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File: 78 KB, 330x1322, 0a9a3f77ac8a4b168784109fd22af85c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4277652 No.4277652 [Reply] [Original]

I need more tear jerkers, I don't care if they're a bazillon years old.


>> No.4277660

Fuck off, Dan.

>> No.4277684


>> No.4277694

I baawww'd

>> No.4277709


>> No.4277710

Alice's dolls aren't sentient.

>> No.4277711


Cry like a bitch.

>> No.4277715

actually not.

>> No.4277720



>> No.4277739

fuck, I always cry.

>> No.4277742

People still get butthurt over dan?

>> No.4277745
File: 678 KB, 525x3230, awful awful 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.4277750

No you didn't anon!

...No you did not!

>> No.4277757

FUCKING HELL. ;______________;

>> No.4277759

Nah, They like to be assfucked by Dan and it's a very good painful one!

>> No.4277769

fuck.. I'm crying.. and fapping.

>> No.4277770

the rape part makes it low tier.

>> No.4277781

Weeaboo!<--------You hear this word?

That's right because you're a WEE-A-BOO!

W-E-E-A-B-O-O, Goddamn you....

>> No.4277792
File: 276 KB, 500x770, baww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. You did not just post that. OH NO YOU LE DIDN'T.

It's wrong, all wrong. ;______;

>> No.4277794
File: 146 KB, 500x500, sanae u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277824
File: 268 KB, 1250x1425, byakuren smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't call it a tear jerker for nothing.


>> No.4277842

he mad.

>> No.4277844
File: 30 KB, 221x221, dawragefap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277846

What kind of person names a cat 'Holy Night'?

>> No.4277847

The only thing that really gets me in that picture is "Sorry for being mean to you so much." Which really just makes me frown a bit.

Otherwise it's just a bad picture.

>> No.4277858


She doesn't deserve it! SHE DOESN'T!

>> No.4277859
File: 272 KB, 1250x1425, googlybyakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277860


>> No.4277871

Of course it's wrong. Fairies are immortal.

>> No.4277873
File: 22 KB, 524x359, Eminem remembers cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me bitches!

*Cues for opening of lose yourself by Eminem*

>> No.4277935
File: 413 KB, 1600x1200, yuyuko bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, the same thing is what made me bawww.

>> No.4277949

Oh wow what the fuck!

>> No.4279240



>> No.4279249

It was a cold Friday night at a small local bar. Business was slow as usual, only a handful of people where sitting around with drinks.

One of them was a pale skinny man with glasses and a strange green hat. He sits in the corner chair at the bar, away from the others and in a place he was sure people would leave him alone.

The man was hard at work drawing something on a small napkin. Wood on the table under his wrist faded and worn from previous drawing. He was obviously a frequent customer.

The bartender wanders over to the man unnoticed. "Another one for the pouch?" says the bartender, concern in his voice. The man with the hat keeps drawing, he doesn't even lift his eyes. The bartender sighs and returns to work.

A character starts to take shape on the napkin. It's a small girl with a large bow in her hair and an over sized dress. The character has a smile and warm eyes.

The man sets the pen down and looks at his work, making sure everything is perfect. A small smile appears on his face as he reaches to retrieve something from his jacket.

Just then, the bar door opens and a women holding the wrist of a small girl enters. The girl is looking down at her feet and blindly following her mother, In one hand is a violin case.

>> No.4279254

The woman violently shoves the girl to an open stool and sits on one next to her. "Give me a beer, whatever is on draft." she says sharply. "Mom, please don't... please don't drink anymore" says the girl struggling to sit in the stool, placing the violin with great care on the stool next to her.

"Shut the hell up!" yells the mother as the bar falls silent. "Your goddamn father wants me to take you to your lessons, I'm entitled to this if I have to sit through that shit"

Just then the woman's phone rings, she whips it out and looks at the screen as a scowl appears on her face. "Just hold on the beer, I'll be right back" she says as she stomps outside. Almost immediately after the door closes yelling is heard.

The girl sits trembling. As she tries to hold back the tears she picks up the case and puts it on the counter. Slowly she unclasps the hinges and opens the case. She then begins to slowly stroke the smooth wooden body of her violin and a single tear rolls down her face.

The man with the hat sits motionless, his hand still halfway in his jacket. After looking at the napkin, then at the little girl, he slowly picks his pen back up and continues to draw.

He draws a small stringed instrument in one of the girls hand, and a bow in the other. He tries to draw fast but not so fast to make it look bad. The women yelling can still be heard outside.

After a few moments, he slowly gets up and moves to the little girl sitting alone. As he inches closer he can see patches of hair missing from her head and small pink bandages covering burns and bruises all over her body.

With all of his mental strength he taps the girl on the arm, she jumps and instinctively clutches the case in front of her. He hesitates a moment but finally hands the drawing to the girl.

>> No.4279260

"I want you to have this" he says looking at the ground in a small raspy voice. The girl shyly takes it and looks it over. "Is this... me?" she says in a breaking voice, looking to the man who nods his head.

The girl suddenly smiles ear to ear, showing gaps where teeth are missing. She hugs the mans arm and pulls him close. "Thank you very much, I'll keep it forever" she says.

The man tries desperately to get away without showing how uncomfortable he is. "It's alright, I should get back to my chair" he says as he struggles to get free.

"Wait!" says the girl as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out one of her pink bandages. "I have to draw you now." The girl draws a crude stick figure with a oblong hat and a huge smile on the back of the bandage and gives it to the man.

Awestruck, he reaches out and puts it in his pocket. Suddenly the yelling outside gets louder. "You said she had to be there in an hour! How the FUCK do you expect me to get there in 5 minuets from here?!"

The man quickly darts off and hides behind a corner of a wall, not wanting to be seen talking to the girl for fear of her safety.

The door opens, a scream is heard along with the unmistakable sound of flesh hitting flesh. Then... for the first time that night... The bar was filled with crying.

After the sound of a door closing the man looked around the corner. After looking around for a few seconds he noticed a trail of smoke floating from a white paper in the ash tray.

Immediately he sprung out from the corner and dashes to the ash tray, now which was filled with a small fire. Knocking down chairs to get there in time.

Once he reached the ash tray he started to dig around for anything that could still be made out. The cigarette butt that started the fire was still hot and burned him, but he didn't even notice.

>> No.4279268
File: 50 KB, 200x256, 1241146537395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was to late.

The man stood staring at the ashes, breathing hard and shaking his head. The only thing he heard was himself saying "No... No..." over and over again.

Then he slowly reached into his jacket and pulled out a very old, worn leather pouch. It was clearly as old as he was. The pouch had "GENSOKYO" written in crayon on the side.

He opened the pouch, inside was about a hundred napkins. The napkins all had drawings on them as well, all little girls with big smiles.

He slowly brushed the ash into the pouch along with the napkins. After zipping it up he took the bandage with the stick man on it and placed it over the zipper, as if trying to treat a minor cut.

Then It all came back to him. The way HIS parents treated him. The way his father beat him if his mother wouldn't have sex with him. The way his mother carried him by his neck as a baby.

He remembered running into his room to escape. His pouch filled with all his friends he drew when times where bad, living in peace in his made up world.

With this memory the man collapses, clutching the pouch to his chest

Then... For the second time that night... The bar was filled with crying.

>> No.4279287
File: 36 KB, 200x286, 3085081575_47abd55c73_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4279296

oh man

>> No.4279334
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>> No.4279342

Oh god, I want to be ZUN's friend now.

>> No.4279364


>> No.4279366

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anontalk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4279409

...he slowly gets up and moves to the little girl sitting alone. As he inches closer he can see patches of hair missing from her head and small pink bandages covering burns and bruises all over her body.

A bright glimmer catches his eyes. He looks for the source and sees a light coming from the violin case. He immediately throws the girl across the room and whips the case open

It's the fucking crystal skull.

The man grabs the skull with amazing speed and starts to run for the door, his green hat now a battered fedora.

"JESUS CHRIST TONY START THE CAR" he screams as the girls lifeless body starts to vibrate. Suddenly, her body explodes into a sworn of locusts and black mist.

"TONY GODDAMMIT" the man screams looking at the locusts behind him multiplying and devouring everything in their path.

He bursts through the door, to his left is Tony Stark in a 1:4 scale model of optimums prime (which he built in a cave)

"It's running! Did you find the... HOLY SHIT" says Tony as the building behind the man running to him erupts in a black and gold tower of fire.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" says the man as he dives into the truck, locusts and shrapnel pounding against the door behind him.

The truck springs to life and fucking hauls ass, both men are trying to catch their breath as a black mist fills the sky behind them.

"Get Q on the phone! Tell him we got the skull and we'll meet him at the hideout!" Tony yells over the sound of the earth crumbling beneath them.

The men drive off into the night as hell opens just inches behind them.

>> No.4279429
File: 108 KB, 450x450, 8a9f5525d08ef7bf15b5a65416c331e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4279437


this made me cry more than the original

>> No.4279439


>> No.4279468
File: 509 KB, 1250x1000, 63162c60a73483aef10ef21a275b310b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4279473


>> No.4279499

while you're on the topic

>> No.4279517 [DELETED] 

Alice in Wonderland, by TALUSIC:


>> No.4279519

Alice in Wonderland, by TAMUSIC:


>> No.4279544

beautiful music, but i don't get how its sad

>> No.4279550

Because Alice is lonely.

>> No.4279569

Have this then

>> No.4279672

I still feel too disconnected from it to actually cry. I do cry a lot from different games and anime and such, but I need to develop a connection the characters or story first, or have it hit on something I have personal connection with myself.

>> No.4279689


>> No.4279698
File: 90 KB, 507x377, 1264353530251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae balled her hand into a fist and drove it into Kogasa's stomach. Hard. Kogasa doubled over in pain and Sanae yanked her back onto her feet by her hair. "You are an utterly pitiful excuse for a youkai!" Sanae spat with contempt. The verbal abuse continued as Sanae continued to pummel Kogasa, but each time her fists struck, Sanae's rage only built as she felt that she couldn't hit hard enough.

She pinned Kogasa to the wall, and noticed that Kogasa's eyes were wet with tears. Kogasa began to cry loudly.

Sanae slammed Kogasa's head into the wall. "Stop Crying." Sanae insisted.
Kogasa would not stop crying.

Through gritted teeth, Sanae hissed "Stop... fucking... crying!" but it was to no avail, the useless Karakasa kept on bawling. Tense with rage, Sanae slipped her snake hairband off and wrapped it around Kogasa's neck. She jerked her fists towards the wall, cinching it tight. Kogasa eyes grew wide and she began to struggle in vain, unable to breathe. After a moment the strength of her thrashing died down, and she convulsed before going limp.

Sanae loosened the band and calmly put it back in her hair. Kogasa was still alive and had a pulse, she was just unconscious. As Sanae turned to leave, Kogasa regained consciousness with a rasping, desperate gasp before immediately letting out a few long, racking sobs. Realizing what had happened, she stifled her crying as best she could.

Sanae's mind was suddenly flooded with memories of the times she had been beaten, called a slut, and cast aside like trash- the things that had been done to her in the name of her shrine. She gritted her teeth and held back her own tears as she walked away, leaving Kogasa laying crumpled on the ground.

>> No.4279735

but sanae was a good girl, a goddess of miracles, now she's treated like shit.

>> No.4279753



I can't cum unless she kills her. Finish plz.

>> No.4279797


She doesn't kill Kogasa.

She goes home and kills herself, and Kanako and Suwako play in her blood. Grimdark end.

>> No.4279821

It's been a hard winter, harder than most I can remember. The shrine has had few visitors; most people would rather stay inside where it's nominally warmer. As you can imagine, the donations have been even scarcer. The prices for just about everything have been rising steeply. Being a volunteer of sorts is particularly hard without resorting to begging, and I can't afford to lose face like that. I didn't save up nearly enough food in the fall. My arms and legs look so thin...

Lately I've been subsisting on two rice crackers and a cup of water per day. Every other day I make a cup of tea. I use every drop, wringing the leaves with shaking hands to squeeze out as much moisture as I can. I moved the rest of the crackers, clean water, and tea leaves to my room, because there's just no use leaving it. I look out the window at the driving snow. How long this has gone on I can only guess...

>> No.4279832

All of my supplies are gone. I drank the last fresh water today. It's not that I've even been very hungry; in fact I've had a fever for about a week now. But today I feel a little better, and I know I need to find something to eat. I have to go outside. I step out onto the porch, where there must be two or three feet of snow. I take up my trusty broom and try to push some off. At some point I trip and land on the broom. I can't believe I even weigh enough any more to break it, but I've managed it. I make my way through the snow with red, throbbing hands until I get to the loose board. With a grunt, I heft it enough to comfortably get my arm in. There's grass down there, not covered by the snow, I can feel it! With a burst of strength I rip out a chunk of the stiff, frozen stalks. There's no time to look at them as I crawl inside. In my bedroom I spread the grass on the floor to thaw. I breathe on it to speed that up, but the sound of my ragged breath in the silence is enough to spook me. When it's thawed, I bundle the grass up and suck on it to get some water out. Then I begin to chew it, a few stalks at a time. It tastes terrible, but I don't exactly have a choice. After all, it's been a hard winter...

>> No.4279842

A few days later I awake to the sound of groaning. I struggle to rub bleary eyes and sit up. After a few moments I realize that the sound I'm hearing isn't the sound of my poor stomach. I look up to see its source, the ceiling. And then I look outside again, at the snow. The snow! I focus my eyes on the ceiling again. It's visibly bulging inward, straining under the immense weight of the snow. I swear, a very unladylike thing to do but given the circumstances I don't care. I scramble to get up and out, my joints screaming in protest. The roof could go at any time. I'm almost past the front threshold when the aching of the wood turns to a wail and the boards give in in a tremendous clamor. I was almost outside. Almost. A heavy beam comes down on my right leg, throwing me to the frigid porch. All of the front of my body hits the wood at once. A few ribs break, a few teeth get dislodged. I lose consciousness immediately.

>> No.4279867
File: 561 KB, 574x2000, 9092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4279907

anyone want to translate? im guessing someone made fun of her on the internet, hang self, can't die, even sadder.

>> No.4279949

Noo... You know that posting your suicide notes online, is fashion today. Especially in japan.

>> No.4279972

i thought it was showing it on nico live. Also last panel is saying she's sorry for lying.

>> No.4279968
File: 69 KB, 440x300, 1261839811683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4279980

But she'll be okay again in a few hours. Isn't she immortal? In b4 thats the joke.

>> No.4279982

Awesome end!

>> No.4279995

types that she thinks she's gonna hang herself today

>> No.4280047
File: 212 KB, 488x750, 66666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one word. Boobs.

>> No.4280175

Good stuff. But...
>(212 KB, 488x750, 66666.jpg)

what's up with this file name?

>> No.4280216

I see eeeviilll?

>> No.4280305


>> No.4280485


I need more depressing touhou for my folders

copypasta is fine too, I've got a special text file for those!
