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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 640x512, mass-effect-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4269016 No.4269016 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this game and holy fuck it's good. If you haven't played it DO IT NOW. tali is mai waifu.
For the record I played as a moral fag did I miss anything?

>> No.4269027

>moral fag
you missed everything good about the game

>> No.4269034

/jp/ - japan/tali

>> No.4269037

Boy, this is sure /jp/ related.

>> No.4269039
File: 1.36 MB, 1441x903, renegade shepard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ post your Shepard.

>> No.4269046

they should have just made it a visual novel

>> No.4269047

Just started playing the game. As in, 30 minutes ago. As soon as it stops getting stupid errors I will get back to it.

Is there any difference if I choose a different character than the default John Shepard?

>> No.4269051

Meh, I can't play that crap for more than an hour without getting bored. It's the same shit as ME1.

Boring repetitive combat is boring. Boring dialogue is boring. The plot twist at the beginning is kinda interesting, we'll see how the story pans out.

>> No.4269054

I'm just default male

>> No.4269063

its like 10x better then the first give it a chance

>> No.4269080

replayed it as a badass you wont regret it

>> No.4269088

10 x 0 = 0

>> No.4269099
File: 428 KB, 874x902, dfvdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people have so much trouble making decent custom Shepards.

Took me a whopping 5 minutes and I think it turned out nicely. Maybe all my AG3 experience is rubbing off.

>> No.4269100

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.4269117

Looking pretty disappoint there.

>> No.4269136

Why would you max out two different ammo skills, do advanced training for a mediocre skill and leave one point in it

>> No.4269139

you can have tali as a waifu this time around?
can you post her face?
how do you even have sex?

>> No.4269137

Meh, it's a bad angle.

You know what happens when you customize from one angle, finish it, then turn his head and he looks like a mutant.

>> No.4269130

I pirated it and beat it before the release date, good stuff.
>jacob dies
>jack dies
>Thane dies
>told illusive to go fuck himself and blew up the collector ship
I think this is the save I'll be keeping for mass effect 3.
>I played as a moral fag did I miss anything?
you get to punch the reporter from mass effect 1 in the face, but other than that not much.

>> No.4269160

you don't get to see her face

>> No.4269168

You can see her face through the mask, turn up your brightness.

Needless to say, you don't want her taking it off.

>> No.4269174


doesn't show it
she takes antibiotics and opens up her suit

>> No.4269182

What does it smell like when her suit opens?

>> No.4269274

Do I need to play the first game or can I go stright for the second one?

>> No.4269298

I like how you can import your character from the first game and make him a different race.

If I died a white guy and woke up as a black guy, I'd be pissed off too. That is my reasoning for being a renegade.

>> No.4269307

importing your save from ME1 is mostly for the story and small bonuses, if you don't care about it you can just start at ME2.

>> No.4269308

reported for shitty bioware crap

>> No.4269324

>If I died a white guy and woke up as a black guy, I'd be pissed off too.
Fucking Cerberus. So much for not changing you.

>> No.4269327

Wait can I import my rebel girl and modify her face a bit to bring up to ME2 standards?

>> No.4269341

if you beat the game with her, yeah.

>> No.4269353

For whatever stupid reason it won't let you edit the imported features, when you select customize it goes to the default face. It's pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.4269369

whaaat? it let me customize my imported character.

>> No.4269376

PC or X-Bro?

>> No.4269378

It was better than the first, but I didn't like the way they overstreamlined some core mechanics. And all of the missions felt too damn short. But it was alright.

Also, is there a big difference if you left the council to die or not? I imported my save from the first one (in which I saved the council), but noticed that the default option is having left them to die.

>> No.4269395

Xbro, I didn't actually change him but I wanted to see what the new options were while I was customizing my character.

>> No.4269417

It was probably just so if someone started ME2 without playing ME1, they'd minimize the number of cameos that the player wouldn't recognize.

>> No.4269429

Tali is dumb as shit. I let her die in the end. Legion is mai waifu.

>> No.4269495

Sure is western/not completely linear games in here.

>> No.4269510
File: 368 KB, 800x685, grunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4269513

I hope FFXIII will fly in /jp/ as well when its released

>> No.4269521

FF stopped being good when it went 3D.

>> No.4269540
File: 202 KB, 660x660, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4269543

I'm downloading. At 86.5%.
Seed ya faggots it to slow for me!
Its no fun having a max speed of 12kbps..

>> No.4269550

Take that elsewhere, we don't need a FF argument in an already off-topic thread.

>> No.4269556



>> No.4269555

>implying ff9 and x-2 are bad

>> No.4269566

weeaboo isnt a genre

>> No.4269580
File: 232 KB, 555x417, umineko-301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4269590

Anyone know if post processing can be disabled, like in the first one?

>> No.4269593
File: 430 KB, 1000x888, 1233511826541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.4269594

VN, Touhou games, and moe fighting/bullet hell games = weeaboo

>> No.4269696
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, mass-effect-20070917074122742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way he said Shepard made me want to punch his face in.

No one can replace Wrex...;_;

>> No.4269726

you know that moe, vns, and bullet hell games all began in the west right?

>> No.4269915

On the last bit of the game right now fucking_awesome.jpg

>> No.4269921

Too be honest, the ending sequence wasn't as flashy as the first one. Really didn't have that epic feel the first one had.

>> No.4269925

_| ̄|○

>> No.4269940

Definitely. I loved how the Citadel was exploding and falling apart all around you.
