it's fine just doing 100

>> No.42819525

I think he should be doing 101, however. I think that's the one that's the minimum you can do for ideal drop rate for weapons
That said, I haven't done any of starforce in a while, and I haven't even updated my teams with donuts

>> No.42820117

just witnessed Fagon drop another gun. I'm gonna go punch Ritori in the face now.

>> No.42820217

Got at least 2 of each new weapon, think I'm free from this for a good while since chasing an extra 1~2% amulets is a waste of time.

>> No.42822059

thanks for this

>> No.42822136
File: 980 KB, 1244x1356, griffon_builds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All buffers/debuffers go first. I believe my turn order was Okita > Ria > Lu Bu > Takeru > Elenoa > Solomon > Siegfried > Beethoven > Andromeda > Arthur. This clears 121 without failing. Hoping I can pull Enma during the half anniversary free rolls/when I'm rolling for the limited and swap out Solomon.

>> No.42822168

Also I switched Lu Bu's passive, got the accessory from the griffon, got a donut for Elenoa, and got more stars for Okita and Arthur since taking that screenshot. I haven't run star force since the amulet dropped.
I also agree with >>42819525 since 101 gives something like double the chain/green item drops compared to 100.

>> No.42823883

Thanks, I switched to 101, could try pushing higher but I'm missing quite a few units (no Solomon, Beethoven, Enma, ASieg). Saving for half-anni as well, and hope to pick up a few of them.

>> No.42824072

Is there a reason your Andromeda has Break instead of Strike?

>> No.42824624


>> No.42825747

I enchanted the weapon with +15% atk before star force came out and didn't want to lose that roll. I figured the difference wasn't that big since it would work on turn 1 while the barrier bar was still up. I'll switch her over to Strike when Cerberus comes out since they added a lock option to enchanting.

>> No.42826358


>> No.42826520

Looks like Bacchus, they question is whether it's another limited banner or just a distribution character

>> No.42832444
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>> No.42834417
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>> No.42834547

Flatties banner

>> No.42834889
File: 39 KB, 1136x640, Screenshot 2023-03-06 03-12-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42835463

can't believe they added a limited banner to the rotation. first time seeing that in a gacha.

>> No.42835736

Limited lolis, I sleep
Bet da vinci will be a nadia rider and creep enma too

>> No.42835981

didn't they already try that with christmas nightingale?

>> No.42836200

Fuuuck, I thought she was origin
Guess it makes sense they still use lulua

>> No.42838508
File: 127 KB, 1146x650, CollabDoubleDupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missing half of the Legend roster
>Roll multiple dupes anyway
Every time.
At least I'm close to exchange due to how much I had to roll on the first rateup.

>> No.42838536

How do save my account without linking it to any services outside of DMM like mail or twitter?

>> No.42838609
File: 225 KB, 1135x638, ayarabu086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the captcha garbage's working again.

think they increased cap of AP and BP to 1999. I wouldnt be surprised if this is only a limited time deal.

>> No.42840682


>> No.42841018

The gift points I got from winter festival are expiring tomorrow for me.
>either have to buy more to get something useful or waste them on something pointless
>don't really want to get anything either and there are no sales that I care for on other media

>> No.42841343
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the first event character-turned-gacha?

>> No.42841443

It's gonna be tempting as she's Nadia if she's strong and takes a seat, but then again, she wouldn't likely replace the characters I'm missing like the rider or Tutan
I'm thinking of an easy skip until half, where Nero HAS to come

>> No.42842227


>> No.42842663

forgot to log into legeclo before the maintenance and they are in still endless maintenance. hope I can get my 20 character fragments before reset...

>> No.42842669

still in*

>> No.42842806

hurry the hell up Fagcross

>> No.42842905

Spring Games Festival has started.
Remember to grab the login stamps daily.

>> No.42842990

no idea who that loli is on the title screen.

>> No.42843064
File: 176 KB, 1281x721, legendclover227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Da Vinci's basically another clone of Beethoven. Along with that guaranteed random SSR for 3000 paid gems this must be the biggest bait before half anniversary I've ever seen.

also you can recycle materials into training coins for this new shop.

also I think they removed the stamina penalty for retreating.

>> No.42843091
File: 206 KB, 1152x553, legeclo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to post a similar pic. Am I retarded or is there no option except for destroying ALL of an item? Also where do you use the brush when you get it? There is nothing in the character upgrade tree.

>> No.42843100
File: 156 KB, 1283x722, legendclover228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was wondering what that brush was for and realized they doubled the memory diary book. 1.2 billion gold and 240 brushes seems worse than achieving Master Rank 10.

>> No.42843123

ah shit, here we go again

>> No.42843148

Da Vinci has big dick buffs for star force. +20% crit damage and +30% AoE damage on a buff like the master's buffs and then her passive gives +8% magic/attack and can stack up to 4 times. Not sure if it's worth rolling though since I just rolled for arthur and she won't improve my EX scores at all.

>> No.42843163

The support seems like garbage though since she has a 100% HP conditional and that means giving up the insanely good event hood that has a 50% chance of doing 25% damage to you.

>> No.42843206
File: 229 KB, 1280x719, legendclover229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so running Tanabata 2022 revival event 2534 times will get me 27.8m gold and only 9 brushes, doesnt seem worth it until the later events I guess.

At the moment Ritori stamps seem to be the best stamina per training coin (20 for 1). It must also be the reason why they removed her exchange.

>> No.42843234


In other words, running daily sub quest chapters 6-10 強敵 seems to be the most stamina efficient way of getting brushes.

>> No.42843269

Got the attack nodes for soldier/lancer to 5+5, rider/aerial to 9+7, saint/sorc to 5+5, and shooter/assassin to 10+10. Not bad.

>> No.42843316

Any new book illustrations when maxing out pages?

>> No.42843356

Didn't have anywhere near enough brushes to max out a page. You need 3+3+5+5+10 brushes for the last 5 levels of a node. I didn't want to waste any on hp/defense until attack gets maxed out for every class.

>> No.42843364

I see, didn't get to log in yet, but those brushes sound tedious. Thanks!

>> No.42843402

so 984 brushes to max out the new memory book. Unless theres a better daily source of training coins other than Ritori stamps apparently it'll take more than 5 years to max out the book (not counting how to get 1.2 billion gold).

the fuck is FuckCross smoking

>> No.42843430
File: 154 KB, 1283x719, legendclover230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


744 brushes, not 984.

That was gay and probably not worth wasting 9 brushes.

>> No.42843438

Their usual stock of weed, and their new endgame modes later will be balanced around the stat bonuses you get from maxing everything in the game, including the new books.

>> No.42843614

at 10 coins per Master Scroll, Master Quest seems to be the quickest way to get coins as its non timed gated and instantly skippable, so its probably the choice for the stupid japanese whales that'll try to speedrun the new memory book.

>> No.42843658

5 years? I got 181 brushes immediately with my stockpile of stamps when I logged in. HP and Defense are way lower priority than Attack nodes, so you realistically only need 248 brushes to max out the important nodes. I could melt everything else like feathers/ink pots/master rank statues and get more if I wanted to, but I'm hedging on them making those an upgrade resource in the future.

>> No.42843795


counted it wrong, it was 744 brushes so about 4 years just from daily stamps. It'll take less than that though if you recycle every drop you dont need anymore.

Thinking about getting rid of the moon stones and all the medals, bookmarks and quills I have so I can get another 37 brushes.

>> No.42844153

how much time has it been since an event with a 100% loli event character roster?

>> No.42844623

What are the chances they add master rank11+ that requires all these mats you reduced for memory book unlocks

>> No.42844999

11+ will use the brush and starforce drops, so there's time to farm your stuff back.

>> No.42847275

They'll add skip to rerun events right hahaha.

>> No.42847504

the upside is now I can focus stamina on subquests instead of autoing that loser Dagon.

downside is I still only have one donut and 6 super soakers because Fagon's a fuckface.

they need to add the later rerun events with lvl 120 challenges for more currency per 100 tickets, doesnt seem worth autoing it right now.

>> No.42848305

>Da Vinci scene is anal
Well I took the bait. 180 rolls. I'm fucked for Half Anni now. Guess I entirely stop rolling until actual anniversary.

>> No.42848356

Wonder if that and being a random limited banner will be enough to have it win over D1. I don't think the latter went all out because it's not the usual Rosetto/Norns/Fraux/Asaka banner, so it's a possible win.

>> No.42848900
File: 692 KB, 994x389, 1650173651497320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky 10 roll, now I can keep saving for half-anni.

>> No.42848910
File: 129 KB, 1146x650, CollabQueenSlime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything worked out and the tickets from the event gave a few new Legends.

>> No.42849751

Probably pretty low, but I wouldn't put it past a gacha company to do something shitty like that. All those resources are time gated, so it would be impossible to quickly farm them back up again.

>> No.42849876

So how should I build Da Vinci? I assume the buff skill, her nuke, and the debuff passive? Or does the debuff only trigger on normal fights and not her skill. I assume she wants Double Long Shot, Gold Armor, and the Damage Hood like the rest.

>> No.42850013

Legeclo gets first place in popularity thanks to the loli banner. easy 1000 gems.

>> No.42850375

hinamatsuri limited, easter limited, we're so close to getting random ass fuckin april fools limited or leap year limiteds

>> No.42850428

Better than June bride

>> No.42850563

pretty sure japan doesn't celebrate easter

>> No.42850615

the prince's kingdom does now!

>> No.42850713

>New Year's
>Back to School
>April Fools
>Golden Week/Children's Day
>June Brides
>Summer Beach
>Summer Festivals
>Insert Anniversary and Half Anniversary somewhere in there

The only breather months are September and November unless an anniversary or half-anniversary falls within them. Thinking about this makes me appreciate MonmusuTD keeping its holiday units non-limited so far.

>> No.42850784

You are missing random collab stuff there.

>> No.42851044

All those things are just to fill the void between valentines and june brides. Most don't even bother with white day, I think Deep One is the only game to regularly do something.

They do bunny things if they don't save bunny stuff for moon watching in early autumn.

You forgot hanami and tsukimi
Tanabata is in July.
But even then, "breather months" end up being where they shove in collabs.

>> No.42851155

I'm ready for Ramadan, Diwali, and Chanukah limiteds aigis, whenever you're ready

>> No.42851159

The wouldn't go so far as to make fake holiday limiteds, right?

>> No.42851236

im gonna regret it if I recycle all my medals, quills and bookmarks am I?

>> No.42851292
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whatever you say Techcross

>> No.42851885

All this time I've been using up the lower rarity cakes/hammer/exp over the higher rarity ones whenever possible, and now their true value is shown in how well they convert to coins.
500 copper exp to match a single rainbow. That's 500 coins vs 10.

>> No.42852402

hot springs isn't a holiday, so yea, they would.

>> No.42853861

Somewhat still an Aigis newfag here. Whom should I prioritize out of the freebie imperial units at the exchange? I got over 1k dark crystals.

>> No.42854564

Get 1 Malebranche because she's black. 1 Heidemarie because she's on a discount (10 vs. 50 in revivals) if you care about that sort of thing.
If you care about collecting, 1 of each of the other plats.
Then just grab all the other stuff you can (rings > diamonds > generic fodder > imperial specific fodder)

>> No.42855333
File: 358 KB, 1054x520, chrome_8OvEME2OPc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need 2 of these, or can I move onto the next king? No idea what these weapons even do other than the donut giving more range
2-1 for this battle, assumingly thinking the stick is the prize

>> No.42856484

attack/defense +3%
if you crit during combat, after combat heal 5% of the damage dealt. self buff to attack and resist. (last line is cutoff, guessing that's the last of it)
aka it's garbage. can't think of any unit that would want that. riders will want azure sword over that and aerial units have much better options.

>> No.42856499

Sick, thanks, either way I moved onto the grass hoodie because I killed my crit scrolls for a couple of stats

>> No.42856528

riders may want it on auto where they never make use of the crit buff from the sword because they're too busy charging in solo and fucking killing themselves on turn 1

>> No.42856554

Okita is a smart girl and always comes back home after getting her kills.

>> No.42856616

Mine gets herself killed turn 1 against the twins if she kills anything that survives Arthur by parking herself within range of the boss' attack.

>> No.42857313

As she is wont to do

>> No.42858643

>need another Double Long Shot for Da Vinci
>spend 15k+ stamina on Archer quest
>2 of the other gun, have 5 of them now
Does the proficiency ticket shop ever reset.

>> No.42858934

>Aigis maintenance extension again
>Nips on Twitter hoping for another 50 SC

>> No.42858949

Grisaia on last event (graduation event) and finally started giving out easy 5 stars I think. Time to get to work archiving as much porn as possible.

>> No.42859033

nevermind its still nearly impossible to get 5 stars

>> No.42859194

devtea saw techcross's masterful kinkyuu mente performance earlier this week and thought they could do better

>> No.42859200

You tried
At least gemini seed had the login bonus ssr pick

>> No.42861274

no. this + rain girl sucking shit are why I didn't pull on the banner.

>> No.42861864

Legeclo top2, hope you guys like more loli banners

>> No.42863120

I do, gives me more time to save

>> No.42863327

Sounds more like the other games barely trying. Latest loli banners including top tier ones did much worse.
Or maybe people like the inventor and the rain loli

>> No.42865492

and it would have been first two days in a row if monmusu wasn't giving out 10 rolls for their collab with MGQ
but also this
there has never been a limited banner with both characters being loli

>> No.42866248

Nightingale and Apollon back in December

>> No.42866606

I stand corrected. Thought she came with Gabriel for some reason.

>> No.42870920

Notice of Termination of Operation Service

We regret to inform you that the service of "Mist Train Girls English Version" will be ending its service on March 31, 2023.
The management team sincerely apologizes for this sudden notice to our loyal customers.

We have been working hard to provide better service since the service started on March 31, 2023 (Friday), but we have come to the conclusion that it will be difficult to provide a service that satisfies our customers in the future.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our customers for their patronage and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this announcement.

[Schedule until the end of the service]
-Notice of end of service (March 9)(this announcement)

-"Jewel Shop" will be closed (March 16, 4:00(UTC)).
-Sales of "Mist Jewels" will be suspended (March 16, 4:00(UTC)).
 Mist Jewels currently in your possession can continue to be used until the end of the service.
-Mist Train Girls Johren English version will not distribute Johren VIP rank rewards in March.
-We will not be able to refund any purchased jewels, items, or other points.

[End of service]
 March 31, 2023 (Fri.) 2:00(UTC)
-Close English Discord Sever at the same time.

We hope you will continue to enjoy "Mist Train Girls English Version" until the service ends on March 31, 2023 (Friday).

>> No.42871256

suddenly got a bunch of 5 stars in Grisaia for some reason

>> No.42871333

>Mist train
What the fuck? Isn't usually top-
>English version
Nobody cares

>> No.42872597

lol. legeclo soon to follow.

>> No.42872762
File: 155 KB, 801x612, daily_roll_5th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, hit another SSR on the discount roll.

>> No.42873044

And of course no one is suprised by this. Once again fuck Nutaku.

>> No.42873116

im kind of surprised that nutaku still exists. they cancel games all the time and i personally know that they give shit to people under the table.

>> No.42873149

I thought this game died a year ago

>> No.42873312

It was pretty much swept under the rug with them not updating the game for the longest time. The EoS announcement was just making it official.

>> No.42873493
File: 3.13 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope they're just average so I can skip though

>> No.42873512

>Da Capo II collab
Which year is this? 2000s?

>> No.42873846

looks like some 90's anime bitches

>> No.42873900

I'll take Da skippo II over having to worry about killing my stones with a claudette or katia release right before half

>> No.42873996

those will simply be run concurrently with the half anniversary

>> No.42874074

you would be almost correct because its from like 2005 or something

>> No.42874353

ah yes the double bait before half anniversary. Dont think I'll get lucky and draw 4 SSRs again.

>> No.42874368


>> No.42874777

Angelic Link had one too like a month or two ago for some reason.

>> No.42874850

Someone at DMM just flipped up a few pages of old ass eroge titles to make collab with, this is why we got stuff like 11eyes or cross channel collabs before.

>> No.42874979

20 minutes to boot up Aigis when I didn't have the files cached. What the fuck.
I don't know if it's a chrome change or an aigis change but why is it downloading all these 1kb files one by one

>> No.42875018
File: 445 KB, 1283x1439, legendclover234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fagcross you fucking turds, why cant this happen with the goddamned donuts

>> No.42875135

Spoke too soon. Another 20 minutes getting in and out of the home screen

>> No.42875726

I can't even find Aigis' data storage entry in chrome. Missions would load so I went hunting for it a week or two ago but couldn't locate it.

>> No.42877012

but they already said katia is never becoming playable

>> No.42877584

Is there a scene movie of Rejudgement somewhere?
If it is somewhere, please let me know.

>> No.42877648

Aigis has just ran like shit for me ever since that change to missions. I don't really get why.

>> No.42879579

Are DMM changing their strategy? There used to always be at least a few unreleased games announced but I feel like there haven't been any now for a while. Maybe they will try and actually make some good ones instead of shitting out multiple games that go EOS in months.

>> No.42879603

These any good or are they 1 drop wonders?
Either way, I kinda need some yellow enchants, but I guess it's more effective (and way faster) to punch assassin for that

>> No.42880014

It's been steadily working worse for me since late last year but at least they seem to have fixed some of the freezes and networks errors lately. Still loads like shit and 2x hardly functions when I throw too many buffer and regen units in at once.

>> No.42880560

bow removes buffs when you crit, so it seems incredibly good. the lance raises crit before combat on ally turn, which seems like nobody but the new lancer would want.

>> No.42880632
File: 1.21 MB, 1020x567, chrome_UKSal171DL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But assassin's have really strong weapons
Really any of the big 3 are fucking busted, be it to turn you into a god debuffer + damage, the raw damage within a square, or just an overall good weapon with the rifle
And I don't know about non AoE shooters, but the EX videos that I had to skip because they used Master Milf, she had the wet gun. Maybe it's a thing of everyone farming the fat dad for the donuts, but that's what they all had on her

>> No.42880642

Also I think halloween thor is an even bigger offender than Enma, because she's existed since the first month, and unlike the main, she goes on any faction
The big assed kusololi can't keep getting away with it

>> No.42881211

I'm not saying it's best in slot for EX, but it could be good if you need more dispel. You can turn any shooter/assassin into a dispeller. There are other modes in the game outside of EX.

>> No.42881259

I do believe Starforce was a step in the right direction to completely push the tables and make people use some new stuff. Hopefully planned debuffing, dispelling and healing becomes a thing with some other new content. Just Starforce alone made a meme sword that was only decent to make Arthur (lol) do big numbers with swords dance week 1 into a top tier asset, though it wouldn't suck if it got some offensive stats

>> No.42882319

They have been importing games from Nutaku nowadays. This strikes me as them running low on resources to develop new games rather than having some kind of new strategy business.

>> No.42882451

Tenkei Paradox loading like shit again

>> No.42882531

Tenkei Paradox also demanded too many gems this banner, annoying to spend actual money since I need to get a 7800x3D next month

>> No.42882903
File: 328 KB, 1252x705, TheGameLooksNothingLikeThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always new shovelware releasing. Even if it's not DMM itself funding it.
>do daily refresh of Festival page
>see pic related and actually click further
>actually an AFK clone with AFK cartoon graphics and ugly cavepeople characters which are mostly male
>only 3 female characters have lewd scenes which are locked behind investment out of a bunch of other ugly 5* units
It's always interesting the sort of shit you can find.

>> No.42888686
File: 320 KB, 974x480, Monmusu TD MGQ Collab Kitsune Tamamo Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5000 points for Tamamo
Sucks that it seems too expensive for me, there might not ever be another chance again.

>> No.42889740

she looks really fun
and because I'm full f2p for porno games, missing the other buttjob fox sucks too
I just did like 60-70 for the slime and buzzed off
had I gotten her in 30, I would have tried for the other two, but eh, I got their roles covered and not enough party space to also justify getting them if I don't like their porn scenes, much better saving up for the red oni or frozen guitar

>> No.42890242

pokemon arena's finally over

>> No.42893061
File: 1.27 MB, 1239x1242, FqOxPlXagAAF-8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42897452

Aigis dead for me

>> No.42900639

450SC down the drain for this rabbit slut. She's in 11/20 of the top scores in ToC, so why not. Also rolled Grimm, Umbre, and Ema as well as the new yukionna plat and the youkai chef.

>> No.42900649
File: 310 KB, 958x638, neve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rabbit slut.

>> No.42900806

Was wondering if I should shoot for her. She's def strong

>> No.42900818

Meanwhile I just rolled for the plat because reverse bunnysuits make me diamonds and I missed her on the first run.

>> No.42905877
File: 281 KB, 800x800, 59286053_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42907101
File: 314 KB, 892x502, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize it?

>> No.42908285

But it's not limited?
And I don't think a 7800x3D is going to run these games any faster...

Feels like ever vn has a girl with a flat laying side tail with a ribbon. I'd even bet her hair color is going to be pale sakura pink.
And I'm just going to say left is a puppeteer. Even though those are likely strands of hair and none of them are coming off the bar she's holding anyway.

>> No.42908525

Makes me think Sakura no Uta/Toki since it just release but really? Of all eroge that one seems pretty weird for a collab with Deep One.

>> No.42909634

> Of all eroge that one seems pretty weird for a collab with Deep One.
Once we went Marshmawllow, nothing seems weird anymore.

Also, I saw someone say it's AiKiss.

>> No.42910301

I'm not sure I should be more impressed by the tactical boob window nipple coverup or the fact that the boob window is star shaped

wait, that's fucking Astraea, the one that got raped by a bunch of brats with a wheel

>> No.42910316
File: 698 KB, 750x500, Fq01uHSaAAARxKV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42910359

Well Marshmallow is basically a moenukige and these collabs, specially in Deep One, are just an excuse to get more h-scenes so it kinda makes sense, it also worked as an advertisement for the new Marmalade game that released around that time.
Giga is dead so AiKiss seems unlikely, but who knows how long ago these things were decided.

>> No.42911053
File: 117 KB, 755x207, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Deep One get 2nd place just with the Erika base SSR gacha? I don't see any other new banner since today was just the second part of the event.

>> No.42911060

Fuck, I read this and decided to try my luck because I haven't really touched ToC, but ended up getting her in 450SC too. Shit. The only non-dupe blacks I got were Harmonia and Rovinia, while the plats were Izuna, Colette, Tarania (both Easter and normal), Shiranui, Filo, Coralie, and Tsumuji.

>> No.42911691
File: 3.89 MB, 426x452, ザスビア.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42911772

Playing the Tokyo Necro VN reminded me that the gacha no longer exists for me to try. Is there an offline mode of sorts or is it completely gone?

>> No.42911803

They made an offline archive for players to get but it doesn't include any voice work. Apparently the version on nyaa includes voicework and has everyone unlocked. Both include the main story and (maybe) event stories, some of the event stories were really good but they never got voicework.

>> No.42912493

Which AW2 should I go for Easter Neve?

>> No.42912636

Divine Spirit User works for the majority of Tower clears, but if you're serious about it, you raise both paths.

>> No.42912847

Also, here's a more up to date wiki for Tower scores. Literally every floor has at least one of its high score clears with her in it besides 17 though a few require blessings.

>> No.42913027

Thank you.

>> No.42913163

Also, here's the Tower of Heroes page as well. now that I check it, there's a few floors she's optimal in there as well. Including a few that were literally just posted in the comments today with blessings. She can actually solo 25.

>> No.42913703

She's pretty damn busted, so still worth imo. I'm not sure where to throw another 50SC for the monthly card upgrade. Don't really care about the new bunny.
I went v1 since most tower floors use that. I am doing both though.
Thanks for these.

>> No.42914086

Hot damn at that Riven F10 solo. That's one of the floors I still haven't cleared with a good score. I was going to wait half a year for her plat to show up in the shop instead of blowing fairies on the 1/4 chance for last skill up/cost reduction, but maybe I'll chance it.

>> No.42916543

Isn't that Normal Neve though? Not easter?

>> No.42917048

No, they're all Easter Neve, what makes you think that?

>> No.42917473

Haven't looked at it but I know I tried most floors solo with her and it was simply not possible
Whatever the hell he's pulling off now

>> No.42918058

>look around Erolabs stuff
>find a game that has the yandere from Yandere simulator
>Literally, she's named yandere-chan
>It's even possible to sex her
>Game even apparently had an NFT project that got canned
The shit you find.

>> No.42918087

If it's what I'm thinking of, that's an official crossover too.

>> No.42918535

the fact that it's liiterally not easter Neve in like half of them, probably

>> No.42918681

I'm going to miss rolling for neve because the game's still not letting me in
Code 400 or w/e

>> No.42918921

clear all cache, temporary internet files and cookies. At worst reinstall the browser or use a new one.

>> No.42919153

The hell are you talking about?
There's only 2 original Neve clears on the Tower of Commander page, being ties for floors 1 and 9.

>> No.42919191

Also, yeah, now I've confirmed, literally every floor besides 17, Easter Neve can be used for the current highest score with B denoting blessing buffed runs.

1. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SZ4y127Do
2. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nG411F7sL/
2B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1QY411Z7pZ/
3. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41369674
3B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SW4y1s78M/
4. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40634665
5. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Mg411q74U/
6B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RD4y1x7wf/
7. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41354631
8. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41362493
8B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qd4y1F7gt/
9. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ja411e7Wk
10B. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40385899
11B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZK411o7dg/
12. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vd4y1F7tF/
12B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1x84y1y7Qw/
13. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rr4y187dU
14. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YP4y127eb
15B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S7JE/
16. https://nico.ms/sm41417447
16B. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1a8411j7yE/
17. The only one she can't clear.
18. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RG4y1R7mH/
18B. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41432764
19. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SW4y1W7bY/
20. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1t84y1C78t/

>> No.42919314

It's pretty nuts. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41418526 I believe the comment says they aren't using Tuan Barracks buff. They aren't using Dawon Prince either.

>> No.42919354

Also I chanced it on Riven's skill up/cost down. 4 fairies for the skill up and three for the cost down. Super lucky to not get fucked and get 1 cost fairy cheaper than average.

>> No.42919413

I'm using the phone up, can't even get to the start screen

>> No.42919446

Try on Browser then.

>> No.42919491

NTA, but browser has ran like shit for months even after clearing out all the cache, cookies, and temp files. It does work of course, but they fucked something up and never bothered to fix it.

>> No.42919534

Unironically use Microsoft Edge. Literally every DMM game runs more smoothly in it than Chrome or Firefox.

>> No.42920232

My computer's dead and I couldn't get past code 400 on 3 phones.
Alas Neve will have to wait a couple of months

>> No.42921019

that old hag finally dropped a second donut. Only need one more, come on Baskin Robins.

>> No.42921163

Erika is strong popularity-wise after all. The new card is pretty hot too.

>> No.42924143
File: 137 KB, 606x617, 1678973876261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futaba thread posts a hot story character
>Can't identify what game solely on the tail-phrase they're using
every time

Ended up being Angelic Link this time from looking around, but this hiccup keeps happening whenever I go see what they're doing.

>> No.42927276
File: 179 KB, 932x604, daily_roll_6th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, keep the discount roll SSRs coming.

>> No.42928035
File: 1.12 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230316-202222_CumNGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw actually enjoying this shitty buggy pay2win kusoge
I wish Dolphin Wave played like an actual shooter and had actual lewd stuff instead of what it turned out to be.

>> No.42928127

How many name changes did this thing go through?

>> No.42928429

Isn't this the jetski game, why are they on land

>> No.42928472

It's the game where you coach a bunch of athlete watergun fighters, but there are no jetskis involved. It has the Yandere from Yandere Simulator in it and you get to fuck her.

>> No.42928809

>Mist train 2.5 anniversary
>Got in the game.
>Had to scroll through like a dozen of event notices before I can close them.
>Went to the gacha page to check
>had to scroll through another dozen of limited paid banners and what not to get the daily free 1 roll
Bloody hell.

>> No.42930346

Wonder if there are even any SSRs in that game in the non-limited pool less than a year old. People are always posting about everything being limited in that game.

>> No.42930443

It wasn't that bad before but after 2nd anniversary they stopped giving a fuck and just chain limited like no tomorrow.
And now when everything just calmed down a bit they entered 2.5 anniversary limited spam mode with another collab looming on the horizon.

>> No.42930490
File: 157 KB, 805x601, 31_rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky with this game, but I got the new character in 31 rolls. Every time I roll on a Universal Fes banner I get the new character under 40 rolls. Every time I roll on a Fruit Fes banner I either hit 200 rolls or get very close. The Universal Fes dupe weapons can be placed on any character while the Fruit Fes ones can only be used on one of three classes. Throwing another 169 pulls into the gacha for stronger weapons is not worth it since nothing in the game really demands you to be that strong, but not accruing the Universal weapons over time due to being lucky also feels kind of bad.

>> No.42930712

This shits annoying, I play regularly so it's not too bad, but new players are probably subjected to like 20 pages on start up
You can quick check gacha banners with the panel on the left

It was only really bad for 3 months~, they stopped releasing back to back limited banners

>> No.42930719
File: 77 KB, 731x373, アイキス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up being AiKiss

>> No.42930936
File: 121 KB, 463x570, dumbidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games with the best (dumbest) dorks?

>> No.42931003

LegeClo's Katia
Girl does not have thoughts, just butterflies flying in her head.

>> No.42931367

The majority of characters in Fruits Fulcute meet this criteria. My favorite dumb dork is Kabiru.

>> No.42933351
File: 1.24 MB, 1119x630, msedge_y2MP8YahFn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quickest paizuri of my life

>> No.42934342

40 for me. Had to do it because she's the cutest.

>> No.42935108

I see you are also an anon of culture

>> No.42936468

Man, Barbatos 16 is kicking my ass. I want to know which asshole was responsible for putting a dark purple pig enemy against the dark purple pathway with a red fog filter over the top of it. That asshole keeps sneaking up on my units and oneshotting them. Also pretty rough that HS Risley is pretty much useless the majority of the time since the fog reduces unit range by so much.

>> No.42936696

I just used Zhuge for her good enough 40% SC reduction. Great thing is Ephtra can just say fuck off to the range debuff. Final bit was just watching out for the hugely tanky Minotaurs, trolls, and pigs with Eithne stalling them.

>> No.42936906

Never rolled on those limiteds since I've never heard of that game. I think I might have rolled Leona on the last Imperial free ticket, so I'll give that a shot if I have her. Sort of a shame that Ephtra isn't classified as either rearguard or vanguard.

>> No.42936993

Well shit, I rolled LeoRa and have no other rearguard tacticians. Thankfully there is one in the event shop.

>> No.42939988

Seems like Angels and Fruits are going to mingle again.

>> No.42948251

I was only going to throw a courtesy roll at this but found out it has a new Ambrosia too. Haven't been able to roll either, but at least story is half stamina.

>> No.42948426
File: 242 KB, 584x526, chrome_Qtf1zt4I81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the twitter account should do this more often (with gacha units too)
also kino event title tbqh

>> No.42951264

Are the porn devs all moving on now? Nothing new is coming out on fanza anymore..

>> No.42951437

I think all of the major companies with a legacy for porn vns already have their game on dmm and dmm/fanza themselves probably don't want to try funding any more after a slew of them kept dying last year. Another game is going into 'long maintenance' at the end of March but I forget which.

You would be better off trying an established game giving out freebies.
Or if you want to see some recent trash, try Alliance Sages. It's like they got Queen Bee to animate the h-scenes and they just write whatever for the scene while the VA says some generic phrases with moaning.

>> No.42951600

DMM itself seems to be trying to move away from being associated as "the porn game" platform, with them renamed their R-18 division, co-op funding and hosting more and more all age games on their DMMgame service.

>> No.42952040

Isn't that erolabs, I can't stand their stuff

>> No.42952326

Anyone here that plays Angelic Link have any idea who they might use as the collab characters? They already sent over Lucifer, Belial, and the third main character (blue hair, forgot her name). Honestly can't remember any other characters aside from Succubus and Satan, but I doubt those two are important to the story.

>> No.42952789

Blue girl is Bubs. Honestly more interested in seeing what they do with the Fruful characters on Angelic Link because animated etc
Then again, I reckon Belial's is the only animated paizuri in Fruful if I'm not wrong
Truly a tragedy

>> No.42952797

Start screen says
>SheenaGames Japan
>Studio Sages.
Nothing familiar to me.

>> No.42955394
File: 146 KB, 530x446, barbatos_team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 4* Barbatos was the hardest majin that I've beaten so far. Thank god Riven is completely broken and could tank all of his hits + all the incoming hits in the bottom lane + kill everything. Ren also helped her out. Dina is the only one that died in the top lane even with Ren's skill + Erlang Shen's defense boost + damage redirection. After 2 Ephtras took out Barbatos I was able to put down Imlau and Ambrose to finish off the rest.

>> No.42955457

Arge and Yuugen were unused.

>> No.42957463

well they went full tits for the fruful side

>> No.42958213

I wouldn't be surprised if Satan was one, no clue who else would go though. Can't really thing of other characters that would feel "iconic" I guess one could say.

>> No.42967580 [DELETED] 


>> No.42970243

looks like they released limit break for the Imperial Princess part on Fruful so its a good time to catch up (currently at chapter 61). Dont see any Angelic Link characters on the banners though.

>> No.42971850

So... It's been a long time since I played eiyuu senki mobile game, today when I went to look it in the dmm android appstore I couldn't find, did go EoS?

>> No.42971886

Anybody know the minashigo collab scenes?

>> No.42971922

A few days short of a full year ago. Welcome back from your coma, btw.

>> No.42973052

While I do like that it is more collab-y with the characters dressing up as the AiKiss characters, it hurts more because now it's harder to skip collab banners if this is the new standard.

>> No.42973380
File: 206 KB, 1200x675, FraZlf_aIAA6pxS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another set of broken assassins

>> No.42973508

those ai kiss characters are so ugly, they are going to need a god tier kit if they want me to roll. also wonder if the support is the freebie like the vtuber collab.

>> No.42973704

There's another game with an Ai Kiss collab at the same time as Deep One?

>> No.42973728

Oh wait you're talking about legeclo? That's Da Capo no?

>> No.42973734

That anon probably mistook legeclo Da Capo collab with Deep One Ai Kiss collab.

>> No.42973904
File: 1.67 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230319-215507_CumNGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw actually enjoying this stupid ass game and its pvp dynamics
>almost no one plays the normal 3v3 mode and it instead fills with bots the vast majority of the time
>however when you do meet a person it becomes a complex game of bot management due to how scoring works
>every kill results in +10 score, but also +10 score given when killed until killed effectively instantly reversing any score gained when killed
>this results in overpowered whale bots being a simultaneous boon and liability
>mixed with the actual players trying to ambush and catch the other real player off guard especially if they have kills stacked
>gameplay is hyper broken unbalanced with bots either being shit starter characters or pay2win S tiers with massive cc on their abilities
>the bots only instinct are to immediately head straight towards the nearest alive enemy player and unload everything on them resulting in an initial clash in the middle and then getting killed as they charge enemy spawn while spawn invulnerability is up
I am saddened by the fact I will probably never be able to actually discuss this game with another player. Well, at least I don't have to worry about EoS as it seems the game is being funded by Chinese whales.

>> No.42974101

ah yea, mixed those two up. my bad.

>> No.42974139

collab sorc unit doesn't seem amazing.

ceasar has two turns every third turn built into her passive upon killing an enemy.

>> No.42974152

don't know what happened to my middle sentence here, but it was about hades seeming good.

>> No.42974327

haven't read anything about what the cerberus can do, but I really easily autoed 121. It takes it's turn every 1/3rd hp it loses. VT Arthur literally just sits there the whole time since I have her in the last slot on auto.

>> No.42974523

Nemu and Otome have sex with Junichi (or whoever the protagonist was), and Kaiser and Hades do it with Captain. Woulda been better if all four were with him though. Also time to spend more on gems for 1.5 anniversary because of this amazing bait.

Cerberus is pretty easy.

>> No.42974530

also forgot to mention all girls do paizuri 'cept Otome

>> No.42974868

That's Otome has no pai to zuri.

>> No.42974994

+1 MOV, double action, damage reduction, self-heal, are they baiting people again before half-anni?

>> No.42975148

The double action can't be used on turn 1, unless I'm missing something. You would need for her to get attacked and crit on the enemy turn to use it on turn 2. also 5% heal is pretty small. her buff is +20% atk, +30% normal attacks, which seems pretty limited in scope.
I'm on the fence about pulling since the rates are 0.8% compared to the normal 1.4%.

>> No.42975160

oh, also the double action only works on enemy kill.

>> No.42975281

you're thinking of Yoshino Sakura, Otome's stacked

>> No.42975435

Shiropro 7th anniversary startec if anyone still plays that. You have to "buy" the anniversary ticket from the exchange shop again.
Most useful picks from it are probably 四代目江戸城(Conch looking class) or ヘレンキームゼー城(performer at the bottom).

>> No.42975907

If it makes you feel better, Hanzo came out at this same time and was far far more important than this. At worst (like me) you are stuck with Hijikata, and they seem to be rather similarly geared if they both reactivate every 3t. Compared to fruful the story assassin from last month, this is nothing

>> No.42976193

nearly been one year and Tenkei Paradox still likes to enter maintenance several times randomly monthly

>> No.42976305

at worst you are me and don't roll even though you are still using the welfare assassin for EX. she's worthless in starforce, not more valuable than any other unit for tower, and a seemingly minor upgrade for the challenge quests. my guild is top 200 and I'm one of the top contributors even with welfare units filling my slots. Even if I doubled my contribution, we still wouldn't get to the next reward tier. I'm also not good enough for a sweaty guild, so I don't really see the point in rolling for units for EX. Don't know why I typed all this, maybe justifying not rolling to myself.

>> No.42976356
File: 930 KB, 1268x714, msedge_6qxMvKrMUq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still rather skip even if my top 40 guild didn't kick me for inactivity because my computer died for a week
Also fucking alt rolling for scenes. I saw 3 and it was actually more

>> No.42976595

feels like Cerberus has much higher physical resist that the bird
at least, my archers and aerials weren't casually critting it for over a million per aoe

>> No.42976791

For me, it's Hades and her fat tiddies + pantyhose combo. Cum on glasses adds to it. Shame about the rates and upcoming half-anni.

>> No.42976921
File: 1.42 MB, 1292x724, 1671735959412925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 3k less for half-anni, but I'm not complaining

>> No.42977537
File: 320 KB, 1258x618, easy_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't I have been this lucky with the griffon. Got this within 59 runs. Also don't really have any characters that can make use of this.

>> No.42978536

Oh, legeclo pushed out an update a day earlier than usual, was wondering why the previous event ended a lot earlier than I expected

>> No.42978605

Got an email about DMM Game Player.
rip w7

>> No.42978935


As usual, legeclo only does paizuri

>> No.42979258
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, FrqiYjIagAEG6fZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duo units, one of the few things left to ripoff from grub.
Also holy shit the fucking titan hunt professor NPC becomes playable earlier than Alyssa this is just mean

>> No.42979337
File: 520 KB, 1920x1280, FrqhklyaAAIquS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she didn't get cucked out of the 7th anniversary promo art

>> No.42981500
File: 211 KB, 1159x652, AngelicLink_クチハテイル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while where starting a game resulted in getting what baited me.
>One scene
I feel deceived...

Stop trying to make me start a techcross game.

>> No.42982111
File: 28 KB, 761x273, chrome_uYZpMP0PNx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to stop this, it's boring

>> No.42982221

they need to keep doing this, more units with that kind of buff means less people get filtered by star force team-building
Mel is still the best though

>> No.42982232

>Hades is the closest to Thor's effect
May give it a shot
At least my 4 SSR alt roll didn't include her, but Himiko still stung

>> No.42982497
File: 628 KB, 738x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get any other rate up

>> No.42982542

give unto caesar what belongs to caesar

>> No.42982989

This doesn't really seem great for starforce since only the +atk% is going to apply.

>> No.42984186

Just remembered about meshiya girls since it popped up on the spring festival page. Does anyone even play it still?

>> No.42984264

this is some good looking art

>> No.42984302

>looking up JP recommendations for Star Force
>Yae with a Bow Gun can reduce defense by 50%
I now have a trivial 121 auto and am on the precipice of autoing 131. Cerberus is more annoying since it actually gets turns. Asclepius also has a -3 cooldown AoE heal skill. I feel like that would probably allow far higher autos if everybody got a second round of huge AoEs, but at this point I don't know who to cut from my team as sticking in Yae was already hard.

>> No.42984536

hmm, that's pretty good. Think I'll drop solomon for her.

>> No.42984738
File: 273 KB, 1262x621, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here goes nothing.

>> No.42984974

nvm, she just eats the claw attack regardless of her starting placement and gets stunned. I could probably bump my griffon auto up with her though.

>> No.42985169
File: 3.10 MB, 1283x1437, legendclover248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

level 131 works well, changed Tut to 2nd though since everyone's almost dead near the end of the fight

>> No.42985839


replaced Carolina with Halloween Solomon, if only I had Andromeda or if I even bothered to use the new girls like Da Vinci, Yume and whatnot it'd be much better

>> No.42987436

nice already got a Cerberus amulet autoing lvl 131 at under 1000 stamina

>> No.42988869

>Jewel Princess starts a dungeon event
>Didn't start paying attention to the event until a few days ago because there's already enough random bullshit to do for dailies most of the time.
>They changed it up from last time to include a bunch of fights with daily limits
>Let some get out of hand and lose, losing an entry
>Won't be able to do enough of them to get the free Sapphire
>Probably won't get the last bit of reward points to get Sapphire's dress either
And I guess they have dresses for Ghost Crystal and Alexandrite to put in the shop once this is done. Phantom Amethyst was in the event stories too but I doubt that means they'll be adding her soon.

I still play. But they're celebrating "100-days since release" which hasn't been a good sign for most games that acknowledge 100 days.

>> No.42988914

>I still play
Has Marinyan gotten any new scenes? Only reason I wanted the game to come back.
Or what about that maid Misao scene the used for an ad banner? Can't believe the game came back and still doesn't have that scene

>> No.42989043

I'm glad everything in your games is tied to your DMM/fanza account and you don't have to deal with obtuse bullshit like single use transfer codes or integration with dead social networks like fucking facebook. Just a set of login details that you keep around simple and easy

This is a completely unprompted post, honest

>> No.42989117

>maid Misao
Sometime around new years in the middle of a bunch of other banners. I don't have it, but I'm pretty certain the h-scene was self fingerbanging while (You) watch because a few scenes afterward were similar.

No new Marinyan. They introduced two of the demon girls and new gacha releases for Yomogi, the maid, the two other castle cohorts, and the idol. Kinako, the princess, the cat, and the necromancer got event releases.
Right now, new Mao is available, but they're just rerunning an old event.

It sucks for rerolling but it's nice not having to worry about your data disappearing if something happens to your phone.

>> No.42989440

Oh yeah I remember someone posted about the Misao scene here, waste for that outfit to be honest, they really should have gone down a 2 scenes per outfit route, one sex and one foreplay.
Well I checked my account and have like 30k saved up still, hope they add another Marinyan scene before they die again.

>> No.42989776

Regular ol' sex is boring for me so I'm fine with these, though the Tantan one was a bit of a waste compared to the idol's scene, that one ends up with penetration for round 2. I guess they were going for encouragement with these scenes, so if you can't understand Japanese or that's not your thing then they're pretty boring.

Anyway, they've been giving a ton of gems recently for 100days, but not sure if the previous set of login bonuses is still available.

>> No.42990336

Did they end up not giving a ranking 1st price for legeclo? I saw a tweet but then it's gone and nothing in my crate

>> No.42990845

I think they automatically gave it to everyone, I have 1k more than before. Not sure why they deleted the tweet though

>> No.42991962
File: 343 KB, 600x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk probably broke twitter again, it's still there but your need to VPN https://twitter.com/legeclo/status/1638014688561881088

>> No.42992233

I saw the in-game notice and they said they were going to give it out a day later for some reason.

>> No.42993582
File: 117 KB, 761x305, legebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice luck, last master I really wanted for her scenes. Just need Mel, Yenna, and Saphy to complete the set.

>> No.42994809
File: 1.56 MB, 1792x828, image_2023-03-22_002801055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even bother with split rate-up if Caesar's gonna be on both?

>> No.42995655

So are the student Caesar and Hades collab limited meaning never again or will they be available eventually separate from the collab?

>> No.42995739

Most of the time they are treated as part of the collabs in other games, and only come back when they rerun them, but I don't know if Techcross wants to be cheeky cunt and reruns them as something else later, since they aren't exactly wearing a 1:1 copy of Da Capo II uniforms.

>> No.42999181

I wouldn't call rerunning collab limited units outside collab season cheeky.
I wish Kamihime would rerun DWU...

>> No.43000385

Huh, I thought Otome was one of the least boobage ones out of the heroines. At least, she loses out to Yume.

Asaka in Deep One does paizuri in her new card.

Same here. I missed out a day and can't get the last 100 points to get her dress. Hate how strict the event is this time.

>> No.43000640
File: 1.04 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230323-014228_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus stacked free roll.
May have to invest into a mage only team for starforce now.


>> No.43002109

Lucky you, can't wait to get home to claim my no SSR or Chinge dupe

>> No.43006800

Does anyone else play Midnight Girls R and know what bug happened? I don't see any bug listed anywhere but they released some insane gacha reward to apologize.

>> No.43006873

For anyone that still gives a shit about Jew Princess.
Clearing 29-60 updates the guild shop to sell 5 fixed faction equipment for 20% off (67520), T1 scrolls are turned into a T1 selection box and 3 T2 scrolls are available (possibly 1 of each). 3 random faction equipment is still there with no discount.
Cats eye section also updated but I got nothing new, I think the base irons are discounted by 20% now (11.52m).
No update for clearing 30.

Also every 20 stages of chapter 29 are 3 round battles, don't worry if you think that's too large a gap because in chapter 30 they're every 4 stages :)!

>> No.43006954
File: 172 KB, 1502x186, 300_free_rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn, 300 free rolls with a guaranteed SSR every 30 rolls and it's filled with limited characters. I believe the condition is to have earned 105000 free gems, which I assume is to stop people from making new accounts to abuse it.

>> No.43007970

Ahh damnit Aigis why couldn't the increased drop event start next month when my stamina cap is way higher. Does anyone know if there's a pattern to predict when this and the 1.5x story exp happen?

Also, are there any seasonals happening at the end of this month? I need to spend 50 more SC to get the login black ticket. If not, which should I roll: the banner with Hu-Long or the one with the new plat and Meshina?

>> No.43008947

I'm in the same boat with needing to spend 50SC to hit 500 except I have all of the blacks on the banners. I really should have rolled for the ranged blacksmith. I'm going to wait until the 31st since it looks like two of the banners end on the 30th.

>> No.43010063
File: 105 KB, 723x475, MidnightGirls_300rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The banner title is something like "sorry for the bugs prior to april fools" With the gem count needed to do 300 rolls.
They don't seem to mention the actual reason anywhere. Seems like they added a gacha you could roll based on the amount of free gems you collected but just went with this instead?

12 new and 12 dupes total, with 4 I never wanted. Only really got one I missed despite rolling for, but I like the rest of these girls.
>most of them are foot stuff
Now I remember why I didn't try rolling them. Not that gacha normally gives up anyone.

Also, the rolls gave tokens, so you can go exchange for some of the girls they randomly had on rateup or a bunch of other crap, like 50 tickets or 5 ssr tickets or voice lines.

>> No.43010171
File: 388 KB, 733x320, newfreestuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had in a previous event item exchange 100 and 2000 sets of 50 gems at 10 event items each.
So they giving everyone 105000 gems worth of pulls as compensation since that is what the total gems would have been from error.
I got some nice loot from it.

>> No.43010680
File: 1.66 MB, 1270x709, chrome_P3jAZAWlmL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43013331

got 3 Cerberus amulets from about 4k stamina at level 131. If only I could auto the Griffon at 131 but I can only settle at 111.

>> No.43013564

when reading nips saying paralyzed aunt was the true human rights for the new starforce, I remembered I forgot to uncap and equip the donuts I farmed for my sorcerers
that explains a lot
that said, nowadays my stamina's gone for a quick skip for assassin master however, because it's 20x faster and I need the scrolls

>> No.43014539

>I remembered I forgot to uncap and equip the donuts I farmed for my sorcerers
>that explains a lot
Maybe this is why my cerb auto is so slow...need to change the order anyways because everyone in the last half never get to do anything
