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4267384 No.4267384 [Reply] [Original]

You are now imagining Asuka saying "<Good>."

>> No.4267390


>> No.4267405


>> No.4267414

So, are the rumors about us getting a Chiru anime true?

>> No.4267417

The worst part would be DEEN animating it (which i saw an avctual image that featured future second season projects and chiru was there by DEEN)

>> No.4267419


>> No.4267431

How could they possibly animate Chiru, though? They screwed up shit in the first season pretty badly, I don't understand how they could retcon it all believably.

>> No.4267435

there was this pic yesterday in /a/ with second seasons (i.e K-ON), and had the umineko chiru logo and Studio DEEN just right under it, it's not confirmed, but they're that stupid to have pre-signed to animate everything
it's DEEN we're talking about, not really smart

>> No.4267442

You know BONES?
They'll ask for script wirters for ORIGINAL end

>> No.4267446

Couldn't possibly be true.

Chiru still has 1 / 2 Episodes left, so there won't be a Chiru Anime for at least a year or so.

>> No.4267451

they can do it for the fall season, the last arc will come out before they've finished the second arc
also winter season, just right before
again, it's not really confirmed

>> No.4267455

Probably like with Higurashi, they'll create some anime only arc that fits totally out of the actually timeline to fix all their fuck ups.

>> No.4267460

Gainax would be a perfect producer for Umineko. Trolling is their speciality.

>> No.4267457

I don't think they'll do that. I know it's DEEN, but bits and pieces in Episode 7 don't have to make sense until Episode 8 comes out. If they didn't animate that, then they'd fuck themselves over.

Then again,
>my golden witch

>> No.4267464

I didn't read Higurashi, but what arc was filler?

>> No.4267477

To their credit, if I recall correctly, they only needed one or two episodes to fix what they did in Kai. It was the timeskip Rena episode(s) that were anime only.

I can't imagine they'd be able to tie in everything in only two episodes, though.

>> No.4267484

Ah, that one.

Yeah, they fucked up Umineko. A friend of mine went from Umineko anime to Chiru VN, and he didn't understand shit why Battler was being nice to Beato.

>> No.4267507

With all due respect, the logical jump largely remains from the VN too.
Even if he is not that harsh, exact transition is way fucking unclaer.

>> No.4267518

True, if you just go from Tea Party 4 to the start of Episode 5.

But if you read the whole thing, you would see DEEN fucked up things like the clapping scene, interactions between Beato / Battler, and all that kind of stuff that makes it more logical.

>> No.4267523

Not really; if you pay attention, you can tell how Battler starts off the Episode 4 tea party riled up and ready to deny Beatrice, but by the end of the tea party he's completely changed his mindset and is no longer acting the way he was.

>> No.4267538

Battler had obvious feelings for Beato since her moeblob act in EP3, which really wasn't that much of an act after all. Problem was, Battler is incompetent and was too convinced by it, and completely stopped thinking. Since he got trolled he's been trying to hide his feelings, but he's not very good at it.That is, until EP5, where he all but states in gold that he's in love with Beato.

>> No.4267543 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4267555

And Episode 6 conclusively seals the deal.

> Battler: "Beatrice was a woman who fought with both reason and madness. She always fought no matter what. She made me rage, made me weep, made me feel so many emotions, I can't even describe them. And then, in that very last game. At the very last moment... she won. Completely. But she never had a chance to look at her card before she collapsed. Beato, without ever knowing that she had won... died.

> Beato was the one who won that last game. And this is the board she gave me. So I WILL win."

>> No.4267560

I've read Ep 6 with Atlas, so I didn't get it that detailed.

When did Battler say that, exactly?

>> No.4267562
File: 202 KB, 800x767, 4118111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I can't stop the d'awww.

Fuck this couple. I try not to be a shipperfag but I can't stop. They alternate between hatesex and making me cry and making me d'aww.

>> No.4267574


DEEN might be derpy with art, but this doesn't even look like their style at all.

>> No.4267578

Uh, obviously.

>> No.4267584

Well thank you, mr. Expert. We couldn't possibly notice it without your confirmation.

>> No.4267593

Have some more EP6 stuff.

Battler: Yeah, it was like Russian Roulette. Still, you believed that I would eventually understand and repeated the game as long as you could.

Proto-Beato: Perhaps this is rude of me to ask, but... what did you realize at the very last moment of the very last game with the former me, Battler-san?

Narration: That was the mysterious question.

It was what Battler had asked Beato the entire time.

But now, Beato was doing the asking.

Battler: Our positions are completely reversed. The former you was the one that remembered... and I was the one who had forgotten. And now it's the opposite. I'm the only one that remembers, and you're the only one that has forgotten.

Proto-Beato: If you're all right with it, would you please tell me?

Battler: Telling you would be simple. But I won't do it. Not because I'm being malicious. It's just that... I want to believe in a miracle, even if it's just a little bit.

Proto-Beato: ...a miracle?

Narration: Yes, the last remaining seed of a miracle that Battler was leaving.

If Beato could remember without being told... That would be proof that Beato had revived in the truest sense.

So he wouldn't tell her.

It was the final seed of hope Battler couldn't bear to toss aside, even knowing the likelihood of Beato's revival was so slim.

>> No.4267608 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4267607

Uh, Beatrice doesn't exist and probably never has.
I seriously doubt most of the meta-world exists, with the exception of Bern, Lambda and Featherine. Most of the meta-characters are only personas or fake objects.

>> No.4267614
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Ugh, I'm torn between wanting a hobo end and a fluffy shipfag end. I want my ronery magic hobo Battler, but anything's better than a fiction end, I guess.

>> No.4267617 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 437x480, 1264734769255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think the Meta World doesn't exist, eh?

>> No.4267623 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4267621
File: 176 KB, 437x480, 1264734769255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think the Meta World doesn't exist, despite Featherine, who you believe to exist, stating that it exists?

>> No.4267630

>Battler: Our positions are completely reversed. The former you was the one that remembered... and I was the one who had forgotten. And now it's the opposite. I'm the only one that remembers, and you're the only one that has forgotten.

>> No.4267636

Sure, there are mulitple worlds that those three float around in, but the characters present in the meta-world don't exist, they only exist on the board, either as people or key items. I doubt there ever was a Ronove or Virgilla. It was already said the stakes are nothing but knockoffs, they aren't demons, they're just paperweights.

>> No.4267664

Don't you have it the other way around? They don't exist on their own on the gameboard, but are able to be present as their own existences in the Meta World.

>> No.4267678

Weren't Umineko's DVD sales so bad that there probably won't even be a second season?

I remember hearing that somewhere...

>> No.4267687

Yes. And in a way, I'm actually glad about that. Because DEEN would fuck up Chiru even more than they fucked up the first season.

>> No.4267691


Note 1 didn't even sell 2,000 copies IIRC
Note 2 didn't even sell 1,000.

Not sure about Note 3 or 4 though.

>> No.4267695

I guess. Through the power of MAGIC and LOVE, they're able to manifest in the meta-world to help Battler.
Still, it's hard to imagine they exist. There hasn't been any proof that they actually exist, unlike Bern and crew, as shown in Higurashi.

>> No.4267750

You're missing the point. Just because they don't exist as their own individuals on the gameboard/in the real world does not mean they can't be considered to exist in the Meta World. You're limiting yourself to thinking of the gameboard as the only "real" existence, when the Meta World can be treated as a separate reality of its own and does not have to follow the rules of existence of the real world. The Meta World is a world of concepts, but that doesn't make it any less real than the real world. It's just that the Meta World is much more mutable, and can be warped/altered/shaped by one's thoughts.
