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File: 117 KB, 528x774, 1250513248137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4265953 No.4265953 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys

>> No.4265974
File: 675 KB, 659x2850, boyftalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Moon-chan.

>> No.4265982
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>> No.4265989

I know I'm late to the party but, why "moon"?

>> No.4265994
File: 22 KB, 512x384, Battler MANLY OBJECTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello one-kilometer-chan

>> No.4265998
File: 147 KB, 593x1021, The Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's sketchy as hell and her tarot card is the Moon.

>> No.4266003

You DENSE motherfucker!

>> No.4266008

Go there and try to defend your moon

>> No.4266009
File: 163 KB, 515x574, its_daze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266015
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>> No.4266016
File: 55 KB, 848x480, notasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no!

>> No.4266020

Cool detective POV, bro.

>> No.4266025
File: 16 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He still thinks that Jessica was talking about Kanon.

>> No.4266033

Thanks guys; although it's probably the same anon. I officially can't stand Jessica now.

>> No.4266034

So every flasback and other scenes not seen by Battler are bullshit?
So goes half of the game then.
You guys are retarded.

>> No.4266036

That never happened.

>> No.4266037

Proof that it never happened?

>> No.4266038
File: 44 KB, 850x632, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what are you talking about, I love Sh, er, Kanon! Remember how I gave that speech in episode 6 about how why I loved him?

>> No.4266041

By that logic, Kanon and Shannon are different people. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.4266046

Or she could simply not know.
Sometime the simplest solution works well.

>> No.4266052
File: 143 KB, 475x585, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there's more than just one Anon doing it.
Or maybe I just have DID?

>> No.4266056

Oh you. That's not simple at all. Jessica has been best friends with Shannon for 10 years, and has known Kanon for three years. You really are a moron if you think she doesn't know.
There is, however, a way to reasonably explain why she wouldn't know, but I don't think you will like it.

>> No.4266057

And who she was talking about? Battler?
That doesn't make any... wait, fuck.

>> No.4266060

Battler never saw it. It's about as true as the magic scenes.

>> No.4266061






True love

>> No.4266063
File: 106 KB, 633x603, reaction17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's ANOTHER Jessica thread.

No problem, it's not like I liked her in the first place anyway.

>> No.4266064

Every fantasy scenes have the "truth" within them.
You guys don't even try to understand what Umineko is about, blinded by your shipper faggotry.

>> No.4266065


>> No.4266068

Blinded by our shipper faggotry? I'm sorry, I'm not the one saying that a DID meido did everything by herself, am I?

>> No.4266071

The DID meido was helped by Nanjo, Genji and Kumasawa.
Doesn't need anything else.

>> No.4266080

No indication to show that they are aware of Shannon and Kanon being the same.
See, I can play this game too.

>> No.4266086

Jessica is the type of girl who would make fun of Anonymous, conspicuously trying to hide her laughter while in the middle of a group of friends.

>> No.4266088

that guy doesn't accept anything he doesn't like
it's just circlejerking and the only thing he's doing is denying everything without having reason because he doesn't want to listen at all to anyone

>> No.4266094

I just love how neither Jessica nor Kanon say what they like from each other, Jessica is just I like you Kanon because you're cool, that's stupid and that's not a reason

>> No.4266100

Haha, yeah. Anyone who thinks that Jessica would not know about Shannon and Kanon is just plain old wrong. First off, there is no character BLATANTLY shown to acknowledge them as one and the same in the series.

But as for the person closest to them, it's Jessica. So if anyone would know, it would be Jessica.

>> No.4266101

fuck off jessicafags, no one cares about your angry teenager

>> No.4266103 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4266114

lol, u mad.

>> No.4266126

Fag status = TOLD.

>> No.4266129
File: 16 KB, 244x237, Jessicaclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Shannon and Kanon are the same

>> No.4266138
File: 30 KB, 233x269, 1249775038233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really blame them.
If Jessica knew that Shannon = Kanon, she's dangerous. Therefore, people were desperate to shut that down.
Sadly, you really, well, can't.

>> No.4266150

You could have her be unaware, actually.
Just have her have Beatriche as a persona.
But beyond that, it's impossible.

>> No.4266154

Actually there is a lot of thing that show that they know.
Let's start by their meta-world selves that serve/help Beatrice.
Or how both Shannon and Kanon considers Kumasawa as their mother.
Or how Nanjo is obviously an accomplice who cover for them.
Or how Genji keep reminding them about their status and how he was the closest to Kinzo.

>> No.4266156


Double standards, thy name is Shkanontrice.

>> No.4266166

You guys are the one who don't accept anything you don't like.
You are rejecting scenes that were shown in the fucking game itself in favor of shits that have nothing behind them whatsoever.

That's the same level as a yaoi fangirl going OH GOD THESE 2 GUYS SAID HI TO EACH OTHER, I MUST WRITE A FIC NOW.

>> No.4266172


Nanjo could have misdiagnosed a few of the corpses by accident.

>> No.4266175

Nanjo has been shown countless time to lie of his own will, these contradictions show that he is most likely an accomplice

>> No.4266177

So what are the murder weapons?

>> No.4266186

Why the fuck would Nanjo help the culprit?

Aside from the "Kinzo's will" theory, I can't really think of a good reason.

>> No.4266189

>Actually there is a lot of thing that show that they know.
>Let's start by their meta-world selves that serve/help Beatrice.
Well, Ronove serves Jessica as well, that really is a moot point. Also, you enter into a bit of a logic loop here. SHANNON IS BEATRICE BECAUSE FURNITURE SERVES BEATRICE WHO IS SHANNON
>Or how both Shannon and Kanon considers Kumasawa as their mother.
They consider themselves furniture, Kumasawa is a motherly figure to everyone. And even then, Kumasawa clearly treats them as two different people.
>Or how Nanjo is obviously an accomplice who cover for them.
Nanjo treats them as two different people as well.
>Or how Genji keep reminding them about their status and how he was the closest to Kinzo.
So? He still interacts with the two of them. As you say, he doesn't treat them as one in the same.

Basically, the issue here is that not one of the servants treats Shannon and Kanon as the same being. The same attack you used against Jessica not knowing also applies to the servants.

>> No.4266191

>>4266080 No indication to show that they are aware of Shannon and Kanon being the same.

Episode 1

Kanon is talking to Battler and the rest of the family at the same time Shannon is allegedly working with Kumasawa.

>> No.4266197


Nanjo has an extremely ill granddaughter. Access to the Ushiromiya fortune wouldn't hurt in finding a cure for her.

>> No.4266199

>>Basically, the issue here is that not one of the servants treats Shannon and Kanon as the same being. The same attack you used against Jessica not knowing also applies to the servants.

Except that they keep covering for Shannon/Kanon when one is absent for some reason.

>> No.4266202

And we know how Kumasawa _loves_ to slack off....

Promised money so he can treat his terminally ill granddaughter?

>> No.4266204

No, what we said is simple enough.
Jessica knew two people and was close to them for years. Therefore, if they were the same person, she would know.

Don't try to make it seem like we're taking a small thing and making it huge, because we're not. We're saying that she would know. It's not irrational, and it's not an unbased claim in the slightest.

>> No.4266208

I want to solve this once and for all.

Can shkannontrice with a jessica and or kyrie mastermind/accomplice with nanjo, kumasawa and genji also helping completely solve all closed rooms, destroy all reds and become one of the truths of the dark shrouded rokkenjimma? I've never seen someone go through the whole case by case basis before. Let's see how far your theory holds.

>> No.4266209

money for his grandaughter illness
that was clear, he thought he could save her with enough money

>> No.4266223

No, the base of your theory is that Jessica loves Battler.
Which is based on this pic >>4265974
Except this pic refers to one scene with Kanon.
Yet you guys play the DIDN'T HAPPEN LOL.

How is it not the same level as a yaoi fangirl?

>> No.4266234

ShKanontrice with Genji, Kumasawa and Nanjo can solve everything.
No need for Jessica or Kyrie, they bring nothing to the table.

>> No.4266236

It's moot, according to your argument. Jessica could be covering for Kanon in episode 1, but because in every scene she doesn't think they are the same, she can't be.

Likewise with the servants, they treat the two as two different people.

Having such a strict standard for proof is a bitch, ain't it?

>> No.4266250

Oh u. Genji is dead in episode 4, and Kuwasama is put out of action early on.
Do you not remember Jessica and Kyrie's lies?

>> No.4266251

Jessica doesn't cover for Kanon, she relays what she has been told by Shannon or Genji.
We never see Jessica talk to both Shannon and Kanon at the same time.
We see Nanjo, Kumasawa and Genji do it constantly though.

>> No.4266259

Accomplice =/= culprits.
Of course they die.

>> No.4266260

>>4266234 No need for Jessica or Kyrie, they bring nothing to the table.

Not necessarily. While all of the closed room incidents can be solved with the people you mentioned, that doesn't mean that only those people were involved. Jessica or Kyrie could have been the mastermind/culprit behind the entire incident, though I would suspect Jessica over Kyrie due to her familiarity with the island.

>> No.4266265

She inspects Kanon's body with Nanjo in episode 1. She'd know if he wasn't really dead.

>> No.4266289

>>4266236 Jessica could be covering for Kanon in episode 1

Nanjo could have prevented Jessica from interacting with Kanon, claiming that her presence would only aggravate Kanon's condition. After Kanon "died", he could further prevent Jessica from confirming this death by saying that she shouldn't touch the "corpse" so as not to further contaminate the evidence.

>> No.4266294

She doesn't inspect him, she stays by his side but Nanjo could easily be covering for Kanon, telling Jessica she shouldn't stay close.

What reasons would Kyrie or Jessica have to be mastermid?
You know that everyone inevitably die in the explosion, right?
Jessica die in episode 2 for sure and 4, Kyrie die in all 4.
So why?

And remember that it has the be hinted.

>> No.4266312

Hello, original anon who posted the pic here.

Its sad that we explained all these questions yesterday and yet we have to answer them again today.

Why so much rage for Jessitrice? Without love it cannot be seen remember?

The magic scenes are showing something, always. You are right.
But you cant say that ''its shown so it happened''. There could be infinite implication to a scene like the declaration Jessica-Kanon EVEN if you desconsider the obvious tips about ''having another self inside yourself'' and that Shannon is constantly switching between talking with Jessica and Beatrice in this part of the game.


-Remember Kanon's introduction where Jessica doesnt even let Kanon talk, covering for him.
-She and Nanjo are the only ones that confirm Kanon's death. If you deny that she knows about that its impossible to say that Shkanon killed everyone.
-She makes ''kanon'' dress up with a black cloth that could very well hide everything that would point to Kanon being Shannon, or are you saying she didnt even notice that?

-Her death in EP2 is the fishyest of all EPs, if she isnt dead its a confirmation.

-She does not only talk a bunch with Shannon as she does with Kanon (implied in EP2 when Kanon says that Jessica told him about george x shannon)

-Both Shannon and Kanon are close enough to Jessica to always have the Inhaler in hand.

And so the list goes on.

>> No.4266335

Also, as much as there isnt any detective POV scene with Kinzo or with Shannon and Kanon, there's not a scene with Jessica x Kanon. Its always Battler that takes this conclusion himself.

Kanon never says he even cares about Jessica in the detective POV
Jessica never says anything directly and always change subjects.

Seriously, there's a path here

>> No.4266354

>>-Remember Kanon's introduction where Jessica doesnt even let Kanon talk, covering for him.
She knows his personality, that he isn't the social type.

>>-She and Nanjo are the only ones that confirm Kanon's death. If you deny that she knows about that its impossible to say that Shkanon killed everyone.
Already explained a few posts ago.

>>-She makes ''kanon'' dress up with a black cloth that could very well hide everything that would point to Kanon being Shannon, or are you saying she didnt even notice that?
Shannon is the one who made Kanon dress like this, read this part again, Jessica was surprised by the way he dressed.

>>-Her death in EP2 is the fishyest of all EPs, if she isnt dead its a confirmation.
She is dead, there is no way around it.

>>-She does not only talk a bunch with Shannon as she does with Kanon (implied in EP2 when Kanon says that Jessica told him about george x shannon)
Well they live on the same island so it's normal.

>>-Both Shannon and Kanon are close enough to Jessica to always have the Inhaler in hand.
That's fucking NORMAL for a servant, when your mistress is sick.

You didn't explain anything.
Once again Umineko is solvable so bring SOLID clues if you want to make a theory.
Not these "what if" or "could" bullshits.

>> No.4266360

>she is dead, there is no way around it

>> No.4266364

Hey, shkannon fags.

>Regarding the unidentified corpses, all of their identities are guaranteed. Therefore, no body double tricks exist!

Solve natsuhi's room in ep 2 with shkannon as the culprit with this red active. You can't, can you? Why don't you just crawl into a corner and DIE ahihahahahahahah.

>> No.4266366

(Dlanor confirmed the insulin theory as acceptable in Episode 6, by the way. Not specifically for Jessica's case, but in general.)

>> No.4266376

before saying she died for sure in 2 please solve the red text paradox. Don't just say she isn't inj the room therefore she's dead
I want you to explain me why does she count as people in the room when she's a corpse and we know corpses don't count as people
again a: she's dead but beato is jus naming doesn't work, because the red text in ep4: you are all alone on this island wouldn't work

>> No.4266385


The bird in a cage, the One winged bird.
The prisoner of Rokkenjima, the one that will elect the new Head of the family. The girl that only knows about imprisonement and unhappiness.

The one who loves Battler and always fights and tease him. The one Battler made a promise. The one that knew that Battler would come back and somehow is responsible for all the murders.

When young she brawled with Battler all the time, she's been always the bossy girl, and she's always been the one that envyed Battler, for his carefreeness and the fact that he isnt bound by chains like her.
The one she grown to love, and even her being the future head, the one that always talked about what the hell he wanted with her. So she fell in love with him, be it because of a misunderstanding or because of really admiring him.
But he didnt reciprocate her love as he ''liked'' Shannon. or even because he took the ''declaration'' as a joke.

Love grew in Jessica heart as hate did, and then she pushed all to Beatrice (note that she HATES and glare at beatrice portrait).

Her family would never accept her feelings for Battler, but even if they did Battler escaped. He flew off, and Jessica, the bird in the cage stayed lonely in the island. Until something happened.

>> No.4266387

That red text applies specifically to the Episode 1 first twilight. A better red text to use would be Gertrude's from Episode 5, which stated that "no corpses besides those of people introduced in the story exist"; corpses would have to be something brought onto the island before the game started, so if there weren't any extra corpses in Episode 5 there couldn't have been any in previous Episodes.

>> No.4266388

she can't be alive but she CAN'T be dead
and as>>4266366 for Ryu this is a legit way to falsify corpses and author>your opinion

>> No.4266393

Ronove: There's no problem with something other than a corpse being used as a/called corpse

>> No.4266401

So Jessica was unsuccessful in giving all her feelings for Battler to the Beatrice personality? Which would mean that we might end up with a Jessica vs. Beatrice end...

>> No.4266407


What could be used in this case? Battler clearly saw the hole in the person called shannons face. He saw her face. HE removed the stake.

What on earth could it be?

>> No.4266417

He couldn't see the face, he could see the brain though.
Could be Jessica's body that Shannon picked up, dressed like her and put a wig since she obviously use one.

>> No.4266423

Its normal to have both of them as your best and only friends without even suspecting anything?

It would be simple to not put it past Natsuhi and Krauss, but Jessica isnt a dumb moron.

Also you cant accept any clue if you dont want to accept it. Remember bern?

I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth, you refuse to believe in it.

I cannot quench your thirst
Because no such truth exists that you are in anticipation for.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert.

-Frederica Bernkastel

>> No.4266426

There is no paradox.
Dead body in red.
Jessica is her in red.
No one is hiding in red.
So the dead body is Jessica.
And dead body doesn't imply anything else.

>> No.4266436

Now say that in red. Oh wait you cant

>> No.4266437

See >>4266393. Beatrice counted Jessica as being present in her room, even though dead bodies don't normally count for being present in a room.

>> No.4266438

the imprisonment part works better for jessica than for Shannon, since she can leave, Jessica is the only one who must spend her whole life in Rokkenjima
In that regard, what you're saying is true and agree with it

>> No.4266441

Jessica isn't so much of a prisoner, she even manages to find happiness in school with her Jessie identity.
If there's one prisoner on the island, it's Shannon/Kanon.
They keep saying that they can't live anywhere else.

And NOTHING point to Jessica having feelings for Battler or vice versa.

>> No.4266448

Also remember all the ''chain of hate'' passed from member to member of the Ushiromiya family that is stated to exist in EP4

>> No.4266452

again you haven't answered what I asked you and just used the answer i told you you can't use
Jessica is in the room alive and at the same time she's a corpse, taht's what you have to explain, because dead pelople don't count as people when counting, again I tell you of ep4 red text: you are all alone in this island, if dead people counted, this woudn't be possible

>> No.4266460

>>the imprisonment part works better for jessica than for Shannon, since she can leave, Jessica is the only one who must spend her whole life in Rokkenjima
Did you play the same game?
Shannon can't leave, Kanon can't either.
Shannon mistakenly thought that by having a relationship with George could make her a true human.

But in episode 6 she clearly states that she could only be George's by using magic, otherwise she would never be a true and free human.

>> No.4266462

Her body is dead, but it's merely a "fake death" so you must count her as alive. Erika and Dlanor agreed that this is possible, don't bother them about it.

>> No.4266464

Shkanon aren't imprisoned, you know, they can go anywhere, Shannon is gonna leave as soon as she is engaged to george
Jessica on the other hand can just go to school, that's all, she can't even leave of her own free will
If you had had any females friends when you were young, you'd know that kind of behaviour is telling you that girl likes you and wants to be by your side

>> No.4266465

Shannon didn't need to work there for 10 years.

>> No.4266466

Does something point to Shannon loving Battler? Anything more concret than the image?

Shannon and Kanon can leave the island when they want, its implied by all the servant money talk.

Also why believe that Jessica had a happy school life when everything else is embelished? (remember that she SAYS that people are afraid of her because hs is a Ushiromiya)

>> No.4266472

So you guys really didn't understood anything about Shannon and Kanon dilema, right?
Seriously go play episode 2 again or something.

>> No.4266474

shannon can leave when she wants, usually servants just spend about 8 years in Rokkenjima, Shannon is there on her own free will working, being able to leave when she wants to
that she isn' a human doesn't mean she can't just leave the island forever if she wants

>> No.4266478

First Shannon =/= Beatrice, different persona have different like and dislike.
Also the promise between them.

>> No.4266487

Fucking this.
Without love, it can't be seen.

>> No.4266491

maybe YOU should be the one to play them
in strict sense, she CAN leave, she chooses not to because she isn't human
on the other hand jessica is the heiress, so she can't leave even if she wants to, never, all her life is gonna be at rokkenjima
One thing is the Shkanon dilemma and other very different is being imprisoned in the island. They aren't human, so they don't go, Jessica wouldn't be able to do it

>> No.4266494

Just to point something else on Jessitrice theory.

-Natsuhi couldnt have a children for years and years
-Then Kinzo adopted a children and gave it to her
-She then proceeded to kill the baby
-Then suddenly Jessica is born like magic.

How about if...

-Natsuhi had a baby
-In a unfortunate accident the baby dies
-Natsuhi collapses in sorrow and grief
-Kinzo comes up with the idea of adopting a children and giving it to Natsuhi
-Natsuhi is convinced that she killed the adopted baby and not her child, thus creating the adopted Jessica as her own daughter.

I wouldnt put it past Natsuhi

>> No.4266497
File: 132 KB, 728x1070, lssb_unnkn_ch001_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To further my point.

>> No.4266504
File: 153 KB, 728x1070, lssb_unnkn_ch001_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266507

So? Beatrice would want to Battler remember the promise on his own. not give it to him, she would act just as Jessica does.

Shannon =/= Beatrice is a dumb point, i could say that Jessica gave the love to Beatrice and make your point moot

>> No.4266509

that's manga only
taht wasn't her speech at all
she hasn't left out of her own volition, not because she's forced to stay at Rokkenjima

>> No.4266521

If you had a haunting memory about killing two people, one of them a baby. Would you want to take the same painful path twice with those recollections?

>> No.4266522

>usually servants just spend about 8 years in Rokkenjima

Three years. Not eight, three.
You don't seem to be very well informed on anything other than your contrived Jessitrice clues, if even that.

Manga follows the games and explains things more clearly so that the clues jump out at you more. As far as I've seen, there is no manga-only path.

Try again.

>> No.4266530
File: 217 KB, 704x396, Beatrice facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contrived Jessitrice
>Shkannon supporter

>> No.4266533

>>4266360 Insulin.

I'm hesitant to say that's not possible because insulin overdose doesn't work that way but Ryukishi did fuck up DID so yeah.

>>4266376 we know corpses don't count as people

What? Where in the story is this ever stated or implied?

>> No.4266536
File: 70 KB, 646x508, 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266538

> -Kinzo comes up with the idea of adopting a children
> a children
Kinzo has connections in SEELE?

>> No.4266546

I don't understand why Jessica would make Beatrice, though. Why does she have to give her a new personality if she already has the type of personality Battler said he likes?

>> No.4266547

> I'm hesitant to say that's not possible because insulin overdose doesn't work that way but Ryukishi did fuck up DID so yeah.
The question of whether or not it's a fuckup is moot at this point, because Episode 6 has Dlanor confirm it as a viable theory, so fuckup or not, it's possible.

>> No.4266548


The problem with this is that it has been established that the child that Natsuhi indirectly killed was male. Jessica is female.

>> No.4266552

Looking pretty crazy there, Shannon.

>> No.4266559
File: 217 KB, 800x800, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rifyu confirmed for Ryukishi

>> No.4266565

Nah, the baby's gender in her flashbacks are never mentioned.

>> No.4266576

he's said to have the voice of a young amn and kinzo being so chauvinistic wouldn't give Natsuhi a girl

>> No.4266578

Just so you guys know, there _is_ a way to reconcile Jessitrice and Shkanontrice that isn't Fusiontrice, and that accounts for all the little inconsistencies in the three aforementioned theories. Specifically, it's the possibility that Jessica and Shannon both developed different, independent Beatrice personalities, for different reasons. Jessica developed her Beatrice personality on her own to love Battler, not with the intent of having her be the witch of the legend, while Shannon's Beatrice personality was forced on her by Kinzo and is indeed the witch of the legend (and the forceful brainwashing that would be required to create this Beatrice personality in proto-Shannon would have caused the fracturing of that personality and the formation of Shannon and Kanon as a way to cope).

>> No.4266583

Somebody post the Rifyu comic that was made not too long after Episode 5 came out, yet almost perfectly parodies a situation from Episode 6.

>> No.4266584

Actually, it's said that his voice could at first be considered female or some shit like that. Someone get the screen, I'm too lazy to.

>> No.4266588

>implying Jessitrice has more evidence to support it than Shkannon

>> No.4266589

>>Jessica developed her Beatrice personality on her own to love Battler
Except Battler's type is girl like Jessica.
So she created another persona inside her with the same personality as herself or something?

>> No.4266591

Natsuhi might have been tricked into thinking the child was a boy since it was something she wanted to forget. It's still strange though. Never once does she or Kinzo say the baby's gender.

>> No.4266594

His type is Jessica, but he's not into Jessica herself.

>> No.4266596
File: 47 KB, 960x540, 1257814499407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is way too convoluted.

I wouldn't put it past Ryu

>> No.4266599

Jessica loves Kanon
Shannon loves George
Is not true? ... so to make Battler realize the truth (that one of the two girls fakes her love or isn't even existent) Beato only showed him that? Cuz that wouldmake Battler realize?
And what happened to "without love it cannot be seen?" all scenes of them showing how much they love and was basically their only character development is fake?
Try again guys..

>> No.4266602

I'm basing it on Kinzo's personality
still nothing points that the person on the phone=the baby
I was just saying that given Kinzo's personality, the baby was likely to be male, unless he wanted some fodder to rape

>> No.4266603


Maybe she created a more feminine personality, as I thought it was Jessica's build that Battler was attracted to.


I'll take your word on it. I guess I misread those scenes.

>> No.4266604

Adding on to this: Bernkastel _did_ state in Episode 1 that Beatrice isn't necessarily "one individual person". So Meta Beatrice would be a combination of the two Beatrice personalities.

>> No.4266608

Wait... so... what if the baby Natsuhi was given was actually Natsuru?

>> No.4266609

>more feminine personality


>> No.4266614

Natsuhi herself had her memory about this very fuzzy.
Also if the baby who died first was female maybe the replacement would have to be female.

The funny thing is that we dont have even a small red about this shit, so we can argue how we want.

>> No.4266623


Beatrice is very feminine, from the way she dresses, the way she refers to herself, and the way she acts. Sure, she may be crazy by our standards, but she's a witch.

>> No.4266628

better leave it alone, it's just simpler and maybe it has no meaning, though I'd doubt it since well, it's Ryu
but this baby should be about 19 and the only people fit are jessica or battler

>> No.4266632

> Beatrice
> acts feminine

>> No.4266634

DID is shit. If beatrice is created inside Jessica as a part of Jessica, retaining a part of her personality it would make more sense than she creating a completely new character inside herself

>> No.4266641


Read the TIPS, especially the Valentine's Day special.

Also, many of the scenes with her and Virgillia where they aren't trying to kill one another.

>> No.4266642

she's effeminate, has a quite elaborate hair style, wears dresses, speaks elegantly, it's just that she's really 'inelegant'(the images right in the beginning is just like jessica)

>> No.4266645

Maybe on the outside, but she's described as being pretty inelegant and such on the inside. Unless you're referring to her tsundereness or something, in which case Jessica can sometimes be described as such.

In any case, I see no solid reason why Jessica would create a personality that's basically the same as her.

>> No.4266671

>"Uh? How would I like her look? It's not like it's really important but well, if she was like a glamorous woman that came from a western painting with blonde (boing) hairs and blue eyes, hihihhihih! That would be fantastic!"

That's what someone on a forum roughly translated from Episode 6. It's Battler's description of the type of girl he likes.

>> No.4266677

Because jessica cant love Battler but Beatrice can?

Jessica is Battler cousin.
Her family wouldnt accept their relationship be it because of LOLINCEST or because they wouldnt want to share the Headship with Battler. Jessica were to marry someone chose by her family and not someone she loves.

But Beatrice is a witch, she's free to love whoever she wants, and she's the perfect match for the easy going Battler

>> No.4266684
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>> No.4266689

Jessitrice confirmed.
He wouldnt tell Shannon that, but would surely tell Jessica. Ah i can see her blushing.

>> No.4266715

Shannon was raped by Kinzo, ep1 proves it with her lack of knowledge about a man touching her private parts

>> No.4266724

A little unrelated to Jessica, but does anybody know if the Anthology Drama CD that came out on the 27th has been uploaded anywhere yet?

>> No.4266727

Jessica loves Battler. Its proved in ep1 by she punching Battler when he tries to touch Shannon's boobs.

Also Jessica is beatrice because she cosplays as Marisa who is a witch.

>> No.4266745

what I'm saying is that shannon doesn't know that men shouldn't touch places by her boobs, common knowledge for any girl, but shannon didn't even mind
she should'v ebeen taught that, but she takes it as perfectly normal, which points to rape

>> No.4266761
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All I have is a small picture of the cover.

>> No.4266771

>but she takes it as perfectly normal, which points to rape

You best be joking. Rape victims like to be touched and caressed?

>> No.4266773

If they have been since their childhood to the point of having so sense of self, yes they don't mind.

>> No.4266782

this, I know forceful victims are like that, but Shannon should be really beyond that point, also she's been raped since she was a child, so it's normal for her

>> No.4266804

Really, I am just sticking by my guns here.

George is going to marry Shannon. Jessica is in love with Kanon. Kanon is Shannon. Shannon is the true persona.

No matter what happens, in the end, we are going to have George with Shannon. This leaves Battler and Jessica.

Funny, that.

>> No.4266812

> Shannon is the true persona.
Except she isn't. She's a created personality, just like Kanon. There was obviously a personality in existence before them, but that one is either gone or "sleeping".

>> No.4266814

You know, I'm thinking of just renaming all my pictures of Jessica GURANTEED REPLIES, she's more flame-war bait than Beatrice was after episode 3.

>> No.4266818

gone would make the end better, leaving shannon and george

>> No.4266821

You have no evidence for that, and it is a mere speculation.
Heck, I'd argue that there is evidence to show she's the true one. Remember the duel between Kanon and Shannon?
George and Shannon win for a reason.

>> No.4266834

In the end, everybody will stay dead.
Only Battler and the true culprit have a chance to still be alive in the end.

>> No.4266844

Nope, Shannon was created just like Kanon.

1. The personality of Shannon now is different from that of the Shannon from six years before.
2. In Episode 6, Shannon and Kanon state that their creation was due to the sin of the one they refer to as "Father".

Shannon won that duel because she ended up being the more dominant personality, not because she was the original.

>> No.4266861

What I don't buy about the Kinzo raping Shannon is that his interest in the occult picked up after the 1967's incidents. It doesn't seem like he actually found a replacement for 'Beatrice' at all. The idea of a ceremony for her revival came afterwards. If Shannon was Beatrice in his eyes, what was the point of all that?

>> No.4266894

Bull. The culprit is a monster beyond redemption if that is the true end.

>> No.4266916

why should be beyond redemption? Takano was a col-blooded killer but you could understand her
her life was shit

>> No.4266926

It is true only if Shkanontrice is correct...but it isnt

>> No.4266943

People keep thinking that Umineko is tsukihime and Kinzo is a maid rapist son of a bitch.

But umineko is not Tsukihime, and Shannon isnt Kohaku.

In b4 Kinzo is proved to be fucking awesome and everyone is afraid of him for nothing.

>> No.4266953

Anyone else still a fan of Shannon/Kanon disguising as the other one, and there aren't any multiple personalities?

>> No.4266990

Kanon was the first to die in Kyrie's group, in short he was the 9th victim, in red
also you shouldn't be able to disguise and work like that

>> No.4267135

Nah, the culprit is evil, plain and simple, and Takano didn't kill the characters from a Meta-perspective.

>> No.4267156

the character isn't evil
also takano killed:
-guy with the arm in the first watanagashi, alive, to investigate
-rika's parents
-everyone in all arcs but Shmion arcs

>> No.4267274
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>> No.4267282

The scene in the anime where she starts laughing is actually slightly creepy.

>> No.4267333

Someone here doesnt understand umineko

>> No.4267341

also she's the one who ask battler to 'find the truth'
why could it be?

>> No.4267351
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Just as mooned

>> No.4267374

>you are now realizing the first time the song 'Moon' played was during a scene in EP 2 with Jessica talking to Shannon about getting a boyfriend.

>> No.4267379

you're <good>

>> No.4267386

wow, I cant deny it any longer

Jessica is moon

>> No.4267392
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>> No.4267395

to say later that no human would have been able
also, being controlled by Beatrice

>> No.4267398
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Can someone Please post The ENTIRE MOON thoery Please. i would like to hear the theory fully

>> No.4267413

Just imagine it. Jessica messing around with Shkanon and planning the whole thing. Shkanon can know it or not that jessica is the bad one. Nanjo works for her, the rest of the servants aren't THAT necessary

>> No.4267427

There's not a single constructed theory, like with shkanontrice there are the interpretations, the foreshadowing and a bunch of people using it for their own theories.

I think i can write up a jessitrice theory tough.

did >>4266494
and >>4266385

>> No.4267452


However, if you go back to that seen, you'll notice that, of all the people there, Jessica is the only one who supports Battler when he starts breaking the witches spell and the game begins.

"We all gave up because we didn't want to think about it, but please, don't listen to her tricks"

Jessica's the only one of the 5 there who changes her mind.



>> No.4267459

FUCK YEAH INCEST END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4267463

Battler said everyone just wanted to believe in magic so they wouldn't need to suspect anybody.

>> No.4267479
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>> No.4267533


>> No.4267577

...I thought that one monologue of EP6 established that the person who is Beatrice didn't have blonde hair?

...You know, due to the whole "I will give you the blonde hair he desires.
I will give you the blue eyes he desires."

>> No.4267598

In fact it could estabilish the exact opposite.
Also Shannon have blue eyes and Jessica have blond hair so SHJESSITRICE

>> No.4267613



>> No.4267618


>> No.4267631


>> No.4267640



>> No.4267649

Well, shit, Tyrone.

>> No.4267650

uu u made?

>> No.4267666

Jessica, the perfect match for Battler died. Shkannon took her place so that Battler would still have a lover.

>> No.4267675


>> No.4267671 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4267699

Is Jessica really supposed to have blond hair? Isn't she pure Japanese?

>> No.4267701

dun dun dunnnnnn

>> No.4267708

Have they said in Red that Jessica is Natsuhi and Krauss' biological daughter?

>> No.4267713
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>Shannon have blue eyes

Uh, no she doesn't. And don't use the anime for an example, DEEN gave everyone blue eyes.

>> No.4267716

This is a funny point.
Nobody ever says that Jessica is blond when she's obviously blond but everyone says that Beatrice is blond.


>> No.4267717

do anime/VN characters ever have believable hair colors?

>> No.4267720

No, they haven't.
I just would like to think that if a loving God existed, he wouldn't allow Krauss to be fertile.

>> No.4267733

They also won't SHUT THE FUCK UP about how tall Battler is.

>> No.4267739

Actually, they say that she looks like Beatrice, so the blond hair is a given.

>> No.4267756

I have been looking for that scene, do you know where it is?

In manga she have it too.

>> No.4267758

When the fuck is that said, anyway? I don't remember ever seeing it.

>> No.4267767

That scene, in terms of Knox.... is pretty damn significant. Let's find it, shall we, gentlemen?

>> No.4267768

Your point? If she doesn't have blue eyes in the VN it can't count as a legit hint.

>> No.4267783

Not... really. If she looks similar to Beato, it's a legit hint.
Contact lenses exist, uu!

>> No.4267785

R07 spent all his blue colouring his countless Rika drawings. He had none left for Shannon's eyes.

>> No.4267787

>>Implying there arent hints in the manga, anime and -surprise- tarot cards

>> No.4267789

Wait, what makes you an authority on what counts as a legit hint or not? I think that's pretty damn important.

>> No.4267793

anime/manga only hints acknowledged by the author, Ryu, they can be used for theories

>> No.4267797

Anything from the VN = legit
Anything not from the VN = there can be extra hints, but we have to be able to solve it from just the VN.

>> No.4267813

Yes, independently of it i guess we shouldnt rely on appearance (hair color, eye color..) to unmask beato.

>> No.4267820

colours and wtf are extra hints, they have to be checked by Ryu, you know

>> No.4267826

Can you guys stop with the terrible theories and perhaps come up with one that doesn't ruin Umineko?

>> No.4267835

The issue is that if anyone SAID that Jessica looked similar to Beatrice, that would fall in the area of foreshadowing.

Which is....kinda important.

>> No.4267842

This is /jp/, you can't expect anything good from here.

Is it bad that I miss the Pony

>> No.4267850

every theory ruins umineko
yoju can have
Moon theory
a remix of them all
and someone in the shadows, choose your poison

>> No.4267854

no, we're all shippers and we all miss the loli beatrice changing with shannon

>> No.4267858



Though I never overly supported the pony theory - I was more for Asumu being involved in the sin, since she died six years ago.

>> No.4267859

I don't know if you've heard the most retarded theory yet from Animesuki, from one of the translators for Witch Hunt no less. It pretty much goes Nanjo's Daughter is Nanjo in disguise, who can change her voice into a range of people's voices at will (a la Episode 5 with the phone call) and after the Epitaph killings stop (from whomever the first culprit is) she continues them (and is supposed to be the physical vessel for Lambda or something?) Anyway, lolwitchhunt.

>> No.4267863

Jessitrice and Moon aren't one and the same?

>> No.4267864

I don't know, I don't think Battler ending up with Jessica would be a BAD END, per se.

George having three waifus in one, now THAT'S a bad end.

>> No.4267865

How about you do it?

>> No.4267866

>implying Umineko is not already ruined
Sorry broski, we're just following the trail Ryukishi is mapping. Sometimes we reach a dead end, but Shkannontrice and Jessitrice both are pretty clear so far.

16 people means someone is samefagging, can you think of anyone other than Shannon and Kanon doing that?

>> No.4267870




>> No.4267875


Jessitrice is Jessitrice.

>> No.4267879

I heard that theory, still it was mentioned once, you know
it's just theorizing for fun
at least be thankful those guys translated the epitaph theories

>> No.4267883

Can be, but no, not necessarily.

Jessitrice is the idea that Jessica is the Beatrice of the island. May or may not be the culprit, likely the former.

Moon is more that she's incredibly suspicious, ergo accomplice or culprit. No implication of being Beatrice.

>> No.4267887


>> No.4267889

Well, it's 5 minutes till 4:20, so....

>> No.4267890

Should be latter, not former. I am retarded.

>> No.4267894

Shkanon is fine
Shkannontrice is pushing it, but it works in a bizarre sense
Jessitrice is just blatantly retarded.

>> No.4267901


Pony theory was made up on shipper dreams and reading in between the lines to make those dreams come true, rather than realistically looking at something. The promise thing I could accept, but when it got to "Shannon and Lolitrice made a switch" I just couldn't stomach it anymore.

So glad EP 6 killed that shit. Just as /a/ predicted.

>> No.4267904


Beatrice is a teacup and Battler came in it, obviously.

>> No.4267907
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What's with the two finger salute, anyway? I see this shit so often in Umineko fan art, yet I do not remember it being in the official story.

>> No.4267912

God that theory has got to be the most retarded theory I have heard yet.

>> No.4267924

You guys keep forgetting about Gohda and George. That will be your greatest mistake!

>> No.4267930

Kasumi is Eva with her name changed to break wit her past
there you have, the most retarded theory ever

>> No.4267931

>Just as /a/ predicted.

/a/ is even bigger shipper faggots than /jp/. I used to go on there strictly for Umineko discussions, and when the bullshit Pony theory was at its apex for those few months, you couldn't suggest any other theory without being ridiculed. It was sad, really.

>> No.4267932

Well, here's what happened broski.

People assumed Jessitrice because lol blonde hair. This being the only major thing the Jessitrice people seemed to argue, in addition to the fact that delicious piece Beato was still possible, it kinda got shot down.

Then, the whole Shkanon debacle happened, causing people to look closer at the episodes, and Jessica came out as very suspicious. Because her tarot card was the moon, it became a short hand way of saying that Jessica is suspicious.

What seems to be happening is that Moon-chan and Jessitrice theories are converging.

The Shkanontrice people don't like it too much, and so deny that Jessica knows ANYTHING, even the fact that her two best friends are the same person.

I think that Jessica is playing a major role in this bullshit, but I shan't dare to elaborate further from that.

>> No.4267935

Nope. Nanjo's granddaughter being Nanjo himself is still more retarded.

although that's a good second.

>> No.4267936


Gohdatrice did Umineko

prove me wrong

>> No.4267945

Yeah. I remember mentioning something odd about Jessica and Shannon and they shot me down, calling Jessica an angsty teenager and calling Shannon a dumb waifu. They really wanted to believe.

>> No.4267951

What they mean is this:

On the day the game was to be released /a/ was arguing about the pony theory, again. Then someone posted that in EP 6 the pony theory would be denied and that Shkannon would become true.

Mind you, they said that several hours before EP 6 was released in C77.

>> No.4267957

>Pony theory was made up on shipper dreams

Well, to be fair Jessitrice seems like people are stretching shit because they want a cousincest end.

>> No.4267959


Krauss is a praying mantis.

Do I won now.

>> No.4267965

Doesn't work. It'd have to be Nanjohdatrice.

>> No.4267966

Which is why it was also dumb.

At least Moon-chan makes Jessica look cool. Jessitrice was just stupid.

>> No.4267970

No. That's not a theory, that's just stupid.

>> No.4267971

no, just beatrice not being a DID meido
cousinincest is secondary to that

>> No.4267980

I remember that thread.

Fucking asshole jinxed it.

>> No.4267985

Beatrice is battler's mom, that was brought up in ep4 and not having an answer makes her battler's real mom
stupid theory

>> No.4267990

>you couldn't suggest any other theory without being ridiculed. It was sad, really.

And that is exactly what happened with Shkannontrice. Of course, now we have combinations of bullshit, like Fusiontrice and such.

>> No.4267995
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...That's even more retarded than this fanart.

>> No.4268003

People believing in Jessitrice are usually believing that Jessica is adopted do your point is null.

The fact is that Jessitrice simply makes more sense and fucks less the story than Shkanontrice. Also love.

>> No.4268006
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Stupid theory indeed. Anybody who supported that just didn't want Kyrie to be the mom because it was 'lolobvious'.

Besides, Kyrie being the culprit and killing Battler and then finding out Battler was her son after he died is just fucking ironic and hilarious.

>> No.4268014

>The fact is that Jessitrice simply makes more sense and fucks less the story than Shkanontrice.

Are you serious? Both fuck the story in equally retarded ways.

>> No.4268020

>>4267932 The Shkanontrice people don't like it too much, and so deny that Jessica knows ANYTHING, even the fact that her two best friends are the same person.

So suggestions are absolute denials now? Besides, there is room for Jessica being an accomplice in Shkannontrice, just like there's room for Shkannon(trice) being an accomplice with Jessica as the culprit. It really boils down to whether or not the culprit is the same person claiming to be Beatrice, which may present a problem for Jessica.

>> No.4268027

Well, first off, people aren't pushing for it because they honestly want a Jessica end(not that I'd mind one!), people are pushing for it because, at least in my opinion, it's pretty damn good writing. Like, for example, in here,
>>4265974,if she is actually into Batler, it fits Beatrice almost perfectly. And then it explains Beatrice's actions in episode 2 as well. A need to be loved by Battler, holding on for a miracle, and hoping for Battler to reach the truth on his own, that is something that is more befitting Jessica than it is Shannon.

>> No.4268048
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What are you doing to my waifu?

>> No.4268050

I still like the idea of them both having differing Beatrice personalities.

>> No.4268057

What the hell, Suiseiseki is the gamemaster?

>> No.4268058
File: 358 KB, 498x584, kyrieisculprittakanoconfirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is Kyrie so sketchy. Seriously I know she's almost obvious at this point, but then again Shkannon was obvious since EP 1 so..

>> No.4268066
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Both Jessitrice and Shkannontrice fit in with the idea that Umineko is a series about trolling, so I don't really mind either.

>> No.4268096

How so:

-Fucks jessica relationship
-Fucks george relationship
Both are just a bunch of bullshit and lies that came out of nowhere.
-Shkanontrice is not doing all that because of love, but because she has really bad issues, and dont throw me a Tsukihime's ''Kinzo raped her''.
-Shkanontrice implies that Jessica is a psycho or a plain idiot, and none of the options satisfy Knox.
-Shkanontrice throw all family stuff out of the window.
-Shkanontrice steals development from five characters and throw everything in one psycho bitch.
-Shkanontrice relys in a mental problem for which there's no hard foreshadowing.
-Would lead to a hobo end in a game about love.


-Fucks jessica relationship
-Implies LOLincest

>> No.4268097

Well, Umineko's retarded theme is love, so the culprit, or the person pretending to be Beatrice, should be in love with Battler, that is the logical route.

I can't see that with Kyrie, since she is a middle aged woman, and likely his mom.

>> No.4268110


Interesting, but I can't see two opposing Beatrices being friendly with one another. My disbelief for this is such that it makes the idea that Jessica doesn't know Shannon=Kanon respectably plausible.

>> No.4268118

But Takano didn't kill the people of Hinamizawa because she was friends with them, despite Higurashi's theme being friendship.

>> No.4268127

i only fucks a non-existant relationship with Kanon
She doesn't no why she loves him
-He doesn't know why he loves her
nothing to fuck

>> No.4268132

Read episode 5. Beatrice is doing the murders out of love.

>> No.4268149

Yeah, this.
Shkanontrice just really fucks the story in about almost every way possible.
Jessitrice just pisses off the Jessica x Kanon shippers.

And honestly, I'm ok with that.
