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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4263693 No.4263693 [Reply] [Original]

A request here. Could a mod be so kind as to explain the state of touhou on /jp/?

/jp/ was originally made to get touhou out of /a/. It just seems odd you would be banning it here. If someone in charge could please explain as to where us touhou fags are supposed to post it would be appreciated.

signed, a concerned citizen of /jp/

>> No.4263703

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4263704

Meido-san is simply toying with us. That's all there is to say. When she gets bored, we'll be back to normal.

>> No.4263708

It's just some random guys who discovered the fact that reporting a thread 5 times from different IPs for illegal content will auto-delete a thread?

>> No.4263702

reported for meta-thread.

>> No.4263706 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1005x205, cap_split_ajp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are finally coming full circle, OP

>> No.4263715

No, because that doesn't work.

>> No.4263717


ah, thanks

>> No.4263718

that was real?

>> No.4263722

this thread is a hive of the gullible.

no, no...
this BOARD is a hive of the gullible

>> No.4263750
File: 85 KB, 529x555, mari mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to /a/

to pooshlmer.
that's right. pooshlmer.

>> No.4263755

Speaking of gullible, did you know that it's written on the ceiling? Right now, Anon. Your ceiling. And if you're outside, then it's written in the stars. And it it's daytime, then it's written in the clouds. And if the sky is clear, the Goodyear blimp is flying overhead with the word "Gullible" written on it.

>> No.4263764

btw, the word <S> tupid wordfilter to smart. check it out.

Meido is smart


>> No.4263769


I don't see it. Are you sure?

>> No.4263778

What, you think I'm smart or something? Honestly, what kind of idiot would fall for that?

>> No.4263784

Maid you look
(demn my sakuya pictures is on my other computer)

>> No.4263799


I am going to report every post I see that claims to be reporting a meta-thread. I hate meta-thread has become a buzzword.

That's right. A buzzword. You're doing something trendy.

Better stop it before you start playing Halo and get a girlfriend and lose your superior taste in media and lifestyle choices.

>> No.4263823

>hurr i don't know what a metathread is but it makes me MAD when people say it, so i'm going to file frivolous reports


>> No.4263863
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 2859_blue_hair cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am reporting you for reporting him for reporting him for reporting him

>> No.4263886

Oh yeah? Well, I'm reporting you for reporting him for... oh fuck it.

>> No.4263913

I like girls who like boys that like boys who dig girls that love girls who dig boys that dig girls...

>> No.4263974

Did the meido just delete another touhou thread? Do the threads deleted have something in common...?

>> No.4263997


A witch did it.

>> No.4264006

Did I miss something or is OP just a faggot?

>> No.4264014

troll spotted
