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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4274445 No.4274445 [Reply] [Original]

alright /jp/, just read the first 8 pages on my first visit here.

and wow. just wow. wtf.

so go ahead ITT, ask a non-weeaboo that lives in Japan anything...

>> No.4274454

Why are you here?

>> No.4274451

Why are you so reported and hidden?

>> No.4274459 [DELETED] 

live in japan, was bored, so i figured i'd check the japan page. usually just cruise /co/ for downloads

>> No.4274464

how about, why do you live there you non-weeaboo freak?

>> No.4274467
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live in japan, was bored, so i figured i'd check the japan page. usually just cruise /co/ for downloads

>> No.4274469

Where in Japan do you live?

>> No.4274474

Get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.4274476

What does the average Japanese think of lolicon?

>> No.4274477

Go away!

>> No.4274478

It was a rhetorical question

>> No.4274481
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apprenticeship and working

>> No.4274482

Why should we be interested in whatever you think? It's not like I care about Japan itself, I just have some obscure hobbies.

>> No.4274492

Have you had a fateful encounter with a Japanese schoolgirl that started an epic adventure?

>> No.4274494

can you delete this thread please?

>> No.4274490

I see, what type of apprenticeship is that for?

>> No.4274485

Have you ever fucked a dog?

>> No.4274518

Do you wipe front to back, or back to front?

>> No.4274526
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not yet
also, not yet
also, not yet

>> No.4274535
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back to front

>> No.4274537

So when do you plan on fucking a dog?

>> No.4274538

but you can do pottery in any country, why pick japan?
(or is that your home country?)

>> No.4274557
File: 24 KB, 400x300, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh‌y is /j‌p/ so sh‌itty?

>> No.4274560
File: 63 KB, 500x445, waffen-ss-flag01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite SS division?

>> No.4274563
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Why is /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.4274568
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>> No.4274573

Soul Society, you mean?

>> No.4274572

Do you suck cocks?

>> No.4274584
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not until i find the right one. we all are looking for that special creature to come into our lives, right?

long history of woodfired kilns, also done much better here than in other countries. pottery is also seen as more of a fine art than a craft in japan. go to italy to study cooking, france to study fashion, japan to study pottery.

i'm assuming this references something, so i'll just guess 'Wiking'

>> No.4274585

I don't know what's worse
the fact that it's a bleach reference or that i got it

>> No.4274599
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nope. not even my own, but not for lack of trying.

>> No.4274604
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Das Reich

>> No.4274609

Did you see what your own shit and pee tastes like as a kid?

>> No.4274619

What does whale bacon taste like?

>> No.4274620

Does the water swirl Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise over there in glorious Nippon when you flush the toilet?

>> No.4274622

If you've never drunk your own piss, go do so right now. It's good for you.

>> No.4274627

On this tangent, do you use a bidet like those anal pleasuring faggots?

>> No.4274628

Do you know Danny Choo?

>> No.4274649
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feels crunchy and like it's lots of little capsules breaking, like trying to chew those sheets of styrofoam they wrap packages in. taste is like low-grade beef crossed with mackerel

clockwise, last i checked

nah, too much hassle. wipe enough and i'm set. my gf can't live w/out it though. can't shit if there isn't one

>> No.4274650

Do you know Oyashirosama? Yes

>> No.4274659

Hey Anon, would you buy Cirno Racing for us?

>> No.4274671


>> No.4274672



Out. Now. .

>> No.4274673

Is it true that in Japan everyone rides mobile suits to and from work? What model Gundam do you ride?

>> No.4274679

I kill you; you kill me. No!

>> No.4274685

>my gf can't live w/out it though. can't shit if there isn't one
She's a whore that's into anal, you should only bother using that hole.

>> No.4274693
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painfully white, but not too bad to look at i'd say.

i wish. bitch guards that thing like fort knox.

>> No.4274695

If God gave you a chance to reverse time and the choice to either kill yourself by not being born or take you out of Japan by not ever going there in the first place, which would you choose?

>> No.4274707


>> No.4274708

Would you buy and scan Futa Club 5?

>> No.4274720
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alright, enough for me, work tomorrow.

thanks /jp/, it's been... lackluster.

>> No.4274754

Should have seen this coming since you read 8 pages of /jp/ normal pal.

>> No.4274757

>thanks /jp/, it's been... lackluster.

We do our best.
