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4268761 No.4268761 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I'm playing HF right now.

And for the third day in a row, I've gone through pointless plot exposition, cooking, eating, and fucking the slut.

How much longer is this going to go on? When the does the plot actually start again?

>> No.4268772

>When the does the plot actually start again?
excuse me, what?

>> No.4268786

I'm saying when are we going to get actual progression?

Seriously. The route has been nothing but cooking and fucking sakura for quite a while now.

>> No.4268800

ah, you are there,, just keep then

>> No.4268795

just enjoy those, the shadow should appear soon and the plot doesn't take that much to happen after taht

>> No.4268791

>How much longer is this going to go on?
The rest of the game. Have fun.

>> No.4268789

Plot starts again in the Caster and Ilya routes

>> No.4268816

Maybe this reading thing isn't for you.

>> No.4268825

... Fuck.

What's to enjoy about it? The cooking is boring, and so is fucking sakura. I lost interest after Nasu compared fucking sakura to "a carnivorous plant devouring an animal."

>> No.4268827

Why would you play this kusoge for its plot?

>> No.4268837

>cooking, eating, and fucking the slut.

This was why I sat through Fate and UBW. Delicious domestic bliss with mai waifu

>> No.4268844

Shit is worth it once you get to the shadow. Seriously anon, make it through this, and it gets better than UBW. Cooking time is horrible though, I admit that.

>> No.4268845

No, reading is fine. But everything that's happening is boring and pointless. It's like a bad fanfiction.

>> No.4268846

Welcome to the worst Fate/Stay Night route.
Enjoy your stay.

>> No.4268862

You are now realizing that none of the heroines are interesting in their own routes, except for Sakura in the endgame of HF.

>> No.4268864

You do not do her in the first 3 days.

>> No.4268870

>tripfag opinion

>> No.4268874

I didn't ever say I was playing the first three days. I'm actually on the 12th.

>> No.4268875

>except for Sakura in the endgame of HF

She's not interesting. She's useless.

>> No.4268879

What? can't handle the truth?

>> No.4268889

Cancelled Ilya route > HF = Fate > UBW

is the truth.

>> No.4268894

Rape Everything Mode Sakura is always entertaining.

>> No.4268904

>Mind of Steel > Ilya route > HF = Fate > UBW

>> No.4268927

Lots of shit happen by the 12.

>> No.4268952

Not your blog. Keep fucking reading if you want to see where it picks up.

>> No.4268954

Zero > HF- cooking and slutting > UBW > Fate

>> No.4268977
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This man speaks the truth.

>> No.4268980


So is Rin and Saber,your point is moot.

>> No.4269028


Sugoi monogatari, kyodai.

>> No.4269062

They watched the anime before playing the VN.

>> No.4269057

How do people find the Fate route, where Shirou just gets his ass beat constantly, better than UBW, where he's actually doing shit?

Also, when are the goddamn nips going to upload the movie so I can pirate it.

>> No.4269068


Yes,it sure is sugoi because it's true.Anything true is considered sugoi.

>> No.4269091

God I want a Zero movie(s) or something so fucking bad. Kiritsugu is so awesome.

>> No.4269098


Because fucking a british king feels so much better than fucking a typical moe moe kyun kyun tsundere schoolgirl.

>> No.4269105

Sure is hollow criticisms from people who can't understand Nasu's true genius around here.

>> No.4269106


Not gonna happen when they can still milk F/SN brah.

>> No.4269134 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 796x591, slutkura3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I got your true genius right here.

>> No.4269155

F/Z movies of at least the same quality of the KnK moveis: Interesting, really
F/Z by DEEN:...no, just no

>> No.4269151


Are you trying to tell me you played a Type Moon game for the sex scenes? You didn't learn your lesson from Tsukihime?

>> No.4269147

Because we played the VN version of the route first, instead of the anime, unlike 90% of the faggots on /jp/. And because we love our KING. They're really about equal though.

>> No.4269148

What a horrible font.

>> No.4269183 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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ITT, Nasu, lol.

>> No.4269185
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ITT, Nasu, lol.

>> No.4269188

Probably never, since its a piece of crap, and I have no intention of doing a cam of it since Kuzuki got shafted.

>> No.4269195

Why do you even read Nasu's sex scenes? If you want an actual sex romp, I have plenty of recommendations.

>> No.4269210


What'd they do to him? And is the Shirou vs. Archer or Shirou vs. Gilgamesh scene decent? I mean I don't have high hopes cause DEEN. But is it at least slightly enjoyable to watch?

>> No.4269217

From what I've heard, the reaction has been generally positive. It won't make any sense to people who haven't read the VN, though.

>> No.4269219

The animation is actually great.
But the movie is (obviously) rushed, so stand-alone, not so great.
Compliments the VN nicely.

>> No.4269223

There _are_ Fate/zero sound dramas out there, just so you know. Irisviel is voiced by Sayaka Ohara.

>> No.4269227
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I don't play Tsukihime brah.I was until I watched the anime and after that a whole Twilight hype fired up so I completely lost interest in any vampire franchise.

>> No.4269240

2ch was dissapointed, I was dissapointed. /a/'s review of it seemed dissapointed. I've read the VN. It wasn't any good if you held up against that. It holds up better alone.

Screentime is basically non-existant in the route where he should have been the Kotomine (as in badassery). Shirou vs. Archer was done fine, that was their focus. Shirou vs. Gil was ok, not really as great as I was expecting.. Its probably fine to watch once as a popcorn flick, but its pretty flimsy as an adaption.

>> No.4269248
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>watched the anime

>> No.4269256

3/5 of Tsukihime does not even bother with actual vampires.

>> No.4269267


I'm quite sure the first medium a lot of people in here came in touch with is anime or manga.

>> No.4269282

What are you basing this assumption on, if you'd care to enlighten me?

>> No.4269301


Gee I don't know,because you can buy VNs and Touhous at your convenient stores ?

>> No.4269323
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You can if you're Japanese.

>> No.4269325

>actual vampires


>> No.4269336
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>Implying everyone on /jp/ is japanese

>> No.4269345
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>> No.4269433

Personally the FSN routes are like this for me:
UBW > Fate > HF

Well, UBW and Fate are both good, but UBW has more awesome stuff.
HF on the other hand is boring for most of the route, and if you don't like Sakura rest isn't that good either. There's few awesome moments, but when compared to rest of the shit, those moments can't redeem the whole route.

>> No.4269474

You're the only one here who isn't, gaijin.

>> No.4269496
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Cool self delusion there brah.

>> No.4269607


Kiritsugu Emiya: Rikiya Koyama
Saber: Ayako Kawasumi
Irisviel: Sayaka Ohara
Tokiomi Tohsaka: Sho Hayami
Archer: Tomokazu Seki
Kirei Kotomine: Jouji Nakata
Assassin: Sachie Abe
Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi: Takumi Yamazaki
Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri: Megumi Toyoguchi
Lancer: Hikaru Midorikawa
Waver Velvet: Daisuke Namikawa
Rider: Akio Ohtsuka
Ryuunosuke Uryuu: Akira Ishida
Caster: Satoshi Tsuruoka
Kariya Matou: Tarusuke Shingaki
Berserker: Ryotaro Okiayu
Maiya Hisau: Ayumi Tsunematsu
Risei Kotomine: Masashi Hirose
Aoi Tohsaka: Hasumi Itou
Narration: Juurouta Kosugi

>> No.4270013


The Tsukihime anime is probably the worst adaptation of any original source that I know of. And that's not overreacting.

>> No.4270033

Well, while it still butchers it, if this is the worst you can think of, you have avoided some real horrors.

>> No.4270038

This is called characterization and setting-the-stage you unthankful faggot

>> No.4270066


Thankfully, I normally choose to read/watch the source material instead of watch the adaptation. But I do try to give some of them a chance. Dexter, for example, is 10 times better in the TV show than the novel.

>> No.4270070
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Chaos;Head comes pretty close.

>> No.4270069

I second everything this man has said.

>> No.4270080

Your opinion is not very Super Special.

>> No.4270098
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>> No.4270107

It's not like the source material was all that great to being with.

>> No.4270125


Fate is kinda boring if you already watched the anime. Rin being a tsundere bitch in UBW didn't help with iteither.Sakura may be hated for not being LOLPURE,but let's face it at least she's the one who spent time with Shirou's life the most,she deserved her route.

The only thing wrong in HF is too much kitchen scenes,but I don't see why idiots make a fuss over it seeing as you can always use skip button.

>> No.4270159

SHe is not more of a bitch than the other routes in comparison, heck, prolly even less.
OR her exhibiting tsundere traits bothers you that much?
And it's not specifically the KITCHEN scenes, there are many slice of life scenes with too little characterization or foreshadowing. Skipping ANYTHING is stupid when you read a VN for the first time.
Finally, 'She deserves a route cause she was close before them' is retarded. Taiga deservs one more then.

>> No.4270171

UBW > HF > FATE > anime
RIN >> Saber > Sakura > /dev/null

>> No.4270259

>prolly even less.

Haha,no.She even put Geas on you to make you obey her in UBW.

>many slice of life scenes with too little characterization or foreshadowing

Interesting,why don't you just give us examples what kind of "slice of life" in HF apart from kitchen scenes you deemed "too much" ? I reckoned it's the same in every other route,if not even less.

And HF is the route that has most "characterization",if you even know what it means.HF is the route that has most foreshadowing from unknown threats,in contrast to your typical shonen UBW route.

>Skipping ANYTHING is stupid when you read a VN for the first time

Your loss,then.I don't grind myself through boring scenes I'm not interested in.

>Taiga deservs one more then.

Don't we all agree on this ? Too bad she's a joke character.

>> No.4270282


>HF norm end>Fate>HF true end>UBW norm end>UBW good end



>> No.4271736


Damnit, it hasn't even been 2 days since I finished HF, and thanks to that picture I'm sad again.
